Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1896, p. 3

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The lIaJta tqB dvins. mpysAv open1 bar400tu and thi etiiou of druflkub 8f«, MOne. <osi ibe- bold a fiueobject lesu» on poibition every eeotici' day snd *vory Sunday. Why should bar rooma be cloaed election day while other place. of business r,-' main1 open 1 Because they are recogniz-' ed sas dmoraliziflg and dangerous places. If go on that day, what about other day.s ad if clomed election day, why flot other days ? Imperfectly observed ttiotgh the law in, yet with the multi- p lied inducemente to treating and the use of liquor on that day, it in one of the soberesti days of the year. The opening of the bars at night in a sigzn for a wild ,Irunken spree. A law shoulti be paamed probibiting the sale of liquor untiîl the day atter an election. The London Methodiat Times puts the case as to teUmperance issues in politîca il the following words "Until we have ga emperaflce party in thia country t.hat gel.s its face as a flint againat ail repre- srtatives and champions of the liquor trade, it will prove as heipleas as t.he niiti-siavery party wau in Arnerica until it 8îiN)rdiniated every minor issue Wo the sipremne demand of the christian con. bcence . The tensperence movement bas neow entered the dangerous stage in w-hich every party politiciai pretenda Wo Yw a temnperance reformer, even when lie ,henently opposes every bill thsat can rtally eflect the refoins. This foins of j, ,htical hypocriay viii continue te 1ýaraIyze the nmoral energies of the coun tiv until the sluggiah conscience of Eng land at la.at awakes." Pr. Daw8on Burns recent.ly contribut- v,f to the London Times, an admirable lutter on the Pprîtîmh's nation's drink bill f r18, which wyul doubtlesa be re- ;,rinted and circul.ated on a large scale. The bill shows an increase of £3,676,984 ver the tîgures for 181.4, the huge total for 1895 beîng £142,414,812. It May b. noted that this increase of drink expendi ture is more thandouble the annua.l in corne o! aIl thei-misaionary ocieties of the nation. Considering the drink bill per head of the population, the average expenditure for laut year vas £8 12a 9id, ot £18 3e 101,d for every famîly of five persons, onîpared witb £3 lis 6ýd and £ý17 17a 8id in 1894. The following conversation is from the London Medical Pionees-. It vas bead- ed "Which was the lunatic ? and vas asserted te be a fact. Doctor, te patent--You muet bave smre whisky." Patient, a young man, a lil! abstainer 1 1'1 can't take tIsat, sir-, I'm a teetotal or. Can you tell me, sir, boy zmany patienta you have lu haro directiy sud indirectly through drink V" Dodtos-changea the subject. Thse patient, o! course, recovered. Sacrements.) ses-vices, Enn lakillen cir- cuit, next Sunday at Enfield aI 10.80 a. ns. Bey. S. G. Rorke, pseches bers at night on the iques- question aud ita rela- tion ta poitice. Boy. D. S.'Houck, Picton, bas been in- vited for methôdiat annives-sas-, May 24. Lecture by Bey. C. O. Jobuston on May As-bor day was celebrated hère on May let. The achool vas tborougbiy cleaned and senovatied. Ms-. David Milue intends to cross the Atlantic uain nazI veek. lia son James acoompanios hlm. bMisses Williaseon and Parse wre home, fsrn Uibsidge, lait Sanday. A well attended sud intas-esting meet- ing of the W.F.M.S., presbytes-ian chus-ch, was beid at Ms. Kinsxsssn'a last week. The delegatas 10 the late annual meeting i n Petes-haro, Ms-. Kinsman aud Ms-s. Hooey and Miss Milne reposted. Ms eorrigan is quite il. We bave flot foît the beave o! the giest polîtical wave. No doubt our tum s-n Coming. Tbe bridge btween Cast-vrght and Port Perry i. yat impassable. Rum-os- save aur local meschants vould like ta btee it remain 80. Our cheese factary opene nont week. Miss Campbell, Port Pers-y, i. vieiting M re. Stewart. Mns. A. McLeau preeented ber bue- baud vith a son on Sunday, April 26tb. Ms-rs. Johnson, o! PontypooI, is slaying at Mrs. A. MLeansa. Ms-s. John McKee died, Monday, April '27 th. Misa Flosmie Fisb, Tosonto, le visiting ber brother, Dr. Fisbh. - Ms-. Jna. Masloy spent Suuday vitb Fort Pers-y friands. Mrs. Howe has retnrned home aftes- spending the vinter with ber son, Dr. J. E. Howe, Dots-oit, Mich. Mise Woods, Kirkfield, is visiting hoe- aunt, Ms-. Gea. Suggett. Mr-. James M ann, pepula.r ogg buyes-, made hie fiset round last Wednesday. Dr. McKibbou spent Wednasday in Toranto. Ms-s. Clarke Lattimore visted Blow- manvie frionds, Wednesday. Ms-s. Orns-nton in vislting Us-. A. 13te- vas-t. Ms-. Pas-kes, Newmarket, je visitlng bis brother, Ms-. John Parke.. The Misses Clar-ke have each pus-- chaseti a Dominion organ. Miss Annie Hogarth spelled dovu the Division ast Frits-y nîght. Miss Powers o! Leskard basbeen visiting lucre. Mrs. W T Lamb and Mrs T Baker bat succeseful rag beeS. Anniversas- a Eldad thse last Sunday in May. Mr. A B Crydermian ii teachang-the singiug, and Mn s-s$JWaau the scholars to recite. lie el bf OM w.,Spa lovu. with frinds at Ontario Ls'Coiàege Whftby. Mrt. and MLr. Philipý Martyn, cf Port Perr, were guestsc r J. B.; Martyn, oSuday. Mns. T. B. Biggibothamn i gueut of her ater, lira. J. J. Riare, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Rev. D. C. McDowoIl attendeti a meet- ing o! tihe direotors of the. Ontario Ladi&es' College, Whitby, Monday. Mr 8 H Jeffrey and Misa Mary Marley, o! Toronto, were in town Saturday a&- tending the funeral of the lato lira Jas. Gibert. The population muat be increaaingvery rapidly in the vicinity of Whitby for the Gazette last week oontained no las than twenty four birth notices. We notice r.hat Capt. A. W. Crawford of tbis towu, who is again in charge o! the Macassa, running betiween Toronto and Hamilton, has received many favor- able notices fror» the Toronto presa, on bis re appearance. The many friands o! Miss Helein Christie, daughter of Mr. C. R. Christie, of Montreal, late superintendent of the Grand Trunk Railway, viii regrt ,to beain of ber death which tiook plCe at Grace Hospital, Toronto, aset Wednesday, whither she vent at ber ova request a few days ago for treatment. She vas well known lu thîs toirn having lived hero for orne years and ince then vas a frequent visiter at the home o! Mr. W. F. Allen, Beech Avenue, and with other frienda in town.-Statesman. H3AMPTON. Mr, John Colo had a succeseful ha. on Wednesday last and moved hie driving shed and stable. Mr. Frank S. Mason left on Fridsy on a visit to relativees t Friehdahip, N. Y. A ves-y pleasant time waa spent by a nurnber of young people at Ms-. M. A. Potes-s last Wednesday evening. Anniversar services on July lot Lt Willov Park. Miss T. Beeve is indisposed. Mise Mary Elliotit 1e under tho doctors cars.. Mr-. Simpson, Tisydan, ie visiting at Mr. Fred Allin's. W. H. Bewell, Whitby, is expected on Tnesday eveniog May l2tb Wo visit Ris- ing Star Division. Mrs. R. Bentha.m, Eufseld, i. visîing -Mr. G. Parish. Mra. S. Thompson bas moveti into tb. bouse lately oscupieti by Mr. G. Avery. The following ar e .nov oficers of the Junior Leagne :-Bupt., (R.v.) Ms-s. E. E. Hovard; aset. supt., Miss Amy Armons-; pros., Miss Maud Hosrn; lot vice ps-es., Frank Haunau ; 2nd vice, Nol son Brovnu; sec , Misa E. Gilbert. Cheass Pactes-y re-opeaed on Tnosday. Ms-. Frank Par ili h.e aaated by Mr-. W. W. Horn. Mrs. Fulford, Hartland, Eogland, ia visiting ber brother, Mr. Andrev Pan- ninglan. Misa Walters, Taunton, is risiting Ms-. J. T. Colo. About ton yearm &go I1first bocaineaftod with Rhoumatîsm and Gent, and during the laat ten years I have been treated by soveral physiclana. and they &Hl advisod me that it wa.s imposgiblo to cure me here, a.nd that the only remedy tor me was Wo go Wo a warmer climate- l was conflned tW my houslast December owtng Wo this dissase, and vau unable to do any work what.ever. 1 commenoed taking the Kootenay Curevhlcb Mr. S. E. Ryckrnan, M. P., gave me about the mlddléoft Apri l ast, and attersaboutons eeks nsing this medicine 1 vas guffciently cured W b. 1f able Wo start drl'vlng a 1 1 L . bread wagon, whlch work required me constantly' getting cm andi off my wagon. The pains which I1slwaya bati lu my aides a"e nov completely gone, and 1I sM novw able tW work without any pain vhatever. In the past 1 have suffereti iabM ndescrlb able agoni tram thi@ dimueae My general health has vondertufly Improveti Minetaling "ii medicine. Bworn to by MICHAEL H.L DWYER, 52 Lotexing Street, Hamiltn Bond tor pamphlet tW et8ELRBcm£,&N Mmn- mmo e, UianiWitn u 04II~1I~~ GENEVA. Our fames-s as-e very busy eeing. Ms-. George Fields is iuTPickering help- ing Ms-. Wm. Coroner with hi. saeding. W. have Ivo young mon, regular vis- ilote to this place ou Suuîday mos-inag. W. Ihink il vould b. veil if they wee ta regulata theis- speet sud net nuepoor dumb animaleisnsob a mannes-. W. canot halp uoticing lMr.-Wm." Doubla bees on lthe ing sas wepaon thrsouagb Geneva, Mr-. E. J. Whoeles-, of Port FeMs- an&- bis noie., Mime Flor.ne Harper, ve. visitersataIMr. T. Cerniabi'. Mr. Wmn. Doubt jun.,- of Poet jP.rr was visilng stMr. Wm. MoLomns-on: Sunday. W. are wu*i ,*s->y PS$4*t, y to -3. chimmqw %le h l i Mupon si40 Our ohefeemm.ro<s1 tsg= - 1* " mïnit .W* hope b.*1» give omlý" Tii. t'Orgiimthe*saÊ~fllI Queb. >~Dom0. d ma aH b John to ripa "ai rp VAIo Oatyfor rom .l Uaaited8t&teé.-M&&ke4 ta aI e Foseiga-Rruoreuowo up Roulis Afrac eompany sud (ledl Rhodes.-MeKin- loy strougest man for Bepubliosu (lan. didale lu Umt.ed States. sÂTVRDA&Y, mÂuca 2nd. Ps-ab-Fine aud vas-m. Foreign-Shahs o! Persia kiled.-B-itiah successes in the Souds.-Dangeroua situation in South Afsica. Canadisu-Mus-dorous assanît on a con- stable at Little York. Sir- Chas. Tupper's Cabinet: Sur Chas. Tuppes-, Premier sud Sacre- taory of Stato. Ms-. Foster, Minister o! Finance. Mr. Costigan, Ministes- o! Marine sud Fisheries. Mr-. Haggart, Minister o! Railways sud Canals. Ms-. Angera, President o! the Council. Ms-. Ives, Minster o! Trade and Com- merce. Ms-. Dickey, Minister o! Justice. Dr. Mont.ague, Minister o! Agriculture. Ms-. Wooîd, Contraller o! Cuitoms.. Mr. Prior, Controller o! Inland Reve- nue. Ms-. Desjardins, Ministes- o! Public Works. Ms-. Taillon, Postmst.er-General. Mr. Macdonold, Minuâter o! the In- terior. Mr. Tisdale, Minister o! Militia. Sur Frank Smith, Senator D. Ferguson and Senator J. J.-Rose, vithout port- folio. Sir C. H. Tuppar, Solicitos-General, vithout seat in the Cabinet. MOINDAY, MAYi 4th. Probe-Fais- voathes-. Canadian-Hon. T. Warren Anglin dead. Sur Donald Smith ta be made a peer. Bon. T. M. DaIy retires fs-cm politica. Sir Oliver Movat publishes a lettes- in favor o!the Liberal party. Sir Chas-les Tuppes- ta visit Manitoba tisia yak. Foreig-The Shah of Permis shot ths-ough the boas-t and killed. Sir- Cecil Rhodes reaching hie poitical end in South Africa. Sur C harles Rivera Wilson speaka hope!ully for Grand Trunk. Whaat market depressed, 62c. TUP.SDÀT, mAT S5th. Canadiin-Liberala urging S. H. Blake ta enter politica. Nov trial for the Barrie mus-dores-, Brennan. Suicide o! a discaz-dad young lover aI Bs-ockville. Sir Chas-les Tuppor announces meetings at Winnipeg, Toronto, Monta'eal, and Quebec. Sol. White, ai-M. P. P. sent ta ja.il for contempt o! cons-t. Foreign.-Sir Ceeul Rhodes discardad by South Africa company. Collapse of a large building et Cincinnati, many killeti. 28 Poliah vomeR kiled by gai f!rom a stave. WED>NESDAY, MAT 6 Canadian-Ed. Dizon, o! Loulb, com- mitted suicide by- taksng a dose of rougb on rats.-Jno. A. MoGlhvmy nominated in Nos-lb Ontario.-Dalton MaCathy nominatod aI Brandon.- A firebug cf Blenheins senleucedti t 14 Vears in th. penitentiar.-Dr. Heu- Lakey 228, E. Harper 189. Jr. III-L. Tawn 498, B. Tennyson 444, M. Tenny. son 404, T. Ballard 188, J. Stevens 74. Sr. I1-J. Beute 435, D. Ballrd 105, M. Howam 29. Jlr. 1V-J. Sutherland 780, HI. Sutherland 677, W. Walkes- 567, C. Souley 637, A. Bentley 607, R'E ke 479, A. Walker 471, F. Lavlcu 440O, E. lrvu8, F. McDouald 327. Sr. IV- S. Dafo. 466, F. Sandison 428. An 's -,. Sprint as hoitlioo MuaW t aensIr.n &s je Best. Mr.! Geo. Tophin snd. sister were the guesta of Mass Bella Dick lust week. Colin J. Davidson visiteti S. Smith lateiy. Mis. Charlie Byam presented her husband with a bouncing baby girl the other day. Mr. Colin Davidson, sr., lost one of his valuable sheep last week. One of Mr. Geo. Feasby's horses died last week. Mr. D. Harwood is putting a new fence around the school yard, wbich is irnproving the looks of thse place very much. The spring work is well advanced. The Waines boys Ieft Monday with their stumping machine for Jno King's, î4tb con, o! Brock. Miss Lily Brethour, wbo had ber armi 1hioken somne weeks ago, vas able to be out to church on Sunday. Mr. julis Brethour bad the mis!or- tune t(- break bis buggy while return- ing fron Wilfred Sunday evening. The rnetbodist choir had two valu- able new members Sunday evening in the persons o! Messrs H. Webster and Geo. St. John. The Messrs. Law, of Leaskdale, passed through town on Monday witb their stumping machine, they being en route for Jos. Orr's, Georgina. The Genuine Mes-t 0f Hnod's Saruapas-illa wins fs-eudi wbesever it in tailIy and bonestly trieti. To have perfect bealtb, you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood la take Hood'a Sas-- saparilla, tbe boit blood purifier and itrengtb builder. It expels ail taint of acrofula, sat rheum and ail other humas-s, and aItihe same dime builde up thse vbole system. Hood's Pillarase prompt sud efficient 25c. Cno virtue in the nasty taste of cod-liver oit. Then why take it clear ? breaks the oil in- to drops so small that you can hardly taste it. Nearîs- aIlinfants as-s more or boss subjecl te dlaS-sboeaand snob complanevets eothiug and stiiapas-edof tb.is-live. lalb.th s oilclmothers should ual b. vithiout a bot- Il. ~ K= c s.J.DKecgaDysentes-y as-dueL This medicie isa speil or e cosalil andi is highlyopoeofb u w il. The v p ekn f tmba it w haveY u a1 choiera-m ume- mpwsnl Chas-les Sanes-bier. à prospérons faumer- cf Rostock. Ont, comitletisuflle by hanging Ayes's Pilla are seeommentied by leading physicianaantids-ugglst, as th1e monl prompt sud efficient rernedy for bllluaesa, nauea, cosllveuesa, indigestion, sluggfiabeu cf .lb. U ver-, jaundice4 nsud ..11beadache ;aise, o se- lie olds, feyer, u.urslgla, and rhomuat-n ix mon vaedrovautivbilîe oasfrg lb. river Thamea i row bcoSat nas- 8her-oks, Que, c onday. Reep tbe yate r s-quietwitb Y.ej*'s Lrs-Lozenges. Dr. Fuuljay dont u5mbyen t a»b # s At 1b meeting of! tue USes-aiet A-net lýr Christie, lb. laIe mes-ber, vs wu pet xaamamco, ýmob,, isfatonfors" . ", s Wtmatis CastorisafiDr« Bamnol PitohP'B prescripitIàu fowir~ t sud Oblldrn.It coittain meh.,Ouluamorhnp uther Narcotie sbtnc.Ila aharmieus ubstitute for -eg IDrogo, Sothing Syrmpi, and Cantor 0M1 It la Peasau, t. ag'uarante 1la thirty YeaWs'usa by M=ionstofother storha destroys Wormu an sd albqo fevelsbnes Castorla prevents vomlting Sour Curd, curesDlarrhoea and Wlnd Colo. Câçitorns reile ve teethtug troubles, cur e onatpa*'on sud fiatulency. Castonla aszlse the foo04 regula*ea the stomach »ud bowels, sWving hemlthy and ý maturai sleep. Cas. torts la the Childrnns Panacea-tho Mother's FrlemL Castria. anors& ban eocellent l me for eui- irmn XM Uhave sepeatsdly la"dMgeCif If good eit&upS thedr dîidremu" Jiewe n- a. Caitorta la the bust s-osdy foeebin of vMh Iamn aoqiuinted..1Ihopl b. ayW inDot fur- dbt& wh.eumaotîoesvlloouzUSthe rosi bieret of tbeir chUldren, and - Ooaa . stesti ot tbavasIouquak neut.w h ame deauvyhsgtb Woed one@, by forcingcophum, - - lsotin yrupand otS hrt-Ul agmb dcvi. thels- throam4 seoby soedM Ibm îto punaturegravas CocsvaAZIL Camtrh, "e. nwaoe eli adaptedto fids-sfsê 1 rocoenimd ltassupoeloetoauy premlptim kDaoa tota me." &. A. ÂAWMC.,X ai1 ge. Oxford St., Bs-ocklyn N.I. "0w' pkMidoamns tahbe.ilIdss'adq.l. ment bave spake a hy et ON& e*.ps4. once lua Vacis-outMie pracCU wtCbomfa a"d alhouh ve c.lybave amout ess medical supplie*W l a kuova a s quis produsa, y« e à» efris b o fues lat " mectw etoriabavo«w lo k va tavor upc. Il.' Uarrurs EoÀz.LinDa . B88084a The Oamw Gopsay. Tum7 SfroetNew -Toe * Wbe Baby vu aick, veSgave bhoe (aotorfa. Wbese va i Cl& a, i.ed fr w tadoi. 'Whe jbe beaume1114Mies ioungt atorle.I Whe à d ihat fdes, "s gaetbm Cbaoria. Ever muan soulti readth ie adv@rtiUsem af ThoS. BSies-on anoîhus page cf bispajier. HI.aris Liniment fer waeeouverywhs' Do net tail to s-oad Thos. Slaters advertUra meut on aucîher page for mn. cas-ea We"a « fsoresu Geai For tvo yeara1 va dosed, pheti, mand pias. tes-ed fos- weak bock, acalding urine and coon- stipation, wilsont ben.flý. On. box of Cham%' Kidney-Lves- Pile relevedti, hee boxae used. B. J. BSith, Taoronto. One pull s doe, prime Gooti moruing, havevson read Thos.SuIesi ad vertisment for mmon c.auother pagle? A GenersusOffer. (Pstblished tby Requesi.) Dear Mr. Edigor .--W1U ySu kiUdy n- fana the readersof your valuble Pa pas i I vS ighady senti REE s suny suie-es fs-m lMt Manbocd, Nes-vous Delihty, Nfight Lasses Vauloocebe. Impatency sud the r=sbl cf youthMful ous, çamduun o! a siple andi inexpensive means cfself-cure wblcb afles- Se img huoebugged ant i mpose4 upou fer yefrs by quacha andi patent medicle sborks aus-et meeina fevveeke.1Ibave notbing toseMUeS give am.nr Wauram radvtiii iy pa" medicine busfinelsbut wviiib. ae 6i te he froua auy sises- aions to Sud a curelfer S complaiut se viomn 1 viiiexulin cnfitien- "ylisb5evandi by vbat messIwvascusr. Huntireda' bave been curedti trougb .7 md-a vies. oassnotbing toa s- bat 1 pali bsn- dreds ci dallas-ste Sud esot. Atiti-escouS. dentlauly andi snoais aamp if convenienL Tes-eto, Ont. D.G. OWEN, ivesie , Tho@. UMater bus a message fer evSy. Suolbp page. Ds': fal r i Il HE WANTS OTHI TO KNOWO Dme Effilr: m la m bIMer, fsm-es et abaq., ot oob"a $125 -. ~~e.s-m ~ w- ~ WILL BUY TH WUc8lY0 ~AND~ FOR 18961 1-ffu#m e ouf bing Liste. Hender8on d Money to0 -Loaî" At 5 an"d 6 -~cent, co ApPraiu- for Canad£ Peui 6wRS ehvnig MINAE D. LINMUXwUs. p i. Oôd lo be vers- ne to keeR de dâIte - m

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