Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 3

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ithe OtN ageof «.The fouerai'We4 b~Str da wulaa srnide4, 1Jad.r a atSSO. Carl Wilson, an employee of Lapp'u marbie vorka, had a he.vy piecof itoue fail on hlm onle day luit week vifle he wua sisting to MOTe iL. Hjz body vas crushed and internai injuries weire feareti, but af ter a week'i car. and reat h. in nov apparentiy ail right again. LicenO OomumIssoners. At an adjounend meeting of the. licise comrnissioners of North Ontario on 8at.- urday luit tbe grantinîr of a license La Mr. Mdarkle of Gamebidge was e-con- sîdered, and an extension oft hreei montha aliowed instead of the y.arly license, Mr. Mark le having been ined for an infra. tion of the law since the first meeting of the commiseîoners. Mr F. N. Raines was last week Bp [)Oînted vice preident of the Canadian Fraternai Association at it.s meeting in Toronto. This in a society composed cf atKout 51) members, representing the dif. ferent fraternal societies of the country, tid( ita object is to guard the intereata of tratmrnal societies by watching legisiation kttd other matters that might affect theoe adversely or unjuhty. Leap yoar proposais. The young mon cf the. town were just 1beginning to despair-, but the girls have got down to business at laut and leap year prop)sals are becoming plentiful. The toreîîîan of the-Journal office got one tuis week in which the young lady offers to wed even if an elopement should b. nec- esaary. but she forgets to append her naine. This in a serlons oversight, if she lm in earnest, bet'auee the rectpient ls pre- pared te accept any and all chances. Botit aides ftnod. The Mlatthown-Gritlin case vas tried hefore J. P. Hamilton on Wednesday afternoon of last wtek. Mrs. Aaron Grîffln wau fined $1 and couLe, for assauit- rîg Nlrs. Matthews, and W. Matthews was ined $5 and coste for the. rough way n whîcn he handied i< mi. Griffin viien interfering on behaif of his vif.. The trouble arose over au att.mpt by Mre Matheva to drive t.he Griffln's cov to pound, Mme. G. stopping hem and finaily adding physicai force to hem lingual argu- ments. Lower IntsroBt. The tendency these days in invest inenta in lover rates of interest. Mark- hain village has had a parr offer on $3000l worth of 4 per cent. debentures, arid we heard a few days &go of a man buying a large farm at a close prico fromn a loan oompany, paying only $2000 down and g.uaing twenty years on the balance at 4 per cent. wit.h the privilege cf pay- ing any part of the. principal at any ime during the. twenty yeara. If 4 per cent. Ions became general it would be s great relief te borrowers, but we fear these are only exceptional cases. SCUGOG. Mr. Bryson of Lindsay, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Pogue's. Miss Ethel (Graham, of Shirley, in viaiting at Mr. James Jackson's. Mud-cat fishing is the order of the. evening juigt nov, Large catches are nightly reported. Four of our enter- prising young mon caught over 260 one eveuiîng lazt week in one hour and f teen minut es. Mr. Frank Hudson la feeling quite jubilant theae days. Itsa a youîîg son. A nov cook atove vas seen going dovn the Islanti lait eek, andtili what Dame Ruiner says be true, the ingle counci om lu soon to take nute himself a wife. W e wîah yen ma.ny comfoa-ta out cf the. new eteve, Wesley. Rev. Thos. Manning of Whitby vas on the Islandi on SaLua-day att.onting the otbicial meeting of the eflicers cf oui iiethodiat churches. We unudeastanti that a vea-y successf ni meeting vas helti. Mr. Manning vas instructedti t put forth 8pecial effort to have Mr. Mallett etumu- ed for anotier y.ar. 4 )ur centre rat is gotting in s vea-y bad condition to vhat it bas form.rly been. Tii. oad has net hati the usual attention, anti as a resuit numerous aough places are to b. found, especially where ftere is a culvbrt. lnu scb s place thea-. is a regniar ditch like depression, anti it 18 annoying te say the least Le have te stop to valk over such places for fear of breaking a spring. Ita tac bati that Lb. reeve dont have te t.ake a fast ride over the centre rat evemy day. A ,meat succesaful quaaterly meeting 'vas held ti t he Centre Church on Sunday 1niorniug. Wlev. John H. Mallett pmeah- ed a forcible anti practical sermon frein John 14-31 : "Arise, lot us go heuce.'" A f ter vhieh s baptismal service vas helti, folioedt by s recoption service, viien about 45 vei-e talien into full membea-- ship. About 25 om 30 still romain on tniad. About 90 people 'teck the. sacra- nient, lu the attemnoon P.ev. Jesse Whitlock preacheti at the. village, admin- iatering the sacaament te the Indîan chumch members. Annivemsamy Boavices viii b. helti mL the Mapie Grove chua-ch on May 24th anti 25th. Full particulars viilb. given next veek. A moat enjoyable âime is expect- ed by ail. The Epsom Sunday school anniver- Ssary will be heid on Suuday andi Mon- day, May 24th andi 25th. Speciai ser- vices wiii be helti on Sunday, anti Rev. M r. Bishop, of Toronto, will probabiy occupy the pulpit. On Monday, at 2.3o p.m., the Snnday scicol chiltiren wîll give a concert, anti Rev. Mr. Lea- royd will tieliver an addtreos. Tea wilI f ollow thii, anti then in the eveuing a concert wili be furnisheti by adutit talent, which wvu include vocalists, eloctionists anti speakers frocm sur- ronnding towns andi villages. A very Succesul anti pleasant affai.r is antici- pateti. Ous cf tha bust evidenoastiat Ayer' aiu 'Vigor lauanarticle ot exoeptiosi meit ia Lie f act that Lb. demand for it au çenmtny lWi Mraling. Ne onse ouselia is âoiparable- dreuing <hinke et yng esjeisr rpâato for the inir. M-9ieuge ecou OU RIoIM1ls 005*1È z Wýý i Mr.. D. Timlan bas engaged Mr. R. Ferguson for tie summer. W. areiÃŽ)beaeed to see Mme. Mulvihill &round again, after hem ecent illuesa. Miss Jeasi. Ooznery, cf Lcngford, vas tb. guest cf Mr. and Mmm. Andrev Ros for the pressut. two 'veeks. Mm. sud Mme. James Middleton were made happy by the, arrivai of s bounuing baby girl. Congratulations Jim. Wedding belle have beau ringing arouud Uptergrove cf late. Who'll ho Lb. neitP Mr. M. MoTs.ggart intends putting a atone foundation under hie ba.rn this snm mer. Mm. Geo. McDonald bonght a car load of cattle in this vioinity. Rev. J. H. McPhillips. cf Oraugevilie, bas become paster of St. Columbkill's chumoh. Father MoPhillips is cf a vemy genial disposition aqd is alroady bocom ing weil liked, by Lb. people cf t.iis neighiborhood, irrespective of denomina- ion. The. mont cf or residents will attend the rnonstem demonstration in Omillia on May 25th. The farmaers in this vicinity are woîl to th. fore witii their s.eding. Very littie excitement is caused by the fothcoming election. There is more than sentiment in the saying of Sir Walter Raleigh to uis ex- ecutioner, -What matters it about the .head if the heart is right ?" The trouble is that in this high pressure age the heart is seldom kept right. By careful estimate it is calculated that one person ont of every four or five has a weak or diseased heart. . Think for a moment the important work that the heart bas to perform, and iL is nott difficuit to realize what a derangementj even to a slight extent, of thîs organi means. Dr. Agnew's cure for the heart is a cure for heart troubles, andt nothing else. It is a mistake to sup-t pose that remedies that are given ont' as panaceas for al the ilîs that flesh ist heir te cani eflectiveiy cure heart dis- ease. Within 30 minutes after taking the flrst dose of Dr. Agnew's cure for the heart relief is secured, and eventu- ally complete restoration is effected. Sold only by J. E. Willis, Whitby. Obronicle Bulletin Board. THURSDAY, MAY' 7tb. Probs-Fine veather. Canadian-Laurier and Hon. Ross at Quebec. FRIDAY, MAY 8. G. W. Prebs-Fine anti warmer. Dead-Dr. Rae, Oshawa. Canadian-Tupper -anti Hngh John at Winnipeg. -Laurier at St. Rochs. Quebec.-Mounted police chasing Indians. Foreign-Hoimes hangeti at Phulatiel- phia.-Sir Cecil Rhiodes fighting Matabeles. -British Parliament stili agitated over South Af rica aflairs.- The rebeilion there neariy crusheti. SATURDAY, MAY 9. Probs-Fine anti very warm. Carnadian-Hon. E. J. Flynn premier of Quebec.-E. F. Clarke anti E. B. Osier Conservative candidates in West Toronto.-Ontario crop pro- spects reporteti gooti. Foreign-Hon. Jos. Chambea-lain ap- pears te back Sir Cecil Rhiodes,- Scrap between British anti Amea-ican seamen at San Francisco. -Crown- ing of the Czar May 26th. MONDAY, MAY Il. Probs -Tiiunder stcrms, cool weather. Canadian-The steantier Acadia dam- ageti by fia-c, causeti by tic incandes- cent lights. -An elevator at Winni- peg slipped fa-cm its foundation andi spilleti 6ooo bushels cof vicat. Foreign-The uew Shah desires- to b. fricntily, vith Britain.-Rusa ne- gotiating with Japan for the,,returu cf tic King cf Coea. TUESDAY, MAY 12. Probs--Cloucly andi cooler. Canadian-Aa-chbishop langevin, of Tirce Rivers, issueàs edsatioa- words ou Manitoba- sciiooi question. --Cockburn 'anti Flemùin a'>t'dgés in Centre -Toafonto.-?Gtin replies te SilChas. Tupper at W'npe. U. S. '&ttle not te býpedc*M Montreal. Fol'ein- Kug :1 teeps te tensely Spain aq TooUng dudea of Ulbr het. in our villae on, Sabbath lait. OhaiJII Kelly and eii managers of the. Times wilI have to keep an oye os%,aoue of their staff or- the fa"te tat ge00Uw3Y befals the. prnter'. devil vill overtake them. One aight lait week Mr. John Meek's hous. as entered by bargiars. For- t.uiately Mn. Meek vas awake and gave the. alarm. Mr. Moek, who waa uound auie.p at th. ime, was rouaed andi gave chas. to the. voulti-be burgiara, but they got away witbout leaving any clu. to their identity. As a ruie people in the. country are very carelesa and leave thoir doors uniocked at night. Mr. David Urquiiart, one of the. beet shots in the. oountry, succeeded in bring. îng down a wild goose from a floek that was flyinR over his reuidence. It was oniy siight.ly wounded and has just re covered. The proprietor takes great pleasure in shoving iLt t any caler.. Uptergr.ve. Dresa Well and Btyliahly and Save Money. THE PROBLEM SOLVEt>. Diamonti Dyes have saveti hundretia cf thousanda of dollars te Lb. intelligent people cf tuis country, for by their aid olti sud fatiet cloties have been home dyed te iook like nec. Diamnu Dyes save money in evemy home ; they are true te name, anti stand at th. heati of a&l dye-stuffa in the vorîti. Diamouti Dyes ar e .ouiy original anti only reliable package tiyes, anti have nover hati su equal. They are the. true preventives îI hardti imes, ant i viiisoir. the vexaticus prole, cf hov ta make amail incomes cover increasing family de- manda. Thero are vile anti vorthless imita- tions of Diamnonti Dyes ; tierefome ses that youm dealem supplies you vith the. "Diamouti." Common tiyes are solti for te sakie of large profits. Could not get Insured. Roectsd bij Stralght Lino and Mutual Companies BMnew Insured in both. " ShoultiI dis vile 1 amrn a aposition Le psy my insurance premiurns, my family 'viilove their support sa Secotta Sarsaparilla. Two year ago 1lappileit ta two com lnies fer insurance, S100 in eaut. My fce 'vas a mass of pimply bletces a.na my urine did sot staind the, test. Oue tioctor in examlingme mid i coult net Pais, but LaiMjtrouble 'va curable. Re advised an ative medicine, 1 commen taM-n Sett'a parilla. Bo cepanles rejected but four mua lat4br, aller 1 hu ta ire bott f your rem.edy 1Iam th tO sa th accepted me ss a-riki e bein a stock company, the other a u The examiner 'vS. pre-viously ut me, remaniied 111 neyer saw - a chante Min y man." This je indereti by Mi. J. TOtit, the popular drugget, corner Qusen and Cmawfoa-d SLaeete, Toronto. Scott's Sarsapairilla builds 1p debili- tateti constitutions, impartastreLngit, vigor anti vitality, adean. sud puries b bbooti. It cures akin diseass, aheu- matiaru, (eut, Indigestion ant I al cer- laints aa-smng from poor or poned ood Otalldruggies, si per btIl. R.v. W. S. Pitchard, B. A., B. D., temmely pastor eftLriaity congregatian&l eburci etfLi"itacu, hms reeiveti hiede- gre., baciieler of tiivinity degre., anti is_ nov pastor et s church at Oneida, 1M. Mise Editii Osborne left Monday morning fer Boiesevain, Man, where ah. viii bave Chargeofeta larome ai clas. Her frit" i vii er manecn. Mr. Thos. Tre'iu, an olti sud."respet- est citizen oethLie towui. dieti Friday utoru ing.Hoaiaretonbotude. buÃŽmeaa for mam an sua r induetrious ant i fua t48to ne hatispM Ob ~r~ a o gel vas 's' cousâi«et ýr mnetduat ehurch an; .rls attsuaatatthe~unds i u e.k night $erviceq. HieRW funerit:Ok pee~n Monde sud wuoend* by bit pilos,, Re. Pari*. Rev. Mr, Dnm will prmscbtg, * .S o. S. oio Xày zi. Mr. John PoIlon, cavanville, spe t Sunday at home.0 Mm .Orù liston, *ho -*as visitinfg friends.1n Blackstcck, bas returned to ber home in St. Thomas. She receiv- ed a telegram that her husband was verysick. Mrs. Parr and Mrs. Major Hodgson, Port Perry, spent Wednesday here. Mr. lames L Hughes will preacb anniversar sermons in the methodist S. S. on May 24th and lecture on the Monday evening following. Miss Mary Parr is here visiting witb friends. Dr. Fish is redigging his weUl which caved in a short time ago. Mrs. Samuel Devitt has inflamma- tion. Rev. Wm. Kenner. Prince Albert, visited his daughter, Mrs. Wm. For- dei, East Cartwright. Miss Riggs. of Enniskillen, is t.rying to form a music ciass. Mr. John Wood was home on Satur- day. Bolima Pie and lemonade was heartily en- joyed by ail at the division on Friday night. A varied programme vas giver previ ons to this sumptuous repast, by the members, assisted by Bro. James S. Goard and Mr. A. Cornish, of Bow- manville. Before closing a vote of thanks was accorded Mr. T. Short- ridge's side. Mr. W. H. Moore, Tyrone, preach- ed at Eldad very acceptably Sunday. Mr. M. Pascoe goes'to Brighton this week to assist Dr. Wade. Mrs. W. A. Tom has returned fromn a prolonged vis it te her brother at Coi- 1lingwood. Mrs. W. H. Gorrill visited in Toron- to last week. Miss S. S. Werrv and Mr. jas. A, Werry visited their brother at Sunny- side, Kedron. Saturday. me te vas5 affilecf VOI get up «Mj ids and knees and havtag mq zursq pasila. 1 4Sï dlf-(ozen b9wq SPronptly i - .1 farce. Aft.r the oooerfl& s 4aioe Jaon the. carda. We are borry to learn of thedesth in the Soutiiorn State. a vell kauvu B«a- verton young mén vho loft tovo albout tvo yeuri ago in the porion of Mr.Prank, Mékrthur sÃ"of etMr. P., D. MoÂthor, of thie Srd cýoncesswn, Thorah. Mr. A. Kelly, who wua lateiy a clerk in Meuars. Gilpin Bras.' hardware store, Orjilia, hea embarked for himaelf in buui- tiss bore, having bougiit out the huai nei cf Messrs. H. 'Vestcott & Son. He took possession May 1. Mr. C. T. Young and bis family are once more residenta cf Beaverton, hav- ing arrived hem. from Lanark lait week. They are taking their owu bouse ou Elizabeth street. Our local politiciaus are bus y peparing for tb. genemal electiions in J une. Tii. Consevativ.a elected delegates Monday evening te represent Tbowaii and Beaver. ton at the. convention held in Canning- Camtria, doxa l nieudaptd tod li*à kn te Me." ,M À. Amomin, ILE.9. M 1e.OzfcdBa, BroekM iya. "Oipbyulemansla the childieplâ depu> mes* havespoken hlgbly oetbtA*r epu&t ence ln Lta- aoutdde practie.vuthCâgt<da, aMd althoue lmvoW hmy aisauf ou medicamisuli. cat ln kuecaas egular productm4 yet vaes me s to confesathaL tai mmus cf CassoMs bas won us te o cit lavor upc. Lt." UMMMUara»Eoe à».axiDas.atam, ~..CeaautCOpa7 T uzT7 SrtbttN. wTork SGyï Camtria5 ommbSls a aneeelatniien for CM.- dreai Kothuuha"e upeasy td 4a..«It gied ~eeaupm tredrm." DmL . CL .oen, CàaSia asChe boa ramudy foecùhilduo f chich1 amaeoqnatntd Ihopedm e y la " far distan t wbsno njwomderte mia lutersutof thedmcblldrua, aid nis 0atoelain. ~eed oft etliaqumàknoubomwhich ame deoyng thab klved casa. by foreingoçlum, - - - aýmohig yrn ud" tesshumtWu - ftdosai thdtr Lrots throby au.ia Mma tOjwemanzrgravm". D& . . T Lione Tiie fanuiiy cf Rv. D. Y. Rose have madie an early start at their nommner cot- tage in Ethel Park, iaving taken up mesidence tiiere for the. sommer tuis veek. Mm. Fme<i Maduli paid Lindsay a fiying viait by bicycle lait Saturday. Mr. B. Madillini Lte latest addition ta the ranka cf tb. bicycliste in tavu. Mr. MadilI yul b, able to, scorch to Toronto Saturtisys andi corne back Montisys if h. keeps on at the, mate h. is nov a&. Mr. A. D. Morrison spent s day in Victoria Road lait veek. Tii. Cheeker Lacrosse club in armanging s mat-ch for May 25th, at Cannington. Andi the lattst in Sunday basebail For gootinese sake, boys, dc>i't get dovn to, the. level of Orillia. If y-u can't play basebali,. vol euough on wek days to beat Brechin don't play it on Sundays. Mies Annie Logan lef t on Wednesday luit to take s course at s business college ini Toronto.- W. have heard uotiing cf a Queen's Birt.hdsy celebrar.ion. Wiiat's the. maL- ter vith the. local clubs and societiea?1 Give usnme fun, boys. Tii. egg business ià azain s thing cf in- temest toa ti.heue. snd Duueheath bai been chasiug them pretty hard for a cou- ple cf veeka. The suddeu deatit cf Mr. Daniel Cam>- eron cf Main street, on Tuesday evening May 5, gave the community a decideti shock, as Mr. Camemon vau one of Lb. best kuovn sud moat popular geçtieman in tie village. Mr. Cameren bWt been eardening during the. evening, anti Miss Cameron, hie daughter, vent cuLtat visit eue cf the neigiboms. When she metumn- ed aie aoticed that no ligiita vere lit in the honne, contay ta custom. AfLer ligbting the ismp aie aav Mm. Cameron lying ou s sofa andi supposeti he vas tak- ing a reat or a aleep, but ahtem a vile bW came alammeti at hie quietnesa anti me- Lhing in. hie appearance anti vent Le arouse him, enly ta dusoover tbat ber father hati gone te hie long sleep, te avaken only on the otber aide of Jordan. Mm. Cameron vas about 65 years ef age. Sanitary Inspecter Brain insat present going hie rounds., Mm. Duncan MeMillan, of con. 6, is working on the Ta-ent Valley canaj sur- vey. Me»»r. Whitesides, cf Whitesities & Chhapple, andi J. Miller, are tb. convey- aocers in chargeeoftthe tmnsfem et lant t the Governmant on the. route efthLb Trent Valley canal. Beaverton is evi- dentJy going to geL a piece et iL. Mm. Elenmy Madîl, et Vroomantoii, wu in tavn laut veek. A number et yachts vere put in the watet for 1896 st veek. Tiie prevail- ing color for their decoration thia- year umsate b. white. Mr. Mike McGovan leaves for Lthe nomtii in s couple et veeka te commeoce hotel keeping in on.eofthLb. ooti tovus Up there. Mr. T. J. Overenti, et the Ontario hotel, in te tatiier of anetiier bounicing boy, Lthe latter armiving here Buntiay norning lait. Mr. Alex. Rutherford, jr., vie bas been womking in Orillia for the. peutf., nantis. returnet Latovu lait Saturday. Mr. Dan. MeRae. - l making improve- nents on hie house on 8imecoe atreet. Mr. W. Harrison in building.an atidi- tion. Le hie roaidende. if jeoui ohildrest mâan ait» are mea dur OurC bing Lista. Hienderson if Mon ey,,to L At and 6 per cent, itecoezfn amounts and securety éffcred. Appraiser for Caida Permaent J- & ýsa*ing Co. Hel, é z,183 H.E WANTS,.i TO KNI Dear Editor: Pleaao stat.Imy~ auj infÈre trou J I/W. a lu I REIEDYr RST. Pi. 0i.s rI ade iu.nd.d 1< e iu ctnt al ta MIn rur& Clt7. Years EiR [ FRIEND, CANADA* N'S POMPSI IXr PR 1CR for 10 jeàan tuba. 1 are unlt4t*i t, and atemi 3$13 50 to M1 t. Whltby' WZLL BUYTH Tii. rosat diacesy eofDm. essly inta bect remeoty for billousea u al toaa aud liver troubles. Wbil e gating Lb. di- gstive system Eaeljay'a Li'ver «« Èe st a a tonic and do net weaken like ipilla. Te» are the bout famlly madicine ou the mket. 25 oents at ail dmugglts. AId Laino pmcided over the meeting et tbe Toronto Board cf Womks fer tha last ias. Wed- nesday.z Wbm u ausdolt, ce gmre botorIs WhN t" cas a ch&(bedis esd fer (lautSrla diS ob boume Miss, discluag t ato elaI The Ottawa eh y eouuil hau redueed tha number cf tavern Lhensee fio. 71 te 66. At Chatham, Robert MoDonald wvaa.oa Lsnc.ed te fouteen lem n penitsttaaiy fer Arman. Curai Wesk flashfer os C4e Fer twe yesra1I vasdosed pleti, sud plu- tered for ceak back, seakdlg urine and oeca- stipatien. citheut beDefit. On. bex et Ohasea Kldny-IÀver Pilla reIieveti, Lire. boxas eumed. R. 3. Smith, Toronto. One psu a doe, -ic 26 cents. Thcs. Mater b» a message for every mms on another page. Don't lad to mad it. A o.a.rm Obr. (Published by Reqwest.) Dear Mr. Editor .s._Wlll yenkindly n- ferm the readmofsoer vsuW t~ hat Lest Maniood, Nervous- Debifity, ih L4s86, Varlocel.epe< cy- dthei3i cf youtbful foi7, paususas"sipe and Ixenieani slf d-cure cici sitar be- lnbumbugged and imsdwuc.fSr jur byquas-and patent medicle aate.cureti a-e an a few cashs. 1 bave uoUnng te S9l o give acay, nor m u I advertiusin'. y-Pant medicine busines, but cill b. pleased toýbee from auj suffere anibioue te lad a cure for -pis complaint. to chem 1 cliiex" aai eulmpt- <iail bac and by chat massa-I ws ure& Hundreds have beesu oued. i b nay aMr vice- Comttenotbing te oaIm What poit b..m dreds et dellars <p lad ont Adissa coul. dSnd»y and enclos stamp il coaiveotmn.' Dl G;.OW»Ni T o Ont.tRasdeP. JOENW Be I uirov MINARD'8 LtNIMEl~ - ~IuIsnd#. - J. p. 1~a1i - 1,Jvov >~iAV.~ i.wx~ iest~eo~edj c. tank. ~àgweyMa, -.~ Jog~rwt ýst by all molst dural ordinary MnP-s Sam t store cf] he neceà* paon's Pctt Whitbyjr#t Weekiy- n' ~ANDv' sCHRO0 'j Casoris le Dr. fsmae inohew'specfptu orKi3t .and Vhildreu. h t cmtutan ithe Oiuî orhn <ithr !~wooic sbstNce. h la a. harmiesa enbslu for Paregorlo, Drom eoothint SymupiadCsn0 1$ l Pleasat. lsb: ,andt Ca hrt eseVts'I fewihn.s. a.trlaPrevealtsmt , lsRIg BSurCurul - Dianlieand 4WIud Colia. Castozia releves Casorla asuiflates the food# regcala*e., the s«»Mach and bowela, glvlng healthy and -naturla sloop. Cas- toris la the Childreu's Pansos-»th Motor' Friond«

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