BRNARD"S ARGAINS!1 Last week we toid you about our new Silver Waîst Sets of Links and Buttons. IRvery one whio saw themu was pleased with the style and price. Vou will be equaily delighted and sur- prised at the value of our SILVER MOUNTED BEITS. Fine Silk Ribbon Sterl- ing Silver Buokies ... i$1.25 Sîlver Waven Beits ami .Sîlver Buckies........... $2.001 Silve Plated Buckles aud fiue Sîlk Ribbou... (30c.1 Black Mounts ............. 500. t .Leather Belts, Sparkling 50 cts Bright Cut Silver Buckles. ~f~runîde. Offilal County Orgm.-Larg..t Circula- tien of BU7 local paper l anauda. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. li rdwood dîaîng tables, 4 leaves, only $5, W TW lI's -\:Yns for pure hellebore, Paris greeti and r.,er-t powder. Chas. Wiicox. son of Mr. Hazard WVilcox, ia- -eturned (tutu New York. Y .r-îng men or aid should ual fai] to reasd J S)-.-Iaters a'iverti8cnîeut ou another page. Ni, \Wm. Black, the genial wine clerk at e ('Ordon bouse, Pickering, was in town or ,,-'nday. ('-itlemnru f refined tagie chevi the ttiius B PA\*R Plug exclusiggely. Refuse -:ýcap imitations. \lrs.. ross and Mrs. (;renside returned 'me aturday from Peterboru, shere the), 1r b 1een visiting frîends. Mr Cîhas., Warren is h'rme (rom Toronto,1 - si Turcle has heen secking a situation for e ast feu uweeks. Clarley lcaves for i-thiis week and expectb to meet wîth success there. -'- lackson's stock of fancy biscuitshi o t'- t Pineapple boaves, pin cak-e, snd al iT, m-akes. Full assorinient Perrin's but- t-rips onli'. c. pouad, îry them. Trv our lobat only 4c. M. E. Jackson, Brock Ice Crearo Parlor F- r ,he besi Ice Cream, caîl at D. Mat.i-,grt s, I)undas street.-23-tt. Nt1-e-ing ai Young Lib. club. luctre g,%ull be a meeting of aIl free and tiedrrvolets at Yaung Liberals club rt. his, Friday, evenung Pruminent ,:.ïr.Il address tihe meeting. W . r,ts 0r Par k. 1I.'-t ir-es planited lasi NC5r at (;ross' n g;r'aý Windsor Park, art ail doing -- e rer-t sorne that were smasbed clown t ,ttlue, who waded round the fences dur- ',w uter. The success of this park "nee Ais, douhîful to a good many - ho - ,r-rt>ed tg the fund lasi sear. but thete is i,'an, dubi that the trees sali grow and it" i',-h. $15 or $20 more sbould be raised t. tar tg) replace broken trees and mulch '- Those wiîo did natbîng towards 1* ;iark last year can afford ta chîp in hall rýý'.ar eacb. sud ibose who assisted wilI r-ýýurficieutly iuteresîcd La dub in another -TCtValley Canal ~rMillet, barrister. etc., Beaverton, is fi town He is governrnent solicitor Tret Vlle caalandissearching ýtt.;tles fot the Outario courîty branch. T'ir- -aiial is ail surveyed, and the right of 'a,,o s al bought from the diffeteut parties. 1- - efflement gave generai satisfaction ta ý p.itties, as an evidence of whicb therge 0', !i ) arbitrations. Some had ta receive erisdetable damages. One man named \I. lh'-rsou had ta lose a good brick bouse ,he -r canal goes tbrougb the very spot a-re the bouse now stanîds. lu another ï-(: thbe canal goea îbrougb the garden of a un.n amcd Cain, tucuîy vards from bis 4i'eîful residence and cutîing bim afil romi 1i.s r-arni. We may say that the Trent canal tehaîf foot deepet than the Erie canai, auj ibe trade that will go îhrough il in the li,"ire uill be immense. Blasting la now Y,' :.g on very extensively ai Kirktlcld, lu týiq couniy of Victoria, by a large gang ai Rùamance ln Uxbridge township. 'n Ftiday hast a young man namcd Clin- tnW.-C oo k, o fScott townth ip, visited this t rand made bis way ta the clcrk's o7hice wherc he saught ta obtain certificates o-: *,li registration of his own and another muarriage, bath of which evênt were dtaly <-tbrated during the eightics. He wae in- ! 'rrned that the proper place ta search Ont such mattets would be the mnnicipalities where they took place. Then he t.old bis >tor ItaPpars that in September, 1889, waho lived with him thrce or four, sud thien other company fonad favor in ber SSig9h t, sa she cnt boue and left him a wrdowet. Subsequently hielearned 'atilu Augzust. 1885, ahe bad married one John (.odfrey, af Uxbridge to>wnship, beig raMted ai - yeara aId on thet occasin as weU4 rwittch shows hou wefl she b"d preserved ber vouth during the four years between ber 'two marriages. Cook i dd net lost heart entirely when hie w fc deeerted him. Hie ursued the even tener of hie waY 1111111 la in e aaurse of cyeats feuad a Ilew love whom h. e tw <sru <w4tg difficultyas no r cS 1 "ru Cthe current of his ucw trucl1 eBefrebeeu. ilarry again Co is .Utlela Ot 001#'rd. ., Of Yorkt, visw1tte sa Geo...Roblsgaêis we.k. Dtou o$ Waté t eed Tus. 81&Wq~.*utn MetO >o»IW p4ré for mmn. Mrs. L Sebert and ds.ughter Katie, Port Perry, were ber. on Saturday, enroute to Port Hope.1 The Town Line and Brooklil foot bail teams piayed a mîatch on the athletic grounds on Satu ay evenlng,!resu iting in a vlctory for the tawn line. The score at the close of the gamne stood 2-1. Bee Jackson's stock of fancy biscuits this week. Pineappie lbaves, pin cake, and al new makes. Full assortrnent Perrin's but- tercups anly 25c. pound, try thern. Try our cream loaf oniy 4c. M. E. Jackson, Brock street. The mnembers of the Whitby township council were here on Monday morning, that being the day fixed upon to drive over the township roade and make their estimates for repaire. The ontlay this year will flot be very large unlesstorms cause damage later on. It seema tao us that the ather members of council shotxid take advantage of such trips as this to visit the varions households with a view ta finding a suitabie young woman to share Reeve Calders joys and sorraws. The other day near Orillia a young feliow, whose father had died a short time ago, sud ieft him a (arm, stock and impiemrents, de- cided, likre many other foolisb young men, that Iarming was too bard work, and that anyway he was just cut out for business- that is, town business-forgetting that it takes as much real business ta properiy con- duct a farm as any other calliig in the cata- logue. He accordingiy sold the land, and putting the proceeds in his pocket he bought a revolver and started out ta canquer the world, feeling it in his boues that he was a Napoleon of finance. Orillia was the firsi place struck, and when ia became known that -à "greeny" with a pocketfui of good Canadian maney was ini îawn seeking for a channel in which to invest it be was soon. surrounded by a hevy of sharks, wha heid out everv seductive offer imaginable ta in- duce him ta part with his fiithy lucre. Near- iy every business mari in toua suddeuly wanted a partner, and invitations out ta tes poured in fast and furious ta Mr. Greeny. just about this time a sharper from Sharps-. ville, who had gai wind of what was gaing on in Orillia, teiegraphed him ta corne îm* mediately, holding out inducemrents (an paper) that the verdant youth lound it im- possible ta resist, and he took the first train out of the town. The chances are that ere this time the procecds of that Catm has changed hands. To Day!! Ice cre2 Bargaina. ear, cakes, boiled hatu, at Yates'. 1oo of ladies' and children's shoes and slippers ai yoc per pair. See the bar- gains outside the West Sîde Boot and Shoe Store. iDominion Day bete The Wbiîby ire brigade is getîing up a elebration for Dominion day They have issued large posters, and ul maire oui a good programme of events for later an- naunicement. S A Notes. Adjutant Millet '. under orders ta farewell at the barracks bere on Suridav-. June 7th. The Hurîcaneers baud to'visit Wbiîby to-nîght consisi of Ensign Hughes in com nand, wbo bas tiavelled exiensively on be- I aîf of thue ai my tbroughlout Manitoba, Ou. taria, and the Maritime Provinces, Pecks Bad Boyv, Professar Little, who passed t htaugh ibe Royal Callege of Music. Lon- ri n, Exîgland. Bob Griffitths laie of the Q 0 R. baud, and Cameron of C Co. band, lot- ontot, Tom Bl3oss, formerly of '.% iîby, sud 4 others. Tbey ougbî ta give a good i0 cents uorth ai their vatiety entertaiament. A Successfut Bazar The ladies of the W. C. T. U. held a maosi succersful bazar in Philp's block- The windows were attractively decoraîed during the day and the "custamners" began 10 îeemi n sbottly after noon. From that tine untîl 1030 ai nigli the place sa crowded like a dtepartmental store. It partook more ofîthe nature o! a reception than anythiug cisc. The whole line of stock in trade was readily disposed of ai fairt prices. The visitors uere tegaled with- ice crcam, lemouade, canudies, smiles, pleasani talk, beauîy and amiability. If the ladies shauld feei inclin- cd ta hold bazars or receptions of ibis sort frequently uc believe these so-called bazars would soan become popular social events. Slightly dis&igured. Our weil known yaung townsman, Mr. Jim Wahcers, la undoubtedly the moat ecx- pcrienccd bicycle rider in town, and miglit be said ta have taken every possible header s0 aften that he should be able ta perform an y sucb mavement vWth perfect agility and safety. But the most dexteroias brakesman is frequently maimed, and thc least sililful jockey may take the long jump with the greatest safety. Waltcrs likes ta take the town ridera for a Suinday afternoon jauni, usually ta Part Perry, whther lie and four or five others bent their backs on Sunday Iaat. They scorched ail the way, as la ibeir custom, by which process Jim usually re- duces bis avoirdupois by the fait of the ycar until there are only a few Ary boues left in bis skin. On the occasion of hast Stinday's ride the brigade had crossed Uic ridges witlî safety, and had cut lbase ai higli speed ta maire the long descent of six miles ia Port Perry. As speed increased. it was soon fonnd impossible ta count the fence cor- ners. Nexti the telegraph pales grew ta be too chose tageiher ta keep tab on. Fields were passed so swiftly that the dividing fences wcrc bastand the baudscapc bçcame a vast prairie only mar4d by farm hanses, wblcb appeared ta b. planted only a feu roda apart. The journals of their cyclo- metera were becaming heated recording Uic miles, when Jim Walters' - bike bunted against some obstacle. Prom d'e specd they were making it ie impossible ta lacate the spot within a mile or so, but it la sup. poses! ta bave been somewhere betwcen Manchester and Port Perry. lTIc exact geofraphical data la of littie importance, bowevcr, as sucb a d'ing can bappen any- wherc. Suffice it ta say thai those behiud Waliers noticed biM leave bis bile sud4cnly and make aquick ascent intoilheair. They gazed in won'der, andfeli bound ta conclude thai hc muet bave -. liad wi.ugs concealcd about hlm, witih the aid of wbicb be bad taken fiight ta surprise thcmn. They hast not ridden far wisen they notiiccd ibat be cbang- cd hie bearings from miîdair, -an was ap- proachn terra firma raLpidly. He alighted wtbi eci proj ecting ia the air aisau angle of about 6o dqeree and commenced ey1eu of the most ,iwbk and inimItable somemsulis ever witnessed bytise yé oEa biker> whiCb e aYn84a eo ea, Irtc practic* 0 son eoi u et bsUe. Anl of a suddeu he c5=~ e 0,i dà lo ager a istii ud vkilth4 cubeak VSB..petalete beboý4. Nemus Uvil The Tofonthi crfrke lub vin s.nd au' elevon hroa M@m0day. next, to play the A large number from ber.r attendcd the openlng of Prospect Park, at Oshawa on Priday night lest. We regret ta learn that oui venerable townsman, Mr. Geo. Brown, is suffering fratn cancer of the tongue. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist tabernacle wi Il hold a garden party at the residence of Mr Wilson on May 24th, after. noon and evening. Mr. Arthur Christian has finlshed his sec- ond year ai Toronto Law scbool, and ilîl de- vote twelve mqnths ta office work wit h Ccun- ty Atorney Farceel. Then another ycar at the lau achool il compiete the course. If there is a thing aur bright young men of Whitby banker ater, it is a bid ta an evening party ai Oshawa. Three of them compared notes on Wednesday, aud (ound that ail werc invited ta one bouse at Oshawa ihat uignt. They put on white chokers and black tronsers and off they went wlth expectant hearts. Arrived at their destination they (ound the youug lady af the bouse ai home, but nobody else was ta be seen bamrng the aid folk and a dog. They explained matters alter cnjoyîng the fait ane's society for a couple ai hauts, and found that some un- known friend had donc the invitiug. This is the timne af the year ta look out for biack knot an pium aà nd cherry trees. Iti- regarded as au infectiaus disease on fruit trees and the Ontaria Act Of 1893 pravides that a fine of not less than $5 nor more than j2o may be imposed for every case of neg- lect. Cut off ail knots five or six inches be- lau the affected portion. and paint the wound with turpentine or linseed ail. Burn ail prunings and affected branches which are removed. United action an the part of ail (ru ît-growers is necessarv in order ta se- cure the best resuits f rom the cuforcement of these recommendations. Ta the Model Faru, We are requested ta annaunce that the annual excur-iion pet Grand Trunk Raîlway ta the model farm, Guelph, will takre place an June i8th, and that very lau rates bave been secured. Prof. Raynar*s lecture. The last of the univers ity series of lectures at 0. L. C. was gîven on Friday night by Prof. Raynar, of Victoria University. This lecture was not amnusing as somne may have auuicipaîed, bvî was a mnost thorough and scientific treatment of the subject. He deali. with wtt, satire, irony, m ir h, etc., showing that humor is a more sublime feeling than any of -he athers. Go ta Oshaw.. Ride there, walk there. at ail events get there, May 25th, ta' attend the Oddfellows' demnonstration. The bicycle races are the first ever held under C. W. A permission. and there promises ta be a large number of contestants. Tbe twa games basebali, and actasse match wjîl be very interesîing, and the day's programme af sports is a good onc. C. P. R 1896 Summer Tours. We are again ibis season favored with a copy of the Canadian Pacific Railway Sum- mer Tours book for î8i6, presented taous by ,Mr. E. R. Blow, C. P. Ry. ticket agent here. This beautiful book is a regular cyclopedia for ail those who intend taking summer out- ings, and ta assist in deciding wbere ta go. The Canadian Pacific Ry. offets peculiar facilities to intending holiday makers ; its uines iead by the most pleasant ways to the mnosi pleasant places. This book is hand- soameiy ilinstrated and contains much useful information in inîe,-esting shape. Numerous and divcrsified arc the pleasure routes de- scribed in its pages. We would say ta pleasure seekers secure a copy af " C. P. Ry. Sumnmer Tours " fromn Mr. Blow, the book contains ail that the most fastidiaus can de- sire. Toun Council. Met , nay nighL- Coun. Blow read a report ifrmthe propcrty commite in favor of paying the folhowing accouais : R Aagb- ton. shoving up town hall floot, $4; S. C. Wilson, evergi-cen shrubbery, $225; Jno. Tweedic, maple trees, $i.30; Thos Cameron fixing trees, $i.5o; Wm. Dawes, hauling trees ta town $r D Ormiston and M O'Donavan, auditors, $5 each, for anditing books of laie treasurer up ta Came of lis de- cease - The report passed. Coun Deverehi read a report from the streets committee, recommending payment of the following accounts :-John Bravener teaming, $4.5o;e Jna McCarl, work $15 ; Wm. Hopper, work, $15 ; Geo. Cormack, supplies, $_4.9.Thc report passed. Coun Jackson rend a report from Uic committee on fire sud water, sai- ing tInt they bave ndvertised foi tenders for sinking a well an Rcynolds street near d'he norîberu limit of the college grounds, said well ta b. 22 feet in diameter sud 22 feet deep. Thc underatnnding is d'et tl:e cor- poration is ta remave d'e carth wben cle- vated ta Uice surface. The tenders arc as follows : R. Collina, Sn, and $io per foot behow $=2 <et ; R. Pogarty, 2o x 2= feet square $2.4o per foot, and $iz.o bcbow 22 feet ; for 22 x 22 fcet square, $45 per foot ; John Riley sud Wm Ashby, $Sot and $4 per foot below 22 feet. Thc commitice rccom- mendee ihai d'e tender o!fJohn Riley and Wm. Asbby b. acccpiedL ?mc report sateed thai d'e conmitie bnd anierviewcd Mr-. Major Harper sud haîd received bis offer ta, pump waier for street sprinkling ai $zoo f'nr ane ycar or $go per year for five yeaizs. Tbey recommended d'ai $zoo be paid for ibis yenr. The report further stated ihat the commitie lad adveriised for tenders for tenders for si-cet wateriag, sud had re- ceived d'e following tenders: J. T. Nc- Geai-y $189, Wm= Newport $225 for th1e yeer. The tepader of J T. McGeary vas accepte&. 0f ibis sum of $î89 d'e town ile tay $7.5 fram d'e general tax, and $114 witb $iS for pumping will be raised by frontage assesa- ment Tise le S more d'an lest year- There was a good ceal of discussion on one or two points of the report. For instance d'e specificniions spite d'ai d'e whole of the work of diçging d'e weflle sto be doue n=der d'e supervison of d'e fire aud usier cern- mitice, and speclfics clearly d'et d'e cou- X» ~ r aeta do aU d'e worl o! the dlg- a d xtr la er th. e cordn sayts o! f d'eebmu'r tis i bi theug clase a t i de tte endopnstse4o h$ psib an extra wbor U nzi:Ãeouied nÇgood dte clausersat t tCndpfl tedYbs4 býe 'v AMmogit 'à bewldering lot Of the Inewefit fabrios ini Wash Dres od here. andi good service and littie to psy for the best.PlncoraDesn fet,8k feote, Paisley patterns, and'what fnonlelse, al woven into one harmonicmg h lendinie' Fancy Zephyr GinghBme, stripeasuBd checks, (special) st 8- ets. sB yard. Fancy Crepons, a&H shades, (special) à t........15 ots. a yard. Fancy Duck Suitings. a clearing out lot at.......... 15 ets, a yard. Fanoy Dresden Muslins, very newest, at .......... .. 25 ets. a yard. Grass Linons, the very newest things i Wash Dres Goods, 15c. a yd. Fancy Wash GoodsaBt only ..................... 121 ets. a yard. New Millinery Jt'st in. Ail our stock of Hats, Ordered Clothing. - aacns vialiies. vîeil made; etc., will be sold at the very low- niesiSuis n îwn.No necua will flot rip in laundrying; fast est prices. Be sure to see ot.rr ncs ut ntw.N n a d'blors. Prices the very lowest for MILLINERY before buying else- touch our style and prices. good cloth. where. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Cail ana Inspeot aur Goode. New Dres Goode, Linens, [[osiery, Gloves, etc., Bt lowest prices. The very cheapeat store in town. No need to go to the city after viaiting our store. Shirt Waists. Latest New York styles. Prints, ~~ce F. STW-ART. Dvess Goods, Dress Goâ*ds, POVERTY aPRICES. They smell of the sea, they are so iately over, the- -new shades that we are showing for present wear.- 56-mn. Black Sicilian Cloth, bright lustrons New Paisley Pattern Dresses at ........... $10 finish, te leading novelty for dresses... 75e New sinai pattern Tweed Effeot Lress New Silk and Wool Shot Effect Dresa Pat- Groods at................................. 25c terns at ................................... $7 New SiIk Finiahed Luetres, 42-mn N Special lin. Black Henrietta, regular prie w id e , o n ly .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 , r d q dt.....................7 5 Black and Colored AII-wool Serges at ........ 25ec Reguaar 75c. lUn. reduced to ................. 49c ~ r-.~q~--( (R 5c.DRESS GOODS ARE EQUAL TO ANY CITY STOCK #-ý ý CI 500 IN THE ASSORTMENT ANDI QUÂLITY. PARASOL A ND U31BRELLA SALE. Ladies' Parasols, regular price 1.65, for ....0 ..........$1.40 Ladies' Parasols, regular price 2.00, for......................81 Ladies' Parasols, regular prie83.50, for ................... ..... 0 Ladies' Parasols, regular price.$32.50, for .........................9 Children's Colored Parasols.................................. 250 to 500 LAC£ CURTAINS. LACE CURTAINS.-We import theen direct f rom the manufacturera in Great Britain, and can give you better value, with a larger assortinent to select from, than else- where. Ail prices in cream and white, from 25 cents to $7.00 per pair. ï Men's, Youths' and Children's Ready-made Clothing at Lowest Prices. BTRÂW HÂT*7_ ùà n O *po"-TIRAW KATM VZý'Comp1ete New Stock of Engli8h and American Straw Hats. W, G, WALTERS, -Whî'tby I"] in .r 'l o---- - ij :Ri sEnglish Cured Hais s ~Brefflast o Bacon»* (STERLING BRAND) AIJEJ I -3EMI IB IDJSr. Cost No More Than Inferior Goods. M. COe LAWE r WM. TIL L, o0 êe Fruituré STOP AND ftNiN Befor. yen puroha.. yu 14 wll xcpay 7«ui 4 store for a shoirtSptim Good Wfr.Mttsn5517 DeaIêr~ I -' t,.,., 'i wý-