A BWry Told $y The 1JidgO à Tale of Oireunistantial EidsnhUOeina Murder Trial. (Conlinued.) "4He was tnurdered last night. They suspect George Williams. Here's the ininister bringing himn down the road, He looks scared enough." The blacksmith dropped the horse's hoof easily from hi's leather apron and went to the wide door. By this tirne every one seemed to have divined the ministers mission. Loo"ks ofiqur and of eversion were cast hv eager and curious farniers upon the unhappy laborer. The blacksmith Iooked at the Englishman, and tôok his pipe out of h is mouth. -Dont be too cock-surc," he said. dryly, - It's a serious business," he continued Ioud]Nv sa as ta bc overhcard bv several others, 'ta acuse a man of murder. The minister looked up at the speak- er with a gratilied flo(. ' Amen ta that," lie said solemnlv,. The twa passed by. Others followed straggling. The blacksmith gazed after them in- tently until they turned into B3urns' yard. Then he bent over ta the gray's off hind foot as if nothîng unusual had happened. But there had; hîs pipe was out. Suspicious. sullen, frightened. defi- ant, George Williams glared from one 10 the other, as the minister. wîth a whispered word of encouragement. ushered the farm hand inta the pres- ence of the constable, the doctor and the storekeeper. The teacher of the Town Academy had been added that morning ta the impromptu Goroners jury. and he suggested that Williams should be taken ta the barn. 1 dont see why I should go. What have 1 ta do with it?' pleaded the unfortunate man. The five turned pale and nudged each other nervously. That indefinite instinct which is the gift of greai. de- tectîves, and which incisivelv points out the guilty persan with occult force. possessed each bystander. This feeling increased when Williams hung back, pale and trembling. upon the pastors encouraging arm. The good man had rnow serious doubts. but his christianitv farbade him ta express them ta the rnian's face. When Williams was brought into the presence of the degd man, by ahl the recognized laws of circumstantial cvi- dence he hopelessly incriminated him- self before a question had been asked. "I didn't do it," he cried. 'Why amn I brought here? 1 arn innocent. I3efore God I am innocent." -No one has questioned that yeî." said the constable, rather coolv. "We have proof tdmî Mr. Burns saw you only a litile while before hisdeath, and we want you ta explain the circum- stances." This shrewd. random shot, fired because of the prîsoner's perturb- ation, was a great success. William turned livid. lie stammered like a man sentenced ta a terrible doam. Il a etme goý-I-will go!" He before the prisoner*s eyes, three marks were noiced-finely ci-ossed lines cut into the handie. diWhy. it is my batchet! " exclairned the parson in innocent surprise. -My littie boy cut those marks with his jack- knife. How could -the hatchet have got inta Mr, Burns'sbarn ? At these words Williamns feul upon the floor in a dead faint. It only needed the scantiest cross- examinatian'ta bring the-fact out that Williams had used the m 'd atchet ail the day before ini the o~rd. The. the woman wth whom Williams board- ed feit called upon ta volunteer the informat.ioù that her lodger had flot corne i%-i until after 9 th4e night before. 4",hpeemsto. me gentlemen," said the coà otoLble, wIth the gravity that the situattcm ýdemaned, "dthat I had better hitch. up and takce him right over to the Counyal Itisaa pretty plain case. WiII yen Ugo along doctor?." Low murmurs of approval followed. ,"I don't seq any rnystery about ht yet," said the grduate, filling his pipe for the third time, diand 1 don't see where your jury cornes in, either." 4",It was sny first importanit murder case, à 'the Judgeresumed, lgnoring the interruptipnri-,t thisspit I qutoe the old jurîitezactly; h wus 'vldà e'nty living lias faous. -Came ever again- "and I reffln ber i etle.ç~Iý 1 ffeto the jury. 1 prtically inuct- *atIaI eVrd eS,' à ûndtlèneti ed to notice hiemtced out, tw î tis his great jaws were fir mly 'Coucd,1 while the faces of the rest of the july werC relaxd.' The jury filed out. The court took1 a few' minutes recess onhy, expectiflg ta sentence the murdere n ilew minutes.1 The spectators remaineid in their seats. -,Well,"- said the foreman easily. strok- ing his sharp chin, -"hay is about ready ta cut, and thcre's no use cf aur staying here any longer. Theres no two ways o! laoking ai it. 1 gues we can follow the judge. For formality we'hl drap aur ballots in thebat. W e're unanim-i ous. -"Guitv," o! course. I've gati tbree miles ta ride and have gaIta bei home for supper."- The vote was hurrienly taken: then1 ail but one eagerly rose. Worthely alone remained seated, smoking his pipe sîolidly. and looking oui of the wîndow, while curious lines o! amuse-i mient phayed round his eyes and mouth. -By- graclius'" cried the foreman. looking at the ballots in amazement, and then eyeing one after anoîher of bis felows suspiciously; " saie nen has put in -'not guîlty.' and hie Ias had the audacity ta underscore ' nat. I should like ta know wha this gentle- man is1 We cant afford ta waste trne in foot's play here."- lere he casi a bullying laok upon the most insignifi- cani member o! the îwelve. But this persan. in the conscîousness o! inno- cence, reîurned an unflinching glance. "Ve rmust settle thîs rîght away- began the foreman. -Have the gentlemen o! the l*ur. agreed ?'- The court amfcer put' his head in at the door. -The court is waitîng."- -No,- answered the foreman with red face. "-but we wil. Now," he ýaid, îurning ta his Jurymen, "we wilI find out who voies -'not guilty,' and 1 prom ise you ihat we m-111 make it hot for him. Ahl for 'guihîy' hold up your hands! Opposed" Ev'ery mnan in the roonm îurned upon William Worthely. The blacksmiih now dropped bis hand nonchalently, and looked f romn one t0 the other with a cool glance. lie seemned ta be the only unfl urried person present. The forernan. wha had some bullying epithet upon bis tangue. dropped his Jaw with- out speech. Worthely was nor. a man ta be blackguarded-he was 100 big. nor ta be irifled wih-he was too digni- fied; or ta be argued wth-he was too, logical. While the foreman was fearcd because he held much signed paper and mnany mortgages in bis possession. Worthlcy was feared because of bis self-reliant nature and fine physique. "Fire away at me," bie said wiîh ag- gravaiing good humor. "I dont îhink he's guilîy, anid I neyer shaîl. W'ho saw him do it ? No anc. Sa ihere's no direct evidence. .But he can'i account for himslf' urged the foreman despairingly. ".Do have a lîttue reason!"- ,"1Reason ?" replied the buacksmiîb bluntly; --l'Il reason you until we've acquitted him. Here's my word for il !" He broughî bis gi-cat fist down upon ithe .table, smashing a leaf clean off. -l'Il flot budge a hair's breadtb until ihat innocent man is set free. God is rny winess-1 mean whaî I say." castically. " 4Your fi-st name is William," grin- ned the foreman. witb a tbrust of the lean, rcd ncck. "Saois ypurs,"- wa.s the quick pari-y. But where was the prisoner ?"g "I don't deny be might bave seen Burnis that evening, but that is no proof."- "How about the hachet ? "He might have easihy dropped it, *and somebody else picked il up, and then used it."g IlNonsense! t6Rot!"g 6 "You'rc craZy." t 'I Let hlm alane, gentlemen, bis head is tetched. " The forman drew bis aide over te a corner for a whispered consultation. rThe thought of their homes, of their supper, "and of their crops made tihe jury desperate. To be balked in s0 simple a case was an unpardonable act. Who can count the neighbbrhood en.- tmities that have had their bi'rth in the idivided jury? 11We can't starve h im out,"sid-t.he foreman gloomily; "but we cat Iworry r hi ut n, lIl Bsec tait ithat he ddesn't sleep a wlnk." "Two cf-us can keep bnzzig'lma ia Urne," suggestcd the littie mam. Oe leIl ÎtCveVdo'ino mf w or. n > unesa, lic in lupurty quiek.g' t Nt-for a- e-âoëie.pmte;. Ê denied his owi righeousnes, llmt he goinsane, The blacksmith must have had some wnklng ef what was before -h(u, for his ,great jaw grew rigid as he folded his arms in stolid defiance. Indeed, he secmed like a great butt at bay before a pack of enapping, snarling hounds. But the bull cannaI gore ail of bis toi-mentors before tbey worry him ta bis fate. i-The court had adjourried in disgust. subjcct ta the caîl o! the. sherif. The itîle tawn was as excited over 'the un- forseen division as if a cyclone bad cahhed. But in the jury room deter- mination sat upon evcrv face. William Wortbcly %~ho was used ta plenîy o! air as well as o! mighty exer- cisc, opened the windo,ýi in fronî af him. The room was hot and stifling with the odor of angry men and o! tobacco. Ai a wink from the fôreinan a number jumped farward and shut the window. WViîh a flash of anger the blacksmiîh sîarîed ta rernonstrate, but a quick loak around showed hîm the fuîility o! wasîing bis sîrengîh. le smiled a itthe in cantempî and let it go. lie reihcd bhis pipe philosophîc-E ally and searched for a match. fie had( used up his last one. Then it was dis-1 covered that there was not a match in the room-îhat is, no ane had any tei give W1m a lighî. Ai silx o'clock an afficer, petulani as the resi. camne îa take the Jury, ta the hotel for supper. In a trice he knew the reason o! their detention. The blacksmîth was naturallv a heartycaýter, but the hott'l meal was flot anly un- palatable ta him in bis sîrained state, it was îoa scanty ta atiord himi nourish- ment. lie could not but notice that the rest of !ris fellows had plentv and good enaugh food ta eat. On the way oui he tried ta stop at the desk for matches, but the officer burried tbem back ta their roorn. two by twa, and ibis oprtunity was hast. There were exactly cighî chairs in the room, and a sofa îbaî seaîed four. Waorthely w'as anc o! the last couple. nearcst the officer. and wben he gatIFin the sofa was occupied. He sat down on bis chair and îî gave way with him. He looked about for anoîher chair, and then sat down an the floor. He did this wîth a sigh o! satisfaction, for no anc could take that away from him. Immediately îwa men îook their places beside hlm, and began asking him questions about the trial. Witb an empîy sîomacb. and only a dry smoke. it was a comforî for bim ta argue. Then the resî folowed and chustercd like wasps about him. -"Are you better ihan the judge ? -If George Williams didn'î do il, wbo d id ?" "Wc'll make you pay for il, by! "l'Il bei he wan'î hold ouI long." Hold out," cricd Wortbely. " l'Il bald ouI until the hast moîhers son of you gives in." Then he shut bis mouîb and îurned bis hcad ta, the wahl. -"-You sban'î 'sleep. until you 'corne around. Wc'll sec how you like that." The- forman shook bis fisr.s in the dis- senier's face. Then tbe blacksmiîh regisîered a martal vow that if ever he gai out be would heave a mark upori the foremans rcd nase. But he answered noîbing. He closed bis eyes. The State does not fui-nisb beds for dividcd juries. They sleep on their chairs or on the floor, if at ail. Wil- took possession of him. With one sweep o! bis brawny aini he would smash the whole' jury and'escape ta his own home. Then be tightcned hic fingers iuta bis coat andl inwardly cure- cd his tornientors. It was morning and then night of the third 4ay. h had neyer.o"c-curred ta the foremanof the juryto senil wçrd to the sheriff that the jury could flot agree. He feit that this wus the batýie of his life, and. al -tc tenacity that the terrier'exhibits wiith'.the muskrai came o it insgnii at fariner., The jury was uttefly exhausted, A reay men whispercd here andi thére of capitulation, and if itý ha4 net btwi for the mortgagcs that the, fa#mer, beld upon their homeg. they %'-,ould 'bave openly gene overt 1t the blacketb.' Ther c v*i îen hb4itkeiirto âà atched TME S8ECRET TLI Why South Anierican Nervîne Neyer Fails to Cure. Nervous Prostration arnd Dys- pepsia Lose their Ter- rors Under Its In- fluence. IT MUST CURE. CannaI Do Anything Else. The secret of the wonderfnlly sucoese- fui recul ts that folhow t.he use of South American Nervine 15 to be foond in the fat tbat ibis wxedicine operates directly, imrnediately aud distinctively on the rierve centres of the system. Other medicines, becanseof o! ore stimulating elemenîthey posses9, wilh samnetimere give tcmporary relie!, but South Amern- can Ner'vinc ual alone acte even more speedily on the sysuem tbau perhaps auy ather medicine, but it acte lasîingîy. Science bas proven, beyond eny pet-ad' venture, that the lîfe fluid finde ite enigin in these nerve centres. Indigestion, ner- vou8nes, a debiliîated constitution, ir onîy trifled with when the medicine used gives but passing cause for satisfaction. This le never tie c-toe with South Amen-. can Nervine It eau be connted an evpry time to perform au effective cure. Fo d only by J. E. Wîilà , Whîtby. 0u antfaotiiriig Illterests. Wbat a BHamilton Manufactu~S Han tOSMW. Ep. Jima. pmyIey ap.ake Ifox the public gxod THE PROPER POL!CY' Our representatlve interviewsd 1Mr. James Brayley. of Hamilton,. et his office, 58 King William Street. 1fr. Brayiey la en nerprislng business man, and ans of HlamlItau's foremest mannUactnrem s. tgo<4s, BaddlerY hard- ware. punches, dies, etc., are knowu f rou Bisliax ta Vancouver, and stand vcry high Ln the estimation ai the irede. Mr. Brayleysnid: "For jean I have b00n. tronbffed itI igravel and weakness af the kldneys. I1lied to stand up and clencb iy teelli vhenu rinatlng, so intense vas thecPain. Thé pains around my loins vhere ahnoi ntalerabls, and I fetst hougli e et voe bcln Pufl" dowu my back by the hind legs. *1 vownt tram bad ta varse 1111 at lasi I could ual urinate et a&U, and bad la be opratîed an. 1 h"d no ccnfldenoe in anything. and made np îny mind ta miffer torture ta my dying day. Reading the testlxnony publinhed by Uic Doan K4in y PuIs Ca..Isaasilarcascto myovn. and, bcing in constant agony, decided la givt thcm a triai, sud Lot a box af the pRUs tram gpacknîans drng stoiestaI Ihcorner of Market Square. Il did me no good, no I gai another, and another, until I ba" taken four boxes, and vas about givlng op when relief came. I continn.d ta tae them 1111 l b. pain 1.11 my back. and I amn nov as limber as an «sL Inalsdaof tollng up a dosen limes a niglit 1 neer gel z, more than once nov. The urine la nov peril"y clsar and has no sedimunt of amy kinci. Agitation lu th. vorld ai homoepatbie uzei cs basbeen ' ,ve sul af pragres, a. in polluies sudiraei-h. dlfficult.ies of opinion aud tb. ludividuality of mou have been parent te flic di areen"s by vblch the standard af ics bodies have been elcvatod. Se vitb 'noot of oui famoua prcparations-forcmost in ilustration of vbîch trthsanda tichenrd- farnous remcdy te geuerel debiity and langoui "Quinine Wn,"-and whleb when chIais- able in Ia gRenulue stfflgtbtL 1 fracbouq cieto of pps ,evilaity adtims sut, te 1i gesa ertilht7 ai the ayslcmn. Quinn WWe nesd, lia improvemuent. bas, frein tic final. disoovM ofaithe gieui virtués of Qà inne. ms a medicul agentbems ancof lie most lier- oughy dIMod -MW»ever offered te tii. oîaghl I: i. eue oftthe gsvat taules snd tfs-. giving stimulant W"citbc mcd di ewfaon 1ae80e campefledieresogeaîied promnbe. mou"n. Neebr*p & Lyman, outoronte, have gives la the, proparai of cf beir pianrs p WIac thesËïeat cae due lt, lu«potmsé,su the utidard seéiffee et tii tcl ho tbc: ofer tu tic pombi oires loto thé maket pm bd oc l t l e de ,ets v le i uk lful b l rv a ticsanti Oienlfo opinion b, u s ont l druggiuiusshl 1. Al Roblu o f IDorcier. NIf in, le om to. 8gwtm Au'Wq , eley. el biBootli1u Opuide ut mal t fawetimouiou ,lip. guma , ný JP amy maet ilici wlt titodds ln Jour lav rby lii. bup f&osnrï aislam. là m h l Brooklin. Office heurs 9. e. M. ta Il a.rn. Office habou l 1amx le 2 pm. ,;-Privai' Te1ePkOm2e COmmunflStitOn D). P. ]BOGART, DLD5 Physicea, surgeon and Accoucher etc. office end Besidendie next t.o Al âsint's Church, Dundas Strcet, WhîtbY. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail ils branches prem]ptly attendcd ta. Dr. H. Wightman DENTJS T. Ovor Gross & GraDger's. Whitby. 9ý-Open evcry Satnrday vight. ±tlî£titan tOUn W. B. Y ARNOLD, D. L. S.. Oounty Survoyer aud Drainage Engineer, Port p erry, Ont. A. A POST, &rehiteat, lte vith Langley, Langlcy& Burke, Toronto. Desigus for Churches, Villas aud Cottages e specialty. Dravings prepared for remodelinz exist.iug structures. Uffie-Firit fiat over W. B. Haowse's drng stare.s.-P O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, liBE MARNE, WBITEI. Haviug movcd imb aur uev premises, ve are pre ?ared ta exteud the range ai business. Ail voa pertainiu5 to the harnes-inaking end saddlcry buminess viIl be donc ta satis- faction. Collera a speaiahby. CahI aud ase .n mlshop aud stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door veut ai aid shop. Duadas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 0F- _90 Ail ordens or information can b. obtaincd (nom JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Strt, hty opposite M. A. C. Wi- Whitby, Apnil 4tb, 1894. Wtjîtbg (II4ridt, Imt&blished 1816.. SI pcv sanui lu sd'vmue, oibetwws $1.50 Sub sou i~lwok7e Payable ai the offo.e o peîue&ou. Te publishev do uoi undertake i. deliver lhe paper ai repu"eedUruuintflbSon as a maumeroe oou«Y.âdvtb*g-»esUulessby ses tract, 10 cenia per lUns, nouparlelpbiL»lu- s.rtiu adi ccxiiiper liste ceh subis. qUeni insertion Lmwcale 0cents Pe« lune. §W"MJ changs for yearly advcntlsun*i M'nuet be breughit iun nt Isterthen Tucsday HNNDUESON h GRABlE. * p~. JOHN STÂNTQN, Fors~iaz. Raiwaey TMme Table GlAND TEDEX ND MIDLJAN aAis 5!WAID. ~ ,, 4a~ .~.-. «I~ fTe'»yso vo'LtNEy O NrKO19 M. -lý ]Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. CommerciIl men libcrally de&ait vith Toaming donc st resanable pices. Freigit and Baggagc hauled et reason- abhepriccs. A cal solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manuacturera' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. L.argeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Co. on the continent. Ninety per ceut. a sil acciumulationDs ot surplua is returned to the policy holders. Ail clair.. are peid vithoul delay or discount on proof uf deeth or maturity ef cudovinent PcFb. lot, 98. Adgent, Whutby, DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge k3t. Toronto, Fan the. next three mentis I am gvug special attention ta patients lrom a dis.ý tanee. Arn stili maki.ngplates 'in nimbber, f8, cc11ll'bad $10. Gid and silver fum vork coowning by firt-claas aperator a the mont reasonable raies in telic ità Whou in theC ciy caliin sud 1letmrue on- lue your ieith. I1anake no extra changU C. Il RIGGS, Denti, senti casteme Kiug sud Yonge Ste., Taranto. Nov. 81182. wu H. WARNER-l DEÂLERIN LATl LUMERP GOIDWOOD# BLaIS, ETCI AGENT For the PiOPLE' COAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East1 'Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25tb, 18M4. A8K TOUR STATIONER -Fr- j éif in a fearful condition. flumber of yearsbefoi-e ibis a suY'fferer froin dyspepsia, in*.Pte lagrippe ik îook a fo,,andti teadd ta nay liTer appeareti fot te peifc fliunctÎons, andi my heart gfealy,, anýd there werc a cOmplicaions which baffied fouriloctors wbom I suce -d ihii,.lu the hope o!fi-t 4èbh. From the knee leis were as coud as ice; lvuld bloat and LI suffereil - y c a s e w e nt fr e in b a d ti Sp"4 thé mnedical treatment letgo,,iug, and at luet I1got s on t Bt JUR a. T*IICELL ce.t. Banilsier s iity Orr-mCwu lm Oounty Aoliý- o o icc e@tb Moe Court souse, Wbitby. Barrisier, ece. Offce fomerty oecuplad by areehli~Butedg, ent BQYS1l otcI, Brock 8t., WhltbY. DAVID ORIMI-STON, B. A., Â&ttorney-at-LeW, Sohîctor in OhsnceTY Cenvoyance?, etc. O)ffice -'lu thc Office south af tie Post Office, ilu McMih&' Block, Brock Street, Whltby. 6. yOUN4G SMITH- LL. B30, Barrister, etc. ,-Money ta Loan, Ismier af Marriage Liceuscfl. Office - Smth'@ Block, Southx af Market, B- ock St., Whitby. DOW & M«c(ILLIVIIAYp Berristers, Solicitors in Chencery, etc. Office ini Mathison & Hawken'Ef new block Break St,, Whitby, sounth ai OntBrio benk. £Utbiccd. ------ Drs. Warren &~ Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Jan.. Si: Yb.3;,March 3; April 2C]& 2 ilune ;WluY 1 Sep 2; oct. 2 Dec. 2. oSUÂW-D. C. Ma.odonell, Whftby, Cluk; J.n.,4; Pcb' 4; MarCh 4; A prîl 8; )J&14! June 3; JUlY b; SOP. 8; Out. 8; Nov. 1. Dec. 8. Buoneuil - X. Gleeson, Greenwýo (lerk.-Jau 6; Msroh 6; May 5; Julîy 9; Sep. 4; N ov.- 6. FORT PEURT - J. W. Burnhai, p,,t. PeMr, Clerk-JanL 29; Mardi 9;«May 1.M; July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UIBuxx'os-JosePh E. Gould, I'Xblidge, Clerk-Jan. 30; March 24; May i9th; jnly 14; Oct 14 ; L>ec. 16. CÂA4NIiiTOX-Geor'ge Smith, Cannilgto Jan. 31; Ma.rch 2b; May 20; July j.) Oct, 15; Deo. 17. IBEAVERor-Geo. F'. Bruce, Beavertonu Cek-Merci 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. IJpT7ZRO0ROVE-F J Gillespie, lpt.ergrove Cierk,-Madki 27; May 22;- IuIy 17 ; oct. 17! Dec 19. By order, J. E.FAREWE-LL, October 7th 189-5. CekotePae New Livery and Sale Stabile Ayer' S "1 would lîke to add tbat of others who ha lus, and to say tiai I -h lîr-many years. and a],,% best resuits f rom theiu For Stomnac and Bver troubles. and licadache caused by ihe.. Aycr'S I>lls caniiùt he my frlends ask me we remcedy for dlisorders of i Li ye r, o r B o xuy Invariable answeri Taken in sea4oîi iley x cold, prevent la grippe.r regulate the dîî.'stive or~ easy ta Lake, and Aolre nýthe best ail-round famlly niedîcîn known.",-M'rs. MAY Joli Ave., New York City. AVER'S P HIgI%et Awards ntW A repOs Sae'aapartllaf A NEW LEASE HOW A CUNIBFRL'\MAN OBTAl\L A Sufferer frorn-Acute [ Complication o! Tro, ing an Atî.ack of Lî was Forced ta <2u1t Hopeîessîv f)î'sca ura.c Fi-rn bhe Amherst, N'.S.. Mi-r. Chas. Tueker, wh two miles fi-rn Lackport. best known men in tkrat is engaged in business packer, and dealer in fi and in addition has a fine ing tic past îhree vears has been an almost Cons being_ tic vicîirnof a cn:' troubles following a sex cri grippe. Recently he hast ta, bis ohd time health '-Iearned that he gave tht' ta Dr. Wilîiarn's Pink 1d whicb so muci baq been the pre"s, a reporter inte- Ii the matter, and was che bis suai-y for publication. said :-' About for years Severe attack of la grîpp %-JMMUA qrlw