VOL. XXXX. WHITBY, ONTAIR1O, FWDAY, MAY 29, 1896. I OBKAWA. ALLIN'S~ \~ Store* Fresh A rriva/s: Pure Insect Powder, Pure Hellebore, Pure Paris Green.- CHEMISI & DRUGGIST, COR. BROCK & DI\I)AS STS. WHITBY) - ONTARIO.l dy, seil- You are IV. ýIer, Hou8e-cleaning time 18 here. ford. f 1I)srk w-ere thecocuntenances ef thc foet %Ve have a larger sud better asseried stock ball boys Menday merning wben they of window shades this season than we awakened sud 5w te sky ail ciouded ovei. bave ever shown before, frein45C up, They got stili darker wben the ramn began We use the besi baud painued opaque te tali te the ground. But in a few heurs shade cleîh, with Harishorn's spring tbey began to brighten and ceutinued deing relIer. so ail day and about S. 3e in the evcning a AIse a fine varieîy et cornice poles. inernier lot et beys would have been bard te Ask o se ourlatst syle f widowflndifr they then knew tbey were entireiy scren, o it nywidos tyle . ec. ut etfdebt. The football matches began qt scîcnste it ny indo, a 3e. ech. o'cîock sharp, sud lssted for neaîly six O)ur baby carniages are al et the latest de- heurs. The Highlaud Creek team won the 'rîgns. finit cup. Thcy had te deoterne bard pLay- î,ive us a cal befone purchasing elsewhere. ing in erder te do se as their epponents, the1 We are akîng special pains te combine Riversides, are a tard teain te fight agaînst. elegance wîth econerny ru puice and The Town Line beys were te wiuners et general uîiîity. the secon dcup. T bey aise bad to do some veîy finep laying te coeeout successtul. Oui stock is comuplete in Heuse Furnishings. Se veral et h er geod ueams were also pies- We invite buyers te cerne and sec us. eut, but as they wcrc net as successtul as ht wilI save rnoney. the twe meuîioned sud for want et space sud time will omit their naines at preseut. Leading Undertaker, - The ether gainessud sports were sstisfac- __ terily msanagcd by Messrs. Law sud John- - j J H SO )sien. Several etfttce rizes toi thc races, etc., wcre carried awayEythc Tow~n Line BROOK ST., 'WHITBY. boys. Thc Ciaremeut baud turnished very choice music during the day. The concert in the evening wls a grand succesa in every Established 1849. way. At 8.,,the'school bouse was crewded te the doors. Mr. M Gleeson then toek the chair sud called the audience te eider. Ttecfirsi was a recitatien by Mis Eddy et Claremout. Then a selection by ttc baud. Mi. D MeGaffan et Toronte, then tavored us ýfij leamwitb a choice comie soug. Next a îeadiug by W G Ward et Gîecnwood ; Mi sud Mis Grahain et Claremeut then gave a good Maibl andvocal duet, tollewed by a select recitatien Marbien r ndMssMand ee a voied us with a comic duet - then the White Glandet Woîks; sud Lynde orchestra serte lively mnusic. MIr McGaffen bere gave another soug aftcr wbicb a few minutes intermnission was Dundas St., given, sud the cups were then given te ttc captains of the winniug teains. The Brook- lin Dîamatic Club gave their farce sud kepi Y. the audience lu a rosi et iaughteî for about W H 1 B Y@haIt au heur. Mi-, Eddy sud i sud Miss _________________MadilI gave another selection cach. Owing -- ~ te the isteneset the hnur the baud thexi Ch s Ml S EJ m iti, played God Lave the Queen. We tben plodded oui way home îbrough mud sud (Formcily Woltenden Weîks.) lm- water, well pleased witb tte day's sport. nn.ter %ind Dele r i MARRI i AN i) GRANITEi MONUMENTS, Etc.,eo the istest material sud de'sgms Al kînds et Cemetery woîk. Oui woik guarauteed. 2re-SEND FOR DESIGN-.S ANSD PîîCEs. TOWN LINE Mis. T. Padgesm visised fîicuds at Columnbus the 24th. Miss Latrie TruIl spens Sunday sud Monday iu the city. Geo. sud Ida 1-ec drove me Manchester te PRINCE ALEENMT. Miss Ida Peat is -home frein the city ; aise Mliss P. White. Mr. Stewart Bruce was down frein the city on Mouday se see bis ibter and fnends. Mr. H. Kenner wbeeled freon Pelerboro, for the 24th; aise Mr. Fred Camnpbell wteeled frein the city. Miss Aiznes Boynten wus home for the 24tb. We were very pleased te sS ber. Came agaiu Aggie and make a longer stay. Mr. GeorRe Boud's bot bouses are ful cf beauitiful flowers. which a great many peopie visit. te buv and view. His garden plants are excellent aIse. The respected and mucit esteemed Mr. M. Campbell and bis yenug son. of British Columu- bia, is vsitiug bis parents who are everjeyed to see hum. He was aise welcomely received by mny triends. We wish seme et the Port Perrylmes would stay at borne in tbe evenings and net cerne up here and wear eut our sidewalks leading te Manchester. If tbey wiab te yell and carry on their rowdyism Ici thein go back te tbe swamps and net dis tuîb oui peaceful little village. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS# CEBeNIcLE CoanzsomDENCz. COURETicEc. The practice trne for tbe big Ebenezer anti- versary is at baud. aud îeacébers aud scholars are at work with a will te make this eue excel ts predecessors. We understand ibat -Mr. A. F. Rundie, who bas represented the McLaughlmn Carniage Ce. for some ime se successfully, bas decided seen te take up bis future abode iu the demnains of Uncle Samn. On Saturday of lasi week oui local sports re- cejved a fniendly visit froin the Bowmanville Gise Club, sud somne good sports aise froni Oreno sud Newcastle. We hope te again bu favored witb another visit wben anomber treudly shoot may bu engaged iu. Tbe beautifal rain et Mouday washed off the dust that bad seîled on the grass sud surround- ing objects. brigbsened nature sud added a pleased look ta tbe farmers lace. Travelers were truly tankful me find the dust settied sud the country air invigoratzng. GREENWOOD. The 24th is past and gene fôrever, if net forgotte n. Mr. D. McGaffan ef Toron'o, spent the early pari ef the week witb his friend, Mr. JShae. The foot bail team is going te Pickering to-night, Friday, te play a friendly game with the college boys on the college grounds. Visitors ever Suuday sud bMonday. The Misses Teefy, Miss Gee, Mr.. Hodgs on, Miss Madden, Messrs. Staner. Grills, Hoar sud Ryau, of Torento, Miss K Madden ef Wbit- Oy, -Aa'1-exl-essî.riîsas us anl.- Miss Bray was beme for the holidays. Henry Bee's smiling tace was seen here again. Mms W. H. Bray spent Saturday Iast in the Mms Chapinan spent two days iu Oshawa recently. Mis. Lynde spent s.4îh ai ber sister's in Cherrywood. Miss Chuistena Bell is berne frein Toronto for the summeT. Miss Stevens, cf Teronto,, s visiting here ai Pleasani Valley. ht secins Mi. Newton bad au article last week rrmcising eur remnarks of a week or twe ago. We are net geîng te argue with bîm, as we are uer such a finm believer lu newspapcr wrangliug as be is. Suffice is te say. iu ail justice se the ene he aimed as, thai bis desciption of the cor- respondent was sadly off. We do net answei me that description. The edimer of the Gazette calls oui jettinge squeaks, but we notice be ofien condenses the uqucaks frein ibis journal ie b is items as if frein bis reculai correspondent. S«) bis estimable weekly is sirnply a combination of squeaks. GREENBANK. Mi sud Mis Alex Lee wcre visitiug their triends ai Canibry isst wcek. Maggie McMillau is tome from Toronte, sud Annie Perkins frein Orilia. James Ewiu get a bad staking up last week by bis herse îunning awsy. Duiing ttc utundcrsterm ou Monday nightt igbunîug struck ttc bain et Mr W Mark, but dîd ne dainage et auy acceunt. Oui beys had a friendly game et football with ttc Saintfieid kickers ou ttc 25th, but as neither side get a goal it is yci uudecided wtict is the best ieam. W Taylor, whe bas been woîkiug ou a new raiiway back nert, is home again. He was not very favorabiy impressed wi&h the country or ttc woîk, sud especialiy witb tbc psy. Visiters : Mis A Leask, Cauniugton, Mis. S and Miss Ells Bycra., Gamebnîdge;- John McLean sud Miss Coakwell, Columbus ; W Lcedingtam sud daughter, Myrile- James Davidson, Ashburu ; Mi sud C 'McLean, Son ya. There tas been cousiderabie in ttc way et flttiug lately. MT Averatit as moved iuto thc Harriugton bouse near ttecocrner, Mi Aleuzo Wood tas îemeved te Orono, Wil- liam Love tas moved te tte bouse lately oc- cupied by Mi Cross, sud William Burton tas startcd bousckeeping in te bouse vacaîed by Mi. Love.1 Ttc pieshyterian Sunday sctool suniver- sary ou ttc a4tt sud 25tt was a success in eveîy respect. Ou Suudav te ctuîct was crowded in ttc afteruoon sud evcnug, wtcn tte Rev. j McEwau et Toronto, de- livered mosi excellent discourses. At ttc tes on Mouday the attezidance wras also large ttc building bciug again crowded. At ttc concert in ttc evening ttc speakers were Rev McEwau, NMcKay sud Leitct, but ttc chiet attractien was tise splendid music given by ttc Prince Albert mettodisi choir, ttc soles sud duetts by jas Balfour, Mrs Herd sud NMiss Hays being especially fine. Ttc preceeds amounied te over $80. IMOOKIN. The bounriful showeî et Monday made gîad Mr. Eber Thornas, et Canuingteu, visited the heaits ef the lainiers. 1 triends here lisuweek.1 Si Miss Kasie Pumian bas becu spendiug a week wi th ber auns. Mrs. Sylvester Mackey. W 1W Fred Davey received the prize for te haîf To get gel rid et his stock et goods.1 mile foot race as Grcenweod ou Mouday. Thats wby ttey anc aîways busy. That S. T. Keinptbern took exercise on bis wbeel shows the people know where the ttc x4tb, sud callcd ou relatives lu Toronto. BARGAINS are. On Levi Mackey. who let hobee iis spring te ~~jg seck empîeymncnt iu Uncle Sains demains, has aturaaym 2 th secuîed a situation ou a large shecp ranch in Montana. we seli New Dieus Gooda: M s. (Recv. ) Thonsa 1. Smith, et Lions H eadI, 27-mn. Tweed Effects 7C., reg i25lc. Bruce Ce., sud ber brother, Mi. W. D. Dyci. 4o-in. Mohairs Checks 25c., reg. 40C. BS.A., of Columbus, Ont., were guests of Mi. Mns. FE Milîs bas been visitiug with merm- bers et her family residiug iu Toronto. A phonographic concert is te be giveu'in time ransic hall next Thuîsday eveniug, J une 4tb. Mi John Macpherson, et Woodvilie, was lu town ou Friday iasusud called ou a tew ot tis triends. Rev. J. Whiiemsu, of Port Perry, wili pneacb lu the piesbyterian churct, tere, nexi Sunday aternoon. Mies Dickiow, principal et Moulton Coi- lege, Torento, bas been visiting ai Hon. 44-in. Lusters 5oc, reg 75c. andu M~rsA r.Wet MSueX ryaens fria iew Uys. 44-in. Luster & checks Soc, reg 75. Mrs. Gideon Wilson, lermerly ef this neigb- Miss Dryden attended the Baptist Wo- ,44-in. Fancy 50c, reg 75C. borbeod. was calling on old acquaintancesin men's Home and Foreign Missionary se- 27-in. Black do. 25C, reg 40C. company with ber sister, prior to their departure cleties' convention ai Chatham last week. 4-in. Serge 20c, reg 30c. for Montana. U.S., where they expect te join The Liberals have rented the front part 44in. Black Brocades 35c, reg 5ec. their brother.ofteldpsofieblinad l mt 44-in. Black Serges 25C, reg 35C. Mt. Chas. Neale, manager *of the Colman, c the ol posi office uildengofdthelI me 46:in. Black Henriettas, silk finish, 55c, Hamilton Ce., of Toronto, accosnpanied b h b there g ulrytlniecls ftec.t reg 70C. son. Master Rosa, visited his parents, d Mr. gnd Black and Fancy Crepons and Pongees, Mrs. Neale, of the Hayden tarin. Ansong the holiday visitors were the fol- 12 j Ct5. Our îown liue foot bail boys came home fro lowing :-Miss Lyle, BowmanviUle; Mr. and' Greenwood the 25th bringing with thein the sil- Mrs. A. E. Manning, and Mrs. Geo. Roberts, D EC IAL -:_Echmpons A) yg t e ar a nfvrben Somet. zufve embers of the OshaWa Ladies' Blouse Waists 25c, reg 65 cts. a large crowd gatbered te se the contest. bicycle club wheeled otthere lastThurs- Real Brussels Carpet at 45c, reg 75 cts. Our congregatien was rather small on Sunday day evening ..Afier a short rest at te Feit Hats for men and boys froin 25C Up on account cf many a ùending the Sons cf Eng- Sebert bouse they returned home l Straws lor men, women aud chitdren. land service wbicb was held Iu AUi 5s' cburch. Whitby. Ail were deighted with the able address deliver- During the thander storni ou MoSday ed on tisat occasion by the Rev. Mr. Broughal. evening four cattle belong' gwte rBrno flD DUM i seemna very unfortunate thatte townshlp were killed by ligtniug.&OThe y.were In the Y uD rrnuMENT la conventions of Pickering sud Whhtby sbould roadside near Mr Wm JWbitep 6, 00 the 7tU1 ____________boté be itel on te samne day, as cur school ta con. Ou ttc adîoing sideroad two sheip, Laie' rinmdHas ro $.o p pdy frein Wbitby and portly from FPlketing, It supposed -go -bol. 'pgr of Mr R Crummer spi Lade'Thimed asfrm$.o p was teintention to lte iu bot.as h r.la oe ftock, were kllUed Lais mrrred Walking Hats at wlg eee u oueu tcohe ehoe-Thet e ét ubicun fêè'thisvlaeI Ladies' Trim h~owever. that titis may be avoded nam yesr. cnecin wth h'jêJ-"érffoý Visitais asnong us for teq eia t e M['fol m-. , wilbeheld Wle$ aotëýbU hé iOCERIES BOOMING. lw Mi lbamcGregca»41»i Tou ON SATURDAY Eddy's matches 8 cts 'à o~Bl5iwt isputjme I. bê1a box. N. P .Soap, botter than lvory McGIOe, f oont, tSeter honzes .b R e c Sngt Crow sud T Pattrsu, é rD11a _i 4c. Ri Sage'4C. Fine Raisins oà e. ,5c. Case Curabts 5c. Salmn c O cs. I Caned Corn 7é, Tomatfi 84 4 Ibie.l IPW teongI55l"' _P Wahn o*~.Frut Vinegar 25c. - 4 XXX WIke Wlue5c, reg-ets W*bse~M X nalfeuolo SPECIAL-Seediesa Raspbery jan4CU 12jc; fine, Ceylc B UTT4W , AND 1 Il were grestly interested in the very eaddress. The singlng was lu keepin, h the subjeci ef the discourue an d in- led the National Anthem, which was ig with more iban usual teartiness. ecai services efthis kind have been oc- âonaily held in sorne ef the larger centres JI ain glad that we, iu Brooklin, are net be behind the rest. Let us have stili re patriotisin-in churches, sehools etc., d we whli be better men and women for Ttc experiment muade last yesr, et having au eanly closing on twe nights ef the week, worked se successfuhly sud saîisfactonily te hott tte fims who inaugurated the inove- 'n'en ansd t their custorners, that this year earl. closiug will ha general. The uew or- deri etiigs gees into effect on Jute ist sud after that date aIl places et business will close on Tuesday and Tbursday evcniugs ai 7 'dclck, sharp. The rnercbauts..aud trades- mnuand iheir assistante, who are specially intcîesied lu having the early closing, rely ou their friends-the public-to de ibeir partý b either doing business carlier on the ays or ele leaving it over tilt the fol- lewing day. Ttc Royal Templars are being congratu- lated ou al ides fer the excellent ententain- mrnt given by thern lIs Friday evening. Theattendance wss good sud the program- me *as et such a character thai ail enjoyed lu. Thec irai part cousisted of music by the Whitby orchestra, choruses by the R.T. et T. *te club, sud recitatiens by Miss Vates, et Wiuby, sud a solo by Mr. Geo. Wilson. AIl dic perf- ruers were in good tormisud did ÃŽheir sel#.cions fuli justice. The draina, "Out in the Street," occupied the lasi heur sud s quarter sud was presented sîrnosi faultlessly, if we may judge fron thlé univel- salexpesionofapproval with wbicb lu was reeeived sud tbe many geod ubingb that bave been said et it since. There was net a hitch in any et the arrangementb for the différent scenes, uer a break iu the dialogue frein start te finish. The orchestra filed lu tbe waits between te scenes, whicb were ,rnuch shorter than is usual iu amateur per- formances. Tte sale et tickets brougtt in a little over $i8, but as la always ttc case in getting Up a geod entertainmnt ubere was considerable expeuse, sud the net receipis Iwill be considerably less uhan ibis. Wc clip ttc teiiowing trom ttc Winnipeg Tribune :-St. Mary's chuîct was thc scene et s veîy pîcîty wcdding te day, wten Mi. John O'Day, oftthe Winnipeg office of ttc Singer Manutactuning Ce., was unuted in the bonds ot matrimony te Miss Anistasia O'Brien, sisten et Mrp, Jos. Carey. Ttc ceremony was pertormed by Rcv. Fatter Guillett, assisted by Rev. Fater McCartty. The bride was given away by Mi. Carey, and assisied by Miss Annie O'Day, sister et ttc groom, sud ttc groom was supported by Mi. M. Gallagher. The bride ioeked beauuitul in s handsome bridai dress of creain, witt veil trimxned witt orange blos- sema, sund carrying s boquet et roses. Miss O'Day aise ilooked vcry pretty iu a gowrn of cream, witt eilk sud pearl trimmings, and large white lace bat. Ttc Misses Carey were ivo very pretiy maids of hcuor. Afteî thqý ceremeny, wtict was witnessed by a lamec nUmbcr et the triends ef tise contract- lrtejtSrties, the wedding gsei dreve tthe rerIddence et Mr. jos. Carey, Donald street, wtcre a sumptueus wedding breakfast wams servcd, follewed by a number et toasta to tce bride sud groom. Thse tappy couple were ten driven te ttc Nortiseru Pacii station sud toek ttc train for ttc soutis whcîe they wili ha absent about a fertuight ou teir toeymoon tnp.Rcturning they wili take up their resideuce etn dmonton street, sud will ha tollowed te their new tome by ttc good wishes et a large circle ef friends bot in this sud etter provinces. Ttc preseuta efthtie bride were numerons snd costly. Businees DtwooSy. GUY &t Co., grain buyem. BEÂLL, E. - Isaner cf IMarriage Idies».. Reaidence opposite Town Hall, BrookiUn. W A MONEELT, D V S-Graduasecf taie Ou tarie Vesrlnary College, Toronto; Honemr meniber et thse Ontarioo Medicai BocietY Treas aail dieae.of te domemtlcate animaI by tise mnout appioved metisod AI& partieulai attention to surgical eperatom and dentl.try. Day or ulghti csihe poniptl: stauded te Office sud reeidence Brooklhi Ontaxie. - B. Duncan, rnerctsui taller, tas secuire ttc ageucy for ttc Oshawa Steant Lauudry Lauudry wilil eave btis shop on Titursdal mrnnnng, sud will ha retunned on Saturday Ail work guaranteed satistacteny. Hastiugi & Manners, Oshawa Sieamn Laundry.--22-tf e' OUR STOCK 0F DIST]NCTLY audi abi- witl ducd suni Spe casil and molr 'and NO* Continued from page & Y.1 S UMMER GOODS1 is noir complete. Big variety in, STRAW HAIS, for men u c women, boydan sd girls. Alooc Flow- ers, Ribbons< etc., -for trimminga. FOR THE LAOr-Msi erpons,] Lawns, Prmtu, Lace Trimininge, Lace Mit$, Gloires, etc. FOR THE GENTL]MEN. gl IVes, Summer Suitigeansd-Costiugs,2 Colored sud White Shirts, Cotto n dI Balbriggau Underwear, etc. BOOTS AN») $EOES-Both bl'o" aMd- tan, -fer a id ffre t ro Iu than ever. ]PARÂSOL$ st 45c. 7,?5.,1 QuiSe a'nimber of the young pqleveut, te Oshawa ou Mouday and goýt thé be-nefit of teenucpming to4nc.- Mr. Arcis Wcir had ttcusfQrtuue t taft ivo ef hi& test liorees kflleg by-tIxe cars onl ttc new roafi crcssiug ou- Mouday lut. ,. EZverycue rejclced aStt beautifol shWw crs we tad onu MoU4ay as te gruand pasture were sunfrlg &vaut oftamms hir. IL Marilm asacçeptesi4 theolct fiet li4pecter à on ýcagog, lake , Àsud ~ at±endlng tt si&du4es. 15 it ini lWôt'ýo4 for te*ne te finds brus ingthe 1S, - mtf- Xss id aT ve~ AUDLECY. 0.00 6 )o. ýtore> aie YCL ESW CITY,- )6. 1 Cornet neAtest 'best another ack or 4, NE GR 1 -- 1 ý 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 WICJIL 1 Mr. jeu. Stone, Wick. teck lu a car load of C Crowley spent Sunday lu Port AIope. egttle and sbeep last week. Died-On Meuday the 25tit inst., the infant Church union is ne: dead, but sleeping. ctild cf Mr. and Mrs. Ludwi*~ Lownsberough. Mrs. Haight was in Oilla ever Suuday. Mr. 1. Lapatumikffi, et Valentine, utakes a The bikes and wstering carte teck a reet:ý weekly visit witb bis peddling waggen te ibis yesterday. place. Mrs Paquette, cf Whitby, la visiting with- No demoustration was teld here ou the 24tt relatives. osf May but some et our people atiended the A deputaticu cf True Blues were in tows<1 entertaiumeut ait Greenbmnk. on Monday te arrange for a demonstratiou Soune fat catile are stili unsold litis part et ai the park on August ioth. the country. Buyers are pientiful but tbe 5up- The towu aud vicinity was thricebleused pîjeof cattie seins te exceeti the demsud. en Mcnday. There was a holiday, a fine- Avery severe thundet sterin passed eser bere rain, and a days enjoyrnut. on Mondlay nigbt. It lasted about two heurs duriug whicb the lightniug was almost continu- Rev D M McCarnus sud Mrs McCamus eus. We bave beard of nu damzage being doue were here Wednesday, aud timong otiter by it. tbings teck s jaunt to tte lake by raiL Rev. Mr. McEwsu, ef Toronto, prracited tare It is stated that each cf the, local iodges of~ on Suuday morning sud administered the erdin- Oddfellows cleaired $12.5 Ont ýofthe celebira- ance of baptiain. No service was beld ite in tien Martday, -wbile $3e0 fell into Mgr. Ede the evening on accunt cf the Greenbauk enter- rnonson'a initten. taiument. Rev j Whitleck, Port Perr, preached for A good many frein here were dean sud the Metcalfe- St. mnettodiat ctch on Sun- asszsed in the raisiug of Mr. las Gratam's bain dey, sud Rev. j S Clarke in tte Simcot.-St. on Tuesday. The building was raised early, citurchith tc ornlng. about six o'cleck, sud ne accident occurred ln Deputy Reeve W. J. Haire bas greatly izu.. connection îherewitt. preved bis property by putting a ucw plcket Seme twe weeks ago a man frein Vîornanten fence on thececrner iti place cf s rather old,,ý reuted the cerner store annouuced that he in- tight board fence. Mr. Haie now bts about tended to meve in ai once. He brougiti eue as fine a propcrty as there is cu ttc streetý Joad at the urne and bas brought none since se Messrs Coulhtard sud McGregor* met that evidenily he bas cbanged bis mind sud doces Meurs King sud Calder on ttc bille b. not inteud te coule. tween Oshawa sud Whitby on Tuesday, t»; Mr. John Haddeu bas gene on a first visit te consider plans for the layiug eut cf $800 oit Scotlsud, tbe berne of bis father. Mi. Hadden ttc tîlîs between Wbiby sud Oshawa." it combines business wilb pleasure by taking writ was decided te, seud ou Surveor Deans, him a car load of fine fat catîle et wthch te is an who is an expert in that clous et wor, sud. extensive breeder. His mnany firieuds bere unite the work wil be advertised by tender 0.2' iu wishing hlm a safe and prospereus voyage, bis p lui a few day.. A congregational meeting wxll be beld ou A sericus accident occurred on boà rd-thel Wednesday nigbt et this week te eensidei the schooner Oliver Mowat, wbicit was ancbozre«4, advsabiiy e mvxn t seds Am"eeting about hait a mile ouit rom tbe Port MO Ã-'i for ibis purpose was held soetime ago but wa. day. While weigtiug anctor towards eVeWttý Dot largely eneugb atteuded te warrant any ing ttc cop cf ttc amudiases alpped artd thë- action being taken, bence the neceasty for heavyaucltor lu tahhîng spuort te WidlU*-ý aucier eetng.around se rapidly that a chala.attached to W, Mr. Harvey, wbe unfertunately lest bis bouse sîruck a son of Cape Peacok, wth où&~ sud furuiture as well as his'twe uitile ctildreu la terce as te break eue tiansu erioushy ipjütîi' tise recent fire, bas meved up ie oMr. Leask'a tte lung, cauaiug coniderabe hemucrrh4 vacant beuse, rbe family was left eutlrely Th young inule at the port uudertfie caré destitute,, but ueigtbors have supplied tbru cf Dr. Beit sud la doiug weIl under the with furniture sud clethiug enough toencable cumstanceaL thein te commence bouse keeping again. Ostawa on te lake. Over $W0 bas been gattered tram différent sources te aid the Harvey family sud on 'Tues- Ttc firui cf June finds people. turun - d.my nigbi a meeting was held ai Blackwater to rea deal ef attention to Outarlo-Beach,à p4 cousider ttc best uses te make of ttc iney sa big seamon la Iooked for tere. On e~ After some discussion it was decided te, pay bisuesday we tecksatrip down there, ta n~ debis wtt a part of it and te leave ttc restutt lcesdindeu t iha.iüd>t the bauds ef a committee whlcb was appointed Ttc car left Trewln's titi St -.3-15 ,-4 * toit the purpose. with power toexpnd luit t eï stepped eut ai tte lake at 3.27. There Iii0 diacretion. been a big change lu thinge at sh Hewtru istt ol saingubt stan~ arber during the lasi three years, si c 1some uiscitief etii fer idle bauds te de. 1 havebeatebecckduasahrul p been mec busy for a few week te sud down suy t =en a day, or a wcek, or a -iGt news but during the past week I oeeday foumd pa ee miga t aroncy. 1fr.A. D HuW myseif ceinpelled mcait saine heurs sud wît-pateapakohlbacprevyw eutsuyernlotuet. inmdhmel tt deilwas formeriy a tract cf redbo a4 emed ito me and 1commence coucacusng wIc oek 7d i rold prcverb. tas beceme sôddd over, atin a Mesqmnîees have becu nnnsnav lly entiful this iall timt kof lue part. Mrdeay yoer sud unusually bad tempered. Thcy uer- a rstaran cflais1d sç mentyouaildaysuddesair overtakes yonu p dbotut nhtt aten you go te bcd sud ttc impisis usCta 1 Uzu 4vor>soem suait theiraryM. We have heard-mauy glois- ïihtee e acnir sing descriptions cf ttein lately but ouly venture trab o- ta repreduce eue. lulibis: 0< ail ttcdevhllat g as t tretiassvis, ? insects lunte wald the niosqurto is temm h5 el" t iiSSUUSd devilisteat. odw 1e3bteu ii n~ Wten M. Jos. Stoe ws delveing bis fat Gn rs rwige cu e n th vre catuhe ai Blackwater ou Ttursday oeeoe bis they corne ncxt wek or a- weik,-ï a tem became n'ad or se uninsuageable ttey Titere la reons for thouus a B. MS v could net get it te the station sud it W&S l sud it wîll he fully taxed'tit et. e wit thetc giatest difficnlty they get the animal tom, l i bad 1 sy ~m~it r.r ~ street railIway tas already ý 9 pened tad ttey not secured ttceassance cf a sumnmer service>'f cas, and la youtt wto we presume bas lamsoed stemrscouthe trips a day, commeuçlug aSst M -M plains of Manitoba sud wto was cf great m tg u saig top .Te tclittÉ te tem luninanaging tedaugeneus brute. cars make fut ie Où.'kla RAGLAN. hefi op town ait 3.,15 ~4-"ft'.>, Mr. Tom Pewester speut Sunday udci utaarti ec e à - ttc parental roof. 6eter laè9lcn Tcfae f$ Tte Messrs. Lyhe, cf Myrtie, speut thse *ithIg there Of 21 25th at Mr.- Harper's. beftobvs~wUt~u Tise sens of temperance intend lsaving a -way crop -up ôoup byoue. d pienic in the near futare. WihbeaâbisSo g ete aeri O Mr. Bd. Ccuch la now sec» ta smile - fbi ad te spetidthlr .venio, if b Swife prcseuted him- witt a boancing kbyto doue, wbiOSO ¶illi oy . bearaI.h1~ u pas W.A.H. 1 z