Whitby Chronicle, 29 May 1896, p. 3

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(Zorlate.th Egypitiand he Gein ahes Rman h candeinviorTeu- Great Refligmiosthe aeeigion ofW ahotyth 256,000 f- ooerScah- janîsmO Hn Bddisrnsthe rigiu (Zooaer of India, wheî t hs 190,00, theoantheopua reigaion ofrChina the taeweigin f i and the ont. tonc5Emir.s the ptereliingo t. h f Jpa îaaniS td Cevion. tis Y :ia and1i cred wt nweefo s s O 3X),oll >0 ollow rs, al .: ri ion2 6 oofroteprccay sr or tin >ersian anthe rei ia luthf Ini a i has bot 7000,- ,îiherents. Bulahmtasr out tecrn th ppand rligion ofChnaud the tat rigin CtOl The tante r ii re EmpieAysa and the eal ~lh f-in , hrs.abdout 47. >>O i<) credptedn. th Grek, he Reom CU ltP innin religionso noatrprciare therpa adat. e n ni The eclflêldisiles ()f tyUtiOfl.e Cremhtvears the rilcage of annual '-m.t c ftw~hen st uaP iv ii (rca-ing, r".(, ailwav \e.From nearlv l-' 'll( oft 1track laid in the won4- vcar iS the tt taIs> have gone C n t t hoisanît' and u nd remIs. un- t intuched the lowe'.t round for i . v vear'. hv adding orilv i miles t ur railvvav system. Bit i' does i t miean that the demand for riwv i, .arly supplied and ithatc( 5n-truetion iýý ontinue to decrease. ( in the con- i r.iry, there is roorn andl will bc necd !r additions far greater thian the entire itrtmileageutofthe cuntry. Wei 1 ,ve now somiethîng over i Si<s miles C roa d. To) equal Great Britain inlits r (.tACo raflway' mileage to square miles. ve .-hould have a total of 4m2. s s i miles t , qual the abundant siippl-v «f Ilînois wc must have 522,os C miles. while if .tu-.achuetts withlîits miles of railwau) cverv fouir square miles oft rerritorl'e the standtard, the V nited S:'tate'. wîll u<nulvcoast 772,(K>) miles of line>.. Au investmeflt of $0iOOO The are now about i So ux'l fac- uries n the V . havîng an aver- .kg( Ciapital of $ioo.('o'>. That rnakes C11 $1 ou0O. There is one tirn that 1)<' "s o0.i capital. and several thar. .1- well up in the big r.hou-sands. lie- ':u- the exclusive bicycle factories il t-c are the tire fac tories. chain fac- t e. the coneernis that manufacture t in.pedals. sadd les and other parts 01 t lc bic Vi lu, thiadd up ro. rsthé grmnd total of~>< C)C>' Languages lu India. The va-t nesof iche 3riitsh ndian l~ pmrem'.i ut rtei v tlPe lac t t fat v. tlil t> ls bun<l 8 languages are i-e. lindu m->used by io03 îiiciins, He(ngali bv over 41 millions, '1 e.egu bN - Sarathi bx' i , BoPn.îabi Pv i ,, Tamil b%, i ;-'.4, (loiarati Uv o '2. kavareýse by b. I riva Uv o and %lalavalan bY 5 ', mlli'ons. La-h u ttime>e great tongues has a cýonsîderable i te ratuore. The three largeat cleso. The three largest cie5 n America 'ring the revolutionary period were >c~w YVrk, 18o(ston andl Ihiladelphia. 1,i774 lstnhad i 7,000 înhabîitants, Ncw Vork cîtv. in 17,71,i21,86 inhabit- etand in i 780.z ;6i )f Phila- e1iîthere are no stati'.-tC(-s carlier t 1)o .ni, when it had 2-,-, nhahîr.- -<rT, i Educaticu in varions ceuntries. Pv a computation made in 'SSp the r,.t ocut illterate to the total pop)iula-tîin i. the United States was 13.-3 pur cent., r. Engîand 9 per cent.. -Scorland f. reland 23, France j5, (Yermanv 4 I- <sa8,Austria 4. ltaly ;-, Spain -u-î tzerland 5, I3eîgionm .Nether- m.is 14, Sweden and 'Norw-av 3 UXBEIDGEC. \Ir. C. Ed. Raîney left on Tuesda% i C rnîing for Manitou, Man. I uring Sunday's gale two beautiful rm.-ples. one in front of A. D. Williams' .oise. and one near the baptist church, wcre blown o-ver, both breaking off -use to the groudd. An action brought by Lizzie Nixon, ,f Barrie, some time age. against J. T. lorire, of Saodford, for alleged breach (j! promise of marriage. was dismissed -tî (sgoode Hll for want of prosecu- t '-n. Again do we find a couple of Ux- bridge boys te the frent. Iu Monday morning's paper we note the naines of Darcy Munroe and Rupert Weeks ariong the naines of those who vere successful in passing their final phar- niaceuticaî exains., the former passing with honers. En Avant. Mr. Alexander Leslie, of Toronto, has purchased that well-known and popular botel, the Bascom House.. Mr'. Leslie has had many years experience in conducting botels in the city of Toronto, and there is no doubt-but tha' the Bascom Hoi45Ceunder its new trowi prietouship will lose~ noue. of its long' standing popularity. When you see a man dlitng ini is yard very slowly and Often stoppite resti, he 's digg gUp a ftower bec for' hie vife. IMf o dlgfo'iId ~Y stops, he la dNê baÎt.- So says hCo 'ld*n and he q«~l~v.~ ia murtur ..4 erries.u If cerra. as lI.d ogmus', omit hall a OUPM lof auga.L Ibo ihe - with a rieh.rust,ft;li£hthe veili-ied cherrissnd sugar, sifing the filarousves' them before putting on the teP'Omut. Bake tihoroughly in a moderato oven. BAKED EEUBAEB. Strip the thin akin fs'om the yonng, tender staîks, snd cnt lu balf-incb lexgtbs. Pour boiling water orer theru, and cover for ifive minutes. Drain off the water, add a cnpful cf sugar te B pin& of rhubarb, put in an earthen or graniteware dish snd bake alowly. It should have the consastncy of tibm jelly and show s pinkieh green celer. REUBARB CRKAM PIS. 1 plut of Btewed, siftedi rhubarb. 1 pint of eweet cream. 2 ounces of pulveri.ed crackerB. 4 ounces of sugar. 8 egge. Beat eggs and sugar well, stir in the ru moothly, and add t.he rhubarb aet. Pour into a deep plate liued witb good paete and bake in a moderato oven. STRAWBERRY CAKE. 1 quart of sifted flour. .pound of butter. '2 eggs, weil beaten. 2 reaspoonfuls of powdered sungar. Cnt the butter jute the fleur. Rub il with the bauds until the wbole in flnely orumbled. Mix in the eggs sud sugar te foutu the dough. If tee dry add a very little water. Knead the dongh till it leaves the band dean. Spread fleur on the board, ou mauble slab, and roll the dough into a moderately thick sheet, Cut into round cakes aud iay on buttered tins, not toucbiug each other. Bake lu a brisk oven. Mash the àtrawbeuries slightly and sweeted with powdered sugar. Wheu tbe .cakes are cool, split, place on flat plates and cover the under piece wîth the etrâwberries. Presa the upper baîf on the berrnes, sud cover the top and sides with an icîug rmade in the usual way. Betore it drieR, ernament the top wth wbole strawberries, puttiugZ a large one in the centre, ctrcling it with ernaller ones tîIl the top je covered. These are beautii nsd delicieus cakes. STRAWBERRY PUDDING. 1 pînt of Sour mîlk. Spînt of sweet milk. ~eggs, elI beaten. 3 cupfuls of stunwberrieg. 1 tablespoonful of tbick Sour crearu. j teaspoonful et Salt. Flour for a thick batter. Mix as rapidly as possible, sud bake in a quick oven. Serve wath cmain sud sugar. STRAWBERRY PlUFFS. i poünd powdered loaf sugar. 4 eggs, wbit.es. 1 cupful et stuawbeury juice. Beat wbates of eggs te a atiff freth add gradually the sugar and fruit juice. If tee thin, add more sugar. Cover the bottoru of a pan witb white paper. Si.tt ou, at equal distances, powdeued sugar te ruake a place the sme of a dollar. Upou eacb spot drop a spoonful of the mixture, leaving a smooth surface. Spriukle witb powdered sugar sud haire in a slow oven tilI of a ligbt brown celer Wben cold, slip a broad bladed kuife un- der theru, lift from the pspeu sud spuead ou a large plate. Keep lu a dry, cool place. STRAWBERRY SHERBET. 1 quart of stuawberries. 3 pinte of wateu. 1 heapiug cupful of sugar. Juie of i lemon sud i orange. Crash the strawberries te s paste. Add water, fruit juice sud sugzar. Mix and let stand two heurs. Strain, cool ou ice, sud serve with oracked ice. A delicieus drink. STRÂWBRRRY SEORTcÂKE. 2 quarts of strawberries. 1 quart of sifted flour. I cupful of lard sud butter. ý2 teaspoonfuls ef bakiug povdeu. Milk. Sift the bakiug povder sud the flour together, adding a ittîs salt. Shave i» butter sud lard sud mix wel vith s kuife. Add milk till soft euough te rol ou a fleured board. Bake on four layer tins. Hul sud bruise the bernies ; sweet.u and put betveen the layers and ou top of the upper cake. Mapie inatead of white sugar gives a fine flaver. Serve vith crearu. A Family Suifera for waut of a Mothers Attention. Mr. Neil Morrison, St. John, N.B. - My daughter, Mrs. Gregory, bas had rheumatism se bad during the last year that she was unable te heîp ber child- ren, or attend te heu housebold duties. Everytbing imaginable was tried. but te ne purese. 1 was at last recotu- rnended te get South American Rheu- matic Cure. One bottle cured my daugbter within four days, and I take mucb pleasure in giving this recoin- mendatien. " Sold only by j E Willis. druggist, Wbitby. DIZZINES DITUE RELAD This is a Sure Precursor of Apopîexy, and Du. Agnew's Cure for the Heart at Once to be Taken. No one can read the daily papers without being seriously impressed with the fact ubat a large number ofpol in the presént age have 'wthin thir eystelu the evidence of apop1exy,. ThII Iseen a=d feitoften ih a trenlbling and .uncertaiuty oft'the Iiniüis, ix4 km.. queutly lu ft an uzplesat dfzies lighteasof the hcàd.->- 1$s'H' are lookîng vcryrocky4 ibis MOMMn." "Yis, soir, " repied, the driver of the 4elivery wagon. *l've gota bad head- ache. 1 was at a christein' lam night, soi, an' the kid vau the only one in 0 the crowd that took wa*er." - The horn of plenty ? repeated the1 colonel, pressing bis band to his brow. ,"That would be difficult to define for any and ail circumstances, but 1 sbould say that five fingers was a good average figure." With which he didn't care if he did. ~This brand of Cain must be wiped out! " he said. The situation was desperate. Somne- thing had te be done, and at once.1 The stigma upon himself and his good name as a soldier and a revolutionist must be removed. Calling his second officer in com- mand, the Cuban insurgent gave orders that aIl sugar plantations of superior quality be burned at one. The last day of a negro criminal in Texas had corne. He was awakened and asked what he would have for breakfast, and told that he could have anything he liked. "Len, boss, 1 reckon lilI take a water- m1illon." . Watermelons are not ripe yet. N ebber m 1 d, boss, 1 kmi wait.'" -'-Does a bicycle cost much ?- asked the inquitive man. '-No," was the reply. -A bicycle represents a comparatively small ex- pense. The brake and bell and lantern and accident insurance and other in- cidentaIs are the things that compel ivou to cornpel you to save up your mone v. Tell your wife nice thinge wbile se i alirti. Dont wait; until she la dead, and then tell the minister hew fine a women She was. Give more taffy and leus epitaph. Young Gent-Vin-eu-do yon ever take back goodesud-aud returu the money ? Jeweler-No, sir; but if yen have an engagement. ring, 111 melt it up for yen sand pay for the gold. A mnugent this snswer te a bookeoil- er wbo sent in bis account fou a book some time befere deliveued: I neyer ordeued the book. If I did, yon did net send it. If you sent it, I neveu got it, If I gel il, I pald fer it. If I did't, 1 won't. Hana, said the mistress te the new girl, everything is eat.en now with fouks, Ileue are the strawberry fouka, the ice crearn fouke, the orange fouksansd the bread fouke. Yes'm, said the girl attentively. A few dsys later wbeu a compauy dmn- uer was lu puogress the fluat ceurse came near beiug a failure. Haunah explained : I hunted everywhere, mas'amn, but 1 ceuldn't flnd the soup feuke. The Freucb simpleten, Monsieur Ca- lino, semetimes turne ont te be s vise man. Somne of hie frienda vwere receutly talking about tbe t.eruous cf reut-day. Rent day used te ho terrible te me) too, said Monsieur Calime, but I bave, found a way te deprive it of sîl its ter- roue. llow do yen do it ? tbey ail asked. I psy my rent the day before, he answered. REMARKABLE CASES Chuouic Invalids Raised trous Ibeir Siek Reda àfter Giving Up Hoe.. London, Ont.-Henry R. Nixeholls, 176 Rectory street. catarrh -; uecevered. Dr.« Chate's eatarrh cnre. 25e. Markdale--Geo. Crowe's child, itching eczema ; cured. Ch&ae's Ontment. Truro, N.S.-H. H. Sut eut nd. travel- 1er piee-eu d c ase eChasea Oi n* meut. Luci.u-W n '~tci enerpin worme ; al ~o i.Ch, e's Pilla. L'A mabl e4,t r Vas Mia, eczem.a ferf three years. Cured. Cune's Oiutmut. Gower point 1~'ai.duesd- ful itehinir piles, 30 yeaus. Weil again; Chase'$ Ointment. 60e. Meyerulurg-Nelgon Simmens, itching piles:; cured. Cha8e's Ontaient- Malone-Geo. Richaudson, kid'ney and liver sufferer; better. one box Clisea Pillâ. 25e. Cheley-H. Will's son. crippbed with uheumatiom aud suffeuing f rom diabetes, completely ueeovered. Cha.se's Pilla. Matchard Township-Peter Taylor. kid- ney trouble, 30 years, cured. Chase's Pilît. 25e. Touomnîo-M-ss Hattie <)eîs..174 Orwford stuet. ubjeet cd peuPetiis. c-ord. Gured b~y Ch.ae'u Syrup oi n eeed and Ttu-pentiue. 25 cents- Dr. Chase's remedies are soif by al dealers. Edmansen, Baten C O, Maaia facturera, Torontoî. Thecounnues'conuol buasbain cafed togetiher for Tuesday' June 9th. Miss Ida Hoakin visd Oshava frieuda over Bunday. Mi"s Trell, ci Witby, vidi±edber Miss Mabel Tait%,home fs'or the con- servtory of a. Trno~usse 1 methodisi ohureh choir 13=&W .v.ning.ý jud" ê M 'CQb»usi , MIwt&n-.#ài W1a,"oàdiqdma, v addrstailan on vyas Mine Agues Plo ---ubrasbien mes'- ionsly ili for soreme with typhoid foyer. W. hope t oonMe.0ber around once more. Mr. Hirm mFralic o bt a valcable horse laitweek. Mr. Wargguau i viaiting st hie daugh- ter'ti, Mms Peter Wihiams. Our fat cattle are beiug sold quite rapidly, but chere seeme to De great Coul- plaining regarding 1ev puices. Mm. Wrn. Sweetmoan bus returned froru Oshaws. Mr. Redman is busily engaged in the erection of hie new bouse and every day m akes an improvement in i1W appeau- suce. Our yong people's socioties cf christ- ian endeavor are progressing very faver. ably, sud intiresting meetings are bold weekly. On Sunday last ou anni'versary ser- vices were ablv conducted by Rev. W. H. Learoyd, of Epsom. On Monday tbe usfual tes was served when everytihing passed où with nothing te mar the pies- sures. In the evening the service wus conducted by Rev. J. McD. Kerr, cf Âg- nes et,. methodiat cburcb, Toronto, and we enjoyed a regular old time methodist revival meeting. Mr. Kerr puee.ehed a peverful sermon te christians on the bigbeu life cf hohunes or heaut purity and hie message went te eveuy beaut. It was a muet succeesful meeting and Mr. Kerr will sIways be a welcome visiter on our island. Among the visitoe: Miss N. Hall, Misa F. Yilley, Mise L. Lockhart, Miss G. Trewin, Mr. snd Mus. W. Trewin, Mr. F. Trebilcock, Mr. W. Tuenouth, Miss Stevens, Bowmanville; Mess. R. Dixon, A. N. Mitchell, Peterbere; Miss E. Virtue, Miss M. Elemes, Toronto; Mu. J. Lee, Pickering. Theus le a union excursion ou back lekes talked cf fer the Sunday schoel h ere. The anniveueary services Sunday weue quite a succes. Eveuyone debighted te Meet agaxu their former pastor, Bey. D. S. Houck. A very large attendance at nigbt sud a capital sermon. The sing- iug ef the childreu vas appuecistied. They weue as usual trained by Mu. John Stanton. The morning services for the childuen was very inteuesttug. Collec- tion fair. Que of eu bicycliste bas iuvented a patent (grey) herse brahe for bicycles te be used only on steep bille. DO NOT BUFFER. Wit.h Kidney Complant-You Can be Relleved Within Six Hours. 1 take much pleasure in stating that I have been using South American Kidney Cure, and found relief within six hours after fluet dose taken. I be- came sick in January, 1893. wýhen I employed several of the local physicans and was treated by them until the fal of 1893, without receiving much benefit. I then began using South American Kidney Cure, and have found great benefit, and arn almost, if flot quite, cured. Have net been taking any of the medicine for seven weeks, -and feel as weIl as ever. M RS. A. E. YOUNG, Barnston, P. Q. Sold only by J. E. WiIlis, druggist, Whitby. Have you tuied Heluvsay's Curu Cure ? It bas ne equal for uemoving these troubleseme exeresence, sas many have testfied wbo bave tuied it. A fivo-year-old boy namned Watt uf Mount Vernon, vas drowued in bis fatber'a ciateru. It la a great iatake to suppose that a siple teuic gives stueugtb; il only stimulate the stumach te reuewed action. To imparl ruai ,strenRtb, tbe blood muat hi purified sud en- riched, sud ibis cau ouly be doue by sueb a standard alternstive as Ayer's Saruaparilla Galt bas voted $4.000 feu market ixupreve- meut.. Wilie pilis sud other purgatives only re- lieve bilieusues ansd reset, leaving their vic- time more proune to siuggîshuesu of the liver. Eseliay's Liver Lo=eges cure poitlvely sud permauieutly. All the churches st Berlin ate filled eviry Suuday. i. Castorla 18 Dr. amuel PiItOIeeTs peciW for luut and ObUdreni It contai» neither Oi>Ium, Mophnenor other Narcotie 4bt c It la a barinles mistt for Paregorlo, Dropo, Boothing Byrupo and Cantor 011. - h is Pleasat. 15e guarante. ln thfrty years' sebyý UMlons of lothers. Cagtoria detroys Wormu and allays feverishimess. Casiorns prevents vomiting Sour Cuzd, cures Diarrhea and WLud Colle. Castoria relieves teething troubles% cures constlpation and ghatuleney., Castoria assimllates the foodo reguWae the stomach and bowels, sWving healthy and- natural sleep., Cas. toris 1s the Children's Panacea-the Xother's ffi.nde Castoria. Scbaoei a ans excelleut nIedi9ne for cul- dren. Mothme have repeatsdfly told me et its good ~ect "upo. their ctildre.." Dw. o. C. Ossoon, lowe,14 MU 84 Caitmïrla itho best nmmedy for chldum cf whichlI m acqualuted I hopethedsy ia mf far dotant when motheswU considerthe sal bileneM t t.helr chiduon, asue as aoris iu- stesd ef the varlousquack nontrumswhlch ame degoyng their boved eues, by foreng oplumn, morphine, ueothlng syrup &ud ether hurtful ager4s dewu their throas, thereby edln am uto pnemature graves." Da. . r . Kncmmu, Omsway, Ârk. He tnrned, whcu Prepauing te die, To the company that would have iusured But nov the big goal von't apply, Becanse Eseljay's Lezeuges cured him. -Insuraice Item. Tt wili coul 812,000 te ru» the Boulin public schoola Ibis year. Try ft-It would b. a grose injustice to cou- fouud tbat standard bealing agent-DiL TRex- às' Ecxzcruîc OnL with the ordiuary unguenla, lotions suddsalves. Tbey are oftentioees iu- flamms:ery and astringent. This 011l .au onthb ountrauy. eminently cooling aud sootbing wbeu applied extorua'ly te relis pain, sud power- fully remedial wheu swallowed. Traffic on the upper lakes this ssen will b. exceptieually brisk. MBs. M. sys: ",My daugbter vas pale, Inuid suduable te stand auy exertion. Mîller's Comnpound Iron Pillé made ber stroug aud gave heu celer." 50 doses, 25 cents. Soid by A H Allin, duuggist.4 There vill hi conziderable building at Feue. targniaheue bis mummer. Whc. Baby vue dck. vo gave bhm Castorla Wflnahie a Clild, ah. oeled for Câaitans. Wheu ah. heoso iAs eiClunte C&itons. Wheu shh ad <lilidec, ah. gaVethem Cutouf a T'h. sast buanch cf the Seueru at Waaago is to bi deepened and vîdenid. EIrsLnimenLIMt fer mie eVe'WàW.s'e The Brock ville culegiabte institute buas u amateu sibletie association., Curmi Wemk Eaek for' 25 Ceut Fer two year I vas dosed. pilled, sud plas. tered for we.k b»c1, ucaldrog urine and oun- stijatien. vitbont béeiit. Oue box of Chas.' KidueY-IÀver Pilla uelieved, Ibrai buoxe red. R. J. Smith, Toronto. Oui pu a dose, yncs 25 aunts. London hbu autberizsd 82.506debssutu'e for ils uev f air buildings; Tho&..SMater basa message for @val mm n anethor page. Dou'It WaUte red :1. The Powell hotel, BlieWnbas.1een bought by Jameî Spdaaglusld. (NubJskwd Zy w.Rqet>- fe iruadWesbullna- Castoril. 440rlalssoweladaptsdtocDdrmmtbd Irecommed ft moupoeioreoacypnadoel kuowu te mea&" 0.Â.. AMc.xI D.,t IllUSic>.Oxford St., DrooklmN. Y. "our pkpwiclun uthe cbildoe'sdepué.. ment bsve spoken flgly of fIdruxoi euoe iu tbulr outadM pracUce vM Ouscoeh, and although we ÇoY hav m MgOE medical suppames hu i kuova msrujul puoductis, yet weae frau te ceuteeth" th$, meritIs etCustenla bUs wo Uus te O ok VU faver upm IL" UNI. GSiTmL Aà» DZ5pEfavo, r1mbXs ALUM aCsUiTE, I'& Weekly G OJIROT FOR 1886. '..k%80Our!C Henderson Ld Money to Loai At a nd 6 per, cent, 'acca amOuftl8fd securety fered. Appraiser:ý for Canada Petpuuw D)ecember zx-,x09., H-, SCOT7 W I imow MIKÂRD'S LINIMETLestc PueVillage. Jous D. BouTIlJul, t10 1 xov MINARDI8 LINIMENT vig Îo 9 b croup. y Cape !laýds. J. F. G UN=foAa. I imoovMINÂRDS LINIMENT inathlb. â best iemody ounertb, Norvay, M&. joam'uAl Sxqïw 0 c Nettaatethdimstaar par hha lsaaai.k waewa11 ne .coataur COMPOaM7 Tm[uvvay Sft, N9 ]OvTm*k Cfxe $1.23 -w -w e*e -w ~ WILL BUY THE.

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