Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 1

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-s-. The e r uci xxxx. WITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 59 1896. I I ÂLLIN'S ~ D,,ug S1@ Fresh A rriva/s : Pure Insect Powder, Pure Hellebore, Pure Paris Green. )001 ÂI j CHIEMIISI & I)RUGGIST, <OR ROCK& rUNIAS 515., ONTAÂRIO.1 C.uuty ommact LAST WEEI< OF THE LONG PAR LIAMENT.- MESSRS. PRINGLE ANI) GOULD OPEN THE SESSION WITH A SHOW. -MR. OLIVER CROMWELL HARDYS BILL DRIVES THE 14EMBERS eUT. -NEXT YEAR THERE WILL BE BUT P"UR- TEEN NIENIBERS ELECTED ON THE REP. EY POP. SN'STEMI-THE TORRENS LAND SYSTENI BECINS TO PILE UP EXPENSE. The last session of the eounty council as aI present consîituted opened on Monday.. Every member vas prescrt itih the excep-r tion of handsome Deputy Charley Kelly, vho vas detained at home fer the day by import- ant private business. Mr. Warden Graham teok the chair aI 2.30 le the minute and smiled upon the mnemrbers. Ex-Warden Frank J. Gillespie vas in the bouse, and, on motion of Mr. Mr. Coulthard, vas invited te take a scat beside the Warden. In response M. Gillespie rcturried thanks with a very rnodest and somevhat agitated blush. He said he had long loved and re- spected the county counicil. and had come down le b. with the boys in ils dying heurs. It mighî be said tial h. had come down te attend its ebsequies. Hc vas glad te b. able te occupN' an honored seat beside bis old colleague, the Warden, and congratulat- ed the council on is selection of such a worthy presiding officer ati ta funeral. LETTERS READ. ri ti n fi a t c Frorn D). Ormiston, high school trustee,g Whitby, resigning his position, and thanking tr ",,mouT Â~ in appointing himto the office contiuonsly n liv, VM INUM llIU Ifor twenty four years. a From L. T. Barclay statîng that by pro-d House-cleaning time is here ,clara lion il had been orilered that lh. Tor-a resSystem of Land Transter shaîl cernen We have a larger aud better assorîed stock int force in tbis couuty on jul>' ist, iïq6, l of window shades this season than we and anuouncîng ihal he has been selected as% have ever shown before, from 45C. up, master of tilles. He stated that the counicil a %Ve use the best hand painîed opaque would require le provide vaulis for the safed ,shade cloth, wîth Hartshorn's spring keeping of the booksaund documents apper- k roUer taîning to the office, sud enciosed tb. fellow- s, .o!so a fine variety of cornice îpoles. j ng liai o! slationery whîch will be reqluired-d Ak oî sec our latest stvle of window 1A receiv'ng book, 2 procedure books, a reg- i screens, to ht an>' window, ai 30c. each. I 15er for fre-ehold lands, a register for lease- i holds, a register for leases and for powers of b ) 0, u- baby carniages, are afl of the latest e de.attorney under ruies 36 and Si, alphabetical i ~mn.index, an address book, an execution book, s .;,ý us a caîl before purchasiug elsewhere. a book in whîch 10 take receipts for certîfi- We are îaking special pains te combine cates, and a suspense book, a seul, a series elegance vîth ecouemy in price and of blank printed forms gent-rai utility' Fromn jos. E. G-ould, secrelary of the 1),ýr stock ma comiplete in House Furnîshings. Noth Ontario Farmers' Inalîlute stating S We invite bu vers te corne and see us. that il bas 21 i members who have paid i It will save money. membership fees for i896, aud Ihut il has3 conformed vîth the law in other respects, r E. Leading Underta.ker,- and asking the usual grant Of $25.L From E. S. Edmonson, Prospectpark, ~ 1 ~ YU~ QnN Oshawa inviting the council as a bdy to Ee J JOR19St' isit h is park, O}shawa, on Thursday even- BROCK~ ~ ~ ST,îIT ng, J une 4th, le meet th. municipal councils BRO K S., HLT Y.ol Whitby tevu, Est Whitby, WhiIby lewn-a ship snd Oshawa. The letter sîated that a Eistablashed 1849. programme ef sports would be previded, net and weuld b. follovcd b>' a concert andr fireverka. From the counI>' cberk cf Wentveîîh,C ;ii4I~, ( ~askîng Ibis council te join tb. ceunI>'o S'. !IIuy L~U1Weuîworth in a petition le thie Provincial t legisiature askîug thal such legislation ber pussed as wîll cempel cites establishing MaîbI andpublic markets te provide sheller frem Maible andI sterms or heal or cold for parties briugingt in produce le selI.9 P'~ 1111.From the secretar>' of tb. York pieneers urdfllt Wo[àS, sîatiug that that body is trying to raise funds tn ereci a monument te Gov.ernor Simncoe, for whicb th. Ontario Governmnenl bas effet- D u da S.,ed toprovide space in the Qteen's pak, le assiat in the vork , Ihat the city of Tor-c ente is expected le give $î.5oo, tbe ceun>' of f W H 1 T B Y. York $i5oo, and thut Peel, Simcce andt _______ _______Ontario are requesled te john iu the malter. w ~From L. Fairbanks, audtiene, Whitby, Chias. R . S ih slating tihat be bas taken out aucounty license for Seulth Ontario for 36 yeurs ; that lu form- l-ormerhy Wolfendeu Works. )hm- erycears he tookr eut an extra liceuse eccas- porter and Dea et in MARBLE A NDI ion ally fer reach, Port Perry sud Scugog. c,RANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., Of Since ig8o these tbree municipalities the latest matenial sud desigus. AIl hove been iucluded ln South Ontario, but guanto ee eywr.Orw frpm un oversight he did net luke tbis int guaraneeuc acount, and bas several limes aince î88o 74SF\FOR DE-siG\S AND PRICES. taken eut license for these municipalities, b>' ______________ reason of vhich he la eut $62 lu principal and interest, vhich sum b. askçs the counicil I I te repu>' him. THE %WýARDEN'S SALARY - !~y~ r wMr. Qýuigley, Scot, meved that in tbe opinion of thit counicil ne grants should b. made te tb. Warden for bis services as pre- TFc gel gel rid of bis stock of goods. siding officer. lu support ofîhis motion Mr. Plhat's why th.>' are alwa',s bus>' That Quigle>' said Ihat h. conaidered il vms a ~hows the people knotw vbere the sufficient houer to be Warden of thc ceuni>' 13AR(;AINS are. On witheuî receîviug a salary. Mr. King said that passing sucb a motion B aturday, e 23the as this vould have a ver>' poor eflect. If M r, Quigle>' wanîed te pasa along a litIle ad- we seli New Dress Goods vice te succeeding councils vbo mu>' sit .--imn. Tweed Efflecîs 7C., reg î2i. under the new regime b. sbculd de se b>' 1%C. force of example. If ibis council'were te set - d-in. Mohairs Checks 25C., reg. 40C. tbe example of declinîng le puy tb. Warden 44-m. Lstes 5c, eg 5d.$îeo the acî might carry weigbt, but it vould 44-In. Luster & checks Soc, reg 75. expose ibis body te ridicule te make a grant ri . Black' deo. 2e ancsd iben claimn it as being an act of extrava- n.BlckdoS2C, reg 40C. gance. 4(,- n r. Serge 20C, reg 30C. The Warden said Mr. Quigle>' desired te 44 in. Black Brocades 35d, reg SOC. viîbdrav the motion. 44-in. Black Serges, 25C, reg 35C. iMr. Conîthard said that if there vere au>' 40 iu. Black Henriettas, smlk finish> 55c reason fer introducmng Ibis mction in tb. reg oec. 1firsI place, the same reusens stilI exiat. Me Black aui Faucy Crepons sud Pongees, believes lb. trne bas corne vben Ibis yeurly 124 cîs. grant te the vardeni could ver>' well be dropped- SPECIA~E3~~'Mr. Ham teck th. grouud tat Ibis body SPEC1A -7___ýhad. belter net ofler au>' sufteslious teit Ladies' Bleus. Waists 25c, reg 65 cta. successors in office. The lav dissolves Ibis Real Brussels Carpet uit 4,5c, reg 75 cia. councîl for good at the end cf the preseut Feit Hala for men and boys from 2,5C session, sud organizes a ncv conceru lu ils Siraw lormenwome and c upre place. W. sbonld'net press oui advice on Siraws~~~~~~~ ermnvmean cibe. ho ne v orgsunization. Ladies' Trimmed Hais fnrn 81i.00 up. Sec thein. Ladies' Trimmed Walking Halsa 5130e. GROCERIES BOOMING- ON SATURDAY Eddy's matches 8 Ce a box. N., P. Soap, botethUanIvo7y Bar, i 2ýe, reg 25c ;'Sunlight 5c; Mlos. s 4C. Rice 4c. Sage 4c. Fine Raisins 5c. CaseÇurnts 5c. Salmon ze ctu.. Caued Cos-i 7ce Tornatees 8. 4ý, Ibo,. Washsu Soda Sc. Fruit Vinegar 25c. XXXWhte -Wie 35C, Mre 0cli.- SPECIAL-Sedless Rinns~ , 1M.1OC RasPben>' Jam. 5c, a'g xzou;Lemon Peel l 12c;fine CeYlon TÇu' S5c, reg.,40, good een or blacks,n, Umeeý-;5c breakfast Cc>ffée.-soc, g a BUTTJÈAND44Y.0 TO DISCA&D THE BALLOT.' m. Han. movcd te adopi, epefn voting lu- electing future Wardens. - Attention vas called b>' the - clerk te tise new ceuni>' councils actwikbappeats t0 assume dictincly> that tise ballot M"ali e used lu sucS cases, se Mr. Rare vatbdrew1 bis motion fpn a day or Ive ho o ointoMéemt- J *TIfE GOULD-PRINCtE 8 IIOW. Mn. Gon1d broughi t he, sapof h e *m lan meuio r.* 4-1f b SEDOND DAN'. FORENOON SESSION. 1h. clerk read the ceuni>'jailer's report sting that 33 persons bave been confined in the juil between Jan. îst aud June 1, 1896, 30 being maies and 3 females. Tb. total nuruber cf day's rations uscd during tisai ime ha 1474, and tb. average coal 5% centsa per day. There were 3 prîseners lu jail on une mal. Mr. Rosa movcd that tb. invitation of Mm. E. S. Edmonsen te visit Prospect Park. Osh- awa, ou Thursda>' evening b. accepted.- Carried. Mr. Brown moved that tbe commnilîce ou roads aud bridges be recjuested te consider thse advisabîlily cf rmeeting a grant b>' Uic ceunI>' cf Victoria to erect a bridge on thse ceunîy fine of Ontario sud Victoria bebveen tb. townships of Eldon and Tborab.--Car- ried . A letter was read from Tumuke>' Bruce of tb. j ail, eudorsed b>' Sherifi Paxten, asking that a leave cf absence for Ivo veeka b. granied te Bruce. Mr. Rundle moved thal lb. cemmitîce ou roads and bridgea b. instmucted to, censider sud report upon the advisibilily of baviug aIl grauls of county meney on roada or bi idges expended in accordauce witb speci- cations sud plans te b. prepared b>' tb. couni>' engineer, sud ihat ne moue>' be paid for an>' such vork witbout bis certificat. that the contracts bave been se carricd out. -Carried. The council adjourned fer dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION. Met aI 3 O'ClOck. EDI7CATION. M. Ding). reudthelb first report of tise standing comnmitîce on Educatien as folbeva :1 (i) That D. Orxiston's resiguation be ue- ceptcd as trustee of the Wbitby collegiste institule ; (2) tise flloving appointmucut of lb. public school fuud for 1896 bas been made: Broek 1457 ; Mars $136 ; Pickering $8 11 ; Rama $ 166 ; Reacb $479 ; Scott $279 ; Scugeg $64; Tborah $188 ; Uxbridge $359; East Whitby $331 ; Wbitb>' lagi. Total $ 55 Herelofore il bas been te custom of th. ceunI>' te raise un equa.l amnount te place alougside this lu support of public achools, but ibis la ne longer necessar>', as the ev>' vas always made on Uic townships alone sud then banded buck te, theni. Thse fuel la that formerl>' it bas been merci>' s maîter of excbauging cheques belveen tise township sud tb, count>' the uecessily for wbicb is ebviated b>' the uev lsv whicb specifles that $5o pet annuu toeaeci s chool b>' general lcvy. lu addition to the sum of lîovisich bas bemn formerl>' levied on that basis. The ceunI>' 1ev> bas averageti lesa tissu $30 loeaeci scsheol per anuum, therefone th. schoola vil) draw s generai 1ev>' of $î5o iu future iustead ol $130. Tise report pas- sed. l IST REPORT ON FINANCE. Mr. Hoyle read lise fiast report of thc finance comitte as follove : (i) That tise lneaaunc's bond bas been examnei and fouud correct; (2) grantiug tise N. 0. Farmers> in$titute $25; (3) grantng L. Fair- banks a rebute cf $Su on account of bis ot refugé for the destitute poor of the count>'. cf tbis question, wbicb la cerning te a focus in this ceunt>'. It la like the question of pro- hibition In parliament : the members canet rnuch longer slave off action, and are at their wt's end for plans te evade the point. However, after smre shuffiing Mr. Hoyle'a fertile bralu produced a plan that werked like a cba.rm. He moved that as tbe present council ceases to exist in ils present ferin after thit year, the malter be left over le the new county council, Ibe hebebingexpies- scd that tbe question mnay be fully discussed during the election campaign for tbat bedy. CasoNîcx.x ConzsipouNxsms. PORT PEAEY Mr. josephs Bigelov la lu tovu ibis veek. Mis. E. French, Whîtby, la visiting ber broth- er, Mm. D. Wbiiney. mms Wylfgang, of Emrnetsburg. lova, la visiting ber mother, Mrs. ÂbIumn Mr. and mas, john Boue, et Grand Rapide, Mich.. vere recen visters vith Mr. C L Wbitby. Rev. A. C. Courtice, Toronto, T. Gerov. Barrie; Engene Richurdacu, Sunderland; E Rundie Osham'a. j. E. Seagramn, the gros' bersemnan, bas sold bis twe yeur oeid Puncesay 'te L. Sebert of tise St. Charles. Mr. sud Mrs. Edvard Williamns reurnetion Monda>' frorn iheir visit to endsu is e States lookiug as if thc visit bad doue.tbem good. C. l- Vickery bas nov lu bis yard 3.5,ooo in tile of ail sires. 5ariucrs sud otisers rcquiriug tilewoulddovwell tecall on Mm. Vioket>', ashe dlaims tie>' are the best tile madie. Mr. Etivard Burton, of Tweed, bas bougbt Uic furuiture, lcase sud goed viiifethtie Bam bouse, Uxbridge, sud took possession on junc rat; Bis bouse sad furniture at Tweed are fer s«le. Mess. E. H. Purd>' snd Jue. Mark anc thse delegaîca from the Truc BUne hd m br to tise Grand Lodgc nov lu session ae Cobourg. Mr. B. Pettii:îof Scagog i. the delegate rou Scugeg Lodge. Jams Cnueisbasbonis tie lt elougmfg te h Sist aaIs. on w ,cistise.buildingwu reoendly dcstroycd b>' ir. It sus ad W r. caruegie intenits te bud a fiue store onthse prepent>' viicis yulbe useit by oor f es bud.. vamn mrchants. clia loar jîceum ee i ne rur.LIA L lic1-c- Accident. ý port vas adopted. blMr itoanhsi Tise council ltes adJourncd. Wbm oing 061moeph » cmea ud is THIRD DAY. 2e btie bhee cme figlalcacit-at 51 p -OD.ENOON SESSION. lujsg unit upset Uic buggy. Mr, Nî bsdlyshakea uplou s nv » *- ete bi Mn. Reni gives notice tisat h. viiiou 'aguin. Bis dgber «ç9 - 1psd ý ý Thîarsday nMove lu grant a pedlans iceuse ace. . , Hardy,,of, Tiroto, ;ili for Scott, Reacis and Uxbuidge Utotsai theelecter of SoutisOst.uiofln te- free te o issaBlar, of Greenbmt.vise Sas lhWlu WuIi te entgL-i he'. ienou* , day b. vili move for a, grmon Use oewty e__ eCrwdei#- 11, lUse betveep Outaan Y*.ý Fred Lund. me deceased vas a daughter of EANOHESTEE Mr. Priugle-Well, read il as ilt i nov. Mr. Grold procceded te do sa, but sccu truck on the letters aud mernorials. This raised many objections, te wblch Mr. Gould replied that il vas for the information of ratepayers that he vas insertiug these lct- trs. He vanted thern printed lu the jour- nais of the council fer distribution. Mr. Pringle sald il would look ridiculous fr the council te print a lot cf malter and .dd that it vas neot of sufficienl importance Le warrant action, and then pay extra ex- pense te have this broughl before the public. The motion for adoption cf the report vas votcd down, onlv Mesrs. Gould and Dows- well voting for it. Mr. Rosa rose and sald he believed the committee had been harably trcaîcd. He noved te refer the report back te thern for correction. Mr. Prinçlc said notice of an original mo- ion like thîs should be given. Mr. Mewbray rnoved a reconsideration cf he vote wbich killeri Mr. Gould's report, and Mr. Pringle raised the sarne objection. The warden overrulcd the objection and ,'oth Mr. Mowbray's and Mr. Rosa' motions were passed. The Warden interpreled Mr. Rosa' motion e mean that the council vas te go jute coro- nittee of the wbole. and left the chair, cail- ng Mr. Dingle te preside. Then instead of carrying eut the instructions of council the ornmilteceof the whole proceeded te discus the report and te again try te induce Mr. Gould te shear it of the uselcas matter. He conceded this on one point, but would go no further. Then Mr. Ross urged that his mc- tion had net been correctly interpreted ln going iet committce of the whole, as it vas nerely intended te refer the malter back te the standing committee on legislatiori and memorials. Business had nov get ie oan awful tringle, but Mr. Gould, after a lime, declared he had got his repGrt fixed right, and meved its adoption. Mr. Munre de- -nanded that every werd ef ih be read exact- ly as il viii appear when pr;nted, but this sias declined. Members began te lok around in ail directions te see what could be dene, and nebody appeared te know. It looked ver-y ruch as if a complication were setng in which would put an end te aIl or- der and business and kill the dying council before its time, when Mr. Pringle arose and rnoved that the commitice rise, and every- body shouted "Carried. ' This killed the -eport entirely, and Mr. Gould found him- seif clear "eut of court." Furniture C. Port Perry. Wx JiNOTT, MANAGER W. L. Prrish, HÂRDWÂRE. When yen corne t~o tovu 1.have a few suape that would b. wosrth pour time te sem. Remember iii a8 Do trouble for m te show thern te yeu even if you don't wi*h b buy. WINDW HAUSh NO* 27 RAISING THE WIND. Mr. Hoyle introduced and carried througb a bylav te rais. $13,000 te defra>' the cx- penses of the couuly until the taxes core nel. Mr. Gould inîroduced a by-lav te assume by the counly a bridge in Uxbridge on the Une belveen Uxbridge towu and township. The by-4aw vas read once and referred te the cotumitîce on reada and bridges. On motion of Mr. Dovavell thecocmmitîe on roads and bridges vas instructed te make a giant of s3oo on the Uxbridge road iu the township of Uxbridge. On motion of Mr. Pencher a grant of $200 for cuîting devu bibis on the Kingston read ira Pickering tovnship vas referrecl îo thc sarne commilîce. On motion ef Mr. Brown the folbowing members wer. appointed a special commit- tee to equalize the personal assesameut of the counly : Messrs. Pringle, Mare, Ross, Umphrcy, Mowbray, Weir. Dovavell, and Treleaven. REPORT ON COUNTV PROPERTY. Mr. Coulthard read the report of the county property committe as îollows: (i) That ten cords of hard maple veod have been purchased aI $375 per cerd; (2) that the present drain from th. jail bas been cen- demned by the jail surgeon, and that the commuttee bas substiiuted glazed sever pipe vith cemented joints, wbich is beirig donc ; (3) ecommcnding tbat ne scap suds and urine b. thrown bibt te sewer but tbat a fev leads of peaîy earth be deposited lu the jail yard as a receptacle for sncb liquid, and changed occasionali>' as mu>' be founti nec- essary ; (4) that the following repairs be made lu and around tb. court bouse: reno- vatien cf the senior judge's room, librar>', grand jury aud barristers' room ;aise the east room occupied by the count>' clrk ; tve dozen common chairs in the ladies' galier>', etc., etc. ;(.5) that tbe required equipmnent of bocks and stalienery be pucbased for tbe office of the Master of Titles under lbe Tom- reus land aystem, and that the county mnake arrangements le have the vaults cf the ceunI>' regisîr>' placed authIe disposai cf ibe Master of Titîca ; (6) that the chaurman oi this committee and the reeve cf Whilby tovu had met tb. Inspecter cf Prisons and had compromised th. difficulty about tb. jailer's salary by having it fixed aI s7oo per sunumn, sud the malien $200 per annum ; (7) that lte following accounts be paid : L T Barclay ,stationery. $16.8o; G H Dartnell,' do.g2c; A H Allin, disinfectants $i ;' R Barnes, Slagstaff for court bouse, $i2se; 2rnm 4 GOrager, gas pipes, $2.66; Fred. wmo an, wrk on Sewer, Il .25; E Sarles, do-, 83-75; Ifit &A Riddell, atationer>, 858; (8) that Mesura. Coulîhard sud Pringle be auîborized le make purchases of supplies for the jail froni lime te limne; (9) that Turu- kev Bruce be alloved tve wccks' absence ou the approval of the sberiff. The report vas adopied. The ceuncil adjourned. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, Ing sta Bule OR13i2a LÂWYN -,mowl VOL# WITBTY, y Mr and Mrs Wrn Hall cd ibis town, and lived here ever ince ber childhood until leaving this vlcinity, and was esteemed for ber rnany gond qualities as maiden, wife and mother. The family bas the syrnpathy of theïr rnany fieudo in tbeir sad bereavement. Polies. .A political meeting in the interests of Mr. W. Smith was held bere last Monday eveniug. The hall was crowded. The electors were addressed by Meusa. Smnitb and Paterson on the Conserva- Uive sVe, and Mr. IFrank Pedley of Toronto on the eform side. lThe meeting at Urnes was quite intéresiu and was equally divided bythe friendu ef both candidates. Mr . Johua Wright mode a ver impartial chairmas. Albert Irvin, eldest son of our respectedi townsman Mr John Irvin, is te be taken to T>. ronto tbis week and placed in one of thc bos- p" ao f ibal cit', to receive speclal mreament. T e many frnends of the family in towu hope thathe may accu return restored 10 healtb. as Albert is a favorite ln town amoug the youing people- Your Prince Albert car. bas been wrongly in- forrned. He blarnes sorne of our tovu boys for the yelling in ibeir burg of a recent date. It was smre of their owu boy% who were giving tbe Indian ubhoops. By the way, if Prince Albert people would have an mingration of one bous- bold in tbe vest part of tbe village thev migbt have less yelliug going on. h la said the conduet of those parties la disgraceful. M ore of ibis next week, Horses kifled. Mr. Archie Weir, cf the 2nd con. Reach was very unfertunate on May 25îh in baving twc fine herses killed and faur injured > a C. P. R. freigbî geing vest on above date. it la said that instead cf regular cattie guards-near the place wbcre the herses were illed-àthat iron gratings are placed on the ground. i is to be hoped be- fore long that some oee yul have sucb a clear case for darnages against the C P R that tbe>' will be made te pay dearly for their carelessuess. Several persons bave been uearly mun over by tramns ai the crossings in East Wbitby, the engineers do net even blow a whistle or ring the bell. Bathing. At a special meeting cf the towvu concil on Thuruda>' cf last week instructions were given to (-'ief Constable McKnigbî to enforce the by- law in reference te batbing on the lake shore bc- tween Mary street and Caruegie's mifl, betveen tbe heurs cf 5 o'cloch a. m. and 12 o'clock p. rn. Ne one is even allowed te vear bathing ais, as in the past several have taken advautage of so-called bathing smita. The reason wby the council lase strict la that boys would rescrIte smre very coutemptible tricks and Ladies and ycung men who were escorts of ladies bave been iusulted. ]port P«" EusIes DiT.ctoR. G. E. WXLLL&M5on, barber, neit to post offe Oct, Uth.-B mos. Mmrm.-XIaaTn3ousoNbas rccctvcdher nev flu stock ef millinery &udlas preparcd te turn eut fit-cisa mllllnery in the laSsaS styles and 1ev prie«. Stamping doue te eider.. Sept. l9th.---os, W N CLÎaIK bas fer aie thregvoit second- hand parler beaters with ovens, vhicb;hab.vil »Ucflp fer cash. Cal and nspect thasu a» 5h.>' re good bargains. For the largest and flnest stock of furnfture and lowest pr cee go to Jessop Misa Annie Wcisb, of Liudsay',je visiting here vils ber motiser. Mrs. A. kecCullougb je visitlng friends and relatives in Darlinglon. Misa Minnie Rebson Ieft last wcek for a few weeka' visit under the protection of Uncle Sam. Mr. Ernest McNeil, of Toronto, spent Sunda>' here -aI Mr. Peter Christie's. Ne whceled devu and back on hiW bike. Mr. W. C. Heard bas signified bis fut ,en - lions of glving np hotel-keeping, àq _mil Iherefore meve out on the ist of Septémber. The weeklj> meetings of the epworth Ica- gue are nov Dcoming quit. iulcrestiug aud itlta boped Ibere may b. a better attendance at each meeting. The road vcrk ina ferm of summer faUlow- ing bas begun. We hope lthe plan of form- er yeai s vill be abandoued, and thse better and proper way adepted. 1 Prospect Sabbats echool inlend holding as auniveraary some time accu. They al- ways supply a good lime, and v. hope their efforts may prove a succes Ibis year. Miss Effie Laffart>', of Cbatbam . . vist- ing bece witb ber frieud1 Misa Man Spence She is a graduale ef University college. Tor- ente, and viii returu there sbortly te finish her course. Quile a number frorn bere inteud taklng lu the garden part>' te be given b>' Kra. Mc- Kercher on ber lavu, aI Utica, on Ibis, Fri- day, 5th imat. Mis. McKerciser always-bas a gocd attendence snd ve hope she ma>' hi quile successful this lime. The next semi-an.nualses;sion ofîthe Souths Ontario Dis. Division cf the Sons of Tem- perance viii b. iseld lunlthe village of Ep- som on Priday, 26th inal. Tise wonkt thronghent tise district la progresàing, and mingled vilS a dose of politics Ibere sbould be a rousiug session. Some lime age Mr. W. H. Hayes isad the miafortune of haviug his home destroyed b! fic. We are plcased. to lear tisaIt the insurance compara> carrying thse nisk sel- lied premplly, and nov Mr. Hayes is mak- ing preparaticns to build asew. Tise fol- lovîng lelter speaka for itseif. Mr. C. J. Pearse, agent, Gore Mutuai Pire Insurance C. : I lake pleasure lu tbanking you ànd' thse compan>' yen represent'for lise prompt manner in visich you paid su>' daim for los of fie on 6th day of Apnil, lasI. I intend to continue carrying my>' isks vils -your cern- pan>', feeling perfecl> safe as le tiseir resui- bility. (Signed) W. ELH.Hyes. Our nev items last veek, we-re somnetistiug lîke lthe vnilcr, on Uic busu. (It vas a& picsant busu, hovever,> aud cousequenti>' thc non-appearuce. Il la tthe old oy told over again my bike and I strolled l thc direction ok Uiceaortis pole. After a gocd ru e arrived at a beaiilUffl littie set- tiement called Dairymple, on Mud Lrake. Her e v ere no flhitified by tise beautiful scener>', kind fricuda, etc., tisat wc vire =n- "ý able te leave matI1lishe fret oftisis wek. Take in tlie saine trip -friende and you wili neyer be sorry. P. C. GEtAHAx. Sada>' -Labu t lasun attëbIz of wrlting. Two cf our farmers, )r vor erTa gant afd Mr. john Rernuîu ctt? outo on Tucsday ethis eisvlSlad- ha>']r' Thse Sunda> seisool o! Ibis --t'ace isavr,& cided te hold tiseir 1oua pcnc um TsoumsManderson's<rou o Pda>', Il 9iish inal. Miss Ada jehisuon left on -idaof ls week for 1New Bedfen'4, Masei- wbem .1 expects te remain drn iesummer. Rev. Mr. Weathemsf's dtivlog ltorp neanly desi ou Sunda>' last, -but tbrouq tise efforts of Dr. Robunso sud théBq lin vet., tise horse la getfig better. There seem lto be ne ueed of tise- of Ibis place fndiug fanit fer imt chsance teO bu>' god bad,, for of OshsawaTo f tise«'ape cf ag4réent, cac i bning frldeli about Ivice eueS vei. Pathuzaster Hartie badlls oiis1s plow or sSnper here- Intpxbvng ibe s »Mes two days lest week.. fl- poe dlrýa.byfotir bcoe, but thée cosa for thé emd Seéat, as we 'um councl octltwromea&oee "-"15 aciçaper frpe ocwe-,-

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