Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 2

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lhtboum ~The Iutcrment vau =de HudsouïCas HIudsi4ýcm, GeoAYouog. Thi e»V 8J8. librsry-VUsgla sléotda 44 v ~~at thé Friends' cemetery at the -bay. W Cameron, H A Bruce, Mo~i Brude, on & bTheealy îSingmaemet t dad A number of tachers from the var- of Toronto, and Arch Tisdale, of Or- f.G a.,fti rn oj Thded eycus thenublccu fo roischol in this 1socal4ty s uv .'a bcu h sections ~ as- <ii.ed bon on Sab5athsec Its way clear to doisshpngu sembled here eji Saturday o! lasit veek The osEx press" office bas had an f.Nvo u afynvrsl u~m Oalwtesoe ocoeery and rmade 'partial arrangements as to electric motor placed in k, and here- the houason bblalyvctdbySoekpestkth san tat the union pic-nic at Roeebe.nk. The after that paper will be printed by elec- Mr. Bingham while they would prefer ocoeery date was fixed for Friday, June i2nb. tric power. Not being ble to vrits laut wek some they eit cobpsiess to epoe hl As the water lu the lake la much high- Swimming in the lake has commenc- of our items may sem a hltiecai; vil!tee asbinstobdo.Th er this yèar than last, there wilI be nlo ed and our small boys present quite a try snd correspond more regularly i agitation for earlier cloigbsdn difficulty lu getting steam yachts for different appearance in consequence. future. some good, as shoppingi rcial the entertainmeut of the children. The The Rev. Mr McKay, of Sunderland, Our minlaters are in sottendance at through two hours earlirtani a buis wil! be issued in a few days when Moderator of the Liudsay Presbytery conférence tisi week; a enpply st oach a few months ago. The lm o h Dont frgth datswl e owevr, Frdy occupied the pulpit of Knox church on of tbe difierent appointments willb. in collapse of the movementrssetrl June ifrge2th oeaenk. er r Snnday last and preached two very able store for Babbath. - on the public. Jue1t tRsbn.sermons. The epwortb league wua oouducted by The sou.uoI woa> ult i. Percy Chamberlin, a pupi! at the The fo!!owing players composed the e- W. Sllon ou Wednesday evsning The stireets won't bewtrdti college, whose parents reside at Sud- lacrosse team who played in the game lui. Joh bandled the iubject idmiir-year, at least not at the epneo h bury, met with a ver) severe accidenty Tuesday evening, from the effects of agaiust Cannington in Cannington on abîy- town. That is what tecunld- Jeu.. 5.Yhlbtou. whch h wi! no spedilyrecoer.the 25th: Messrs. Davidson, Calder, Peter Stephenson coorp!ains of tbs cided at a special meetingo husa A id.e.whc ewllntsediyrcvr Hamilton, McMillan, A Cameron, soarcity of milk tbis season. Ho bas evening. 0f course, iflh ecat AlotThe little fellow is somne eleven years Moore, White, H S Cameron, West- Ouly secured one cari on Ie route for tlb ask te have it doue andwilpyfrt Passes I3elief ldand aut th gonshen ofhsae el! Ç'J Cameron, H McKinnon and Mur- factory &bis ""iOU- by special frontage tax, tecuclwl blygabted wrofndsce, tearing The game was won b u boys A fine rm took plae bers a few days have no objection to lvigti a fac i seerl pacs. hewQudsbY 3 goals to i. ince, for the saine mach gratification and proceediug with the ok.Ti Wr. Tas H.Nicolsn.,Fle.uovl fa e-ensosevere tpatcabouthaozns Mu-. jas. Morrison, of Simcoe'street ha. been sxpressed by oue and ail. A.n- action of the council remîd s fa Nr. Ja.2. troholem foreen 1evme stitce sowere rired t bto ae put is vîsiting her son William in New other showsr wonid not b. despised. incident of which I havehedgnt- Te&" wtth The fence is but a tempou-arv aflair and York. She is accompanîed by her Mr. aud Mrs. Royal Rogers atteuded man speak somne years ao mn CANCER ON THE LIP, was erected for the purpose'of keeping daughter, Mu-s. R J Harwood of Can- the annual asaembly of thc sooiety of the laborers who residedot i lc AmN la ul=UERD3Y the cows f rori destroying somne young nington. luens.i the old country was a«i, riha Sars- shade trees that had been set out. Messrs. Hugh Wilson, S. Glassford, Mri. S. hf aokie in viaiting fries an d uamed Flaunigan, wit i ie 4, 'RIE3 R There was only one wire stretched, but F. Lindsay, F. Edwards, Mr-. and Mu-s. relatives in Rochester. Whenever they got drunk. parilla that proved suficient to cause the acci- McComb, of Caniiington were in town The 241h of &May pased off qui.tiy often euough, they would eton n A Y E Sdent.-News. on Sunday. bere. The chief business centres in oUr other, sometimes Flannua etn tor nprscae o e utt ETV No less than 32 cyclists registered at îagweecodsdmutfcr thwotofioetesMsFln neorwopose& Ui cancr eut thaHailtn huseon undy lst. lation teck in the great celebratian at nigan; it greatîy depended" ha Eat into the Flesb, D. R. Beaton. i iiighu o, Mu-. Nelson McLeod, of Cannington Greormant. druuk the olacO e dy smyn spread te rmy chia, and I suffered Inda petafw asti and R. Robinson, of Woodville, wheel- Pcliticâ are now froru ime te time r.- formnt pasehe p lace hruh h a&îyfo eÂylngyars. Fnally week wi.h fu-indspin SLuafordav - i ed over on Sunday, and spent the day coîv'Ing epecial attention, meeting are be- over bis better halt belabouighe-wt 1 ea &igAer's ye rsapa.riUa, k ihfied nStafr. in town, ing held in different places, and orowdo a week or two 1floticed a Messu-s. E. A. Major and A. E. Rev cla-nrtre nWd f the old time style and size are said to la good heavy stick. -1ithr, o Decided Improvement. Thou-nton au-e "Isiting fu-ends in Toron- ReeTçeeeneu-ndo d- attend. Asn the 28rd of joue wil, soon brute," he shouted, "-stoptat o Encouraged by this resait, 1 persp- Lu.esday nigt from attend ing the meet- be upon us teParty poùjtiauau wil, ne ought to be ashamed of yosef vered, uitlil Ia a mnotb or so the son ing of the Ouange order at Collingwood. doubt make the best possible uecf their ing a woman. - The wou-th lnîa under my chia began to heal. In three Dr. S. F. Whaley and Nf îss Olza àf r. Treleaven IAho is County Master of rame aud abilities.st-ihedhnilfuooda-un mnoatlas xny lp began to heal, and, &fier H-ageurnan spent Sunday wîth red nain ob e h eto h withasotfa udi using the Sarsarillafor six menthe in'nonile.Mottfhurfamestav bidt the lusttrace ofthe cancer disappeared-I c~novil.- hfuinsOri(d know doub tth e w s t hte Mu fcomr ae sldteirfat a flouuish of his ..and s ou. Miss Maggie Tait, of Non-al, spent was there for, and his fellow-Ou-ange- ate; rcahvbeney o.M ymv isntruinaw Sunday and Monday with heu- mother, men caniuest assured týhat they senta a re qute disccuraged with this part of ed, "Ah, Master John, laehu-ao, A ye's ,'eSarsparilla \Irs-lamesTaylor. most capable representative. y utfefigJ wwudshure 1 know tuh th'vu- iwa Âdmfitted at the World'a . afr Mu-sJohnaWilson leftoon 'hou-ah. visit- advise a continuanecthbsie a .&YEB'5 PILLS Buguot4theBowel. for Brtishi Columbia where skie w ed friends in town on Sunday last. this is the firat seascu in yeare that beef kunss tmten ver> a'atth ____________________________spend the sumrmer with ber sons. Rob- The Muisses Ritchie and Mu-. NIH. bas reaebed low war.er mark. Last year bsns e ueal oba-i eut, Tommy and Cbaulie. w;ho ail re- Roach attended and took part in the five cents was paid for good cattle, and of hpofatx-esL B CINside un that province, and are doing. R. C. concert at Brechin last Friday course we agi-ce with our farmner friends - The concert givýen inN\I((Irathi's ba", well. night. 'hat 5c. te as lew as it ever shouli! ho. heu-e la'st Fu-îdiy night drew 'a large The checker club bias suspended Mu-s. (;eo. R. lIuoctor, Sr., 9pent last discoui-aged ma We trust cur frieude will not be 80 easily A IaI des bouse and wa', à brilleant ýýuccess The oPerations fou- the surrmmr, as~ the pr-ess week in Toronto. -as welo shi w pr-ogrammu1e, hichwa a Icngthv 0ne (f wo-k in the ta ]or shop utf\es es irhad -tu-nd omas rheren aoQfl mntr nd thass- Bey. Beach, a Nbr.Jamer iahlaw cfureRehomgoodetaejd- wa's carriedl mut tu the fulust, tie par- Hu -h le-b S grow,n sO heavy' that he a1 n . Ha rs officiatd b r on Sa bt'a c tu upants l)eing wâau-ml:, upplauded timie. has bod to engage new hands that at Fuiday looking hale and beau-tybis diacourse wua a littie long but yet an aio an gi.wok n ak-tecu ta nyp atater a months vistu the famed excellent eue indeed. Hie mode cf tl may elctH S\1uskoka. pueachinîg i mreaferth od f8moi st oncinteu Mu. ho. ga lasuuneinto the NIogamlde .t.F.wlrhv u. W. W. Bruce bas uyone to styVle ef some years ago, that is ta say waer bouse latelv OAe1b N 1u1- annveu-sarx' serVices in the Metbodist w)ta.hvntacpee iuaini oescitrlsdne omc fh Cuaig un Noin-.tiuuuch on Sundav atternoon. The O ntaa,-ai bak te. iuto nMresrpua n ots uho h a teOtrobn hr.present style cf sermons, viz-preaching bis digetv ogn ()ne of our uesi(Ierts found hi.. owRev M-. r.Legott. of Brookl;u, will (-C- are eute oopl..H orederth he o iu the pounul thu-er Iunig n~ cur'v the pulpît and Mu-. Ward's class NMr. and Mu-s. Wm. Joy'ce went oWl1 eenonnsi rorge town on Saturday. Nfr. Joy'ce gospel in itseu tirely pure and simple. wIIhve anua Si n I s o a k e t a s r reh ,-e c a r e o t e s e v c o o n . ýe iu g c a lle d th e re b y th e se rlo u s illn e ss O u r la te h a rn e e s m a k e r b a s re m c v e d a n ce. H e c n p l . Mu-. James G-iloglv-, t he hustliug A plain dress society is being tLalked of his father. te Blackstock aud we are withcut aio n agent of the Sun Lite, Was unte i-ofangteldesf the vaie.-he r. James Ritche bas again opened tradesman cf this kiud. A splendid yellewis at i lag e a few 'da\ last îveek. will discardl oweu-s and feathers un their ou- w itb tauy ez aggerd anticuasgood a stad tedapeit Mu. lrta odil.'vet nwhats, eut do%,.n their ballo>on sîev\es, out a general store 1in his uld stand i n wo n y awaits ao an hordstnd ieteu wl b cr.inI tu 111n un wckl nor.%' and remuv\e tu-on theur dresses the in- the lHamilton House block, wbere he as eau b. found in thîs cnaty for a work- orh v(_Isim». unt h suen se ckumralefouceFad ulswthwbcbwIll poor, hie teeth u-usty, cs- bs b . uuraleseece ad bis wthwhchmnuof gocd abillty sud temperate able. H eoebg lui,ýo h sln te.teur dresses are now decou-ated, and tomers. He also intends buy'iug wool, babit. We hope ta see a first olasa man nusistakbeag NIr. Nlack-NlcEwan, our old trieud, tu-oui the uveu-plus material will clothe making the fouutb buyeu- on our maket situated bei-e before long. We wilI £of consiain spent a tew lîours in town !asr. Friday. the naked childu-en who caui most any th is season. uiate him the heai-ty e operation aillis Ruara tee empm while passiug tbu-ough on bus bike. day be seen dîsportiug theinselves ini Mu-. Roach, of Toronto, spent the cf ail villagers, sud the patronage cf the and unihlsm e ' ( )ne of our vou ug men us buiUdng a the mnuddv, waters of tbe rain, ou- else 24tb in town the guest of bis brother, general public. ive with as le hie persen. Amawobs m d e r- n s i d e - w h e l e u - t o p l v - b e t w e e u g a y l y ai 'î n n t e g e n s w r I . M . R a h h l a t a U . i ý o f w a St rawbeur-vislan d and heu-e duu-iug the bard bv-. Mu-. M. H. Roacb.VIceinfichosaeuetesnge- àiyud 'ntaajotngfhin surrmnmer.cnecin it teBreln slwImaeaefotoheth church. A fine puranm tw Peuple have access tc; Six Diarn- Mau's 1f. is an append t te is heint. saknasTheLer was teqa ofo toursoe 7ini Nor'th Pas-ma, Motueo.N preare cnsitin u dacin, porsond Dye Dolîs witb six extra dresses; Life i. good, but not li.fe in itselL tiahed aud bandled Lb. papil accordingly. preare cosisingof ancngspotsand a card of forty-five samples ef dyed Live weil ; bey long or short, commit W. bave ne isympathy for boys who feel etc. W e trust tu see this une of the cloth, sbowing culers of Diamond Dyes, to heaven. ilthteir dut3v ho impart insruction raber8Roei v trofaS old turne gatherings. tIbm receive the came at the bauds o h offb txhSRe r, w ineuas rCambridteu icce sent tree to ever>' man, woman and Crisianu hif consista in faitb ad char- teacher. 0f course it aiways Lakes two 1wss kiUO&d Mu-. D. McPhee, deputy,-eeve, was cbild wbo will send in 25 cents in ity. ta make a vr large dit r c, a di inth vllgeThrsaylatmoney or stamps fou- one yoar's sub- Life is a crueible. W. are throwu Ibis eaus tb. second oeuDas n iL Hav" you lever uoticod howyerstm Miss Mary (.vereud and Nettie script ion te Our Home, a paper that loto it and tbled. The Leacher has been uivi.ug ieneralsat- sefas te cave specialassisance i'aeuphg King, Beaverton, spent a few days last tbousands declare to be worth a dollar." A ba.rdful of good life la wortb a bush.! jafaction sud svideu&ly iws.nd o eontinue saparffbiP sard1gve yHo' u week wîth triends in the village. In ou-don to compl>' with the wisbes et îearmng. doiig thb.ame, W . bpe n o piipil w w h ha llk o sa b u Qats came into t.he mar-ket last week et the ladies oveuywhore, we have x- Life is given e no one for a, lsting rais. bis voe in objection'ho b.e tecb theStret r witis bis ce te te rear in large quantities. Some bave learn- tended our arrangements with the pub- pommjon ; te ail for use, *r's autbority in the future, Il tbey ed a lossen from the turn bay toek. lishens of Our Home, and have aiso la rsamud i'u should acs 8 wWisaely v we uld ea> use Mis Hnna Cdaee asu-euredordeaed another stock of the elegant i isle u witbi. n d . xi. 'aJmhan tt f.a' rbeUmAU.a f isrHrn a aCvsitte erste n alamazoo, dcabinet photos and other premiums, ivsbes -thnq.nmdblnmtfrrem frM ih. ohr itri Klmzo and will extend our o11cr until the last This bodty ianet a home, but an inn; daioJun. and thaL only for a, short Lime. The road comminissioners weu-e bu sil> w0 trust une. ind il -n u The earnestuess of life ia the onlyvy M R O C engaged last week. their orders at once, so as to avoid an> PaasPolt Go'Lb.esatisfaction f lii. HE Tousu car àsteuh L oUe b IsvL uau PIKERIN . dola>' that ma>' res ut fi-ou a rush of Every m »a s life Li a tain>' tale, vritten Nw si pI@DViIf nt <arM er qW .klyodin t eho4 NjWJJ Reeve Kennedy, of Scarboro, has rdratteedotemoh.bQd'lngr.instat relief; spemdl ure Ry issued a request tu the people of bis Twenty-flvc cents in stamps or mone>' Wbile min lro ing l1inslude- A !mcrtgae bas been describ.d as au township asking that Thuu-sday, Jane will secure Oui- Home for oue year, erea",s oad18 roe snae G b lcnv emiar, ev aotae i thbebed ndu-spctd s pblcand ail the othei prcmiums mentioned homb. a Ue ri. -T.hélait is particu-, Mou s"e nea~u7 Oh riatl. eua T holda b> te rsient o Scrbroluabove. Addi-ess Wells &Richardson -Long- 4f. la denied us; thereforelo9t ne lYl'ym re Amgfl,.is ll d Ps ba t i t 9dldî commemoratien et the hundneth an- Ce., Menti-cal, P. . do some&big teshov that av a.i.' rau il vIl i. Hten a li.l oftHuon. K-ulloeaosoforàcm niversar>' of the settlement et the wof s' rm-M où au In v itatio n s are eu t an u o u n c in g th e ij c u l - f ta d z ,b c .le ' u fî -b i i & 't mraniage ot Robt. Mi111cr, Broughamn, te Toot ae tn> ef " j el f Mur, M'viss Harding, of' Wisconsinon Wed. ruopse hog e- udy T.tv, .i ,a...t- .-~-- nesday, June 3rd. Tbcy will sail for the old country on the ijtb of June and, spcnd a few weeks travelling over there. His many.frienda wish Robert -and his tain bride mn long anddhappy years et maried ie *Ezra Roach, cif Cherrywood, bas 3utretnrned firosn Wabon, where he bas taken up a farm »of tb=ree uadred and twenyacres. He lçÈft wub&al - samplq ofU .wea!uInEsoerý moning ofi their w L o .SQn-fnd' .Sparrow Lake. A lar ge picnic, party, from Gieuansu and Harley, aetSatuidyn»nc' grove..- Beavierton la to ha"-a £>h neWs, paper. le >w ll hoP=ed 4beu thé Messrs Rbion, ».thé Qli -,. , olo~ - Iil.m ber wiVbÀn »«QI 'I A Marvolous Me' dicîmt Whenver Given a Fair Triaj H-ood'se Proves Its Merit. The followtng letter lis freinMu-w. J. Chbaussé, architeet sud surveor, No b Str-eet Montreal, Canada: Sas "C. L Bcod & Co., Lawell, Maue.: '4Gentlemeu: - have been taking jR04 iai-saparlla feu- about six moaths and &m81 ao say that It has doue me a great deal of gO Last May my weiglit was 152 peunds, but i1h HOOD'S Sarsapari lia 1 bem totakeHood's Barsapartnla It bu kl. ,reaed o 16. 1thini Hcad's Sarsapaila is& avelflmedlite and am vseu-y auca pieu«e 11h ih." J. AXA TDE CHAUSSE. 1Modailes cure liver ln&, consUpau%~ ]ioasaes, jaundice, sdck hosdaelieuiu J-. Alo(de 2her DOIT THE SUCCÊ siFersLiL REIIEDrY FOR MAU on BEASr. B=àtm b 1 hlaemdme o.o orBu Kendilu SpsvtnCurewith gIci succeu le wonderful 'nedlcin. 1 once a a re lilasln *nOei pvin sud five battis. curd hsr.1 (EMDALL'S SPAMVNOGRE. Dr, B. 1. KEUDaU Cb.cff 'e, î.8 Dms ire-J rhave useS soreai btem of y"w Klendala pavin CureIl wità mueb acuom 1 ýu*k ft the &boUtLnirmt i ovr« usd. amsu94 no-dom Carb, obse ale"ui paand kW I L se" _ _ a.O.B oz 13. . J. KENDALL COMPANY, 9WNOUON VALJ5. VT. À Aw*I Por laitrmaj Ma t Idest buuas.*Hou Inri t=tonit 1ut re puioynooe Lem; For TwmitymBx Turs ANDER$ON'S L TACIIR E!C l y.,~L ..tÙrQALIT77 at 243 yds at 8 c Mr Kecler, 31 10a at 26 yds at 8 cci We beg to ack of certificate of plying with the ' committee i-eeum be ,grantcd. Al ful- ly submittcd. On motion eof report was adopt Your standiiq gents begs icave -mend as fellows: of MRyan 18 w )à. Gleeson sup weeks at $1.2z s»pOrtOf PJi $13.ý50; Colin1 Trippi8 weOks hipeupport c k CO.. at$t i r traik --évàl -, i'nil lMt ,44uimnton SatuIdà gorJ'~uanscton Of ge ai resent. ,nd appT4'"'d . lbe of bis ,Id refei-Wd te the y Tbe f0llowing Petit Inunications eera îFromf W . S Dunshý 01ffice of overgeer. ?etltiofl of iM Gleeso to repair Greenwood hi Fi-oiA Jebusten t pair sideline betweenr the 7th con. Petitior' f rom H others for $80 to gra,.oand 1 1 ir 1ast con. W Edwards made grant to repais' sidelun'- ad 5 in' 8th con. Wmn Taylor was he.i South side ef sidelune and 29 in 2L1d con. Petition etJof D foi- $35 te repair an road, rear of 6th con. petitionfl rou -à(- 'and 16 others to gra'. Srh con opp lots y, .Mr Copp. of Harn:' the sale of a u-oad Amoerican Champion F Hu4chison wasn ence to a grant on ,aorth et Claremont ti John Williams gavr' bctwOOfl lots 8 and was in a dangerous Cc James Laugb9int bridge on sideliuCUbe 55jin the 2fld u '. repairs. A petitien askung1 be bonused on John ises lot 17, cou-ia.- a- always blocked in w: i Petitien tu-ou-n ot.hers for$100te gr- con road ftrom 'T B'roughamn, te east s - Petition f rom Ge- ailiers for a grant ut Kinsale road betweuî t .he 7th cou. South h John Russell maiý grant On 7th con ea-s Hill ou 9th con neý- bille opp lot 34. Your standing col killed b>' degs begs1 recouimend as foIl Richard McGu ire tc by dogs, valued atS amount being twe t AIl of which is u-esup On motion of NI man, report was ad( Your standing coi gences begsleave t( mend as tollows:. V and lists eftotwnsh ycar 1896, $12; JO seer, statute collec, ion NO 41, $1.80; seer. - st.atuto labo trom division No Farewell, expenses m-atter, $37; jar, acceunit $3. AUIle

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