Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 5

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Massey-Harrii Lt is Stylish, Iight, and fast ; of Peorfect workmanship and fiish,,. Cyclomneters, Watch Holders, Silver Namne Plates. Trump WatchE for tourîst use. ina. S. Barna,'t OoffiawCouaty OrgazL-Larest Cirou cSon ofa" au1lal paper la canada, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1896. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. ,bin advertisement, like a mai, wilI weakr w:: h age. Hiardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only ai W Tili's. Clin's for pure hellebore, Paris greei an insed: powder. Mni Thos. Graham, V. S., Claremont, wi n iown on Priday last. M ns,. Gro6s is visiting with her daughte Mr (renside, at Mount Morris. A yacht trom Toronto arived here c S,:ndàsv, returnîng home the samne day. Yo~ung men or old sbould not fau î.o res Tbas. Stater'oa avertiaement on anoîber pagt e-, Mlis Beatrice t)artnell returned homne tait week abter spending a week visîing friencda NIrs. Chas. Hodgc left last week te reside ir; iont Perry, Mr. Hodge bavîng secured cru ;<-)v ment ubere. fM. Tod's bread aud cakes are sotd au T ;îv bin a acati wbcn you Nwant trhn nce in that uine. \t-ý Weî. Sherrard, son oi Mr. Aaron >'trrnard, of thîs town, rode second place in uýtrifutihe races au the Woodbine isu week. '-.eraI carloada ot cattle werc shipped lie (j. T. R. station on Saturday tast, T' ti' were a fine lot ef cattle, and do credo i, '(),cal buyets. dt Most of our sports wbo uook in the races ati .ne Woodbîne lasu week were unabie to - c, the winners, and consequenrly ubus %%t7ek are wearîng a - blue"- ibbon. 4 t -ire and hear Prof. Waukins, Toronto, t-o'- celebrated guitan player. who wiil give venat setections at the concert hetd by the .,u7-ary society ai the Ontario ladies' col- .s-lune i2th., at .30o octock. 'au is the malter with organizing a i eclub in town and holding a weekly Aimost ai! the town-i have organîzed surely % Wib>,b cati be in the swîm. are nos' upwards of firt>- bicycles U\Ul-od in town. Io Day1! :, t ,reana, cakes, boied hana, at Yates. Bar gins o0 pairs of ladies' and chitdren's shoes adslippers at Soc. per pair. See the bar- gi.,.s outside the WVest Side Boot and Shoe Higri School Entrance Clais. H ,non nolt for the months of Apnil and Ma-iy Pirst class honors, minimum 661- pe- tent -C. C. Tamblyn. Second class 'rnMinimum 5,oper cent.-Roy Step- hern-on, Nora U-awler, las-a Walters, Colin Sitetiant, -Stelta Pringle, Herbert Bewell, Arl inun Ketchen, Editb johnstoin, Mabel Tavý, r, Edith Ross. Annie Stewart, Lena bittMîttan, botta Westlake, Lettie Bales, Lauara Barries, Ruby Stephenson, May Rich.- ard-on, Ethel Plaskitt, Frank Proctor, R ,-e:la Turribuili Fred Calverly, John Mleen, Arthur Howden, Bertha Hawken, l-nnd Vates. Number in the class 36; high- et anding taken, 68 per cent lowest 4o ptýcent. Third class honor-s, minimum 45 Ptr cent-Willie King, Maude Wisrner, Lrr.est Deveneti, Mabel Hoyt, Harry Bryan, 1L.d:îh Downey, Irene Hyland. Pon' Whitby \-,-izzie Mine, of Port Huron, is visit- irig htr gratidmother here. '4'. Il. Godfrey, Port Union, visited ivntds here on Wednesday. NI:ý I)eacon, Bowmanvi île, spent a few dav-c ibis week with Mrs Golding. Miss Grace Pattexson has returned to To- rnqafter spending a week wit.h her par- enshere. \Ir- G W Saunders and Miss -D Saunders "on Tuesday for a three weeks ivisit in :.ckport, N.Y. MNIr W. Woodhouse and children, of Muntneai, are visiting her parents Mr and -Mr- Thos Gale. Mr J Gibson left on Tuesday for Mar- muora, to superintend the building of a i-ail- noad into the mines. Mr B Gibson has the coitract. The many friends of Mr j Nomrs will be sorry to learn that he has gone te Acton to reside. Mr Horley, of Sydney, takes Mr- Noris' Place at the station here. st. John 's church was filled te its utmost capacity on Monday evening, te witneas the marriage of Mr. Dudley Woodhouse, of Chicago, to Miss Ada lice, of Port Whltb>r The chtirch was beautffally decomted 9;r the occasion. The uzhers had gret diffi- cultty in kee ing the crowd from fiflug thse iste dowm vwtieh thse we&diigpst àêd The bride, who wu t iven sa= uy1LS father, looked luprnyi a traf litlu thoz te z gordeal by Ms al àsimila oscefor the groom. 1n WihteramotM u is odo took thse I x tmilfor 4 theI Part of the xRe*iwt isside.joeX« VIII b. unm dmas t, b and &> mez*ber tb we en g S S v a] as Ni p Do" tai.1 M rool shavy SW«rge suitcs Do mlu. tait ft qai To. lewsadveU. m e t ou a o is a aru g e o r n.i d wheeledto>lito ououSudy. tir. Roger Rie, Port Hope, spett Sauday tu towu witb bis parentsiý Mr sud"Mft Thos. W G Walters is offerlng newest- styles lu lde'capes at one ait egir wprive on Mir A Till sud tir Mitchell Toronto spent Sunday lu towu with d1. former.' prents, Mr and tir Wm Till. Mrs. Judge DartneDil eft ôon Tuesday (of Toronto, wbere she will spend a week visit- in&, the guest ef tirs. G. H. Roberts. Bright advertisements, insure bright busi- ness prospects,; then place an adyci-tise- ment lu the CHRONICLE and note thse re- sUlms A load of thse Sons ef England of this towu drove te Port Perry on Sunday te attend the aunual sermon preached te tIse S.O.E. of that town. Mr. Maurice Goodheart, of WycUSfe Col- lege, 'mll lecture on " The Jews life in Rus- sia. " at Kedron, on Mondsy evening jupe 8th, aud at Columbus on the following even- ung.1 A number ofttIe county councilors vlsited the athletic grounds on Monday evcuang and indulged in a criccet practice with cur boys Tbey declare we have the beet athletic grounds ini the province. Do net fail te hear thse grand concert given by the litera-y society of thse O.L.C. O)ne of the special features of thc evening w-ill be thse play, "The Touruament of Idyl- O-ôt." Come te Uie convocation hall on the evening of lune î2th. Tîme, -.3o p. m. Admission 25C. Attention Of CH RONI1CLE readers is direct- ed to tIse aulveruisemnent in this issue et s mass meeting of clectors iu the town hall Vhitby, next Friday, June 12th, when the -Ion, G. W. Ro--s, the cloquent Minister of Education [or Ontario, will speak on Uic public questions of the day. Mr. Bu.rnett is Ilso to make an address. t c Il s 8 ii 9 9 c A e< m m H E Pl al le loe iay ýce 't- S8 South Ontaz-îeFa.raes Instituts. The annual meeting et the S. O. F. 1. wilt be beld in the counci I chamber, Whitby, on Tucsday, 9th of june, au i p. mn.,. for the Pîîrpose of i, president's report ; 2, debate thereon . 3, report et the executive present- ed in wriuing by thc sccretary ; 4, trcasurer's report presented in writing 5, auditor's re- port presented in wriing; 6, selection of places at whicb to bold regular meetings ; 7, selection of places au wbmcb to bold supple- menuary meetings ; 8, election of presidenu, election of vice presîdenu, election et sec. - ireasurer, election of two directors for each township in the institîtcedistricu, election of auditors - 9 suggestions as te how tbe insti- tute can be improved or made more useful, rf this bas not already been considered by the president in bis opening address and discussed in the debate following. Basebail The nortb ward basebaîl club, "the saud- rats,'- bave organîzed for thse coming sutu- mer, aud arc indulging in Isard practice nigbuly. In the course of a tew days the), mIll bo prepared to receive challenges. The Beavers, ot Whiuby, wish to express ubeir tbanks to those wbo have contributcd to their treasury. The boys are not througb collecuing and if yonr name is flot ou the list place it there witbouut urtber dclay, and help te keep up sport in our town. On Tuesday a meeting was beld for the purpose et organizing, when the tollowing officers were elected : Manager, A. G. Henderson pres., Ed Warren, ist vice-pi-es., Arthur Allin - 2nd vice, R. Caisels , capu., Sidney Thompson: sec.-treas., Frank Shaw ; com., E. Nicholson, F Manning, H. Ricb?rdson. The Beavers take ubis opportunit ytu chal- lenge any teamu (average age iî,' in the world. Frank W. Shaw, sec., Whitby. May Queen Crewuing. The assembly room et the collegiate insti- tute was crowdcd lait Fridey with people wbo had come to sec Miss Bei-tha L. Tamb- lyn crowncd Qucen of the May, and Mi-. Robu. Stewart installed as " Dux" for z896. Misses K. Meen, Alberta Henderson, Clama Adams and Daisy Lawler acted as malde et bonor, while Messrse. Chas. Smith, Wm. Remmer, Walter Sbaw and Wm. Arnold as- sisted the "Dux." AIl tbese perfoi-med tbeir parus gracefully and well. An excel- lent programme was given, coueîsting et speeches by Rev'ds. Abrahamu, Manning, Broughaîl, and McAlpine, Messrs. Ormiston and Ferguson, trustees, Messrs. W. H. Greenwood, N. McGillivray, Boi Abraham, sud T. N. Davey, students et Tiorente Uni- versity ; songe by Misses K. Hillary. L. Woodcock, M. B. Tamblyn sud Mi-. Sidey ; a reading by Miss Hewdcn, an instrumentai ductt by thse Misses Gi-ose, sud chorus., by tIse gîce club. Thse Quecnan sd ber maida were very prettily dressed sud tIse rooni was very tastefully adorned with fiowers sud branches. After the programme was over, thse Qucen plantcd a very pretty tree in honor ofthtIe occasion. Many pleasaut heurs bave been speut in the assembiy rootu et oui- collegiate instîtute but noue have been moi-e pîcasant tIssu were tIse.psssed tiser., isat Friday. eaImt of Wlflie WeUs. Poor Witlie Wells! Hie murdored ro- mains rose tram tIse grounds te, go te, Tom- ente sud centrent bis murdemers in court, with a vicw te biiging themt t punishmeut; but it was net te be. Tise intricacies et law, procedure sud spoken evidence interveued, sud tIse day et vengeance was postponed at tIse Lords pîcasure. TIse ftlumeetfjdstice in ttlie instance was s meut glaring -eue, sud sbocked thse public meet painfuliy. thse me- suit being tbat tise contempt previeusly iseld for Ameican coamts- bas Iscen transferred te our own. Our Aiueican cousins soon put au end te thse murderer Holmes,. but mouey- sud difficuit court procedume sud evemytbing cisc apmed te stand lu tise way et tise Cadiaflucumi perforuing its dugt tes Hyssis. TIse bedyef WMilie Welllay lu' Undertaker Humphirey's establishsment, Tor- ento, ail vister, calliiu aloud to eur Cana- dian uatlouaiity aud Csuadiau patrioti o lutericre sud aveun bis.- murder; but às soou as it vas foud. tisa:there veeldl b.. tuatise proft te anybedy tram atteesptlug to bigtsmurderers to.the scqfft, bis body vusabndoedte icundert4ke'a pýsspof i Sale ef bcdmoom sets, 21 scboei desks aïd« seats in oak, Isair cloth sofa, walnut be. stoad, walnut centte table, etc., to-mormo*. Saturday, tbe 6th June, 1896 at thse mamkeý, at r-o o'ciock am. L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. Mr. Burnett. tIse Lberal candidate in South Ontarao makes bis first Public ut pearance ins Witby at thse nezî meetin1 thse town hall bere next Friday nigbt w=_e thse Hon. G. W. Roms in te bu tbe principde speakrer.-:. Mir. Celmuan Cowley, Osha*a, W"s,I toms on Monday eveuing, prier te bis 4 parture fer Srnitb's Falsa, wbei-e he h"s cured a situation la the malleable i Colman wiIl play with the laci-osse te=. that town. Mr. Chas. Snow, Toi-ente, termerly oft tbi* town, had -bis borse " Burt Oke,'" entered iu one of the steeplechase races at thse Woodblne last week, but at oee et te jumps it tell, tbrowing its rider, M Nat Ray, an oid Whitby boy. Thse literai-y socieuy of the Ontario ladies' college pux-pose glving their closing concert on Jtne i2th. Thse oung ladies ai-e pro- viding a very înteresting programme, con-, sisting of instrumental quartettes, duets, banjo, mande loin, guitar soies sud duets ; also a play "Tournanieut of Idylcourt."- A welcome te ail. Admission 2sc The south ward basebail1 club, known to fame as the Marsh Toads, cballenged the Buckle factory to place a nine in the field on Saturday last, and the aftair came o t authse athletic grounds before a large and ezcited audience. The play was very evon (that is the play on the mouth) until the commence- mnenu of the rst inning, and then fortune ap- peared to stuile on the buckle factory tellers, who won in the end by a score ot 17 to 7. bse best Anthra.dte ceai. Nut, steve, egg, $4.-, No. 2 nut, $4; rard. J. H. Downcy'& Co., opposite poi I une wedding. On Weduesday Miss Sarah Baternan ef this towu was united in marriage to Wm. IMarilt, o Oshawa, autIhe residence of tie brides father, Mr. Charles Batemnan. Rev. J. S. Broughal oftAil Saints' churcis, pet-foirn- cd the ceremouy. M~r Smith's meeting. By au adv. in another column it will be seen that Mr. Wm. Smith, M. P., will sddres the electors in the town hall here next Tues- day evening. By some oversighut the adver- tisemenu handed in to be printed in these columus last peck announced the meeting one wcek ueo soon. Every elector is euuit.lcd to hear Mr-. Smith gîve an account of his suewardship, and ait should go. Other speakers will be ou band, and opposition is at yý oi St. Audrew's Society- of C. E. The above society gave an cvening te missions on Tuesday lait and inviucd the congregation to be present. The basemnent oftthe churcb was comfortabty filled sud the entertaiument furnished was fuily cujoycd. The Rev. Mr. Abraham occupicd thse chair and ceniducted the meeting in bis usual happy manner. Mr. Goodhoart, wbo is preparing for niissienary womk, offered up tho opening prayer. Miss McClellan read an intercsuiug essay on the. missionory labors of Dr. Geddy aud his able ce-womkei- Mrs Geddy. The pioncer rnissionary work per- fommed by these famous missionaries, among uhe inhabitants of the Pacific isles, ln the face et great difliculties and danger were faithtully porurayed by Uic tair cssavist 1 Who was heartily applauded for ber brilliaut ef- fort. Mrs. Gee Rnss, Miss Ketchen aud Mr. Wmn. Richardson cach ceutributed vocal solos that were meut hcartily appreciated. Miss Annie Howdeu gave a recitation tbat wse weli rendercd, and se appropriaue te thse occasion as te caîl forth the remark from thse chairman, "ubsu he bad listened to miany a sermon that did net coutain a fraction ef thse ruthe or preduce tic degree et inspira- tion coutained in or produced by that simple recitation.'" The Rev. Mr. ticAlpin, Bap- tist minister, ruade a few pleasing remnarkrs aud couveyed thse geeuing ofthtIe sistcr e- ciety et bis church. Thse Rev. Mr. Southani delivercd an eloquent address on " Motive ln Missionar-y work."' Light retreshmenirs wemc served durîng tise eveuing. s- 3 I. Il Very tew men have become better kuown iu tise varions courts bei-e than John Rood, senior, Broughamu. Ho bas thse faculty et getting inte treuble, but bas net tise Snack ot ge: ting eut et it &gain, se thse courts usual- Iy have te tare Iitu up in tIse end sud per- toi-m thse extraction. Like many another cantankerous individual, ise has turned upon bis wite wben trouble would net hmew Lu other directions. Ho 1, a crippie, sud finds locomotion very difficuit, but tise warllke proensity lese stmeng that Ise cau still fsght a good battle, in preef wbemeof we may say that Ise eau lick bis wife, which is moi-e tissu some meu eau do. Shoi-tiy ago be isad a struggle with beri-,luthc course ef whkb bhe got hem dowu on tise floor sud "combed ber hair witb bis comb," as hoe tates t, meaning with bis, fist. Ho embelfishes bis work on sueis occasions with cisoice language, largely intcuded te cenvince Mmrs. Hood tisat site is fam frotu what she risould be in even> impor- tant detail. He was fined on tIse occason i-efermcd te, but be le one et these old chape tbat will net down,-se Ise coutluued tise war- tare. He moved ail thse bcd, eut efthtie bouse but is ows snd bld thens away, as well as meet oethtie otlser turiture, sud was getting eady te freeze hemeu ot von ase bsppened te get tise better of hi. by a fatnS mevemnent. Regadiug aof tlup sti- la love sud var,'tir. Hood tSpseso whist hem edeubtable isusbaud vwsabsent, sud visen he came home 11e found ise boSet Iocked tram tihe mind.-HRe U'medlaet surounded sud beseiged tise domkile, 1 teriug thse usual chance for unconditou surreuder, failing whlc ie <lecarnd ti,, would taS. au axe and c1bo>8 a' 'làathé1 doer, titreugis wbicis h. woud eftect'awresi-e try sud m'masacethe whole garnison, cm.- sisting of tir. Mood aud lse- r 01d d=a- bW b berfim'babao The ôttuenced la Ibe, u ùt~.d lasted tbrougboast thse .Ulre ni t,_bathtbie h.mUu.erî ,A ___ q? 46 4 Wd A vv0. ~in~iaboeiden~gIot of the newf&brîi auugodvie milttie to pay e ejt Plin rs Doda heff Be.t I y" Psypttrxjsy and *whaft none else, an olor, Deeen ffets Sik ha. -Sryor butter âcct t> uslug Todt& brea& HalEthe buitte il do. Good m0"ispbae y" read IhoS. Slg' advSie 1or m lmmotier ve Mr. Met lghsqo. eNy., wus home lat ee8o% aviito i Prents. Mr. Alez. Bmowvn leaves this veS for New Ytork, after spendlug about a week with me. latives here. Mr. J. C. Counoir, director of amusemnents on Torouto Island, was rusticating iu towa a few days titis week. Many trom home drove te Oshawa ou Sun- day to vlew thse emains erthtIe Cedar Date, hotel, Sept b 'Mr, FrgtkMalet1formmj £»lors. Prices the very Iowest for, - odcloth. a, - est pnces. Be~ sure 'to sec oui- MILLINERY bfWM buying else- Il 1 %14 çý4% rit juahere.d Clothing., making upM~ Oeil &Bd h>ppot Our Goods . New Dresa (loode, Lino ïo, louer,, Gb,.,g, eto., st bowesi prîoee. Tii.e Tory OheapetsiBorei own. No need tb go 10 the City allr*viung Our store ~c. F.STEWART The methods that this store a, of the extrernely low prices foi 30 LADIES' SPRING ai Large Sleeves, in Box Clothesi S60 LADIES' SUMMER1 >11M Both black and colors, in Box nicely trimmed, and ail new ti SMen's Ready-made Tweed t Men's Black Worsted Suits, rE Men's Fawn and Brown Mix T Men's Ml Wool Halifax Tweed Complete New Stock Men's, exce W.G. WALZ- WfALTiRS IN ,ed ta w n f rave a gs.-succ-s, buFoz vwLB  Y . ivepoeaagea uces rwhich our wares have always been and aire sold. uecanse 7nd VntasUMMErt? JACKET2.50t 9 t$ a CSý-SATU RDAY * ONLY Clothe, Covet Cloths, Tweed and Veneias. Twill, bis season, ai ONE-HALF Regniar Price, on -G m-ST f ur"AYa na egular price.....$1.30, 1 MSaturdlay IP weed Suits, reg. price..$12.30, Satliray Erie 7s t> Suite, in brown, grey and- fawn, reg. pr"e $6.50e M ~ Sa~tuda Pie$6.00- Youth7s' and Children'e ]FERS, -Whitby.ýý - -- -~ - -~ -~--. ~ PTURNIP SED Champion Bwede, Clyde Swede, Bangholm Imp. Swede, Skirvings Imp. Swede, Elephant or jumbo Swede. WM. TIL Le e o Furnituro Delp, STOP ANDTHNI Bsfore yen purehasyow u%%aml it il--repay y dm»te ou- S se»for a sir ie *M 18E Oood W*=.Mattrau, 4 isfor~ G o o d e dM a a m .âl , Èo o d ti o I n Good Mapl1e-Bed&Pfads for..... Rardwood set or....,...I Oak Padm orSt., wo4th S~fr. Flnu a." Rg Sta. spsiug dgO.4 ex- biadu or.dk Tested Seedse from the moat Reliable Growers. M.O.LÂWILER. 1 "~.1 ce .ST WAR ýix- B ye * CAPES» qw %d" LU 1 m 0 rILce $0,50 >OMI lO Day! 1H Ice cream, cakes, boiled ham, at Vates'. îoo pairs of ladies' and children's shoi nd slippers at soc. per pair. See the ba aine outside the Wst Side Boot and Shc Store. A Notes. Adjutaut Miller tarewells fi-ouiWbitl iext, Sunday aud conduets chiidreu's sei ice au ii a.m. Child dedication servic id commiasioning of children's Serjeai 4ajor at 3 p..n., and goodbye meeting at ). ii iý 1 rhe T 1 1 1 1 1 1 fFmnoY Zepityr GinShapç,u rîa dcek, (apeci) ai8 OU., a yard. FaY r n 1haa%4 )--------------..L.06...aY"& IFancy »nck B3atihn ga,.a O1e"ringont lot ai ........... 15 Ott, a yard. tu" yDreden Munlius, vry newest, at........... .. 25 OUe. a yard. J ec.s Linons, the yery new et Miingg in Waash Dreso Goodo, 150. ga yd. Fancy Waeh Goodsat ai y :~...................... 12J oie. a yard. Shzt aiss.New"'Minery Ordered Latest New York styles. Prints, Just in. Ait oui- stock of Ha-ts, W r Se±es, Dlains. WIl mde; etc., will bic sold at thse very iow- 1 il, 1 VU4VUU WUUQJJJj. nicest buits j tOuch Our style and price-9. Perfect Fit L 0 ;_ ---- . âm STRAW irr à rrçi , M.a ý 060? at AMMM---Clàos:m

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