Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 6

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Io the feinie s t C eoesd .h &Ihghames for sttlmw u nWstern~ P.u~yIvaIaa w flo tbefo<e o. o bra fthe fam~onsonus.wur wusene citho thmne ofBrady. The beead etofte utéle bousebold wua stalwart Iriduenn, a man abeolutely Inteont feui-and il waa but naturel tbat bis only ehild, a son, sbonld pesses the saine bravery. Tea Brady fromib te fit-st was a fear- les& young rover ef lbe woods, and gun in band he was ofteu tic be seen in Ibe for- est, either in seat-ch cf gaine or setting trepa for the enaller animais that ebound ed n the looality. During on. cf these excursions into the bey had the fortune te capture e very email bear cub, which ho carriod homo without trouble. He raised the cub by band, and had a good deal of fun with hiru as h. grow oldor. At lest he becamne the pot cf the hohsshold, and often ho would fdlow Ted into the forest. At the approach of night, ne matter where Jack was, ho wonld tut-n hie face towar the cabin end in one corner cf it was dère te flnd e sleeping place tili morning. Witb the uprising cf the Indians, led by Pomitiac, the Ottawa chiof, one cf the bravest and most relentiess Indians of bis day, the whole frontier passod from the sunshine cf peace into the ahadaw cf war. l'est after post foul befere the stratogy cf thie mcd king of the foreet, and at last net one of the mauy forts along the lakes, with tbe single exception cf De- troit, flew the British fiag. Iu consequeuco of the war the fron ier cf Peunsylvania wes in danger cf the tomahawk, and the bot-dors of Virginia and Maryland were threatened. The Brady's heard cf the cemiug storm some time before it reached theen. It was reported that Indian spios were abread in the land, spying eut the weak nesses cf the settlement8 preparatory te a swoop upen theru, and eue day several were seon in the viciuity of the Brady cabin. Ted bad boon tappiug aieng a littie streemn neat- home for somo time. The boy, whe was atout and quick for his 16 yoars, though net very large, had bo- come au expert in trappiug the fur bear ing animais cf foregt and stream, and hip stock cf fut-swus known to e hotie best and meet valuable cf eny in the ueigh. borhood. On some cf hie visite to the t-eps Jacki, the bear, went along with bien, but f:r the encet part the animal weut wbere he * pleased, and Ted did net see mnch cf Michael Brady, the father, thonght that the whele frentier shocld be made acquaiuted with the true situation t-e- garding the indien upmising, and s h had picked up a geod deel cf reliable lu- fot-matiJn ho deemed it hie dnîy te spread the news. Therofore ho set eut on bis mission eue day mntending te be gone noarly e week. " Waeh the bouse well,"- said lho, Knew evet-ything that appt-caches it, and on ne occasion open the door te anybody but Jack." "That's protty sweeping, fathor," said Ted, looking np from the trep he was mending on the floot-. -I know il is, and I want my instrue tions cet-t-ed ont te the lettet-. These Indiana are the meat cunnîng fellows on etl, and they will play ail soi-t ocf thera te, a new trepping ground and ho thought best te take anothei- look before leeving theen for the night. The night pt-omised te hbave the ligbt cf the full moon. The sky was porfoctly clear, and the ctisp beavesi hal litterod the gvound gave forth musical sounds as they creckled underneatb the boy's feet That very day Ted had taken the rifle aperste give it a thorough cverhanling, and every par-t had been inspect.ed and eiled. With the weepon slung over bis ahoulder the Irish boy lvenpedl threugh the weods, found the Irape a il righl, and, after seoing th'it the triggers were well set, tumned and - began th. hemewerd trip. By tbis lime the sun bed gene down and the long shedewe cf dusk were fâel- ling between the t-e. Over lbe bili on hiestight t-ose the full et-bcd moon, and more then once Ted stepped and walched il in its stately ascent. But b. wus expeoted home by his mother before night came fairly ou, and thinking of the Indians h. quickened hie geit and t-an nimbly over the tail. Be bad roached ae utIle stream near the cabin and had set his foot ou lie foot log for the put-pose cf orossing it, when ho ceughl siçit of somelhiug meviug te- werd te cabin. He could se lhe homse tbrougb au opening in lb.,Ifou. The mooullgh felil around itt ete."ig ilin tb. littie clearng witý unomon Ibo ùtiuctaess "Il la Jec goin'g fiolpeso .aid Ted '-wtba emile, wbho heimdwatced the moigojet a- vItle. "~' en~f MuMo oir euruOU sud- isjust gO9li ~uon U akuit..LLa4.. whWes h.oslnd, nd@M d , iWbbojupod downfron-teloeand, mgno w .t nou "by, Iooking osn l a bois k.ua anoer bear,"ruShed isn't à bear .1 al. " The boy's own tought slat$ed him. He wu net close enough to Rot a very gocQ1 look st th. animal, and in eider se do se ho crawled alona the groand te an. other tres from behind wbioh be took another look. By this tie. the bear had dropp.d te the ground again, and al et once Ted saw that it had a cut e, wbioh was juat what Jack bad for three years. Oncè more Ted was in the &et of whist- ling to hie pet, when the animal etarted towarde thbe bouse on aIl fours, running over the ground ini a manner net exaetly in accordance with the locomotion of beare, but flot very unlike eitber. 111 neyer saw Jack run that way be- fôre," cried the boy as he bounded on. "Hle is heading for home and will beat me there if 1 don't make better tirne. Maybo Jack has been wounded, the boys clown on the creek shot at him twice lut summer, and-" Ted stopped, for once more the bear had cheoked his course and was maoving across the clearing toward the littls caben in one of whose little windows Mrm. Brady ha4 set a light. Ted watched the bear movingz over the stumpy clearing with bis bead pointinR toward the shanty, but aIl at once he saw more than thiio. That which he saw was enough to thrill bien as he had neyer been thrilled before. It wau nothing less than a moc- casin, where one of the hind feet of the supposed bear should have been, and the more ho looked the surer ho was of this. Mll was plain now. The akin bqfore him was Jack's, but an Indian was inside it, and, of course, for sonie diabolical purpose. Well did the red man know that he coud nover get beyond the door of the Brady cabin in bis own dre8s ; therefore, probably knowing sometbing about the boy settlers pot, ho had killed Jack In the forest and had undertaken this strat- ageen to carry out hi& evil deeign8. Ted knew that if hie mother abonld soe the supposed Jack ini the clearing, she would hasten to opan the door to hum, without suspeo'ing anything wrong, and when he thought of the poril that menacod ber beo ould hardly supprese a cry. Meanwhile the Indian muet have been congratulating hiruseif on the success of the trick. He had not seco the boy in the rear, and now, with but a few yards botweeD bien and bis victime, he Iooked upon bis viotory as certain. The Irish boy had reachod the fringe of the Clearing, and in the brilliant moon- light. ho saw the object that moved across it. Not a moment was to ho lost ; yet a shot muet tell, for if thrown away, the young marksman would have upon hiru one of the dread scout-gos of the frontier, and ho might be the firet victien of sav ago fury in that locality. As the boy trappors rifle touchod hie shoulder, the cabin door opened, and ho eaught sight of hie mother. St had opened the door for t'Jack," and the redskin had only te sprîng np anud with a bound carry himaeli beyond the thresbold. Controlling hie net-vos witb the cool. ness of an old marksman, Ted eovered Dead ln the moonlight lay the scarlet tricker of the frentier, and when Ted pniled the bearBkin from him be sew the painted face and the weapons of the war- path that ho carricd in hie belt'. After a while mother and son dragged the body te a secluded spot behind the cabin. There a grave wua made, and in it they placed the oe eof oe e ldian wbo would nover return te follow Pon- tiec acrois the frontiers. The beavekin wau removed te, the oabiei, and when Tod's father came back, au ho did a few days later, h. wu ehown Jack's billet bored bide, while ho listen- ee te the story eofIe boy's remarkable Sabbath School Convention. The Township S 8 Association of Whit. b7 and Bast Whitby held its annual sem- sdons lut Tburudy ini the village of Âsh- bbru. Alliough 1he heavy -rminspxe- vented many f rom mtteffÉing and delayed the conferenm ~yet thore wua agodly attendance sand much pvoflt devxved noem th. delibeistionacof, the aftermoman d evein. MÉ Wm Puvs oluMbU,, preuideut e ii ssiaioulook tahe ThbéaM". eoetsq'aripr ~ vsi a fcflwa:-4ùmbrof ooos i the' t 1 i 5~numbe, eofeh6ob sin the lopieof 4,4"nome OI&s »epaftomuî" by Mr JAuburn, dellveed su importatit sud instructive addrss ou the subWet <'Hew le 8tudy." TItis wu sfol- lowed with an addveas telte childrsu by Mr W E D$or, Oshawa, on "Put ou the. whole armour ef God." The eveniug sesson ua ddreused by Rev Jno Readford, Ashbuvu, on IlThe duties sud priviloeofe the disciples of Christ." In tihe absence ef the. cher speakers W E Dyer toek up lhe tepie, "1The Âssociation-it'is wovk and in- fluence," and wus foliowed by Rev J A McLaren of Columbus ou the subjecti an- nounced, "The. child and th. Gospel. " The foilowing officers and execulive wore ele,ted for tho onsuing yesr: J N Deflart, Beooklin, president; James Davidsou, Ashburn, let vice ; B J Rogers, Oshawa, 2nd vice;- W E Dyor, Oshawa, secrtary ; NMme J L Smith, Whitby, assistant; Jas Bur-ns, Raglan, treazut-or; auditors, Gco McTaggart, Myi-tle, and T Curtiz, Raglan ; ezocutive comrittee-Rev J B McLaren, Celumi- bus; Bey T W Legott., Brooklin; E Nancekiveil, Columbus ; Jue Davis, Feley; Wm Put-vos, Columbus; F L Fewke, Oshawa ; J S Barnard and H W Willcex, Witby ; H Bt-iggs, Myrtie, and John But-ns, Broeklin- Tho convention ciosod with a cheerf nI eutlook fer a more officient work the pt-sent year. A Parrot that was Original. Th 'ere was latoly advertised e pet-rot Who could malte original observations- net more elavish Ilcepy, " but the enst ept t-eenrks. A partet ancier auswemed thie edvertisement, and thoe dvertaser breught bis bird. Ho was net beautiful, and ho did net look accemplished. Ho ne sooner oponed hie mout,h owever, then hie genini; dîsccvered itacif. Sup. posing thet this bird is aIl thet yen say cf iL, ' inquîred the possible purcheser, "what de yen want for ilt" 1, Fifty pounds, ' seid the dealer. "Make it guines!1" exclaied the pat-i-et The enraptured bird-faucier bought bien et once. WNeeks t-oled on, and the bird nover said enothox- word-net ovez that' selitary sentence, Il Make it guinees, ' which the purchaset-' naturally thought ho hed leamned by roe. He sent for the dealer, and thue fankly addmossed bien. 0l f course, I have been taken lu. This wi-etched bird is dumb-can't even say, 'Wbat's oclock ? ' or ' Pretty Poil 1I "He ouly pr-ofes~ses te make original oh set-vations," put lu the dealer. "lNon- sensol1 Ho does notbing but scratch hinisoîf. Yen bave got your money e t least tell me hew ho c-ntrived te say *Make it guineais' et se appropriate a moment. l'Il fergive yen if you'Il on] y tell mo the txuth" "Vory good, sir; thon ho dîdn't say it et al-I eaîd it for bien, l'ene ventt-deqnist. My perrets all eneke originel observations, but ouly lu eny presence." Then the parrt-tancier shook bauds with the doaler- and gaee bien a lotcof other pet-rot fanciers-bif. personel friends-who aise in due tie wore taken in-which cf course wee very soothing. Drink anid Labor. Some men say if prohibition prevail- ed it would throw eut ne end of wer.- ers new engaged in the distilleries and breweries; but let us see. In Sheffield, England. there is an iren factery with Beware! Whenever in need of kidney treatmnent always be true to yoursel and refuse any substitute 'or imitation -of the or- ign4a ad,,genuineý luy ?hine «IDoclor, vItal la tb. trouble ultIt Mms Nomvs P Il'I aven't made p p nmy mid jus$ la btleoe"Il it y.t. 110 tel.h truth, I hlàvenu'î fonet vItlsite want. me tes»Y she ba&." doI.sey, mother, will yeu spesh te "What's h. dcîng Dow?" ",Wsil, svery sine I bit hlm on the. heed with dadd's walking stick ho beilers." "No, WiIlie, dear," said mamma, *1 ne mot-o cakes to-nigbt- Don't yctu know you cennet sleep on e full stomach ? " IlWell," rephied Willie, IlI cen slsep en nîy back. " À Wooster, Ohio, wooen o ued for $50,000 for breecb cf promise and secur- od e verdict for $M5. The jury evidently decided thet ber affections were net le- cet-eted se bedly thet tbey could net b. hesled by e littho court piuter, if the right man did the courting. "0f course, they were merried et lest." "Yes, et the very end, wben they could becomo respectable witbout spoiling the story. " 'II neyer bet on e herse race but once," said the good deecon, "and I bave me- gretted it ever since." "Sut-ely tho sin has been fot-given ct-e now, ' said the minister. "O0h1 I dont deubt that. But the fect le I oniy won $2, when I might juet as weil bave made il a thonsend, since I was in for it." "Didnt yen elweys gay thet MeJones waieso 50 y that be wouldu't propose?' lYes, that's wbat I said." "lWell, bo's eugaged te be mamried." 'II kuow it; but thet dees net prove thet I wus wreng about his net propos. ing. Ho ia engaged te a widow, and tib is leap year." The visitor froru the plenet Mars look ed about hbinlusurprise. "Yen are, indeed, e strango peeple, he said, "but what astoniFhes me Most le thet yen have ne womeu." " But they de have women," pt-otested the inhabitant cf the eerth. '-The trou bIs le that yen have landed in a bicycle Rchool end cousequently cen't distinguisb theen." "The thing for yen to do," eeid the friend of the prize flizhter, "la te say ne- thing and saw weed.' "To Bay nothing ? quert-led the prize- fighter, donbtfully.' "And sew Wood?" "But that's tee much like work." THE CHIEF ENGINEER. The "Emprese of lndia'u" Chief Eugln.s. Tous u n IntereUtng Story. Mr. Francis Somerville, oeeof the best krnown men iu the steamboat tratBic on the rivers and lakes cf Ontario, haviug been engaged in this business for fifty years, and who resides at No. 195 Upper Coîborue Street, Kingston, speaks as follows of bis recovery from the sickness wu;%hic asafected h-m for smeime pain lu the back and between the shouid- ers, and have built me up in a surprisiug manner. In fact, I arn entirely free frein the troubles which affected me before taking these remamkable pis, and I recomund theen as a certain cure for al troubles arising frein kidney disorders' -Wkug, Kingsten. -FOR SALE BY- ]M. E.WILLI ,S2 Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street,' WHITBY. Aege-M t b. e d of hornopstbie nedi- ussbus beén lo F oI.ofrepss, in sudlb. ludividnsipy umnbave boon pawent ib odie g aebe lvtd o *tb moit f'ot ue.»earlosfrme JUMN g. F*AMWELL , Md. J RB UTLBDGJ99 Bavriuter, .e. Offie f ermeil y oooupied by PereveD àh Rulledge, nezt Royal Hetel, Brook OS., WhftbY. DAVID ORMISTON, Be A., Attorfly-a-Law, Solicitor ilu hOhaMP7 Oonveyaueer, etc. Office - In the Offce South ef the Peut Office, inlu Mcilau , Block, Brook *Street, Whttby. G. 'YOUNG SIMITli. LL. -B., B3arrister, etc. ,-Meney te, Loan. lIsoer of Marr-ae Licenses. Office - Smithm Block, Seth cf Market, Bock St., Whitby. DOW & NceGILLIVRAY9 Barristeru, Solicitors in Châecery, etc. Office in Methison- & Hawken'ds new block Brock St., Wbitby, South of Ontario bank. Drs. Warren à Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D Brook-lin - Office heure 9. e. M. te Il a.m. F. warten, M. D. Whitby- Office heurs il1e.m te 2 p.m. rA Private TeleP hon e Comnmunsiction'. 1). P. BOGART, 9 .LD5 Phylsican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. office and Residence next tb AUl aint's Chut-ch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B. Dental Surget- in ail its branches promçtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman Over DENT! ST. Orosa & Granger's. Whritby -1 Ký"7open evory Satnt-day night. W.EB, Y ARNOLD, D. L-8-9 Oount Survoyer and Drainage Engineor, Port Pery, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langîey & But-ke, Toronto. Designa for Churchos, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for rem odeling existing structures. offe-Firet fiat over W. R. Hewse's drug store. le P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNE88 MAIER, WiTBT, Hlavl.ng meved îmb eux new pt-omises, we are prepared te extend the range of business. Ail wors portaining te the karness-makiue and seddlery business will be don. te satis- faction. Collersae speoialty. CeIl aud ueo my shop and stock.- W. CALVERLEY, Second door weet cf cîd shop. Dundes Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumbet-. Sb.lugles. Saab, Doo-s sud Blinde, Turnings od Frot-SawtflE. A', Ail et-dors or information cen ho obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundee Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son's esidence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Establshed 1856. i per- euuum iu e&veuee, ethervise 11.50 Bubsoriptliii elways payable et the oMfose o publication. The publishent- do net uudertake te dell'ver th. paper eàt any poilocebut Whitby. nyon O wbe faits te reseh ils esnain . replmacea pon netihosllen a emalter0e ourteiy. Âd'vertisiug rates nusby con- tract, 10 oesut par lins, uonpsril, fiit in- settien, snd ô cents per lino ssci uube- quent Insertion Leesls, 10 cmetsper lins. SW»Âll changes for yearly advertisemieuts must be bt-ought lunet laSer tien Tnuday moming. J013N STý pPrmltorS. 'A.lTON, Premen. Ra.iway Time Table GRAND TRUER AND MIDLABD TrameNSfle INs wuWAB».- NoS8, ExpresDely Mal.....:48 am No. 61.éumted Express......... 6:24 am No.? Loalexcp i day .0 M No.l18 Passngr " 2m 9fpin No.1, lxprei, man exepl Sun.. &10Op m =auseoixe A'WN No6 xpreis..daiye:oepl aun,., u0*s w No. 4 lhp e, " fIait 'X0.14Patmé fi Sap< 8ocn tignal SIttiffl 0f 2v. DIvhioa OOSTINTTOF ONTARIOC Wmm-D. C. Meedoneli Whftbct Jan. 8; Feb. 8; March 3; 4t-ii 2. j~ lune 2. July 7 sep. 2; oct,.a Dec. IL osxawA-D. C. Macdoneil, Whitby, cleni. Jeu. 4; Feb. 4; Mît-ch 4; April 3; lMa?, Juns 3; JuJy 8; dep. 8; oct. a; N,4 Dec. 8, Bp.OUoEUa - 19. Gleeson, Gen Clerk.-Jen 6; Maroh 6; May 5;jila 7i sep. 4; N ov. 5. PORT Pruar - J. W. Burnhsm, - Ol Perr, Cerk-&n.29; Met-ch 9; W&j1 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Is 5 tJxsnMea-Joîeph E. Gonld, Ulbridf%. Clerk-Jan. 80; Met-ch 24; Mayî 1%;.j 14 ; Oct 14 ; Dec, 16. i CNN.rIoGTow-George Smith, Canningtt,, Jan. 81; March 25; May 20; July 15; 0C, 15; Dec. 17. BzÂVEzuToz-Gee. F. Bruce, Be&veîtl Clerk-Merch 26; May 21; July 16; oct.le Dec, 18. Urrueouovz-F J Gillespie, Uptergr0y* Clerk,-March 27; May 22; 1luly 17 ; Oct. 17' Dec 19. By ct-dem, October 7th 1895. J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk et tho Psue. New Livory and Sale Stabls A1/ --A Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial mon liberally deai t with Teaming done et reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled at reuon. ablo p rico.. A cal1 solicited.11 LIFE INSURANCE, Manutacturers' Li. & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. I~arget Capial -"'Lif e Insursece Ce. con the continent. Ninoty per cent, o sai accumunlations et surplus lu retumned te lb. policy holders. Ail clairr.s are paid witheii delay or discount on pt-ol uof desth or maturity cf endowment 1Feb. lst, 93. J. B..POWELL, Agent. Whitby. DENTISI, Cor. King & Yonge k3t. Toronto,-' For tho next tht-e menthe I amgvg special attention te atients f roma . tance. Ain still makxng plates in mnbbo, $8, c.lluloid 810. Gold and uilver fflMug work orowning by firist-clasu . operaton à--, tho meut roasonable rates lu 1h. dly-. When lu ths City cail in sud let me orsi- lue ytt teeth. 1 make ne extra charger 0J. H. RIGGS, Dentist, south esut sot-nu King sud Yonge Sts., Tot-onto. Nov. th, 1892. wu He WARNER, DEALEBI GOAL, LAME - - LUEUR * ORDWOODs BLA I, AGENT For the PEOPLB - GOAL GO,. TORONTO$ Office and «Yard just East Uptown Station. Whihby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONER SPÂRTIC TAKE NO oTr Augs -AND-893 V LTSILv nTa ti. AI cois on. bottle of Ayem's 1 hma was restored t~ celer and ceased -fa., occaional application the hair in good conî ]EL F. FizNWIcK, Digt Growth "Eight year-ago, I Jold, and lest my hai eousliy. was quite abui a variety cf preparat eut beneficial resuit, fear I should be pet- About six menths ig bogthome a bo Hari or, and I beý use it.Iýn a short t, began to, appear. an'I every prospect of as , of haïr as before i~ Mrn. A. WEBER, PIlyl Orleans, La. AYER'S HAll PREPARKD DRK J. C. AYER & CO.,.LMEI iyer'a Puis cure si CtURED OF S THE EXPERIEN I. Suffered so Severely L. Almost a leitpit Again Able te bc as Well as ever. Freen the Walkerton Te During the pa.st few scepe bas publkshed giviug tbe particulars use of Dr. Williams' Pi '%ere ail se welI au- r leave no deubt 'asi trutbfulness, but hac maiued its last Vestige remnoved by a cure %%-f corne under our t Allên, 'a premninent x the towusbip of Green is se well known lu W, viciuity adjoiuing it, t counit of bis really rem, fr-orn what spemed an i will be of interest te ou iug the early part e 1895, while working ir, -Allan was seized with "!to -hlm -te be rheumai back and shoulders. ,garded it as but a passi th oûght that it wouid -day or îwo. On the - -ever, - he daily continue aniwas fot long lx give up îyork altogex back the pains shifted t and hip where they fins so, çompletely helplessi -that he was unable te - - wlk-aeross the room wh-the -aid of crusci hJe'cons,Wted the doctor ..Ïbezn seemed able te dc mepeh speaking of b s-poke- pllvingly, k tt thOugt tha he had ~ of &~tiityan-d ~ to lve sddie e

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