Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 8

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~hfi PPAM~ P1m~a 'when lookin E' 'E 44 's Miss L. Bisr bas returned frot Myrtie. Mr.C. Owens is visiting friends in Ltnd- say. 'rW &* INVI Der-. Rouino, bas rturud home from Miss B. Dewney, of Chicago, is tie gus of Mrs. Bouie, ig for .... Miss Ada Hansen bas returncd frein ber Peterboro trip. Miss Olive Goyne visited witb Courtice fricuds last week. Pare Drugs, Miss A. Lowe, of Toronto, is tic guest ef Miss Clara MeBrien. Perftumery, Mr. Quigiey, ef Lockport, N. Y.,' is visit- Toilet Requielties iug relatives iu town. Mr. jack McLeIlan, et Gordon M4ackay, is Tolet Soaps, visiting Mr. J. ranton. eticmngt Fancy Goods, sun lu Nerway Aug. 8-9q. The bicycle hansccurcd anether couvert Spectclesin tic person ef Mr. Will Williams, Anythinlg iii the Misses Ruth Bateman sud Gertie Veale visited in Port Hope last weck. Miss Sauriders, of Pori Wlîitby, visited with Miss Alice Hiobbs over Suuclay. .....rug ine, - J . Garow, who has bcen visiting in Mr. Geo. Ponton, ef thc Dominion bank, has been transferred te tic Lindsay brauci. Ryley'8 Drug Store, Simcoe st. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, JUNE 1896.1 OSRAWA PAGE OSEAWA. BuswNzss NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers oS advertisers may transactý any business With the CHRONICLE, or may obtain extra copies at any tîrne, froin E. E. Rogers. Farinera will do well t0o il at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clathing. It wiIl pay Boy parties conteinplating buy- Ing an engagement or wredding ring to see the large stock or Feit Bros., Oshawa as they wil1 sel bila rnrth very cheap for cash. Genuine diamond 14K. enly $5. They are also making some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. See them. Feit Bros. Miss Hattie Dingle returned home froni Toronto Saturday nlght and resumed ber scieci duties on Monday mnorning. On Friday last thc erneains of Willje Wells were brought fromn Toronto to Whit by, and trom there conveyed t0 the union cemetcry. Rev. A. B. Demill bas purchased a build- ing at St. Catherines for 822,000o said to have cost $75,000, and will re-open bis college there ln September. Rev. 'J. P. Wilson has been uamed for Simncee street, Oshawa, irn the first draughî of the statiouîng cetnmittee of the Bay of Quinte Conference. Rev. James Kines stands uamned for Coiborne. On the i4th of June children's day wiil be observed in the christian Sabbatîh achool. A cheice selection of readings, recitatieus, soies, duetts, quartetts and choruses wili be given. This is heid evcry year and is free to tie public. The anuîversary services of tic presbyter- ian church wîll b. held the second Sabbath in j une, w heu t.kîe Rev. R. N. Grant, D. D.; of Orillia wîil preach. Dr. Grant is the ex-moderator of rhe synods of Toronto and Kingston, and one ef thc beat known wriftcr and preachers of tie church. A youug min named Wm. Pierce met witi an accident an Wcducsday asat that mugit bave reanited inl instant desti. He wor ks a faim in Darlingtoo aud uodcrtook te ride a boise tiat iad neyer beau mountcd Leoe.. He mas tii-owe againat an asi stake iu s wagon rack, the stake str-kiug hlm lu tie scrotum. H. vat brought te Dm. McBrien's surger>' miere is injuries mere attended te. H. la doing mcli sud tic doctor thinis he wili ulîimately recover frein ticeaffects et tie accident. Tic Oshawa Boucs Bowden basebaîl club bas oued up is joints sud comne ou ntobthe open iookiug foi trouble. Tic fit visit et thc aggregaîion was te Bommauvilie on Salurday asat, miere a long sud bard gamne was played in a field of hay. Tic grass mas knSeehigi, sud if tic bail mas koocked ont - wberc lier. mas n persen te catch it befome il feli in tic iay, il neant a iorn. run sud a lonç searci. Bciug gifted et great batting abiltt>, sud being better bands te mut la tic hay than the Bewdeniteî, thei Bowman- ville autageniala von by 18 t106. Tic Montreai Star ef receut date gives what is claimcd te be a liat ef tic passeugers wbo came ever te America on the May- flemer sud laudesi ou Plymouth Rock in tic î7tb century. Tic autienticit>' et tisislt la set:îously open le question if othenbis- tonicai works iecently publisbcd arc werti s cent. Wc bave, personailly, ne faithinlutue Star's list, sud te show hem glaring are ils omssosaq might state tiat lu it ticre la nemenon loade et tic naine et SirRoger de Couant, tie illustrions ancester et oui wot thy ceuntrymen Heu. Thes. Conaut. One nigit last week, about midigit, Robt. Ellis, a well-to-de fariner etf Darling- toms, ceai Taunten, mas amakenes b>' s crash lu tic rôom n d betene ha was fully consciaus et bis qurroundings he recelved a ternîic blu ntie face. Il mas thc break- .îug of a lamp cbimuey that awakened hlm. He was able le defend himlnscansd mas borrlfled te find tiat the attsck came from bis unfortunate vite mite had struck hlm mith an axe but wie mas net accountable for ber acts sud vas net considered danger- oua. Near by vas a large kalfe, probabi>' te cend ber omu 1f. after attscking ber bus- band. Tic poor woman bas been taken te an asylnm and tue..greatessorrow in ex- pressed fer the fanili>. Mr. BUisl Is biy rempected membte of tii.e commuafy' and bas been a kind busbasd. Tic Mâ6frtue Of "Mus isla bercditary. oot of isimos. Tbse nembers of thse OsaS uu&4'ýCmn àWghonrt"of revisio for ths o~qa coacl isuseron Thurs daY porqilnt MryCý Cùwas, In* t' chair.1 1- wsr iripel One Be -TelepiSe oiCe, wbo were - t Mr. Fowke went te tic Toronto hespital last Saturday te b. îreated for a cancer in the ueck. Miss Mary Clark is very iii with congest ion ef tic lungs. Her many triends wish her s speedy recovery. Mrs. (Dr.) McBrien, wbo han been visiting her sons in Buflalo for the last twe mentis, reîurned home on Tuesday. Thc Sen s et Temperance wvill iold a very important meeting neit Menday nigit and every member is requestcd te b. prescat. Somnebody bas flgured it eut that we psy $4,oeo,ooo more for chewîug gurn than lor the maintenance et preachers in ail denomi- nations. We are indeed a busy people. Tic E. L. C. E. ef Metcalf St. methodist church have secured the services of the famous Canadian jubile, singersansd un- peril orchestra te give a concert lu tic body of tic churci on the 3otL of June. St. Gregorys churci vilI hold a gsrden party in Prospect Park on Weduesday, June i7th. Il iâ two years since this congre- galion had suci an euîcrtainmcnt sud îhey now intcud Ici make Ibis eue tic most attract ive of auy. A feature efthle garden party wili be a centest betwccn two estimable yeuug ladies for a goid watch. Miss Marks, nf Cedar Date, intcnds gcîîing al l te geed Conservative votes lu South Ontario, white Miss Viola Troy witl canvas her Libera) tneends t0 sec il they cannet enable her to gain tic electien. Tic proceeda of tic con- test, wiichi l is heped will be carried ou in a trlcndiy spiri tfr-ivalry, will b. donated la tic building tund et the new cburch. Tic Retor 'mer commenta on tic single tare rate to Toronto on Saîurdays by saying that it will suit Oshawa merciants who go ouI of town te do tliu business. This is written in Bro. Muudy's usual ambigueus style, sud tie truc explanation ethils mean- îng la, therefore,' gnesswork. But it is certainly a slap aIticheinerciants oftte town, and tic Reformer cannoe grumble tiat lhiu going eut of town lias taken a hair off ils head. Althougi lie CHRONICLE 15 a mcre readabie paper sud han a far larger circula- tion in Oshawa and viciniîy, we have found tie merchanîs et Oshawa very reluctaut to recoguize our dlaims 10 advertising wicn ii weutd ln any way effecitich Reformer. Thus, whule that paper la deridiug tierniaud iusinuating that liey are net loyal te tie towu, ire have tic nost effective testimon3 that they arc loyal ai lest te tic Reformer at ilîcir owu expense, sud nom la turus up that tiey are b.iug kicked for it. This showb tie seifishuessud ingratitude ot Mr. Mundy, wbo gees arouud creoniug sud grauuyieg te almost bcg ef the merciants net 10 have anythiug to do mi the CHRoN- ICLE, sud lien turus et a snddcn sud slaps tiern ln tie face. Maliett's hotel, Cedar Dale, oeef eti historical spots et that tecality, was burned at 4.30 o'clock Sunday meruiug. Tic atarm was carricd up town sud some idiot teck to ringing tic flre.alarm tfoi about hait an heur, althougi tic ire was evidently a cou pie ai miles away. Qshawa needs a teol killer. Thc fic brigadb made a iurried trip te tic southern conflue-, ef tb. corporation, sud discovcred that tic fic was outside tic temu. Thc Grand Trunk authorities guaraulec- tiern adj ustment et a daim for ticir services, se tiey went on te tic ire. Tbey teund things very hot, sud an almest exhauztabie bucket brigade arruggtiug te cave snrround- ing buildings, thc hotel's case being cleaîly a bopeless ene. Ail tie other buildings lu a dangerous position were deiuged witi mater aud saved ni danger. The fic prebably originated frein tramps ledging in tic barn, hilci mas burnt fist. Mis. Potier, a neigi- bor, fit saw the fire, sud awakened ber son te iunn save tie bersea if possible, but lu luis ie failcd, ater b.ing considerabiy scorcicd. Tic ire mas already cenuniing tic betel, wbcn he snrived ou tic sceu.c sud sioutcd, se Mr-. Maflet and bis family onIy cscaped miti lieur lives, sud mere unable te save even their clothing. Tic Ions on tic buildings would figure up about $2,000, partialiy inanred. Mr. Mailet baces over 82,000, witi an iisturance of $1.500. The hotel. buildings b.longed te McCarthy, New- castle, wio formerly kept tic place. Tic tome ceunicil met ou Menday nigit. A letter frein Capt. Dillon tianked tic ceuncil fer tic $5o grant te assis# ticeinilitia at Dr. Rae's funerai, and stated that oniy $33 et tic amount bad been used. Tic ire ceminittce appliesi fer 81285 for au expeuse fnnd, sud $700 te put bu Imo tanks. Tic cx- peuse et iepaiinug miel)s broken by tie street rsilmay tracks lu iustling te tie steve toundi> fic hasIurnoed out te b. 828, sud Ibis amount miii be demanded et thc street raiiw'ay conîpauy. -Tic mayer siomesi tiat tic average cash et tue towm for eacb flue during tic yeai is aieut $seco, sud b. b.- Hieves East Whitby sbeuld b. billed for $25 at least for the service *of the brigade aItich Mtaliett fire qs Snnday merning asat. Thc rorpet> committe vanta $500 for kalsomin- ugit=v= hall, sud tic priuting cern- mite 520h. The. relief 'coismittce askcd for 88oe. Ti. hoard et healti asked for a credit et .$ioo, but mas put off miti a prom» !sc te psy ail certified accounts. Mr. Pua.- sien introduced a by-law to regulate bicycles, but it mas foutid hiat an obd oue existe, sud tuis vas ordered te b. enforccd, after muci discussion oftbe sublect. Uie question ef preventing acta etf rowdylsm at tue p and other places around toms mas . isse, and tue mayorperomised te appoint Parties te detect imd prosecuhe ail such -psrtles. Thse finance coasmite. reported is aoro paying accotait. for tue different Cosmi ütees amoutiag ,tehie feilowl!>g suais: ace ml3.1; resu iater '48 r, ",reta sd bsprevements *66.89; reiej- 8. Con. Hendersen troduced and c 'r 7 ..1ugb b.ag ,vh in . ue brigadea sd itsa- <lesrtu lutvcinlty lires, ansd to niake i a pulihable ç«elie for an>' citizen te ddrive Over ahs-t- lirs. Èim bis land in eider te get eut Iliabhurry. It was consldered a great social diÉgrace in Judah to sHow land te pam out of tbe fail> connection, but the courter cousin Hans. mcci thongit if there bad to b. a captivit>' of 'seventy yeara before thc kingdom oi Judah would be restored h. would rather have bis money out of thc land and let Jerémiah, wbo appeared te bave faithinluthe Lodhoid bbe land awaitiug tic Lord's dcree1. Jeremiah paid over tic money, snd bld away in au cartien jar al tic re- cords of bis ownership, se tiat is descen- dants could asseit their dlaim te tihe lands seventy ycars hence. Tins be sbowcd bis faitb ln God, wbilst bis great cousin, wbe macle a big show in public, would prefer bis cash te Ged's promise. Mr. McCall said thcre were a great many Hanameels lu Met- calfe street ciurch wio bad lest faitb in God's promise te stand by bis people, and wbo were declariug theinselves discouragcd, and wiliing te Icave tic houer of tic famiiy te tic Jererniais. They were Iooking for Jeremiais te buy thein ont lest tic promise ef God ta stand by his churci would net bc fulfiled. Tic chtarch, be said, was God's work, sud could neyer go down, sud he ap- peaicd te bthc cougregation te bave faiti sud invest iu It, and it would turn eut a bics- sing, as did Jeremiah's Investmeut at the e ofet i seveuty years captivity, which wus a punisiment for sin. Immediately after thc service a subscription was passcd round sud a suin of $550oi'elunteered to re- novate tic church. Whcn tuis sumn reacies Sxooo thc repaira wiIl b. gene ou with. -:MO0:- Oabw'a Bualasso Dlreso .y 9 L. VICKERY, barber. Simooe street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Bimcoe atreet, north. WM. ROLPE, bannes. maker, Sixecce street. r. B. NOTHERSILL, butoher, Ring St, West. Dis. PsTTRrxsa, Deutiat; office aven 11ev.. store. &. J. STALTIrs-DOmlirlon pianos snd organg, Binco. street. WrL3XL&m J. Dnau, Dominion and Ontario LaudSurveyor, Clvii Engineer, Bex i7, 0ab- ava. Oomxacux. Romr-J. C. Woon. propnietor. Modern hostal.ry, neat aud comfortabl'y equipped. D. M. Toi). -Caterer for Ball, &ssembles, Wed- dings, Supperu, etc., etc. Alise&Uai ids of Savent. Ies. Houianx, - Whitby-Oshawa stage lUn.. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a m n sd 2 p mn, and Whitby at 10 a nm and 4 p Mn. JoaKs'nCR.s.x, maniacturer ef fine carniages, c&ts n, al&Pknds af cutters and aleizha7cpaiînga peciaity. Josa< Bavna, painter aud decerator. Dealer iu wail japers, ceiliug decerations, palins, où1, varu shines, brushea, wlnaow shades, etc. Jaxze PELLow, dealer In stoves, turnaces, tun- ware, etc. Large stock kept conotantly on hand. Jobblng a specialty. Simce etreet north. L. K. MuBTow, B. A. - Barriulier, Solicitor, Natary Public, Cenvoyancer, &c. Money to leud. Office aven Domin'on Bank, Slrncoe Street, Oshawa. M. E. M.ty.-DeaJer in Grocerles. Paucey China, Crockery, Ttnware, aud Famcy Goods. Pure Tes» aud Coffees. Beys' ready made suiteas specalty-very cheap. AucTnsow SÂLe-The subecriber vil b. in Ost aira, st the Central Hetel, Iniday 0ai oaci week from eue te 3 o'al=ockp.m., te make ar- angemneswlth partiesvabeg te ha ve aies. L F*ÂIRBÂIEKs auctioneer. F. LÂMBPRRT & Sos-The leading talenlng sud gante' ftu-nishing bousee ofOshaa. Splendid assortmeut af tweed, orsteda, trowmerlngsR, shirts, collans, etc, alirsys kept i.n stocK. ?XLT Bsos Watcbmakers sud Jewelers. Dealer@ iu vatobes, oleels, jewelery, uliver- ver.,ete, etc. Engrvin& geM dn silerpltln, udold golifflgemade ever. Pinsvath, loeand Jeweler>' repairlng a .pecialty. Msi. Ver»na&* BUMa. Mr. 1. Bray, et Eefîeld, mu visiting ai Mr. Werry's. Tiere mii be ne anuiversar>' ai Mounet Vernon tuis su-umer. Mr. sud Mis. Heathe are both sornemiat in- provieglinchalh. Tic black grub bas desirayed maay acres cf oats leibis ùsection. Birtis. Ou Friday, May 29tb, the mite of Mn. John Reynols s t a sou. On Tucsday. May 26t.i, tie mite et Mi. loin Coeiage of a daugiter. Mis. Albert Ellis 15 ver>' lii miti mrain trouble aud ber recover>' i. doublE ni. Mi. Gco. Gale, et Courtice miii occupy tie pulpit ai E!dad next Sueda>'. Mr. sud Mis. A. Drew, et Oshama, ver. gucat ai Mi. 1, Pascoees Sunday. Mr. 8. Siortritige ba3 excianged bis pou>' miti Mi. M. D. WiH.iams fer a sadd.le borae.. Mr. John Van Nest bas greatly improvesi tic appearance etis place b>' crecting a ncv fence lu front of bis bouse, Mr. Taylor, et Bommanvile, la delivering Ai beefto the farinera lu ibis section ai a amail traction over five cents per pertnd. Mi. Wilfrcd Wilkins, et Appleton, Wisconsin, sud Mr. A. Wilkins, et Providence, visitesi Mr. sud Mrs. T. F. James Monda>'. Messrs. John Short, of Oshawa, Fred Ford, af Columbus, sud Miss L. Ford, Columubus, wercý guests ai Mr. S. Shorluldgc's Sunda>'. . Mr. D. W. Lameb. is deing suci a nsiug business iii bis pedling wagon tiai i. flnds it necessar>' le bave an assistant kn the store, in thc person et Mr..Ii. Wiliam&. Tic auniversar>' services lu ceneection miti Eldad Sabbati achoot were Ver>' iargeiy attcaded on Sunda>' last. Iu tic afueunoon Rev. Mr. Parker et Bommianvîlle preacied a ver> puas.. tical sud unteresting sermon te a feU hotue< sud in tic evcniug Rev. . E. Homard, pister oh tic churci, gave a ver>' interestiug address on Sabbati acheol mork. The BomàmvWle quar- tette turnisbed excellent mudc at, ui cveuing servich. On Mon-da>' afiernoon a flg number gatbb#ed a heiccuci wbere addieses er debvenced by Revs. Anderson aud Wilsonce Tyoe, E. E. Homard sud otiiers Editor lames mas chairman. Tic slnging sud redIsa- dotins by the cbildrenof tiche hol mere mdl ueadeued. ic tea wmilci ass»erved ln the ahet by tie ladies vas flrst clamain evar>' pancular. Preceeda about seventy-five dollars HenouueU o S.S. No. la; Rc.c, ix Un, Jr. I.-Arthur Moon, Vien Pte. r,' sd -Edgar But,,Douai. M 0oEdih wbk*su. MaryParnahCurie Tait, Su. Pt. I&L PriThornas H"oyMad Berthe Wbittât, Frankie Watson. Ir. IL-togarRoq hIli Demwey, Cccil Tait, louaOrchar& Sr. - bOuÏni Moo«,Ficecu- e l Fimqece Ploreuce Lane. Sr. n- Seir. 'Inxn lraWt lia e.Young'a motber 15 vlsiing with ber. Mrs Dr. Uateson and ivo children are visiuing ber inother, Mms Varcoe, of, Mauipos. A number (rom this vicinity attended the township S.S. convention held Bt Mount Zion. Mr. and Mms. Purdy and obildien, of Keswick. Paid a visît to Mms.P's father, Mr. Colin Pbiip. Mrs. Wagners brother, Mr. Dafoe, and wife, of Zephyr, are here for a short tine ; be is also. a brother of Mr. David Dafoe. of this place. The Ladies' &id of tbe christian church held a basana social Mondal evenn. h was a suc. cesa in e-eryway. The singing rendered by Mr. Wismier and faily, of Marlkain, was appreci- ated b>' everybody. The following is the standing f the pupils of Utica scbool for the oeonth of Ma y L. Gilroy, teacher. Class s-I Waker îggNMedd 15 L Wagner 17z, R Horn z66 G( Lawton i59. A Kite 159, W Cairns 149, G Bentiey 42, B Mur- raY 139, C Silver 53o, R Howsam 8o. S How- "ain 70, M Stevens 40. Sr I-P Cairns 199. W Tennyson ir9. Pt. 1l-J Lawton 343, A Kite 3a3. T Sutherland 3o8, A Walker 392, A Wag- ner 2r2, G Cairns 26,5, C Silver 256, Hl Orchard 25o, DCrozier 215c, M McDermott 183, P SteP- henson 178. Il-H Tawm 333, C LaÛtY 311, E Harper o8 C Patterson 17o, L HowsBIO92 Ir. III-L Tawn 566, B Tennyson 419, M Ten- enys347, T Ballard 298, J Stevens 2oi. Sr. 1 I-, Medd 44, G BentleY 373. D Ballard 540. Jr. IV- J Sutherland 7o8, E Lakey 7o2. A WaIioer 648, F Lawîc>n 624, H Sutherland 623, C Sonley 6o8, E Horn 587, W Walker 581, F McDocaJd 522, A Bentley po. Sr. I V--S Dafoe 388, F Saudison 337. EEOOKLIN. Miss Mary Bell, of Pickering, ia visiting with fEicnds bhe.. Mr. R. Moore is conflned te tic bouse by a severe autack of sciatica. Mr. jas. O'Day. et Hameilton, la bere ou a visit ta bis faîlier for a couple of wceks. If D. M. Tod's wagon does net call an you, ask your grocer for Tod's bread. It is the besi. Mms.1. H. Hoar, efTobrouta, speut lust Suni- day andM aeday with ier tather, Mr. John O'Day. The prcsbyteriae daugiters of tiec hurci will give s garden party at Mi. D. Wbite's un July 16tb. Rev T W Leggott wenîte Trenton on Tues- day ta attend thc Bay of Quinte cenference uow meeting Ihere. He mil ot retur U 1111nexi week. The council met an Monday as a court af re- vision. Eight appeaLs mere cntercd. The je- vison mas net completcd hut mas adjoureed to Menday, thi 5th imt. Instead et the usual sermon there wa.s a song service conducted by tbe choir in the metiodist cburch on Sunday e.'ening. kev. T. W. Leg gott gave a short address. Trie cicese factory is nom rnning fuhll ime The supply of milk is incrcasing sud a number ef uew patrons miii sed nexi week. The sur plus whey is to be soid an Saturday evening. The Liberals meet regularly in their oommittee room. the aid post office building, on Tucsday and I'hursday nigits. Alil ho faver tic dlec- lion of Mr. Bureett are cordially invited te tiese meetings. The Couser vatives cf polling divisions 28 and 19 met at Brookliu Tuesday cvenieg sud ergan- ized for tic carupaiga. Aftci tic present meck thcy mccl every Tuesday sud Friday eveniegs in thc Masoumc hall. Thc early ctosing of all business places ie the village commned on Tuesday cf this meek sud mill continue through tic suminer mouths. As previously anuounced ail miii close on Tuesday sud Tbuisday eveuiugs at 7 o'ciock sharp. Heu. lohn Dryden, Mr. L. Burucît, sud otiers wiii addrees a public meeting lu the Masonic hall to-morrow (Saiurday) evening. Tic goverement candidate, or any ene repre- sentiug him miii be given au oppertunity of addrcssing the meeting. Mr T H Wilson, street comnissioner for tic sonti mard. bas bad s large force et men sud teams ai work this mecl makiug repais sud in. piovemecîs ie rassasd sidewalks. He hopes o bave &Il tic statute labor that is road lust calis for completed by tic cnd of this week. Satnrday, j une t3ti, is tic date seiected for the decoration ceremny at tic Grove Sîde cemeiery. Tic members et the trats ruaI societ es are making al l tc arrangements, but the gencral public are icartily iuvited 10 joie in sud by tuer presece sdd te rieeinterest iu tic pro- ceedings. Owiug te the expense et procwring a baud tuis feature bas icen dispensed witi for tuis year. Oui teacier, Mr. Holmes, is leaving us at tic end efthle present terni, ticetrustces and lhe beiug unable toasgree on thb. malter of salary. He ashesi for a larger increase han ticy vere milline te grant. We regret ver>' nucb iaviug te muake ibis annonucesout,, as Mr. Homes bas preved himseif a capable sud efficient teacier, aud it secins unfortunate thai there muai be a change again 7nom. M.Ciwbe tately moved ente Mr. Ketcen'stin, lesta vainabie com under peculiar circurustances on Sunday. TIc animal mas snddcuiy attacked witi violent mani, seized s fence rail sud bit 'tt tilli ha teeti wm broken bnt, sud continued lu ibi.s Mae for abouit ibie. quanters ci an heur, meinluoueetof is par- oxvsms it horst a bloasi vessel sud died. Mr. .Craig hasi jusi paisi #6o for Ibis com. Tic Royal Temspiars leeted a uem set ef efficeis aithiu meeting ou Monda>' nigit. Mr. John Burnett is nom Setec Counicilor, Mr. A, Milis Rccerding Secreta", and: Mr. A. Ml. De- long Financiai, Secretary - At tb. nex: meeting, Jutne i Stb. a debate wiii Le bed between memb ers ofet icB=klln sud Wbtby cSunciis ou tic subject, resolvesi, liat education mfli do mare lise legisiation 10 abolisisthc use of mnîexcating liquors. Tie Whiîby debaters wi-hl be acccm- panied by Imeni>' or tweuty-flve members of tbeft couni. Wbat monld bave beenadisatro s nfiagra do bad ft net been disceyered ia the nlck ef tisa., mas vey>'fortunaici>' topped before muci damnuwe had been dope, on Satyd>'mounlng bbr afien tan 'clockDu. Waubing, wmhhie- dulving-jaastlbhees ts~u te icroof smoking.icunai aS prompti>' given sud beip mas qulokl>' ai baud aàd Mia a ver>' short tisasth lieu a ztlsgnisbed.Mu Vallesu lis o b. eoaçrasuised Worbis foesig'in la iawug a iadden iS position lsadlag te -'teéroof sail bt» lihci tiss a g ' -pQ wg k bbs at' iii bulktiag mws "ad,, it besa necessý ar'5 blut up a isdder and place itt ia saia ="that- mwu the iilgh mipêd blwlng ti le vouid bave«ot wuodoe n~beforeImter c 1l ave b.egotoft Iwasshstedby pr in the amoke tback âï hereSucfti udnq Ticflrt~nli.meeting i n, elm ii tic eleodea àevIu pru as beld vrs caw i te iterst r.Wca. Smith. lb. Cha. Cald ii.'aM- s~. ~ SPECIA-, OSHA WA le WHITB Y. Beys' Tan Laood Boots, size 1 t05, good soles, reg. 81.50, special... 01.22 Men's finest Caif Lace Boots, Good- year wlts; medium toqe, American made; regular $2.75, special......................... #1.99 Ladies' Fine Ki Bttoned Boots, band tnrned soe, fanoy patent tips, a frst ass article, regular $8, specias.....................#1.99 Child's Black or Tan Low Shoes, turned soles, speoial............ & .49 Men's Fine Low Sboes, medium ,Weilbt., aewn soles, fair stiteb, needle tees, regular $1.45, speejal .........................$1.15 Mon's Fine Dongola, Laoed or Gaiters,medinin weight soles, needie toes, a handsome line, regular *1.85, special .........1.50 MnsStron¶Pagged Boots, te Ladies' Fne Dongola Sioe, Loin- ed, fashionable, aide-lace, pat- ent faced front, pointed tocs, the lateut style, special ......1.86 Ladies' Dougois Shoos, tip, turned, reguiar $1, $1.25, speiai ........75 Ladies' Dongola Botton Boots, tip, reg. $1.25, special ..............#1.00 La)dies' Finest Needle Toe, tuned Shees, regular #1.90, epecial ... *1.60 Misses' Fine Low Shoos, tip, regu- ian 79c, specia.................. $ .72 (Sizes Il 1,0 2.) Child's Black or Tan Loy Shees, tip, speciai .....................S .69 (Sizes 8 te 10 ) Ladies' Tan Ses, tip, leather iined, stroug soles, the streug- est wearer obtainable, special...4 .99 Men's Dongola Laced Boots, sewn soles, special...................1.2r) LACROSSER BROUO, TENNIS BHOB, TRUNKS, î--AT CLEABING PRICES--1 Specz'al Small Bargains Saturdays. Profits and Returns. BUJRNS & CO., Whithy : Brook-st., north-east aide. Oshawa : The Corner Store. "The. more yen buy from us cheaper we can' seil." Mm the -BOYD, Grand Trunkj, Colonist Trains and -other pW Service for the (Janadian North,ee, To accommodate settlers roing toth Canadian Northwest this Sping, it isin tended, commencing TuesdayV'r j and ever>' Tuesday tbereafter ar. i x,ý and April, to run Speciai Trains,-iCavig Toronto Bt 9 p.m., enablirig settiers to travel witb their stock and bousebold effects, thle., b>' ensurlng quick* time, reaching destj,,, tdon Bt the saine lime as their PropertY anxd have good accommodation en route. Colonist sleeping cars will b. run on thes, trains, the birtbs ln wbicb will be FREE.5 COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, for Passes.. gers witb ordinar>' bapage, wiII nin through to Winnipeg duringMxarcb and April. îeay. ing Toronto at 12.20 p.m. ever>' Tuesday. For full information cal] on or Write Io W. P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Railway Co's Office, Thomas' block. R. C. -Carter, Agt, Ganl at PELLOWS, and se. hie Wronght Steel -AT- $ 50.00. Aloo lis GOAL OIL and GÂS STOVIES -FRO- $5.50 to $25-00. -EADQUÂRTERB Quick H/G/J: GRADE BICYCLE8. "PERFECT," -DOMINION," BEAUTIS OF -1896. Oue Good Second-band Comet Also for aeS E. E. ROGERS. "Money Saved is Money Earned.'l Em + TEJEWELERI*- Aliways Leads In KING STREET, WESTY paniament, mere listcned îe lu deasi silence *sud mitieut s single expression of approval Tic meeting mas ciesed malti tic customauy cheers for theQuccu and the. candidate. if ask Euumnena mro.ry. OUT & CO., grain bujers. BBALL, E. - Isuer oft MarrMM e ldoensos PBesiMezm Opposite Ton KIlBZooklan. W A MoNmz, D V S.--Gradute 01 the on- tarte Voterlnar>'CoDage, Toronto; HeneSry ien ro.f lthéOntanlo ediaiBoie Treats ail diaeaeof otheb.doinatloei- animais b>' tb.mots airoved method.* Also partioniarattention 0surgicl operatlons anti dentisUty. Diby or night oaSs yztI à,ttedtite. 0fte sad reuldenoe rme Ontanlo. B. Duncan, merchant taller, bhm secured the agency for the Oshawa Steam 14aundry. Launr hilsbis sopouT rsy OUR, STOCK -07F DST-IxTLY' S -U mM4I GÃ"GDS' Low Prices, - -OS HAWA. D. M. Todd' wgo dsant-oei'Syen, yourgrocer for Ted*Cc d- lý-its thbmf. Misa Florence Kempt, Lindsay, etnre home osnVtednesday,,!ller ppes4ing a vee« in toms, tue guest eofMusé BeatricDattelL Tic tewn c or revison si"eMonday.' uext at 10a.t.Tisre are ooly s fcv ap' emI~s temot imeortssîbeing tic Bell, That ladies.may hMave Cheance to hear the Hon. G. W4, Rosai. mi*laone of the best. s~krin Canadla- to-ay tisegk eye irémsehall milibe uescuved:foribens and escorta ertFrday slgbt Whst tla ntwortb -sdertlsing le net- vert -buiag.UT.ii onhv nti qVOL xxx c4~ ALLIR'S Fre8h A rrivais Pure Insect Pureli-eIIe] Pure Paris CHEMIST & DRU COR.. BROCK & DUNI Ili lu MIEI, We bave a larger and better of window shades tuis s bae ver sown before, We use thc best hand1 shade cloth, with Hart roller. Also a fine varity of Ask tosesec- ur latest st: z sàeens, te fit any windo, Ou baby carniages are al signs. Give us a cali before purcha *We are taking special p, elegane witb economy genral utilit>. "Oýir stock in complete in Hou, We invite buyers t co It wifl save money. L.eading Updertaker IL je JOIE BROOK ST., WHI' Esalsed 1849. ý.Wh-Iby Steam -Marbie and Dundas St., Wi-H. 1T BY. (Pormeni>' Wolfende' vorterand Deailer in MAIUMONUN te latest material ai kibidsf "Cemetery ' gïsarateed. M-mS -POIL 0K DszzSS iA le&u-,-L I ox~for ulgooda for hot I-doms te suit ail Onu business cpu cieap gooda useple. ~e sacu ma bU on~n. Mar. 2oth, 1896. OSHAWA- FOR lainaw Welland :-: Vale W.A.EL 1 .ANMMM ý Oshawa Book Store, 1 1 I» m H AWAO- a»&«

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