AIlyMngin s' ~ J~Jnw5 Is~ Ry&3y~s Drug Store, -ao.St. sontli, Oshawa. O8HÂWAs JUNE 12e 1896. Ir"the 1h. cERONI or SI" pbtain extra oes uat " m e. l 1brmE.. 1 ogera Panneraw111do wdl, 10 COUi t M. E. M«ay?8for boys'ready sud. cknelm. kwS» psy My p. I - ea*tetnpl*ilmg buy- tMg m ogefl ot or we.ddimg ring to see t1Imme stock of Fet » .., Osbuwu -as se.»Wi unthus uoam .y hapfocash. Gemulu.qdiamnd 14K. Wy s¶. They aM almounakn in seclal cgerai l ents Lades'sudBoys' gold sud ailler watcb.s. S.them. Feit Brs. mmts.H. Morphy was in Toront o this week. Mr.- Xeiros Gould is home fromn college for thé siaminer mouths. M4fmes snd MISS Sophe, 0f Bowwnan iUbisted wlth relatves luit week. Mr., sud Mn. Clark, of Cobourg, are the x~guest of their daughter, Mma.J Gregory. Mrt. sâd lMts.Wn. Hobbs, o«Pickering, wer.i towu visiting relatives tls Vleck. li.J. LéR-mad Um IR.Patte, visited irlth Uts. We", of(Markbaam. 0w rSauday. Tii. £1U131 o f Demili Cofl i.wlllbod a conicert lu the inue hall, on tuêselh ofjune. mms W. Waltera, nee MnIfrUle Weh- , ier. cf Detroit, a is re vlsigwlîh reda-' Thee vill be aatch hereween the South PotkdWmle atithe Orioes., ofOshawa, in the pa&r neet Saturday. G1aelWho wlntered in -rtlnW btD*lut: week accotm- paulei by Mms.(Dr.) Glaspeil. i...r pwy« wbo bau boo working lu the )Éèttq'gllpCsrrqwé ,orks for s moreti., retuirmed t6 hie l ul"Haulto last week. mm a.W. E, obuson, 0 «moWho bas boomkmnTronoe eeral hoa"l Ifor smre lime I la iting wltu ber motuer, Mas. J. 1~l4>IiysmpofrD pussedtaits seomd ea',é.Fà miim At t iPhutade-I pigýomw'I' ole, au»Y la 'boe fort th _1W Ltý,S. -)LiMr.Frank 14aribtO LMSuaaJ. Byçmr,, botb of West 'Tbere w».a .v.ry. poor attemduce in au =b Ihéé thluat Snaime lit. lu St. -~ (r~~bst wu. to bave speclal siug- wlbe givsn titis couiiug Sabbatb Tue b luty 0 Anay A OIIU «M c M Uttn ulà tnie mile est av races; the slow race cf 40*0 W4. vas betveen lMorley Reeden sud Jo. ý,»«w Wke muaitue goal beca.nhrfructpy sd g«t b, - . ewon ti.race. A concetvI n1the pautiliS»*saso LroSle.x-î -e enivepseches. "op sreçet haty cr.-Tii. ,3A bêtf. baudwuskm aettimdauc and reudereti besatiful tuslc. A grand 4lsplay cf Ste. WC*$uvus' glveu after wUicb several cf <the & hgpk vçaltue to th te musc of the lim t lxp.m., when tue crowd dispezrsd to theirboies. Tii. Vlrdicatpr cf titis week nmbkes Ils vouai laboroe e0brt te Sund soniethlug lu the CHRONICLE lu whlch a hol. clu, b. picked. W. do flot ubject te this, because those wbo Med,,tite Vin,. viDi soner or later feel lke talgUP tuie CUaomcLa 10550»e1Ifit in as ba -srepa'esented. Mut la exactly whuî wevua ae to a"nor (ail on tbe jrti.d PW la tu"sin- stance ve ore charged with glving a mis- chevous version o e,. G. W. Mccll'. sermon of Sunday vsek. Ourtatste may b. very bati, andi vo may nul b. able te report s sermno correctly vhen v. bear it, but man lasiable to en. W. believe Mr. McColl's sermon as given lu the CHRONICLE vas a moat 1aluable andi practicsi one, sud vas in- tendeti toe bve a purpose lu stiiuulatlng the ~ppleo Metcalfe steet cburch to, turu their baks ou union, mince it ia impossible, and unîte in an effort te make their owu church a succéas. Those vbo have no faitb wtt. ne doubt intendedto te h clasà ed as Hanna- meels, vbo ashde froin under wbeu they see th. aliglitest trouble looeming up abtati. Tht Vîndicatormnu asualpreut, sud kuows nothlng about the sermon except, as report- ed lu the CHRON ICLE, but be thinks LE i clever enough to pick fanîts lu it vîthout in- vestgatin,vbhile tht public dots net tuink be kuovuenoug t te tan bit evu paper, let alune te et up as crltic of titese who do. Our cutem. hati better witbdraw frein bis but pursnît ef tht CHRONICLEL. Hie ovu standing in tovu as a iournalist doe. nat warrant hîoe lu making -any criticisms of other local papers, andi wben the. man con- tînually assumes that vo are full of studieti evil, andi vithoot redeming features of any sor, hc unly makes himself rldiculous lu the eyes. of hundretis uf peuple lu Oshawa vho subscribe for tht. journal because neither of their ovu papota are lu their estimation any good. -:0:- Oshaa»»UN«ue»trester7. 9 L. VCKDRY. bsrbsr. Sb»» e treet. BROS' LIavmaY, lmosm Most, north. VIL BOLPEbarn"» Makoe. Saie" Mzstro r. B. MOTMMSIL14 bitbebs.Ring 8t,. West. Du. PÂTMasex, D.utiat; oMes over Eo'ws.% &-. J, SruALTu-Domtnlo pinossud organe, Umseos stret. Wnaair J. Dw..u, Dominion aud Ontarle Yland trwmyor. Civil Engineer. Box 57.Osh- awa. Oems RaL Ho--. C. Weon, 0---tor. Uodaru hostslry, ueat sud bly .quipp.d. 0. M. ToD.-Camrerfor Rails. &ssmbâiea Wed- ding.. Suppers, etc.,* stc. ueo mi hindi of levems jbs. Eeno u - Whtby-O"bwa stage line. LeaVesOsh&a a a Ma n sd P ni. a"d wb etet1u amoMs4 sud FoUM Ba.Wal a poan sd déesratar. Desler iuvslp~ss,-o -ig IsseratonM e ns cebnashes, wluow slidrse4St. Affet.lsrg.teek beyS sonstanly en haud.Jobbing sasy.slaly. aimise sbss. .oeth Ife . B tE tev: PL M. Grant, D. D. of Oritia, «e.w iÃŽt favorably kaasm an original t@ w mnd irriter, wlll comtiuct te anna BW m*i-viie o 'hepreabyterlan chu-ch ýathosoérmlmg aadeveung. Special I"l ns at batoisevîsTht 1ev. Mn. ftlinto tate t rantsi'svrk for the P'. LA ini $1. elo gardon. m W-e yoéma Jv"W b. very s e.As.bal matcht for flo qe> l tWe andp4fowdeu's vine; a twe w 'mlle *Ià l-te, fot races,,junap. - S-lu osha",ou lte 1li Aith ., the IL xuu'exB . -IL sen SaI"Uarq, rro #r~.-Tieseseir 'vM be la OMi US te Oui*W m»M Bet "Mly eb. ton »b068 lebk b4 tntml ~ t~OMM The amtimivts im let cfSm dai a4 Mom aianiel met hb ôdd nm md u manIodayi Mdyrdtie hai a a km =w&ti panahmi of tue, dlicousrefrd or Moe vu qeaî niprofit" abea Ibo eveaa =Dm wue vasgIesb thetacit L wbwb vsought to Pdlate.Precsi $57. lti":ak get up an aLnvmmsry wuem. kat dMon. 60d mccems Sté luteret- «aer ilitt "«5 an hou: ma. là l. puls of The Isiatt ecursi hpoqSle for another Tbt crop ain ta fourishlq coeoniou cg to tht recent rains. b4m. A. Swetnaé -bas gant <tavck for Mr. Wesley Rose ef Rmwci. 1 Mr. Dr. Prtsg§84, -otuSutavasvisitug Mrisas on tbeut IM wlitvek lu thtI m mi c o varr tue pulpit vas au? -J" 1W »kM,, " A sud ucclderi accurred biere atSaturdsy by which smit inf usn cf Mr. Jlobm NLaten les tu, ni&.Titis autile feWbw1<si zpesd btbeti up on the feuce to looki ai saine pige antibus feet alippeti and tibo hiitaging. Uhitbis iteati boIves. tht rails. Mach aympahy as telt for tht itereaitti parents. APDI.EY. John Bell speut Buuday laewhere. Roeebmnk ifi-draw mauy to-day if veather be fine "is Edith Mason speut Standsy- with ber parents hert Mr. Richardi Gutirie took s trip I Reacb las voek sud bought a horset e replace oue soldti t Whutby buyers Most of tue fat cattle bave lieu bought sud delivered. Tnt prces art e t se bgh dm is ar as smre expected to ste. Mr. W. Boyes bas floisbeti tht loundauon for Mr. Imait PucktrWTih is vail ila scredi:te auy muson. Mr. Boves geutrafly gaves mils- faction and ha well desemvs hie <ced naine. Tht mnmsters cf our circuit bave ouly oe more Sabbatb each Io point oui te us the uarrow vay. We vish them botit Goti speet in utheir verk andI gond successors bere. John Salîco officlteti hete on Sunday lait The first beef lu the beef ring vas bandeti round lam week andi truly il vas gond fat meat for tht firs: urne. If the tessons tan continues as audit ve may expect a good. healthy, fat people arounti here. A poor rnger t. vers than oles.. After s very lamentable ilium hohm consump- tion Mm. Saunders pasmeti uvay ou Monday lmi and vas buriet a inte union oeuetery on Weduesday. Little. Lottie h also 01 andi net ex peced tw survive long. Thmonghout the uhole ase bas exhbiteti s obrisulsu fou&uti. Th nelghbSobod ail smpathise vitu b mo hs au n sd f&MWl. - 0til Haviug matie iqutries about 1h. nasboti of payinr ilt h gbosebce<¶expenss svsbave Qumn In SSstnd "Mr.Newton of tue1Oaut suurly dld net kuow tht tactswben be a st Ãlit "lu about country boys ae -lg -tht Me&Us Institule Dot payang ibesr mititOf ttefünds. Nov ne country 51 15 1k. te bave It ma up toeà th iaIlthe7 haspouzed m educatbo As we uademsaud i tue <ygractsaulo sm to weet tht provicil 4andti te nuny aiso pays towards emaiig expenses in proporden te tht ber of stutisaus tbat coefomtecounty. To ibis adtefu and thnw ecornes lu tue facu tit i tyeaug à friendit <aune ef bail between lte uiso No.A and No. 8Son Saturday, r«esittn fîve cii No. 8. -Patroa candidate C., F, Tixtopu el a imeetng on the 4th lit, ia tht Sous hl.&0Of coure thte lti parùme must go. Mlours Breaks. Gay anti Roberts troue w Oreno on Saturday tosujoy a shoot villa tut gua. club tuerentbererais vert ig*tlprofit. . Tbe sutidea deatu cf Mr. Jahes LInjejobu on USt l maibas casu a gla oser lte nelbgh. bombocti Tite berm>gued laualy have -tie spai. Eboos& 4à ch»alvrsy ceSimay ny e Dr. à ?Iiuht WaeoSDhng.Afurmoo ýe»,= e4auor 'eh rGe.i. Mr. . Iw Md C.C.R écotrsa>t.n &ar-lu tii City. G("OSHAWA./ýD THE GREA T1 We show the largest stock of uew, -thoroughly Up-to-date Dresa --Goods of auy bouse in the coun- -ty. Our reputation la unequal- -led. Ail the newest miakes'and -weaves are to be founti here anti --at prices that canunot fail to -tempt 3tpu. New 8Sicilians in brovp-, uavy, green, favu, grey sud black. Nov Checksin mUai the latest celoringe. 48-m. special ut 75c., vortb ipar yar.d. 50-im. Fine Tvilled Serges, in brovn, navy, greansd black, at 60 centa, neyer mold anyvher. Ilss than 75c. Fancy Mohair Siolliaus, Fine Tweed Suitings, Styllala Crepous, Figureti Mohairs, silk sud wvon mxtures, at 50c., 60r- andi 75c. per yard. Parasol. ParasoW8 Nutura stick, patagon frame, durable cover, reg. i quality. f5c Extra fine cover, stylish hanie in bacha & colons, vorth 51.25f W~Fine range oh the better ones fri ... 1-30 tO $3.00 GMT SALE OP' W.G.R. make, fine cmbrie, piuk anti bine oui y veila $1.25, for.--.. .--.49c. Fine strlped,; prety citecks. Tht mev Prestien Walatea t $ir, $1.25 andti $.3o. for th. wat» <waller. Dresten Mus. lins at aoc. Plisse stnipes il 16 cts. Organby flnsHans soc. Fine Zephyns 15C. lest Igit Prunts oc.,,always itic. at-ethe stores. For Latest MiUinery and Stylisk IDresmakinf. try Tho osH MV43CHI EO1KS ms~w.. i CLEÂBING PRICES.-.-e petesgoing toit ~ 10,J SpcisiTrains, ijm to ~ 9p s«ests bà st$he ÇUm time in bave gootd en ra#m i oute. (ëolomIn t enfcmrawl» be tMn on tj trin, he 1hvhchi l ýéUbE FIc CoLONeim g*RfN-CARS, lot IPaff P. atOshawa Rail5 I~. a .O r-er, A91 Mar. 2«bi, î8& . OSHAWfi WHITB'Y st 9l"- e. oots, Goa-. Ma ls;wndnw oto, mosolu.«.....,........... lW Pin. »L*-Butto me&=oos 1a4 w! ttdasole, Miroy pient nip, a*15 lasvlol* roula '8 pai .. 06 .......9 Mohi's %aor Tan 10w Shdor. tme d , sel......6649 mn'Fe&@oi ab daium Sapesi..................11.5 Fen mPnsDongola, Losd r Galetsme, dimn wei at-ls enteidie te teatomln, rte a 1t5, seia....... 81.5 Mens oStl So, eg. Boots, be rqfl 0, 1.5,s-m.......997 LadesWFnDonla Shn oos,-bta- eut h.d fot, pme ot dtmes 1h. 1*1.5* st11le, pe..86.o Laim es' ongolab, tp, rumnd Wegeli4M I.. ..., .72 Lafdis' Dor anuttonBo, , si, pe ......a .............sî.69 Ladis' Pneit(eSis« 8To,10 TaBhoes, t ip9, spel..l6 lsssFinedsn Leu, hs rg- lai 79e, bwn 1 ei 10 da .72 9 Chil's Bnlk or Tan oy Sho.., sole, specil................ ..*6 LM M L S, ir , 118 BROU, TRUNESB, Special I3argains Saturdays. PO Welland Small Profits and Returns. Quick1 "BUJRNS -& (JO., Whitby : Brook-st, noîth.eas aide. Oshava: The Cerner 55cr.. "The more you buy from u cheaper we cmeauo. " Mm the. Vale, H16H :: ORMDE ::BICYCL IIGARDEN R Al»n one GCodScodbad for Bal. Sm I. E "Money Saved is Money Earned."' *BOYD, +THE Always 'Leads -In KING-STrRE-ET,: WEST LOW1 VOL@ xxi U9-"o1Quibs ftheR Lite to I 7ang/-elool Stick, FIy Poison Pads Pure Insect A Churck' s 1Insect CHEMIST & L COR. BROCK & Di W. baves- larger anti bet otvlntiov shades th have ever sitowu bel W. ume the bet:ha, ahade cleh, with F relier. Aise a fiue variety - Mb te see - urtes scieeus, te it any vii Our baby carniages arei Signa. Give us a cail before pur We are taking apecla eltganoe vith ecout gtuerai utility. Our stock ila complet. in. 'W. invite huyers ta It viU save meuey. Leading Undertal I& .jo: BOK ST ., WF ÃoabihedM- .Mêle and ~iiieWoîks, D'ùndas St., (1wrel ofen ~,trsdDeie t b. latutmaterWa otind xfCmer ~33~B' r. Osnuat PELLOWS,- and Bse his WroUghê leeli * -AT- $50o.oo. AlSO bis COAL OIL- ana GÂS SÃ"E $5.50 to $25-OO. O8hawa Book 8torti «, ~1$ q 'r -4 r' 41 <4 ,<44 ~ tdolher ire