M .Th b. S èid nhps itateti pur. ébasing live hopoforMeus. Maukews &Sons. of Peterboroand Ltnddà y., Mrs, ohn..sïewa Spent iaifcw dy last week wiîb (riendsa aI Udney. We are sonry to announce that Mr. and- Mrs. R. D. Hill are about to leave us for Woodstock, where they will spend a fortnight prior to Mr. Hill goineg to Windsor, -where he -ha, ac- ceptcd a position with a large shoc hbouse. W. regret lu sec M. Hill de- rt, as during the tirne he has rcsided among us he has gaineti the respect and gooti will of the entire community. Our loas wîli be Winidsor's gain, and our best wishes go with the young couple for their succesa in their new 4 ftemoto one~~~~b b1te1fAy1s2an io bain~ ~~t va etrdt LMri colo an ceaed al n d .A thair ungsod codit original IL P. Fm<wîcK, .DlgbyY Y S Growth ,of Hai r. "Eight years ago, 1 had the vario. loid1, anti lest mny haïr, which previ- ulywus guite abundant. I trled a variety of preparations, but wlth- out beneficiai resuit, till I began ta fear I shoulti be permanently balti. About six montha ago My husband brought homne a botLle of Ayer's Hiair-Vigor, and I begn at once te, use it. lin a short time, new hair began te, appear and there la now every prospect ol as thick a growthL of hair as before mny ilinesa." - Mrs. A. WEBER, Polyminia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREFARE» Br DR. J. C. AYER & 04~ LOWELL, MS., U .S. A. Auer# PUIscue r. 8ck Headsaehe. CORRESPONDENCE ORILLIA W~hiile making ice cream on Monday L. Pethick, brother of Little Harrv' was caught in the engine belt, receiv ing injures which had laid him up fo several days. Luckily the engine wa. running slow at the time or bis in, juries might have been ver%, niuci worse. Our enter-prising young townsman, Hugh Raiston, left on Wednesdav- foi Orvell. Parry Sound district, in com. pany with five others, to engage in tht business of capturing and shipping frogs to the Buffalo and Chicago mai- kets. He has purchased a neat little van, with the picture of a large frog very artisticaliy painteti on the door. The Tudhope carniage company h getting out plans for a $j5,ooo en, largement to the very fine premises they. now have on Colborne street. They have acquireti the Dick and Donaitison lots on Andrew street ad- jacent to their yard and the olti biack- smith shop will be moved there, te make room for a three storey. metai covcred building, 5o (t. wide by 140 (t. deep. Sundays rain was the salvation of the crops in the light soli sections, ai- though it camne too late to save the heavy dlay farins. In Oro it was worth hundreds of dollars to every far- mer. Ini that township the hay and rye and fait wheat straw "I be very short. FaIl wheat is spotty in places. Clover wil! be very short, but timotby wiII pick up. Oats are doing fairly weIl, though on sod thcy are badly eaten with grubs., Roots are very promising. In Muskoka there will be a fine hay crop. In Mara, especially th e dry weajher, affected the growing crops, and in many cases they are be- ing resown. On the whole the outlook for the farmer just now is flot as cheer- ing as it might be. -News-Letter. Last Thursday afternoon a youthful horseback rider on Mississaga st. turn- cd suddenly down Wyandotte st., cut- ting across the corner of the sidewalk * just as Mr. Geo. Tipping's littie girls, with the littie boy in an express cart, were about to cross the street. The -; horse plunged, sma*hing the cart con- taining the child into fragments, but wonderful as it may seern, the child escaped with only a severe cut on one of his arms. The frightened children picked himi up à nd carried him home. A surgon was called who pronounced nobones broken, and the littie fellow will' be around ail right in a few days. -News. Mnr. Bodney and obtidren aue *0 gueots Of lqj Nigbswaadft tis wsk. gol.irile WCuCtt, MWclç.nn and, -UtMilian cacit countpdfor thé ccd-, At MrT.C dgIsns an rowsog on Monday lut ?Mr. John- .Mc-. Callum feUl off the bnlldlng about 17' feet, fracturing the imail'bout in lus arm .anti shakiug -himuellf Up pre:ty badly. Mr. Christy aarber caught a-monster catllsh at the old railroad wharf lhst Saturday. The fish wcighed 28>9 lbs., and measured io inches btcnthe eyes. The carly ciosing on Friday evening was very successful as a start but we are exceedingiy doubtful as to how long it will last. Duing the progress of the lacrosse match on Thursday, Mr. A. E. Cam- eron had his thumb knocked out of joint, Vie would suggest to the Checkers the advisabiiity of their appearance on the gronnds a littie earlier in the after- noon on the occasion of the next match played here than on the day of the Ux- bride-Beaverton match. Mr-. Ken Cameron, of St. Thomas, an old Checker was on hand to cheer our boys on to victory last week. The Rev. Mr. Rix, of Cannington, Dieeasies -Thouandse 0f Grate le, Citizens ÂAuOver Canadai Not one medicine doing the wonk Of the other, but eachdolng its owII work, wit#out.a single failure. The kcynotc of thc succcss of the South Amnerican Remedies is that thcy strike at the seat of diseaseini every case. . Take South Ameiican Kidney Cure. It is flot a medicine that trilles with the Patient, as it donc in many cases where PIS andi powdcrs are prescribeti. Kiti- ney disease anises from the clogging of the filtenlike parts of the systcmn that constitue the kidneys. Only a liquiti can dissolve these obstructions, andi such is South Amenican Kidney Cure. Adam Soper, of Burke's Falls, Ont., suffereti terribiy (rani kidney disease, andi treateti with the mast skillcd physicians. His words are: *11 did flot obtain any relief until South American Kidney Cure was useti. It fitteti my case exactly, giving immediate relief. 1 amn now a cureti man, anti believe one bottle of the rcmedy will canvince any one of its great wonk." Many taise notions exist in regard to rheumatism. Outsid e applications may temporariiy relieve the pain, but the cure is to be effecteti. This is what uauuru Bis loss. day. South American Rheumatic Cure does. RAUPTON. Messrs. Bruce, McMillan anti F. Mis. Phillips, Sr, Hamilton, was coin- R-ev. E. E. Howard, pastor. anti 3fr. 1. Fead, af Cannington, wheeled over on pleteiy crippled with rheumatism. She L. Brown, recording steward of Hamp- iast Thursday, and while retui-ning procureti a bottie of South American ton circuit, who were in attendance at home Mn. Fead's wheel broke, throw- Rheumnatic Cure, anti says: -'It is with- the conference at Trenton returned home ing hum off on his face. and cutting his out tioubt the quickest relief fon nh eu- lautweek. chin badiy. matisin I have ever seen, anti I heartily There was a meeting heiti in the town Mr. Ken Davitison was in Graven- recomînenti it toalal suffea-ers of the hall, hon., Fniday evening in the inter- hurst the fit-st of the week. dis ease. - est& of Mm. Rnbert Beith, SEP. Dr. J. Messrs. James McCrorie anti D. It is a scientific fact that many de- D Mitchell, Enniskiiben, o)cupied the Rutherford wheeled ta Lindsav on Sun- rangements of the system emanate from chair. Dr. J. W. McLauahlin, Bowman day. the nerve centres at the base of the ville, wua the first speaker, and treated Messs. A C. halmrs ad W.brain. South American Ne-vine cures the tariff question with telling effeet. Mess-s.A. C Chlmer ani ~ stomach anti net-vous troubles because Hon. S. H. Blake, Toronto, waa the Mitchell spent Sunday in Cannington. it acts immediately on the net-ve speaker of the evening, and deliv-ered a *Mr-. Fred. and Miss Edwaads of Can- centres. J. W. Dinwoodl'e, of Camp. eranti speech on the issues of the day, nington were the guests of the Misses belîford, Ont., says: --l do not hesitate which was indorsed by the majority of Ritchue last week. ta say that South American Nervine i the large audience who vere assembledti t hear hum, (but abourt one-haîf could not Mr. James McHattie, of Manitoba, is the best medicine 1 have ever taken;- gain admission to the hall ) The meet, rin town at present. It compieteiy cured me of nervous ing broke up with cheers for the Queen, Mr-. James Miller- returned from prostration antithe attendant diseases Nîr. Laurier, and the Reform candidate WVhitby last Saturday. Mn. Millet- has of the liven anti stomach that follow M r. Beith. r been busy théere during the last twa this weakness.' Solti by J. E. Willis. A large nuruber from this village on- Ls weeks seax-ching aften the fat-ms bought -a joyeti the excursion ta Bobcaygeon, Sat- -bv the Governinent in conrnection with LIND8A. iirtiy. h the Trent Valley Canal. On Suntiay marning of last week Mt-. Rev. E. E Howard presched s spien- Miss S. J. Camrnton who has been Stephen Washington, of Oakwood, hati did temperanco sermon Sunday evenin, employeti in Toronto for saine turne five valuabie sheep killeti by tiags. Mn. which vas liatened ta vith rapt attention. tpast, returneti home on Mvonday even- Washington, with the assistance of The Cheese Ce. have sold their May ing. neighbors, ti-acked the dogs ta their eheese ta Tho@. Watkins, Esq., Belle- e Mn. W. A. Robinson, af the Cani- home, and will insist on Iraving the vFille. g nington Gleaner, refereed the lacrosse animals destroyeti. It is high time The anniversany bore on the last cf l-match Thui-stay, anti gav-e general sat- Mariposa counicil renewed the dog tax Jualy -bitis fair tobe the e ven t of Uthe - eisfaction by his impartial rulings. by-law, when many of the worthless sonl. Don't mass it. 9 Miss Harriet Furniss ai Thorah Is- cut-s now infesting that township would Mr. Chas. Stonehonse is putting atone land left last week ta visit relatives in be killeti, Several other farmers have work unden bis barné. s the Unitedi States. hati similan lasses in this way. *- Mns. George Pariah la quit. sick. r Reeves Treicaven anti Brown anti An olti man named Daniel Callahan, The Misses Power, Bowmanvi.lle, visit- sdeputy-reeve McDougall of Beaverton a shoemaker, living at -Pantypool, wa.s ed bore Sunday, anti Thoi-ah respectively attendeti the killed about a mile cast af that place Mn. and Mmi. H. Eiiiott,.jr., attended- June session of the County Council at by the C. P. R. train wbich ari-ived servie" -at Bowinanville Sunday after- -Whitby last week. from Montreai Monday rnarning. He Dloon. was walking an the track towards the Oun git miii la running again on ful train, anti took no notice of the repeat- timea. ,~ac~ 9 ~ e d blowing of the whistle by the engi- Messi. E. Trenoulli and son are the step off the- track. He was kilieti Dr. J. H. Brown, teacher in the Deaf Manufactured b y T hà e conductor sent word ta a coroner, anti spending hie vacation at the old ho0Mo Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., the train praceedeti . Coder Vale7 tarin. and Detroit, Mich., la the. A man somewhcne in Amenica went only known sufe, nriable t le h te tgtaddere C morithly medicne on which ladiies asepteohrngtat raei ~ Oat.Mn cande<îen ii "Ie Aasr<ma tise he was in a city, entinely governeti by 0)f Hccdsa Samspan ifa vifdA vherecr it e tiny sd hsetiytnid.To have perfect s o nee Every lady Who made wamen. It was scrupulously dlean, beaIth iyo unt have Pure blocd, andi t@. bout p tins is requestedt tainclue Ivo post- anti whilc wandcnzng arounti h. 5aw vay to havere mblood i t as e abo Ot. age stamPs, with ber addiresi4 for three men arresteti for spitting on Uic saporila, Ihbesbt blood purifier and strengh pavements. A garbage box at the reair builde. It aipeli1s ai ttfeof «ula, alt of each lot vas hanti-painteti anti tieti niexa -andi ail alierhumeraad aI thes ane iturnebula up time vbobe smsea. P Wde with blue ribbon. Nail boxes wei'c send by return ma inl plaixa. ssied a envelope. lg a uhneseuotetp ai Au old physian, 35 >ars u_ af thein. Sweet, peas wenc cliznbing tinued practice Irectlug diseso f at M ven the clecta-ic pales anti a baud-matie women, b hage" f tii.office, sud clspidan occupieti a prominent place on fr~~ sapidbhriutr fan b. cousulted by letter or ini every corner. There was no business, wrs usumdagrlie êbeoeb.K porin. ddrss ui ainoffce Dot a teana b.ing allowed to au 5~UP late Meein o1f Kansas utet bord-.t THE COOK COWPARY9 antido*ôwn thc main streets fanr(car of oultural boofoIy Delegais frei l, Boom 8-No0- 258 VOOdwWIAmiemaking dust. The towm mas deserteti, Western Part of lb* ulat. as mIleasotb m.< Deweit, Mlk. cCept for Police-momen, Who rnarhed direi t aI egh p h* b.poMs1biU. tiof 'goà Or' Cook's Cotton Root Compouad upç anti town ta sec that no anc with gardon wid orebar:dkn4asoù êm e l#. -Pm la sold by ilr1p1-1l-wolase dusty shoes stepped -into the tow, T'a. undeo n S»la lrya ma l alad rautIbîdm 0rehanlndu 10 aid etildrgiat the Dmn A well-known Kent-it. grocery clerk'à " O car*s 10to 00 ofCanadla anti-Unitoed States for One Wh0owras a bicycle antistnides itlîlke a aîèpr uie s o oulandthe .Xou l Dollar per box.LP "M cnet& Yuei professiona,, mas lu dcep trouble Thurs. ,,aeurgrd W opqire suet home#*' day week. Some 'mean.despicable l uaonmrenmiebslmg .q sip specinicu of humanity hlie ictelierty Peti miW" tr#igti= auous&a than over ma PZcEMISLta steal.his bicycle. Hë-lef titstainding.bfm. The. firemen have extensive pear.in front-of an up-towrn store wbgç, li dions on the go for the 116»ie he euoredfor-a n>oment anddurùi bi Domù innDay. aib'ice thtbike iras removt&,- He Isse is h t reetd ca bead.«&-sercliêd -hlgb and . h rcc Ne ae ý O atonze ovenas hà an*ae of hsM et.-i We arc pleaied ta. report the fat that Mr. Gordon'*, - lang mi i Shortly b. ini operation, Qulte à number frouz here aüeed Major McGiliivray's meeting at Zephyn on Monday evening last andi report a goodtime. Mr. R. H. Shier has organizeti a aabbath school in the Shiioh schooi bouse. Mr. Shier deserves much Credit for the example of his intercît in the you ng folks of his neighborhood. Early in the morning of Saturday, May 29th, thene passeti away suddcnly, of heat disese, anc of Udora's oldest residenta in the person of Mr. James Wallace. Mm. VWallace came ta tldora about 40 ycans ago, when there was not a house where the house now stands. He was first in thecemploy of anc Arnoldi Brethour, who owned a great deal of property in this vicinity, as foreman in the saw miii and lumber yard, a position he faithfuiiy filleti for a number of years. Since r8So he oc- cupieti the hantisome residence in Udora, having retiret f rom the fildtiof labor. His dcath cast a gioam ovei the surrounding community, he having been so long and favorably knowrn. He laIe t Xi. ani Un. Biiniey vMwt Ier om- @I Spuraya id8udy lut. h Biohrd Brtonhida ustaInd eêm. inodjousbanrasdohf.bpkaê we*, a tIl bthe uor*h of bhé», Botonis huting "ul_.t- oinw ~ ~ th ir ua IbbUo&&t, u~ _ Duhenh hwronMna vn Du r.ngjohepshoweratn Mondavn- awng Mr.y ostaph McGrothe tamrn theay. Thy artcd ranes o the ban o uhed loghyfar, randcat down a lanc jumpadwao afnckanter sica tte- inge atwagon and re ack t wicthcyr ower N atbdamaere ofaght by ti w one asNohdamagof ny accounta oneoca.h wgnws ev o"-ne. forvilgr ttn h Maddny of oMr. vohnaDersanddMthe waedings Mr. John oie, andTMiss Katie ttnsaT Uptcrre on es day Juee ind.Tely.retejoingi themseelsinselA ay. andiejos-i theu gener wish A hppyanda os-h hpyusbr ny thdrooifm o h The Brechin orchestra are practising regulariy, and under the able manage- ment of their leader, Mr. Clarke, are improving wonderfuliy. This organiz- ation i$ worthy of the patronage of ail those who desire to give a first class entertaininent. No social gathering in our village is comnplete without it. Vie What a grest qusu. tity of work a ' oý bousekeeper " fLnda te do! There are 80 rnany littie tirne. and-strengtb -taking chores that bave no Dames. And itrmust all be done whetbet he housekcepei il. ;éels like it or not. shis strue of rne 1I work too, but meii's I m anuaI labar jà i j Dever so cnpiae ahousekeeping. Iu sme way or othei "the worl's work mnust be doue."1 This iron-clad mie 1à gharder on worn than it la on men.A mncan't be a s sk as-% womnan. As a mnan's orgsization ie4pznp1er andi stronger, it follows that his. ailmeuts art less compIicatcL He la flot sub>ect lu the chances and changes, physiologically, thal corne lu thç average wornan. If a wornu 15ingood health 'there la no more healtWtiui ernploTent than bouse work. Geuerally speakmng, there îs no hap- pler-wornuin the world than the4 one whe à 8 well and busy ail day long "raldr.g home" 1for dear ones who depend upor her. But how différent whcn every briath la pain,- every step, torture! Tis state oi hq.lth, li nine cases out of ten cornes (rom derangernents cf the délicate, femninue or- gans of generation. The fuanily doctor in. quires first concerniug tiiese. R~e mosi usuafly insista upon an " xarnlntioû.'ý Irror this. the modest wornzan ,-naturaUly sbriaks. She la right Uxcept1g invery unusual cases cf "fetcale weakut "ex- arninations are unneccsaury. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription la a simple, naturai rerncdy for these jUs. It cures graduafly, safely, permnently. Here la eue te»S ruonial out cf thousands: 41IwusI11four yeanwîj 1fenaie wealcneo&' 1 took two bottlei cf Dr. Pleroe's- Favorite -Pre- scription. 1 do rny bouse work nou' wlthont paiù or falutneis&l Tour truley, (MrM) Cý&eý XLyrne eter, Graftou Voe,il. IL iebd 31 cents in ose u O rnr>Wort' a eDr. Plerce's rO page comun -u* 21W.RaieuAL £ év Pof Mthom bT>. mt.ocy O.nW. Hsais . v.cfOlaîamdi n >WI mi u idr lierys "(y<i OthrsFaI coma la the a Ooee noi. Ing Uic peristalto action o! theaIIrnena~y~ FOR MAN-oUBe«AST, la ~ I imb fez :*" Wb~ IEWLL' DIS.;. Kumé,&c LUM £UDaSt18N PAU~S~ VT. -I loiâs CIlt1w Md on.gr 1a "C. L Xd h&OC, Lowe4u& as: "Gsutl.mm l: I t b iaI 1 caufol in favor of Iood'siarspin,, For .7.., 1 have boss Uv"led wlg th snulay &g and tbnos&Semeai hinds of medlcinu ,j 1 tnled dld iM do meaay good, ad Wh=u[o menced lulo Hooda saan tee ufbunchesoni Mrynek smore tha&î1 lood '*rw",Ée Cures, riotbea 4 tm - h-When I bs&gake one bottle cf tais mfedine, the sorenm bM - pe, and before 1 had finlshed the seo« th bunches bad enUrely dlsappeardJ' Bi4à .s TwooD, Sangervlle, Maine. N. B. Il you decide to tae . Iood's 8arm»s rila do net be lnduced to buy any ether.. Hood'a P1lla cmreConstpatà un by reso -e DTD Vr. y in 1 1 - 1 Nomi -At 12 o'clock, Iunng Officer Jel n. Rosa Johnoto: -à * Iown bail, Wl- -nations. There w k.p'lem compar e»o er an heur B.mtwie e tanac omaWOfl papor Ormistan w perfoi bohaif of Leonard SPONSORS 0F1 Chas King, WBE B hubtfieid, Th( Pingle,C F Su - eo A ROMs, Peter e T Matbison Haywaid, Philip Asion Sharrard. 1I dan, H W Wilc Tireedie, Jacob 1 dois, Aloi Bmîth, Henry, Geo Rob Thom-peon, G A C B Bird, J B Mîtel SPONSORS GaoRsHewis, F B Viekens, Wna B viay, Jam2es Untit rsbB J- Gu CUnAliret Jat Elijah SarIes, Jý Sawdon, D Galbr H Podiar. C W Bc Bowse, Jno D Goc WF Cowan. W ' Jones, C H Caysdi Wilharns, T G B: 2eamer, Wmn Pla McTagart~Peter hîvra, Sherman IL Smith, Jno B. Hart, Oe H son] The finanelal à Jaum sRutledip,1 cf i. unt, Jo ibeo wod ho a the polling distnie - sy1une 28rd,s brr'ounu thini ryoeshould lfiinulLThére lions of great uT ools.The lBc mta&de rtain oe ~tg,- jomed the -were o rot au. -over