Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1896, p. 3

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Nominations, ti At 12 o'clock, noora, ou Tueeday, Ren tnrning Officor John Burns and hie clerk,C Mr. Boss Jobraston, took their position iraP th. tovra bail, Whitby, te receivo nemi- P nations. There was ne porion present tb F keep thean Company, nor did any pet-son t] corne for ara heur or more except Mi. Jas. ' Batledge to band in Mr. Wm. Smitb's V nomination paper and $200, andi Mr. D. d ()rmiston to perform a hike function on 1 behali cf Leonard Bunnott. SPONSOR8 0F LEONARD BUB.NETT. Chais King, W 8 Gold, A M Gilpira, Pb B Wbahifield, Thos G Jackson, W Ba Pringle. C F Stewart, HaRki M Rose, s Ueo A RoRa, Peter M athison, W H Noble,n Ueo T Mâthison, Jno Sinclair, E R B Hayward, Philip Taylor, J H Willis, Aaxrn Sharrard. T G Colwill, Thon Pin. dar, H W Willccx, RobI Willis, John Tweedie, Jacob Melntyre, Jeohn Saura- ders, Alex Smnith, Jnc McKinnon, James Henry, Geo Robb, A Ketchon, Johnrv Thompsora, G A Carson, James Long, IR R Bird, J B Mitchell, C A Eastwood. SPO>NSORS 0F MR. Sm"a'. Geo Hewis, F Warren, J H Long, D0 IR Vckers, VM Barras, Tbeo A MeGilli- vray, James Rutl.edie, W Adams, W H Crosby, R J Gn, M J Colline, Mattbew i Collins, Albert Jackson, Jno S Barnard, e E]jah Sarlesi, Jno A Watson, James Sawdora, D Galbrmith, A Balmer, jr., G H Pedlar. C W Scott, John Bailes, E J Rowse, Jno D Goodman, W H Tbomas,I W F Cowara. W Purves, L R Luke, C A Joues, C H Crysda.lo, T E Kairer, A B Williams, T G Byley, W Couithard, Tc Balmer, Wm Phillipe, T H Smaithî. M1 MeTagg,àrt, Peter Christie, C F MeGil- livi-ay, Sherman Brown, J W Browci, J L Saiith, Jrao Bail Dow, H Howden, E Hart, Geo H Soraicy.t The financial agent cf lMi- Smith ije James Rutledge, barrister, Whitby, îbat of Mi. Bunnett, D. Ormnisten, barriater, Whitby. There beirag Ivo candidates nominated Reîaa-ning Officer Bui-ns annouracod t.hat there wculd be a poli openeti in each cfi the pollirag districts cf the riding on Tues-1 day Jura. 28rd, at 9 a. m. and closed at1 P. p. 1 Dr. Garan thinke this le a lime whenj everyone shoulti b. ieady te express1 himself. Thero are thîee or four ques tiens cf great importine.: (1) Manitoba1 echoois. Tbe Roman Catholic minority1 mrade certain conditions under vbich t.hiey joira.d the, confederation. Tbey weîe to retain ail lh. rights andi privil- eges previoasly enjoyed. Tbey have since been a lav-abidig people. Their separate sehools were abolisheti in 1890. which was a veîy tryung thing. -The Queen's Frivy Ceuracil decided that thie vas a offievoas Ling, andi Principal Grant, Kingston, an eminent echolar, foi-med tb. sanie opinion afltoi going te Manitoba for investigation. (2) As to tariff. Ho bas seon a god many strang electione on thie question. Believes that if duties voie lowered thore woulti bo a panie amcng th. manufacturerai. We have a splendid country if vo use it lily to preduco. Bat if vo open it up te Lb. Anenrcans we couid not hold oui ove. (3) Imperiai federatien. Ho beieves il woulti b. cf inestimable good to mankind. We woulti out an important figure je the1 united empire. Hoped te se. Mi. Smith lected. Mr. J Hl Long-Ioaua Equai Righter. Admires Dalton McCarby. W. ihould feel prend of hlm. H. gives teo aci p r- son the right te govene hizaseif. The people f an .a2oe _ aun spaà- a I r i f free trade he is net allowed te niake speeches during thie campaige. Does net believe there la a business man min Canada Who woald put hie mondy lotoc a Nctory and risk it under a free trade policy. Messie. Noiera, Iragermoîl, andt Fleury, Aurore' advocated free trade andt theosixty million mnarket whera tbey wanted te help the Liberal party, but whon there was talk of cuttirag dcvii tb. luîy on agricultural implenienta,. Mr Nozon beaded a doputatien to Ottawa Le see that net a cent cf redoctien vas made. Faim. implernents voie to go up ader protection. but thev have irastead beccxre vastly choaper. Mi. Smith now appears as plain Win. Smith askirag the suffrages cf the people. ira a ver few mnnbe be viii corne hack again Beeking electien as the Hon. Win. Smith, Min uîtor cf Agriculturo.c Mr. Wm. Smith muid there bave beenE twe important issues befere the counatryE For eighteen yeare the deetinies cf Gara ada. have been contrclled by the Conser- vaLive party. Duuing th. lait five year* Lt bas suftered tb. loss by deatli of threeE goed leaders, and on. by reuîgnatioa Still the reins have tallen imb Lb.ebandé ofa great mana, Sir Chas. Tupper, a man whc deserves much cf Canada beeause h. bas don. mach for Canada. Ho lu mach maligned, and jes aid to b. mtrong mind ed, but ho bas been an active public man in Canada for forty years, and on the1 28rd ef Jane will b. rotained witb a big majority. The Censorvatives propose that tb. différent creede and secte shah) liv. ira harmcny together. Recited tbe partieulars cf Ltie caims made on behai of the mincrity in Manitoba. Mr, Bur- nett says holie i take an indepenaent cours, but ho bas nover yet kneve Mr Burnoît to fail in voting for hi. party. It bas been stated in varions places ira this eounty that the Ottawa Govorninent is respenaible for tb. cattie embaigo ira England. This is a mistake, and i. do- clared so by th. Eraglish geverement. As te the tariff, th. Amoricans teck a nation in laver cf fiee trade, andi woa&U keow what a panic fchlowod., Mr. Leur- ier's party is now sayiing that they do not propose te change Lb. pissent pchicy cf proection. If this be se, wby put out tb. man whc made this policy and put it ira Lhe bande cf those oppose toot it bore tofore. The Liberais in&~eased Caeadimi debt over $40,000,000 ini a little over four yearm, and yet thoy howi about the national debt. Tbey have ncthing to show for thoir debt, *but the Conserva- tives bave the C. P. R , the Interooioniai Railvay and the be-t systoin of canais wn Lb. venld to show fer thoir expendîtuies. The Liberals are dodging public que.. tiens. Canada bas hati an experience of Liberai government. Are Lb. people pro- paredtteagain trust thein ? ArthurJYohnsten saye that if ho theught Manitoba wore beirag coerced against right and vil ho wonld vote againot tis goverement or any other govermeet on Lb. question. Does any person on eithor aide of polities dlaim thal Lh. Romodial bill gives the minority of Manitoba toe mnich ? W. have Messi. Laurier and Mills on rmord on tbis zatter as show- ing that the Liberals aie net arguing that way. Tboy are going te approach Manii- toba vitb mmooth vords. They do inot deny th. Conservativo assertions, but they vant tb. fight kept op to enable the Ljiberals te gain pover. Are Conserva- tisels te b. canght with snobhdasudad <e feat tbeïrpartyet the polils? As tofrie liàe., ho vrould hike ote Inbis popée y juto mon ey as soc eas possible if il voeé 1ikoly to become Oanada'e polioy4 - The %W XIr MOKIney are the, lueky ànd G~ masm iug md aeomovat iportant look sheéesday.. it's a fine girl. Bei. John H. Malle#t retumne od n i i day luit from Bobcayna ad other ipoints north, where ho bas been visftng mnonda. Sfflkilg Tobacooo W. S. Kimbali & Go,, The "JRoIsey." Oovmu'td Waum Air Gonevatoo. bektif ou w ll * P y eaongh fuel. Thu bu iechdendvalabe' femrbU mmneimportant a, that k it i give mose but villm toud ad anthe meut durabe boermde.. The 111 XayIrefa*puot bulsgomemtd eV"orea uplgjhe, tubular, cmenut, cms hm.sacs sst mound wbich t"e ire P»» d up=e W" he sceltislrmsse irbt bing s ad ibbis eisfe scton ;;;Ûzsmokepipe, k lintmu=armadas MW thai pam usp bueentuuteesls nufc t u! a e pci hem an osé 'Fb. "iC.iusy vila d. mmtiu. X u-L Th" d e "doamotboit our *0ur. 'Fb" aimy Islashaysauad4nt OLD* Mir. Wni. Petoh and Vite vore Visiter. kt Mr. James Jaekson'm ovar 8undày. Mr. Fred. Mallett fiat pissent vislting rithbhie brother ai Mr. Jno. Jackson'. If yen see anything coming dove Ibe rond -at a thise minute gait and tbreaten- ig to seare o cr herse into fit., just in- form tii. animal that it's only Wesley on hie bike, and al ill iib. vel. Fisbing is the order of the day andi Dow vs oxpect mosn interestigfish stor. oes te b. told. Mir. Jno. T. Jackson and a frlond voe out enjcyîn'g a quiet s--troUl on the pis- cid waters of l e Segg on Monday lst wben suddeely another cruft bove to and the firet mentioned voasol vas board- ed by Mi. Watson of Caeaaioa, who con- fsoat.d the Uines and imposed tbe regular penaty. Bitter wait 111 to-xnorrow, the next time, John T. Soveral of out Islanders took ie the S. il E. excursion frorn Oaeaio on Satur. day of lait week, and tbey report havîng a very enjoyable time. Mr. Hiiam Fralick was married luat week to Miss Emma Barclay cf Port Hope. Tbey return-ed from their wod- ding tnp te Toronto and oaher pointe west on Mcraday evening. Onr congregations at the services luat Sabbatb were very large and st nighct the cbnrch vas fat toc small'to accommedate thoee vho came. This epeaks welI for the suecesg cf the past year's labors and we hope that under the. direction of Mr. biallett for anotber yeai that a stili greater intereet je church work wihI ho aroused. The ScugoR correspondent of tb. Stan- dard ie his issue cf lait week critioized a certainestatemert madle by our pastor on a recont Saraday evening, relative te the ,,Island excursion." The remrnake voe not made in the Ilcourse of a rocont ser- mson " and sach a etatement proves that snob a correpondent as everyone knows foes not go te cbereb. Mr. Mallett con iemned the rowdyisni, drinking and iancing that is carried on as a general maie at that excursion, net Bo muoh by out isaard attendantse but by others who come fromoe oteide places. Yet as it's rue s an ialarad excursion the island is lcreed to take the credit cf ail the rowdyiam. It was againet this that Mr. Malleti speke and ho wus supportedl by earlý every conc preserat. On the SOLh ci Jane our three Sabbatt sehools wyul run an excuiuion te Pleasani Point in Sturgoon Lake. The teameî Crandella wili beave Hocd's landing ai 7 80 a. m, calling at Vabentia, and Lind say. Four boumnis vl be given at thî Point, wbich viii b. takren up by gaines, races, foot ball, etc. Bey. J. W, Totler in expeeted te givo an addrees to tbe childron. Tickets 80 and 15 cents. GOLDI In Heart Diaca&stanýd Catar. ulialTrouble The world ha% been -of -the oplilot that vhere medîcal science «an maer such dreadeddiseasesas diphtheria and hydrophobia, yet when the heart 1 affected there is no hope for the patient save such as may corne'from easinig his condition. The discoferies of Dr. Agnew have proven once again that there seems no end ta the possilâilities of science in its treatment of disese- even of heart disease. In what je known as Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart ie found a remedy that bas practically given back life t0 those who were supposed to be beyond hope of recovery with heart trouble. One of the vutues of this medicine ie its instantaneous effect upon the pati- ent. It would not be worth much otherwise, for with heart d isease prompt action is an absolute necessiîy. Mr. Aaton Nichols. of Peterboro', Ont., writes this of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hearî.--My wife was troubled for 20 years with heart disease. From the first few doses of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart she obtained relief, and con- tinuing ils use she has had more bene- fit from it than from ail the doctoring she ever did. The remedy acts like magic on a diseased beart." With everyone catar-h le a most un- pleasant trouble, and this is especially the case with those whose duties bring them before the public as preachers, or speakers. Ainongthe strongest evid- ence produced, telling of the peculiarly successful chai-acter of Dr. Agnew's Catarr-hal Powder is that which has corne from Frorninent citizens, like the Bishop of Toronto, the Right Rev. A. Sweatman, D. D., D. C, L.; f rom leadi ng members of the faculty of McMaster Hall, the Rev. W. H. Withrow', D.D., a prominent presbyterian, and other public men. These gentleman have au, over their signatures, told of the thoroughly affective character of Dr. Agnew's Catar-hal Powder in dealing with this very prevalent disease. Sold by J. E. Willis. 1 reomend It«apvier1omy1 ici kOurwa t lae ma- dmý mm&l bave spakhi hl tt tuxp«ei tuc latheir estide preacie wm a andi aithcugh vs cniy liais auspur modied uaueW b" a twhuai mUIw producti, yOS vo m fe te tomSaimlt1 merfta et Cbaabu wovit m etkwt lim ma.iiaL m».sav Âuas O. SmivZFms, Tht C.ataui G.miisay, '11 Muwu'7 Ufr~t, N.u Y.*OIt~. Bow AUVULLE Miss Reusie Snow and Mr. Allie Wolft cf Parkdaie, were guosteataIMr.. W. B. Couch's. W. had thc pleusure on Sunday of b.aring tvo very suitabie diacourses b3 Lb. Bei. D. N. McCàmas at Enfiebd and have sedona Iistened to better anniver- mry sermons. H. has theo-knack cf pieacbing to childion so as te, hold their close attontion-a mosî difficullask. A number cf Lbe relatives and friends cf Mr. and Mia. John McDonabd as- iemabied attheir nesidence, omit et th. oemeter7, Friday evening. to assist ini coebratuag Lb. tveuty-fifth annivenmary ef thei vodding day. A veiy pleasant social urne vas apent by lthegpests and Mr. and Mia. McDonald voie presened wiha combineti china dinnen mcd tes set and soveral other useful table articles. LIFE INSURANCEl.. Manu±aturers' Life & Âccidet Insnrsnce O4>6$ Toronto* Largoot Capital Stock Lite Insu rance Co. on the continent NlnsIy pet cent. 0OUai socumulations et surplus la îoturbed to tW - hodoeri. Aul cifainssirepaidvlthout relay or discount on prooi t ffeah ai malurity cfedom t Pib. lIde OS. AonWbit;by- The Publie vili plusse Tae k Notic tat *,.RYOKMAýN S KOOTE,NAY HAS IBWRE UCRX>cTC) For Sale by Drwggýlt9. Miendibamts iii be ullowp4 ,-ebste on *14 plces-for wbat týey hai," stç WANTED HELPtB RELIABLE MES n eeryoelt(oa traveling) 10 introduce a new discovery, ai keep our show cards tacWc up( on trel lences and bridges thronghout tow u a country. Steady emaptoymtÉ. -Céiomi or sa1517 $500 dPer niouth and expenui and money deposited ýn any bank wb started. For particulurs, write The World Medical Electric Co.,, MarchiI2tb, '96.-3-DOÏ. CHOICE -HIGH .BUCKWHE-T GRADE - FL _Wanrnted stnictly pure. G Sexchanged. Dring your-'grlets. lo res taoDoeeàLn C»Risi Mhhla, Ragla. H SCOTT, td. Wells dot ether Xarootl ubs-1 Ce. h -la a bààm"ésa sUbsttu for iP .qoxto, Dr4lwsootblug ByuIan sd Castor 1ou* Il la Pleassut. luts "urste" L& tbty loy s e by MMlnsofEother. Vaut" ld sryWrsadd lanW faeolsneu Castoriproveuta vomfing f$Our Curd, ces lsrbessd Wlnd Colle. Cast.eta re»ev teethint troubltecuesconatlpatou snd l~uu Casto!ts asam tsthe food* regmla%.the stomacl sud bowelo, givlng healthy sud, atural ulee>, Oas. torts is the Obfldrea'. Pansesa-tho Notheenrie"rlu the Kingev.illo Pi.. inarh. ONU BONZBT MÂN. Dear Edilor:.-Plese inforin your roaders ebat it written te confidently 1 vil mail le a sealed letteor, parficulars cf a genaine, honest berna cure, by vhich 1 vas pormasently rester- sd tri besltîband manly viger, 'mter yosrs of saffering f rom nervoas dobility, sexmai vmak- rass, night lbises and wvuaib-ukon parts. 1 w»s robbed and swindled by theqask@ untill1 nearly lest faleki in mankind, bat thask boavon, I amrnow el el, vigoreus and strang, asdti vsb te inako Ibis certain menus of cure knevu te ail saffrers. I bave nelbing It eli, and unut ne monoy# but betng a firm beliover ln thsenui- ve rsa b-therbeeti et man, I ama domiroas of as a nems, I promise you pin! oct smeeey aud asYdo Dot vish te expose miseIt sithur, plana. address. simrply: P.O. Box 3SU, Lm-n don, Ont. AT STITTSVTILLE1 Thse Tevns Lcdin g Mos-hant Laid Up Rleumatlum in various ferma is one et the mont cemmen diseases there le. Il arises generahly heom impure blooti snd a broken down yter. n. bheb limbe it is painful;-0la meit oethIe in- ternaI organe dangerous. ant inwthse haat usually fatal Zb. experience of Mr. . Mann, th. welI "known general moi-chant ot Stitti- ville, là interesting: "àLait vinter b vas badly afflieted wlth nheuamtism. 1 decidedti tetry Dr. Obaes Pilla. Te my surprise. I got immediate relief. aatibofore I hati used cee box =y> affliction vas gene. "I1wasaiaso troubleti vihbli liças- nuis for yeare andi at intervals eft bre. or tour veeliu would bo lad up with a sevee beadache and sick itoiaci Sine usieChaso'm Pilla I bave nef had su attsek of eltber. Ié ma>' adi! that Dr. Chas.'. Oint- umt for piles sud skia duseases Ira just ai effective a@ Dr. 0 ha"e's Pi>ls for blooti trouble«. 1 bave a clerk who sfae tenribly f rom bleedine piles. He -trie.! Chaase'@ Ontment and la a few days vas eoanpletely c.unti." AVl deale'e anti Ednianson. Bates & Co., manufacturerai brouto. 25c. Claa e Lned mmd Tus-pentisie for col*ir broncW4b m id ecseumptloa Surç Pbysieassomenoeo Reusthe V"hsCe Roid K Ida~Plla, ROCHESTERt N. Y. Retail Everywhere 10&ni 2:C. pur Pa:kago. 17 IPrize Medals. CBBtoTi& *ao in am m t modSainsfer chu- drmi Mcoihave reasatsdly tlid m»eot lIa good osa upan d& Idroe." D. G. C.LOusocua 01 Ouemla i. lb beoituMsy fSr ebildm of Wh"ch1Iam.oaflwte.1Ihope lhe day la nM" fur dk"tnW h= um eoaileo ri hnaeot tlher cbdre md um Cabis in- degroytlngbeb b l oS nsiby tmetogptuin, morplil».,uoelblng .yrap md allier hurtf ai agSua idowa their ntbrcmt lheby mdtng umtobpruname gxavoe. DmL . P . ima oeavay, Ârk.

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