Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1896, p. 5

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-massey-Harri 4dèbýWEEà l it is styligh, light, and fast ; of perfect workm&iiship and finish....... Cyc1ometers, ,Watçh Holders, .Silver Name Plates. rek,3n TrurnP Watches1 for tourist use. ina. S. Barnard, W I-ITIr2:EY-. tion of an" local paper la C&nDa" FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1896. LJOCAL LÂGONIOS. scott repaira al kinde et purnps. Mns tweed pants enly St at W. G. WVal- M vss Tvier of Bowmanviiie bas been the gue-st of Miss Bertie Brant tbis week. Look outf or cbeap boots and shoes for nexi *) days at M. W. Colins', east side. m. Wilmot Pike, of the Woodruff bouse, visited i hs mother in Stoufivilie last Friday. Yoing voeu or old shoulsi not fail to rosd Tho-,, Siatera@ ad vertusement on anotber page. l arge number from here attended the U'nion school picnîc at Rosebauk on Fridsy lasi o piece solid wainut parler suite, plush, wti silk piush bauds, fer 832, wortb $4,,St %V T11i's.- Besit quality ail wool delaines reduced to î;c per yard on Saturday, June 2oth, at W. t.Walters'. jI M. Tod's bread and cakes are sold at T Yatt, ,(;tve him a cali when yon waut anythrng nice in t.hat line. Mir. C. A. Conners, who has for some rnonths been in Brooklyn, N. Y., came home Monday rather under the weatbur, having sAfered several bemmorbages. Reniembet- Excursion per steamer Eut-y dict on vednesday, >une 24th, to Niagara Falls Round tip tnciudiug electric rail- WaV. Only $125.Ci.Cildren under 12, only -75ents. I I Ban Col. Paterson has been advised that the Çzowskj cuR bas bc-en awarded to the 34t1.1 Bat. for being fitst in the efficiency coni- petition for the y estr8C)5,96 Col. Patersoni and t.be other offccrs of this battalion may feel iustly proud. There wil b.e held a union meeting of the christian endeavor sncieties of Whitby, n convocation hall of the Ontario Ladies' Coi- lege. on Monday, June z22nd, beginning at ',oclock p.m. Addresses will be given by N1isý W. J. Macdonald, of Toronto, and Miss M E. Masson, Oshawa. Mlr Geo. Cormack has recelved a letter frorn Troy, N. Y., stating tbat Mr. Chas. B. Altxander, son ofîthe late Alex Alexander, -,t Whitby and Brookiin, bas purcbased a half interest in the largest jewelry store in Troy, after having been employed in the es- lablishment for eigbt years. The services in the methodist tabernacle next Sunday wilI be of an unusuaily inter- esting character. In the morning there wil be a maqs meeting of the childrefi and the young people to be addressed by the Rev. W F. Wilson of Toronto, and in the even- ng %Ir. Wilson will preach the baccalaureate sermnon in connection with the ciosing of the col lege.1 Port Whitby miss Georgie Saunders visited in Brook- lir, over Sunday. Miss Belle Watson, Toronto, is visiting at NIr J. Watson's. Miss Josie Pickett, Uxbridge, is visitiug Mis aggie Sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Bracebride, are visiting relatives bere. Mr. and M rs. B. Read, of Myrtie, visited (rie nds here on Friday. NIr. A. Webster, of(Oshawa, paid a fiying visit to bis friends on Tuesday. Miss A. Hay returned to Port Perry on Monday, after visiting relatives hoere for ev- eral montbs. St. John's cbuirch was cieaned on Tuesday and the steps paited wbiCh gives it quite a nice appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Down, base-lune es e santly entertained a few of their ftien s ou Saturday aternoon and eveaiug. It was the anniversary et tlir wedding. Sports. Tht ilustrated edition of the Mai sud Empire of Saturday, june i3th, coneda photogravure et Whitby's seior hokey tea m. The Town' Lise foot bail team omPete at Rosebauk Ilait day for a sfver cup gî ven by the commlttee of lbe Unioâ Scbbil picnic. They were defeaftd by lgbAaàd Creek. Score5-t . . Arthur CochaseCSII.ê.IPa100 yard rece open et £cseb on FiâdLY L»5L Crew of Tomoatoe conixduAnetrtftoe won the 100ooY=4 rac1 opa 10o 9p of 16 years ot age ud sUod. Wms. Ritchie# tiers«k ffitSPds.wir held tbe fort W for 7i4 tbisaM M of 18,whm- thaVwon be-, t~i lng wlth EevWtn. StouffIologg a - L [ce creain, cakes, boiled hatu, at Yates'. Srala. ioo pairs et ladies» sud children's shees sud ilippens se soc. per pair. Sec the bar- gains outside the West Side Seat snd She Store. Ur. WDllsonto-nlght A big cnowd is lookcd fer aSthei Libetal meeting te niglie. Friday, te, be addrcssed by Mr. Wiilison. There ià roem for ail who may came. Blader twine Those desirous ot using the best binder tvine made wii leo, eIl te cali ou Mr. J. H. Long sud sec the celebrated Central Prison twine tbat lie bas fer sale. Mr. Long only baudici finie class goods. This tact coupicd witb the reputation et this cord insures everyoue satisfaction who purchases t-ou Mr. Long. Politicai meetngs. FRIDAV, JUNE i9 JS. WILLISON at MUSic Hall, Whitby. tBuRNETT an d P. L. FOWKE at Brook- lin. SATURDAY, J1iNE 2oe HON. SENATOR B.Aue.a, of Quebec, at Mnsic Hall, Whitby. 1 HoN. JOHN DRYDEN and others se Ash- but-n. Big Pub Stet-y. Messrs. Fred. Hatcb, W. S. Gold sud Mc- Laren went eut out ce Scugot Tuesday and caught 31 fish, nearly ail maskilonge, sud of large statute. We are very careful te say they caugbc these fish with steel hooka, b.. cause we waut it to distinctly understood that we make no insinuation tbat they bougbt theni with silver coin. It is oten conipiained that we exaggzerate fisb stories in repotting, mo ve bave confiucd this wbole day's fishing te one sentence. Dominion Day at Whttby. The fire brigade lias tnov completed its Dominion Day programme, which wiii ,cou- sist et basebail, bicycle races, foot raciug, simd othet- athletic sports. There viilbe a full day's sport. The only disappointmenl ef thc day vill b. in tic eveniug, vixen there vili b. ne concert as annouuced. Findiug that tley could net get talent to match the rest ofttheir programme, the br- gade dccided to posepone the concert for thei presentL Pose office advcrtismg. Il A great mauy people t-y te de eheir adver- tising ou a (t-ce scale iu the pose office, sud the wags seidoni (ail te niake sanie tun over it, by adding to sud erasing. the tollowing is s post office advertiseant as it was stuck up one day last wcck : "FotN-On Mouday uiorning on Byron street, a pair et kid gloves. Owner apply at this office. " Aftcr it bad been there a tcw heurs itiCold the toliowing talc.: "Found Dead.-On Meuday mot-ning on Byr-ounmt-cet, s pair et kids. Owne- plesse apply at this office. " 1 ,>-ogramme of Commencement Exercises at 01 tario Ladies' Coitege. Saturday, June 2.-Exhibit of drawing and painting. open to the public froni 3 ,to 5 o' dock P. nM. Sunday, june 22.-Baccalaoreate sermon in methodist tabernacle at 7 1i nm., by Rev. W. F. Wilson, Toronto. Monday, june 22.-Gradlates' recital at 10.30 a.m. Tuesday, June 23.-Gradttatee' recital at io.3o a.m. Final competitive elocution re- citai. (Admission 15 cents.) Wednesday, June 24.-10 a.rn., Plantiug of casas tree and programme. (Pnivate.) 3.30 p.r.-Lecture on bistory of pianoforte music by Prof. Harrison. 8 p. m.--Coucert by graduates and undergradtxates. j(Admis sion 25 cents.) Thursday, J une 2.-Commnencement day. 3 p.m.-Special train from Toronto arrives. Elocutiona7y recitai. 6 p.m.--Orgau recîtal by Prof. Harrison on new pipe organ. 7 p. m.-Commencement exercises-conferring of dipioras-awarding of medals and prizes -presentation of art certificates. speeches, valedictory, etc. (Admission dut-mg the day by invitation.) The bicycle nuisance. The season bas again corne round when gangs of city toughs makte their anuitai raids into surrounding towns and disturb people by bowling and stampeding ail niglit. Trhe dirty tribe ride into towu with backs Hike drornedaries, with about hait a pound of cheap flannels stickîng upon their protrud- ing bones, and a coatimg uf dust and filth nrom the roads covering ail. They appear to be pertectly satisfied with theniselves, and have the most extreme conternpt for every- body ese. They smeii ot sweat andi filth from te borst. psths along the roads, snd with that vsnity which to a leu e eent pet- vades ail mankinsi, they appear w hkde their own odor. lu this haif-nakesi and fikbhy condition they issume ail te most promin- eutr laces in tbe verandabs and petiots of the =lotg hotels, and appro. ate -the best end ot the diuing rooni tothr bic7cielios- taik aud Ioud body sueat and road peu.. turne. No person who bua a sineller or a stomacb ventures to trespasa upon any por- tion pf the _public iplokacessurned by the bikers.lu the courseof time the finI claie hotels will b. deserted by respectble p...- pie and left t bICyliSts and their aboinablel toud road yarus, over the details of whiéb tliey nov monàpolze convensalon wher.. everthe" meet, snd there as very-lUe et ibis ear* th 4on whlchtbeydo ua assI Ouests at boteis Wudiorbrpae"aeis~ pftslby tags'd wtb tewbeelng cou- ba mi, haS»-for a (ewdays. 00 -U"a. -he 2àt l bt. Chas. X. 001" tlv. w lev ffHa t Ist. tet take Mr. -wcXià'dufy a.sl hw Whltby, aud there administer the boy coin- ainIou'at il a.m., and Ibhesacramnent of baptism lu th. afternoon. Oh for Muakoka, backluaw, seamide, Manitoba, Zsrope, ail United, States, B. G. and Can-adian points, anywhere, every- an=r by hast.rail or ocean. Rates guar- ancdright. Through tickets reading trom Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brookîju or Whitby. Write or sec Steveson, Whitby betore trsvelinç.qr Choice of ail routes aud to beat ocesu tues. Aisoe gt Steveuons round trip tickets te "Manitoba point" To Day 111 B ýarginsm. ioo pairs of ladies' sud ciidreu's sboes and slippers at soc. per pair. Sce the rf- gains outside the West Side Boot and Sboe Store. Buy Your Dot Tacs Mr. Caivea ley, chief constable, wisbes us to state that all those requiring dog tags, sud not baving the sanie by the last day of june wiii b. prosecuted without furtber no- tice. Death of Geo Gùuble. Mr. George Gimblet, an oid resident of this town, anù a lite resident of tliis couuty, died bere ou Tucsday. He was a wortby man, aud. thougb be never made ricb iu this world's goods, he maiutained biniseif as an houest industrious citizen. HOW to sow turuipa. Mr. D. Burus, Brookiu, euggests that ater sowiug turnip seed the mat-ker be taken out of the drill sud thc rows b. rollcd again. The finit nolling leaves cresses sud cracks, but the second tut-n imoothes it ai. Mr. But-ns says lie had twice as good a catch lait year on thc part of bis field which had been rolied twice. Death of Mrs C E Har It was very sad intelligence te ail whea news spread through the town ou Friday moruing asat that Mrs. E C. Harper liad died suddenly the previons eveniug. Mrs. Harper lias been a sufferer tor morne montbu (rom what appcsred te b. quiok conmump- tien, sud had speut smre weeks iu Toronto hopt, beieviug hat yotb on ber side andi~l on thc part of(the doctors would restore ber te hethh- but was advlsed a wcck betote ber desû tChat ber case wau bopeless. She was a meut charming sud cs- timable lady, a devotesi and loving wite, sud very mucli loved by ail who knew lier. The sonrow eftehe occasion lu addcd ta by the tact that an infant child of tht-cc ,ontlu is let motberlesm, but iu time it wiul doubt- less take that place in the grief-tricken bus baud's beart whicb bolds so dear a departed wite's mernory. We (ccl the deepeit sm- pathy for Mr. Harper iu Chia heur of great affliction, for deep as bis sorrow rnay b. we fcci titat it canuet equal bis loi. The funa eral ou Sundsy vas iargely atiiended by a very sotrowful concourme et people. Towa Couacul. Council met mondiay aight CommDunica- tion read (rom Secretary et Canadian Un-, derwriters Association enciosing copy of lu- Mn. Scott repotefor the cominittce on printing in fayot of payiug the following se- counts :-Henderson & Grahamn$uzi.4s ; Mus. Aun $».2o; S. M. Newton pinifg and d- vertising debetttures Suo.36. lbey recoi- meuded that the clek b. autborized to pro- cure the books. necs" yfr h elsrlo of biths, marniages, as deàtbs,. as requfle under tlic amene act. The report pauscd. Mr. Deverell reported for thec comonuc on streets sud improvemeats ia favor et paylug th. foliowing :-John MeCaui $u1-88; Wm. Hopper $13.30; John BraIVener $2475; Robt- Barues (T. and M. P.) $17.00; Jacobi Mc- Intyre (T. and M..) »$x.Oo john Carew 185.03. The report pame. Mr. Blow moved riait thc committeceou towu sud market propenry pr4~ed to makte-Spray repaire w lb.the eo01the TownHal u Marct bhock as seon as possible by ctu a practical immu w do tr.ieeSsarywoký unider the instructions of Mesurs, Roluoui and Devereli. Cattied..Mr. 6ctott 'Ovc4ý that lb. uayor leave tb. chair t regul rý meetingsait 1.30 p. mu.sddnr b counc isdocuend uunaiawo thlrdiou decides te extend the lime. Lait. ti. plnge muved. tbthat lb. appl*imo f Mr. Tanrv'rylor for a rWfuad ,et tstas b. uW fo~te the Commalt. .on se ancd a seesaint-. Caried.. Muvsdby U. PIngl thatthe betim of Thea. Mltvzay Mad unei e efre t'ô heCO- teb.n RE W. . *.wUattq7U M. W. Callas, cnt ide. Two halé housa O 1 Irt;ail couvent' tecs; uowretai: AMY t MILW.. COMLs. £ve iDabonUldzed te. dru*enmuat aç , b«.stna.aode po et Ibis ppeffî. The stemam rydie vil tn another of thos e llghtfui excursions to Toronto on Thursay Jlune le. th.iotnd ttnp enty 5oc. tir Fzredq1 udgce ffets for saie piana% org» asd houscbold furniture lu suothet colmnt. Can be seen each atternoon sud mii dayoabtuday. Mn lllcklingbottoe, ife et Relit Hlckiag bottein, vetenanary ipector at quanintine aI Vancouver, B.C., is bere vlsiting talendi for. a fcv vccks. 5h. e v eliplesd vith lier new home lu Vlctotla- On Frldsy Jue fm6,the icAimonde con-* gregatien w1il bold a_ garden _party at the« residence et Mn. John Davey. Thee n wil b. open early Ila fateno or pee- pie te spend a iicndly time together. Re- frcmlments will he served aot liaIt paie five. The admission le fiftccn cents. Lait Friday Gco. Bannes sud Wilmot Pike went ta Steuffvilic, Bannes tw vleld a lacrasse stick for Uic Stouffviileiteà sud Pike tc attend to bis best girlasd te se. that 1 «Batuey ' did net get burt. As their mode eft ravel they chose a herse and ig and ac- c:mrlished the first part et thein journey maeY. They were returniug home about 9 p.m., sud wbeu nearlug Pickering on the Brock rosd vere hmgging theniselves en their ability to pick eut a eteesi Chat vas pertectly docile, wheu uddenly a rlg, gally decorted, reeurning (rom the Rascbank pîcnic. bave in sight. le vas dcawn by six heorses covered wîeb flowers sud streamners. The Whltby itced beiug surprised ta sec its kiud covercd with auytbing but hait-. took to the ditch, uddenly precipitsting bath occupants eft he rig into the ditcb. When tbey t-egained their teet Pike wam grasping one hune sud Barnes a spoke in thc vbecl as if bis lite de- peuded ou it. The frantic plunging et thc horse caused bu te petrni a sertes otft-e- volutions inute air. However, neither of the boys were hurt. 1ce Ct-ern Pasit-o For the best Ice Creani, cail at D. Matbison's, Dundas stt-eet.-23-tf. STEW ARTO 53, ~ -~ ~ .- -. .~..-. - ~ - ~ * - The methoda that Ibis store adopted to of the extremely Iow prices for which on 30 LADIES' SPRlNG and SU Large Bleeves, in Box Clotho and Veneli S60 LADIES' SUMMER CAPES Both black and colors, in Box Cloths, nicely trimmed, and ail new this seasoi Mon's Ready-made Tweed and 1 Men's Black Wor8ted Suits, regular pr Men's Fawn and Brown Mix Tweed Su. Men's A.11 Wool Halifax Tweed Suits, im Completè New Stock Men's, Youths' exceptionally W. G. WALTE. ALTE RS' ;~~4 ~ DAY.* win trade have proved a great sucoess, becauso,-,ý ur wares have always been aud are soM. 'MMER JACOKET8o ýians, worth from $2.50 to $9, at $1 escli. C7SSATURDAY 0 ONLY-1- E3ovet Cloths, Tweed'sud Venetian Twills, m, at ONE-HALF Rogniar Price, on as:;ýSATURDAY 0- ONlLY,ý-'" Black Wort8ed 8uit8. rice...i.$18.06, saturday Pr*e $O àts, reg. price... 1.... O, .n brown, grey sud fawn,tee. priee 6~ adChildrew'u ,y low prices. RSe -w i TURRIP' SEF5D.~-~ Clyde Bwede, ce 1 --- 1 1 1 1 - 1 -1 1 ýl , 1 ', -1hresno balii Îbott tht.h#BI.Werrdos pie jr bfrIsI vr~~ W.o04Y quotaliâ»from hr. and theeb,1the b.sôt ttgs ontithpprsî Botter jumh" t e ibotter price.. Âlvyï- là. Iêw.t. MeW WbItpté VU ln ui ausI a E, 0,11ea 260..New Dreen- Musins, th e~y neirett Dres. Goods in the mýrket, Whatever Hate and Caps' yon want for summer wear, ve have 1h. very haeot uetyIeso' 'ed bed t là., Seling, good things che&p is -an advertisement with the store, snd maldng a good repUtalnVI*h on, dep*V ment itelpa allthe others. Orderel lothîng a specislty. No on. ini town can possibly soit, suite as cheap as we do.. Try ,us m you wii very soon see. New Blouse Silks, in al th. very newest effeots and at the very lowest prices. Se. our black and whit, silk at 50o per yard. Beautiful Lustres at only 40 cents a yard. Be. theni. Miilinery at very lowest prices. Fine white Btraw Sailors at only 80c. trimmed. Black 1h. same. Au Millinery at vcry lowest prices, for the best snd muet fashionable goods. New Lace Ourtains, Oarpets, Linens, etc., et close price. . ee our 50o Lace Ourtains. Don't 1*11 tosu' our Pringe Opaque Window Shades, complet. with spring rfiler, ai only 55c. Plain Shades, oomplete, 00.. Orders laken for any sized Shade and style of Trimmings at very lowoat prices. Your money returned wilingly if you are not satisfied with anything you buy at Ibis store. 1 1 1 Fe 1 1

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