ewe .frJ,. loi . ua lsm» , i rmqsd-boy thst wpô. qqf -alt ot» C -00 a cm *m- os hding thé appW Wv o ho ver. waihdug te AWhy dont you ask me to give you ?uat 'r, one of the mou queetLoed tl "BecaueIm coing 10 give it baokt r om it was the prompt reply. #PI ain't à Temai who had asked tb. quesioz aad. fot altogether pleasantly. "Ho, ho, hors i. refiement," ho sait w ith ironjeal omphauss o bis friend. Tc thq boy hoeeountiaid: 4Look bore, littie mai, 1 leîd moue] oîly on good socuriîy. What securit3 cayou give me" 6curity ? 'repea.ed the boy heiplemu iy. Thon tvo eagler oye. brightened as th. meaning of bhe word wus snggested, sud he added: "1 emn'îgive none only mny word and my willia'nems 10 work." The min leugbed aget hav, haw. 4"Good 1 You'Ve erud our monoyf htle Beady Wits," ho uaid, as ho tossed a quarter 10, the boy, and started np the etreet withhbis friend. '"Pies.. air, YOD amin told me yowr vane yet, nor whoe yon live," pursned the boy. "Not don, with yon yoî?" aid the mmai aharply, as hoetsopped &gain. "1Are you getting up a directory in the inter- eaus of boggar, boy?' *No.,air,' replied tb. lit.tle feflow, &or- iously, lit'@ ithe interest of y0».' Botb mon laugbed. ,Well, my namie î John Throckton, aud I live aI No. 16 Fairview avenue,' said the giver of the qqarter. Mr. John Tbrookton's bouevas lage sibd handeome and full of fiue(futaitpire apdl workm of art. He wau vory rich, but b D ne ons genorous with hig money. eo hbd given i tht. instance meroly ont oi caprice. The boi'. manner cf asking bad amueed him very mach. Seldoin did he give se mach as a quarter for oharity. Meanwhile littho Bernard Wells b.d hnveted tbe borrowed quarter in a boat of bread, a littie piece of meat, and a lit.tle paper cf tea, and oarried the pro- visions home. Hie hoen.wa a minge room in a poor tenoment bouse. Hie ther vas dead and hie mother made a living by sewing on shirts. This week, bowever, sbe had been toc ill 10 wok, and ber money wua aspont. O1, Bernard, where did yen got those thingu 2' Mrs. Wells asked when her son taifa in. Bernard told hie story. 'We muet roturi the monoy as soon as possible,' sic'. the mnother. But Mrs. Wells wau net able te go baek te ber work. Bernard earned a lili. ooney nov eellitig nevepipers, but thi, vas needed to buy food and-coaà l. Finally, Mrs. Wells died, and a brother r of Beinard's father, a poor hard working mm, came forvard and efféeod th. ittle bey a home. Bernard worked for his nue., *bo kept a litd. store. But the boy vas net given aoy money. once Bernard ieked for a quarter that be night pay -Mr. Threckten, and vas I*uqhed iL by bis uni.. 'John Throckton bas tee mucb money ufready,' the mann sud. 'Hem >ùne cf thb. richeml men in tovi and oesof the moun est. 1 gurs 1doî'î vint hbu ce get any of my quarter..' A year passed. Bernard did Dot for- itet hi.ob9igation te 1Mr. Throckton. Mauy wvesthe plans chathobadl macles LI c I c i m I Lt I I I. P .-r. Throoktoi gave Beruard a seamre ~ fig look. 'Rave ycu net mmd. aamistake, 04 *Iny boy ' ho aaked. 41 ievor lent YOD a up quarter 10 My knowledge, ner do I know tic Von!' W&O ou the etreetiri,' said Bernard, rn >»M eht- *09bop yu, I do romemabor you nov.' 'Wal, , wl .Il Mr. Throckton langh. ed baazuas th.- reeollection defined tisU More clearly. '80 yen are the littie boy thst wss' begging ?' 'Y.. air, 1'I rnhlm, sud Bernard laid tbe o@Dver C0in On the. table beoide Mr. Throcklon'9 hand. 'The, Îma of buuineappeare o be in% 1etel. 'Vell, ipylittie foflow,' h. ou& iltm ýy a bve-ltake aby - , ~4ae.' Hêed boek luhi. am-u scurad ror 1i dod dlb. B .arwly v ýJ b lppe4 sbo-,uartpr jute IdeveutI zeoebt. 1fr. Thr"Jtoix IIW téi~'e4. 1 w ~e ol ior u*1 e Bu Wut r ooeor "n uajmou 1ïý, 4 bitait C-o Naine f Nat~. oIa-ie Uate c a scue. - Dbu!a,- Nature et Charge. Covat o.Naine ofmu dPea Ty, mle wbéetea 'fluewben To wbeinpaid over by mid I o ad h ge Wm O'Neil....fSamuel Rebisun . auult AMdbattery. .......Jse5h.DSBowifay e Julia Richard : UM le m e.........i g ualtiB : :PuIe : :ra,,le en3dayB hopeDtgBrown.00 LGeo Burgess, s.. Wm Casdy................DUivBown "b....5 «e,$.0frsUvMu arpz 500 osi ax:, zg650 e ouw nasrr, t C as es Gi . .. . rMiv' . . . . . . .. . .. . . . o»Nn...........S .fine s-.0 frfonbwM r 184 .. st pid . dine3 ldeysrn .JUObtprr...........a ypr t.. . ohn Nott.... . . . . ~...Dot pd -.deft lft, the outy W M Jees..ban Lbur..........insug lanuage.....May ah2a01ob........'fine........... frbwl:h ----Dy oth .vilgetesuer aye lobt T w . . . NcfasGMô e Bj orymz. . . rpr wegul. . a zî .Jh i . . . . ... .dg eu .. .. . .fenh fb .. ay u .. dft efpbohe cutor y Jon G Môr . .W » o re,.'. . aaet os wbile dring omn blh.Ma lo Mimi.. . .. .. .J G411 M aW îml ... .. . .. .............gentfobw iîh .gayune th1e .. e surerMa m WoJoî. .. .. M la r e. .. . .... .loka nd bapery . .1AT 2! ,'96 P H oove.....iMayfir....... ........2151 ..TOue 1Mayar 21c E atew BrAn.. ..F29ke aa. ,E arvetpec D Jsa Pe e . DonWu aldCi« n.k quor a d nnp;h e boutAn.z8q5GW Ha emdiTnle n e a n 83dacosges.. fob wuh ....Iot w b . E re Ri j ro o4 . John M ie . .. .. .. MeW bC d Ot ... .. .. ..yApr 2 3t. i896 WUe io Bue. . . . .. . ine c s. . fortwilh .... '& r"on h 811 10DJ c Pbstemad$ op . tr R, F Ha w o . . are ........... Me ba t ry l Feb 11>. W6 EfHa rmilton . . .. .. s fne . . .. ... A8tb 91b , i&»ry xS t iuler s a Leocra H~ ... Joh H od. ... .. .. 1. d May*.. .. 21, b '96 . P ooer n . . . .51 0 . . . Fbur BbPr uary 8.11G o y la I .tru s, Mu beadMay, '96. JohnfPilgipo ....... ...s .... .. .. May9--lb, '8!th luneo 1 l70 county lisueus R F . .. Wi C nry .. . .. . ..a * u ct. . .. . . .. . . .ur r2 7, 965o finelipo.. ..... ..$43 A1a y . .. . .e e lo a o n e "..7. tîo 8Q6GMajor Ha ndper............4 acosig s lutne C 9 .111 uIE b u ste , ierko R 1 . . . br"eV l . pr 23 .d& d . . x à c ft e p a. . . . . . ol... Mao rY H r e r... ... ..1idy higuo, b rd abo W,»or Cal od jo . osa . . . .. tepa .. . ... b z8 .. Majohr s .. an o l ai bard libe w,» f ut~iui o n Feb 18~~y4h... W Mr.. ..o d cos.. 11-0.. ne -. fbthyt pi D M P e W, aule e ...BurteManlS y i Ofter .. .. ..vu TaCy.. ..1...May 6, -9. bMa o are.... . .. Fo dys Ni gaci,, bard laber W.» Cmveray. . J mes Caalae. ... ..ed ln thou t u llc a e J onc i11 . Mjor arpe... ...... s.ooaid cous .G. .. net yetpaldMa IChas r b er rtIfy th t he foeg in S du lo co taita r e op fM. rt ru c$3-30yc nvcto s de Lmay Ju tices &clth e t a e 1fldin m fie bt ee h O h d ye AMDach, A D7,189,96d tha9boday cf une, A.D, 18 6, ncluive TuTy t A Yes u~j. r... £JjI¶~LVVLLL, Ulerk cf th. Peaci. Oann1i~ r-.f ~ Mr. Throokton <id not amile now. Htis much of which is thecapital of Liberals. flne, self--stisfied face 131nshod 83ho Beside. this many Liberals are employ- looked at Lb. oarnesc iUle speaker before ed in sbops.' Is à t t be Èupposed that bu». H. vas prbaps more surprised the Liberals 'will turn al hese eut in nov cha he bidever been 'i bis lite. the streets? There will be no violent Hrue, litccledomo sTe e yostide.changes in the tariff. Could quote cruelitlecomonstretboyeosidr-from Laurier, -Cart wright and Pater- ing himaeof reeponsible for the doino'. ofso hwti.Lbea ilbrn Jobn Throcktei 1 The man foit bis ba.rd-sn fteshow mtiLiban i vii ring ness ebbing awiy, and in its place there ialfrterahe aeri oas and changeothervs came te hum a desire te do sometkiinR baltesfo the rfs ast hne rthe gond and wortiiy vith bis mcney. And burdns rm the pueorevtne terich. wbat botter thing conld ho do, be reasen iitrm apueyevne.af, od, thbn to cire for the cbild that bad whicb viil ot be continualîy changing. ho.» the insane af saving hlm from hb,; The demands are se great that the cvn selfisha...? tarif vwili requ ire te be high. The N. 1fr. Tbrocktoî's sequaintances vere P. is set up by the Conservatives as a censideribly arnazed vbeî thy leirnod thing te vhich ail must bow the knee, chut the brigbt ficed littielby chat like Nebuchadnezzar's image; but it appeired so ftoen j»n1Mr. Tbrockitei's bas net prevented failures in business. compa;,y vasan crphan whom 1h. ricb Believes its funieral wilI take place on mai bail adopced. A friend s..id te him June 23rd, and that Mr. Smith will be oie day: ene o et pl err.Tegets I wonder yen ver. net ..fraîd t sinthe pali eargoers. e geastest assume so great a rosponsibi:y 1 r t presengvef tetantas Throekton, as the guardiaiubzp cf avri ishWlige heMntb cbîld î' schooi question. There are enly 20,- ,TMy htlie boyvasu my gurdian firet,' oeo Cathelics in Manitoba, but there axxwered Mfr. Throckton, vith a amile. are 2,000,000 te 3,000,000 in the Do- minion, and the gevernment should net have brought these seats ie re- Hon. G. W. Ross at Whitb Y. ligieus strife. Believos there sbeuld be religien in scb00>ls. The more et il A vey lrgecred atened ~.we can have the botter. Il titere is te, G. W. esslametingowd ndrdy nhîbeunity ef feeling in Canada we,,must Gast aboutoss eneoth et whom oredeal kindly vith Ail peïoç>le Thi lads. Naoublicnean ever hf ho eegrievance vas caused by Manitoba and ladis. o pulicmaneverhadtheshould be settled by Manitoba, and that oppertunity ef addressing a botter poic a aefu itntofr meeingin histow. O th plt-te de se. Manitoba says-We don't form vere seated a large nuibeo etknev vhat you want. The Conserva- leading Liberals. tives are divided as te what should be Mr. W. A. Holiiday took the chair, done, The Remedial bill as introduc- and stated that such a meetiùg filled ed in parliament vas fauity. The Lib- him with enthusiasrn, and beded veli eral policy is Conciliaian. Ceercien for the electien. He took it that his has alwâys failed. Mr. Laurier says- selection te preside vas a compliment Give me a commission, aid 1 viii to the young men ef the riding, vhe seutle the question. Our poi icy is jus- are fioe.king te foilov the Liberai ban- tice te the miuoruîy. Wbiie ve are ner.quarreiing ever this question t-he great Mr. Buruett spoke first. Ho recail- resources ef the country lie undevelop- cd the days Of 40 Years ago vhen ho cd. Six Chas. Tupper looks alter bis ittended the higb school bere, and re- relatives. Four et them drav large .egnizes many faces in the audience et salaries from the Dominion Govern- ýarties vith vhom ho vas asseciated ment, and ene frein the C. P. R. The ,n bis studies. Heo had ne idea at that premier bas net borne himself vxth the lino of erver running for parliament. preprioty which commends itself to a ut bas accepted the candidature be- united Censervative party. Fixst the :ause ho feels that the country needs a Tory pelicy drove eut McCarthy. bauge. People are talking witb more Next Wallace bad te go. These men ndependence than formerly. Mr. are harder on Sir Chas. Tupper Ibn mith lays great stress on the Manitoba tho Grits. Sir Chas, promises0,o- ,cheol question, but ho (Burnett) ho- at Winnipeg te build Hudson Bay tê oves it sheuld nover have coee h- Railway, $750,000 per annum at Hal- ti Dre the people. le eppoed te the ifax fer. fast steamsbîp.lino, and -mil-" oercion of Manitoba by eitber et the lions at Bellevile for Trent Valley dl' clitical parties. Manitoba bas stoed Canal. The debt cf the country "ý Dr six yeaxs with outstrotched arms causes an interest account et $ioeo an * * dy te settie Ibis difficuity, but the heur, and ha increasing. Oie of the e 'eminian goverument forced the figbt darkest spots on the goverument o! the ti pon tbem. le aise eppesed te protec- counitry is the- pension list. Men pith- Si on. Every cent that le raised more high salaries 'have te ho provided for lis man a revenue tariff la simply put ite in choir old age, and many efthteni. are oe pockets et the manmufacturer. superannuated before they get -d owver tariff weuld bé botter fer me- Thexe are over 500 on the peniorn 1W 9: ianics. lu 1878 vo eee ld that at present. In concluulch Mr. Rees oe National Policy would make every- appeaIed in.i very eloquent we'rds téthe] xdy prosporous, but there vas neyer people o imte in oveitirnhng1the pres- Aih Se distrees- tha» .ow The N. P, ent regimce aidînaestab'i.hing tlm- L>.. l ae te stop the exodus, but 70,ooo per emis min their -place. ftu1 are leaving Canada The ex- «dli~ o unex attett issof runiing the .ceuntx ae bzti.Qo ebogtte d -t stand thdepndeughtofthe' r aueof-the. country. If eIçed litiai 'C'âr tanies ndet 4S -__ th bc a bei 40fe us as ant Equal Riohtý 18 ado- I - d4ent,! s. of 'içt'cl<aueýin 0117 IantacnrngIntercstsa ap. Jante Bsmyî.y upaku fox' the publie zoo&. TU PROPECR POLIOT. Oui represetative lialervleed 1fr. James Brayley, of Ramille, as bbsoffce, 6 Ring WilliamStreet. i. Bryleyiona nterprielng, bastionmam, ad one cf 1Ram'toi's foremoul manniioturers ReM gonds. Sadd]ory bard- vireponchos, dise s., are Iovuhem Rallias leVancouver, aid stnd veMyblhh i th1e estimatio f thebrade Mr. Brayloy mid: "For yeur I bave bo.» trobled vitb grave) and veskioeseith11e kidusys. 1Ibid tlestand up aid cloncb my teeth vhen urinating, se itenswv lbe pain. The pafinerond my loi=suborealxnstintleerble, sud I 1.11 as lbougb a est vers belng lied dova my baek by tb. bindIeog& vo wnt from bad le verso 11il tlutS I couid icI arai.st at aIl. and bad te b. cperated on. 1 bâd no onuidenos luin ylblng. aid mide Up =y min4 le enfer btaSce my dyiig day. Reading tb. beebimony publlah.d by a»e Dwa» KidicyPIIUOO., Imsaasmllics o myovn, aid, belg ng eo»ulanl agouv. dscided tb glu Ibein à trianad gel a box efth11e pls frei Speckmanes drng utSe il the owrne tm ke Il tdid me ne <ced, n seIglothotbr,ai miOther, oeIl) I b.d lako» four boxes, and vas &bout givlug upvheureUlf ain. Iconlinuef 10 te s Iem in Ithe 1pain lofti=y back, ad I amn nov am limber sainesL.Inbsad of goltiig up a dose» n n a nlght InovS Sgelup usos th"a ou"s no. Tho urf» a e oMW use clour aid basnosdisentof =y klnd. 46I au dellghlsd e lttytn bebalf of Dema' IidaeY PM0e, as bOY Mo ued &Dmatise b ut »Y, 01 hop.bad"1.4. MI. -.W ILL-ISe Chomisi and Drugglst, Bxock Street WHITBY. Aiion t b.world ooeSpa" mmn>di us bon m MM Ipo.s~ai olitios aid rlgi diffleu.bleS of opinio mmt lb ldlldslbycfme bavebe prent the "reos-y iihtesadard Of aeeshd b uesLi berna olevabti o& villaft lmlc oui wfamoits prpanmcoSuamt Ibo l but""llOf M vweh ul tauda » the vclid- à m'e rmomedyte oeadeuh1î i mg rester cf epp#lib, r$aliW md stmwlst, lb me sen".Iïtellýty he lite am Quiin ir*t dlaoosry ofl. iaext vwiof l1Quine' Nia moiMlêagge$, bom o»ose of imotb DUMIN .PR Barrister Oounny Cri County êolicitor. Offi, Court House, Whitby. JAMZS RUT] Barrister, etc. Office by Farewell& Butiedge, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMIS' Âttorney-a-Law, Solie Oon'veyancer, etc. Offie uoulh of the Post 00 Block, Brook Street, Wh Barrisler, ele.,-Uonty of Mardiage Liceuses. Block, South cf Market, DOW & Rc<.iI Barristers, ScHiolors 1 Officei Mathison & Bi Brook 8St, Wbitby, south Dr8. Warren J. J. Moore, M. D., 1 Breoki». tO 11 hoxû .am Ofo hureilm.m pal Frivaie Telejphoe Communication. D. P. BOGART, 9 .LUS PdC Surgeon aid Accoucher etc 0910 ad Bsidelce nexi b Aul "ai Obwhur, Dundas Streel, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgeryin a&U ils braches promr1ly altcid"d 10. Dr. H. Wightmaîn DENTIST. (»v GOu&à fmigoe& WbItby. Is3 Open .ey aVr « ug* rit. Sittingi 0f The Division Court& OOUNTY 0F ONTARIO 1896. ýWLLL, 44. C., Cvn Attorîeyand Warmyi-D. C. Macdoneuî, Whitby, Cleri ce- South W;&g ci Jan. 3; Feb. 3; -Mareh 3; April 2; May 12; Jane 2: July 7 Sep. 2; Oct. 2; Nsv. 8; Dec. 2. 'LEDGE, OsnÀwà -D. C. Miedoneli, Whitby, Clerk; fomrlv cccuid Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Mardi 4; April 8; MIay 4; next k&oya cIel,'lDe.3;, uly 8; 1ep. 8; Oct. 8; 1Nov. 4; Baoueiux - M. Gleeson, Greenvooti, TON,9 13.. 4, lerk.-Jan 6; Marah 6; May 5; Juiy 9; Sep. 4; No-v. 5. citor in OhancMr, PeRT Pl»T - J. W. IBUrnham Port ce,-I hieOffiae Ferry, Cierk-Jan. 29; Maxcii 9; May 15; acin tby.an JuIy 20; Sep. 28; Ne-v. 18. UXuamouc-Joeeph BE. Goud, tJxbrhdg. ria. &L. il Cierk-Jan. 30; Murch 2d, May19tb; ly 14 ; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. le Loin. Ie8uer OÂwnbOTe-G.e Smith, Cmnninglon, Oflice - Smlth'u Jan. 81; Match 2brMay 20; July 15;Oot B-ock St-, Whitby. 15; Dec. 1IL LLvR YBaÂà vzuavn-Gee. P. Bruce, Beiverto», LLIVRAY9 Clouk-Match 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; li hancery, *t, Dec, 18. vknmnev block UpTzERov-P J Gillespie, 'Uptergiove, of0 Ontario bail. Olerk,-March 27; May 22; 1lily 17 ; Oct. 17; Dec 19. L By order, caL J. E. FAREWELL, Cierk f lhe Pesos Octeber 7th 1895. -Mooreî P. Wà rren, M. D. h v jad31 ths Whitby. W, . . AUNOLO, B. L'se# Oeuur8uveyrsd Daing jagt.r *b~ .4 F08?, blbsol. lut. wltb Lmnaler A.iw. , Resutof a Neglecti OJRED BY 1 insuj&= OSaelected t cmo a ddW asDw iL caMe; but Ibat the ail, Consulted a ~00&OUfd n elamlnlng in d'â e c 19 d It t d n t seerr loCCCLlSYI apened tý Aifaiac e!the fet thal 1Pectoral buon others., an~ t & itrial. After takin =ub6o as relleved. and fshed 1the bottie 1 wNS cure wstebuMkOr, Orangeville, ( Lie'. SU.cuire A MOTHER'8 SHE TELLS WNAT - DID FOR HER -Suffered f rom St. %Vitu the Use of Her Rig most Lost the Pov * Cured in a Few W Àî ylmner, Que., Gazette. 0f ail the discovre -cine in this great age of 2have donc more to a, -suffering than have Di. Pills. . We suppose thei -leti this broad land 1r mrarkable healing power medicine has flot been j aed proved tri'umphant mnedicine and the go&d plished can only -be fah iiere are many in Ayli «of Dr. Williams' Pink F praise. and among theri -cf Mr.- John Smith, ti blacksmith anid wheel,% heard that bis da-gte Dund&s S.,Wlty LT. NIWPOI, T, TO 1tO CO ernrn.r i mn Ibor afy d .a U wfth Tesuung do. alrs.ozible ro.Ou cr. ~l Ir-bfflet. Toronat4 1o ube=' SI singi frein a .»wlav I been cured ef St. .usé of Pink Pulis, t upon Mr- Smith t alam'. Uponi menti( lufu -ho expressed, f tr thehcts public, -i ý,.du-ey,,vould ben, Iý remawked tbat b 1'fb1Iy, give the p Ln,- hità elt Mns. liea year ago Mii but vitbc .-An eci t hid i le -appear re, and -9 ovhr ~as ~0D 1 -- -- - J.Nv- P- f'AJKEWELL, Clerk Of the Peace. Countv nf %./vuutoy vi untario.