Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1896, p. 7

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/l1 Resuit of a Neglected c61d., pj.SçASçD LUNOS Which Doctonr Yailsd upv CURED BY TAKINO AVE R'SCher AYEKsiPetoral. 1î contractait a seVere cold, whicb settled en w ugand i 1 dwht 13 otten doue ,jrnelecte it, thlnng 1would ~ Uc came butI toud, ser a gtîe-iahaie, that the sllghtest exertion paaaed me. 1 thon Consulted a Doctor wrhn found, on examinlng My lung, that the upper part of the lett one was bady affected. e veý me some Miedicine whlch 1 took as directed, but It dld not seem te do any god. Fortuiately I happened to e rosin Âyor's Almanie. oi the affet that Âyer's Cherry Petoral hait on others, and T dotermine t te t v èe t a tri a1. ÀAfter taking a few doses My rouble was relleveit, and befoeo1 had fln- isbfd the bottle 1 Wl., cured."'-Â. LEFLÂS., watclimaker, Orangortie, Ont. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Htgheut Awardu t World'u Ffr. Lv.r'a j'IfU. Cure 1m4<gefUous. A MOTERS THANKS. r1l1 TELLS WHAT PINK PILLS 1)11) FOR HER CHILL). rCifrom St. Vitus' Dance-Lost t le L'se of Ilier Right Side and AI- niost Lost the Power of Speech- C ured ini a Few Weeks. Al:tQue., Gazette. i iail the discoveries made in inedi- cne in this great age of progress noue deu(onc more to alievi-ate human ;it1er;ng than have Di. Williams' Pink i:V e euppose there is net a hamn- t n iiis broad land in which the ne- :rklehealing power of tbis favorite mule icne bas not been put to the test .nlll roved triumpbant. I t is a great Med cîne and tbe good it bas accom- . j 1Nhed can only be faintly estimated. 5 The ne are many in Aylmer who speak î I )r. Will iamns' Pink Pills in terns of ot Mr. lobe Smitb, the weil known j aksit andwheelwright. Having hi, een cured of St. Vritus' dance by iltu se of Pink Pilis, the Gazette cail- vd upon Mn. Smith te learn the par- lt dans. Upon mentioning the matter te bm be expressed pleasure in mak- in- the facts public, if it was îheugbt that they would benefit anyone else, 4dI( remarked that Mrs. Smith could prubably give the particulars better tnan himself. Mns. Smith said tbat a year ago Minniâ was attacked wth St Vitus dance, et a rather severe nature, and a number of medicines 'vere tried, but witbout any eff ect upon tne trouble. An electric battery was àaso used but bad ne beneficial effect. ThNe trouble appeared te be getting mnore severe, and finally Minnie 'was obliged te discontinue going te scbooi, h av in g lest the power of lier riglit side. lier speech was also se mucb aifected it was witb difficuiîy she ccuuld be un- derstood. She was eut ot scho'oi for about six months and ail this time she 'vas undergoing treatment, which how- ever, proved ineifective. One day Nîrs. Smith saw in the Gazette the par- ticulars ef a case et St. Vitus dance, cured by the use et Dm. Willianis' Pink Pi111s. and determined te try tbem with NI nn i e. Ily the time twe boxes were used Mrs. Smith vas,,s-eusib1ç of a. great imprevement î*u ber dae~ter 1Si condition. aud atter the use -ot toiur. nmore boxes w '!satistled that Miaule was cem pletely cure,-as; no yumptouu; of the trouble. remaîued.. This iras about tbe end of- ju11WIS "d- si slgtercrëne f -the - d ease. While MnnW pilne4r 1vl~l ftbib Ire u *Odi, I èPuùt . aoheyd b D. W1Is'Pick PM&l Ask -your ader for lIbem.. Thée.PilUse wa MàIita1u.db the Dr Witam'a Medieùi. Company grock- ville, ýOntario, aud -SobenuctyI. Y.$ and are sold oulin 1oxes 1beaiing the 8.m's* trade mark sund viapper, at 50 cents a box, or dix boxés for $2.50. Tbey may -b. haa them auy dealer, or wili b. sent by mail on reoeipt of price.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may b. had of aU druggiste or direct by mail froin Dr. Williams' MedjiÏne Company from ejîher address. The prie. st which the pilla are sold make a eourse of treat- ment compariively, inexpeneive as compsred witia ether rémediea or medical treatment. ObAEOT More new wheeis have arrived dur- ing the week. Miss Alice Giliman, of Pickering, is here now witb friends. Miss May Reitb, of Toronto, was bere over Sunday with numerous friends. Miss Mary Gibbons bas gone to Tor- onto again after spending the wint.er ber witb ber parents. Mr. McCormack, the Conservative candidate for West Ontar-io was in the village on Tuesday spying out the land. There was no service in the method- ist cburch on Sunday evening owing to the absence of the mirister at confer- ence. Charles Gibbons bas gone to the city where he will assist bis brother William with bis grocery and provision business. The' prodigal son bas returned. and in consequènce Nicholas has slaugbter- ed the fatted caîf. There is great re- joicîng in the house of Burton. The Stouffille band we understand has been engaged to play bere on Dominion Day for the methodist people. Our boys wili likely discourse sweet rnusc ehewhere. David Graham has lest his clyde staliion Douglass f rom inflammation. The beast died on Tuesday ùiorning at Goodwood, and the sanie is a great loss to Nir. Graham. Dominion Day cornes on Wednesday and 'in consequence the market here that week will be changed from Tues- dav to Monday. Rememberthen Mon- day. lune 29th, is market day in Clare- mont. Rev. and Mrs. McLean left for Ton- onto on Mlondas'. Mrs. McLean is now en-route for the old country wbere she wilI spend a few months with friends. We wisb ber a safe jeurney and a pleasant time wbiie there. John Reid's foundation is pregressing rather favorabiv. Albcrt Rawson and gang are working on the front wall while King points up the back. W. J. Devitt's gang are expected along in a day or so to commence the concrete work. Fred. Dowswell, while assisting at Jno. Barrys raising on Friday of last week. feli some 14 feet te the ground, and in aligbting sprained both wrists somewbat. He bas in consequence been laid off work for a week, but wil suifer no futher inconvenience. The metbodist fnîends are making every arrangement for a big day here on Dominion Day. The picnic bas always been a source et mucb enjov- ment and this time ne departure fromn that rule is expected. Full paticulars will be fortbcoming in a few days when tbe bis will be issued. On the evening of june 23rd the workmen bave arranged for a concert in their hall commencing at 8 o'ciock. at wbicb tbe election re turns of the day will be announced upon arrivai. There bas been a good programme of a literary nature prepared te be rendered between the arrivai of the returus from different quarters, admission only 10 cents. Tbe baptist Sabbatb scbool excursion te Hamilton wiil be beld on Thursday. June 25th, and net 23rd as stated by us last week. The C. P. R. will mun a special train te Toronto, when the ex- cursionists wili bc transfemred te the Hamilton steamer, Macassa and Mod.- jeska and the balance ef the trip made by boat. This is one of the cheapest trips yet offered, and tbe city of Hamil- ton. with its inclined railway, handseme- residences, public parks, picturesque; mountain, and balmy beach, is an ideal place te spend a Iday or two. s=~ posters fer full particulars as te tare and other-particulars. A garden party under the auspices otf the Ladie&c Aid Society of Claremoint presbyterian churcb vii lx held aI Sandbank, the grounds eftID. McI4ab, on Fiday, June î9th. Two "anlas, have.,alreadY been slaughtemed by olar beet syndicate. Everything bas been very satisfactory. A goodlynurnber et the frieu4s heit ttdedtbMarsb HIl Sunday schqoý azinfverîaty sad repor a good timeý_ Miss -Anna Sendera 1has arriveboui rroita ToffitO to takecOdS 04t 'MKW IIr Of etKO goita, ws hm"ls Ur. Lyonu, ofToroséo, wvWstît heoe lut 8aturday. MUs. Popper. -of Toroutos uvluiing friandis bers lust week. Mr. J. Â. Hoover ia teaming hsy to Cedar Grove tbis week.t Mir. Mantle, of Clareonot, as viaifing friends heie lut week. Miss Lizzie sud Adeline Stonifor ver. VBistIng friendu liere ou Saturday. The Union cburoh bore gel a good sornbbing ont lait Tuesday afteruoon. Misa Lizzie Meyer vas visitinir ber Mater, Mms. Grove, on the. 5th of Mark-. ham, luat weell. Mr. Brodie an& son, of Betheada, paidi m rait to Maple Faim bere rocently to se. the Chicago wind miii. Mr. Clegbern, et Prince AKibert, was in tbis vicinity this week taking eiders for fruit treos, etc. The beef ring je in fuh running eider &gain with N B~aker as butcher. The farmere are enjoying the prooeeds. Mr. Epb. Lebmian buassdornod the. front of bis lot by a new wire fence. The neatuess of the job àe te the credit of Mr. A. Jonce. Eld. 0. B. Schneider, of Brown City, Micbigan, preached in the Union churoh bere Monday ovonirg. Mr. Daniel Barkey bas forwarded to beadquartcre the sum of twenty dollars wbicti wu. raieed in aid of the euffering Armenians. Mr. Forsytb, of Uibridge, accompan- ied by Mi. Weddell, of Ravensboe, were in thie vieînity last week 6ccuring orders for the famoue Chicago A.rmetor wind- mili. Mr. Vanbureau Forsyt buba order- od an outfit. mlackseck, Mm George Deaver je visiting ber mother, Mrs. T Grahamn. Mre A Stewart, Port Perry, vieited last %eek with bIra (Dr) MeKibbon. The Misses Parkes and Williamson are home for holidays. MIrs Bingham ia very ill. MIe" Mchean, Port Perry, is visiting Mis& Emima Beacock. Messrs Milne and Morrisb are back from the old country. Mr Mile. intendi going again thie week. Mr W Taylor, Port Perry, made a fly- ing visit here asat week. Mr Robt Mc-Nally is erecting a new store for Fred Veale, Salemi. Misa Ida Parr epent liât week at home in Port Perry.. Mrs J McHoul visited recently with ber mother, Mrm Moore. MisHammi was guest of Miss Bailey. Fred Marlow is visiting in Port Perry. Mrs W Pari bas been viaiting bere. Lest Friday afterneon s little girl namcd Fanny Knowlcs, dawghtçr ef lBarry Knowles, feUl in a well where she bad been pumping. The-watar wus deop snd was eight feet froni the platfoîm, through whicb she feul. Mi Rahani, in bis shop adjoining, beard a cr and suc. ceeded in gotting hem eut. Ela assiât- anc. net been ut baud the gil vould cer- t.ainly have been drowned. The annual meeting of the Northi On- tarie Farmeme' Institut. was held st the market bail on Tuosday and vas vel ut. tended as usual. The business vas me- oeivlng the. varions reporta of the execu tive, treasurer sud audîtors, sud the elec- tien of officers for 1896-7. The work don. by the. Farmers' Institut. during the past year bua been weil su.tained, notvitbatauding the tact that oving te tbe unfavorable veather nome cf the meetings bad to b. abandoned sud held ut a later date. Thero vere 14 meetings h.eId sud 52 addrasaea delivared te over 1600 persona attending. The member. ship bas steadily iucreaaed. In 1893 it vas 113, in 18%, 138, in 1895, 203, snd iu 1896, 211. The foving are the offi- cers for 1896-7 : Pme-Thou Feaaly ; vice pres-John Veste ; sc-treas--os E Gotild ; directors-W P Widdifield, Asa Millard, James Hlovitt, J C King, T P Crosby, IV Feasby, R 9 Webster, Chas Je"k&n, Wm Shier, Thomas Lambert, F 8 King, John Windatt, John MeNali, Peter Thompen, Wm Bromfield, 8 -H Crozail, sud Robait Stretton. 4.R'nL",TIE-, R Ê SIIÀ AND:NER VOUS ~ Paine's CeleryCàoundwill makethem Bright and Happy as Larks. As a ruie, parents are to blaîne if their chitdren are puny, weak, nervous and irritable. The little ones may be well clotbed and amply fed, and yet sadly neglected. Lt should be remetnbered that the children inherit many of the troubles that parents suifer from. Thousands of littie ones sufer from weakened nerves-a legacy from father or mother. This nervous condition begets irritable- ness, bad temper, beadache, indiges- tion. stomacb troubles and impure blood. If your dear ones are affiicted witb any of the troubles mentioned above, how can you expect them to be bright, happy and bealthy ? Tbey need your best and most intelligent care, or they will grow up in disease and utter wreîcheid ness. Give the cbildren Paine's Celery Comnpound; it is the medicine that is particularly adapted for fortifying the nervous system, for building fiesh, bone and muscle, and for producing pure, dlean blood. Paine's Celery Compound is pleasant to take, it is en- tirely vegetable. and cannot barni the most delicate organisrn. It will banisb every trace of sickness and disease in a Very short time; il will give natural ap- petite, sweet sleep, and will mùake the little ones happy as larks. A mighty -dcorus of gratitude lias gone up ail over the Dominion from glad fathers and mothers who have had their dear ones perfectly restored to health by Paine's Celery Comapound. .Mrs. Powell, of Palace Street, 'Mon- treal. writes: --I bave used Paine's Celery Comn- pound witb most gratifying results at different times when I found myself run down te a nervous condition. I have also found the Compound to be an excellent preparation for my child- ren. -In the early part of the past sum- mer my children se :med te be frail, nervous and restless, and had no ap- petite for their meals. Fully convinc- ed f rom personal expenience, of the great value of Paine's Celery Com. pound, I resolved te bave my little ones use it. The results are.so pleas- ing and satistactory that I arn promlpted to advise you, for the beneit of par- ents 'who are anxious regardinig the condition of their dear ones who are frail or nervous. Slave of Your Foot!1 Such shOUldb. lb. Shoo-cm*.f ated te protectit lftolb. &erough roada of UNh. But -="sy àhet 1. dayare s"v«s t he Bhoe, b.. eau»e their owue wm*1Dot 'on&uitt hOir *et. when buylng bDotwosr. HBus 'a a eSswom s i" a sprlmy tOwm-sten S o ou 99e. beaBuaelu th.buildingoftheuolenopwostoh undelb.thet deslrcMa ln elatoy. Il laa olt. conhrming iuhoesd "Mveual.ty of hb es conameed lu Iun constczuctioa. goottyer*Olt pro. The Siater Shoe (for mon.) Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins* lob' Poor baby!1 Your plty goes out to it and rlghtly. To be thlru, for a baby, Is ta be de- prlved of Its natural ease; to suffer and flot be able ta feel it ; to wear a sad pinched face; ta live on the edge of sick- npess; ta grow imperfectly; and to lose the power of. re- sisting disease. When a baby Is thin it needs more fat than It gets from Its food; It Is starved, fat-starvedi. Sctt's EmnuLsion Is the e etfat it can- have; the fat it needs. 1-lU of Is taken by babies. -Mothers like it because It brlngs the dmesback. l'ut upt -w In,. cetï ,nmiosi.Themm.J.hs The r~'ity EKOUQEAX - BEAUTFl AMER4ÎCAN9' WA ÀL L PA PER B'order8ç to Matec LOWEST ::PR*ICESE. Coin. .ar7 and gotjlr.schoie. P» B. WARAM, DOMINION BANKS Capital laid up, 150,0 Surplus, - - *i,50 00 General Bnig Banm Transoted. lulersft aIIoved ails .i~1*tà Notaotee f'wlhdraa1e.tufr Mis Jeweli returued home on Frida y, Mis. J. M. Garow l ndlspose&-,t veek. Sam Tiipp vas haeeSund&Y Iu, friende. Will Burk vas home froua AudIey , Sunday. Frank Churchil, ot Broute,vi he over Smsday. Miss Willis spent Suuday vitb b14 Parents il ucrboro Meurs W-illisand Jawlveil OOup t tb. City on satuday. Miss Effie Bodel bas re»tUt M& fM spendicit a veck vitti Wbk'byflaud Mr@. E Betto, cf Georoteot, la1W Iing vith T.O owsnvf.Juio and. Btphn on IIgMSu l. a*ck61sonu h re elngfe m an î* taok~ ~ ~ R of vereat Es be bêm voak c9odition for somwe des.r GeorgePhlJipe, lesta ymj' dbls be1tfý vere lin Darlingiooutls4ug, t.. ,of *8 lbrmer.o oIo$!s eth--the ftéi 2!b. oy1 bel&on #=e

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