Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 2

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* hfre d in Auror, Wh i h I E LY ""-P114ÀWEW S ilFOR-tII fe bl h alhhs if c ar esii w Ti th a die s will be pleased to la fL N S ~ i 8IIhuOttons~ i" Pe afy * ca h A -teffîorts amo C Withebc iew of A N f1t eea pae i h o protecting them against Iud pre- __________ it-cnb avnmg.l tThe metIhodist friends wil have their rat4d by some merchazts and, deaers, taarglrganoo f apt bills out in a few dys ennoumcng, par.. have been succçssful bcyond aiiia FL RD AT 1 au^he but to bow u ndry ad o ticulars of their Domiinion Day cejebra. tion. ho Oe that st hoidfltb Wl. tion. The substituting of wort.hless, and fora Jane 2Mt, whioh poie rn adltraedPakaedys orth tli-opportunity for weed-kiln eoata Joshua Bundy's shop is receiîng an-autrtdpcaede o h ei-ta.A etoe f'oah rs other coat of paint, and as the finishing mat i aces, e s 0 tpedi Lr ie sa etoe touches are applied the appearance îm- n < lacs, nd ~~~merchants are tlqding M8 AF5MIG it shardto u blsom eese poe.Otidmntpay to sei a customer MOST RBND R f3 ALL suoumb aloulenti:y rmtt.t what is flot asked for. A qmoO L ocm lotetr1 Our wheelmen and carniage owners In the past, ladies have suffereti PERPUMES Folk THE ivpeck. per acre me a odsdng sb» LJf&are at war just now. The latter accuse muhtobe novelne oso ANOKERCHIE99 Ini a VOladVilCedsaonik e the former with piiing Stones upon the matrialand money,,by hpres.nt, barBATN. f aIl wheat, md early a A____________ road in order r.o mount their wheels, rprddes f ose- nteRo crop of buckwheatay.serd pendwilhripeeaarlygafterwhioh fair1 andthn eavngthm ter. pepare yestufsfoste d on d emfrom the saine land. I ilrpni AffitioLIn J. Johnston and Geo. Decker were wbesn hyase fo isr te Dioniud a, EFII ba ga sm here Tuesday trying to purchase safety and success in dycing work at 'ENS W2 og afe oeaWhebror o ti e Pnue.t# c.w k, TakI§9 horses. We .hear that they offered home, ladies should examine each B«4 LI1»Usie o aeacopo edfrmso soevery good prices, but faiied to Package of dyes offered them, s0 that __________________tae acro o ~~ Sarsa. ~make a deai, with the exception of.a they may talce nothing home but the field, iL will pay well tosoti.ldfo AE; aiiI couple of piaces. genuine Diamnond Dyes. a green manare crop. Ti ilkl fla T. B. Hughes has returned from a weeds, render thie land ieymlo o A AZ!>lVa' SOI.few weeks leave of absence through iii.. the following season, man dhmit "wua ffle for eght esrs witb Isîi ness. Mr. Dey, the reîieving agentv R A ~ W4> ,, the soil, which will mores. t osae Insnyme Dine thlcb we 1 re fl l e ft o. Mr. E *,E .it.o TF A M LT 1 L l88<,"CYAmdti&toflretaining power in a higb er Ehy euein D s nwtiit * I tighdi V e ftonWenedy morning. Mr.)ey INU 0KWTA f ]Baptiat hurches. When grown for a grainroitmyb o m m ended, but ri nd wo gave m e i y u g a o w o t e pe p e fT he seven tY eig ttb an n u al m eeting of th neshed like oth er grain . t u t f oW8 a la i S v ed t S ri - C r m nt h k a- -uL w h a s if i de , s c edd g m pril a by ixa oule sw and ue th tat as oci tigomtou ueaoiTus. o e se r jih ly 1 l n im o acoe n t beetrna Rev. Brown and family ieft for the LissocaOn etnWhby o aa oeeb ihl on nlre~ uesucas, xbou te siX lsud nd iyo odyevnn hr day, Weduaeday and Thursday 0f last sh<tves, le iwl tk Micco t eti on. I ee tohs onwhee ek in the. aptist church. Tliamo- dr.. k shouid not bh:ale mr u Ms1tot ticigayre ft hebOt- will reside. Rev. Leggott wili mnoveclto t isaituî nictg yd ectt bhoe , eefiL we L on comprises twety.£wo churches a few days b fore thresh ,l es t ul lu bns er s ntathe Coatitiee of Ontario and Vcor& heat and moid. (Jaref aihndig n Elizabeth Ann Middleton, beloved tb q O Sofvleadded. Tecoe oeigt h a Free from Eruptionms wife of Hienry WV. Roberts, died at her pat so tee shelwtth eg. linsayt? aodmc asPver they were. y bu,3ness, whleh residence here on Sabbath, June î4th, 0f Lbpie e le eethe £0 B.llnq l3 [hat of a cat>-drN-er, requires mue to arter an illness of but a few hours. b eprt Of te wr f hi churches t 8ual 0 W iL Ofllad ouponec W1thout gloves. and the trouble h Somne three hour-s efore her death Mr-s.besht e, analy W wodofroecuin.Dfotz ee etied"Tà£sA (EZas obrsLbsot tepaut year and to give and to listen to crop ta Lo b. grown the itssna Â. oartf obets asnt n the garden in her address along te lin. of spiritual pr- ame of the seed that shil iliky -rT he d, <>pa usual heaitit. Deceasel as twenty- rs bot in the churcb, the young corne up arnid the grain We fd A7 Sisaprili seven Years of age, and leaves a sor- lu say.ey remSkaj* remdy, bota for jM. PeOPe' Socieies and die .Snday grain or a hoed crop i. ofloshr lyroin hsbndan tochildren, who TERMAL andIt XTNRNAL ut*- s"d vw=- shools. These meetings are alw ys eau b. no objection togoinbck ____________th_________pair. deeply rnourn the departure of a lovi ng deralin it qi &t > t ru &b i ooked forward £0 as imes of great spirit. wheat. As a bee-psaturaiL s .&mft. u t eWoîda ai. wife and an indulgent mother. Th AM-KILLEîTROU$ M ret h al refreshîn Ay rap luC e ma l nt n eThsigd e dTb* .c fs.Te a 4in5,I ' Ol Ulg productive of nectar, but tehny po . I y r ' a P i l a C e a , s e v î l a g r s i l n t e i n x p r s s i g d e p mN Ja , cl % ~ 4 I 7 e * &Un . m h e e t i n g . b e g a n o n T u e s d a y e v e n . d u c e d is o f a t r o n g , l oid g a e _____________________the__________ The 111g when Rey. L. S. aughgon, B.A., B. but wili answer well to feedteclne funraltok paceonTuesday ate r- a.muIkeR d'yi fuOr §en. D,# of Lindsay, the retlring Moderatoruondigthwae. -noon, when the remains were interred orei@kIe 0:2e'.~a,~~.u1 delivered te aunual sermon whjch was u_________he____er (YOR ESPNDINCI in he aptst emetrvaftr srvic PA .K ER o s rumx belistened to wjth close attention. This O O R E S IP O D E C Ein the c u c e meA tr v,' MaMO W V n h cuch lre concourse of MADE it btup SlDy Ax EM EI?9LMY waefllw by an addreas on "Baptiet people attended the last sad rites.- Missions in Manitoba" hi' Bev. P. C. PAIN-JULLPR Cameron, B.A., of stonfvieuh Tornt s. ebo'M ca e.U-,A >&w r h drems wis veny interesting. Ur. Camer. Tesat.latu hur HGHAoeCEEX Li ilClau er, flua r, di __ n' on bv sg pent thirteen y ain Lhe &%e aIe., Pwa Medfflaicu, ali. bavetg benr A regulr trainto Tornto in wo .*ruy or OKSrmm aai hSCOUuntry was able toe peak with autbority A uregar trn m oort flt The following from Wednesday's OB4int f mtaut the Toldenos. bat 11* s forls. (Ai hous nd en mnutes' That's. what W'orld explains itself: 'Men who live i'MED*il athgeatgontortniefrwokn th .T .are gong to give us be- in Toronto, where pretty girls canLitat«7grealboue.uWtry. ginning Some Urnethis eek. he sen eac evçing sated ith teir a On ime hiswee-. he een ache%-nin setedwithther GODWO'D siexercises, the report of te nominati2g Muskoka express train will make the families on the verandaits of their cosy The strawber etvludrt e mittee w-as received by wbich Bey. J. run fn m rav nh rs to Toono n homes, can form no idea of the desola- auspice of the methodist Sunday raoe or, su Be y. A WFalls , o aret two hours and forty-five minutes, which tion of thre dwellers in rural districts, school eldo h batflgnud fmontreelectand ek. & Thier of te is eary a ho r f str ttan las ye r. noir the difficulty experienced by them Thos Todd, just east of the village, wa m rn g as d otd o Lie e dng f ,Only two stops will be made on the in securingahep te NerHg-agadscesinacth nuneraerbeigonprLaiy icurt run, t Orlliajunctn an at laniand Creek lived one J. Dunnigan, a was so great they demolished evçry- life.. Theafirs ma On "irsinWrd dale, a total loss of time of about three widower of 62, and a por.ato fariner by thing exeept some bread' and butter. linees" by Rey. J. Fraser, the newly mintes Orllinswhowis totraeloccupation, who, wearying of having People were there from Stouffville, elected moderator. TIiti. was folftwd y -onthefthreillthrefrehavwtowak ntonetrhepoimeeelhoatoe otLncovilek ooinoonandai ponth"lte foy Siri te Sure o Poer Tii0bi, erty heith mn ivs odiarb" a copleof locs faihe, ad bardpatch bis pants, decided to advetise in of the Goodwood circuit. A football for Chtristia Service~ by W. 8. uMeAI. uani uTtaLtion te fbis dý'spepticfin.Qe ' her at the "Diarnond." The platform the city papers for a wife. According match was played between the Ux- pine, BA. pastor of Whitby chutait. Mian ini a hundred ta prietyhaih. t ther isbeig etened ort fet 0 to the arrangements tie candidates for bridge Beaver's and the Fourth Line The. 0l0 address wao on "?personal Thd other 99 have some dgettopie , provide for the increased traffic. The the Iishman's favors were to -ad-ort bosandrsle nati fe teHlne~Gea ite 1.Bl h, peoh or >eirtU= l otstm lyer wiil go north at 1. 15 P. m., cros- to the postoffice at Highland Creek, gDood piaying on both sides. The n- Spirit' bY Bey. A. H. Brue, of Manitia. prevaeat evil-eonstipatjon.I's iml sing the Pacific express here going whene the adventisen would meet thein, Lurn match wili be Piayed at the fiftit re8e.ddyee wet. listened te wich thing of itseif, but like inanysmethg, South, and down at 1.45 P. M. Thus Mr. Dunnigan, however, iS evidently a picnic next Saturday. After tea Mr. ramptattention w-hieit howed th enrliL maY grw- and becomecopiae we have a train for Toronto at 'i. 5 and man who requires qualities in a woman S. Flummerfelt took the chi n . a l hians are taki twqu.t 0ger Constipation ta the roo ofnuetntso car ant r09tiah erithe siCkness of men, and of alE poor anotiten at 1.45. The stop at the junc- which i-feav-en has not bestowed on filled it in his usual way. Thte * t * eltveb ie eality and work ion of Lire sickuesa of wome.iL aib - ctio i lb. t si tyBeco ds th em , fo r o n y strd ay's 'b u s bo u nd to a i featu res w ere a so lo y 'M r îP tt of t e sy, ir t u d q U. T he e n n e s n s v the city w as-s the .hlie b ly apPOil cured.iIatcatiby M issd ebsilyCollitsrall Teafternoon session wuedevoted en- dq.ky hr i or On Monday last week acream geld- tect was--he tiddspon__rctto yMs bi olisadLrl out Ong.MsinCrio rul iti oa auet otna not mufl thewonseof theaccidet. - __________ vereitd sendto -by -a large Audi lits.>3 IssiatOu gettln int You sko nOtmuc te wrsèoftheacciý'ën-t--"Mr. Win. Robinson has liai! a Wind- ence of sympathiersin w-om"it'aWSok.1 a M"F fflenmIl enected to water his strawberrîes, &uotber of the. attractive featares t the. hrenwhich are verylag and abundant tuis afternou'a-programme voas ialou me ihansyacdn tBaetnyear. g nb ameso h htymission &e ot»mmoo ete a wit oansty acci e nt at B ea vertnM rs. W . E llis p itck ed 15 1 q uarts in ba d a der b.dir eotig itof i ss B y. i c - behind a stalion in the stable when it offitH oneday, g Beavckig iihave ,> fIno thm erl oe îgR e.J ha mod kicked iiniinthe stomach, bneaking !îriHa h 14 The Uxbride Bae hv rganuz- p«« o teWhitbyo"ùhtiêj, Oa lba e. fflve g two ribs pnd othenwise injuning hW c d on the fourth, piaying in Mn. A dU7 £mmd a #ddrelmon "P reiga- Mis- -Ï Although suffering great pain, he carne a H oOatlbfrin Head Dis- Stewart's field. Practice nights Wcd-, sions lwhieh vma oloed by a-Mddrea- t 001115 CaOta!4WS JIedMca home on te noon train, and is being nédy u audy.Cptain, A. laïdRt>m Mnile"i Rat C1E1.. " toi.s, ..teddb r conl.Nw-Miller; treasurer,,A. Stew-art; secre- F1of .Tornt.Th, lsn drs "~~pr4#ius by r.MconnîîNes.ease 1: Impossible, tr, .W Dvs Any 6 '0 -w0 y<f~J~Mne;<4~~ s ~ Itbbmklot.I GREEN KIVER. W onders of titis W orld Famed Physi. tary, E.W . Davis.Th r 4 m o i g va de t. > j 3 5S - us b s' Mn. Fuller, wife and family, were at clan'. CaLanbal P-wder. Death.-Mrs Wm Morganson passcd nadin 'aurob le#MIS sad- to' ssoereuP luEU .idwibm8Mb F. Wilson's. of Whitevale, Sunday. aw-ay on Saturday. june 2oth afer a 41" - 'w Mas. J. A. White and Miss R Wiilis, Soeasufhord i f r gnwg t utise e Thcy haveorsympty1 bei4VilS4ak4IiLLtg' co a O10vdà fDs ýnW hortbtseer eyihae, rosy bp t>t WiiItta1- 11 1t e_$ 0' r~Wimli of Broughtam, were visiting at Mrs. Hy epeffi<e. Wii aIl ii. ephésss pea Hopkins ai Monday. Bible. th,# la tb.. caseWîflasue o"T. »?b*.-b7.N )Mrs. Hy Hopkins and Miss Mina' the iHear. . *.eotiwneusiis mtel 1L il4,< 4 #Las1 'Hopkins are delegates to Whitby and houe; Tii. tery paezg o*eit hma'- ubtwmaftI Liudsay Baptist association sud ladies sean t. ae.ae4 .u etK B.EMa cirehe at Whitby this week. reifse UrQd sl s i.tt.,. an ddejwh,~ Waiaè C.Foster, one of Wm. G., Barnes Un! le 50 tteuVtlm T tactory hands, had te misfortùne of o!èaont ise...thress, ~I@ q b o ea-tting the insteP Of lis foot vcry Thé,, W un -, badly, so mucha no that seven stitches ltuouiii. vu-a bou i.t t Out bdto bc put therein to keep it in ? M.B= "hape frintn~ ala " elalIwav4er, nmâter for P.- R. f0?or ie d *111 'uýib wgýtyears4. liai! la is hand very tend t tiynZ' oeta1a, ' bQ>tom lait week ty co<in uq (>#_me, mmd 4 te-s ts dt a pulc ect screw-, The îDr.: wzuà, mone-rn bf!rfic àl- 1ê.-the Celei - M-. b - - -]r -F ktJW. ajkeuua1q- After the Grip No Strength, No &r'bitio,, flood"@Sarsaparine cave Health. The followlng letter la froma merchant tailor of st. George, Nq. B.: ako C. I. Hood & Co., Lowen, Mass.: "GentlemenI aS glad to eay that le raspdalf ad Hood's pilla have done me r e a d e a o f g 1oi. b d a s e v e re a ttsck ;b@eP lpn the wlnter, sud Ltrgtlgoe iver 1 dit! not seeru togat aer etUg ad h ' ambition. ood's Sarsapeilla oe<Li 4wt what I needed. The resuitted e~ aiactory, sud I rocoumeudtiasMMict M wha are aMûted ,i th rheuznatLi r o tis 110o0d'S "r;gcure$ i'ctions eansed bY Posuad poor bloodj lways keep Hfood's Sarsparla ln rmy houa. d se t w-henlIneed a t0ni We alo ke lood's Pilla ou band sud thluk hlghiyof ther.' W. DYTKEmAx, St. George, New Brunalwie Hood'ls PIUlaare purel egetable, and go Dt Durse, Pain or gripe. Sotti by aul drugg.ig, r r.George J. S m v Sbeffieli!, Ont., wiesa' "I1t is wîth great pleas1 tif y to thte value of your faïine'S Celery Compoun two years 1 suffered f roi kidiicy and liver troubît in eerai mnedicines ti. fect a cure, 1 decided t - pSauf4. 'Before u'sing in AhalIt that I could ni i cogid not lie in b.d(, Iny back, it was only bv bows and knees I was en a sight degree of ease. fuhhly taken o6ne bottle I begat to improve.i in ail fourteen bottles suhts. 1 am a farrn-r workinge'e'y day. Ai fer to me in regard inents, or any of my nçý Shteffield, where 1 amn amn a living witness Paine's Celery Compou The propnietors of Co mpound have on fi such strong and convi. ials from the best peop, No other medicine in have met the requird Smye, as PaIne's Ceil did.- Sufferings suritaa dured are not conquerei Reach 0ev COURT 0F RE'ý Met Monday î5th ins ing reductions in as, made.: S Vickery, tir') den, $200; G A Co Taylor, $750. The folllowing were roll:. Mn John Martin, J D Bruce, as owner: as farmers son; M r. tenant; Mr John Mc>oi son; Mn Francis Ba Gwyn Reynolds. occui Christie, Mn Harold .leremiah Henry and Mi as manhood franchi,_; Crozier. as owner; Mr as-tenant; Mn Frantis joinit 0w-er; Mr Alberi as farmer's son-, Mrn ù 0w-Ter. Mr Wm Clyde comp propety being divided2 parts caused an incr labor.- The reeve said having appeaied the ci be justified in takinga the council might, site an injusticeé had beeni remit a portion of bis s The court then close Communication reac w-el, Q C, Co. Clerk, ainount required froni gencral county. rate is The foliowing amoui to bc paid. Arthur Re H Croxaàll, $5.25 -,R, $7. 50; jas McKitrick, t2; John Coates, $ i5c Jas Baind, $14.37; j $4.75; jas McConnel, $5; Wm Kite, $3; S -,Tftd-BCroal, $9; J lUT #L'CCESSFuL R EIED?' FOR MAN OR B&AST. cBOmesd o l.Ihaveusgm * 0f yuu t smt9kpeand m i- T~M& em Pew flaw èiwe-ihagw uvoea wendcxmrâ l inmu l u P. 0. m&&4Ilt For Tw~tv~1~ Vaiupm ýWheecr, P Ii- Mar .Im ~Lambc, $xoo; :à$Z repgùting colverts% an, dToisLambe ~-,kiuua Lamube sud- ~4kadW M Wc _ColertlÃ"t'4. ~*dr$È;-2ùd ý smye ÃŽl

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