Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 3

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RaM paine's Celery' Compnd'Renewed bisi Farmer SmnYe saye I amn a Living W9itness." Mr. eorge J, Smye, farmer, ofi sheffield, Ont., writes as foliows: It is with great pleasure that 1 tes- tîfy to the value of yourgreat medicine, Painies Celery Compourid. For nearly two years 1 sutlered from indigestion,. kidney and lîver troubles. After try.. ng seveal mnedicines that did flot ef- !ect j cure,- I decided to try your Com- Min. efore usîrlg it I was s0 low 1 n health tîîat 1 couîd flot eat or sleep. 1 could flot lie in hed owing to pain in mvý back, It was only by resting on el- t)ows and knces 1 was enabled to obtain a 11ght degrec of ease. Before 1 had fllyI taken one bottle 0f your medicine 1 hegan to imiprove. I have now taken n ail fourteen botties with grand re- uIt'. Iam a fat-mer and amn now woIrkîng everv day. Anyone may t-e- fer t' mne in regard to these state- retor ans' of my neighbors around Shjetf-Icd. where 1I'am nweII known. I aini a 1îvý,,-ng witness to the worth of Faines Celery Compound.- The proprietors of Paines Celery Conpound have on file thousands of s,:ch strotlg and convincing testimon- 1,i1' frorn the best people in Canada. Nu ther miedicîne in the world could nit- et the requirements of Mr. Smvne. as I'aine's Celery Compound dd c. Sutlerings such as Mr. Smye en- di,,red are not conquered by the com- mon sarsaparillas, nervines and pis that are presented to the public for al the ilîs of lite. Mr. Srnye 'had made a trial of the majority of- these advertiscd remedies before he heard of naie s Celery Compound, and they failed to cure him. The moral taught by Mr. Smyes experience, and the past testi- mony of thousands of other people is, that kidney and liver troubles and in- digçsion can only be cured effectually by Paines Celery Compound. The great medicine Paine's Celery Compound, is as fat- apart from the guesswork remedies advertised as black is from white, In the judgment of able physiciarfs, the great medicine is the triumph of the century. They prescribe it for their patients, and carry it home to their own families. Paines Celery Compound is gn able medîcal scientists prescription; it is a preparation that combines ail the most approved ingredients that are so neces- sary for the making of pure a nd healthy bîood and strong nerves. It keeps up perfect digestive action and vigot-, therebv giving continued good health and strength of body.. If you are convinced that your con- dition of health demands the use of Paine's Celery Compound, avoid sub- stitutes and' the 'something just as good" that many dealers recommend for the sake of profit. Reacli Gouncl. 'James Munro, Sio; Simcoe street and - - N onquon road. bet. Port Ferry and COURT 0F REVISb('N. . -th con, W H Mark, J E White, T Met Monday o 5th înst. The ýfoîîow- LUflbe and James 'Munro, $roo; i îth ing edutios i assssmnt erecon, between Simcoe stoeet and side r-ade: S Vickery. $iroo John Lums- road, Jas Munro, Sio; 12th con, be- (,en $2o; A Crne $4o; - tween side road and Simcoe street, ['nOr $70.GACrnr$ Isaac Clemens and Jas Munro, $i 5 fÉh fvoll in $750. Ptoth lrince Albert road division, Mungo r -M Mr John Martin, as occupant; Mr \er hsLmeadýMWi,$5 I 1)Brue, s ower;Mr h ~7th con., east of Centre road, graveîing 1) ruc, a ower;Mr li Co, ietc, Edward Williams, Joseph Raines ;.s fat-mers son; Mr- John Saunders, 'and Thos Lambe, $25; 6th con, bet. tenant; Mr John Mc Donald, as fat-mers Brock road and Centre road, W Sellers, son: Mr Francis Bailey. occupant: Thos Lamb and W Stephens, $ï15; 2fld (,,wyn Reynolds, occupant; Mr John con, opposite lot 2o, graveîîng etc. (hristre, Mir Harold Cushion, Mr George A Corner and W M Weit, $20; .eremiah Henr'y and Mr S F Johnston 8th con, opposite lots t and 2. repair- ais manhood franchise; Mr Arthur -n uvrNra tatadW (rozier, as owner; Mr Simeon Porter, ng cuîet,Nor0;aWestua Prt sud Wm .,.s tenant; Mr Francis McClintock, aIstehnA$0;Wsto o Pe, -e;nt owner; Mr Albert Lewis Orchard, gravelling, T Lambe and AGoe fat-ersson MrGeoMowray as$30; Epsom road division, W Stephens wnrerssn rGo obaa and John Ackney, $15; Brock road, M)nr.W ld opandta i north of 9th con, McGregor. W J NIr Wm dlided mpand assessed BrownMand W Stephens, $10: xotb con, ;ropety being viean ssednWM Real, J Camplin and P Christie, ;ý«rts caused an increase of statute 125 Sth con, Stephenson and Watson, afhor. The reeve said Mr Clyde not h;It oBgMrh rvl i.avîng appeaîed the court would flot W1rd and Rean, $0BiMrckra, n -,e justified in taking action; however, 2 and3,tes and Rel,82 r, $o; ay'cos tiie council might, should it find that 2 nd 3i, Sopp lot3, n 2e, $ Day'n '.n injustice had been done Mr CK'de, Stephens, $8; Manchester' on condi- remit a portion of his statute lat)or. tion the villagers raise a like amount, The court then closed. to be expended on sidewaiks, Weir, Communication read from i E Fat-e- Lamboand Spence, $2o; Nonquon road well, Q C, Co. Clerk, stating that the north of Port Ferry, to meet county dîmount requared from Reach for the grant, 85o; Nonquon road, nortb of general county rate is $2, S45-58. Fort eytme cuygrn $; The foîlowing amounts were ordered 8th coF eyto eelt couany grant, o tcob paid: Arthur Reynolds, $7. 50; S Harrison and Lamb, $1o; Centre road, Il Croxaîl, $525; Ralph Somerxille, nortb and south of Manchester, 84o; S-. 5o; Jas McKitrick, $6.25; D Reese, Betwèen Manchester and Utica, 5th $z. John Coates, $i. 5o; A Rhoney, $ i: con, wpest of school bouse, W McClin- 'as Baird, $1437; Jeremiah Henry, tock and Stephens. 125; 8th con, op- $4.7;: Jas McConnell, $i.5o; 1) Reese, posite lot 6, raiîing. G Prentice and $5; WVm Kite, $3; S l3arett, $325; Lambe, lio; Sideline between lots 6 F:red B Croxaîl, 89; John Armstrong' and 7, cod 12, Real and Gregg, 830;- $425; Wm Watson, $i.5o; Wm Pt-es- 8th con, between lots & and 12, L Scott 'utt. $3; John Gregg. $4n.MnoIo xlIT_ - andiconneî cme oaor t t-<ouncil, he said he desired to cali the ~.ttention of the council to the state of trhe bridge on Simcoe street, opposite t 18, con 7. 1Mr. Stephens int-oduced and carried thirough a by-law to appropriate the ,Um Of $î,6oo for improving the high- wasof the municipality as follows: Cartwright townline, opposite 2nd con, Nilesst-s. James Coates and Thos Lambe, (oenmissioners, $7.50; 2tld con, oppos- ite lot 16, Wm Steel and Wm M Weir, <ommissioners, $10; 2nd con, opposite 1lit) 18, culvert and fixing bill, Messrs Lot-an Slanton and W Weir, $20; Non- quon road south of 5tb con, E J W~heeler, P H Martyn, W M Weir and Thos Lambe, $too; Simcoe street, con 2, repairing culverts, John Kilpatrick and Thomas Lambe, $to; ?nd coni, east of Centre road aud west of lot 16, Thomas Lambe and W M Weir, $30; 2fld con, rep culveri, lot 14, Thos Lambe and W M Weir, $30; 2nd con, rep ctulvert, lot 14, Thos Lanîbe and W M Weir, -e; 2lid con, orposite lots 78 and 9, Samuel Platten and W Stephens, $15; Angle road, con i, lot 2, Michael Wilkinson and Wm Stepb- ens, $1 5; 2nd con, vent of Brockzoad, Elias Day and Wrni Stepheus, $io; Brock road, cou i, graveling. etc, T H Porter aud Wm Stephens. $20; Centre road, between Bovels' hill, gravel pit and Manchester, WM, Spence, W M Weir and Thos Lambe, $60; Centre rond, bet.ween ManchesterWa0 Mr W F Dobson's, W ,Speuce, W Me Weir and T Lambe, -$40; ý9th COù. between Brock and Cenùtre ioads, 30h11It Ward aud J M- Real, $20; Cntre roa& 9th con and south haoit et wtrcon#, J ohn Beare andiJ M Real, $24;4h con, opposite lOts 34 at1d',5,-A bu Svankkand j M~ $ between loti î18,4 a f M Gdn jr., DW -en I5o; îoh con,.DOositý lot. 4 The Most Econumical ...,House Warmr 1 1j Trhe 1Kesey" Cou'ugat.l Warm Air G.n.aâtor.. Anv ordinarv Hot Air FurnaSe .111produce heat if yen "I i ely :ylpy enougl fuel. The 6 oi" lu h~S av vebpecian d valabe1 fams-umintpm t irt « lathat vi give Umeoa ut vth im a uelsud the umndrabbla eamde. TIi. "gelh.y" fine pot beingcostructedl cil smai od « %s, - toabla, =coexsed,co Irsn = 3« C.<uet) mond ubuc i ilî:r ~~ wh~icb.ldabas 4ow t cfu.awm M"tu useo .,ê t., s ne. venus etsê ti s fi ri p t Lindsay is the proud possessoir of a -luven'l e giant. His namne is Charies Edward Stone, and he is the son of a laborer about town. The boy is only a trifle over six years of age, but tut-ns the scales at nearly one hundred lbs. It he keeps on growing at this rate he will in due timne becomne the largest and heaviest man in America. His father is short and stout, whiie his mother is rather taîl. The other three chiidren are ail good sized, but Charley takes the cake-whenever he get.s the chance. -Watchmnan, ONE ROUT MAN. Dear Editar .--i>ieas intorni you reradors "ht it wnitten to confidentJy 1 wîll magin a sealed lotter, partnonlar of'& gonuine, honeat borna cure by which 1 was'permanently restor- ed tn beaitb and onanly vigor, aiter year of suftering irom nervons debîlity, semuai weak- neeat D!gbt lbases and weak abrunken parts. 1 WM robbed and swindled by the qacks utHlIl nearly bast faitb in mankind, but tbank beaven, I amn now weil, vigoroua and strong, anid "hs to niake tbiu certain means of cure known to Jil anferers. 1 bave nothing taoeiH, aDd want no mnoney, but bfing a firin believer in the uni- versaibrothêrhond ot mnu, I arn dssrous of l'eling the nUifortunate te regain thsf bealth auphp * 1 pomis yonperfect ecrecy and sa Pdonotwis tomexose mnî, eitier, please address, siuiply - P.&O. Box 388, Lon- don, Ont. Kootena 0y Contain the new ingrediènt, and is made by anclcialpoes that wil reveuio01 meia sc= throughout the vend. Kootenay cures ail kinds cf Kidney troubles, az)d is a poeitive ce for Rheumatism. .8pring A" .vey form ob"d tajQ1iOë ' o*ée# U4ton mdcl Lo dndlady A ccl>ýII eýpéétàber ncctowben they wI Oped c pe..-by tbè energe* .ecretazy bd dltecto- e nake this (the greatest air thie society bas yet held. On Sabbath afrernoon, June 6th inst. %r. Wm. Arksey, who resides about îve miles southwest of the town, wus ,tturning froin the pasture field witb a ail of milk, and had just reached his Dwn gate, when the stormn that passed :ver this section caught himn. A boit )f lightning felled him to the ground, w'here he lay stunned until discovered by his wife a moment later. With the aid of the hired man he was remnoved to the house, and it was fuily haif an hour before he regained consciousness. The milk and pail were sent fing in all directions. Mr. Arksey is now none the worse for bis electric shock, but if was a very close caîl indeed. An inebriated individual who was with the excursionists from the south ;aturday on the Crandella had a littie fun aIl to himself that was flot down on the program. When the steamer reached the Iocks he persisted in sit- ting on the railing. and presently top- pled over and went down head first. Somebody grabbed bis coat tails, and there he hung suspended with his head railing in the water. Had bis res- cuer's hold slipped, it was ail up with him, as the paddle wheels wouid have left him in such a shape that he wouid flot have been worth picking- Up. Moral: When you go for a holiday leave the whiskey bottle at home. The fishing season opened with a rush Tuesday, and daylight found in- numerable canoes, skiffs and punts gliding noiselessly over the waters in this section towing fifty or a hundred feet of fish line, with a seductive bait attached. We understand excellent success was met with. The veteran fisherrnan, Joe. Hand, who knows the haunts of every 'lunge and bass on the Scugog waters, caught nine fine 'lunge -about 45 pounds of fish-before nine o'clock. By eîght o'clock Soanes' fish mar-ket was besieged with fishermen eager to realize on their first catch. Butcher meat won't be in it for the next few weeks, and Scugog brain food will be in active demand. Timothy hay. Whilec doyen hay is preferable for feed- ing ail stock except working herses, it in the. only sort-for wbicb (bore la always a market. Truc, in a vinter like at, any kind cf wel-cured bey vould sel for a good prjco, but vo feol sale lun ayiug that nine tenthe cf the hay. sold vwu tim- othy. 4n admixture cf other grasses and evon a littUe clovor seomu ta-. militate againat it in brnnging tho highest market prwo. Wheu (ho crop is te b. sold the muarket dos fot objeot to fairly voll niatnred hay, but vhs. a grever is to f eod bis own tioeotby, it is a mistake to beave it standing until thoeseed is about formed. Wbou (bis iB dons the stalku becomé woody aud thus Issu nutritions and issu digestible (bau greoner out bey. The object should b. te secure the groat- est posaiblo amnount cf assimilable nour- isbuasut for the animais, sud according to comme. sense and tho teaching of science, tbis iii secured vheu tb. orop is cut a sson as possible after tb firet bics- som appears. In orden to get rid cf tho doit, whuoh is thon pressait, it is veIl to delay cutting until (bat blossom la blovu off. Cut at (hie stae, witb enitable wsatber for curiug, sud (ho bout possible timotby hay eau b. securod. Tiie heade romain perfect, tho substance (bat would make tho seed if allowed go stand longer is ail in the stalk, sud tho beaves are sweet aud green. In bright, breezy veather, timothy out in the morning yull be roady te rake np aud porbape haul in lu (ho aftercoxo, By tho employaseut cf unproved ma- ebinory (ho vcrk cf cocking eau b. dis. pensed vith vhen a modern bay laer is made use cf. The. curaug viii ho aid. od matonialUy by a couple cf ruse over vit» (ho hay tedder, vhiob vill ligliten it up t e « sn d wiud. Wbeu couda- tions are favorable for going ahad tho .wsoe mway be kept at work a portion of eaeli day, folloed by theo edder a cou ple cf heur. later, aud the wgonh not far be- hind. The danger cf having a large amonut of hay damaged by a vet speil is (hon rodued (o a minimum sud the vork passea off gradually sud pleasantly, and (ho character cf hay secured vii b. of the highs possible q-uality. Caiadian Muttoza. A Canadian who recently visited New York city was impressed. with the apparent appreciation of the products of bis country, which was shovu by preminent signs in many of the best butcher shops: "Cana dian Mutton." The same quotation vas also noticed oni the bill-of-fare of the best restaur- ants. Upon indulging in some ef the home-gravai meat, the question arase nnentally, Why do we flot get such mutten at home? Probably the smail- et Cuadian markets are too ofteu suppliàd vith the scrub stuif that is not fit te ship, and, indeed, vhich (lie shipping buyer dees flot cane te hauodle. Il our local butchers, as velI as Our local cheese deniers, tould haudle onýly first-class goods, (lie quality offered, would do a great fleal toward increas. ing the tosmumption sud therefore t4e demand of these two nutritions articles of diet, The stringy diy s-cle Iasub se generally put, upen (lahotël1 Itable egusea-the consumer te v"w tba lie vili net agaii asIc fox- even "sp-in lamb."g (o M~ 8s~d lide isemdoo op*.v Ment 'Mrt. *Mywet to T«onb on ou s. t( ol4à bis anon eywho is The. bridge toth.e out of oorburgh bas bau rsoled and now that dangerous Place iqokus aler. 1 ffia. Potand family have Ieen spend. ing a few days wit)> Mr. and Mis. -Mad- daford bore. Thomas Msdda.ford drives a âtne tvo- year.old colt nov, wbich promises (o be one of the finest in thea. parts. Botb cf our soboole bave outrance pupils going dovn neIt week te write, Miy (bey have saccese. Sovoral (rom bore vent te Brougbam on Sunday evenxng and iistened wo whet Conduetor Suider bad te say in bis farn- ou railroad sermon. 8cme intend going te the tovu line gardon part>y thie, Friday, eveuiug. May &here b. a sucoessful gathering. Mrs. McQuay bas b.. viiting at Georgetown for a few days of late. Castoria. nolsIsbim excellent memlns for chft- dren. Not.ho have repeatedBy taId Eue cef Is -od ffeu u hir chgildmYI Da. G. C. owooo, "OItOTia la tho bout remdy fer ebildrm of which 1 amn acquainted. I hope the. day la noe far dWstntwhen mot.heflWfliamsdOthefBI laarert of thefr cbfdren, and u» Cautorla in- etead of th.vsrouaquckisbmwn5hich a» deauvylng thdrelroved cnes, byforainçophua, - - qsodngsrup &Mdother hurtful agents dovu .thefr throatg, thsreby mending w tp emasuro graves." OoawY, ArI. Castria. "Càoo Lesowel adapwstocdrsmtlad Irecoermenditssnolreapuolto kW« vto me." Ill Bo. Oxord St,Br~y, "Our îplacdan la tii. chldro.'s depoeW, ment bave upokea h4ghly cf the&lr .zpw enc lu tbeir -out"d practium tks~ a"d aithough v o calyhave -amour uO' MMedoluM ppfloewhat la hommo ouua produuta, Y" w*. fm e mta ccnfeu ibiSt moref a cf O tn asuvon lu te lo k f avor unImm i) UnIi EosawLw 3 KUUAT ALLEN a.Sam, Pi,- ICIL- Seversi from bere teck in the excursioin to Mnskoka an Wednesday. jas. Gordon & Co shipped a car iosd ci stock from these parts an Monday. Mrs. Dr. Armstrong cf Zephyr addressed the members cf the W. F. M. S. on Wed- raesday afternoon. Mesurs. Stewart McKay sud D. Me- Donald of Saintfleld left lsut veek for Scat- land vxth a car-load of herses. The Sabbath sebool convention cf Lind- say Preabytery yull be heid in the cburch here uext Wednesday sud Thursday, 24th aud 25th J une, commeucing at 7.30 I.nm.Oa Wednesday, sud xc a. m. on Thursday WET BUPYZE VITE PILES or. Clisses Olunnout WMI cure Thain at a ce., of Sut 60 couts. ]Piles, ecrofula, ecseonatlc eruPtiOns. smal-d hee.d. sait rhsum and a&R othen a.nnoyiug and palatal skia diaes eau b. easill cured by Dr. Ch«"e'. istaent. " 1 Iad protaoadiug piles fen tes yoa"orOlt vnltes H. ,JL Biterlan& ;cern- motews)tavller, Co ifB. N ;.14"tn maz>y romediesand had dootors Ops rate. - t was -no me. Waa eoaapltely laid up et tirnes. Chame,& OkM»turi vau r.oormeuded to me by Mr. Bre=ia, of t'as Somnersids.e .LJo=mal. I trled it, and oeebox eempletelY merd Mn, Statla, th. editor of -tii. Strets' ville, Ont., Beview, gives tiis unnsoliilted testimonial under date of Nev. 6. 1895: "Hall a box o4 Dr.Chaae' Oiatuient tuttl my daoghter of ecima. That was sixt mentheageé7, anad there ha. aluco been nc reappearamceof the. laease"1F T. W&llace, blachsmlth, of IrequI&os ont, wmo frocbled çvth bllnd itcl*ng piles for 20 yea-nm. "I1 trieâ everY nemedy tha.t exaneout iu vais." ho vrltes. 'untl Itried Dr. ChaWes Ointr meut. It vw« a godeend. On. box cured me." Al dealers and Edmanson. Bates &Cbe., manufacturert, Toicaite. Price 60.,. Linseed anad torpentine re overyae ther'. Joüaehoid' remésdy for cot1g».. ceide, tbrce.t-aud bang affectons. Dr. Closes hr disguiued tbe taste sa.]= "dé the. reinedyp astto te». eg bottlà .osaly 2e F/rat Otase Farm for 8aIe, South off LockNon. mile frn BCJ Thep aoe1 f gookoesmale f ite wTh bv i good ecss it- otbUW wihgood rame ise; andru nrly ntit stoetam celiar, two gn el t gtone dery, tout iry ftveares o îrnberydhabdood, piripally mdi tibee d has oo, nyrcipl- . bee lu andoa balspnvr im ofTheé lot ual foriwanteg ouhelo sei tacresforf terbo* uchaser b75socdespof ted. isp vited.ér RBER? BAiRpD. IWic 2th, 1896.;-4 in. 8ohool Examinationa. The Hg School Entrance and, Scbool Leavlng. will be beld in-the C Insditute on THURSDAY, FRIDA SATURDAY, JULV, 2nd 3rd sud" ginning at8.4 -a. wthe[e.W 'usual, oue dollar. The. examinatlon in Forni be ~inl Ftnrai nJly iii Fop, Wltby Collegflate [oui Whitby, lu»e iS 66. Frive dreuoukmrsbaie boon=@Maxsoda*tX taufor ahcp4lfti (lie bovels, ithoUtwblhuh he a= pgtlcO4 jaundics. snd 11w er llsistrt ?o Prrnuit K k o r" 1te Ier k. sta. T'h.eCsateuw C.mpay, IlVcri M eby*w, N w - H . -se The anêOhldra.it ontaiàs ueter OoIt, X*4 pdot, other Narcotie sbta Ie.Jt -la rbannies.ebsfu for Paregorle, Droplit Boothlng Syrupo, snd Castor 0On, It la Pleassut. 'Iltsaraxae. thfrty years'uae -by, UIlions of XotherL Castorla dstroys Wors and aflaju f.verlslineg& -Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd6 cures Diarrhoeansd Wind Colle. Castov'1a relieves teethlng troubles, cures coustipat<on -»df1a-ulencre Castorla asmltsthe food, regula+es the stomaeh sud bowels, glvlng healthy sud natural sleep, Case tori s 1sthe VJIdrenu'S Panacea-tho Mother'. P"rieud Il

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