Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 4

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Pric y~~iy * Ut Sw~~ltla's d.fýtciae about liQn V(W1U»iiem 1@q ii vot n * nd$ eibtë at tt B-At EMokliâ oba4h .40- Thue bB. nli i etýd1 te cetmrny If ti The.Kickapoo Medlcfte Co. Winl b. J~~ft~g fctory town. ti.supgI<o4 to b. lnterMs- to £ive 'a erles of entehaiauants, *&In.4 a Oe iW.P.t, ad toodby hiaus Tis la oeenk *net Tuesayevdg Ohi oe o lsbcase ail ovoithe 'DominIon, M C ( < jf and'a alyaotn. for Ti. -nu1 leuastweek 0 that repairs' couid 1e m&d turers weo dhot Toiles s.log asthey tii.watcr tube. These are Dow comp AFreèh Ground Hollebore, had protection, but 'when tliey tawellas àn h ilaai.,rnig Pr gla Pai en, others were asked to contribute towards en. i.mi aanrnig Pure ngliah ?arsrGren, theproduction of raaw iaterlitu GA l0ew Une table veut into effeet ào: Fin2eat Quality Inseot Powder, the country tney kicked over the traces,. T R-lat onday. Trains are now Tbey wauted the. protection ail one way, ad'trolna s ~bEIow: Fiomi the Dort BlueVitol r Cppe Suphae, rabedat Mr. Laurler's offer of free raw &30 a. mD., 12.1,5 P. m., and 8.32 P. mi.; Blue Virol or opper Siphategrabbedthe soutb at 8.30 a. »,4 . m. , inaterial.t4-0P 6.40 P. M. GUUU DoRev.heO. R. Lambly, D. D., and fai URCH'iINSCT PWOERon Wdedyo hsw CHURC 'S IN ECF PWBER A meeting of the rceeveorfOshawa, Fas The ladies' aid and epwontii leaguel Whîtby, Wbitby tp., and Whltby town, was abrcb dt averlay) evengheing oiOnE kils al laf atig iseos. eld at Oshawa on Saturday tast to open flew pmmor and bis u'ife. Tii. public ge, 10 CENTS PER TIN. tenders for gtading tubis betveen Whit- aIIy are lnvited to attend. by and Oshawa. There were four tenders 1 regret to an nounice that because of submtte asfonws Mali amonuh of milk coming lu th~e clii T/zeseg-oods are absolute/y pure Ubltdasff<w:factOrY bas been cloed. The expemu JOHN HfARTNETT, Toronto. running vas more than lir. Valleau apidof he inei qalil. M , sbil, 2o ys., 7c.peryd.$ff.oogetng for making tle cheese 11e turned a , ' d o / / i e i n e s i u a l i / y M o o s hil , 2 2 0 0 d s ., 2 2 ct . p e r y d . 5 s o t i w t o b e o p e d t a t g r e a t e r i n t e r e s t i l i soo ds. 22 ts.per . 110.00 taken soon and that titis industry whicl Sîarr's hill, 740 yds., 18 cts. per vd. 118.20 being carried on 9G Successfully in m J C IL ' ' Tornon' bu, uo ys, 7C er d..18*70 places may not 11e allowed to die out now L0 ~U, ay ased of peasntî oaont mach exciteinent. Roti part JOS. HEARD, Whitby workitd weil for their respective candida CF E I T & D U G S , Moore's hi!, 22 00 yds ...........$. 00 and, so fr as 1 know , acted so that ailc Lic's iU So yd ........ .....12300be good friends yet.' The resuit wns& ME D'l C AL HALL'ah ill, 740 yds..............15.00 nounced about 6 3o. A large crowd gathi M E D I A . L :- H L L , trr 's h i l, 40 y d s . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 00 e d e t th e sta tio n to g re e t th e m e m b e r e he - TorconkhStreet,.......7 s0 li e Passed tiirough on the train to Whitt Erok tretWhitby Tota Mr. Burnett was heartily cheered. 1 Tender for whole work $710.00. a M 0spoke brlefly, thanking those who had guv, hlm their support and Prornising to doi JAS. BISHOP, Oshawa. that is Possible in the interests of his ce 1'Moore's hill, 2200 yds ............$4 S.0 tituents. 55* Lick's hill, 500 yds..............50 The ciosing meetings ofthe election cat UtStarr's hi!l, 740 yds................. I .1000Paign were held on Thursday and Frids Q~Thornton's bill, i îo 25.s jŽ evn sTh former w :s n hein~teres Total1--e. Talornow m. p. for South L.eed andSentorBaker ; the latter was called t W'HITBY, JUNE 26e 1896. WALTER GIRSON, Wbitby. teLbri n a tdesdb rG __________________________Tender for whole work $847-50. XcLeughlin and F. L. Fovke, of Oshaw, and Mr. Meekr of Toronto,.the latter speal Jas. Bishop's tender vas accepted forinfoMrSmt.Togofucree NOTICE TO PaY UP I Moore's 1bill, Lick's hil! and Tbornton's hilldat a eorMrSth. hO dduge fs wuld nor Twice during the present year have we at 8531.00 for thle whole and Jo.. Heards sdaere prtf stale adrn ery ld toi tender for Stan-,s hi!! at iSo se rtyae.1mve gdt a furnished each subscriber in arrears to the is ai! to be cornpleted in a mon00. The work that th1e very begt of good order Prevaile C14RONICLE with a statement of his indebi.mot. at both these catherings, and we belleve the edness. Some are years behinri, but psy no for the future there vil! b. notbing te cota attention ta our repeated dans. W. need ENAL plain of in this respect. the one, ad ae bond o hve t. I ~ ongatuatios, r. unnr,.A very large congregation a.ssembled ih the one, an ar boud t bav it Itis Cngrtulaion, Mr Buuemthe Metbodist churcb on Sunday Cverjing t madness for any business mamn to give such We regret tO e=a that Mr G Homne ila o hear Rev. T. W. Leggotts last ser'mon lon crdit, ad w fid tat ne etsno mProvtng as hi. many (riends could wish. The theme of the. discourue vas the efficac) loang cfr d ots, and w e id thab e f e ts o W ork on the new church i s progresing nîcey. of C rst's blood te re mnove ail sin and tc îhans fr dingse. et t b fren osot Of tie Stone work being done. Vben u make us fit for th1e better Ille beyond. In V foc we shall wait no longer. On Jaly it t e the corner stone -te 1e laid? the course of his remna the uonker stated shail place ail unpaid sabscription accounts Ille Rev lir Dobsou, of We!!and, Rer Mr that durlng the four veais 11e had spent in in the banda of a lavyer for collection. Thorniey of (Uoedwood. lobn Throop of peie Brooklin notbing had ccurrdt a h Ther ar budres o weathymenwhoap.borough. John Burk Of Tbomnîlen and C plice relations betveen pastor and people, and he Ther ar ha dred of weathy en ho p. x of Toronto, were ere to' Poil tUiem votes on aso referred to the brothery feeling that pear to think that we cau publish a free Tuesday. exisas between the members of the différent paper for t hear edification, and vho ignore Thé kirls are jubilant over the resu!: of th denominations that are rePresented here, a any effort we maire to collect' from them. elections, both it, vinuing this ridîng andth cnditndd f Mr Lg tt jeft mrC tleon.o We shal undeceive tl-em on July 151..We gener11l resu!:. 'flicPOhig hm epased Of1Yesday tor eter in hisforkthre. We o an sahtaemens10co-qiy, MrD Perins acting as deparyrfetu" Teknov 1 neiion haeis rnany rmW needOurown an shil tiremeas t, cl- ng officer, and he nuled wnth a rod of r__ o ewlisnhv q aywr e ed o r v , n l : r 1e n en.o t a uew S m ad r iend there as lie as left bere and tr at ledit. _________________ the situation and ould not for & moment lm fy hatrge m yhv uh scesi i e The Reait. On1e entetain the dea (bat 11e did flot know ailcharghe.myhv uhscesi i e -.To those wbo watch the signs of the tirnes of the election ac. and a Uite more. W. A.Ht. tue resu!: of the. generai elections on Tues. Tiie Posters aie out for the methodist Sunday Buâlu mDlW@OSOry. daycoud ot aveben mch f suprie chool aaniversary on undar uer: and Domîn. jUy & co., pa» Qyr daycoud nt hve eenmac ofa srprseio day. On Sunday at w a. r». tbe Rer. J W For five or six years there have heen aigns Stewart vil!C0ndict the. service. At 2 30 a Mass 8UÂL14 s aser Of Maoeis<s [deaosm ofa breakiug up in the Consenvative party tiiig of ahevIl eto beaddresdb e& »im Pot onaj roiu McCamus and JM Caamne. and speci W &ia KONEET, D V S _4aduste etthe on- Oftbe Dominion. Long contre! of the reins Song service bv u bira u :7pm n aloVtrayClee oos;Hnrr ,Of power has rendered sorne members of 1the Stewart wvi theagain oeu ic uipet 7P M.A ibau Iln2er eftmthe Ont.lTontedo;s Soty party arrogant, others disgruntled, many COllcdon la asiced. Al! the servu=e vi! 1e eld ~t Udsae ftedmao, mischievous. The great leaders' vho could inth PeUynnan curh.OnDounon vOfiai bhedM«tî.oe unite the party in action afpear to have the usua! piatformn meeting and tea vwi e eid IPrtu eto w Lrgica.1 operations died, and test year th1e party found itseif in Mn. Beane'. grove. Addresses by Alfred attndd mo. Officeay rnigteaideuro!I, practically vithoat a bead. Natunaily a 1Day, of Toronto, lencralseCO-:ary cf aedS S Ontérlo acramble took place for the position. Each association of Ontario, the Revs. Cameron. Me would.be leader bastled for the place, aund Camus, Lcanoyd and others. Music and recita- B. Duncan, muerchant taller, bas secured. when ilt el! to Sir Mackenzie Roeel ai!ltdons by thee cildren. Tea ieredat p m the ageucy for the. Oshawa Stear» Laundry. regarded th1e resuit as a compromnise, a Aiocr i!h'gvniitceei~ » anr iilaebsso nTusa vague postonement o trouble wich muat ake cn a yWRoao ot en.Tc onnau iib rtme u audy thrw tè onSr-atiés6,-ùY-Mèùs Ou fOt allbos bveorgnted heINSECr POWDER, ETC* This proved another succeuulmO oretei Ramblers, and are Practising bard for theinteaec o party's dowufail. match On aauirersary -dyrih heMpl Ve bave takea i. gnc o *vaknotthOnniadDoiincutotinsev.The Patron movemeut vas an directed as Leafs. They viii ne doubt gir. a good ac- LIt>TON'S CF#LEBRÂTzD Tk &vrmtsu d it, too, vasmont effective. Our anulversany sermon is te b. beld ou Thuis ba i agetsl f u ek Ten tere bas gnovn a feeling that la quit. Juîy s aud 6. On Suuday Revr. i.Mgavn, agb th an Oe onle our Tes stoc natraltopopi, l (aoirof cinge of Ebencxer, vili preaci naonIag and evn - fullY 'Up to the. hîgh standard that Weaend 1vtheIo e siniedmn ng In the affernoon a chldren's meeting ve have established for 'eas-s. Qui. from îts ranks. wbo beceme dangerous will b. held in vhlc hetic cildren will sang Ity las lvays the finit cQasldcnat,..< opp neus, nd tru gilg vth ntenaiand recite and do their best to outdo the en Whether you buy at = o osc. a lb., stnifs, thc ConservAttives put off th1e genenal tertainssent of prerious Ycsns. On Mioaday ve guaraatee tnat you get the beSt elections as long.as possible, and tien faced apafr etn ii11 edl h ti htos 1 le-rtepie thjweutyt i àowntl a feras Oinle.shed, in wbich tue programme viii consist of Store closes At 7 opclOck, sharp, eatuTuasà. Mue)ff wres aken oalbfoeral addnsee by Dr. Marris, Rer. J. B. lMc- nàrAn dTnsoyenl Oies. erds.Laren and others. SihIping And reçfta:ion T tla87 the Consenvativeu von r22 eats to hirn fervTh e vi .sred fTIfi 93 bY.the Lîbeak .In 189 th reslt im on<day wght a oncertil! l ei ra.w T I L, IOID *s te 92, almout cmian 189g6 tii.figures 11y tii. Prince Aubn rchestra and others, arere thon neversed. the resuit being 81 s ylcltln.'hs ucag ti> îy7', wlthabout 9 Indepeudeats aad 1 ' ' 3 Patrons. fer than @ther by temketh cner £t 11b 1878-tbe Couservatires had 68 imajonlty ,,be a c rIf 1. 11. Tq'g dgoa oqs ot oil o ypT -la tieHouse. Id x882, 68. lai 887, 29. In iMr DavId Moole sucessWeili vffiber!çà, - z8gz, ., fr be hW zob qitam of black-bernes dg W. congratulate -Mr. Burnett upon flue 'Our cofreispoiideits vi piss aoewa $=çce" whicb bas attended lis firat ppear- Nodiotot C n oas's àfAon-rth î P5Of moii "' el Port luoave scurng aay o p iih 15OUO 70L sac-H Jeapltca.H e a gentiemanweigçuoytvoaop SeeVOC of honor At, th a 0ftbe.Peo- lTi1, w st r- , tripan elé id 115iutla OTa'le am ome at P Mr mMwt o 1t a 'e.-n fçtcfoa1Sd g0eizI ealua I1hdlefataw notoaO= an- Wgcd fW li te *Çp4e lmut p foirathiï Ç@rnm>dfrong Something altogether ont of the ordimr. A chance yOU znight -expeot to bave in Anguet; but at your disposai this week. Irsat Rainant Hemp, Union, A Il Wool d Tapostry. Also odd lengths in1 Floor Oil Clothse We stili have a few left-of those IROLLAND BLINDS, (with Dado Bordering), 6 ft. long by 3 ft. wide, that we are selling at 15 cents per Blind. fl~u4'u~ eBe stu $4 r~tllL~. I 'Y (ioojs, m Carpets, Ready-made Clothing. ir ire and see our .Large range Patterns to select of It is stylish, and fast ; of Cyclom eters, Watch Hold T-rump -io r tour Jno5 8. 9:1-GO TO li'riage8, Wagon8, roquet, att Fine Stationery latter only, left at HALF PIRICE A rare chance. Secure some before it ail goes, Bulterick Paterns, an;d Brnttskl American. Dyeing Co.OD (S~ oOice4 China Glasswate an ~~ I Dinner and Tea Bt Ohoice Famly Gioo, Fritet.aE tli sock'and prlci v v ~ ~ .~ ~L. . d 0rookery. iCheap. adsri -Teas, Ooie,' ~heap for cash ~orT~'ade. ~Pnces mliiug. Oit ait l»,t T tes ef my local pape: FBIDAY9 JUNE LOCAL LAC( Aflin'a for pure essences, etc. Misa Theresa Keltz. Toi the Misses Rande!. Corne te Whitby Domii firemnen have a treat for ail. rio not Ssii to nead Tbon. ment os anotier page for me« Save your butter accoant bread. Haif the butter viil A number of our sprint, for thc races hem. on the isn Plan for collegiate ins:îîu dlaq, nez: 'open's Satu rd _ÀIlin's drug store. i5c. or -ter. The Workr»en of Whý'itby havc arranged ta ran an -these places te. Niagara per dice, on Wednesday j uly i ater. Mr. Maurice J. Goodheart lecture' on Monday evenîr -baptint church an 8 o'ciock. b. "The. Jewsand their 1 The lectureviilb. illustrae -cnisies dealing with the bedy la velcome. A coliecti up afterwards. - Oh for Muskoka, Mack Manitoba, Europe, all Unite and , Canadian points, any whre by boat rail or ocea anteed n ight - Thnougii toôm Pickering, Toronto My Whitby, Write or uee Steph before traveling. Choice of -10 best ocean Hunes. Aise gi roundtri> tickets te -'-Mani Tihe buckie fâctory and tan clusions at basebali on Satur, letic groý%nds. It vas a me ýthan a sperting gante, and thi voted tb.eir Urne to ve.aring -leatlÏçr'as ,osible, fer the. Uineof :ý.he--buckle tareful.-and did net let the a'un roud the diainond as of coudbave vlshed, soe cz ~oto 8 in favon of the. bu iugbe mpired zbent effficie M Xc. U Ln are lme ic laes' ceCan pcrs t 5ôc. pen pair. inde the West Side mimattens. itthe election mat le mindniay b. sq ýpontant affairs. On a valuable educatiot le Provincial 'Eduça Ir.,,Jon. BaIl Dow "édigIy lnterestn EU t Whltby4. li ly cor»- in«. de in ileted i the. vdue bh a: <rom and in to VI di i e -FO Ilt. Cgency for Sckoûl Desks, BXOKE lÂEis [aving froua tht Great Pire at Ic[endry & Ce':, foronto, -1 viii pis.. them on Sale- >n 8stui'day~ nxt bouht a lan lotof Gooda saved JLJNE 27tb. .hm Go4~ W4t ni Zpm mu ab ý Ur-ML%* PANTS. Mado fA mi INý m Elavîng Revéi. uýýt'joýn. SALI il j»J 1 IL T--IR19 BEST VALUES IN' TOWN lq&ilczzr.

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