W -w' w xxxx. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUJLY 3, 1896. 'NO.31 o Question of the Houri Life or Death to MR. FLY. -à a///Slicky Fy,. 5as. F/I Poison Pads -.--~ c/s. pure Insac Powvder. Ci/iirc/iï.Insed Powder Âtýw 1, loc.1 ÂiIiuy (Hl-INIIST & DRUGGIST, '0)P- PROCK & DUNDAS STS., WHITBY, ONTAkRIO.1 Hou8e-aleaning time is here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown before, from 45C. Up. We use the best band painted opaque shade cloth, wîtb l-art,.born's spring roi 1er. Also 4 fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see our latest style of w;ndow screens, ta fit any window, at 30c.-each. Our baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- Gîve us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. WVe are taking special pains to combine elegance with economny in price and general utility. t Ex Our stock is camplete iin House Furnishings. \%*e invite buvers ta corne and see us. It wili save rnoney. Leading Undertaker,- E. J. JOHNSON, omet, BROCK ST., WHITBY. bti Established 1849. whWth Steam Maible and hnaiitc woîrs Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. Hà . Smih (Fonxneriy Wolfenden Works.) Im- porter and Deakir iu MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest material and designs. Al k înds of Censetery work. Our wonk guaranteed. FOR DESIGNS AND PRICES. WtSTERN, BANK 0F CANADAI Capitaà Âuthorxzed $1,000,0001I surplus LOCAL NEWS 'LETTERS, CICxcizC0onazIspouransIC£. Mrs. E. Nichais, of Syeacuse. is héré vislting ber parents. Mi. anti Mis. A. Roberts. Wbiuby Royal Templars wîli visit Brooklil council Dcxi Mouduy evening andi tahe part in A debate. Mr. J. Whitetorti's shot shtp sud tiwelliug is being re-paintéti. Mr. M. F. Cbiun la tioing the job. Sugar cunet bains, sinoketi hachs, amohet rails, canéti béé!, sinoketi be!, etc., ai Holi- day Bras. Thtetiaugistera of thé churcis aremakin arrangements for their gardén party vbich vil be belt i au M. D. White's on the s6t ista. TIse Kickapoo's pitchedti ieir ténts hene an Tuéstiay anti gavethieir first enteriainmeîst thai evening ta a large cnowd. Tbty inténti ta ré- main for ten days. Rev. 0. R. Lambly, D. D., preacbed his first serm~oîninbe methodjist cburcti on Sunday to large congregations. He hba aready created a very favorable impression. Mr. John Radford, minister at Ashburn, preached in the presbyteuian church bere ou Sunday last. The topic of bis sermon vas, Progress la the Christian life. The congréga- tian very rnucb enjoyed his carefully prepared discourse. Mr. I. R. Eddy, af Clarernont, bas been engageci as pritcipal of the Brooklin scbool, bis duties ta commence in September. He us recog- nized as being one af the very best teachers in tbe county and we are mach pleased to know ihat aur schools is ta bave the benefit of -bis instruction. Miss Galloway has resigned ber position as teacher of the junior departrnent of the public school here and there wili îhup bc a new teacher in bath rooms wben school re-opens. Miss Galloway bas bad a very full raoin ever since cornîng bere, the average att.ends.nce boing over sîxty, and her tosit bas been na easy one, but she bas attended ta ber dutues fatbflilly and bas been q une auccestul. She left for ber home near U xbridge an Friday evening. Farmers are n ,w generally busy handiing the hay crop. la conversation wîth tbem I have faund a few who report tbe crop as good or fair, but the most of it îr pretîy ligbt. Not a 1ew dlaim that there "I be a greteT scarcity of this class of fadder next winter thaa there vas last. Other growing craps in this section are looking very well and the prospect is gaod. A cammittee compased of representatives fre m the baptist. metbadist and presbyterian -Sunday scbools met an Monday evening tu. make arrangements for the annuai pîçnic. Ji bas been decided to hold ît near borne this year and it la expected that Francis' grave wiii hé tbe spot selected. Truesday tbe 7tb inst . t the date. Ail frienda af the Sunday achoola are invited ta attend and belp to make the picnic a pleasant succesa. The bout for assernbling us i p. m. Last Frlday evening the new pastor af tbe metbodist cbuirch and bis vif e were given a warm weicome by tht members of the congrégation and other friends vbo basi gathéred ln large nurnbers ln thse scbool roons for thst purpose. Rev. T. W. Leggott carne over from Clarérnont for the occarion and actéd as charman. The programme consisîed of readings, singing and addresses. After n hbad heén disposed of ne- freshrents vert served. W. A. B. OUT & CO., grain buyera BRZALL, 8 IL- issuer af Mariag. Lloenhs. Reiesdenai opposite Tovzi Hal, BrookLWn. W A MONuxxLT, D V S.--Grduste of the On- tarua Vetertna.ry Coliege, Toronto; Bonorary meniber of te Ontaria Mediosbi Society. Treata ail diseases of the domestlcsesd animales by the m ast app>roved met1tod. Aima particular attention turica prations and dontiotry.* Day or night cails promptly attended to. OffIce and residence BrodeUin, ontario. B. Duncan, merchant tailor, bas secured the agency for the Oshawa Steam Laundry. Laundry wiii leave bis sbop on Thursday rnorning. and wil hée returned on Saturday. Ail work guananteed satisitactory. Hastings & Manners, Osawa Steam Laundry.-22-tf. Vhon yin viii SCYTHES, SNATHS, S FORKS, HOES, ~~' RAKES, SHOVELS, al kinks of Staple Hardware, we are prepared to su-pply them -at ROC K BoTTOM PRIcEs.- A16WAYS in STOCK --- Machine Oil, ' Axle Grease, Castor Oil for buggies. _goSPECIAL PRICES ON SUGARS IgMIo Cash Custocsers, cilher in barrel ;M-lots or- sialler quantities. For tise convenience of our farier friends we will be open for business at 6.45 a. ns. during the montha of Juiy and Auguat. Store closes t 7 O'cloCk, sharp, eacis Tues. DAY and TMnuitsDAY evéuings. DFUDmai WUU %fsElford of Rnilsa s hln ut Mi jobn JaclroWs. Missl Yonof Uxbidge I& -a -isita &»t Win Redmà nans ibswoh. Mraud*hie" oe -d ,M ýWigma &avldku à £ef L;Gaitsaý i 100,0001 and BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. OHN CowAN, EsQ., President RFLVB E N S. H AMLI N, EsQ., Vice- Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN,- - - Cashier. General Banking Business tranato. Drafts issued, payable in ail parts of Can- ada, United States, aud ou London, Eng- ]and, payable in ail parts of Europe. 3%~ Pet cent. aiiowed on Savings Bank Deposits anid credited haîf yearly. Special attention to collection of Farmerir' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Wiitby Braucis. Strayed. %Ik F ram the pmrmim tes itéudtind o-a COu, 9, Darlingion, a bay rdter fihy, 'Iwo years aid; bas visite star lu farebead. Hdad baliter on wiseu last see nAy Ilufohnatlon eCo. cerýqing the whéreaboua ib tis animai viii ho tbatt5fufly receved bNIDEY June 9ih, 1896.-a8-411. EnfieId. Ot. WANTED-dt&$ and oilgsa engage wiîis us duri«-mg-actiob, aut gue- thing entireiy ne*; C= s ay sbb8 $200 for the (tull terMI. SCË5 b&vltjK ated during vacutloê, bave nsfe étitly on our staff, to thair pttmM ,i Borne have. an odefrtu4 DDO t 4lt until you -ls"Dout l -il 8114 bs s COst uotbIug' Addr81g- TUE %RADLE-ViG x , sI$ô U. . 8ay8 tuami41($ conveution ta hé iséld in Toronto. 1Julix6 and 17. Thé S. S. excursion ta Pléasant Poiut camne off on Tuesdsy. and ln evéry way hitv&3 a great success; rnany words of praise are given con. ceruiug h. Thé day was ,ailtis could have been desired. About one bundred and forty îook advantago of the trip. Some ltie amuse- ment vas occasioned ai Uudsay by four of aur ,young men and tva young ladies éugaglug in a foot race which bad not been aunoupced. Four bours vert véry pleasantiy spent aitisbe point, during vbicb tirne games andi races weré indîilg- éd lu. Rév J W Tpîîeu of Là ndsay, touducteti an open air service wbich vas thorougbly enjoy. éd by al. The day was one of gréai einjoy- ment, and w trust tisati may bé a permaneut An adjourned meeting afthe court of revislou for tht township of Scugog vas iselti lune a7ih:. laIaIudlandsvwaataken up; Mr. Batemnan, lIn- dian agent, produoed a lette frons tise Indian Departrnent, Ottawa, siating that lu ibis cas tise tenants vere not liable t o i axed by tise rnunicipaity. Tise appeai vas dasmlpéd5sand thse assessunent rail passed as finally reviseti. No, acres assessed 925J acres cieuréti 7330, assesetivalue $P88.755,010 roSI PropeuiY Or income assessed, population 5o3.sn.of cmule 7016. shtelp 477. bogs s38, horses 36a1. doRs 46, hutchés 4, acres af vooti land 5x3%, svansp, rnarsh,,sud vasb landti ýQ orchard andi garden iafalviseat 3o4kW. flse counci mes after court of reviston ; mem- bers a&U présent. Three bdis for shovélhgso arnoutiug ta 83 vas passed and orderd ta ho pali. On motion the folloviag bis for cedar vasaorderédto be paid: Mr. Jefftreyz25; Mir. Fay c; andi Mr. Piatten $6. On motion of Mr. k; ant l os». Stephenson wva alovéti $225 for sbovelling snov On motion of Mr. Aildreti $5 vas granied to repair théebhlkuovu as Pettet'a bill, and J. Stepnenson appoinieti cam- missieuer ta expenti tht am, n motion of Mr. Alldred the assessrnent roll as reviseti andi passéd by tise court ai révision was adopted as the rall for z896. On motion of Mr. Bryant a by-iav vas introdaceti and passedti t authorize the reeve andi treasurér 10 taise funes by tempor. ar' laan ta psy the ortiînary expeuditwes ofa the corporation until thé taxes are collecied. On motion ai Mr. Crotier ihé council adjouruéti un- tii thé last Saturday in Augusi next. ÀAUDLECY. Miss MadulI Sundayed in aur mudst, Mim Walîers bas returneti frorn ber visit to tise Cty. A tee' frais, bere attended thé tovn lhue gat- dien parsy. Miss Minuit Bray and Miss Elliott spent a fév days in Taronta recéntly. Dr. Waltérs andti tv others vbeeied dowu on Saturday, but îhey disableti their wbeels and had ta hé drives borne. Béttér iuck next tîmé. Schools cioseti for vacation on Tueday night. Our teachers nov vill taire their vol éarned tests. Several pupils are trying tise entrance Dov. Edvard Mcflrady, ta our véat, bas been laid off vitb aicknéss of a severe branchial nature for tva or uté vééwks. We, as veli as bis many friénda, loak for bis return tw heaitb. Sevérai af tise friendsansd relations of Mms Grahamn weré here on Sunday ta set ber. She bas hved ta a gooti olti age sud« bas at laat reachad tise fial batti gronnd. Her deatis is bourly txpeted. Mus. Graham passidavay on Mondsye e- ing ver peacefully. Shé bas rtached an adi- vancedi age sud bas been kuovu toalal as a gooti aid mother. Her many frienda mmcnd ouita foflov thé remaits ta thé last resisg place. Those students wba, fram hera, have beén ai- tendung thé collegiatue ai Wbltby, bave returueti ta théir bhanes toawaait the coerng exaums We bave no daubi but tisaitbey viii meet vitis suc- ceas. Thése studentR ail regret tisai Mr. Tam- blyn, tisé principal, is ta départ. He bas beén foundt ta h a tisorougis entleman, sboviug par. tiaity ta noné. Ih sems bis accusers béas upon tisese points particularly. Wé believe duietsu- tagonism is due ta bis strict bonesty ai purpose lu sboving favors ta- noue. Mn. Tamblyn viii live in tise.béarts ai the boys as iheir frienti. - GIUEENWOD Misa Lena Gibson is visiting friends lu tise city tisis week. Miss Etta Gée of Toronto, Suudayed uder tise parental roof. Mr Dan McGaffen is thé gueà t ai Mr. Jno Shue for a fev days. .TOWN LIUE Saom of.our yaung peopleé spent theise tBt Cluremont Old Mr, Wray is visitlng f rientin Columbus and viciniy. Mes. Lemnon. of Toronto, spent a week visit- iug ber fnient, Mma Bath. Mms.Kemuptisotuaund E.dith spent 1am Satur- fday ai Osisva wltb relatives. iMis Webb and dangbter, Hanuais, art bots confined to tiseh beds by sickutas. Mis. BRu isalviispenti a fév Ueekss vus ber sisteri-l-itu, Mrs. Chas. Kemptborn. Oea. sud' Ida Lot spéni Dominion Day ai Geeephak, atisnlg thé unuivensamy. Me. sud Mr& Lee, ao f si Whhtby, veRUei. lug au Mn., MatWsas Mackey's, ibis veek. Miss CoabveiloaiBroakiluls spéuding -a 1ev tisys wvu ber cousina, Albet andtIwUzie Coakvell. Mrs Walter MoGregfor vas lu Oshsawa visinlg be Sisterg, Wa hléy ho la véry. lU vus eryipéisa Thé gudeisarty helti at Mr. Johnu Davey's lms weefteus a decideti succesa. Net praceeti& bolug ln thé neigbborhoo i $25. Nexi Tuesday evew ~tise society Oi E L. Of CE. viiieleét dtiér 0ac:nrsanthée1mai hall of ibis year. A fuil aiioedaue is desiréti. It is exPeceti theubés viiiay mare tissu ont egg a day, Soagse nme milk aud grass gnov grteenr sicethe Qeits bave. a chsance. Miss Allie bivOnegar, accampanied hy a frenti viseeleti dowu frauu Toronta anti spent Suuday At ber fatbér's. Bbh i now taking iu aitripto Niagars. Mis. Oea. Davty anti cbild, accapanieti bv Mis. DavtY's sisier, are visiting ai Mi. John Daveys. Mi. Davevs son George éxpects to joîn thein Somn. Mrs, West af Canuington, bas hotu visiting ai ber son's, Mi., A. H. West. Bshe was accoin- panuéti bY Mms A. H-. West's mother frorn the sam eplace. Mr. Wm. Kempuboru, a brother o! C. Kemp- thora, sud Mr. Balsm a brother of Mis Kemp- thora, naie tiovn tram tise ciîy ta léas on coun- try air for itiezat. Fred Davéy seems ta ho gétting quite a répu- tation "an fbot-' as he cornes oui béat or aext béatinl ail tht oot races. We undenstauti hé carne second ou Dominion Day ai the Whibhy Some ao O people veut ta Coebeit's point ou Dominion day ta, béai miss Eva Booth, thé ntv commissonéefor tht Dominion, and wv e él paiti for 96=9g. Miss Baoths centaiuly la a va- M2n "set Of od,( oot.1 Oneé bsienlag ta her vords CAu go froi ber présence anti set feel tisai "ht bath been gooti far me teho ihére 0 0w mastI isgbly estéemeti young fienti, Misa Anaie Rave, ish ouse for ber holiday.. Sisé ai-. river! borne lu lime ta, accompuuy the young peo- pie otbe cir tolaremont. It is really a toast ta see ber familiarface once again. andthie béa prt Ofal isa tisishe is seemingi' se suc- cessf aIlunthé heginning af han vork f t ideed gives us moeljoy. Everyoné, o»I or youug. Gri or Tory, vas eagfer ntursp the baud ai our ex-tesciser, Mr.. Gruaa% aud baié a sisake, sucis a oneé aonly «'Obrcn<svvou.Weéxténti mo ur, SOgbsvote but cn'emi str th1ttébgsm Itjf3,ýs ata besemm that Mem doing se flue the owmig yéar. Rie may ho as sured t tisi e earnesly visis tisat success viii crowu his efforts. Thé methodisi cisurcis hatia bée hast veek drawing brick froin Port Pénry. Neaely Ail thé girls vert ont to thé big noie- br&aiuvu WedneStiay night. Wasn'ît tsere a ig time ? Many af thé farinera have startéti haying. Thé crap appeurs ta ho fatrly gooti as fur us ve bave noiti. Our boys hati a frientily gaineo! football vush the Scagog blazer on. Dominion Day. Thse re- sait vas a victary fonrttevisitors- by 2 goal mo o. 0w nev mail carrier umsdetis i futrtip M, Domiuion Day. If hé data -bis duty as talus- iully anti counteous as tise one ii preceedeti bim the istré v ii h the isit ta, Sud. Holiday vWstors-Miss Anale Thoeuiey, Gréenvooti; Hugis cMlhJsn. Tomoto; Miss Floreie Isur, Uxbrhdge; M=s Fm*nis&stiey, wuthallU theumem 6-rs of yoa dean family. On boisait af youe mauy fnientis. The îwo isantisome easy chairs veretibén pre- seuteti andi Mm aid Mis Ware praceeiedti t peave tbeir mérlîs by séadog ibeinselves, andti t ail appéarasees thse test vas ptrftctly satihime- tory. Mr. Lélici thén, ou besaîf aifmise family, rend a very tentitrly vordtd atidresé vbllé T)of. Ward présenueti bis parents vitS a golti sb=e cane and a golti ring. Mr. Ward repliétia béai hé couli, rtcallng, hn a humorous stnalu, tise event -that happéneti jus: ftfty yearao ia day vb;ethé country vas ne vus butfe the modéra imupavments at ve tiink iluolti ho nexita impossble wû do vithout nov. Short speeches were tisen givén. ail o! a cougmatuiuioey cisanacter anti recailing tise gooti aid days o! yore. Thé speeches vert intémapemseti hy llvely music isy thé S of T orchestra anti vocal. music. By ibis time thé événing hati slippeti by so pleusant- Iy tisat it wus bard te belevé t iluas a midulght, so afier prayen, la whicis thé esO! thé occasion vere commendet wthé cure af Hlm viso vatchés oves ail, tise meeting vas duumisséti asti aU réteti to their homes feeliag that bey bhal sperut a very pleasaut tveniug andi wislagi Mi anti Mes Warti may retuens ai tise anuivers- ary o! théervctiding day. tu addition te tisé aisove meniioncti articles thé folowing vert pie- senieti: glas vates set by Miss Tratigéo, china tgg ce set by Mi. aSt Mn. W Pilkey, books by R Daisson, dlock by Dm sud Mis Park. POKRT FErim T B Gerov, Midlauti, is home for his holi- day. Mis Crowle returneti from Buffalo au Tuesday. Mr andi Fred Hohhis, of Torouto, are guests of Mrs Dr Archer. Mn sud Mrs James Jeett h ave moved back ta Port Perny. There is no place like homse. Mrs Gillespie, Toronto, sud Mn Arthsur Spooner, Sundeérlandi, are guests of Mn D Campbell. Mr sud Mns H G Hutchinson returued home ou Tuesday evening froin heir wed- ding trip. Miss .Lotiie MAcLead, fronst the Cincinnati Jewish hoapital, returned home ibis veek' for ber boludays. This young lady la leain- iug ta hé a prafessionai nurse. -Building operaions are Jsrowsessiut au. L;lees' nev bouse asu jus Cannegie's, nev store an Quéen street Musons aMti carpeuters are makiug gaod headvuy on' hoth buildings.1 Paxton, Taté & Ca. are puttiuginlu a new éngmne iu their iouudIry sud viireumse work lu a fev days. Our fouadry dots a good clas of castons wark snd slip thear' work us fan esius thse Atisutiic sud con tise fas veat ta Britishs Columbia. Dominion day vas -very quiet. ln tovu. mnaxy oatour citizeus golug te cintaide places ta spen th ie day. A goodly number vent dou thé lake fishiug an&ejaoysg thena- selv-es in picuic style. Ses-émut visitas vere uoticed on thé sireéts viso-luaticorne ta ,upeud thé holiday vitis friends lu tovu. Thse différent saclites in -tovu lbait their décoraton services fast Pnliay evéning, Thé members met at thé, towis hall auctpr-; cedéd hy Enfielil brus- banid proceédéilta 'thé - Pissé- Grave uécrepoIs. vise ap'Pro- g~Plte services vent bel os-er evee aie _décorai h rvsolW-d-uswo vert nat mémbemu of assy soet but visase graves were attésîded te. Wor Bras A G Henderson, A M Roma sud. -JW Thomsson rialteti Fideity lotige ' ,&-A-FI andi A M, ounTtsésday eveuing ond lustalld the following afficers : Wor BecHarionj P M ; War Bro, E J Wheeloer, W'M; es,. E D Honiday, S W R G BaiWd, j W; If, Dotzbt, Chap; W Magili. Tréas ;JHBou Seet; B Hitchiso, SD; JSvwan, jD, H McCC,M of C ; CCKelltt, SS; W; Wilso, JS; M WIliham,IG; WA p«ty, Tyler. Afiér thé ceremony v as -Soplçaid saort addresse re deliréýeé&by thé éWst- Ing breibrén sud tbq newly ins0l$edollers' after vhich anad oUrmént vuW ns4ête, thé restaurant vbere réfresbann±swere- served. Lava maa t lady. Our lavu tennsis club veut-ta iUndsoyo DomInion ansd pl "e-wlh théege lie in'stituecubcâf that tovu. #fl±M ga-- ieI ottt4 T b ~o Styles md loy pribi. btrmptà g doueta ordw. spe.t, .8~u W E CLm uX l er sa, t$bm good se=&d bundMaleli.at.ysvlthe Ime, vbeh h. vMi »Hl 0n.P for oasi. eai u d in"fflt thé=« as they ae goo barganu. For the largeest and fi.neet stock of furniture and * lo1weut prie" go to Furnitin'e Co., port ,Perry WJx NOTT 1 veut luto the MusmlY room of Our collegiate instituXe the otbér aftemt)6n. f t was ailer thse pupils and thse fescbéft bad left. 1 am anold ex-pupi1ofUèse.c te and 1 feit more at horne*ti,tbà thé erwro of pastachoo-Sates than. 1 1would lu -thé- Company of thé present papils. Thé Jaiitor and I vrere aloue in thse siooL Tu c 'ws buSfly, dvsting thé das. sco.., Wmmlle Je-z viewed lunsMy mesuory'se eyethé da».-of My- 3ojouru in thé old scbool. 1 vus lu the- xirtb -torm wbeu Mir. TaSblyn beOainoprhncfpo&L 1 vel remember boy strangesdea hars bhis melbods of" t4elu n em4< l contrat vlth those cf bis predceo tr T. uever <d dfor t4- PUPil whatMtépul could do for hiftseif;. and thçlpupfil *ho - pected to hé siuf.d wtlrlzozaic > l teacher, care ned saw, suid Vp8 y stufe d, dthezefioré,- diMsattned. Bt a timé veut buan i-vé eca muoe mç toozed to s,uaa #su0ebôswe4d couvimced that hé -<slà -iehégt-i-le n. efiorts. I ain u'& ýo'"itth mug t 4 atios at thse uili(gsfty, aud I ams pI~.~ attribù nuéuduof.ià neu fà st Prinici Ples-of ~efi1 c~d Tamblyu. .Ifaicy t yeà io bç greatyaugaént*rd t.y cfuuds hlteajhera.old'puJII wtt*~il wbat Cbask-itrw eti hé cesfttai gay bhutbealwiy»su bztçté@iI .pUpllat béat.- Reîla in peéç_ vitbntbdr-aima. and 'do.. _ »Tetý 1 , ti l t m t o c i v i i n ~ l d Thé Kîckapoo compauy gave thcfrlaat es- tertaimment be on Monday naght. Dtung their stay of tes days wltb us théy have =oa- ducted thenmeirep asgentlezues, Thés. véere w ivp sgiven avayIoudy lght, oue for- thé hndsomest sd;ýud oip= p lady pI!eseut. bMss PJohnstoss w wipUer o! saune. BiIY Stewart pro"eê ho' hé he worst loôidiug insu. The7 veunt ,*out hoa teaooiu, herthey wIH be. locatod, t" Mr Ch"as VOL@ NOO,