Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1896, p. 5

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lMasseyHar It is Stylishy light, anid fast ; of perfect woskanship and ç,yclomneters, Wa&tch Holders, Silver Name Plates. Trump WatÇh( for tourist use. mc., S. Barnard, VT -11rI-7EB-. osfciai Conty Orga-Larg.st Ciroul ulon of any local pap.r ta Cana"a. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scot, s-spairs alil knds of pumups. Ir- lod's bread, sold only'at Vates',j 5 cents per loaf. The Misses Laing, Toronto, are visitingj lIrsý Lawler's. Take steamer Euryc'ice for Toronto moi day next. OnlY 40 cents. a- NetudY e*nlug theR. tr., ome- K EL. Iag-ill ueah lu tue tabernace oncrit tun unlty. i! Imesss1 IPaquette and WBa -1f 1tige ovplayed lacs-osae vfth orhàwi aazas- Bownuvs-îe on Dominilon day. Thousands of poapie vWsted Cosbett's Point Dominion tiay. Atuong the lot vas an excuriruon fs-arn Tor-onto. The P'rôvinclîConvenition of the Ontarljî Bsaucb cf th. Dominion Alliance viii take place at Toronto j uly 16 and z1tb. The buckle factas-y aud the -Beavct-s lad a base ball match on 8aus-day. The play vas Dol 2ba nd vas ses-y even, the buckle mcn vifniuby12 t s11. Important changes bave been made ln the seguatios respccting th. bigh school en- trance sud publie uchool heavsing examina- dions. The percentages arc thecsanme as bltes-to but t he entrauce board Mnay nov secammend a candidate vbo doeà Dot make one-third in each subject lu tb. Ieavlng as ln thé Cuis-suc., vhlcb bas not been tbe case. Caudidatep vbo maire one foui tb of the marks ou eacb subjcct of the leaving s1111 pass bbceculs-anc.. The declajon of the en- bsanc. board la nov final, ltes-e belng s-o appeal to tbe Ontarilo educatlon depastment, but tbe public scbooh Inspector may maire enquis-les loto any conaplaint made 10 hlm regas-dlng elîher aiy or severity on the part of any board in bis laspectos-ate. The Gazette was la a terrible vay hast veek about the butin! of young Gollen, vbo was fouud dead on the salvay track. On enquis-y ve feund it was going te> cost the tovi about Si2 and the county about $zoo. The man appears t0 have been killed vhihaî takang a free ride on the sailvay, and vas enly entitled le> a paupes's funes-aI, vbich corporations usuaîly bruit 10 $4. Some parties who vent 10 semonsal-ste vith the editos- of the Gazette vere told that it vas the Mayor he denired le> gel at, but it so-hnp- pena that the effort vas lost, as Ms-. Till bus-led the man undes os-des-s from Corouer Cas-son, vhereas Ms-. Jobaston had orders (romn the mayos te> bus-y tb. man decentiy. The nimn of tht Gazette being pus-ely mali- cious, ve need not folov the matles- up. Thes-i are sos-ne specimens of humanity vho contre>! nevaspapers and vs-ttc vhat vil! best vent their persona] spleen, without refes-ence le> the facts. They are groving scas-ce, îbank fortune. ce Creana Patio- For the be-st Ice C-enma, Cali aI D athison's, Dundas strcet.-23-tf. l00 pairs of ladies' and children's shoes and slippers at soc. per pair. See the bar-- gains outside the West Side Boot and Shoe Store. Wbltby boys at Pickering At the Firemen's picnic at Pickering on July iat, Arthur Cochrane won the zoo yard* open race, the high jump and vas a tie for second place in the broad jump. He aiso won fisst vith R. Stewart in the three-legged race. Stewart got fisst in the pail race and, third in the zoo yard open race. Garden Party Two large loads and ruany private car- niages from here visited Mr W j Davey's fas-m on Friday night to attend the garden party there. The crowd vas large and all were splendidly provided for. The taber- nacle choir sang some fine selections. but apart Irom those present indulged in what- ever means of enjoymenîtbey pleased. Thei evening vas well spent and much ps-aise vas1 awas-ded the Davey's and other friends whoà cars-led out the afiair.1 at Mý m-1 Mr- and Ms-s Hepburn, of Rockfos-d, Ili parents of Ms-s A M Rosa, are bere visiting titeir relatives bere and at-Columnbus. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, plusb,1 with tsilk plush bands, for 832, worthj4.5 a Wx.T i 1I'. The cc'ngregation of the methodist taber- nacle propose having a garden party on the college grounds on Wednesda y a fternoon inni, July Sth. There will be gamnes on the Iawn, and refreshments in the gymnnasium, and music by the orchestra. The admission wil be 2o cents, and ail are invitcd to at- tend. Oh for Muskoka, Mackinaw, seaside, antoba, E.urope,.ail United States, B. C. aid Canadian points, anyvbere, eves-y- wh-sr, by boat. rail or ocean. Rates guar- anîs-ed rtght. Tibrough tiIékets seading fsom Pickering, Toronto Myrtie, Brooklin or Whilby. Write or sec Stephenson, Whitby before traveling. Choice of ail routes and i0 bs-st ocean lines. Also gel Stephenson 'a round trip tickets to " Manitoba points" To Day'!1 Ice e-ana, cakes, boiled bain, at Yates'. The bsst Anthracite coai. Nrt, stove, egg, $475; No. 2 nut, $4; at yard. J. H. Downy & Co., opposite post offi ct- Basgains. ;r-o pairs of ladies' and chi!dren's shoes and slippers ai 5oc. per pais-. Sec the bas-- gains outside the West Side Boot and Shoe Store-. Photographs. NIr W E O'Brien. photographe-, Oshawa, bas cecided te> offer a bonus of relus-n (are on the Oshawa staîge 10 ai! pensons going to Oshawa by thât route and os-desing s3 vos-th of wos-k os- mos-e. He is gettin1g up a disphay of his latest vos-k, which vi! be on exhibi- tion here in a fev days, either in the post officte or one of bhe ds-ug stores. H. la doing sorne grand vos-k by Pew methode. A Great Temperanc. mi. The editos- of the Tempes-anc. Record and seretarv of the National Tempes-anc. League of Great Bs-halo, Ms-. Robes-t Ra., caled upon Lavyer Grcenwood on Friday last. %Ir. Rae had met Ms-. T. H. Green- wood, B. A., one of the boys (rom ous- îown, inz London, and just before sailing for Can- ada had prumised to sec Ms-s. Greenvood and tell her hov ber son vas ps-ogsessing. He says Tom is doing wel!, much bettes- tIbm anyone mighir expect. Ms-. Ra. lsaa vîgorous man of sevcnty. Hlm kindly face and rneltov voie. wins yous- confidence at once. He la a Iifelong tempes-ance wos-kes-. Sirce hîs sixteenth yens- he has given bis life 10 the tempes-ance cause, and nov In the de- cline of his life he la juat as enthusiastic f- the cause as he eves- vas. Mr. Rais is in thc front tank of vos-bers in the teniperance Cuse, and in Great Bitaîn bis naine and .Worlc are knovn eves-yvbese. Hiastaay in town was ashos-t, lie eft in the afternoon fî~r Toronto; but i la, just possible that b. Miay relus-n te> our tovn lu the near future and spend a fev days vitb Lavyes- Green- Wood. beath of Geo. Brown. An old resident of tbis tovn passed avay Ont Saîurday night in thc person of Mr. Geo. Es-Own0 He bas for smre months been the IvtCtm of cancer, tbe centre of the malady beng located in bis throst. Fortwomntu Past he bas suffered a pe«Ît- demiltcom:vhiebw was Added the agony of slow starvation, to lebich cause bis' deatir mnt realJy lie atîrzbuted George Bmeon vas borea t '-itlaw Ab eeho-atmrod e '%aCnaàa i e50.s-,$M SMtlad1,utn Whitby, at vhat vas then *&W ahldStterfle1d' Corners, but ienDovw Itovn as 3àà axvewll'q neas- Taunton. Deoeàwâa blâck"smhb,, adstasted business tbeInuthift Une. Abou t ten yeassInter-lie ca "meU> Wht -aind tobcharge o0' a bIa<cksltb a.11 0;' âfs-. John Keitb, now of Tolrmoo IIPT O .a1 sue>exactly . Ms-: lhMr. td bBrovn & attodrI * jty ltrayror Ivo a e4t4 w pmasî-f th Yeight.f ~luhbé tilen h. bus autiJ h ôojr6>f l Brown, armop ! Squal Rlghts meeting. The town Equal Righters held a meeting on Monday cighî 10 consider the resuits oi the election. Hon. J. H. Long presided. The president said he had flot yct bad suffi. cient time to look int the election returns, and could not say bow -the cause stands. McCarty vill sit in tvo seats in parliament. and wîll b. able to speak twicé and vote twice on ail questions, hi short the counetryr believes McCarty bas as much brains as any other two men in the bouse, so il gives hlm two seats. When he wants to be absent a day he canp air off with hîmacîlt. The party has suffered a great Ioss through the~ defeat of Col. O'Brien, but wben McCas-ty is called to power a seat wifl b. provided for hlm. Stubbs we stiil have vith uis. We couldn't do witbout Stubbe. He will have to b. botb horse and hounda ini McCarty's chas. nov. Clark Wallace bas no job nor party nov, and ve wiil have to taire hinm in, 1 suppose. He bas a ratizer elim majority to commence wîth, but with the prestige of Our partv to back hlil vt il! grow. Manitoba ln botznd to b. coerced. Nothing * else vil! do these nos-wcsterners. Wbile these fellows ini the nos-vent la bound to b. coerced Quebec z, bound they sbanet b. coerced. And the Quebec people la appealing to Rome Dot to let the Manitoba people bave coes-cion, and McCarty viii also write to, Rome using bis strong influence to make lt certain that se parate schools ls fot to b. foisted upon the Manîtoba»,. I don't knovwbwat to say about my friend Mr. Bur-xett. He li an Eq ual Righteî ailsigbt, but bas flot declared unswervDg support of Dalton McCarîy. Il shahl certainiy b. a candidate to oppose himn next election if he goca back on equal rights. That's vbat inm infavor of. I amn sors-y Mr-. Smith ta defeated, but mien wbo la not equal s-lghtes-s must go to the Wall. Mr. Bus-nett ad better take varning-tbat's my advice to hlm. On resuming business A. Sharrard said that the eleetion bad been a bitter one to bim inasmucb as h. hlad been fos-ced to taire the oatb before Mitng. To beiong to the equal riglits party meant to b. persecuted. Ms-. Long said lie bad m gai of comfort for Mr. Shartýard.,The. Whitby postoffice vould b. placed lu bts keeping by the new regime. It bad aiso been decided to band 'the customsnas 'fice over 10o Iraà B. Creter. If any othe- member vante anytbing nov la bIs time to state biswisbus. Mr. jjVoods-uff satid le bad looked Codfident- ly (os-yard to hear bis naine mentioned in connection v1tb nome'lan ePublic InStitu- tion, but thoiugli bis -bearlng tlà veryrgood lie bas not been abile to, catch a word about au office for hinisei. Ts President, said b. could asure .Mr .Woodruff that lita aime -wiLb. enaect1ýed th tarapulblcIntta W B Prinigle & Co, have reduced btcepn'ce of their choace Ames-ican aeed corti, aud are selliiu iota of h. Ents-anc. examnation. Ents-ance examinations are nov geiug on. There as-e 82 candidates and 12 for public scbool leaving wsiing aI the collegiate. Blader twine. Thon. desîs-ous of using the bent binder Ivine made vilI do weli te> cali on Ms-. J. H. Long and see thc celebratcd Central Prison tvine tînt be bas for sale. Ms-. Long e>uiy baud!., fis-st clans goods. This fact couphed with the reputation of Ibis cord insus-e eves-yone satisfaction who pus-chane ts-om Ms-. Long. Negatives for sit years. Ms- W E O'Bries-, photographes-, Oshava, bas al bis eld negatives made les-e duriug tbe last tvelve yens-s, and a duplcate os-des for pas-ics or their deceased frienda. He has phaced somne of bus latest vos-k on exhbition la th. east vindov of Allin's drug store~. He pays stage farer 10 Oshawa fot ail parties vbo give os-des-s for wos-k amou.nting 10at ew nt $y Dad Mr.bewMurhy Dea y,01te ouhwa Ms- Mthe Mrpn, thehe s o omnoth yard, dasied n thfemringfof oetmniofngy. sH base beenh sulin for inmeotestiong ad ense vhisceh ulinad wcasîlon nnd causdwbri deai e aead sauoe wt, hrd-vo-knmaire t(as-r, anod onevbo H tsadte oakericvosIred, oashl e vas Canativeot K erisl, and hchae ien Caet nad ab o4 ea-,3oohibbv Ten spnt inIbis e>v The Wabab s-alîay, vith its superb and magnificeat train service, ta nov acknov. ledged by Is-avelers to b. the mont perfect railwy systena on Ibis continent; ail l t cars as-e of bb latent and 'best designs. New daily sleeping cas- lin., betveen Detroit, la- dianapolis and Lotalvihle, via t-h. Wabash Peansylvania short 1 lin.. Study ous- map, and ask any ticket agent for folders and tickets of tbis great s-ailway, os-J. A. Rich- ardson, Canadian Passenge- agent. North- eat corne- King and Yonge Street, Tos-onto. Ha-sy Westgate kMied. Word reached ber. yesterday morn hy belephone that Henasy Westgateha beeu killed by a railvay train iast night between Lives-pool nmarket and Picker-ing. The particulars o>f the accident have not becu fnlly sent lu, but we ondes-stand thc finding of Westgate's dend body an-d tuat of ais horstela a&l that there is about l.Ms-. Vestgage vas one of bbc ieading men of the township of Picker-ing, and vras depuîy reeve seves-al yens. He vas n mnember of the Masonic os-des-,nd vas returning from a odgje meeting at Bs-ougham wheu be vas ti a Thos Huts Item. The Lord hals swept the Tories out or this DomWnon vith the besona of destruction, His majesty orpandemonium an among themn dists-acting thear tboughts and setting them at fusther vas-lance witb one another. But they vl trise again. la each province tbey wuli gel together. Fromi this a nev and poverful central organ.zzation vil! b. fotm.. ed, and every effort of mind and body vil! be directed to overths-ov tic Liberai party at ncxl election. These vicked efforts wfii finally trumpb. and for a long time bonest goves-ument vil! again b. tramped under -it W.,Tll",sà T4kut<r ch« 'boô f~ao.fr Ms- GOY Datt"Uei,.Domintion bnk, Toron. t0 was boràe-oss-Sunday wittil*taparents, Hlm Honor aud Mrn Judge Dartuel. Mr asud MssaHG Ilutcheaon, of port P'ers-y, ver. on theis- retsun fs-=u a tri donthe st. Larence, tiie guesta tht week of vr utssAnes. The anI &S- plcnic Of the Wbitby baPtiet chus-cii yul b. eld ot Ronebauk on Prxiday, JUI uzthi. Th. train viii leave the G.T.RPL station, Witiby tovn, at 8.4ILm seturuing viii s-.ach Whitby at &.3o P' m Tickets 3e.sdoc Hot and cold vater may b. adfs-ee upon the grounds. Th, A 0UO il Ecurazon, Arrangements not havlng been comupleted the A.O0. U. W. excursion vili b. postponed ~c.F Gr-- The meîhods Ibat Ibis store aé of the extremely Iow prices for 30 LA D/ES' SPR/NG a Large Sleeves, in Box Cloths S60 LADIES' SUMMERi I I i D)ominion Day Here Fisemens demonstration at the Ontario & Durhamn exhibition grounds on Do- minion day. In Uic basebali competition there were three teanas ýentered, the Beavers snd the BuckIe f"c- - niai., of Whitby, and the. Royal Oaks, 0f Bownsaz. ville. The. buckle won frona the Royal Oakrs by a score Of 3-2i and frona the Beavers by.a score of uz1*4. The. prize given was 9 sîlver badges valued at Su. Mr A Bugliee umpis-ed. Quarter mile race, open-? IPitz- ges-ald, Toronato, ist. $.5 ; F Davey, Whitby, 2uds $2 ; C C'rew, 3rd. zoo Yard -tace, open -Fitzgerald set, $4 ; Crcv 2Ud, $4. zoo yd rae boys under z6-W HS Shaw sst, $3 ; Jno Bic. 2zd& $i. A proteat vas'entered snd the race declared off it being found that two of the competitors vere oves- age. zoo yadrace, boys under 12-H Bryau sest, Si ; M Murphy 2ud, 5Sc. zoo yard race, girls t2 yra and under-K McCrohau set, Si ; 1 Poley aud, Soc. i mile bicycle race-james Hall, Toronto, sst ; jas Waters, Wbiuy, 2ud ; Dr Dale, Dunliarton, 3vd ; Geo MatW- son, Whltby, 4th. Horse race, gren trot, mile heats-R Gos-mley, Pckerlng, . , iz; jtno Gormley, Pickering, 2, 3, 3 ; W Gould, Whitby, 3. 4. 2 ; Geo Saltes-, Pickes-lng 4,_ Z.,4. Board of Rdueatlou. 'tbe board of educaticzu held a, Spekla meet no Mouday ulght. A letter wus tifing the board that Mrjoe tsB, a STEART WXALTES2 IN DAY.0 kdopted bo vin trade- have proved a great success,_ b rwhich ont* rvares have always been and are sold. iecauge and VeeinSUMMErthJACKET$.50t 9 t$ ah GS:--.ýSATURDAY 0 ONLY-'ý Bot blck nd olos, 130Bx Clotho, Covset Clotho, Tweed and Venetian Twfile, nicely trimmed, and ail new thiesBeason, at ONE-H:ÂLF Regular Price., on Men'8 Ready-made Tweed and Black Wort8ed &11t8. Men's Black Worsted Suits, regular price.$18 00, Men's Fawn and Brown Mix Tweed Suits, reg. pie .1,0 Men's Mi Wool EHaifax Tweed Suite, in brovu,geyai1 j reg. pIeê5~ - Complete New Stock Men's, Youtbe' and ChildrensSRWBTa exceptidnally 10w prices. W., G. WALTERS, _ D TURJI? -Whjtb ChamionSwede, Cyde 8-wede," kiings mm. Tea"d Gre Wsaleof ea àn[ôsièry,à oottou5 th é9 ad smrFu le pinHe£pisfr B o tter _q u t ib otter p ri ce . I w y. 4 h l w u - Kew white spot Mualinjs t te hand sii ale 1 , 20e, 22o sud 250. New Dre a tulns h.,e neWest Dresa Gooda in the miarket, dààoln e W h a t e v e r H a i s a y u w n o w l e w a , v a e t e v r a e t s y e u e y b u * e Seingohnga chp& ap . au dvetsormî h Weastr ehve Ment helpo ail th. others. sue &d d ig. a good reputationwith one deparl. Ordered Clothing a speeialîy. No oe, iuflo*1n caiPPosaibl o uteas ha sv o r 1. yon Will very soon se. elsiUop 4w o r su New BlÃ"uso Silka, in aIlth, very neoffe t q sil st50operlad. efeet a ai 1h.very lovest prices. Se. our blaok sud v Beatiful Lustre6 si onIy 40 cent. ,>nar& Bee them. Miliney I ~er loes pre.. Fnewhite 8ltraW Saiors at only 800 trimxned. Black the. same. AR, Millinry ai very loweul Prices, lethe best sud most <sahionable goods. - N e w L a e C u r ta in s , (a p ets, L n e n s , e e h c o e p i o . o u 0Ïae O r ai s o ' a l t s Our Fringe Opaque Wiztdoeý Shsdes, complet. ihspigtolr ,a ny5%5e CuPlain sades, mt.,n 0. Ordrs aitn fr ay szedShdesu style of Trimmingg ai very loveet prices. Your money returned winglY if yen are Dot satisfied vith anylhing you buy ah this store. CAPES» a ce 1 1 1 il- 1 - a 1 1 ýj es r i 1 1 1 72 WAI:IT@ 1 1 1 1

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