Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1896, p. 6

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£3 ~ [ilit çfioe a W so~ud yard - 4upmeo~ ~yky, ciotof ti %j>eoials»obd off W koep W" itove 4h. anurohistu. H. Wairoew il docuent4vhe liwuasinterruplet b ii entrance of Ivo of hie prin 1 alsbordinatee4 Detective 8ergeant MIUMga and Mages. They b.d coi to inquirs if ho had any orders to gim thein before they left the Yard foi Uic night. S"Ah, boys," said the Inspector looking up, III wus just going to sen< for you."1 ~'Mo work, air 7" asked Mulligan. «"Aye, and hot work, too," answer. ed the inspector, with a signifloont shake of hie head. "I have just re- ceivsd word froin Vhe French police that Lucien Miasme, Louis floche and Jean Lerat, who disappearsd f roir Parie some weeks ago, are reported tc be iLondon." "Miasme, Roche and Lerat," re- peated Mulligan, thoughtfully. "They are the fellow8 who were tried for that Notre Dame, arent they 1" "'Yes, and who shouid have been ihanged for it," replied the inspector. "The chnrch was fuil of people- vomen and children chiefly - and scores of them were killed or injured. One family-the Comte De La Targe and hie wife and two daughtrs-who were sitting juet where the bomb ex- ploded, vers simply wiped out, I be- lieve at tis [moment tiat the only re- ppeentative of the De La Targe fain- ilý existing is the son, who, at the time of the outrage, and nov, for al I know, vas serving with hies regiment in Siamn."' "If that son ever meets Miasme, Roc he and Lerat thers'l1 be trouble, 1 expect,">1vas Mulligan'a comment. "Yes;- it vas reported in the French papers that when ho, heard of the result of the trial he swore he woùld have the blood of hie mothers murderers yet. 1 dgre say, however, heoo n cooled down. Ât u.ny rate, ho;, has made n.o move, and that's moyen months ago. But to business. The, French police tell me that MiA.sme, Boahe and Lerat are said Vo belm.ere for the purpose of committing buPges in revenge for our surrender- ing that ruffian Marquis. They say, too.,,'that they are weil supplisd vith znooey' though where it comes f rom is a rnystery. If that's the case, the sooner oe.get on their track the bet- -ter.') The inspector paussd for a moment and seme.rhd among the papers on hie desk. Thon h. handed Vo ths detec- tives several photogrphs. "&These," h. said, "are portraits of three ruffians taken when they were in prison in Paris. Look at thein vell, and ses that you don't forget the rascals' faces." The two detectives examined the Photographe closely. An anxious and prolonged consultation followed. And 1he i-v . e -e miniht- asfa Mulligan, however, quickly pulled .limseif together. "ý9The anmarchiste, by heavons 1"' ho cried. "tCorne Tom, vo may catch' the scoandrels yet." Withont an ini. stant's hsit.ation the two in dashed off at breàakneok speed along the sin- bankmnt to'ward the spot where the exrplsion liad taken place.é As they nearo it thsy lackpned their pao. and kept a mhe.sp lookout go $baa, uiothing might esçape them ii'he darkn.u, A scnd laVer tiiey --ob.. served a dark mas Iying huddedý up on tii. pavement4.Ti approachec the object waÎ1Y.iy. b vs lte bodido a man. -A - omgat/s cxvsmizttion iâhowed theinm ~ tlia4 bJdM e bY the. exploiom ' Rbs r4gt .rz' w bk)1mu simpjly b fragMeÈntf, acf:I id 1e, vas a bliu suo ,xsi an éie sd coms.n a 4112.biýà bhad been repwr.dby, JetO paasng among pz ,:iatiiisixie Sthe. name-sm medmidoubb-of La ' Revanche. Tus person w"a, report o obe a man of1 mre weaItb, and ut t he sanie iine a skilled -chemint, and hoe vas devoting both hie lime and money Vo the cause of anarchiam. Rie appeared Vo ho known personally Vo few of the brethren-indeed, for pur. pose of safety hie xixed littie with -thein, living i-n çmall rooms i-n thp t West End of London, viiere ho pre- -pared hie bombs, and meeting profes- 0sed anarchiste only from time tVo time 1 in order Vo plan outragesan<d provide 1them with Vhe meant of carrying them out. Miasme, Loi-at and ths laVe Roche were hie e8pecial intimates and hie chosen instrumentis for affecting b i-s malignant purposes-in fact1 bie Lhad created soins jealousy in anar- chiet circles by refusing Vo place con- fidence iii any others but those. The communication concluded by mtting that the misadventure by which LoIuis Roche had lost hie life b.d not i-n ths slightest degree discouraged La Revanche and bis associates, and that >another atteffipt at outrage xnight be expected at any moment. According Vo Vhs rumore circulating among Vhe militant anarchiste in Paris, this would probably take Vhe forin of an explosion at Woolwich Arsenal, or at soms of Vhs government dockyards. On reCeiving this communication Inspector Murphy had another con- sultation wit.h hid subordinates. "Thtis," said Mages, viien Vhe In- spector had stated ths effect of the Fresnch police's communication, IlVhs te a newv developinent in anarchisi- the gentleman anarchit." I Ivas thinking, " said Mulligan,j "that viien, we're fortunate snough Vo trace Miasme and Lerat, vs shouldi noV arriest hem-only shadov thein. La Revanche muet meet theinoine tims or other, and viien hoe dos w( could shadov hi-m until vs disveover vhere hie bomb factory je, thon ve might catch Vhs lot." The inepector lay back in hie chair and rsfieoted. Whi-le hoe vas doing sa a meseenger entered the room and handed hum a tolegra.n.le tore the envelope open and glaced at the mes- sage. Thon lhe vbistle-d. "lBy Jove!'; lie exclaimed; they are going it.i Juet isten 1"q ««'oTSmouTH. 11.20 p. m.-Ex- Ploion i-n harbor. No injury Vo per- son or property. No tracs of perpet- rator of outrage. Send officer Vo in- vestigate.'3 "What do you think of that '1 "I.ooks li-ko another bungle," saidi Mulligan quistly. "«Faith it dos," ansvered Vhs In- spoctor, "Ibut it may put us on the track of the, rascals. Mulligan, start you by ths firet train and mdlkesearch- Muli-gan drew the.-conclusion that Miasme had made an attempt to blov up the dockyard or Vhseshi-pping in Portsnouth harbor, andhad perished by Vhs premature explosion of Vhs bomb. And this onclusinvas shortly afterward confii.mu'd by advices from thé French police. Thsse vere to ths effiwt thal ai»ong Paris anar- chistit wuastad that the dockyard vaslb th eèt o altack, sund tl.t ahi..the attempt. vas made, Miaam la- Revinche -nd bis s*-i asa&bom»b_ msAker, ýbu1tJa ah.io12ui sami cnrvdin' epite of hMg auo, iv.f mt~ mb~jplton. >' TsUhiii ~-tha$hi h. vs Il m~0rS.ftj ~ilpsriebW ~ve -~roe4 aftsr hi-m. lei "Hlo1"c-ed Inspecter Murphy vite-b.ho d ad V hs nm -î%hýhi-rd falur. bua- been tee rnuc$ for thein, MâtLa Revanche i-s nov Vo ho blovn up hi-»IeL More power ho their el- bow, 1 aay." elgrsve road," maid Mulligan; "thWt> where h. hung out, apparently. S3urely with imnh a etrai-ght i-p as that we sbould b. fools if vo failed to lay bande on hi-m. Half an heour Inter Vhs Ivo detect- ives vers in Beigrave road searching for Vhs lodgingsof Vhe mni-sing M.La Ravanche. They ,moon discovored thora, too, hough Vhs naine he had passed under vith hie landlady vas noV La Revanche, but Montagnard. The lady gave a very particular de- scription of hum,, and stated that thej cab vhich tock away hi-m and bis lug- gage vent Vo Victoria. Rie b.d not taken &Il hie luggage, and vhat he left b:ehi-nd demonstrated. hi-e idntity with La Revanche. It consisted of several uncharged bombe, a large bottle of sul- phuric acîd and Vhs materials for coin- poundixig an explosive povder of great etrength. Evidently lie had left in a hum7y. To Mufi-gan vas deligs.ted the duty of traaing Vhs nieaing mnan. The task vas no easy one, and for moi-e than a month his reports vere noV altogether satisfactory. Ro b.d traoed La Re- vanche Vo Paris, but- there for a long tins ho cornpletely Iost sight of him. One mcmring, just after Inspector Murphy b.d readhed his office at the "Yard," Vhs door opened and i-n walk- ed Detective Sergeant Muligan. Thoughi entirely unexpecteci ho vas re- oeived by Vhs Inspector vithout the eliglitest indication of surprise. "lWell, vhat's up nov 1 " Murphy asked, i-n hie quiotest va7. &«Oh, V've fixished the job, si-r," me- plied Mulli-gan. IlFou2nd La Revanche?" asked Murphy. Muiligan nodded bis beaa. 1-Had lin arreeted" asked Mur- phy. Mulligan shook bis bead. "Failed Vo establieli hie identityl agked Murphy in a tons of disappoint- ment. "No ; I b.d sons trouble over that," repliod Mulhi-gan,, "but i-n the end ho admitted it himeof." ".,ýdmitted i-t himef V' cried tbe inspector. -And pray, vhy dld Vhs French Governinent refuse to ai-iest hi-m? l"Because he's Vhs young Comte de tvo sisters .vere murdsred by- Roche & Co. at the Notre Dame explosion. The ispector looked steadily at bis subordiniate for a inoihent ; Vhen ho vhistled Vo melieve bis feelings. "cWhat are they going Vo do vitb hi-r 'F" ho thon asked. "Decorate him and send hlm back Vo his regiment i-n Siym," was the an- swer. Ilve som< nearly ar, labors to after a tit faces are, persons Il even afte made cal In this stf, Iy aid natü 1with'ý .Hn ohsupAf sthe hyp4l the nerv -wetghti -begîns, s neyer, nes' wben girdled id 'Nature ever %*4 daga and he ged sur- to Rot bpoeu out. - 1Do.»'é Kidu.y Pille rglt u etreno the Wl &fhdusl ua d eau s $011ov010i araitly as nlght foileviday. W.6 0» aot ailoe,-Obuodreilth , gStof th. tehtmony w. receire, but tii. ollov. img certiflete frein Mr. William Kiirk lu& dhoviso e.mployed wftb lMr. West- lako, tbe vel kDow briokw»asud 00o3 bracor, furuâieevery oouolnmv, *vdl. once as te tb. good offéoesof " sueeel- lent mediclue. lir. Lpd saud, I"I tIi-nk bere il nothing sa goai for kidney trouble a Domi'. Riduey ý Pille. I bave hadl a b.d back tor three pasrs, and muffered from toi. rible pains in bothasideasawell. III vuso t ors Ihat I could hardly'ber te teach imyself, snd vas lileis, ho- leus and &frednesrly a&UthoUie. I suffered a groat des! ritb neuralgà anad dissinese in the bead, -aud eIt se If I was in a stupor Most of the tins. "My appetat. W ase svery poor, aud I d b.aevere cramp a in my legs. Si-no. tsakig DoaWs Kidney Pille whioh I got froin Mr. ei1lia' drug store, Wbitby, Ont.., IanW wonderfally -botter. The pain, crampe, dir.zinesm and stupor are &Il "I enjoy restful sleep, snd my appetite bau retnrned in aIl il's eld-time force. Dean'. Pille have doue me fat more good than I could have expocted lor I hardly believed my case curable. I nov , fe liko a nov man and h t ook just two box es te produce tbus gratifying reeuIt.'1 -FOR SALE BY- J-. mi. WInLLISl Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street, 1 WHITBY. Scrat1ches on Glass. To renove slight scratches heom plate irlass, firet dlean the surface vith a pad of cottes vool ; tIen cover the pad witb sottes velvet,, ebarged vitkifine rouge. This vil net only renove the scratches, but vil also impart a great brilliancy to th. giss, vhioh sahould b, the oljeoî whonevor Vhs clesuing precea i-s puruoed. Glaus .ould b. not only clear, but brîl. liant as veil, and tLie cornes of poiahung. It is important to dust vindo eusl every day after sveeping.the roin, duet. isg net onl1y the glass,buIS "aisui parts of the windov. Tis is especially neces- say i-n viiter, wheuoceal snd duel and gas are sucb a nuisance. Reisf lu Six Hourr-Ditressiug Kid- ney and Bladder Dises.., relievet in mzsi boure, by the. "SoiTR ÀuAm ,ac<KUEY CDRE." This nev remedy is a great eut prise and delight on acunt of ils ex- coeedingpr uipu in relioving pain in the laderkideys bansd every parI of tise nninary passages i-n mile or female. It relievem rotention eof vatet aud Pain i-n paming i-t almout immedi-ste- ly fyen vant quik rief and cur 6hi lamyonr romedy. Sold by J. E. Willis, Whitby.-81-8in. A Fruit Preervmg Table. TIie table le reliablo, and vil b. fouud uaeful at thlu season :- Boil cherries, modsrately, ô minutes,- rsspbertiem 6. blackberriea 6, plum 10, stz4abmries 8horleberries 5, 'lppist, 10, amani gonr pears <vIols> 80, Berlets pesru (haved) 20 Ïpeaches 8,.puehes <vIole) 15, pa!neApple (Oucd lai!au inol d"-c) là, crsb apjl (viiole) 25, sour s2 (qut4 ored10,ri. urruls 6, prapes 10, lomatee 2. Arnount of ugar le quart jar-for cherries 6 eunoes apores4 ah berri-eOst swvberries.8% whortlb"aig 4, qui-ne.. 10, amu montp s(vhele)-81,1 vild grapoe 8,pe»oîaI.. r, Birtett peaus 6, pine&pplos 4. ctb appies 8, plume 8 piepat 0-ipeourranls 8,;sent upples ounes bus ha sudti "brlai to the dhùtion - lamons roua ta Ibï voilai ! of oepa ~Wb of JO*lIes. 4 WUI. q. e. Ooua* ~ oc.ot«a e0 et..0or .foMM -lu le Wbilby. týtfwhby DAiD OR*ÎSf BXTON . A., Âterter -t-w, BoLe u Ghaex Ou0e1user etc. Of Ce - Sml.fice$ Block, 9 rofSret, Bhf tb ., hty DOW & lacGILLJVRAY, Bhrri ters, Solicitors lu Ohançery, etc. Office in Mathion &HBawkcn's nov blook Brook 81.. Whitby, soulh ci Ontarlo bas&. lmUticai. 0r8. Warren 41 Moore, J. 3. Mloore, M. D., P. Warren, M. D. Brooklin. Whitby. Offce houri 9. a. m. fts pivaie Teleptam Commurncalson. D. P. DOGAUT, Me.».,L.D.. Phjmicaa.- Surgeon and Accoucher etc. oiffe andBeidence next te AiM 4aini's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Swrgry Li Uil. branches promrtily attended e Dr. H. Wightman DENTIST. Offce heurs11il arn SOvor &mout&Ganges. Ke" Open every gaturday might. *W. E. Y ARNOLD,9 D. L. B.. 0Oe ySurvoer and Drainage Engineer, P= r P rY, Ont. Wic. CALVEELET, B RAME»M AXIM, WE1TET. Havtmg moved int our nov promuses, va are proparred toexeteud 1h. range cf buuineis AU vearkperbabng ate .harness-masking and sadd.lery business wM ib. don. te satis- fao$Io. Colars a speolaty.. Cal and se, my @hop sud stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door woat of eld shop. Dundas Street, Whliy JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN< ALL KINDS 0F- Lumbez, sblglee,ý 8-8b. D»»MdaaMinas, ?uragas d yret4aWIig. J»w Air orders or information cen bc obtaled fram JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whltby, opposite Mr. A. C. WiI. sSn'gresidence. WhltbY, April 4th, 1894. SIpet sauna in advmce, -olberwie lb. .0".c., mMUelem. The p-bLser (4a# nderlk le liotoverthe,,,por aI s$mt,"sudom ser lins pet lis- oasi sues séusaI " d 6*I o L.opus10 sa1 psWh s 10»31»a19s àp y irl .vellseNieisi muaIb. Iougi-ti netIstr $bu TuàÎa -jorning. vuI à; OMAWv-». O. msedoue% ,Wbiîb7, Ci. Janê4; Feb. 4; March4; April 8. ka74f. JUDeO;3u10 ep8; Oct. 8 ;'Nov. 1 Dec. 8, B uxx-IML Gleeson, Grey,. Olerk.-Jm ath;ô*5;uj Sep. 4; Nov. v f PORT Plxur - J. W. BurnhaiOl PeMr, lerk-Jan. 29; Méarch 9 ;>ia July 20; solp. 28; NOT. 18. Clerk-Jau. 80; March 24; May l9th; u 14; Oet 4; Dec. 16. 15; D«c. 17. BEÂYZTor-Gee. Y. Bruce, Baes Clork-March 26; May 21; Ju]y 16; Oct. 18. Dec, 18. UpTzxoaevi-F J Gilleupieteroa Olerk,-March 27; MAY 22 ; luIY 17 ;Oct. 17 Dec 19. By erder, 1October 7th 1895. . E.FAREWELL - Olerk of thePes, Nev Llvsry ani Sale Stabin Dundas St.,, Whitby, Oomrnercla mon liberally deait vith Teaming cdone st reasonable prices. Freight.- aud Baggae hsuleda stroua, able Pre.AeU oct G. I.RGS DENTIST.- Cor. King & Yonge k3t. Torott& For the neutt Ilrce monthu I arn gi,1u special attention te ptients f rom a dWs. tance. Amn stiulmk plates mn rubbg,, $8, celluloïd #10. Gel0,suddsilver Illi, work crowning by first-elass operators &# th. moit reaonable rates in the c#îty. Wheninuth. oity callinI and lot me exau., ine your leeth.- I make no extra chu:,s O. I. RIGGS, Dentist, south eut corm' King sud Yenge Bts., Toronto. Wu H. WARNER., LAM, AGENT *For the PEOPLEïg GOAL 00., TORONTO. 7ý Office and- Yard just East Uptown Station. Wbitby, Oct. 251h, 1894. A89 >OUR STTIONER -'I MSAÂRTIC *AyertsF al voald like toad<1 t aI o! therS ho Mu, audito gay Uiat 1 St UfIYg0 ansd ai b"=il Ï[It fom ir for Stomaci àM Blier troubles, an! bSSdIabe aused by tà E Alor~ Us Mcafluot bt xw ftlonda ask me 1 romiey or diserders oJ LIver, or B uy Invartable answer Taken ln season thej .old, prevent la grippe. * regulatee-êdgestîve eayto take, and Are the bes &-Sdfamilçjedu( Ave., New York City. AYER'S 1 lfget Awvards lit1 AS OPERATION A SMITH'S FALL_ý GREAT IMPOI' Erysipelas i-n the Face a Runniing Sore-I. ed that only an C Bring Relief-AN Which Made the tion UnÀnecessry. From the Smith's Falls A famous'Gerann - once remarked that t.he mon and vomen vho arý of their scepticîsrn. this remark vas neyer dent than it is to-da, Countless scores of sufe: M aher suifer than use an prescrbed by theu- favor these people, Ferhaps, t] ;Thos. E. Phillips. of may convey a moral. T the story as given by Mi Record reporter :--' 5ev I began to fail in veig 'peite and ersipelas face, and then a rurui out- on my cheek. I cý .physiciaus and they ail ho necessary te remove -bolie. Ail this itime i do any vork and vas su -m*ntàa1 and physical -a -Chanoed Vo read i-n thse -Dr. Williams' Pink Pili otrthen, thinki-ng me no harm anyvay. I One box viien I feit the) 2l Icoýntinued and *boxes ths running sert cônpleelyheaied and tCoctory sd vas avocle. Iregained r -ýa 'iiOnce more possessiný .30 rcmarkàiable vas the nov .consi-der Pink Pi hë io Mî.» li. Phlih sPoçitable and vol-to-do discovei usêe i re i-oies * - r. ý J. T. BJEWPOiRT9 Propriet«. ý WMtby-

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