Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1896, p. 7

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4 J. port Jly *tv Oc-17 il xîome n who ai-e sick because rirSeeCpticisrn. The %wisdoin o f t n merark was never more self-exi[- Iian it is to.-day. There are iticss scores et sufferers who wculd r:urffuler than use any medîcîne not le.riled nv their favorite doctor. To Iî-ipeople. Verhaps, the stoi-v of NMr. Ti.-.. E. Phîllips, ot Smith's Fals. cenvey a moral. The following is 1.1r î-1toiy as given by Mi. Phiilips te a kt- )rd reporter :- -Sev-ciai rears ago c (,ý.n to fail in weight. lest my ap- nanA erysipelas started in my and then a running sore broke 01 111n%,vcheek. I consulted three - ;-.-:ian s and they ail saîd it would .c- essýai-v te remo ve a portion et the r" Ail thîs tîme 1 was unable te e. vwork and was sut ering intense m- ai and physical agoey when 1 ':.iriced te read in the Record about i r\Wilîans' Pink Pis and resolved r - them, thinking they would do m1ýcnon harmn anyway. 1 had not used r-box when 1 teit they were helping E'. 1 continued and afte-r taking 8 t i-the running soi-e on my cheek îmietl ealed and the operation - , e docters said was necessary was à, A'ed. 1 regained my weight and -ýni e more possessing a good appe- t 'x. ln tact I was made a new man - einarkable was the change. We n vcinsider Pick PuIs a household ne'î-siy. Mr-. Phillips was a i-e- -.ý'e-table and well-to-do tai-mer et Wol- t rA î ownship until last spring when ýe -)Id bis tai-m and is new living a i-e- ue1llite ie Smith's Falls. He is ;ti fifty years et age, though looking x-nger, and a lvn witness et the '. 'erful curative preperties centain- ri Dr11. Williams' Pink Pilîs. This grriî medical discovery bas reached Picu high position which it holds iL: 'ugh the power ef its own merits. Ik. tb timely use the weak are made ý,-îng; pale wan cheeks are given a r-.,hue; lest vigor is renewed and the '11iering ones are released freni pain. Ri-member that Dr. Williams' Pink Pscure when ether medicines fail and do flot be persuaded te take either àsubstitute or an imitation. Dr. Williame' Pink Pilla are aold only in boxes bearing tihe firin', trade mark and wrapper, (printed -in red iuk). Bear in mimd tihat D.Wiliiams' Pink Pilla are [leyer sold in bulk or by the dozen* or haondred, sud any dealr who effers sub- Btinates iitii form is trying te defraud YoU snd should b. avoided. The publici are aiseo autioned agaunst ail otiher so, called blood builders snd nerve ternMi Put up in- similar frm inteÜdod te de- meive. They are all ioittione whose makeru hope te reap a peoua dvani- Lage from the iyondertal ieputiation achieved by Dr. -Williames' Pink Mil. Ask your dealer for $hem, These Pilla are.rnaiwtaotursd by 14p Dr Wi'liamn'a Iredidin. Couàpauy lBrock7 ville, Ontario, M&Ud8heaâtady, N. Y. and are .old 0 ià boxee.beMing $ cents box r- b b r, 'p»*I.& They uasy i~a ~ The followiniz is the standing et the pupils of Utîca school for the montb ef J une. L Gilroy, teacher : Class 1-I Wslker, 170; N Mt-dd, 159; L Wagner, 155 ; W Cairns, 136; A Kite, 126, G Lawtiou. 98; R Horn 86; 8S Howsam. 63 ; R Hewsarn, 51 ; G Bentley. 41 ; B Murray, 87: M Stevens, 29; R Hlarper, 20. Junior Pt [I-P Cairns, 172; W Tennyson, 114. Senior Pt II-J Law- ton, 823; H Orchard, 300; F Suther- land, 286; A Walker, 271 ; G Cairns, 256; A Kit., 2M6; A Wagner, 225; D Crezier, 218; C Silver, 188; P Stiephon- sûr, 162 ; M MoDermott, 111. Second --C Lakev, 328; H Lawu, 2.38; E Harpeir, 198; L Howan, 99. Junior III-L Lawn, 372; B Tennyson, 242; Ni Tennyson, 228; S Stevena, 166; T Ballard, 87. Senior 111-J Medd, 378; G Bentley, 822; D Ballard, 117. Junior IV-H Sutherland, 670; A Walker, 662; J Sutherland, 659; E Lakey, 622; F Lawton, 596; E Horn. 595; C Senley, 5>81 ; W Wsiker, 525; F MeDonald, 441 ; A Bentîey, 70. Senior 1V-S DaFoe, 468; F Sanderson, 436. ENFIEcLD. The (armera et tii viciuity are busily engaged in haying. A fair yield is me- ported. Mesurs. G. and - A. Ornuston bobve moved their barn and are putting a atone foundation under iti. Mr. B. Powell improved tihe appeau- suce cf bis houa. with new ohimuseys. The healtih inapecor froni Enniakillen visited tiia village the other day snd things were very ranch imrnpoved about ber. befeur uiany bours paased. Clesu- lineas ia nezt go Godliju." The bras a bad weut te Port Perry Friday to play sti the decoration services. W. hoe they dld themseuveo erediti. Three Enfleldites intend* trying their luck st thé departmie>t.al exama. t"f vear. Cepha. Oampbel sud Will Me- Cullongh try bur a third -at..Oaawa, snd Edga Brsdley fou s firt t îtWhitby. W. wisb thons every suOCUS. Mr. FedAshton met with an accident -whicb jut escaped being serons. On.- of hisebouges bleame a littie obstinatie suld kleked him on thle arm inifing a acvere fiesh wound. SohoMolmoed on TUesdy. Mu. 0. Maciasy wllIspend bis vacation atbIse bomne sMKinsale. Yed Mr. oscp WaIaoeenlori had 'a unplasat- xpelçne wtth a cow one aight last week. He was belping a boy to repair the Wheel of the *heeIbarrow ini which was being transported the newly boru cfàf of the cow aforesaid, when the mother, evidently imagining Mr. Wallace meant ill ':oward her off- spring, charged on him. Her hemn caught bis left leg and he was tbrown about 15 feet.. H-e fortunately got away without further mishap. although the infuriated animal endeavored te fellow Up the attack. » oumb1~' accident. A very serious accident oecurred on Sunday mernaing by which M r. A. J. Kilbourn, a respected citizen et Col- lingwood, who has been in tewn for some days on a visit te his brother-mn- law, Mr. G. A. Chase, received terrible injuries. Some yearsago Mr. Kilbourn was troubled with somnambulism, but seemed te have recovered from it. On Sunday morning about one o'clock, however, he arose in his sleep and walked eut ef the windew en te the verandah ef Mr. Chase's residence, taI- ling heavily te the ground. Drs. Harvie were summoned and his injur- ies were such that an anaýst.hetic was required ie dressing the wounds. The arm was badly shattered. The radial bone was broken in three places. the ulnar bene dislecated at the wrist, and protruding, rausîng considerable loss of blood - the humerus also fractured in three places. Everv care and attention was shown to the sutierer, who is about iftv years of age. and he is progressing fairlv w-ell. -lus brother arrived in town on Monday and rernained wjith himi until Tuesdav. whe n - le was able to be taken to his home in Coiiing- wood. -News-Letter. The buav burgisr. Residents of (irillia %vho are spend- ing the sunmer in cottages on the lake shore and elsew %here, require te adopt proper precautions in regard te secur- ing their town resîdences while thev are awav. Last week NIr. F. B. Al- port. wlio with his fani dv s living at Invermara. entered hîs Peter st. resi- dence one mornîng, found the hack door open and everythi ng in conftusion. An examination revealed the tact that burgiars had eut out a light ef glass in a back window, had entered and ran- sacked the house. cari-vin g off severa] smiall sums of mnoney, ail the table sul- ver, and such other articles et value as were easiiv rernoved. NIr. Alpert's leo,", although heavy, is al] the more aggravating because several of the stolen articles were heirlooms or gifts around which clustered many tender associations. On Menday Mr. T. H. Sheppard made the discovery that the cellar et bis house had been gene through, and fruit and groceries te the value Of $7 abstracted. The tamily are living in their sumimer cottage on Cedar Island, and these geods had just been purchased and placed there prier te being taken over tn the island. De- tectix-es are after the culprits, and it is hoped that befere long they will be brought te justice, In the meantime secure your premrises, or don't. leave them entirely alone-Times. THESE 8RISR LITTLE PILLS Ae KEUASTty WN*Sle ALwà%ve RecDES lu A". CASES or CONSInPATION, SIcK Mr-ADACME. BIUOijS ATTACKS ardo DYSPCPSIA. SOLO ErVtRyWWNE AT 25C. à Box. DODO#$ mrosciNit cONPANY, Tc)nckowlc>. OAOSUTO. O.j West Ontario. Cemplete abown :- Pickering Claremont ............... Whitievale................ Balaam . .................. Cherrywood.............. Shoal Point ............. Duffin's Creek ........... Frencbman's Bay ........ Altona .................... Kinaale................... Greenwood ............... Brougham ............... feturnis in West Ontario Edg ,ar'a MIaj. 56 12 10 Total maj in Pickering ...304 stouffrille................2M Non marketi............... 63 191 Uxbridge Township : Goodwood............... siloans.................. Wilderneaa........... Glen Major.......... Glasgow ................ Muaker ............. MeCor- mack's Maj. 311 34 10 26 48 26 47 191 -A greater variety of rp, grown and we are surer ôfa of clover on a well drained soil, is not se apt te be thrown -out wit frost in winter and spring. In selecting seed potatoes' for- tÊ* comning planting, cheose the vareii frte several plantings whî-ch YOU know te have given good resuits. Don't be tee anxieus to run after *hât yeu have only heard about. New vr ieties have generally been produced, under very favorable, and sometimn'es special circumstauces, whichyou cai-., flot afford te repeat. Regard ing the tanning et skins ýrith_ý- eut remeving the hair, a very good-'y. is te stretch the skin tightly upon a board with hair side down. Scrape off loese flesh and fat with a dull knife andi apply chalk treeiy, rubbing it in thor- eughly. WVhen chalk begins te powderý and faîl off, remnove skin from ^boardý and rub in plenty et powdered aluin., Wrap it up closely and keep in a dry' place for a few davs. Lt will be found nice and pliable. Another methed is te mix saltpetre and alum, twe parts cf the former to one of the latter, and spriekle it unitcrmlv over the flesh side et thesk. Then roll up and lay away in a cool place for a tew days. Then spread it out to. dry and scrape off the fat. It wîll have te be rubbed vigorouslv te render it pliable.. Farmer~ s ihave a plentiful sup- ply et tresh miricat winter when the weather is cdani by free zing the mneat can he ke1ît -. met1imes for weeks witheut b>eîng i rd But in sum- mer itsirnt and the ration et salted pork o-r 'cd'ief Is apt te be- co)m e tî1r es o!,. i c. s a surprise that some of the rr-hnicat butchered ie Wintcr is fot canined. as it may easilv' be. tut it r: maf pieces without any borie. andl j othî"roughly as te ex- pel ail air. Ticn lplace it quickly in glass j ars thha' 1e een slowly heated Luntil they ..rc ineirix as Neot as the cooked f oî)i. 1: tii-, is done and the cans are mriner-.eu. cxcept the tops, in hNet waietcr Nna- m xiil ot break. Pack the miâ.î-î ixas possible in the can, and]u ýwn : i led cover the top wiîh melîcd lard anA seai the can. The lard wili Protect t h e meat beneath it trom any air îhaî mnav bet under the li*d of the can andA which miay have fer- ment germ-s. .AfeiR, cans et tresh ineat for iu-.e inisum-mer will be quite as conven rent a.the cans cf fruit and vegetables whi' h all good housewives now put up ex erv\ sumnnier and faîl in greatest abun'iance. Fresh fruit in the summer is more easr- te get je the country than is fresh meat ot any kind. GoLD Smoking Tobacco. W. S. Kiiflbald Go, ROCHESTER N. Y. Retail Everywhere 10ai 21 C.par laCISag. 17 First Prize Medals. J&& er ouoem Ayer's Pis -i would 1ke to add niy testirmony to tuat of otheri' who have used AEr plill, and t0 say that 1 have takenCU 1«r rany years, snd slwSys dertved the best result rom t.her use. For Stomach îad liver troubles. snd for the cure of ieadactie caused by these derangements, xyers Pis cannot be equaled. When my triends asic me what ls the best reoeedy fur disorders of t.he stoinsch, Liver, or Bowels, mv invariable answer 1s Ayer's fll. Taktii in season they wlll break up a ct-.îî. pr.-vent la grippe. check tever. and reziiat.' the digestive organs. They are easy to Lake, and Are tlhe best ail-round tfamiliy nedicine 1 have ever knîown --Mm . SAY JORX<sOI, ffl Rider Ave., New York City. AYER'S PJLLS Mighest Awards nt Wor1d's Fair. Age r'a 84rsaparftta fbrthe blood. AN OPERÂTION AVOmDED. -.\ITIIS FA\LILS C AS--) F F RlE A T 1I\1P( )RTA N CE. pelas in the Face I)exelopes înie ,i R'unning Sore-Iloctors Ileciar- rdi that unlv an ( peratîen coulA iiring Relief--A NMedicine Found Wlîiich Made the Pairîlul Opera- iit 'nInnei essary. V- ' the Smithis Falls Record \â:mouîs (erman mediî'ai scîentist c rcrnlarked that the world is full cf CAN141NOTON Mr. Walter Mollon, of -Newcastle, ha& operied a barber shop in the building ad. joining the Betinett House, Laîdlaw street soutb. The R<sr. G. A. Rix has been asked by the Bishop to take chariRe of the admin- istering'of the Lord's Supper in the par- ish of Sunderland and West Brocit dur- ing the entire year. M1r. Chas. Campbell, CameiDn st. west, left isome strawberries at this office on Friday that rnea8ured 7 inches in circum- ference, aud on Saturday even-ing Mr. A. Lemasurier aiso left a basket of atraw bernies that measured in circumiference from 5t to 71 inchea. la both cases the fruit wus well formed. The re8idence ef Mr. P. J. Anderson, corner St. John and Munro streets, wu, the scene of a very pretty aud happy event yesterday afterrsoon, when lie eld- est daughter, Mis Annie E. Anderson, was united in marriage with Captan Charles Frederick Bick. Rev. G. A. Rix, pastor of AUl Saints cburoh, officiat- ed. The bride, who was handsomely at- tired in creama crttponne and camred à Large boquet cf whit~e roses, lookdper- feotjy charming., She wu attended b ber sister, Misa Nettie Anuderson, wbo also wore a creami drees. The groom wau supported by hiai brother, Mr. W. H. Bick. The drswing room, where the ceremony took place, wau tatefuUly de- corated with flowers, etc. After a sumpt- nous repuat, the happy young couple left, id a sbower cf rive snd good wishes, te spend their honeymoon in Toronto and Niagara. The bride wau the recipient cf inany handsome aud costly preÉenta. Kootenay Contains the new îngredet n is made byal le tric a nd e that wil _ OevuIonz ei 'scence throughoiit the workld Kootcnay Src aU kindi of Kidney toubles, and is a pst curefor heumtim 8pringev* 1il'11 p i- . have the Fiuest seleo- tion in~ town of thole BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL Ç Corné éarly <and getfirst coloice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan'a old Stand», Brook St., WhJthil' DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - 1,000,0* surplus, - - *1,0000 Whitby A geuoy.. General SÂVINGE DNPÂETMENT. lntieresi allowed st hlgbest ourrent rate. o notteot.f-ithdrawal required E.i. THfORINTOEt Banking .VITALITY'n ME s ahss lh7. viaoroe ' Neit vous- .k.ul Write Lem %o e *1 -w «Mo- gh, - Ihmb»na 1 île .qt ma în the f" thà, au ce aider (i~ IwAs ounun et BtoOOIIWu sd' glby I 'MINARD'S IME. Lot 5- p E 1. Mma A Idfavzuesrom tialu by KIN&ID8 ITMR "aou Bay.Joi .> Whitohuuch :- - Wb~te Rose............ Pins Ozchard....~.... 28 ..~59 Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins, rietor. vith eS. resson. ronito, sdis- ru bber, r fiUling atorsi at e City. charge. t corner PAP RfiS, Borders to Match Business Po rget Yo u r Feet 1 Tati can do It by wearlng the Siater shoe. It w-ti fit yen se that you wlU 108e your cerns Intad ef your temper. Made af ter Na- ture's fbrms of foot, by the Miznous Goodyear w-el proceffl, whlch gives elastlcity t0 the sle-durabilllty te the shoe. Made from the best itnport.ed cait-akIn. Twelve shapes. many widths, three grades. Stamped on the sole $3.00,04.00,865.00 per pair. The Siater Shoe (for men.) )ODP ET( LE' i.st 0 It BavsdOur Chili giMy little dangbter, tibree sndf a huit yesr () auffred three yesrii with Eczesna. Her littie bed y wua cov'ered witb the itching rush,, and doctors dii no good. Four boxes et Cbase's Oinment have eeadrely eured and saved our cbild. Her skia ila oient snd net s @igu of rwsh in to b. accu." Audreer A1too, Hartlaud, N.B. Mr. Alto laneue of thon- sanda beneited by tibia uatsiling cure for piles snd akîn diueaaea. Herbert Asquith ex-Hom Secretary, u a speechbuteors the L*ghty Club, coufrstulsted the Libersae o Canada ou tiheir victury. Blood-purifiers, tbougb graduai, are radica in their effeot. Ayer'a ilarcaparilla il wnteaded s s zedicine ouly snd net a stimulant excit- ant, or beverage. Immediat. rSulta msy Dot, slwaya follow its ue; but atter a rewmoable time, permauent benefit is certain te be res» iized. The directars oete Britiish Sontb Afrios Company bave amoptied the roignation 01 Cecil Rbodeesud Alfred Beit Thousas Ua 4kgHer-Tena MoLeIdi sell- era Bridre, write.: ""I owe s debt ef grutimde ge Di. TaouAs' Ecîuo oOMfor o00ng sq of a severe cold that troubled ms e"Y SU luhat! wimter.'* Inerder toea e s ses tes bak- ing odurh, taire a dom, of es. Taoia'Be LUOwJo cOr tibrioe.s diy, or efteaerift the cougi op"liatender t ueeee.rr, The Prince of WW b u bm Inu W. Chancellor et the Ualverotv ci Walo Aberystwelth. LD :-: » PRICES.. -LowFST

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