Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1896, p. 8

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'c '4 c' 1S '4' c' «Pare Druga, "Perfumery, ci Toilet Requisitit di Toilet Sapsg, di Fanoy Goods, 41 Spectacles, 44 Ci Anything ii ..Drug Line 's -Ryley' s Drug Store, Simncoe St. south, Oshawa.' ~i~ O#rcicr OSHAWA, JULY 3, 1896. OSHAWA PAGE Farinra illdo vel to cal] s: M. E. May>s for boys' ready made clothing. It vill psy any parties contemplating buy- Ing an engagement or wedding ring ta seS the large stock of Feit Bras., Oshawa as tbey wiilseli this month very cheap for cash. Genuine diamond 14K. onlv s-,. sThey are aise making oespecial afers in Gents', Ladies> and Boys' gold and silver watches. Sec theni. FeltBros. Mr. Manbei, of Toronto, was in town last -ulek. Mr. A. McLean is paying bis relatives a Visit. Mrs. J. 0. Henry spent last week in To- ronto. Mlr. Vanalastine of Westan. visited here last week. The Sulent Seven have pitcbed their tent at the lake. Mr Bob Thompson spent the 'St in Ro- -chester. 'illet3b L '0brumtg lamt ae*hagt taffl& ier es hfixsewl ttv w srvssSt.a e duemethlag. Tor oelte * have n d- eairigbtt under a=ye1ýui,,r 9 . w taces tu peu55 Sbttiiiy IWs, comif teatmno IRrs,*,c e nsd coethet domrsta es trak umteaf m incrcj a' , r meeog tiisewho àkifur yrannca =eactmung ar paitô . -If .mehe lit Loguor.la isdus. em.fro C- sldan aun! gitdngfo rellyUS111luthe. vening tii. pator sudçrHrio bourg. ~~~measures. Al tht business places in' auagmncoduteU pHarrn eeing oni UsEFîelding s piblug rltves ýat am ta b. shut Up for the sait of a ev, Whoba wai very irned a- din trucmetive. iv Guelph. wolzd In m"ny insiuacs"be better emplay- Dr Harrison sang a&sole in ber nsat charm. /JMr. Arthur Brooks cf Teonuto, vas in tovu e! in their shops.igmanr i.clrecftesbbb Lebanon lodge, No. r39, G.R.C., A.F. & schoal, uxuder the. lesdcrsbip ai Mr A B Cry' K'r..Irm I4all retnrned lmt wek f-ont bis A.M. The foliowing afficers were ium ied derman, rendered an abundance of choice . enca tri. lOn ushe vening of the 2aqtb day of june, St. music at eacb service. The church tuas es M.LidsaV, cfMitea, is the. gueft of Mr. John's festival for the year 1896-7 -W Bra,pakdhte evening. Frank DeUiar. T GRyIey, WM ; Bmo Robt j Mackie, SW ; pEYEILE.th Mr Fed Hnton oÇ ~ ~ Bro P P Punsiin, JW ; Bro B j Rogers, Mr redHinon.of OrtHaMis isiingchap. ; Bro Wm Lauchisue!, treas. ; Bro jas 81NioLE8 relatives. McCaw, sec. ;Bru L G Casseis, SI); Bro W Wetr Ligeysdwiad Mr D Hepburn, Tarante, vlsited Wtîi E O'Brien, j D; Bro L j Caryeîl, D cff C ; Wsternm imh ea, sg C. P.dR.ht, on, fi ienda last week. Bmo Jno- Lnke, S,: Bro Win T Croskem, S. nit w. olEDNGA . P .sain le Mr P Grahamn from Manchester, spent theBro John Carter, j G ; Bmo W Ford, Tyler ; Itath OLBras W H Hallane!, Alex B McLean,- T G April 3oth, IB»-3s.fl*L issa: tero CicgoisRyley, LB of relief; Bras j S Beaton, L G OfMiMss s esterln.c caoi the guest Casuels, Win Dickie, audit committee.' Mr. Frank Carseelicf Jacksonville, Fia., Th Snoffceatter e eetthng oi.y f issmefo es Dllo. The ns cffiempterne eingctsd toi homefor ht umnier.night :-W P, Bro Fred Hunter, W A, Sister fMr. J. Munroe bas ganet t Manchester Ettie Blow,; R S, Sister Emma Coedy; A R fr a montiVs bolidays. S, Sister Mane! Gallaway ; F S, Bmo Hall,;B Miss May Anderson, af Kingston, i. the Treas, Bmo W Ellis; Chap, Sister Olive B guest of Miss Whselem. Goyae; Coniductor, Bro Will Rtindle; asst- MIss Gertie Haines cf Beleville hospi, conductor, Sis Minnie Cbancy; I S, Sister (:O H W .ý y is the guest af Mr j GibsS~. Ma9ry Bateman; 0OS, Bro Ed Pallard ; p W ______ àtr. Witacr of Hll, EP. Sis Mirnie Lausing; Bro E Carsweil wusla 1us fr hîaesfHuI Engane!, 18 the appointed one of the delegares for the S 0 T gues:cf M E Jmes.convexnon wiiich is held in Toronto next Mr. Rd. Baker, of Su. Catharines, paid bis week. fiends a vian t ts voek. Mr Clark Bennet c Toronto, is speuding :0as nlS:Dfocmep a week ivith bis brother. -ýi -n UiýDmtr.i r ik M'"a MeCauchmu, Of Lindsay, is the guest aL. VICKBEY. bmt5r. Simcae strls. D es Of Mm s.W Dodge. BROOKls'LVRàRmY, Simca. stre, forh. T E G E o d h&eurs T McCabe, H Homes sud J Allen wTHELP, hrnasmakrSica.stau. are camping at the laite. W ILH hi &e. mesrt »'Mr Fred Hobbs sud Walter Morris are 1r. B. NOTHRSEBIlL butaher, jing St., Wegt. Gjd vsitng s: Peterborough. Du. PÂTTEaOM, Dentist; ornas ovar Bava., I ICU. Mr. T Sta=tn. w bhoe r Ira natreai I fhIImi college ta speud bis vacation. 4'-J. S?.AIT-Daominion planos and cigans, ~ Missl Elixa Sheridan, is visiti.ng tht Misses Sic" rot'ff n s a Clark, Cobourg. WLLiÂX J. Duàwa, Dominion sud ontaria Mis ThrsaGarattis omefro Bele- ani!Suvayo. Cliva l gln.ee, B=x 57, omit- We show the :,ar-est stock of new, issheSia GWra lwbre lmBle - ava.-ti'oroughly Up-to-date Dress Boy vies ospîtalfo ark uekTrot,. it 0OucxÂz. o'mL-J. C.WOD, prapriatar -Goods of any bouse in the couri- e! with Mrs Thomrpson iaçt week. equipp sed. ,,nou.and' -"-i" .... at a,~î..i '- --.-- .-.....,, i A i Nwunviiie, are tht guesus of lhe Rev Mr Scaies. Messrs Wer-t, Bsrrowc1aagb, Frank %jan- uel, sud B Gray spent the ist au Port Hope. Miss Lily Bennett left for Cleveland! Thursday moruing for a couple eofruontis holidayis, Q Miss Mabel French, tuba bas be,,,n v'xsiting ber sister 1in Winnipeg for saine lime, bas re- tumse! borne. Mr. tund Mrs. A. Hemn, Tomanto, are bei'e on their ivedding tour, the guests cf Mrs. Chester. Mr. Walter Fife and Misses Anuie snd Ada visited ui relatives at Peterboro this Rév A B Demiil bas purchasse! the Ste- plenson House au Su. Cathtarines, and vili open bis college hheme Ibis lta Mr-- Rose of r mnto retumsed hbeelas: Friday aftem Iiing ber daughter, Mrs Fasuer for a short lime. Mr Botuden, sr., left for England lasi Thursday nigbt. Ht viii spene! sainelime visitung relatives sud friene!,. Misses Edith Hamley, Maud Dolling. Clama Parsons, Ella Thoxupopn, Eutie Blew andi Mabel Wilson spent las: Wednesday at MWessrs J sand W Allen, cf Toronto, visted Toronto visitors '-Mm snd Mrs Martin. biste las: week. Mr sud Mis John Goyne, Misses L Bifir isse Rose and Maud Walters, Taunton, snd Begbv, Mm W Cinnamnon, Mr wi Snndayed in taon. Keddi, F Bales, T Wilson, Mr and!is J is Mtnsxng cf cvmnville spsuu this Walker, Mr Silas Urqnhart. Week vith friends.. There vers tva pcunes bele a: the park Mdiss Pbîpps of Toronto, is the guest of last tuek. On Friday thre Canadian Order 'Miss Gertie Cook. of Foiresers, cf Westan, ta tht number ci Mr. illCinaznn, o Toont, w about 2oo, and! on Saturday the Centrai Km. Wi Cinnxuoncf Toraao, uanMethadist churci cf Toronuta, bele ib.s Sun- tauru last Thnrsda-y. day sehool picuic. There vert about 500, Mr&. Lanising cf Seugog Island!,iluthb. mastly ciudren, and! ail vere deligb:ed wirli guSsi of Mms Amsbery. the park sud ils accommodations. Miss P Tranou'tb, Bowmnuvilie, is Uhc A very pleasasu eveutoccurued at tht borne gnemu af Mrs. C Stevenson. ci tht Mr. Wm. Hastings. on the evening oi Mrs. John Holmes, Tomonto, is apendlng a the z4th jupe, tuhen their eles daugiter, couple of tueeks with Irieuds. Sarah. tuas uuited ix' the boly bonds of Mr. Tim Sheridan left ou Mcnday bu visi: uarimony to Mr. Edlwin WMïIams, cf tb. friene!,li Chcago and Detroit. G. T. K. Toronto. Tht Rev. Allun ied tht Mr. j StePheamon Tarante, vüe de uptnial kuot in bis usual jovial manuer. mother, Mrs: Blair lam: eek. The bride, tuba tas very tastefully dressed inutwhite cashmere viti siik sud Pearl urimu- Srs. C. Weeks tuas lu Goderici lut veek mings, was suppomtevj by ber mstner, Miss attending tht funeral cf hem mother. Ruth, tuhile luttie, Liily Hastings, cousin of Miss E. McCormack iu in London this tht bride, suitably dresee in wuhite muslil, veekt visitiug Miss Annie Foley, ruade a charmung maie! cf banar. Tht Xm. T. Browun, factory inspector, vas tht bridegroaxu looked tutu and!vus amait ably gues of bis son, J Brown, isst veci. supported by aur flri, Joe Hastings.- Tht Miss M Newuton, ai Newucastle, iîthe guest pre~1 h rd rr adau 'testai, shoving tht high estee ia vhich of lem sisttm, Mht Nevica. shewtas bele!. Afterthe ceremony theguests Misses Nîns Philips and Emuly Soriey (ouly themr neareut relatives) vert shovu arte visita; lun Toronto forta tuonh. into the diig romnwthere th"y ail diri MiÈs Amanda Bond tuas the guestof Mr. Ijustice ta the goce! tbiugs provided by th M A James, Botumanville, last veek. parents cf the bride. 'The happy couple, Ums Bonie Richards, Mouat Carsureit auidst a siaver cf iessud cie! sipperm, teck -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u vthe.geu fMvVikr u tek i train for Meaford, the home cf the- bride- Mr. F Maynard aud Miss Bertie Fentongoonsprttapedhihoymon spen a couple of iveeka vith relatives af Deiin"e Day. Cbalk lake. Dominion day ber. tuas bot, but front anse The Independent Order ef Forester soueandue another a very fair crotue came efected Dr Kaiser court physician s: their auto tuwn, sud vas about equally divided nhe Christian tuaikers camp meetingsclate . ore s plnihez-Ntngà *vn t th lak ai- tut a95nded The ei re leas.artor bracfiqg. Added eqw ai te lke are eriatndoer Tey U tis veas the big camp metigof art expecfing sevea mrcasoe o .techristian brothem, and sorMe haptîmlantM T'ie. stables of tb. Proctor Hans., Brigh- tht la"ket t he eoaverted czes. At thse - ton, ovuted by Mr W Alguire, fozarrly cf park the. Newcastle basebail club face&i O».k. this tevu, vers bumued-ta thse gronM0 lmas:a inauthse fereuce nsd vas oe.npetsl Sundty nigiru. stuamipte!i five inutugai the-scombétgi The 34h Bat band are arranging ta baie! t<3o o-Afthe er the.ffounuuiis lacrivne - 9 grdeus Party at the park on Friday Judy déub bail-a match vith Osh&wa,. The con- 1 ictis. The.BôwmuvjMe baud yul contnubute dition of the field! 4ces uct admit, af'sondIW, - -10i the programme cf music. ctfleb amui d,=&bSSidoethàt1wis Thteamuai pieniec f Coalin'n schooal vas reblàwe44 1b W beid at the lare lant Frîday. Terw .bu"al! n 4PY bWciii ai Unie lange atendauce cf the. eblidrena U4 duews'Wb= tw 5OrebW U nbdvasmw parent, and ail seemtd ta sujoy tise wousting8 mm m by wy mcb.thse Ebstuhaso Tobuqtt uil. <ba. Tbàr Visitais frotntPort Penny :-MimssK Md ~ àmfs totW« - a f' t usnue- ]WDeshane, I W.alker wtli SBro OGopue, gante, tise à«îý an be o a messinBrva, Q0 kuuiCan~J ii uu Goady, C ClacuiHaln, Bunt'Wgthe. siraus, Mr and 1MisRal phs, Am Vans , 'ýmre of "Uoatý ca t -;mdGeor" ansd SluHrrsn, udEms InfteSibert. _s±urdy. Sire bai bt=«*---u *@Ofne" Ws. admu-ouaht, 1D_ D). IL Ton.-Catarer for Bale, Asmmabiie, , ding., Suppers, etc., etc. Aima ail inds la.. Horn.xam - Whitby-Oshava stage i. loave Oshava at 8 a mi sud 2 p m,, a Whitby at 10 ani and 4 p au. JomuPixCRa.o manufacturer of flue carrîa« cate agons, snd al hinds af cutters a «J4hýRpalntng a peciaty. 1ouEM Baswau, paluter aud decorator. De. iunvalm papera, eiiiug decaratiana, paix ail, vu<amuneis., brushea, vinacv shadseV JAVaS PILLov, dealer iu ataveas, furnaces, ti vn, eic, Large stock kept conatantly aud. Jobblng a speciaity. SimSa. mix L. K. )uoN .à urMglc Nou. K. u-u, B. oa Bci, e ai leni!. Orna.over Dominion Ban*., &MO Nf . R. KÂ.-Lesjer in Groosries.n Clxi, Crockory, Tinva arsd Faucy = i.P= Te"..and Coffées.Boya rsmdy m"ad um spsciaty-very chesp. &DcTion 8.AL.us-The ubmrxrv ii b. ia Oi mv., at the Central Note, Friday ofi su veet tram ane ta 3 'alock p..tu maks& agement. vi th parties viahing ta have mel L Fsrauasxsauctionssr. P. LKBKE & ~irs-h. ending taffoyi and gante, fnrniahinc hous ai Oaha Splend dsaortm.nt af tveedas, vorstec trowusrlngs, shirte, collasetc.a, s1W ek.l in StOOL. ?T LBue - Watchmakaund! 3êwsem Debiru ti vathesu, ooek, Je'weioy, Um Pi. vatah. dck, and jevsioey repalingi ÉpeciaiW Mis L FimlyEsonGL & li Ihi am ùe DU til Da pt ir kv m e Scicol ciased ou Tuesday for a seven v-eela vacation. Mr. jot raoves is ruaking preparations ftm erecting a ne'. barn. Miss Li=ze MaGregor, via bas been visltng fr . Ovea. Rosu, retuuted ta ber home m Beavertan. Mr. Somuierger. who a saso badly burt by the train some four montiis ago, in able ta b. aroumi again. Bis maxy triendsarae delighted toams -led. Ail the newest makes' -weaves are ta be found here a -at prices that cannot faad -tempt vou. New Sicilians Mn bravi', navy, gref fawn, grey and black. New Checks in ail the latent colorinI 48-uin. apecial at 75c., worth Si yard- 50-in. Fins Twilled Serges, in brow navy, green and black, at 60 ceni neyer sold anytuhere les. than 7ý Fancy Mohair. Sitllians, Fine Twe Suitinga, Styliab Crepons, Figur Mohairs, silk and wool mixtures, .50c., 60ce. and 75c. per yard. Parasols. Para8olâ Natural stick, paragon<frame, duirable cover, reg Si qualiuy. Extra fine cov'er, s:ylish handie in blacks & colors, Worth S$1.25 f~~ îArFine range of the better ont from .... .$i.5o ta $300 3BEÂT SALIR OF -ifrtWaists.6 W.G.R. inake, fine cambnic, pink sm bine Oflyb Worth Si. 25 -e.......49c Fine striped, pretuy ciick. The. netu Dresden Waisin at $z, $Z.2,5 and $:.5< for the warrn veather. Dresden Mu. lins at 25ç- Plisse stripes ar 16 eta Organby Muslus aoc. Fine Zephyri îsc. Best light Pnints xac., alwayr i 2*c. at other stores. ,or Latesie Mil/maery and Stytzsk Dressmaking, t,', KING ST., WEST. I e' ind ts' te. o- ffl Dr, >5 1 'b kI M, Mr. Holiiday spem Snnday sud Manday ln 'romam wnlubs litt]. daugim rVers.. inal the hspital, and! repourts to be very nuci amproved. Miss Maddta ngave ber pupils and frkendua Piaula inHaudeusgrave lam wSvetimenthe satsu== wvasupenUIlumsvigmg sud gamms Everyoue-enjoe.d uheunsu. Wby do yOM9 msstand aumtse sMamer Sunday tv.xixg ater cbumch to biacade and anuoy the people by sx anigsd laignga. Young nmen go hborne, luind b. Umarmepc- aitaambrcdtem nd.vbmo th Quit. a nusube vof t (a suddaugt ai the L- division ve ut m et nSayo am thr districtreivisio. t ai rh agJuna thete miised ra st>yrpe angJs lovmmmre. nteam ce vugt Tvea im& ant othe uc et eeuing ave a taomt~he m- nd edt he Sr ba, ar Me, bain angy td esit tiif yt u =a not ffl'Mw eNov. W tati pahi" thean not laid cw pyt~ W and wtholddi Baumesat yizspeauitussdh ts viii htdeb-Le us M dmsuiepotfr un E.daiýuea z 6o7; 'Ceps-; .Rm 4M.; Zyad= Md -b- xd Oma.. MA CHINE SHAWÂ, w ORKS,. O.: ,NT., -M ,V M- a~the m rm anid RWppY parts, andrepan- a1l ua chmnes *made by the7 -Josepir'Fha1f M'tg Go., Masmu On o.an& Dia(iee stehaming bSgh ail tùei=j patternu, fbrrnu, etc. Lfld ta en. Igs. per Ti rn, tta. ,5c. ed es B B Ld we C. Ir the and ê*SPBCLILS0 OSHA WA 1-l" eathsr laces, double ta«ed, bisait cd, every pair tested, rogular 5ce pert'pair p.cia............. .0S leu s Warking Boots, beio6tS og- nedn ripping, eamy filsers, Grtjfith's celebnated ruait., s $1.00 ayW Sehool Boata, sam 1 La à# pebi. leg, whoefaoed, stnongly liuiij; Griffiu's durable inake, special .M dlies' Dongola Button Bouts, pat-. ent tee-cap., painted toes, sole- leather insoles, good wearen, apeciaL .......... ............... ilda' Tan Buttoned Boots, s"ze8 àn's Fine Dougola, Laced onrit- t ors meduun weight soles, and Bee hi needis tees. mg 81-85, opei&L.8.49 Wrought Si Ilda' Blacitoa Tan Law Sho, sai--------------------. ......49 NA > C>E Lies' Tan Loy Shoes, lestiier -T lined, sole leather insoles, veny special.............. ............ .99 78sTan Laced Bot, size 1to 5, AMu Ohi COÂL OI strong soes, soe leathen in- and GÂS STOVES ** 'k Muitba urithe C bk«ànhwestandi Return.anada& E=crsions wiIl be inn frorn ai] t~ in tb5Pravince. Of Quebec and Ontui c'Jnne -3@th, JUIlY 7th and e! I 189& te t13e&MIîîcvipoints0 2x.t tOba 81Md tie CMiadian Northwn Un ratmsehb&mWxblow - es tu To Deloraine, Mou, andrtn.. Resmo, &4sce%- Esterna Assa., ..**28 <u Bimoane' Miax.....28 Mi ,ei .... ** 28 , Regina,' mcoaejatu, y -30 ue Yorktou, '30 (» Prince Albert, Sask. ....3 or- Calgary, Alb., ...."50 Red Deer, d" i 3"O Ed~ntSp ......40 Sdcjus3c, Goad outil Aug. 29, jîe Juy 7, sept. S, 'I9 Juiy 21, Sept. 19, 80 Aeetickets sud ail information Cnb obtained frain W. P- STERICKERC attb. Oshawa Ry. Cc's afile, Oshawa. th Rb. (c.Carter, Agt. Oshaa, June 4tth, 1896. [en's Tan Laced Booti, fias qnality ,adies' Prmella Slippers, Ladies Stroag Leathen Slippers, spec.. À WIDE ASSORTMENT »AN BOOTS AND SHOES AT SACRIFICE PRICES. 1good Trunk for liie money. 'ECIAL LEADINO BARGA IN8 Satuxrdayu. naiProfits and I IJfNS & C(JO7 W biâly : B r oi-t, n ot-ea * a dema Oshawa: The corner &MI&e LLOWS,- -150.001, -FROM- ~5.5O to $25.Oo. -EAUDQIUABTE19 Qui Welland V:GADa-.&YLES "PERFECT,' -GARDiEN cmr," "DOMINION," EEAUIESOr 1896. One Good Becond.hand omai, E. E. ROGERS. "Money Saved is Money Earned."p ý4pBOYD," Adwaysý LVESTt + THE JEWELEI~,$4~ NO S~REET, WESTD - OSHRWA FOOTwm~&~I? LOWPres The-Boys ard&GaU want Black or' Tant. Th",wilOum tosuit bc*fr the, ~*d ir stocki Sw ýýT LES~ Or tho o Li fe to m 7aglfo*Szc', Fy Poison Pazds. pure Znsect POz>,l Ckrl'vZsc 'CHEMIST & DR- COR. BRGCK & DUN Houa-eleningtif, W. bave a larger and better ciwindow shades this -9 have ever shown before, We m the.best. hand i shade cloth, vith Han Tunler. Aise a fine variety of A* to ses aour latest sti Screens, to fit any windoi O=r bahy carrnages are ailc GW gacall before purcha W.are takmng special pý elegance with economy geperal utilîty. Our stock is complete in Hou Wé invite buyers t19 co It wif save maney. LMsdig Undertaker, BR O:ST., wHI lunie and Dundas St., WHI-TBY. Orerlay Wolfeudezu oid f Cemetery wo > rNamateedLIN Poa Dmlqs nf* ewest menuis~'v- T- pjs e pj# ~bzzaa oe froe>P ýL 1- un 1 1 :-: Vale Sm T., M. - lE. Always ir- G5ý-ýjv6 1=1 zLUSIVEý -BUNUFACTURE -ý 1 eau at Dry ý.0,sha wa Book Store, Welland Leads -In

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