p. g NO. - I vest at .... 2 28 30o *35o ... 4 te 29, -1 19, 8g n cabe R, at the, Â~E. CIIEMIST & COR. BROCK& wHiTBY, - MR. FLY.1 'oc. DRUGGIST, DUNDAS STS., - ONTÂRIO. 11ou86-leaning time la here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window "hdes this season than we have ever shown before, from 45c. up. 'Ne use the best baud painted opaque 'ihade cloth, with Hartsbornus sprîng roler. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to sec our latcst style of window screens, to fit any window, at 3oc. each. Our baby carrnages are al of the iatest de- sig ns. Give us a cali before purcbasing elsewhere. We are taking speciai pains to combine elegance with economy in price and general utility. Our stock is complete in House Furnisbings, 'Ne invite buyers to corne and see us. It wilI save moncy. Leading Undertaker,- E@ J. JOHNIWSONO BROOK ST., WHITBY. Establjahed 1849. Whiby Steam Marbie and GfRaite Worh, - Dundas St., WHITBY., Chas. H9. Smih (Formerly Woifenden Works.) Im- porter aud' Deaier in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMEN.%TS> Etc., of the latest material and designa. Al kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. t,"-SE.ND FOR DRsiGNS AND PILcEs. 1000 * Isiandu 1 Welington Lodige No. 19, S.O.E., Bow- mndnl11e, wîdj ruff aGrand Excursion on THURSDAY, JULY lOth, by special train to Kingston and Steamer Here to îoeo Isiand Park and Alexandni Rtay, going through the Qanadian channel, and returning throujh the Americau chan- nel, seeing everything of interest in the trip. This wili be one of thè most enjoy- able trips of the season, giving excursion- ists the entire afternoon on these beautiful waters and rcturnin home in good "ie the samue evening. Ihe Hero is one of thc finest boats on the roue lighted through- out by eiectricity, Maspowerful search light, and fine saloon andtterooms. flic following cheap rates have been arrattged Port Union $2.25 51.15 6.45 Dunbarton 2.20 1.10> 6.55 Pickering 2.20 1.10 7.00 Whitby 2.10 1.05 7.14 Oshawa 2.00 1.00 7.24 A riving at Kingston 1z. 30 a. m., leaving there to returu about 7 P.IU. a"e YOW lunch basket aud go. Tickets are good to returu on auy ordin- ary train on thc I7th." J. I. H. Iwryé ticket agent, BowmnanviflnSS' F. IL IWNHAM, ! Jnne %Qth. i8a-1.21h â' LOCAL NEWS LETTERS8 PORT PUET Master Edgar Buts cf Shaur s 's vistîng a: ýbe boeeof Deputy-Reeve Rundie. W. Willams, of Tor ot, vas visiting relat- ives lu this vicnity this pust weck. Mi. C. W. Cressueil, cf Westgnave, Peunsyl- vunia, is a guest oai nspe:rMBin Miss Jua McBnien leaves ou Mouday fan Philadelphigansd Atlantic City for a trip. Mn. aud Mms A. Gilroy vere in tovu las: Satnrday. baving vbeeled lu froua Toronto. Mr. E.-.&' Nott, cf the Peterboro Examiner staif. vas lu :own this veck visiing friends. Miss Julia MeBrien, froua Uic ladies' presby- terian college, Torouto, is borne for the bolidaym, A. W. Allison bas beugbt the residence ai loshua Davis sud soeu takes possession cf bis uev borne. Mn. W. Hiscars faaiiily left au Tuesdsy ta ocnpy their bome-like cottage for the -sunmer at Pettit's. Died,-At Shirley, on Mouday 6tb muaI,. Blizabeth Hall. relict cf the late lames Hall, iu ber 65th year. Mn. P. Maitiand lcft yesterday (Thnrsday> fer Scotlsud to visit bis native boather sud eu>oy a vel-earncd beliday. Sunderland lavu tennis club vil play oui club on this Fniday. As bath tesas are geod players a close score la expccted. 119 pupils vere lu attendance at the oxamin- atiens bere lasi ueek. This veek a largo nuurb. en are vriting lu Uic higher exarns. Mr. Robert White, la:ely teacher a: Prince Albert. bas passcd bis second year a: Tarante Uuiverity with bonors iu matberics, etc. He vas eue of our highb chool pupils. A new arrivalin toîwn in the shape cf another Chinamau named Ga Choc. Ih is interesting and laugbabie te hear the two Chfinaman taik. cspecialiy wben they becoine a iîttde exoted. The lessop Furnîture Co. have added to the undertaking branch of tbeir business a very fine casket wagon and tbey intend making an ambu- lance wagon of it in a short lime for use in acci- dents, etc. Mr. Charles Fallis, postînaster at Prince Albert, was unfetunate in losing a purse con- tainlng 875o on the 3oth uit., between Biack- stock aud PrInce Albert. He ofters a good te- ward for its return. Mr. N. F. Paterson and family are coming ta town for thc summer montbs aud will occupy their own resîdence on Rosa stree-t, Their many friends and acquaintances will be pleased te welcome themi agaîn. Geo. M. Joncs, son cf Mr. C. W. Joncs, bas been secured by Wbitby colegCiate institute as modem language teacher. IMu$ do aur high school schoians dlmb the iadder. He was also successful at the examination 0f the scbool of pedagagy, passiug in Englisb, French, German and history. Mr. C. W. bwcns. teiler of the western bank, Oshawa. was a guest cf F. J. Mciilan in town las: Sunday. Mr. OWens must bc under an un- lucky star as nearly every urne uceses to tovu he bas a à iap of smre knd. Ibe las tip bc lad some punctures in the tires cf tbis wheel. Better iuck gigit tîie Mr. Owens. At Uhc examiuations of the Toronto conserva. tory of music Miss Ioebpbiue B. Hayes, cf Prince Albert. passed l ic e retical depart- ment. Miss Nettie McTaggart, cf Myrtie, took second class honars for Uic flrst year in piano- forte. Miss Ledla Mehary. of Port Perry. passed ber flrst year w in hetheoreticai departnent.. Fruit pilfering. The fruit scason is bere. and thc mean boys are at their snealc work again. If those wbo bave tbeir fruit2stolcu would nakean example of some cof thase boys wba thii1kk in fn te steai their neighbors fruit it mugbt bu the means of stopping sncb tbievingmeanness. 1 know a case wbere people have bad ta absent tbeoeselves from cburcb service on thc Sabbath mc as nott o bave their trees destroyed and the fruit stolen. Somecue wril get caugbt bufore many weeke pass over and the one caught wyul then wtsb be bad heeded the communen, SThnshalt no: steal., Town park% At Uic council meeting last Monday Çouucil- 1c iefe ntroduced a resolutiou ta bave that inep lot cf land adjoiaing thc tcwn balenlarged and 'ad out and fittedqp fora -part. Memits Bateman and Rundie. to Uic surprise cf the rate- payers cf out town, objected on thc score of ex- pense. If thase two members cf the couneil vaut ta stay out doors in their ovn bock yards that ilneoreaecu vby the majony ofc urcithren should be4eprived of a nice little park. wbich cau bu arranged at a very linîited expense. Let thie counci luisutrc Street Commissloer Me- Knight ta mnakea suitable park and it will-bu doue witbout being extravagant, and wîthai, il will surprise those wbo objeet toe o utlay, and McKnigbt .111 have a comfotabLe CMas spot1 for visitors to spend a plessant b5ufbe visit- iug iu £own, and will bu used by rowncltizens as weil.1 W. J. NOTr. rt Pmy D uala Dr.t.y G. B. WuuAurns, barber, nort te post oMmiu go% Ut.--8 MOs. MaiLmî.-UMx Tncmpxvsaba uoevd nev fa» stock cf a1n Iç~imabiprepa.dte turnont firut-elasa inuthe ateet styles and 1cm pries. tamplng doue taý ord«K Sept.. lOth.-4.mot. W Ci.&=z bais fer sale thre goiecnd hadparlor hoatews wltb cymes, vihh ao oap fofcsh Oilsu Isp e u 0 Por the anid etq &_ ôf fulmtur "ad. Mr. J. Âdaurson sud sister vauited friends lu gcod. 'The strawberry crcp vas good aud Hamptoul last week and found mil enjoying good lasted a long time. Bad Iuck te the boys hSealuci dry weatber. wbc stole tbem froua the poor cld zman in Uic A part cf the Kickapoc company spcn: Sun. villagt. day witb Mr. and Mis Ed. Gleesen Glsd ta Last Saturday Mr. Malycu bad bis fiends seS Uic gcod hearter! little Ilrishinan back quais. ssîst bim Iu raisiug a nice, snug littie barn Otber visitais ure notloed ln oui midst over on bis lot, whlcb yull bu a gnou: benefit te Sunday urere Mrs Green, Miss Msddeu, the hlm Wtrusot in years te camne. AIl went Misses Teefy ai Toronto. Miss Madden of veil eXcept that the propnietor got struck on Wbitby. the b%*d by falling girt. He reccvered Mr. W. Penirelly bas taken dewn ail bis aid rapidly and vas saan »a: wark again. Mr. stables sud is nov busy erecting new cnes But! Rainci, vas the contracter, and dld bis Is a bustIer and intends 10 bave everything doue wcrk îO the satisfaction of ail present. Up in the lates:.I Miss Tuille Tait lu spending ber bolidays with REI NK ber parents and friends bere. Miss Tait is a The* w il] be some f aU wbeat cut next wek gencral favorite witb the yonng people and she Look ou!nt r the layîug cf Uic corner stone cf yull bu gladly welccmed by these. Uic ne wechh. Haying is uow almost a Uing af the pust.Tbeý1ine nain on Monday, alhcugb it damaged Sanie very ligbt crops bave been gatheed au; the bo- that wass iayiug eut, did a great deal cf Prom thc appearnce of tbiugs bay w1ià l bring a good t4> the other crops. butter pnce this coming winter than urbat it did Vsoe-r.udM.A.Spen. f asat. âprng ubeat as a rule is very 11gb:t but the Guelph, Mms S. Hevitt of Toronto, Mrs. F. other spuing crcps are lookisg splendid. Perrn ote Newrcastle, Misa Msggie Bell cf Mr. F. L. Gieen wbile dniving along tbe Pitkering. eventh near j no. Russcl's letoteeof the hunes nhe sacrament af thc Lord's supper win» be drop; the borse fanding soetbing %vrong o bsefved lu the preshyteulan cburch next Sunday menced te run sud upset Uic buggy, îbrovingCOarncian, Service commrneîng a: ii a. cri Mr. G. on the bard grcnnd sud siones. Fortun--,Pflaoysrieo rdyatron atelyboveveir Mr. Green escaped witb a lev proysrvc uFnayatron scratches and bruses.lI ast veeks cerrespoudence, as it appeared in print, we were .naoe to say the pz eceeds ef the ZION.methodist S. S. anniversary voie S13 30. $130 Miss lennie lones is home frcmn ber sebool lu is Uic correct figures, sud witb an after social on Lindsay. the fallawing evening this vas somewbat Mr. Richard Wilson is about to erecta aug9>ented. verandab around bus nov bouse. It bas leaked eut that lu the event af the Tnp- Mr. ohnLewi tothe out of s bs pu. rMggvernmenu ,being sustained a: the late Mr. Johanew pis ta he oun f sbs u.electiats car post office vas to bu removed from chasd a ew peag vugon.its present locanon te the store across the way Miss Cora McAvoy is home from Toronto, and a ôutde th e soutb. A more unpopular urbere she bas been at:endtng normal scho0l. appoinfinen: could bsrdly bu made. Truiy the Mr. Wm. Everett bas returned fromn Lindsay people cf this vicinhy bave great reascu ta bu vbere h. bas been seeing bis brother wbo ns very thankfül that the goveromen: veut und ez. il!. Mr. . H. Joues bas purchased a nev Mc- Laugblin carniage. Tbey expect a gaod turmup crep. We bave nov beard bath ournuev ministers sud prenounce uheni as goad as the besi if no: a littie butter. May good resuits folov their labur. Turnips lu this locality so fan are a veny un- even cnop sud if a considerable dampness dees no: corne bof ore long the crop wili be in some places pas: its prime. Nez: Sabbath vil be the i2tb of july. Mt. Rien celebrates i: by holding ubeir S. S. sai- versary vhiclu wUilbu no amal affair. The pro- gramme viii cousis: of service a: 2 o'claclc p. m., conducted by Rev. Mr. Thom of Pickering, sud lu thc evening frcm 6.3o to 8 a sang service by tbe scbool ater vbicb an address w111 bu given by Prof. Firth of Plckornug coilege. A very interesting time as expected, A qery important part lu cach service viii bu S collection to raise money ta n Uic scbçol for the year, Corne sud bring your cars sud your money. AUDICEY Miss Lankin j$ visiting a: Mn. T. O'Learys. Mn. Banbury la visiting bis brother-i-iav, Mr. S. Bray. Our peds bave departed fnoni school uork. J H. Madili bas gene te Michigan for a mou:b. lra Lawrence sud Miss M. Orvis are vnitinR on Junior Leaving sud Pîimazy crama respect- ivciy. May they bave success- Delegatea vere appointed ta go te thc meeting of the ~Dominion Alliance ou Thursday next lu Toaronto,, by tUic curcb bure. Rev. Mr. T'Mm preaclaed bis firt sermon bene on Sunday last. l vas an excellent discounse on Chrit-like living sud Uic power of prayer. Let us bueue lu trying ta fuither Uic gospel. It seema that tbat precariaus buiug, Uic veath- or prophet, bas fcrgcusen ta deal on:t te us our faim share cf nain, Ta uorth and south fine shovers bave been taiug place almost veeldy vbfle vo miss it. Hay is ligb:em tban las: year ; ail grain Is abr: ; tumnips, late eues, are no: up, and carn lcs eli. TOW LU Mms Webb sud danghtcr are both butter. Miss Real, of Gneenbauk, is visitiug ber cousin Miss Ida Lee. Our young fricnd Winl Dunlop la atteudiug the milhsary coliege ut Toronto. SMr. George Duvcy arrived st bis fatber'a. Mr. J.Duvey. on Tuesday to enjor a visit sud'rcst. Thame uba vraIe at the entrance exauain&tian vene Biaucb McGSegor, Lii Coakueli sud Norman Jeffncy. We are glas! te say that iMr. R. G. Oke, ubo bas beeu very fil vitb pieurisy la imrnpmving but not able t e u up vet. The patbmasten bad the township rcad &isbine dovu frorn Broolii,>tiis ve-ek finlsbiug up Uihemoud that he bas been lmproviug. We vould like te bave every ehburch member of Aimosads, vbeu tilcy go auto churcb mort rime (if tbay corne before thc minster dosa), ta spend anc minute, :bas's euough, eramining Uic villa sud ceiliug sud sec vhat conclusion tbcy viii orne » mter a careùl survey, Wbeu a man gets up lu the momang aad fiuds tb4t îvcn:y or tventy.five oovs thut vemeonoutUi road bave broisen tbrongh bis fenoeand pastared iu bis grain sud cors field al niglit, as vas- Uic ce viRam on f car ferner a a ev ong slneitumaekes b inaîlk that thecogod tise predlo t d eetion bave cosse te the cw any- Agclymmber 1eibodai se. oC offmà efor tbclsthafofj.em îs, Mddie Phl; voe.re. lMn. . R e t ece Mbus. Bro wnud rhu.aceMtW ui olbud yBooegan And eip Ushe téý Sr,) I erigS a wu, . n i Pft &ldy o Es îu ilwtwww_ w alldlnionrov'eents(metii. Mms Ed- Wiilsou of-a young sou. Mms Emuma U:stlejobu vas bomne over Suuday. Mms Becca Lauton visited Cberryvaed San. day. Miss Lizme- Turner is ne: mucb impnoved in bcultb. Mr. Joc Bunk picjced 25o boxes cf raspbernies Monday. Teachersnameeuing vas heid au W. 1. Bodell'a las: Tuesday eveuiug. Mm, Dunhana la vlsiting bon grand daugb:er, Mrs. jobusotof iToronto. Mn. Cokelveli sud two daugbsers et Markbam cailed on Mrs. Hargrave las: Tnesday. Mn. Coitmau- is spending bis vacation vitb bis mother. Mrs. Coltman is mdili a: ber methers vbo 15 very 1ev. Mms Wagner's brother aud fsmily vlited witb ber over Suuda y, aise a nepheur on Tuesday vite rode trom Q.aebec ou bis whnael ince Monday. Mr. Frank Gcrov played witb tbe Riversides Sr., 0.be von the championsbp cf Canada. Stanley played wiUi the juniors vbo alse von the junior cbampionsbîp. Mrs. Jeu. Mitchell is visitiug in Barrie. *Mr. Franki Lamb lis able tQ vork again. Mn. Jas. Munie bas retutued frein Osia- Miss Muaud Spence spent ast veek lu Peterboro. Mr. Thos Smith bud quise a successful rsxsiug on Wednesday. Dou't forges the Prospect S.S. aunivermary ou Sunday sud Monday. Mn. John Munro, cf Pittsburg, is spending bis bolidays here witb bis parents. Patbamster Spence is makiug great lui- provemtcnslu the way cf building ncwVi~de- walks. Mn. and Mrs. Artbur Haruier aud fiiy, cf Chicago, are visiting vîth Mn. sud Mns. R. S. Parks. Mns. John sud Robert Graham îoumneycd oute Daîrymple ou Mouday to scoop in Uic buckieberries. -Mns. Wm. Christian, and family, cf Bruce- bridge, are visitiug bene" witb Mr. sud Mm John Tennysen. Mr. Archie Ewers is ccnfiaed te bis bed and under the doctcr's caro, We hope b. may seau bu weli aguin. Me'. Chas. Evers, cf Clloeburg, sud iss Naotia Evers, cf Tenante, are spending theïr- boidays with tbeir parents hene. The night of meeting cf the epworth le- gue bas beecu chauged frona Weduesday te tuesday eveaiug. The members yul kiud- ly beur thin lumid. Miss Minnie Robeon returuod homle ou Thurscity veek, aftef a fow vocits 'vusit vitb relatives sud friends in Goneva, N.Y. She reports baviug bad a grand tîne. , Mr, sud Mrs, W. F. Debeon to&k part iu th p 'grme - et the Columbus Suay sehcg unver ry concert c~Mna va iag lut, Theur services vere mach aqppre- ciated. Mr R B Wakiks ahotu.froua lijday. MirJames Peeldl ofRt illton, la liere vistlu h. gandmetsMnUr .d 1-lireSa The QuostoRi of the Roui'. Conucil met on Manday Iast A number of accounts vere pnreseuted sud ordered to bu paid, chiefly -road contracteanmd indi- gent items. A notice cf appeul fron: court, of rev isicui by j H Harris. re Rugliciz churcb parsouage vas rcad. A communication fronu couuty clerk giving statemeut cf county taxes to e buraed lu township amouant rcquired5$8i. 5o. A by-lav vau introduced and passecdits sevemni readi>ags appointiug Mm. Henry Meen collecter cf taxes for 14g& The reeve vas sppoluted te, look aftem Uie appeils fromt cout cf revision ou behaîf cf township. ThCe depu'ty-reevo sud Mr. B. É)eiiartwere appointed commis- sioners te, repair bridge oer mania ou base hune, The reeve, deput-reeudCucl Ian K etcheu vere aa pcluated a n ou ittee t iuvestigate -the ci", of clhas.' ',de W..for daanhges te nleal e cssic being overtuie tr ehttv CCncl udjomucd u11tll imut Mnaif September to e mccnlucounuil mua t GUYà , n Db*ui Kemmeuooppoel*e ToWiiRal, yu w -A 11cNERL1, D &-radua.fh0.M mnber 0o, the ontorloiw mei Trota 194 disoseao!tu dm4s ~tve1 1 b.e, aimais bby lb. mm*uta1iproet alboYAiso èa=be *pautcular atwatlp=8001 . aio a sud dentUstry. Day or n*gh u, oaDÈet, attande& UTl Md= Officean4ini4oto B. Duncan, merehant tailor, bas scuM'd the agency for tic Oshawa $-team L"Undiyo Launâry WU lloum;ehb~op ou Thureday » mou ,and w il b rtu " « onSatQTrd .ý & lKanne, OshawateamLatm4r.isif.ý ~.* SCYTHE.S, S1r4TH, I- ad Thec KickupooMediclue Ce.. are stili with tus givlug nightly entertaluments and sel- llng their mediclues, * The attendance keepe np as at the start, aud ons those nlghts when e.n admission fée is cbarged there are generally larger audiences thau on Uic free nights. Ou Thursday cf last wcek Uic doc- toi drew 25o teetb und is.stilllat it evemy day. Thcy upove te their next stand on Thrs day. We hope the garden party at Mr. Don White's next Tbursday evening, 16thilnst., yull bu a splendid succesa. The "Daugh- ters of the Churchl underwhosc auspices it is ta bu beld, will give a barty velceme te ail who cau attend. A go programme vill bu given sud rcfreshmcnts served-ail fer îS cents. Courcysuces wilU bu provlded fer those geing from the village, wbc have ne oCher way cf gettlug ont. Thac wagose wiii leave front the viclnity cf the post- office ut 6.3o p. m. After the anueuinceunent for the Snnday schoal pic-uic had buen made last week it was found that a suitable grove could net bu obtained near home ou suy kind cf reuson- abie termsa su the committee at once de- cided te change their plans. Arrangements have nov been cempieted for golng te Oshawa-on.the-lake. It is a busy time witb the farnuer, but they have acted very-- generously iu furniahiug teanus te take Uic eidren eut for their da" ef enjoymcut sud by thîs hcarty co-operatien have ver, much ligbteued thc labers cf thc committee iu charge of these arrangements. Next Thurs- day is the day seiected, aud if Uic veather bu fiue there yulneno doubt bu Uic usual large tumneut af youug sud old. Twcuty-three members of Whitby coûncil R T of T visqitcd the concil hene on Mcuday evcning sud a vcry pleasaut time wus speut by ail vho verc present. Âfter routine business had buen disposed of a debate vas hcld ou Uic subjeet, "Educatiou bas donc more than Le1islation ta abolish Uic use of intoxicating liquar as a buveraçe." After an bour's discussion Uic docisicu cf Uic j udges-Dr Lambly, Mn W Tasnblyn, M A., and »4r A Ketchen-vas given ln favor cf Legisiation, which was the side cf the argu- ment tà ken by Uic Brookllu represcutatives. The judges teck occasion te compliment ail the prticipants upon the able mauner in whiheUi debate bad buen cenducted. Refxeshmeuts vere partaken of sud the gathernug broke np at a scasouable heur. A returu vist viii lîkely bu pulul by Brgok. 5* ** * * and ail kiniks dof Staple *Ia are pxeparedto. supP ýROCK ýýBoT-ToM Pi FOiRKS~ RAKES; VOLO xxxxe 'n Alla'* for pure drng.. Miss Helen Burus le home spendingbe holiday. AsBU1ht but velcome ruinfaîl teckpae yseaymotoing. Mrs. Grover, Toronto, a ulece cf Mm.' Burnham, la visitiug here. Mn.Gemle.uaihHamiltnvws bore on Weduesday, vlsltlug Mr.. Aunes. Excursion te Toronto sert Mouday, JuXy 13tU, Per steamer Eurydice. Mr. W. G. Waiters Je spending his holi- duys lu Montreal. Mis. Fmank Powell, Chicago, is: here visit- ing frieuds. ' Best quality prints reduced te îoc.ona t- urday JUly il ut W G Wuters . Mns. R. IL Omr is visiting at Massey, on - Uic Spanish river, eith her sister, Mmm.- Dr.. J. A. Hershey. See the dieus goeds oflered ai 2sc. per yd. ou bangaiu day. Saturday, July 11 ut W -G Walters. Mr. unc Mms, W. J. Greeuood of the Ontario Ladies College yull bu. lu Mditchel during the holidays. The garden party Bt Ontarlo lAdies, Col-:- lege on Wednesday uight vas fîtvored wltà ~a10ely night, but only dre a emaicrewd. Thene -is talk cf Mný. R.Wolfeden fsn. iganev brase baud lu tevu, pincipalr mdu cf boys vhlo bvsmsc4u about them. Mesurs. W. 1* Ormiston aud J.- j.-Sethp barristers, cf Toronto sud Ottava respoct* ively, vert iu towu over Sunday lest M . LJ. Lynde bas msoved t opa where be will assist bis birother, J.Lyde bot rbervlao bas soId bis businessut, are :oz. aud oved te tho Quzeenct The Neptune- Yacht club, Toretato, ïg en- cansped ut the barber bar heme.TheycMr . here cvemy year, sud declare Our here best camp ground along the northsr,, Tbestrawbemry,.grop was not very heavy-,- -atuunyontldmets yerbqt -bashM Wel, sudut proeut tr mabenties. cmerj sud rispberrles may b. seea nla-the îe grocery wiudow. Ssudy' Frauda la isere fomNew T-r En reports tuc Whitby c0ey nthmaLt.ty~ Uhivîngt. Before .golng back,. ie, ifas his brotherHmy IGad aly nIl sister, M m c. P t r o tP e t . Wcrk habeen cotmbeace4ý- in doua thc bille -betweeu Wbtby n ava. It is-reportedtwIl)iat çkclta a deep open çulverag i.- tb'ont ofMt b!»l and vadly $shaker UP. A large number thmnbes e, i > couic order ventte Plckemingonstn te attend thc late HnrWo-tCus, Tbey report huvlngsiccu oneof the, Ihà crals tiret evortookplc lu. Pketiu# The two bus lhues contiuffe Wth u fury.. We behlevesome of them c.d uaoneY Carry ug p"of et~o hhk.aà > aftcmnoemansd vnngprded vwere nQt allowod té utake hbemutI Li fe or Death1 WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JJJLY 10, 1896. e ta ws, >.oG. 0. Lore, 7an<h'/-oo/ S/zcky F/yj 5 cts. F/v, poison Pads .. a 5cs. Purc Insect Powder. Churh's Inseci Powder