Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jul 1896, p. 3

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parillaj ilays atm n Tnyftit a-tng uut nlo bene..- 'tised in 1 toa4 EVERY - MILY SHOULDO THATI - lue voy reaxhéla zory buSh fr Ine. TEEMAL fSd EXTEENAL U11e, #Md vco- E derti i Ite quiac mtot reltvs diabu&s tPMIN-KLLmeRte0 ma Choile, mlalNwi1mpn h.PAIN-KIE1R aurUs, etc. By the looks of Many ofur fields the busy hum of; the biader wifl soon bc heard once more. MIr. Wesley Irwin left 'for his home in Glandifle on Friday bot. ýWe wisht him a pleasant trme durie vcain Mr. Fred W. Brimacombe 15 rejoic-f ing over a fine baby girl. Ail the com-1 pliments of the season to yoti Fred, 1 The Misses Pringle. of Sutton, who bave been visiting at làr« Nelson Fos- ter's for the past two weeks, left for' homne on MNonday. The Centre S.S. picflic on July ist was a decîded succesS in every way. A1 large crowd wa*_s i n* attendance and a( vers' pleasant tîmne is reported by alil Who were there. \ ldwfl social wiJl be held at the head o(f the lsland,.on the spacious lawn of Nr. A. A. 'Bryant's residence on Tuesdav evemÀng of next week. Re- frcshments of ie cream, cake, etc.. wil be p)ro'.ided aiong with a programme. Admisýon 1()(. Proceeds to go to Sabbat bih chool work. Nîrs. Robert Frise and daughter, of lO.i'ont P>ont, spent Sunday ViSitingý frýcrils at the head of the Island. ?dr. Ie Davey has been confined to lhcr bed for some timne suflering from a >ýjjt atak of fever. We hope to seeg her around again by next week. Niss Nettie Jackson is on the sick ll>, but under the able care of Dr. G;<nens we look for ber speedy re- c j\erV«. NIr. Wesley I rwin was appointed n)y the Niaple (;rov'e epworth league to re- jrctcrt themn at the great prohibition cLovýention in Toronto, July 16 and .17. Nîr. I)avîd Jackson was visiting Ir.en<ls in Solina hast week. <)uite a number from the Island went tu \alentia on Monday to the S.S. an- O<ur foot bail team played at Green- tank on july i st against the Greenbank tearn. Our- boys were mucbh ighter nen and yet the score was 2 to o in favor of Scugog. The game proved to be (uite an attraction at the anniver-1 savservices and yet each man in the visiting team had to pay for his own supper. which seemed rather shabby trcatrnent after al their trouble to give tne (;reenbank people a good exhibitiont of foot bail. The unanimnous opinion was that the members of Greenbank team were gentlemen ail the way thruugh and when they return the miatch on Scugog soil, they will be rovally entertained. Nr. Dan Sweetman, of Bracebridge, j- busîly engaged on the lsland renew- ng ()Id friendships. As predicted our tes. on the let July wab a grand success. Tbe concert in the evenîng w-a the best ever given here.t The proceede at the Sunday service, tea and concert amounted to about $216 Miss Ida NTcLeau, vocalist, and Miss Armson, elocutionist, Toronto, fairly cap- tivat.ed the large audience who attendedt the concert. Mr. Richard Avery, while et work on a building on July lot, belonging to Mr. Shc--Oh, pardofl, yen are her bas- band 1 He-oh, ne, only, ber dentist. "C1an 1 go te. day and bathe, mamma." "IDont bother me." "But eau I ?" 16WeUl, yes, than. But if yen go and get drowncd don't venture te cerne and show me your face again." 44I teund a good bargain in men'a soust-dy" a4 Jorkins, aftez' he had piked everything on the supper table go "IYen have had botter lnck than I ever ha.,"retorted bis wife. BmlodPreden&-I want yen te mske room -for tst idiot nepbew of mine who bâaJsi oocme frein college. Manaer-What does he know about 'God Ilptb m t the head of the Bixby (vory»iaighte-Who'a thba, dumu.yfrghii olcaming Up the roid cm theý '»ix~-~-o~1Id.,u't mean thït Ouêeý I eailtke gisad uy wii tusbbloa- Ililer Uk~wIeatcpt ,befoine I S 4ci e 'rlê,b case thé skia lathnnù: than wheit khas-stoo6nger"ndis, ~id itiet proportion bi gIltmib greaer. -,On Uic other hand, k t nds t0o reason that- >Seed grain should be fuly repened,S'O'thaïthei germ wiRl be well deve 'loped. and the starch upon which it wilfeed also. It appear reasonable to suppose that the idevelop- ment ai the germ takes something from the flour-yielding quantity of the grain, and that this le one reason why millers like whe at cut before it is dead ripe. There je a great lack of exact know- ledge upon this point and a capital opportunity for investigation. Barley cut when flot quite ripe is of a better color and realizes more money than when left tilli is i dead ripe, but for malting, a mature, healthy germ is important. By cutting grain, afid especially oats, before it is dead ripe, farmers secuire themselves against the risk of heavy loss from shelllng. If they do not begin to cut when the grain is a little under ripe they cannot finish before some of it is over ripe, and then the chances are that they will lose a great deal of grain. Emcept for malt- ing barley, then, the advantages are .greatly in favor of cutting a little too soon rather than too late. An experi- enced farmer will say that wbile he has rarely had reason to regret having been too quick in cutting a wheat or oat crop. he bas often suffered fa-om being too slow. Especially is this true with oats when the straw is so largely used as foddea.-Farmer's Advocate. Mr. M. W. Pascoe returned to Brighton on Monday. Mr. Wm. Montgomery lies danger- ously i11 with typhoad fever at bis grand. father's, Mr. John VanNest. Oua- energetic teacher, Ma-. Ev'erett Brown, bas resigned bis situation. Previous to leaving he was presented with an address and a gentleman's companion by the scholars. Rev. J. Thompson of Toronto preaches at Advent cbua-ch Sunday next, 10.30) a. m. Patrons have closed their meetings here subject to the cal of the president. Mr. James Stainton is home from the Ontario Agricultua-al Colleg. Mr. Albert Hilîs was at Woodstock on business. Miss Helena Clarke is home again. Mr. J. C. Weeks, the hustling Bow- manville painter, bas nicely- painted Mrs. Trimble's cottage. It'Shaip.n the appetite, improves digestion, and restores bealhb and vigor; all thbe organe of the body are &roused ta bealthy action by Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, More than ali, the liver-and that'a the key to the wbole ays- tain. You bave pure blood or pois-inone blootu, jusi me your liver chooses. The blood controis the bealtb, tbe liver conta-oli the blood, the 'Dieoorery" contrais the liver. You canescaope just about baîf the ili. that fesb in beir ta, by beibg ready for tbem. Brace thbe systein up witb tibia niedicine, which pre. vents as well me cures. For all diseu asscnsed by a disordered iver or impure blood-dyspep- nia, bihiousneas, the most fatubborn ekin. scilp and scrof uloco affectiona, tbe "Dimeovery" in the. only reniedy no certain and effective that, once used, it in always in favor. Send for a Mrm. Margaret Pa tterson, 91 Vine strèet, Hamilton, Ont. Thomas Emil Sterling, 96 John street, north, Hamilton. Mrs. Ann Caflery, 227 Ferrier etreet emit. James A. Campbell, zoo King street eest,. Hamilton. Jacob Fisher, Niagara Falls, N Y. John Langly, 175 Hunter street west, Hamilton. Madame Dery, 227 Churcb street, Ottawa:' Emerson Hanuan, Glanford Townuship, Wentworth County, Ont. James Deiwortb, 374 Bay street nortb. Thomas Moffatt, x76 Murray street, Ottawa. George C Armstrong, z&4 Bessceer treet,- Ottawa. Martin Watson, -112 Catbeart street, Ot- tawa. Thomas Warren, z35 Strachan streci, Hamilton, Charles Sayer, 119 Hannais stte_ .W0e0t Hamiliton. Mu Elizabeth Cwmngs, 28 Ge. tree, Hamilton. Mr* Nenly Guye Brat ee liil Oea aU, auflrd v~U elamlton Whitby ladîescou1é ,,John ,ThOMl$4i-of T rn>, speot SIzday wkbbiblé otHe,*amr. here, Mrs. M., Herdersn hâs been M1 for the past weeki but now has given-signe of restaration. Mrm (Rev.) Leggott presented her husband with a daughter oIT Monday. Ail doing nicely. Mrs. Hickingbottom, of Victoria, B. C.. is at present here with ber aunt, Ma-s. W. Leaper, for a few weeks. M rs. Peter Diamond presented ber husband with a son on Friday, and of course the pater is jubilent. Mrs. James Undea-hillis18ini a very critical condition as we write. We trust that she may be speedily restored to health. Mr. and Ma-s. joseph White, of Brooklin, was here ovea-Sunday with their daughter, Ma-s. Thomas Hicking- bottom, who is gradually growing weak- er. Albert Brooker and wife, of Stouif- ville, are now the guests of Fred Faa-m- er and wife. Albert is indeed in very poor bealrh, and is in consequence de- pressed in spirite. Charles Michell is home with bis parents, from St. Louis, where he bas been for a few months. Charlie es- caped injury during the late cyclone, but the stoa-m passed ovea- a portion of the streer upon wbich he was. His ac- counit of the affair will intea-est anyone. Joseph Boyea-, of St. Louis, is here with bis mothea- and brother for a few d.ays. He auns a large machine shop and bas been appoinred as delegate to the Tradesmen's congress at Saratoga. He tells some very interesting and at the same tîmne shocking incidents in connection witb the terrible cyclone that passed o-ver bis city a few weeks ago. W. Bell vacated the bakery and resi- dence on Tuesday, and Nathan Tarr, wbo bas purchased the whole outfit, witb property, took possession on Wed- nesday. Ma-. Tarr is a steady reliable young man and will undoubtedly do a thaiving business. Ma-. Bell bas taken possession of the Edwards' residence south of the town hall, where he and bis familv wili for a time reside and en- joy a vacation, before making known bis intentions in a business way. We wish him success aiso. The metbodist school picnic in Robt. Undea-hilî's ga-ove on Dominion day was very successful. Alrhough the attend- ance wvas perhaps flot so large as on former occasions, yet the committee are pleased wîth the number. in attend- ance. as there were contra attractions on ail side% that day. The shower in the evening rather dampened things. but only prepared people to get ready for the concert. The Stoufiville baud rendered choice musical selections dur- ing the afternoon, and- some of their number did well in the evening. The Whitby tabernacle choir sang splendid- ly in the evening, much to the delight of ail. In fact both gatherings were much enjoyed. W'e have not yet heard the amount of receipts.-News. i va o c iIVas oeaapletety eure& d. adn bel 1ke a diffemet mam. Oal0*2Me. par box." SoMdby A.HELAlrm, dtuftit,> A youug miem amrnai Piota, vWb&loua drovned et Peabroke ia two le'tout str Be, amuublee tefite. Loudon Péople bave beome usnd te -the Gzoà Speus «»adiy. - for84 suplint -powrto tuie tomva for vater maineand also supplyiadg houséï with water for domestic purposes-,A water supply of this kind would bea great convenience. On Thursday evening last when re- turning f rom Uthe Sons of Tenfperance convention at ýSandford, Mr. R. P. Moore and a number of ladies had an accident that resulted painfuilly for some of them. They were crowded in a phaeton and the horse rau away, faightened by the lightning. The re- suit was an uçsïet, some sprained and bruised people and one young lady re- mained unconscious for considerable rime. Onrl the uleepers. An Uxbridge minister, while preach- ing iu the baptist chua-ch at Goodwood on Sunday noticed that some of his congregarion were very drowsy and stopping short in bis sermon he said: -"There is somerhing wrong with this building. The carpenrers forgot part of their work. They left tha-ee or four sleepers above the floor." The sleep- ers awoke and stayed awake. A Utaeng tory. To show how intense the party feel- ing still le in some sections of Canada we need only mention the case of a woman that came undea- oua- notice a few days ago. She was lamenring Ma-. McGillivray's hack of majority and said: -well, he would have had votes enough if they had ail donc as well as oua- village. We have only two grits in the place, and one of thcm's dying and the others goin' to move out in the fali." iOth July demonstratten. Ar the regular meeting of the Ux- bridge L. O. L., 583, presided over D Wor. Bro. M. H. Crosby, D. M., and W. Kidd, D. M., on Monday, June 29th, with a splendid attendance, it was dccided that the Lodgc meet at the hall. Uxba-idge, at 8 a. m., on Saturday the i ith inst., to attend the county Demonstratlon at Sunderland on that day, leaving by the merning train. Several visitors wcrc present, among thcm being Wor. District Master, W. O. Webster, Bro. Shields, L. O. L. 673, Sunderland, Bro. H. Madili, County D. of C., and Bro. Hare, L. 0. L. 142, Toronto. A large amount of business was transactcd, after receiving one brother by certificate and the pro- positions of three.gentleman for initia- tion on thei i îth insr. On report of commirree the lodgc decidet t engage the Uxbridge biass band, which bas since been doue, and Ma-. Geo. Mc- Guire, the leader, expects that bis baud wiil be second to none at the Demonstration. The Wor. M. expects ro see a good tua-n out on that dey. Ail pasr and present members of the Association are cordially invited to join with rheulodge and accompany themn. The County D. of C. stares that ail arrangements have been made for a good rime by the Su,'nderland lodge and a large demonstration is cxpected.- Journal. ONE HEONEIT MXN. Dear Edilor.--PIeuse iaiorm your readera tat hwritten te-confidentiy I wil Mail in a Castoria. CanoI a unexcelleun mdwne for cm- dren Xothmibave repoatedly tod me of ts good ~eeaupan tbeiraobildren." Dm. G. 0. Oasecu Lowe4 mam 0agoefa lathe bus: rmudy fech1ldrè ci vhlch i amn aequalnted.i hope the dmy inaaot fas dnt vhm motheru vfloongdeth.rui. àtitweetthelr cbidrez4 and us Cbatcria li-. utead oftthevarousquack noobmusvhlcao dutsoyng th.lr Ived oeesby forelugoplum, morphine, uoothing uyruand other hureful agent dowo thi thrata thereby snding UtM om 5 yematezramu" D&. J. F. KIOHECea Oomvmy, Ârk. Caastor.& "CneIouovell adaptedtoidremgaa Ireeammend ltaspretmpuupi kuovuito me." IL . Â.Âuu.aIL t, 211 Bo. Oxford à St~EakiyaNX "our phymdan la the ehildreul eprb m ht a"espokea hlgblet thelt opsi eues lnuir uSetaMe Pnacties vlthCWSie,, sid aithou*iavoe u bavIe ao * medbd imappUm w ba la humas ragokls praduetm4 ye&v Ie.à»t o les thM t li mesor ec Catels bas nu ok vlIk taver uponm. UMrnes HoestAMa.anD xusurt,- The Con.mr wCem.yTi àNuww. r U4, Kw Toek Gtcm Tar-Branding of Bheep. The journal of the British Board of Agriculture states that the Board have received commuications from the Halifax and Huddersfield Chambers of Commerce intimating that local repre- sentations have been made by wool spinners and manufacturers as to the inconveniences resulting from the branding of sheep with tar and similar substances. It is represented that a large quantity of wool used in the manufacture of carpets and the like does flot undergo the process of sorting. and thus it frequectly happens that in spite of endeavors to take out' tar- marked wool the tar marks pass through the various stages into the finisbed goods, thereby causing censiderable damage and loss. This would nfot be- serious were it not for the fact that tar is flot dissolved in the ordinary pro- cesses of wool-washing. This fc should lead wool growers to adopt soie other means of marking their filocks,- because they are, after aIl, .the ones- who pay for the cleaning, by receiving a lower price for their clip because of the objectional brand. Farmers Advecate. Thec Most EooI~ WESTERN BANK IF CAl BOARD 0F DIRECTORS., oHN COWAN, EsQ., Presideat, RECUBEN S. HAMLIN, ESQ., ViCe-1 T. H. MCMIL LAS,--- General Baubki n uesst#ai Drafts issued, payable lna alparts ada, United States, nnd où od land, payable-la a11 perts 6f tufoe ga cent. allowed, on Savauga Rauki, md credited half ye!rl.. Spe" 4l!ttew"tio b olei Fairiera':sale notes. H. I S k q.; jeCTT WISDOM .1 sm~GTK f The and Cbidren. 1$ conatu aith oiwnim, oihno r, other Nareottsustnc.It là a harmlem a ubs1 'for 1arefgorl., DroIts, Sothlng Sjrrups, and Castor Oit ht le Pleasant. Its gaa lulathfrîy jerç«Wune w'ý Millons ofMlothers. CWrasSonsctrfflWorgus d alla»i foverwmshus. Castonla, pre*euts 'vomitling Sour Curul, cures Dlsrrboea and Wind Colle. Castorla releve teethlng troubles, cures constipatO.n Md iatulenty* Castodia asslmilates the food, regula+e the utomach snd boweln, glving healthy and - nattéral sleep. CaS.m toils the Children'ls Panacea-the kfother's friand.ý )f a bot.. ie finit as ever tu, Ont. r'nt. yet ic. IEu , 'W. W"a

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