w=MfëMeroM ab -ud t'oa d= Ihod lb s0ver fanadc alce4viishk Pu»e English Paris Green, bt'Tow éms FkUet Qiualty Inset Powder, Jno. A. McGiflivray IL P. was in toutiais week. Blue Vitro or Copper Suiphate, AIlla'U for 91Y Poison, pads and tanglefoot sîicky ey. Save your butter accouat b using Tods bread. Haif the butter willdo Two brîck bouses -to reft; conveal. CIIURDH'S IISECT POWDER ences ; îow rental. Apply tb M. W. Coulina Attend Saturday bargain daY sale ai W G Walters', JI i kilin &H leaf eating insect& Mr. A. WaIrren and Miss Warren, Toron té, are vieing friends in Whitby and vicin- 10 CENTS PI Tm. ity- Meurs. Joseph and William Goodmnan of Tkesegwods are absolUte/y pUre New York, bave been guests ai Mr. chas. King's duriug the week. aNd Of /M it neSt u/< D. X. Tod's brcad and Cakes are sold ai T Yates'. Give hix a call when you want anYthing nice ini that Une. 55gjgp~ Fifty cent lake trip 10 Toronto Monda> WILIÃ"~per steamner Eurydice. Remember july j DRUGIWn.SDunoofAlmond's, bas gone Mastét Victor Martin,. wbo bas been ai MEDICÂL LY Tiit oleeschool, port Hope, sîce Eastr, etunedhome on Friday lassifor Broc SreetbIMtby vacation. Erock Stret, -Rev. J. S. Clarke, Oshawa, bas taken up bas residence bere. Ht. will occupy tbe west end of his residence near the congrega. tionai cburch. Miss Linton, Mias Nicholson, and Mis% OI7.tIflC71t Rowe, ibret. of our clever icachers who bave bharge of schools ai some distance frora _____________________________here, are home for thear bolidays. Inspecior McBnaen, Principal Gale .ot' the. Port Wbitby scbool. and Mr. M. L. Nutting, WHITBY, JULY 10e 1896. principal of Uxbnidge public achools, are ___________________________presidiug ai the teachers.,cz.aininations here this week. W. ea.a Bus1Ii« There are about fifrY to write ai the Sinc weannuncd tw weks go haiteachers' crains bere ibis year. The fiu-st Sine w anounedîwowees ao ta<form commenced Tuesday, the. second and bose who owe for subscription to thetihird yêsterday, and the wrkting will Con- HRONICLE must ecuber pay or else we will tinue tor two or tbree weeks. now the. reason wby, a number bave paad lMr. Win. Lawrence is again mail clcrk on p iheir bock accouais, and more have writ the Midland, and swings back into ail bas former popularity. Mr. Wison bas be en to Say thai they wlll do so ai certain stdmmonecl b anoîber Une near Sarnia, e 4 laes. To those wbo have paid no attention undertand. He carned tbe rega rd. of ah e would say thai we trust îbey will feel 1no whilst stationed bere. These changes we ight to get mad il tbey reccive compliment. undcrsts.nd are only tcmporary. 'M Mr &' 85% Wbu 1 -te 1 0, th kt us te: wi nil ary reminders from our soliciiors We shahl Ceriainly take thai course with al Who owe Us f6r - back subscriptions previous to j896 This la thhe ast notice tbey wîll reccive from US. Wm. iOandead. Wm. Bain, au ex*Whitby boy. and for sorne ycans o brakesman and englne-dravet On the C. P. R., was kllled hls week. Ht. was a Vt.rY PoPtilar yoiang nfla, weti known along the. Ontario and Quebec l",e. Re-count bhreto-day. Ba.St ote A re-couni of the ballots case in North On- tario election starts bore ibis, Friday, mort,- For one tbing tht. lat. elections apppar to ing before Judge Surnbam. Mr. John A have ail but put au end to Patron prospects. McGdhivray now bolds tht. seat by one vot The people take no stock iu politica man- raoiy as will bc a"eu from the official agcd in secret behind lodteroom doors. figures publisbed i0 another column. The two McCartbyites and îwo Patrons Wjiiby wfthoiit à Phctographar. may touch ihumbs as the ibird and fourti br rent--cieap. Double sbop, and con- parties in parhtament. Tht. ýeopie appear veulent living moons above, iu Ont. Block, budtoefinit sucb organirations to wo pposite poetoffice) fornaerly occupied b> members.O'Brien for many years, as his photograpb le hs a hlgbly graîifying picce of news te nes a an there being ai present no photooe- be able to state ihat Champion Corbett, tht rapher ln Whuîby, les a very dèragft mon of many werds and greai t latng bas chance. lmînediate possession. Apply tO bee thmpe a Sa Frncicoin iihE. Stephenson, Telegraph, Express and with a sailor namcd Sbarkcy, who bas been IiktAtWibOt developing bis muscle lately. The sîruggle Hon- John Drydemi. was for four rounds, and as Sbarkcy got tht Hon. John Dryden, Minlater of Agricul- besi of it, tbcy are 10 figbt it oui te a finish iutc, ulîl leave on Monday on a trip tth soznetime soon. Northwest. He uli attend the flfth annual meeting of tht. Manitoba Central Fgrumers, Sir Charles Tupper and bis cabinet sur- Institute ai Brandon on tbe xsth of tbis rendcrt.d their portIfoios te the Governor- Month, and deliver an address ýon sin- Geea nWednesday, and Mr. Laprier CiPies 10 be obsened in establishing a dock Generl O0or berd, " and uil also visit the. Winnipeg was ai once sumnmout.d w form a new Exhibition. HI. toutr lacludos au Inspection' miuistry. The bouse in sumnmoned te meet of the. Pioneer fam n Ait loma,4 and before on J uly i6th, but it in undersîood an adjoumu- he reeuns home a short il.,. mill be spent ment ulli take place tilI eanly in August te in flsbiug on the nor.ti shore. enable the new minîstry to get loto the The Blgge« &fakaye« harness. There are manasates as te k r. Tht. local newsanrepseoueae Laurier'. miuistry, but aothing autbentic each week mn orderP"-aepe omayfot bcl was known yesterday. guiled by- sharperu -ho overcome titan C There wihi flot be se maay election pro- w-th an artcle w-ich looks to be honest bueta isreafly a fraud. Yet tient. is no "mors tests or bye-elections ibis year as there were fait. non more deceMvug achesue thau aine in '89', for the reason that the law bas been out of ten of our local uows 1en.Tley changed as to wbat will void an election. Professte give local new-s, wC e lu oreality lu x8gî a sangle Instance of wrpng.doaug was nine out of te of them am re teby apat- aufficient, but under tht. law as it now stands other half prîuted at bone -Mostly tro li wUhilbave te ho ahowo liai liere was cor' coluuplates furulshed bW clty bypo..uak. ruption te sucb an extent as se couviace the ers. They W% MUsiHly a 11111e larien ta presiding judges that it had a sirong effeci the. houest home-mail. local paper, aud the-. k in decidin tht. ehection. Thus unlese tht matter of sire o nleapaabatmc majoruty la very all i h yl require b bt. people'. gneed, sud tlaey seçun mai! in-. t proven that bibery had prevailed extens. eniation, whichin. booiad,b7 lies ta mle=ebc îvehy. Tic Dominion and Ontanlo eLoction odverting.à main w-ho smode oui a f&te 4aws are almost identical in ibis respect. newspaper -u'ilI 11t hesitato toie about its d UsualIy aller a few cases bave been proven *rc a Iou. b l easy to undem"tnil tiat O under the. Ontario election law the. respond- there ta more profit lunapateut Swvpa da eut bas cousenîed te vocale lie seat and tha in &a oume-printcil mse. sd If tie pub' stand another contest, but tht. strong reason lic doc5 flot give uubouudod support ticthe for Ibis is that eacb case proven carnecos honeat pulisiers titre Wilsn «M noue Pa with it, and lins it becomes expensive t1 0 ont aetjoras on. withth appearance o beiug unseated Toua Comcl lai tht. end. MtMndyetb.,. .laIe u RecenlyIn our Oshawa columu me lsba u ebffof h'ie bond of be« al occasio t ' 1 fayot of cleriqg on ldm Mialmtaei*ahl. A, ocso to find fault with ourt Suuday lett WUa re&d frSnlias. Caaap$,,aki sebools tor disîrlbuting Anierican doctrines, a rebt. -of tazq ooi, bis #cuidUa. of loyoi1ty omong tie chitdnen. Tic Toronto qn'à 4"à b«iLC3 -D"di ro ta -report fnbn 'tlbe sirets mumle. Star of Monday Lst gives a much amread J ICA KcCn fiagrant case. Saturday was thse 4th ot'Jnly, lahu eso6:WS. tsk .. ne P theSundaycz day1 In the Biatés bie~ Sndysbo aes1fSundaylame were fillcd mIi 4th o Jýuly sentlnsnt.la SeveralSuuday sehoolslinluTorosto papen. veeo aided round wkîh a b4g Aosonicà s fi98. uder whlci w-a»bcmotte it ne, ou. a, Oue COhntrY and oq 1o4 b 'a hois. bow careSs. fab «&lW- lia.tisework doue in mmy oh' Out Sunday' achiSos, ud 1n"any peopie lu Torouto sud, othr a= Wbave declded 10 wlthdnraw- bi fr-Ouatic Sabatizaiol atl*mu4 *Tii.l uathS nuambov ., Lat t. .â.. mis Wle Enter Jzdy Full of Bwu8e8 and ýprepared to Underseli E ve rybody ý in 8it7ht. New Special8 in Goods You Need, al Sacrifice P 7a11 and See what You can for Mie. 59c. 69c. J&' 99c. Onte Price to ail, and CAS8H. BURNS & CO., Whitby : Brook-t, north-oaa aide. O)shawa : The Corner Score. Lett yet AGEN( 0OUNr»Y COUNCIL3 ACT, 1896 of the Neiw- TO 4 Il Wh ome il May c»pn- cernl.FI E 1 bave remeved froasthe Co=mgone. F under "The County Conucils Act, Profits and ae, vas. I'b. Qou;yGuols ct18 . Tt% th9 Ooimty 01«rk of the Oouu.- tY of Oftairio t SIR -TAKE NOTICE tiattheii.Commis muer aptedeunden '<lTie Ceauaty Couit- 14Nb ,»divlde.utbe Casat7 cfOn. amrinto couaay. Coundi Division%, m oid thein Sibtinà g> forthat - o Ko rnY, be 3clda&Y' eAuSà tt w reat te lasur é (o ntb reooon-and,o 4moumoday to ay, as iaybe ', , 8ettuhcourt oeellbéTomtof<«M . at which lajê id. plceti- ;;ukau -Winh hmau ai uiila iubcrese4, sud wW-iWke emeae 0 app licattibeihef h cmisin P8tDabe tic e1daY Of' JoIY, - aC96 W. W. DEAN. in order to make sure o! a ýig reduction in cul Summer Stock we have marked our-figues verY close. We real- iiethatitis The people must have Summer Goods while they will. be of some use to them and we have resolved to settle the question at once by makinag on our large and well assorted stock of: SATIN PRINTS selhing for ........................ 12J ets. per yard COMMON PRINTS seling for.. .8c., .10c., Mi. and 12J ets. per yard DRE8S GOODS................. AT VEBY CLOSE FIGURES. PAReASOLS ............................... AT BIG REDUCTIONS. It is stylieh p E and fast ; of peý 1workmanship finish. loyeolmeters, ,Watch Holderi Trump ' 'rice8.abo Buy out our Goods., but niee, dlean goods to select from At »amag.d Goode 'Pricm. DREOW -aiiImorn LYA %jbý , Dry Goods, - Carpets, ]Ready-niade Clothing. BCial FOIR THE NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY, ~ 0F20 ]p R-EUN 0- Wall Papers, Baby Carrnages, Hammocks, Wagons, Cro- quet, and ail Sunimer and sporti ng Goods. Some of the Fine Stationery that has been sellirig for duo. 8.Bai1 u«of utmm boa!papo E FBRIAYo JULY i LOCAL LA0O1b Scott repairs ail kinds of pui Miss Powel is1 the guest of Brlmacoflbe, Bownanville. -Mr. Adam King, of Nejw V at h«f or a few days. SMssAnmie Smith of theI wlsiting ber broÃ"ther in Clevelai 6 piece sohid walnut parloi wltb sil plnsh bands, for $p, Mr. Gee. McClellan, son oi -Clellan, won the baif mile t -Port Hope on july et. Mtiss Ada Martin bas returne ark, N. J.,i where she bas spcni visiting frlends. Tih. Gazette coolly recalled id about Young Gollcn's but it bavlng been found thai an otbc ,nde upon Mayer Rut nectiomliii the matq. Senator Price, of Albany, to look over the pea croe probably the best prospects of _=ng lt etwenty-seveu years ht tere-edini that lime bere. Meurs. J. H. Downey& Co ed to the market block, thei being sttuated under thc Thixr nev quarters are roomyi wèldtredup for grain brqkeru spSdigqeclaUcoples of r as ont frienti shmonld mark -th they-wish to direct our atter bave ntturne twread them wba t1wy contain tbatis of loc Jà sib Ruebottoin, botel mavfewell known here, d rheumiâtlsm for ycars, and lai 1q ,wbich iastened bis end siurdy Eià ghishman, blunt and cbeerfol -and honest-heanted, 4avorte witli the lodges and sju Ice cream,, cakes, boiled ban Ãoo -pairs of ladies' and chi J sd llrsmat SS- per pair- Secure it before it all goes, as it cannot possibly be replaced for the saMe bt. ZY for School Desks, British Dying Co., and Buttericks'y Pattern$. rest tyle alwas onhand.Aful WATEEi kiwi fi il api i. ffavlug bougit a large lobE Go oda aave4 frotutie Great ftreat Ichidi>' & to'; Tors e -lvii! place 1cm on Sale- -JUST RcEmaV.... (SON I Glaesware'~autI Diimer ~ad TaSte, Oh.~/ LCrodrnrv Ohi~io, F~mily Gi~ooei~is, Toms, Oofw, CMa~for Cash or Tra<f~ Veav &od I. 1O'Bnien. iubotogroî oofle a bônus c Lwa stagge te a&l pen tiai routeandl ordi core. Ne jugetti vo, hieb Wl aemday., eithei 5of the dnug stones monr by uew -met *iSsifo 10enjoy ti auto by utoaiboa lt"s Burydie-on1 dbock, noaches iii nt ut 5 olck, onm. ifarfon thldneuugcents. M. 1 1 ý Small mà tter. Great Reduction in' Pri'ces No No Water DREW pnqq 1 M&AW Njli% Disco*untý Sale 1 d% &W à mà Quickl 1 ýmmillilliliM HALF THE' -REGULAR -PRICI -A, hm 1