Massey-Hari It is stylish, light, anld fast ; of perfect workmanship end finishl............. Cyci omnet ers, WVatçh Holders, Si1ver Name Plates. Trurnp Watches for tourist use. Jno. S. Barnard, OBlal County OWgU..-Larg'.st Cub- tiou of any ioa papr tu Cana". FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. scoit repars all kinds ai pumpe. Try Tod s bread, sold anly et Vtes', et ~ce nt,1e r loaf. Miss Powell is the guet ai Mies Carlotta - Bnimacombe, Boarmanville. M r dam King, of Newr York, bas been ai home for a few days. Miss Anale Smith ai the north ward, le vsting her brother la Cleveland, Ohio. 6 pt-ce solid walnut parlaer suite, plush, wîîh sk plush bande, for $32, arorth $45, at J%',T:1Itis. Mr. (;eo. McClellan, son ai Mr. jas. Mc- Ctc'an, won the hall mile bicycle race eit port Hope on J uly ast. * Miss Ada Martin las returued fion New- * ark, N. J ., arlere she les spent thi-ce manche visiting frends. The- Gazette coally recallcd abat la bad said about Young Gollens burial lest aeek, t ha ring been found that an attack could - fot be made upon Mayer Rutledge in cou- necton with thc matte _Senaror Price, ai Albany, N. Y., is here tu 1ook over thc pea crop. He finde probatily the beet prospects ofay time dur- ing tnt- îwenty-seven years le bas been lu- terebs.ed in that lime bei-e. Messrs. J. H. Doaney & Ca. have remov- cd tu the mai-ret block, their new offices being eîauated under the clerk's office. Their new quai-cie are roomy and are being weil fiiîed up for grain brokerage. tn eending special copies af newspapers ta us ou r friende sbould mark the paragraphe thev wsl ta direct aur attention ta, as arc have flot tirne to i-ed tIen ail over ta sec %ha: :they contain thet le ai local interest. joseph Ruebattoin, hotel keeper, Boa- man',ille, weli known bei-e, died on Friday ast. He bas been a great sufferer Iran rheuiiatism for yeers, and latterly gant set in, which hsstened hie end. He aras a sturdv Englishman, blunt and illicerate, but cheertul aid honest-bearted, and was a favorite with the lodges and sparte. To Day' 1cr cream, cakes, bailed hem, eit Yetes'. Bar gains. :,, paire ai ladies' and childreme sboes iand slippere et 50c. per pair. Sec the bar- gainrs outside thc West Side Boot and Sboc Stor e. Phtographe. Mr WV E O'Brien. photagrapher, Oasawa, has dt-cded ta aller a bonus ai return fere on tht- Oshawa stage ta ail persans going ta Oshawa by thet route and ordering $3 arorth of work or more. He is getting up a display of h.s leteet arork, aricl h i lle on exhibi- lion here in e fear daye, cither in the post tf or one ai the drugstores. *He is dung sorie grand work by nea methode. Lake breezes an top Anu)ther chance ta enjay the delights af a trip tri Toronto by stearmboat on lake On- taro s by the Eurydice on Monday neit, JuýV 13th. The boat leaves the warfr, Whit- b at 9 o'clock, reacties the citv by 11.35, and returning et s a'clock, arrives home about 8 30 p.m. The tare for thc round trip IS cents, children 25 cents. A word faor ourselves. The- CHRONIcLE publisbes moi-e local newvs tIa any paper in Canada. Added te ts the items are mare spicy and lively. e baîster up pecple's draodping spirite tIc dog days. Our type ie sinaîl but readable, and are put more items in e cotumn than tIc lergesa patent sheets. Coun. the lint-s and sec Those wbo resd aur local news-hletîere ahIlfind Uiat they are ail tiret clase writers. Hie pcked the lochs On Friday lestea atrengercamne lu town aho looked a good deaiJike a tram-p. He hung round bei-e, and by seven t'clock p.=a.was crazy ( runk, sud Constable Calvcrley pro- ctedec ta arrest him. The mas fougait the constables every step ai the wayttheUiclack- up, aud ahen he was pt in thrçèatmedeta do tht-m grievous bodUly ha= . v e i-ot Out. He naanagcd ta pick-tic Iocke aud1et huirae1i out before mnoranlug, but veunt w1uiete_ý ly awaout ai tau'u without hlavfig c lives oîhe cos. Mz~ Ert$ s EcelierStowe, au thoet -of Ailf~e sbuldwn~SiAters shoés, rld at Ezc~rsiou oî.ooian&i4aiy r6th, $s.rO, item fer the bon., Rev. Dr. Hare, of Ontario Ladies' Col- loge, uit 4elivr a sertes of four lectres et Grimsby Park the week after next, and wants some of the boys Who kuow of a wasP's nest to capture it and the wesps and 'brin the whole to him, -for whlch h e willI pay ffty cents. To capture a wasp's nest a bOY needs a lîttie peate or a muscllage bot- tie and stick sanie paper qulckly over the bofe, but carefully doune so as flot ta smash the nest. Then cut a piece out of the board or rail to which the nest bangs, and bring ht to Dr. Hare. He wauts the wrasps' as well as the ne&* Gard»n Party. The members of the Womeu's Foregn Mlssionary society, ta coiuaection with St. Andrew's congregation, will hold a garden party on the grounidsof the "Perry castle," on Tuesday evening the 14th inst. Tea will be served from5to 7 o'cîOck, P.rn. AU are cordislly invited. Admission 15 cents. Port Whltby. Mr. Edward Warren is visiting bis motter here. Miss Grace Patterson, Toronto, is home for a month's visit. Miss Childs spetit a few days with friends in Oshawa this week. Mrs. McAlleti, Toronto, is visiting ber sister, Mirs. Donnelly. Miss Ida Wilson, Toronito, was bomne fer a few days this week. Miss Edith McCaw has gone ta Markdale to spend her summer holidays. Miss M. Galbraith, Bowmanville, is visit- ing ber brother, D. Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Horley. Mount Albert, visit- ed at Mrs. W. Haleys last week. Mr. Edward Atkrnson, who has been quite iii wth quinsey, is recovering. Mrs. J. Cinnamon, Oshawa, was here on Friday lest attending the funeral of the late Mdatthew Murphy. Miss Woodhouse visited ber brother in Tweed lest week and brougbc back bis two children for a few weeks vacation. Mr. J. Crawforth had a barn raising on Weduesday. There were about tlfty present. Atter the work was completed a sumptueus supper was served and a general good time indulged in. The tarmners around here say the crops. and especially the root crop, will be a failure utiless rein cornes soon and they will -be poorer than ever in spite of the change ol gaverniment. Corbet's point was a scene. of great inter- est on Sunday. Crowds of people came from tbe neigbborîng towns to visit the ormy and enjoy the services. No more pleasant spot could be chasen for e camping ground and it is duly appreciate'd. by the visitors who were in groupe al aver the grounds en;oying the pleasant day. At the meetings there was saine exceptionally good music. We hope the ermy will continue the practice of holding camp meetings every sum mer. On Tuesday night et the G. T. R. station a man undertook ta cross the track while a freigbt train aras running througb. His head struck a box car and the car very properly resenting the insult threw him agaunst a wir-e fence about tenyards away The people standing around expected hie would be killed but lie quietly arase, shook himef, climbed tbe fence ta see what aras on the other side, sud cm{ciuding there was notbing dangerous there walked away a badly bruised speci mci of bumnarnty. School report. Dufferin street promotions. No. i ta No. 2, é,Pat r )-Lily Correil, Reva Hait, Eddie Stone. Fred McCourt, Tohn McLeod, Burton Arinour. No 2 ta senior first-Emily Willis, Annie Thorndike, Rose Taylor, ERmma Appleton, Walter Appleton. Senior first ta junior second--Norman Such, Alex. Mc- Pherson, Wilfrid Snow, Gertie McLeod, was the case previously. The tax-payer arili be tald that he id losing severel hund- red dollars of township revenue. A fear bottles af aie will be hauled eround promis. cuou-sly and the public will be told that a train-load af beer was brought iuta the township at once. Men who arili go around with parched mouthe so dry tbat their teethi rili rmtle arben they talk will say thty' know for a fact that 4H you have todou]s wetk up ta the bar and aik for what yôu want and it is handed outé We wil be told thet five or six taveru keepers eu set the whole tegal machinery af thc goverument at defiance1 aud that the anly way the cous- try eu oas ta give in ta them and let them have their way. It will be declared that local option ie making perurersofevery-1 body but the parsons and children. We wHI lears ta Our surprise that meny Oid topera casot ewer ta the teste af beer or whI- key, but thet they asked for root or Mozze, aud believethey got it. Those ahotike te. toxicents wufl declare loae option a failure in every w&y. FlUai appeaum ou sameat. HU Hconor Jg4dzo Burubani seat inithe ,couacil chamber oý n Manday ta deçide ap. lfrom theo court of revision. MM. El- îPP*Ie ou bouseand store at s-t5oo. iras4imned.Mr.Shaw's appeat onu' ou~nubueue slpathg rlnk aras *us- i t being tedce frm zîo t Go aot snel ou bons. occuied bY, . - .W., Tii-Toronto 1WA foratgba's holidays b U'.ariit Look oua for cboap bootSaWj 1* utat à days t M. W.Cotn, s dr Meusrs. Wi. etunsnJ. .,aud W -pofhilu, Port ferry, w"ri utsln st Fg r1- Mr. Adam C. King, New York, wau home over Sunday. He bhs been an » e business trip tbrougb the. Central Américan States. W. H. Holland, late ai Whitby, broke bis leg t a game of cricket the other day et Coboconkt, ahere ho resides et preseut. Ex-Warden H. J. Gould spent Sundiay lait ln town. The handaume curvaures ar his genial pbysioguoniy est suebeenis ln every direction. E. O. McCrohan's horses took frlght et the trolley cars on the Oshawa railway et the Oshawa harbor on Frlday lest and ran awey, upsettlng the rig and nieking litter of the boutles and aerated waters. Police Magistrete Murton. Oshawa, spent Monday here. He saye that bis hlghly judi- ciel mind l not gaining experience in an official wey, the baye round Oshaa being of a notion that law te secred and musa not lie broken, even ta save e magistrate from gaing rusty. Mr. W. J. Clark, ai the Pickering News, called on us Monday. He is studylng as-. trs>nomy bard, aud hopes ta be able ta get out a reliable almanac neit yesr, Wliich willl lorecast rein and snowas ai ccurately as it will eclipses and new mous. He believes Mr. Laurier will lie the nexi premier. Mayor Rutledge is riding a bike! We rared ta look ou upon the scene the iret time bis worsbîp wes reported as wbeeling pesa, lest he mlght bave acquired e bump on bis back and the ierce look whlch grows on the face of bikers. But a glance proved tbe comrary ta be the case. The mayor site boit upright, with e comfortable and even joyiul look an bis iace, alhite bis feet per- form with the steadiness arnd regularity af a locomotive piston. Hie speed aras abat might be termed medium, probably eight miles per hour, ahle hie demneancy aas fully that wbîch befite the dignity af hie posi. tion as bead af thc corporation. When e bicycle club ie formed in Whitby we shali look forarard ta see hie bonor the mayor un- animously electeil president. Ice Crearn Pa.rlor For thc beet Ice Creain, cati, et D. Matbisom's, Dundas street.-23-tf. beed Cari W B Pringle & Ca. have reduced the price of their choice American seed corn, an d are selling lots afi t. No sncb business here. Lest aeek it was reported that W. C. Allison, general merchant, WVhitby, bad mnade an assignrment. ln ansarer ta many enquiries are may say there le a W. C. Allison bere, but be is an enginie driver and not e merchant. He is said ta bave been oaner of a business in a western toan, aud if he assigmcd it the document would in ail likellbood be dated et Wbitby, ahicli may have led ta tbe error. Pmnny thincs corne ta pass. Perbaps the idesa ofaeaning aooden socks might sem ridiculous, but it's just abat saine people in Germany arc doing, and ver> nice sacks tbey are too. Tbe aod ia re- duced ta a long silky fibre sud made into e yarn out ai wbich the socks are knit making e wermer, more durable and just as 3oft pro- tection as arollen ones. Ini a similar aay the pure spruce fibre is made into thé interlinimg called Fibre Chamois, abcch provides for clotbing an absolute protection against raw air and cold amnds because it is a complete non-conductar ai lest snd cold, kecping in the maturai heat and keeping out everv breatb ai cold. This fabric bas also been made waterproof so tbat the rein neyer penetrates it, and is so liget in wght and inexpensive that e layer ai la provides thc acine ai comfort for ail outdoor clotbln.' Canadas Great Exposition, The Taranto Industrial Exhibition, 110W knoan as "Caneda's Great Fair," is an oc- currence ta. which almiost every Canadien looks forarard with pleasurable anticipation, as it is made Uic occasion for their annuel holiday outing. Itla ista be held this year froin Uic 31st August ta the r2th ai Septein- Brookls and Lgsain and aftcr boni- bardlug the oratorical aud ahetorIcal fortreue establiehed by Uic Whitby speakers thcy eaied and carried la by storni. Rev. Mr. Lambly, Prncipal TaIub1yu and Conciar Ketchen wacthe judges ai Uic debate, sud by au unanîmous voîce ewarded -the palm ta Brooklit. Camseto blows et 1Lt The gublect ai Manitoba echooli sud ai seperete echools lu general hau been eabo one initie land for months. and thc usçx- pcaed stand, taken by Manitoba sud Qu- bec appears ta have ninddled mettere vors than ever. Thraugboua ahe lgte- élection campaigu Mr. Scoley Wlson took i groî4ud thet Manitoba muet flot ho coberced, andon thc aide, further bçld abat *eparate echools wcre detrimentel ta the cosimon- wealth etlarge. Mv. Johat FaUIte aex- act 0 tegmunde, he4ng f uly pesad- .d ateauveawnte toa bu oççd * thet a vadit a cooatpd oofgbou thinge up, just as vpa e2r tonitS picé ta every gelse. Several debo4m ou'tiose impotan Isses avetaken'plaoe betirêié Mêe.Wilson and ain t tfiaes. ther povorful ptids bingtï n 1v ÊXrted -la mmbaditnz o t ± 'Cost sinks out of sigtin tls ak l manl nnyti i etiiy onn t * bont f~i w sarein ithe.bargs of the GREAT cLERDGIAE AT--C, F. STE WART'S. LIST TO THE DIRGEà sOF PRICES. JobILots of Dre.. Gondis 2ô, 35 and 50c, ReduSed to 12i, 15 and 25c. SS- aur Print. 8, 10,_ 121C. Ail *4w. Goode. New Oolored Creprm, ail new, goOde juet in, .aid for Ibe. aur pria.. Satnrday flic. New Bleck Orepon reguler I15c. for 1i-c. be sure and afse.iin. See aur, Flannels et 5, 7 and 15c. Se. oir New Whïte spot. Muains at 20c. regular 25c. tr> .M11 ur Wool Deleir.s to b. ti, t coat end under. MILLINERY. * e Ail mauet go regard).. of price. Trimnmed Hats regular $5, for $3. Trimuued Sailors regular $1 75, for $1.sS our 25, 30 and 50c. Sailors. .AJI Ribbons, Lace., Flowers, &c., at very low..t pria.. OZ ei ndeamn t« a See our Ladies' Beit Buokle. et-only loc. New Bloufe Sets, reu-r Sc.togo t andVey examineoods ~Ordered lothing atGreat R~uto.. Hlalifax Tweed Suit. only $10. MBue Serge Suite Only $12. in aur stock, Everything ai Reduced Préces. Fine Black Suite a pecialty. IE No traal This is$t/te store for real Bargains. 0 E.STEWLRT WXALTE RS' Great July ~BARGA IN8 IN A 1 We intend to make busine the present rather slow month if ]LOI )c SClearing out the Departmi I il be the main objeet of oi be spared to make July a RECORD1 general should not fail to inspeot the WaahDress Goods, Slsq anid Ready-toi Including Jackets, Capes Hosiery and Underm W'v. G..WALTE Chase &- Sanborn'S "SEL" rand JAVA 4mrfl MOOHA ~2 Cearing Sale LL DEPAITMENT8.=u lss as lively as possible during W PRIOE8S and plenty of themvl ients, And the Reduction of Stock ur Iusiness, and no effort will..- BREAKER in this' respeot. Shoppers mi eimmense inducemeut we are offelig lu, Lin~osCottozis »»Wears ofevydsopto, s, Blowses, Boys' Clothiug,:ý vear, Parasols, e., etc, :dR.S, - Whitby. 7 o STOP ÀI Golf.. Is incomfrzrably lw iteFnes andMosI. De- - liOus Coffee tte wor/d#ndudses. YOU.WILL tJE---NO,-, M.+O. 8 ý ... MILLINERY.