g7, 6of ê "g è oP&4 0-fROWaN.flTaintieu î it X Hogrth 1Iv â bd, so ~ xpen*ence WtIL nMr SHgact Oia;v.3 w ü s u i h e th e é h sti ," oo w b igee ,dh. H grth , P e h e t n r. a n ld M rs «. .,Umèýtopm&WUtth ree andahall yesrs. IGamoOshawra; Mv. J. McCuilcch. <> lght and color, sud asu_» M u osedy> nacu * 4 » 10 oi Vot oe m h i Vs.5 bIMd îa 1. e m U Ii l .i lt t ody n n a c u K î,mde,ad Mr. H., B radey, Uxbridge, * 5 b b l* Q 0 0 W s Ig i l u u.. c l n y o w n id tasr e g a r d i-- -h.m e vomea. hIID theshami. lu î80 we"detected a a 'ng uthore In a imailitting room on th. eeodfiwogwibisê mbij i.PZc tbre.W a:hdte es J. S. Ashton and L. Niddery 'floor h wu delieiously waroe sud f ia ove sumd happ t uif ou waIqet w» iiçPetty closely and endeavored to secure visÃŽted Toronto receutly. vit uge ire leap.dsoaked aende o ~l .n. Oi~.tallO thoée that came in bloomn between Miss L. Pascoe visited i Kinsale «u the hearth, the ueft radiauce of the. hep. I am flQb 't«yb.d..*0. o, - e o« u that and harvest. The piece wus seed- last week. eleelic light 1sh0oe like sPriug sunahine, suothers un, but il wu. jiet st bat lîme cd down. The next two years they Mr. J. E. Dyer is.having bis bouse mid a bouquet of pale, doub>le violets -1 firat met yen." h-e u ey itei h ay lwypitd y Ided eveeteut inceuse te r&ho vomau She blush.d deliooly oe eroz- hexe btelves lse to the hy nwlVic e o oia r on teso k near whose elbow tbey gtood 8be vas foulion.or01-ecp th evs coe t th VieBsSlnaredighetn- 8 veY loely oma; beutiMwiththegrouud. lu tbe' fail, or, rather, work of Mr. G;. Ormiston's barn. v er lo ol v o a n b e ,i ifu w th L e " T h r sI e n k u o . T e jv o o e V IS s u m e r 0 f 1 8 9 , tete re o ;O N e w o ffic e rs o f E n fie ld D iv isio n S . o f geube fragi elio cf ns whît , ll, w h ai oye. esyeuough e n e ee n ttempted of ay vas taken off, e started the T.-W . P.. T, Reynolds; W . A., M iss lik brmuousstas ud oi, yllo bir e efed hmmit tI'Oue y Si r gang plow turning it dovpowpin M.Wto R.SLPsceA..S, fluffed jute shimmeriug aureole about GeeffreY alzmosi mistrus that Iack abu toinhs ep.W lti lieMis . sbton ; FS. ., Bco . Powell ber email delioat. face. Her mouth waa defence."1lbu w nhsdè.W e tleMs .'stn .SB oel faehioned with a plantize droop at eLher "But wss net your-MWr.,Vernon ou as the plow left it tilI after harvest, Treas., Miss E. Wotton; Chap., J. corner, but ,just nowv vas parted wiîb of Euglaud wben the mus camne on ?p then Put ou the disk pulverizer, cut- Campbell; Con., B. Powell ,jr.; A.. happy smiles sud happier sigbs. quoried Dick, forced against bis vi te ting it twice; then dragged it thorough- Miss E. Hurîbut; O. S., E. Pascoe; I Ah 1 finisbed ai ilut. What a perfect bake interest in the business ho ha&ed and let it lie al] vînter. As we intend- S., Miss T. Reynolds;- P. W. P., T. tour wo have xnipped eut, and oh, Dick, ruest in tb.he rd. ed tb boe tbe piece the following sea- Hurîbut; Organist, Miss L. Pascoe. bow divinely happy v. shal ho. "I LblDk so," said Lydia. "4At auy son notbing was done to that portion The mnu who was sitting at ber side rate ho noither appeared uer wau he r9î of the field tilI preparing for turnips. EWSILr resbnted. But 1 have soeeu iru twiee No sign of the thistles appeared either Vstr:Ms ae.Pic let bout own adse beri inwer he danky ine. thon, sd b. e in Londn no-or before plowing frst or any time during est of Mr. N. Byers; Mr. Renold bollow 'of ber u ek s î dwhere thePiBqh u, o days ago. he T h S usd t ese s n uel, M armora, calling on old frinds; ofrvsgo feren aîr Winoim n'oS l. In another field which was quite bad MIs. A. B. McLeod and two cbildren, *'Dalin," o mumurd, assisatDy, char Meyneii moved uneasiY in bit, in one place we mowed everything Brandon, Man., at ber father's, Mr. J. "loe rndg," h andrmur.d pneiuatiym har down with the scythe at arvest time Pye; Mr. A. N. Mitchell at home, hav-j love syudhappy, ud keau The pronoce in tbe saine city with and let it lay on the spot in a pile tili ing given up bis school to attend the 9na. o up apGo u you wullbbe hielî of theomnsu vo had made lifi al the crop was off and thn burned it. University; Mr. J. j. MCLaughlin aud Bo."se ard for the vornsu ho heped within a We plowed the field twice and sowed daughter, Oshawa, visiting friends. 0 "Dick," ehe said, the langhtor leavlug fev heurs to eall bis vife, galled aud dis- buckwheat early, plowed Clown, and re- Rev. David Rogers, guest of bis ber lips, sud brigbî teare growing in ber quiet.ed hum unacountably. wdontethfJuyfrrp.N bohrM.FRorsprahd n fyeut "yre, ar.ioi à Ibe 6tbo Ioug t cf urie-ovemeit.uded ydis o.freom br thistles were to be seen any time dur- excellent sermon here Sunday night. m kk e s m e a fra id . Y e n se c, d e a r , h a p p i. d u p a t th e d o c k . i g t e s a o ,R v . G o k , w f n a i y .s-von kiudness--aud I have alvsys "HRow laIe il is I onder vhat i. In any case, 1 do flot sewhy ve have gone away for a few weeks. Mr. PI 'beon sncb strangers, Ibat I feel nervous, keepiug Sir Greoffroy. Ho said hoe venld rnay be any more fearful of tbern than Freà Howard viii suppiy for hîm. o shy, abaurdiy approbensive, jusL as corno ber. the minute the docro. ascoOur own Canadian thistle, for they are cehis .S ici tWio tbough 1 woro reaily* about to e ho mro 1- lut. vas pronouncod-thaî it vas only a very sirnilar in their natural character- MPoin amton. Saturdicatvas rnuchDi duced L o mone e1 didn't know." mnatter of s moment or Ivo. Sureiy the istics and habits, only that the latter îs Pit apoqStrawsmc t "H&ppinesj te boabt frîend, and the court& mueI have risen by nov.- much sharper. enjoyed. It is a Ioveiy spot for apc esioi o elsingwiîb c1 anyone I Dick Meyneil wvastoc busy vith hà At the initial period of the Canadian for ralnd mtnenol ty. the k ktnowv," Iaugbed Dick Moynoll, kissing evn thoughts to heod lber words.. forstle it caused agrdat deal of alarm o » Bli e vnerstm e lug arc naph i ns "Ly di m s rlin, you ko v o y it but to observe many parts of the coun- people here feel deepy indebted te ovr. Belev me m obld ye sd pin metedisuthIe question cf your try nov one would be led to believe them. Bile viii ho inseparable pais directly. But pasî marriago witb you, for it alvaysi that there vere at leastsmeppe A young team ran away wiîh Mr. y n ca r reoung, Lyd ia. Lo me p s orsa in utt even mention asmnsu w o ere not a bit//c b/t afrad of it, to David Cherry, June 3oth, throwing im >' ye cai run l te i eW've hsd sncb as Vernon in ycur preseuco ; but- see the great number there; wbile in from the waggon. He vas picked up enougb of Bradshaw sud Baedeker for have yen spokon vjt.h hixu aince the ohrprs hr hyvr neucncosbti o eeeig to-day."opcase?'hrprs hr he eeoc nosiusbti o eoeig "'I like te keep on looking at the list "h e, sdLda rulsdtbreatenimg te take possession, there is The report of the sudden death of a of the pi'mcea oaegou , a.e-rigt e ( foot as" she spof ke. andno reason to be alarmed any more, for much respected young mn r m plained, viîh a lifto arnile, a sahe Bank op Yon've seen hi-aiono?", cried they are gone. m.Pta, lets no Mr. John Mnee er e"ra.ke uihne eneli, bisvoie trained snd harsb iancfteoino htmost of the Poter, vas a great shock te us. Ap.-- moon seni near el leder.a itLau anxietY ho trove to bde.orst weeds ave their weak points, pearing quite eli Monday but as heforais Di e eoepled a oer a Lydia wrnkled ber delicate broya in and the enthusiastic and enterprising found dead in bed Tuesday morning at Ooi chirfo hruei a. prada li0c an effort cf memcry. agriculturist viii sureiy find tbemn.- the home of Mrs. H. Webber vhere he PO' paer.don betke lisud sowld oee "Ye-der-tvice. Our tak wvaba- Farmer' Advocate. was working. Heart disease is suppos- - fi getdeu b.un e4od. aoiuteiy on hpsiness matters, sud ve _________ d te be the cause of deaîh. Great Cairo sd the Nie. Thon in t b. pring- wh t s the matter i W h sî have i1 i KnUs . s m ah sfl o h a îy i h i Pi e ais, 0 Ni c N aplea R ein e s u th on v er. n tua? a o e. Dv"v y D c ,bereavem ent. A large concourse ef i e, act e V ies u d vith Lb, su mn- o ue "Rem val ef M r. S. Bing ar's stables friends attended the funeral n Thurs- ae Ster asî It' e a s, aa t Her faceead lanhed as hite as the te the rear ef his grounds is a great day, the interment being Hampton AiU Svterad Atrars ben the acf t fur about ber Ibroat, sud ber voice improvement. cemetery. an strncernes, bsck tO Meynelî Hnurst, rang ont viîb pite>ous fear, as Dick Mey. The E. L. of C. E. feted on the tac yUr bere-Oui borne, vhere voe bal neli rose f rom bis chair sud esughî e ' ria ttejno atr r ueH R FM G AA .likebbche elein thbedrfsione Msyame poop] the Od-fasionedhie am.Sariaberriejunior acsoriesr Gten story books, sud live happyever «rter." "My sveotheart. my poor vronged t aeteocainejybe.en "Plesse God, rny dZEaRlIn " rnuterotj love-I fear Ihat yeu have ruiued hoth omkthocainejyb. #6Dick uert i outce our lires." Wben the littie people picnicked i @Dc, heoasked irrelevently, "-do Even as ho spoke th1e door shut sharp- Mr " .Mto' rud recentiv bisILCa i aotm Wh M yen thiuk il avfuily vieked Of me te ly behiud tbemï,-sud a heavy, slow tresd new patent swing seemned to be the la1 the Eemomabs BaWe. a u t o Le bay ? e a t u a o a-a'n ed i ie lb i .centre of attraction. Bilà isb 'n ir s the tb i o f m ay a thrRung ualfauien yn kuov, but crave, deie, "Very prottyt upon my word-a sveet M.Jh websrbre on ti u trîgsn.M.Go igtn Yomrnfor hsppiness vitb every Ibrob ef picînre indeed 1 rasped a voice.frein the r oh lngby vis in Mn' osa.cf 36 ohyn sireet uSog r.h seue of Haxuuios my Jheart sud erveocf my body. 1 won- othor aide cf the table. fomabest kni n aips. f13 ohn sreteras Ameof maril bor- der if il'5 very vroug." Wîb a cry Lydia Vernon, stili in the Crops are iooking exceedingiy veillbmko «e= Amaof«W ar "Lydia, you cannot posmibly wish for arns'cf the.mn ah. loved, turued te fini and an abundant barvest is anticipated. mng, Magnificen pysque sdgena esn AU he âPPnes tst s oedyou, br hisandsmüng t er.He u a Mraly, ho is a splendid represeniamuvocf the pest "Dick, if I oould b. happy-sbseluie. sinaîl m.n estlygomewlldose iitd.o . HllyB Fa lliso radlygvesucviv ittilSt y'oîrybapjsfoselnasorsdoi.-locki -V rng tIe igazuebu istos MssM Sern Bvra - thelfrid4fatizo ftaepuoohhe utueur «iilike for children sud noither ever As bis laugli endod ith b e l remem- Rev, C. Parker bas been granted aat I euief amefr« tie 4 n fwdssu 0 forgave tb.e ther for tb. addition te Iboir bered suail, Lydis aprang forward, îes- ontb's leave et absence 1;y bis QUar- sud before I1 ud tia tWo boxe, tb. pains - fsznilY. Iu Ibose <laya tboy yen. rieL, ing Meynell -dumb snd sicis vitb1the terly Board. dktmy lacis sd'I tek lM*la u nU.m 1 but 1 vu bt te serva»a, sud governesa- ferehodfiug of th. neal trutb bebiud her, Mr., G. B. McCIellan von 1the bal- ciadiereao- Xdt7 Pauemtodn euimee 'wuvb trad me p e pese. "Wbat do yen mean by t.alking te me mile bicyele race ut Port Hope, July flot ed te bc ukll cf ehuLest phSWza - l w.. 1 sud m parets -Vere airnost cf the divorce court ?1" uhe cried. "Yen îst, and Mr. M. Galbraith bbhéi1n=il- iefteQsr itma E et« grm e ie bn lseisicrsh ienetru hubad.Yen bave ne furt -race. ,Messi. McClellani Galbraith eulu.1r.Kugto s-" e e caewic rgged my father's nain, ther right ovor me, or my actions, t" i o- and Norman Hall won eodplc nemmu hinac uciuuefr dey yuL s cores of Othorn tbreugh -the mire cf baiued s decrec nisi aantyusxth eodpa cncneat= saqik= o Idîow n 821 England. Poverîy sud thé narro- mentis. ago." glis e ixte9mile relay race. tro wius edmdalin. Mev M- nen of orn noe.brugbî me for the "Whicb vas net made aboolnte t.odmayli Mesfrs. Dr.. S. -C. Hillier, Neland bah and ia ,.« .. 1141.? lanet hep moie lasud biouriy ,st pobd enn Those Ivo priva&eJames Colville, Mrs. Colville and Miss -qs7 wiîb MY parents, O IDci, Wgà jdterviews on b fi guseeou lta.Mary Colvihle bave left fer a tvioî F R AEB - ~ o ebameful-trWbl* te livé vitis Ivo .o Sraugemnt, my dofl. tour et Europe. Tliey viiivisit Engr- - ple Who nevor Met vitueprçoaclu d' Thon 1 am strn-" the ~land, Belium, Gérii aay.SvizrjzdJ - ] w't L sudr a' contenir; Who neyeértd "'MY viflWby, rtsily--aud by Italy and France under the direction ,o! '7 os!Otteâïdcths. 'Ody-.4 heuvous#you shahreman se as longas Henrcks Tcuurist Ageay oï Xew Chei= nhtad Drngit rcrSct Wonder visetimer ayhu-..s orb0th etas mw»bove grouud," csod Yor Cky ~~ewl aoeut htbdos reecune. Ver-ma, tniuiapbsutly. MrW.WHTY tlumy6bi tuk ymihr.Thon lte *mo eMyeI hs .W .Hyrf ewinu ien WITY im' Tisi ig ~ja. dtbia- Il eee oudu. o afeng bu l.re 0C.ê htCucm "I nVer mev horainbut imouip o!his slitter.Md rus. -W.4am o s$W4. ?assj M~o bshuslsrdêyess » . uAnd uow, 1fr' L40oer, lIltni yeAln 8 h ept Wrost divore cas.éIs"uonLpr sd 'ei S.ilos 6pstmets' "s'- ïêâ Lady Mards»rva opn wuhipro dnt ahov oerel h.-à j wnïiingt "iap~ 4boutfor à * a "tehé"i.,Iv. Mess .4yuru S.bi ly - ~ fi~ ~ ~- -i:- enm niy ath battus, aé& fora *ý yô o of out shossw>*hp(ngs' (013 - éà ,in1 the <Iwet l.p4 a MVer 4L 4_ lItho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ê ashras' 1tlmff flZUI6ui-vrL »Wria -~ - -,eMd J~MM . P*awmgjq.c B a r l u l r, t c . O 0 0c e fo r r ae r l y o c ou p ie d by Parn.ArkButledge, nezI oyal Roteli Brook S.,- Whltby. DAVID OBEISTON, B. A.,9 Attomney-at-Law, Solici tor in Ohancery, COcvoyancer, etc. Oiffice - l the Office south ci the Pont Office, in MoMIIJln' Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG 81MITU. IL. ,Bo, Barriter, eto.,-Money to Loan. laguer of m aie Licenses. Office - Smithu Block, South of Market, B' ock St., Whitby. DOW & »ReGILLIVJRAYt Barriater., Solicitors Iu Chancery, oe. fflce in Mathison & Bawken'm uew block Brook St,. Whitby, south of Ontario bauk. Dr.Uarenif More 1J. Moore, M. D-8 P. Warren, M. D. Bicekiu. Whibby. tfic lus&.am. tOffie9eus M. 001Private Telephone Commzunicalso,. D. P. BOGART, U.D.9 L.D.S. h ys, Surgeon aud Accoucher etc. )Ãce aud Remidence neit to Aill 4ant's burch, Dundas Str-eet, Whitby. N. B.- >entai Surgery in al its branches prom-IlyWht y ttended to. Dundaig St., hty J. T. NEWPOITt rpi I .H. W ig htm an Commercila mon liberally eit* 9 Temingdoue aI reaaoiablo prico. Frelght aud Baggafe hauled at ou DENTS T.able price. A eafl solicited. VOr GTOIB & Graner's. Whitby. Ký' Open evry aturday nibt. DENTIST.à ±U scrt [Jan to0ua . Cor. King & Yonge t3t. Toronlt"v For the Uext bhree mouthi I &M gi W. B. YARNOLD, D.L.S.. special attention tb o~teturom sait. cuV uzveyer snd Drainage Bugineer , tnc. eili lO.ld9 Plate nr SFerOnt. $,c uod i. odasdiver ,work crowiug by firsi-cla operatouai the mont reasouable rates in te1. iy WU. CALVERLEY,9 Wheu in the ciby caîl in sud let me exu> BAM»MKwnRMn ine or eebh. I mahe no extra charg.ý KABYlESMAXEE,0.E. RIGGS, Dentist, south eut 0ou aving moyed int our nov promises, ve Rng sud Yonge St., Toronto. prepared te extend the range of business. Nov. 8th. 1892. 1 okpertainiug to the haruess-making _______________ Ilfop h OsuêvÂ-D. O. Msdolî- Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Marcis Aprjfl~ JUDOe3; July 8; sep. oct.Oct, IDec. 8, 'V B ueax - . Gleeson Oielrk.-Jan. 6; Mrb6 Sep. 4; Nov. 5. POtRT PEAIr - J. W.BU Peirr, Oleris-Jan. 29; à Ernb p Jul,' 20;'Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Uxnumor..-JosePh E. Gould Cleris-Jan. 80; Marcis 24; i' I 14; Oet 14 ; Dec. 16. ~ CÂ"INGTOeu-Geor eSrt Jan* 81; Match L25 ay20rulylC.--9 15; Dec. 17. 2b 20 nyl' BEAVERaToN-Ge..P. Bruce,Bay,. Clork-M arch 26; M ay' 21; J ul 6 c., Dec, 18, Ul6O- UPTEnROEOV-p J Gillespie, Uptop Cirk,-March 27; May 22; IuIY 7Oo î Dec 19,et By eider, 'J. Z. FAREWELL, New Llvsry and Sali shop sud stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second dcci vesb ef eld shop. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KIND OF- L6umber, aBinule., Tumwan sd Fret4awg. 11M Ail orders or information can b. dned frosi JOHN NOBLE, Dundas et, Wbitby, opposite Mr. A. C. WiI. a resîdence. titby, April 4th.1894. Eslabltshd 18U0. per &Daum lu a4,mnce, theryle Buborpllnsalways pe, a etî Ucoe t'publlnstlou. The pubIahetr A undes1û. te dffler the paper at post oSe but Wbitbr. h hall t. o u hite 4.tiniUU7wrto oei upou uotidamfoa ses a' »Sezof 'AvertWlg rates ulub u lin.,e 1114nou=84 ellutta. s, énd à onais parUne .sohaubos.. tlà seuo as, 10 osisper lino. 'au CObngs for yeary advertiscments b. brougb inu nt later thou Tuesday * ~E1iDER8ON h BAtwayTMme Table ND TJBKANDMIDLAX 1mAI 011m'auWza Wu He WARNEi DEALER IN OOALI LATE, AGENT For the PEOPLJ COÂL CO,~ TORONTO@, Office and Yard just East Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. ABK IMUR 0TATIQNERfý StPÂR'TIIO» F-Iqw TUNWWiG P41 -AR-H 'À*tÂK1t-NO% OT AS.~.s$çG rINRiWMRI lvI 2, 1-opelesý mor Day. Given uz> C A LIFE S lmTARKI AYER'yS C 6Sevêtal yeIsM ago. I cauý attesded villi a terrible col <n ne osi, cither day or >tors, aller worklng over n tieIi ability, prononced rn aud said tho,' cOnlideo Sfrieud, iearulng of mny bott!.e o Ayor's CherryI iegan te lake, and very so telleved. -B,' the lime I ha, botti, I vas cempletely cut 1usd mueh ct a cough sine( fIrmi,' belleve that Ayer's javed ruy Ilie. "-W. E. V - év o..Lel, Mass. Aysî's- Cherîy MIUNESTAWARDSAT 1 REE UMÂTISMK'S AFTER SPASMODI FOR A CURE 1 GIVE U E 'There is One Medicine Thousands After( Had Faied-A Re Adds His Strong This Wonderfui Re Frein the Trenton Counier. Wbat an innocent soui ý- rheumatîsm, and yct ;reslity te tb. thousanda it. Docter.s gt.. that suits frein poison of sud blocd, but as te juet hv reacbed sud oradicated, that tbeir knowiedge fa trestmeni la a long sotie ,wbicb me,' givo temporal net cure, sud thon tho Rives up. Lhiukiug that mlL cm.e tbat vili cure him. taise. Ebeumatisin le n evils and bocauseonee e sgi net imperative that onme rheurmtism as a naturai vsncing yeais. Tier. is s remedy fi despite, the generai belief be cured-s remnedytI tbou8ouds cf th. meat ae neîeaotd instance cf tihe tien tien vhihbaî; juat coe odge of tise editier cf the mise of Roeet Fraucia, Ei Tren.tou, nov rotired fi Rat, Portage, ont, an "tie. Re.bLas Ln a vii tise foâr over the yeaii -te viîsted bis frienda lun'I 'tIssu cobtemplating a vi~ in searois cf relief frornb Beè ,ha<euoses staff i -veut a a slow pao.-. Th eu- be.agaitu ou a viait gr