Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1896, p. 1

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Si V~OL@~X wHITBYý-, ONTAIBIO, FIRIDAY, JULY -17,. 1896. Trhe Questioia of theo Roui's Life or Death to MR. FLY. Janý,/c/oo/ ýStzcky Fy> 5 cas. F,'; Poison Pads .. 5 . c/S. Purebinsei Powder. (Iu I~Insect Powder 10e. CHEIMSI & DRUGGIST, (:(-R. BROCK & DUNDAS STS., WHITBY, - - ONTA&RIO. House-cleaning time i8 here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades thîs season than we have ever shown before, froii 45c. Up, We use the best band painted opaque shade cloth, with Hsrtâhorn's spring Also a fine variety of cernice poles. Ask to see our Istest style of window %creens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Oui naby carniages are al of the tatest de-i Sig flS.1 Give us a cal before purcbasing els.vhere.1 We are takipg special pains to combine1 - "aqnre wlth etonoany iu price and uii stock is complete lu House Furnishings. WVe invite buvers te, corne aud see us. lu wiII save money. Lea,ding Undertaker,- E. J. JOHLN SONO BROCK ST., WHITBY. Established 1849. Whibý Steam MaibIe and GanitB Woîks, Dn n i ç st.. W H 1T B y__ Chas. ]HL Smith, lFonnerly Wolfeuden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the istest material sud designa. Al kiuds of Cemetery vonk. Our vork guaranteed. -Z*PSIND FOR DESIGN~S AND PRItcas. W. A DA MS, CET53DENTI ST. Rooms oves- John Ferguson's elotbiug store. Residece-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St. Whitby, Jan. 29th, 1896. COUNTY COUNCILS ACT, 1896 l'O Ai WImn il May Con - cern. i have received frein the Cetrnmissioners appoiuîed under "Thme Couuty Counciis Act, S96, " to divide tic Ceunis- cf Ontario jute Cou nts- Council Divisions, tic fctlowing no- tice, vuz. ILOCAL INEWS LETTERS, A very heaVY eath quake sboek Wiis heard ber. ou Sunday nlbt about uildDWgb1 Rev. M acdouell offitted beie on Sabbati lust. Hia efiorta are,ïmach aippreatted by ,all. Mark Bignaîl bas cf late beesa quit. 111' dispesed, but at urne of vritlng vas mmcli bettes-. Ms-. Atb.rtRicherson, o e t oiS-od, ac- companted b>' bis vf. suddaiter vtsited friends bei-e on Sabbath.MayfoabseatpeteM.Ze S. anversary service ou S4ýbati lut.A goed Urne vas repos-ted. .; Mr. Maurice J. Gqrsdhesrt lectures in the methodîst cburch ber. *on PtidaYr.UIY 24tb. Evenybody velcomne. Ail fi-s.,, T L WilIis vlslted the governinent ,)ffice ber. on Sabiatb, sud f"ad hus vife srd tbnee childreu lu excellent bealth. Wrn. Lawr-ence, son oi our respected carpeuter of tuis place, paid ils home a fi>'- ing viait ou Saibath. Will ta agate vot-klng on tie Midiaud. Mus Emnerson, incuber cf Mn. John Emer- sou, formerly *of Kinsale, vas interned at Salemn on Monday sftcrueeu. Deceased died ai ber sou-ir-laws, Mr Burk, cf Broug- bain.à A fev frein here attended the funenal of the laie Henry Westgate lasi week. Wiîh muci regret bis friends ber. heard of bis uuturnelv end. Much sympatby la felt for the sorrowing famils-. Ten puapis froni this school tried the entrance and public schoei leaving exains. We trust ties- vill be successfut. The teacb- er, Mu. J. B. McCullocli, le spendiugbils vacation ai ils home in Enfield. Mr. Chas. Mackey is holidaying at bis home tuere, as iis bis intention to graduate lu the profession of farming afier be bas fiuished bis bird ycar teacbing. He willinl ail probabilit>' b. iniîiated befone returuiug te sciol Mn. Wagoners yard is at, the present time alive vitb englues, threshers, movers, bind- ers sud aIl kmuds of inipieerneuets seekiug nepairs. He and bis stai are verkiug over tine sud find fiud therneelves unable te keep pace vith their large business at this busy sesson of the year. Miss Addie Mowbray is nov at homne. We cxteud to ber our congratulations ou ber successful exams ai Ottava. Kinesale youug people have neyer found it necessar>' te take a back seat in educational matters sud Miss Movinay s- earong tic most succesaful cnes. Hayieg les atbtug'cf the past ilu tus local- is-, aud a good deal cf harvest wcnk bas been accetnplisbed alresdy. Fal vicat sud barley bave received speciat attention. Cropi are quit. liglit bers owiug te the dry weather, not having bail a gond steads- ain since the grain vas sowu. A gcod deal cf buckwbcat culture has been iudulged lu. In looking jute tic difiereut business establshmecnts lu oun tovu ve find eut- hannesasbchp stili vacant. Nov ve bave rcfenred to tuis hue cf t-ad. er beieicensd are serus- te say no enquiut es have as yet been heard of. We bave ne iesitaucs- lu guaranteeing a profitable business should a suitable man laake up ibis Ue cf trade ber.. Nov Mr. E-ditor tan . 1ou seud us along a suitable tradesman. Some talk here cf chaeging the post office. 0f course we are aIl aware ve are under a uev regirne of legislators ai Ottawa, and as tiey may and ne doubt do dîsagree witb oui nov opposition friends, a change of post of- fice officiais mas- be the result, but surely il is Lime enougb :0 talk about matters of ibis kind vhen the general public are dissatisfied vîti present arrangements. If ve are te bave a cbhnge let it be a reasonable as velI as a profitable one.- 09.EENWOOD Mu. Wili Stevart speut a fev das-s visitiug bis parents tait veek lu Petes-bero. Miss Lena Gibson la filling the position as or- ganisu duriug Mu. Ward's absence. W. ueuced Mr. Jin Hart-la, cf Us-bridge, sud saine t rienda lu oui midst ovcr Sundas-. Tne long lost hounil bas icen founil et lait, bu: sorns- te sas- i is cf ne more use to ita ovuen. Mn. sud Mis. W. G. Wand sud (amily are çpending tic belidays it relatives inu Coiiiug- A good inus-of the fui-mers bave commnuced harvestiug sud have tic meat oetbteir m-se, fali viiesi sud harles- CUt.Sotnc vers- good erope are reponici bys aie wvilce tessbave vers- ai cnes. Tic turuipe are aimas: a conîplete fallut-c iu tuis part cf tieCocunis-s. TIe parsouage bus been refüruisheil vit mnev furniture spd net a-Nlt toc soon for tic coufoit et tus occupants., Thore t is a anev fence t:0 be buili around the grounds. Wbatis aticenmat- fer vit getting up a aced garden parts ln t.e ucar future to e fsay es-penses for the saine? Mosuns. Rev. McDonald sud A. Bos-er vwe appointed as delegates te attend the meeting et the Dominion Alliancewvilci vas beid lu Tor-- cute on Tinradas- cf this veck. Ih la hoped tiere vil be good resuits (011ev in tue lac cf. touperance àwd that beftr. long vs viii bave prohibition i hiis fais-Dominion cf ens-s. The Cou.nty OoundisAct 1896. Misamemaster,cf Toronu>is visidng.auHn, loboa)dru'. - Màiss E.'LiaIt, oi Qabava, la vistiugat Ms-. D. To the County Olerk of the Coun- Holl1ia%'. Trno es.dn e Miss Beau, ýcf omo ýsedý e ty of Ontario: e* iMs-M avws -MWiKate Barmaetnla homce frein Tes-osto to SuR:-TAKE NOTICE thal the Contmw m ifoa Siot #R)4 siouers appoiuîed undes- "Tii. Counus- Coun1- #'s-ho îM sWebe-.<fTa-oe s.vlulng cisAi)86," to dîvide the bCeunty Of Ou- »ýlbwmrbl.. tarie inue Counus-Counci l Ivblîp , i» M- on orsns boid ibeis- Sitigs for (th, us nMu- Ms li In evutm day, tic 3rd day of Auglst, 9,ra'ttebr of i iite foreuoo, andno on fdSy toj'Ur. F.Mewlu o oouet spt,,*«i &~dm day, -as mss- be necessr et t fi scoust wu lsn s.4.n Houa. lu the Tom-ietf Wlitbs-, at sud place the Coagtdoiers wM l h'ie "0IatbW* $sIthmroii* ý parties iuterested, sud w»1 t4kp .$ldeuste >p Mm. tbe ,ostb if offered. Subpoeas casa be obtfl ndt. ,ya. e b MuW 3 on application t e etii«of d4e Comm1wison- ers. Dated the.7ýb day of ju117, x80*ý Tiien. la some talk of bsviug a cash makeî establisbcdl here lu tichess-a future forthe. pur- chas.of butter, egcs sud other taras PMoU=e Misa Darllngton vas summon.ed ta Stratford on Tuesdsy te attenâd the fumerai ci a cousn, Mr. F. Gearlng. vho vas s promimeut lavyer lu tiat city. Mr, Oliver Dusrant, vii. venute De Kalb, l, a Unite more than a yeua go, la at home for a fev veeks. He dees net expect te returu te Di Kalb. Mr. M. Mecklenbung, scieutific optician, vioe advertisement appears lintti paper, --wusin &aooklin lsst week fittung ont tics. vise. eye- ulgbtts defeative, vith proper glass. Mr. Wia. Bis-an vas taken sick on Sunday vlah su atek of inflammation of the bcweis and bas <revu vo ever since. Ai the turne af wVnting the. doctors have 11(11. or ans- hope of is 'lh. ecool huasetover la te be rebutît dut-kg vacation, M.A. Roberts is the. architeet sud vilhbesshlstedla thevcrk is- Mr. C. Redman. mhe nev belfrr vil be about elghteeu feet hi gh aud viii b. ute different lu appearauce frein the. old strucrore. Mr-. C, Redman fouud bis bora dead lu the field on Suuday menaung. There vas notiing appareuly tie matiez wbeu the. animal vas turueu eut tie eveuîng before. Mr. Redmnan hs uufeiiuuate iti bis drives. He lest one quite as mudenls- about tour yean ago. The neven puplis frein tii. Brooklu school vbo vrote on tiie receut enu-a2ce exarinatious we Us-e ucesafut. Miss L. B. Holliday, teach- er at Dryden'% scb',eI sent tire. cf< ber pupils te this examtmatlovi and tiiese, toc, wez" successful. mhis la a shovitg tiiat could hardis- te irupreved ou. nhe earthquakc on Mondas morning vas f.!: bere verv distinctis. Tln. long nmblir.y noie awoke many, and tiiere werefcv ham nsein b the tremer was net felt. Net heuig nsêd to tuis kund cf thing thene vas maxcii aler specukion as te wbat the phenomenon realîs- vas, but *ie are nov told that it vas s genuine eathquake. Those who remember sas- (bat h las about twenty- seven Vears since there was asimilroccurrnce lu Ontario counts-. Mr. Maurice 1. Geodheart the couves-te d Jeu viii give a second lecture bere. in tiie metiodfist church, next Tuesday eveming, 2 1atimat. The lecture will be quite different tethbene be de. li vered bere a few weeks ago but promises toi.e equailly entertaining aud beneficial.Neonme sbould musa ibis opportunits- cf beariug the etory cf the Jev's life in Rusas, freitie lips of one vie bai been tiene. Ne admission- fee is ciiarged but a collection vill bè taicen which gces towards belping Mr. Goodheart te meet the. ex. penses of bis college course. He la nov attend. ing Wycliffe Coilege. prepariug for the ninistrs- cf thc Churci of Engiaud. "It is thc duts- cf evers- man vie bas a vote te use it. lu la a sacred trust. To seli dne's vote for any selfisi coosides-aucun, late heu-as- tiat trust." To the verds of ibis quotation 1 vould add-To bus-, or te attempt te buy tic vote cf sny mn, be he of bigi or 1ev estate, ihes- by tie direct or indirect promise et finanelal gain or iy meaus cf ans- otier consideraticu is a crime. and as suci should be severels- punisiied. Sice ths recent election many rash statemuents have' been made lu this connectien. It should be ne- membered tiat mien vie have any real moral cbaracter lu uheir malte up veuld mast nesoaccube accused cf stealing tiei n.ighboe-s purse, as of buylng bis vote. Thmee as tti.- custonuas-gcod veaties- for the union Sundays chool picumc whucb vas held ai Osiiavs.cu-thc lake lait Tuesda-. ]Me atteudance, oving te s vaniety et causes, vas ne: so large as it bas been sometimes lu thc pas: but for real enjcymemut tus ycar'a onttng excelled ail otbes. Tii. accommodation furnish.d st the. pic-ic greundsi laup te aIl requirements snd %vas a most agreeable chanize froin the total laek ef suci tiings ujiat ve bave bad to put up viti at Corbett's Point. Mr. A. D. Heurs-. tbe owner cf tic grouds, sud bis assistants socu put tietuselves lu geed favor viti ail the visiters by their kind attentions, The vater vas lu first-las condition for heating. sud as tiere vas plenus- cf beau sud some te spare a gocd deal cf the afuernoen vas speut on the vatet iv most of tiose preseut. nehe omeward journes vas commeuced betveen six sud seven o'cleck. Se veil satisfied are ail vie attendpd tuis pic-nie that it la practicaliy decided nov that uex: yearls wiil be held at aithti saie place. W.A.H. Ihon ylivant SSCYTHES, SNATHS, 1 * ** FORKS, HOES, - * * 5* RA .KES, -SHOVELSJ and ail kinks of Suaple Hardware, ie: are prepancd to supply them- at' ROCK J3OTTOM PRICES, Machine Oi, A* eGrease.- Castor O11foW buggies.~ Ms-a Gold, cf Torsonto, la visiri'ng at Mr Akbhs-at's, The binders bave sassted work fer an- otiters eson. Msa Taylor antl Ms-s W L-ove are, we s-e- gret to sa>, uder thie dector's cas- Mn M O'Neill bas get bis englue in i-un- uîng os-den snd is now eugsged making tile. Mr- E Barrett had a flue bai-n raisiug on Monday. Ms- Milles- la doing thie job, Ms- Heinry Bewell, who bas lately been teaciing in the Lindsay ccll. iust, ws visitiug bis frieudi bei-e the fis-st et the week. There was,4 as usual, a large atteudauce at tii. communion services in the. presby- (et-ian ciiusch on Sunday last The. pester part cf tie W ick congregation was present. Rev.R R L.itcb sud Geo Milles- are nep- resenting- eus S. et T. division ai thecbig prohibition convention at Toi-ente this veek.; Ms- A Millet- lac is theu-e as the represeaitative cf Southi Ontario district division. At ithe annual meeting etfdtheuzetbodiat Suuday scicol beld st week, the follow- iug offices-s were eiected for the next tweive mentis : SuptJes Watson ; as. supt, T E! Cragg*; sec, Wiutetond ; treas, P Csagg;1 libs-ariaius, Misses N Real sud K Wbxtetos-d. Soiue rime ago vu uoticed that oeeoet ens le4diug politiciaus had applied fes- s gev- es-4ment situation et Ottawa aud vas ex- p.ciing a summcins te rep~ort hiasseif at beadq nastens almost an>' day. But fer some reason the rime slipped by sud "tiie message tiat be ionged for neves- camne,"1 at leat aur leadiug pelitician te stili geing in and eut amcngst us sud bas made ne sigu of packing bis trunk. And nov that (ber. bas been s change cY governmeul dowu there, oui- fieud's chances ef getting the ait are ver>' remote indeed.. AU hie hustiing fer- bis part>' viii count for uetbing, yen, lees than nothing, as we doubt if the powers (bat b ill appreciate is e«orts lu this dix,,etîon sufficie-ntiy to give hlm tie covet- ed blmb, TOWN UNE. Our sick are al eut agýaJn. F'armers luntti locality are mestly tirougi luavkug, Crop i8ligi:. Mr. sud Mrs. W. Goid wheeied te Kingston thii wedk for a holiday trip. As-. Chartes Mackcy teck s load cf uev posatees te Toronte tbis veck Ertaquake?-No--lu vas euly the yibrstlcn cauisd b>' tic change cf geverumenu. Uilze Coakvell was ticeue successful candi- date frein bore at tic entraace examinaticu. Ms-. C. E. Brown sud vife, et Madison, Wis., and Mr. H. Matr sund vife, cf Markham, were guestacf Mr. sud Mrs. S. L. Brovntiiisvweek. Spme cf eus- towuliuera teck lu thc excursion toe i.Tiomssud Islands ou Tuesday. l'ic day (alD< fine a troat w9.s lu store for (boss vi. love thbeatitul lu nature. Alticugi the aftçruioon *vas a Uite cool the usuil auniber attended the sunual S. S. pie-uic sud eujayed a good social tdîne. The bating tevards evenlng was vers- pleasan:, Mrm J M. Gerov lsaaas visiting frienda. E!r ,a5aoila epocdug igm -.BMxsonhomte 'Misa'Emma Piillips ta vtsitinir friends a: MmipoSa. Will Linion sud smaer Becca vsitcd viti rela- tives a: Uxbridge Ovet- Sundus-. Misses Lyda sud Rachel Littlejobu accunu- paniedby Albert spent Sunday tioh Norman Pencher sud a frieud as-e iding a few dass ere viitithe foues spareut&e A n-unbet- (rom here attended the suniversars- service hcld at Mount Zion lait Sunday. Dicd. -At the resideuce oftber daughter Mms J. Burk, Clarlasa Har-m. jl i1e, z896. The E P cf C E vil iold tber, meeting a: tic christian chut-ch on Frldas- evcniug as eight o'clock. Mmi. 1. Lîutlejohn had a tee quart pail of berries stolen vile iu Mr. John Percy's bet-ry PONRT P Joseph Bigelov cf Trenton, is home for a OuOrnemen sudTrue te atendied the xtbjulyoe>,lebration tla -c«r at Shun46es- lunu. It leweald '(bat ii.net lebration, will b. lu p tPps-«rs-. - 'Jiere as-tire. or km rtenta ofcaupors on th . e st sa idés ofthe la&o.not.ý fir fen(tr.Thei.> ý' eiro<O çfToï Dîed, atOr9il4ia on 11w zot(b mat., maiel - - - l -1 ýý L Il i ik - We bave had built i*r >ut Un udnig Dprtxtu fine 1asWet maié e,=-in:t. otr own desgu sd la sra LI4f<« every creû eslce ettitgl< ii thus town won1d be thie buoinees centre for the future. Ho then butit the Resu block on- Queen street, £ fine tbree sbory building vbicb vas destroyed ln the great fire cf 1884, and vas tebuilt i that -year; the. busi- ness from 1871 tô '73 vas carried on by A. Ross ; from 187'3 ta 1876 it wts ,conducted by Browd & Rcss (Robert,) as the bealth of de- ceased wns- poor. lu 1876 the. firtu of A. Rose and Sons, (Robert and William,) vas carried ou about 4 years, after whîch the business was carried on bv thie two sous; cf late the business or A. Ross & Sons has becu owued solely by Mr. Wm. Rosa.- The late A. Roew carnied ou a large grain (rade fromn the year 1871 until his ecease. Hie stroug points were hie business abllity and indonz- itable wili ail througb 111e from hie firet start- ing business in Prince Albert up te tho date cf bis desti; it was a sertes of successes from finit (c last, so mnch so tha:tihe de- ceased durlug bis business lile was a pro- visiousi director cf the Dominion bank snd slways took an interest in that prosperous insitutiou ; be vas at oe dme a director of the old Midland railway belore b.ing tairez over by the. G.T.R; and vas alec a preniin- ent member of the Toronto Boaîd of Trade. Hie forte vas bis business tact and abillty, witbal lie vas as public-spirhted s man as vas te b. seen ln hbis support of Institutions of a~ religions and educattoual character; at one time bie vas vice presideit cf the. WhItby, Ontario Ladies' College, aud vas oftei* chosen by bis church te represent that body in conféreuce. 1»u politics heevas a consist- ent Reformer, but never accepted any pub- lic position. As a metbodist be vas loyal tu bis church and a very generous giver to ail church enterprises ; the. deceaaed viii be greatiy missed by the. cburcb cf bis choie in tbis tevu ; be vas alec a liberal giver te tth. poor but very 1ev knev cf It. Thus bas closed the private and public career cf a man vho vas alvays a vise counseller; ene vie vas loved and respected by bis family. He leaves six sens, every eue of vhiiot is in business for bimself. The. large funeral on Mcnday last was a tribut. cf respect sud e- teetu lu wbicb tbe deeeased and the. family are beld in tbis town sud viciunthy. Tii. famnily consists cf Mrs. Ross, the. sons Messrq Robent, William, James, Fred, Char-les, sud John. the. daughters are Mrs. Hossack and Sarah. The funeral services vere beld i th. metbedist cburcb sud vere conducted by tbe Revereuds McCamnus, Manning, Wbitloek, Leach sud Whitemau ; the. Rev. R. M. Manuing, a former pastor, sud Rev. D. N. McCamus spoke vt ry kindly sud fled- iugly of the. life of the late Aaron Rom. The. chief meurners vere the six sons and th~e grandciiildren cf deceased sud Rev...». C., Hossack, Parkdale, A. Bongard. R. R. Soni- gard, S. Frâl!ek, H. Fralick, H. Fltchett and Si Orchard. Tii. pâîl-bearers vere Messrs. J. H. Brovn, H. Doubt, ýT. Cour- tiee, J. Pevers, C. W. Jones sud W. Brock. After the solemu services at the churcb the. large funeral cet-toge wended is vay te the Pine Grove Necropolis for intertuent To show the esteern in vhicb di. deceased vas beld by the chut-ci, bis seat, the pulpit sud choir-railing vere iieavlly draped in black sud ornameuted vith beautiful vhite sud put-pieevwqes. W. J. No??. nov t6l]ftoek of muliery. a dlfpeoeW turu ont flyst-elasa minery l ii.la""a styles snd 1ev ps-ee. tamptug doue os-des- p. th.-8m W 13 CLARKbu as a-sale Ilise /ood scod- hs.nd pslo-heates vitioven/ Mizh vf s a y are toclbas-gains. zisec 'n. c ~KT8 <1~ -awayd JESSOP -.TU1R w. J& PtiblfMed by1 NO. ws> .00, met The number ofcdidates vas 8a. 0f tbus 3o ere (rorp the town sMd p (rom the comey 'etotal Rumuber cf marks wus844.-I1Wt nemesary to <et 4»2 marks ln order topai su one-third of the mark ic ao h subleot. Thosà Who" eam e starred won sbofasble , la order to <et a scholarshlp wo-thirds Of thetot4 marks bad to be taken. 1 he names of theç. esufnl candidate% their marks and their teacbea are as loliows:- Mr. rown, mcdelucebool, Wbntby.-L BU=ne, là Bates 46.ç; Edfth jotob 47s: Not olr, 546; Lena McMillan.4991 S109i Pringle, 'w' Edidi Plasktt, 433; $My ardson, 45o., A S"eart, 445; M Taylor,* 0 Wahers. 8; C Westiake, 44; H 472, F Calvele, 4o ,A Ketdbes,.-36; Stewart, 477. Roy Stephensoo, 54-6; O Tamblyu, pS9--z8. Mr Gale, Dufferin Wbty-ipAîkinson, 464; raCS or» 496; R Thonike, 471-3. Mr MicCarrog separate ecl, Whhye-L P!oIey. 4oaa Sam Mecmansd, 433-2. Mr Chapuan, Audley.-% Cbapmnsu,493 ; A Matdaford, 423; E -PflUky, a6; F Brown.445; A WBrown, SU-8Me. BradY, 4» ;W tIlWestueY, 454--7. Mr Hofl mes, Brookfin.-L Coakwelt sç4 ; Ltz* eIN Coakwell, 541; IDeLong. 4g ; Jos -Frsyu, 488; Jessu HoIiay, 556; e. HWsopS 5- *Graoe Harris. 648.- Claude Marshall, -4 le Marier. Picoerng villiage.-E Eve A"42 LPRamer, 46; C H HHam. 478 ; 9-I(bIk 42qý; Nelson Peak. $oz-. Mr- Eddj, -lar' mont.-M Smith, 448;W fGeroï,421Jfi ReOrY, 435 ; R Stokes. 49M-4. Homda No. x Whilby.-F Sadler, 4.5e; Abife Space 174; Me Sortrid9e, 4jý-&3Mr NO. x'T MeCullongb, nsan, 1 9, -M Mise Parkn, Ashbùrn.- »Ràgeýs1 Mî Stil. Columb .-*Aber'Tink, 68. Mt, Wie Town lne.-Lizzie Coakwe, 528; lach MeGregOr, 437; N JeffreY, 428-3à. ifyine passed out of 82, or 72 Per cept. and tbey aw-raged 469 marks or 47 abere tht minimum, 422, Tis, is a higbly sadsatq standing and several scbols bere don erpd inglyweU as shown by the rçults of both tht entrance sud the publachool leavmg epia ations. The winrDsT of scbolaruhips, in order-0 marks, are Grace HarrisBiookin-scbool C' C Tambija cof the Wbltby mod!& ici 1a McCansland cf No. z Pickerisg sdAue Tink, Columbus. C Marshall, Roy S heeauon Noma Lawier, Jessie Mouds ,ýLottle.jxke L. Hislop and 0. Walters *eî-bn able mqention as they anlobtaedovei66, cent of the total. Tne firstgot a. standing and the next tbreeîàary setiI~ red it. 1 PUILIC SC11OOL LE'aVING I l zI, , Tvelve wrole btramthe eottéMyaàd t.beilsc .ces"fnlnes wlth teachers ecý, are-asfm o- I I)nbanon-Mr. Mclidyeutahe-.g Ânnand 639. cbaimont-Mr. Eddy, teseber-BIlma ýwg ?, 6 WltbM zs ari Rolon0, frances Couhie yoî Ia Whute 6z8. No. 112 Plckerlng-MIs iIl Hattie MadIll67. The foilowing wée. areefm e~ cate*-.M Coultice, Alex. lmu " uu~ wards, and Jabez Lynde.,'T T'netota}iiumber of mtaa a.T Premier anid'AnyGne*3 S. Hardy. Provincial secrýetaj-y--Hon. W. D!,I Provincial treasurer--Hon. Rj court. Miniîter oartitr-*n-c Minister- cf educàitiob'm-Hion. G. 'Wý. Ministry of public woibe-CIs Harty. pmiisterswidtbout POtflo43% Brouson. Il MIr_ý

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