~* %- ~- 1h ta reSh Ground Hellebore, -Pare Engiish Paris Green, *Fîneat Quality Insect Powdei Blue Vitzio1 or Copper Sulphi CRiuC'SINSEOT OPuwO kils ail leaf eating inseetii. 10 CENTS PER TIN! These goods are absolute/y ftà apd of ilie inesl ç7ua/u<y. J; Es WILLIJ CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL --HALL, Brock Street, Whiti WHITBY, JULY 17, 189( LABT NOTICE!1 't' r, ste, EH ~re by A number of delinquent subscrihors bave <aken warng from (lie notices printed in <bis colume for threo weeks -past, sud have core ne ansd settled their bills. Others have luade aangements about future pay- monts. Mauy have ontiroly lgnored us, and vo are naking ontth<bir bille at Si. So -Ipcr snnum sud interea4t, t hand <o ont solicitor for collection. If vo have to cm- ploy a lawyer to collect our dues we shall add enough to pay hie fées, a.nd -there will b. Borne surprised people beifore the ed of thia month. Some qjubucrber» appear to think they do a aufficiently frîendly act by tsklng the CffSoNicLE, and have s2o ueed to psy for it. If they had to psy paper bis and wages on friendship they would know 110W vo appreCiate such friendship. We are bonnd to collect every cent that ie corn- ÃŽng to us if there le an y means of doing so, and hope that everybody has now had fai warning. Leoal opton iuPtcarang. -Ifthe people cf Pickering tovnship Whe axe bing aeked <e sigu petiticus for tIc re- peal Of local option viii take a look over (ho police court proccedinge at Wliltby luet Frn- day, <boy vil! sec sometblng for their edili- Cation. Petitîcus are being circulated by the hotel keepers cf <bai tovnship asking the municipal council te subseit tho repeal o f local option <o a vote. The ratepayore arc bilng told <bat <ho lav çanno ho oun- - orced, wlill, ai<lie sante time thie sanie lItkeepere appear in court wyul lavyers beleng (hat ne fines b lnfllcted on them for two ort tret vecits until <bey hoocivinit enough jpeopIle osffung <the peiitioua <c ý <Wi<h ail duo respect <o Police Magistrato Harper, vitose sbillty <o edicuister 1ev le Yiaiiy recognlzed, vo (col conapolleci to ex- r osa strong dissent front <lie coursetkn nr alIg thèe.poc inca at s time wlbep secl action çouid have no other oflect - a ô pr.ad tho belief ila< local optiont ebM9Ie enforceci, wheroaa <les. com-j were laid for s.liîg liquor vithout1 ýnd conte eutirely undor tIc liqueri *ct,vbldli vo sU keova e en-. -Thmse wo hive bems mied to i1~foi Joais for repa wl nov eme hov 2=y thp Uv~ e-fsq>I&bypuertons that<the st anuoê b&onfoced, sud <lie ppçleo ohave ineid sbould tite wauig- ase 1:ta <ho dan4detroined intention of <b. on- ~r ment t amot rtrovisions. u4aaTm to kht its contitatioossuty, Sd-bvé beeon defested, and local option is e9w as good-law~ as any othte enactinent on hoa<tatstebooks. The. tovnship of Pickeorlng hasestood by teprlndpleetirousboutt>e long fighi for rohbiory law, snd 1< would bea ridiculous Ct tecave la zýbw afterthe greu t lgal iglit as licou von. W. woujd' t mid tradtngour eartliquake D)Ohawas for Its stroot râ1Jway snd Eli Ed. odeon. cliof <ho political parties l ine iJetea sus, mrpril tI wthe-idby -brlnging cantdidate for the prisidency vlio va md by ailthe groatpartyboe.t bica liCKIQ .4ntie by Pml5Ur,:eo. 'Uà ayvlX>1A isè*o abal uhlm. M ng the De mo. 0.0thogli ofW.J rv= an w tè lie persucd tra4e with study sud applicà tiOà m-d va vry soco aaexp«t Inut ,toodW,'roo*Ies, farmPl 6 ofdu . « very ý*hnd, suid lator :oS-took -a practil al rt lW banking sud aursua.ia-. HiUcpçt o buelueM wuas uiiIted,, his oplnomasfel tlie ê_#remo, Iaforosiglit ltuost -,glWftde phccy. Thos. wh*o ,ought bus CoMM- buslnes# affaires «d adopwcdbis aci- rolIy fallcd of auccos, and h ws ai- wars ýdelehted to, assist people lu <bat way. It e bedeutonSy <bat suùcl a macn amas- -@cd wealth very fast, sud if he had souglit the larger channels of tradeo f <lie citi« es mîglit eassly have beesa a millionatro. lie raised s faniily of admirable children. who are an lionor to hie wortliy came, aud who muake the world bettor wbereverthey go. Whitbi rTwn L.alsg. Scott repsre ailkinde or pumpe. )ira. Gerrie-Smitb, of Hamilton, vas the guaet <bis veeli of Mrs. Aunes. Mr. and Mrs. Marrlut, Oshawa, apent Sunday at Mr. Chas. Bateman's. Mies Violet Smithî, of Hamilton, vas the guest this week of Miss Agnei Dov. Two brick bouses to rent; ail conveul.J 'eces; low rentaL Appiy (o M. W. Colliu" R. H. Walke, B. A.. Lindsay, vas iu towu Wednesday, sud pà id (ho CHRLONICLE a George Movat-, of West Toronto Junction, ispending a fov dirye in tov visitung rela- It is a matter cf constant comment amour outsiders vito visit Whirby tbat its streets snd crossings are kept ln first cIts eder. Mies Nellie Hubliard, of Brougham, le lu rown, the guet of ber sleter, Miess Louie Elubbsrd, who lives vith Mr. J. Hamer Greenvood. Mise Docker lias passed lier final oxamin- ai ion lu instrumental music, winning the distinction cf Associsto of thie Toronto Col- loge of Music. The baptist raiivay excursion <o Rosebauk on Friday las< vas a groat succese lu every respect. The crowd vas largo, the veather âine, snd s great day vas put iu. Mrs. Mark Steele, sister cf Mr. Hazard Willcux, vil! visit finonde at Souris, Mani- toba, for s fev months. Agre. Stecie ha., had poor liealth lately sud gees west to recuper- ate. Eartbquakes are a&U rlglt in (heir place but (rom a business standpoint <bore le nc money lu <hem. They boom <linge for more eflect. They are lie fireworka with- ou the rc. 1 Work on thie bille betveeu here and Osh- ava is ,progressing nicely. Mir Jos Heard vil finish hie contrsc< on Stas'alU by theofirtofneozt veek. He bmseffeCteda big change ineils grade. Latest noe front OsIbawa slows tht tho people are greceycd vitI jcalonsy <o thlnk <bat Wbîtby lias been abIe <o eprng on a full grown oartbquake duriug <hoenigît ,when steant vas cù. The sunual picnic of Ail Saints' SnWday eclool s< Corbett's Wedaesday vas a very successfal affair. The programme cf sports under (ho direction of the superuteudent, Rev. 1. S. Brougliali, vue keenly contested. Adjutaut Miller, Fenelon Falls. receutIy in command cf <the Savation anmy lier., vrltes tus svery kmnd lettes stating (hat lie le doing vellen<hoesrmy vork <bore. He aske <o lie remsembered <c hieamauy friends bore. Msr. Wm. Wordeu, <ho famions barn draughteman, passed <lirougl here Wedues- day on hie var <o hie home at Kfauclester. Ho las fleished ccnstructing <he ont exo- pensive building cf <lie kind in Canada for Capt. Miiloy, near Paris, the (rame photo- grapli cf vhicl vas recentiy published ln tho Saturday GloW .MAr Warden lias mado a hobby cf draughting stock blires, ad nover (aile <o make s building viid for cou- venience dispenses vlth hlsf lie usual labor lu thie care cf live stock. Hoenales drauglits or superintende <the erection cf bidings,,lust as stte ofarmner. Tito couutry-le full of 1dle men vho siake s busmness of sîcvang maimed arm, a sore iog or telling in doggeral verne liow thiey lest <beo ight They arealszy lot of b gars sud'are braen hir bismnes. Thes-. is ne doulit but thoy have been untcrtnsag but <bat in no essn vy tlay ehould give up the battle of fife atn.tbrpv <hemnelros uponrpblic chanity. - There s rea<l <bat bely &pend in begglng, if de votrt soute honest calling, . vculd carn <hem a living -sud <bey vould lic respecteal for- their lnuntry. They yull beg, bov'ever ueselong s people vl<h miedrete feings of eympat'Lie <hem aid, The ancrase ineo num o f <bis clase of peo- pic only shows <bat to givo aid oaly en- courages thi lustry. Charcit Ronaks. St. Jubus at the bay paeccd et ehart'a yçterdar. AU yeur vante supplieci at Alibuas drug store; rulboer rings, corile, seallng *ax, etc bSd C.IM W BXingle & Co. bave reduceî the price oftlaeïi choice AlbericSu seed CospIMi 5 Gare oelblag lots f it.- Bieder tw'a. Thoso 4oesirous -ofusicg theobest binder tvise madq vii do wehl to monau ir. J. «. Longand secethe tcolobrateci C4strai -Prison vwslnetaj e las (or -sale. V-- Lonqg eely basdias Out clésgonds. =1'-ih (set Oonp#d .rlth Ã4aqrepftuao cfttser nue everposse satisfaction «ho pWcaazes Itm Mfr. Long. lb.M sè i dab. beseult cetl4uoTh tecI 4ÃŽ,a ho wMcala W vn<aî~n c i q 1: c I do Il w ays, ýhic Fhid wie<se orra led lit ou a aide #trî0t. I i Aookc4hd b os"meenongb te hanguop u <lie r-ee oldooe It lied a b>velyta docile dlpehlon, se e w- eslJypet'. saetemolt ite back lnu llcniec <bat it wüUld bear us with grace sud dignity around a block snd land us wuîli care gt s COnventont point to <the CaSONircLa dobr. But as for humac confidence -Unknouin quantities1 To our utir astouleiment snd chagri that beantiful machine turn.d loto s 9ukigbronchao,aà cireus mule suds agreasy polo tho moment vo deposlted our precious person un 1< bacli. ft ehot ahead about four et* thon the front wheel took a quicli curve six 4;Ào to tho right; vo reaset<hie aide m anmutsd <thee se wviel as quickly whirlod sud flew to thle Ic, the hind vheel 1 ail theovile pressing shoad and trylng to moll ôvor sud ride on its back aith us undor- ueath. We were in dire distres, thougli ecarMeY à second of our careor as s wlieol- man had yet pessed. TIe thought struck us <o r or oelp, but vo felt hat If it vore already a death strggie wIth that bike vo wculd not brlng in any other pceou'e -life 14nsurauce but our ove ; se vo hel up the machine lu its mad caroor snd forced anoth- or curve of s îov foot more or les o, the rigît. We sy more or Ion becausotho, exact ligures can neyer ho known, since ho- fore that cure had boen sucessfnily de. scribed vo vero-oh, vhere vere wvo? [t vas s mostndlguified postion te take ve admit, sud te sdd <c our humiliation a lady friend happened alongg met thon sud eaw us la thpt plight-and laughed more <han modorately. We looked arouud for s mp. 7 mont te sec If (ho world liad tureed as semer. suît, but (ound everythleg ineoqull>um excopt our braie. Our beautifsal but obstrep. A mrus Red Bird had submluted te be,,capter- ed by s bystander, and soon vas Maoding gracefilly aud lovingly leanlug agaluet hie ari, which aroused ourjealousy. Wenaain courtedl its smile, and ropetéd1y eufferod tho sme fate at its landesu adâtlest gave it upfoertho diy, but vherj <ho evonlug shaes vero falling s kiud friond, vhose hnman symupasliy wvas rongor <liat hie seese of amusement took us aud tho Red Bird loto a larme lawn snd reconcile4l us. Liedelr care ta! instruction vo revealed te that bike that we could do it credit lu tinte, and it bore us rlth more or loe grace tapon that lavu until vo vere protty nearly Meaecd In the oper- tilon, and vo hope tobitgour Red Bird up tove next SaturdaY 'with us ou (ho- hack of' ite procession. JULY We Enter July Full of Bus&ine-s8ý and prrepared to Undersel Everybodyl in 8ight, New Specials in Goodîy You Need, at Saclifice Oafl and Sce ,4 wI&at, Yoù can -. ior I~~9c. alc 6e J lu rder tb make' sure of a.hMg redtlionin Wour Sommer ý8tûokwe'haVe marke4 ouz,.Igureas very cloBe. We real- izethat itfiâ The people mtmt, bat Summer Goode while they wil be of some use %0o them and'we have resolved to sette the question once by making A rà lRedection im Prcos on our large and well assorted stock of:- SknY' PRINTS selling for... ... ......................... 124 abs. per yard (>0M ON PRINTS selling for... .8e.9 10c.9 lic. a nd 12J eta. per yard %DRSS GOODS................ AT VERY CLOSE FIGURES. PA.RASOIM .................e........ AT BIG REDUCTIOe4S. No Ffrre, No Smokre, No Wstitr about our Goods, but nice, dlean goods to« select from At ]Damaged Goods Prices. ANDRE' Dry G( ]Ready. w -made Clothing. m Cres BOSSI I I Special FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY, ~~ 20 -FE R 0EŽT Watt Papers, Baby Carrnages, Hammoeks, Wagons? cro- quet, and ail Summer and Éporting -Goods. Some of the Fine Stationery that has been selling for HALF. 1Leit .yet. Secure it before it algpes, as it cannbt possibly be replaced- for the same AGENCY for Scliool Desks, British Dying Co., and Buttericks' Patterns. of the Newest Styles always on hand. A fuli stock R,. s. 00R,3AZ&0E.. Ljpl'ilm. --e Mchodr, Ott- Ie JiUBT EECE:0 iVEf1 l ilw C hîà &,Glmswareý SDimur md 1!e& E SIow &ode. imd Oro~kry., ~.&. It i8 stylish, and faist ; of workrnansi 1 'P iiniometrs Silver Narne 'tI'ump for touri n. 8. Ba E TBI E FBIDAY, JULY LOCAL LAQO Boots s&" Shoos r ka sction Pnces (or 30day-i -'lins$ Nov Sboe Store, Easc Si Alli's for pure drugs. Hardwood diniug tables, 4 1i st W. TIWIs. Mr. Jas. Gordon, pickerini on Sunday lest. Ms .D_ Saunders. Guelph H OorJudge Dartnei's. Save 70cr butter account b3 bread. Haf <the butter will dc Evon Toronto hanker for a lelcnoesveut in fror. ý MeGe"rY's herse von thur Trenton les week lu a race vi - Wt& Hue iM. Rosesud J 4tOswegs <lai veck for a si 'U' lria Carvetia. ~ 1fr.Leg»AruoId is off on a for tvo-weeks. Iig Wj)jgaà Aidua. W W. Tanuiî-,M J'. Greenvo, g. A., r po ers i he oubject of Enigilsi Toronto <hie year. Ms. W. H. Hall, editer and Markham Sun, aud 'Mr. Brodut ver. in t5vn on Sunday lust, til route fort Oshava. >- ou<'4cy People oxcurted tn t mda> liùn-8teà mer Eurydice, 'whit& ' people heing in (ho c -MoonDliht rip 5 night as nt Oh for Muekoka, Mackîna3 ILKaitoba, europe, ail United S and. Cana"anPoints, auywiiî ~W3are~by boat; rail er ocesu. autecd right Tbrengh tickt ftomPeckorieg, Toronto Myrtie, ~ Wbiby'.writ or-se Stepheus t beIttrUaveu,.Choicecf ail rosa, ÇRkes, boiled lan, DUe andl bs e t suction p t-X W Coilins' Nov r.2:22 to.dsv <ho stoan una p frin B dWht, oToront vldgy. Tbs siot a v.y ètmng4vIft audme au a ýQe9f"ctioZ gIbonctr ifttsah Grlse. Mmiw Uaudea made ,bbosoeobsmtu"alms e 9 s 9 ej 1 1 Watch Holde mi - 0 MI T o«uriz- - .9 1 #jeiýl 1 D'iscount Sale THE R-E-ýG-U.LAR A full stock (iAR rin, )ýi .t lý