-x - ~'i. Olerk i 0v. 4 - Port y 15 ; 'rldget ; lu' xxxx. Hiave a Good Thing In FOOT ELM. IT CURESOD Tired, Tender, Sweaty, Sour, Swollen, Sore We wisi to1 prove lte above statemnent and for a limiled lime viii give a full ise * package, (pnce 2 c.) abeolulel>' free, le auy one Who ta-il se n us6c. in Staunp s ta cever postage. Titis offer viii b. vitbdnswn as y now yoax vil! recomnmend itto youn fnleudm as. soon aS you fny it P, for Ibis reagSn e gveone package ABSOLUTELV FREE. AAIERIGAN MEDIC'IL CO. BATAVIA, N. Y. A* 1H0 DRUGGIBT, A;BNCY FOR- Â1IIm* WHITBY. MU1qýYON'S H( 'M&PATHIC :REMEDIES. Houa0eoening tim6 la here. We have a larger and better ss.orted stock of wiudow shudes tbis season han we have ever shown before, froan 4,5c. Up. We use the best baud paanted opaq~ue shude cloth, wlth Hsrtshorn's sprng roler. A"s a fine variety of coruice poles. Ask to see our latest style of window screeus, 10 fit any window, at 3oc. eacIt. Our baby carniages are al of lte latest de- signs. Give us a cal! before purcbasiug elsewhere. W. are taking special pains to combine elegance with economy iu price' and general utility. Our stock. is complet. in House Furnishings. We invite butyers to corne sud see us. It will save mouey. Leeing Undertaker,- E. Je JOHNSONe BROOK ST., WHIBY. Established 1849. Whitby ta Marbie a 6Fanile W îs Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas,.]H. Smith, (Fonmerlyx Wolfeuden Works.) Im- porter aueDeler in MARBLE &ND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc.,, of th. latest material and desig-ns. Ail kiuds of CFmetery work. Our work gu-anteect WMSEND FOR DESIGNS AND PRICES. WANTED Geneal Agent and one or two Local Agents to represeut lbe Home Life Associa- tion of Canada lu Whitby and vicinity. Apply 10 GEO. B. WOODS. Superinten- dent nif Ageucies, orn at Ibis office. Toronto, May 121h. î8q6. COUNTY VOUNCILS ACT, 1896 To Ail Wkom il May Con - cern. 1 bave aeceived fr>me Commissioners uppointcd under "FThe Ccunuy Conecils Act, 180,"1te divide thc Coaaty of Oubadio I Cousit> Council Divisions, tic foUolullgo-- tice, VI.: The Oounty Conla Soà 6t 1896 To the Oounty Clark of the oOflfr ty Of Ontatini SaIR:-TAKE NOTICS lt. cOwW*h Bleuets appolnted aUndea' Th Caat= o, ti apy-o iétCO1 D bold dieu Silnpà -,ortbOtt dayth 44Y oAuui doy, s p~-i îïelmni LOCAl. NEWS LETTERS, Miss Nt.lte Broyn le visiting ber mint, Mns. Reed, of ahis place. Rev. Trhooe officated bhr on Sabbatb. givlng us a temperunce sermon. Miss M. Neal bus been il-dlspased for a fev days bt is ugain mach better. Quarteniy service will be couductcd bere one week (nom Sunday nexi. at I o. 3oa. Lm. Tommy Richardson snd jno. Rodd are run- nang regular trips o te ty every week. Rememben thte lecture to-uagbt lu ah. churci by Maurice Goodheana, s converted Jew. Al are welcome. Silver collection. Mr. Wu!l Lynde thnesited Mr. R Roget's ai- sike a few days &go. Wiil does excellent work sud maires ne extra charge. Faruers can net be sorry by employang hlm. Isaac Backev. the duichmian, is ber. agan fer a short lime beiping Mn. Wagoner titrougit bis extra rush of nepairing. Iséac is slvays a wei- corne visiter lat Kinsale. Reanember girls te bas net as eported joined tac beuldicts. Amoug the visitons bere ou Sabbath ve magh mention Mn. snd MmssL*e, rom lbhe frS ouaod; Mr. sud Mits. F. L. Green, et Greeuwood; Mr. Walters, of Audiey; Mms May,. Weston; Miss Annle Sadien, of Tononto, sud otiters Out of the heu pupils sent dovu fo entrance sudt P.S8. ieaviug cramns.oniy onsevassuccess- fui in passing the eninansd twe th esviug, vi . Frank Mewbnay. Ma4y Richardson sud Bella Rogers. We congnatulate the sucoessf ni eues and ex pectas betten result next bime fot the other candidaies Miss Addae Mowbray s likely te secune a situa- tion iu ahe public scheol. Claneanont. Our frieuds a Clanemont could uca do better tbau en- gage Miss Mou-bru>' as sIte bas met vitit not iug but succesiu ber btudies us voel as ilulber aeachiug. Shou!d site receive lb. appoliltment we hesitate net lu sayiug 5h. yull prene trouble te give satisfaction te ail conoemed. We wonldnoct forgea te again ncmiaid otan mauy etd maid friends that teap year le fast pase- aug ava>', sud lost oppontunities sud ,nisspeat pivileges it>' soon be gene (arever. W. bave ciamed for years that Kiusz-ie could preduce, more old mads te ttc square mie titan an>' othen place awice the size in ibis ceuny. and gi!! oun belief as strengahened aud Dow we could tbrow eut the challenge to su>' place tu-ace thte size in the province. Now dear e!d frieuds do for your eu-n suite make lb. test ef your lime, 1 kaiow the oid batchelors canne o epeîe by about two-tiidslte namber, but do net b. down-bearaed, propose toe tcyou mem sud mua> happy homes mu>' b. establisbed. TOWN Li" Miss Allie McGregor is home again. Most cf oua- farmens *re neani>' tbrough iwiththlie tarit>' harvest. Ma-s. Rogers, cf Hampton, la visiing ber sistoa-, Mrs. jas. Rowe. A niece of Ma-s James McGaegor, from Niagaraý is bir.eh.ýlldaiying. Oua- TownUnacperchant ledole; quila s business iu bluden tu-lac is seasos. Mns. E. Boon sud 'chilidren, of Parkdalc, a-e visiting at ber mothier's, lits. J. Webster. IOlive Hislop la speidig s part cf ber bolidsys vît ber uncle sud aunt, Mr. sud Ma-s. R. G. 0k.. Tic Rev. Mn. McCaanus, cf Port Pet-ay, gave us a ver>' interestlug aud practicai ser- mon on Suandsy. We viU b. glad te test hlm agaiu. Mr. sud Ma-s. A. H. West ad cbild leave tomç to-day, Frida>', for a feu- veeka' holu- days amcng relatves. W. viabt hein a ver>' pleasant lime. We extcnd oua- heartfelt sympal'te ito. sud bits. Geo. O'Connor for lie deabb of their Infant child. Fanerai loch place ou Weduesday ut Pickerlig. W. beg reave te correct-an unluteulionsl errer an last veeh's items ooucru ~ont entrauce paspils. W.uderstand tiat in ad- dition to Misa Urnze Coahu-eli, Miss Banche McGreger sud Master Norman Jetfer>' hieue succesaful candidates. Oaur beys gave Mr. John Rove a rgil, royal reception ou thce evc cf bis rebuta hi me uith bis bride. The reception tcok lte(cran of a lau-n concert, the musical instrumenta ueed for lte occasion ceasisted chiedfi t in pans, co* belle, borne, pieu- shaies, etc. Cool breexes on ta> Take a day oùf uov lic dog days are on sud enjo>' the cool breezes cf laite Ontario b>' goem on tte Cohimbian's excursion to Toronto next Monda>'. july 27tb. Bout leuves ber. at 8.3e a. m. Rebum a fue soc., ctildreu 25 cents. - Mr. sud bits. S. Beali are au-a>'os tic Mackiaautrbp. - Mn. A. H. Dale, bf Rochester, la speuding part of bis vacation aI borne. w Rev. Dr. Lambly utcnded bhe prohibition convention in Toronto last ueek. bits. F. Hodson, sud famil>', of London' are vlitlng t11cm friendsisnlaWlitby tavu- sbip. Mass Somerville, acc<>npasiedl by1 Miss Tille Robson, la visitin.g frieuds lu Belle-ý Tie Torono trip of the. Cclumbline, Mhoe dsy, jul>' u7th, gives 6 f(aihuitre.forbuales. beiothe teCity.i Thse farm= e bkr tot H. Salut-day butlOaies. wre roefwed. brother. . L. Sà but, of PmtYgnyu".- Abe t.. I is nd-- .*.ow6n gà i ~DAY, JULY24,96 year's, lu al hinds of grain. Tiie talin «eMEEE Sonday nigbl vil! ep h root crop, w beh Ml Do&1, froua ine Albrt, spcnt a fev was bady in need fi, though somne fields -das W weekw the Revere ROuMe os turulps are iooklug remaikabi>' veli EA<I,ËlolÃŽby la eojcying a portion of ber The. auch dreaded urmy worm busbeen *el d s uv itia freudain Toronto. mcen lu seieral places, nen r bere dting the W*C'plëe.d to ,è Mr, Archie Ewer, last two veeks. It bas pald rno* attention VOagal, ià -fter bis rment asack of peulion. 10, fields of oas and wbezî but docs not ai> us pear te, have doue serious darnage yel.w. ~jiib ROM tOfU tica. is assisaing Mr.A. Mn. Maurice Goodbeart lectured to a good UooW# ln eogpleging tbe resideuce of Mm. )ms sized audience lu the metbodist church on Ficu Tuesday eveuiug. Thc lecture was siailar, Atk bsopot1iyo cnrtltu 10 the one lie delivcred here a fêté veeks î là 1Paftric on bers-ucceis viti ber pupils ago. sud just as interesîiug snd instructive. ai t recent outrance snd P.S. lesving ersams. Mn. Wm. Brysu, wbose serions ilinesvas-The auishows fai)tpl work.- reporled lat week, died on Fridsy morniug. t ~~ h u~ia oicfmli taken lut The tuners! was held 10 Gt-oue Side Seie- # ~e faniory snd the uMafl pres, Mn. R. tery on Suuday, and was conducted by te Pa »en fit tw dispense villa tie serv ices cf Chosen Frieuds, of wtich deceased vas a 14t:.auk-Wilsà n, vio habeen bis fanthfulas inember; . wingthe summer. Holliday Bros. are desirous cf clearing eut (atta-as if serul cf the dogsa round Mai- the balance of 111cm stock cf parasols, celer- ebd ansd vlcicfty have takena suaden notion cd shirts, tan boots sud shoes, fine straw ho 1 uesick, -probubly (rom estinq toc mach bâa, and other siammer goods, and are of- of t wb btraine hum ttc band cf a fniendly fering tbem ai substantiai redaction. Se eig 4a'.SuMey morne miotake anust be made. price lisl lu nexl week's issué.. Kilgeu'r und friends, cf Torouho, passed Ttc socialide. thaoImsr village luet Saurday. on tbeir wamy Tbene's a social side, worth cultivaliug, b ubêglam e neerves ai the head of IsaeScngog. of tics. excursions by valet (rom Wbilby Oà mbutt pivileged few, are trespassers snd aud the.tWwns cast. Neyer a better ene apâmtlaly-,lai s an injustice thai must b. acier- tisai that ou Monday nexl vien lte Colomnb- aid' ian, wbose carryiaig capacity in zîao, i uns tote'[aie ~ywck. a ladies' aid social vus Toronto. hli tht residence cf Mri. 1). F. Hagertiasu.il Master J. B. Robinson, a pupil cf Miss 'benimfeahure of citai-eh ork wbich le suppoeed Pankins, lu school section No. 6 (Speucer's,) toegivenu monahly. An enjoyable, as well as wase profiucesflwrttsi teeb-le cveuiug was spentansd we believe abat eue f te sccesfulwniers u tc e- ail w"nihome feeling ta a aight, noyal welcome * trnceexamnaîon bt sothe nae va va txaeuded by the good people of th. bouse to substituted feir bis lu the publisied list aud splendid success witb ber clasa, ail of vtoru passed tbis examinalion, sud several of ber pupils passed the public scitoo leaving ex- amination as weIl. Lamt Thursday eveniug vas showery snd cold but the gardeu part> held under the auspices of the Daughters of the Churcb was quil. a macceslu spite of these unfavorable circumatances The proceeds, ut an admis- sion tee of 15 cents, amounted 10 23.c.,Au excellent programme wue given in wbich the members of tItis preshyterian society werc given generous assstance by friends (rom lte baptist and methodist churches. Judge Burnbam presided at the court of appeai held bere last Mouday. The only casç to corne before the court wà s îhat of RevN\J. H. Harris, who appesled against the decision of the court of revision wbich bad' conflruied thbe assessment of the Churcb of England parsonage. Mr. Harris, while vil!- ing te pay tax un bis income, clsimed that the taxaug of bis resideuce vas illegal, il be- ing cburcb properly, sud therefore exempt just as much us the church building itseIlf Contrary to general exipectation, Judge Burnham coincided witIt this view sud sus- tained the appeal. This decision viii, of course, effect al lb.h manses and parsonages in lte muicipality, ail of wbich muet nov b. cousidered as untaxable. W. A. Il Nuua Dtr.osry. CU O, grain buyera. W A MoNEUL?7, D V. aL-GradoUate ft the On.- tarlo Veterinary CoUleToronto; H1norry manuber of 111. Ontidro KoWieJ Society. TiesIs &Q dises cOf lthedoeuestIoýAt aniais by lias mosiapproved motbo& Aies carM"culau attention te surgiost operatious a'ldonlitry. Mayor nigit obus Prornply atbeeud oc. Qicevsud rimdmuS rooaIti, Ontauio. - B. Duncan, merchaul lailo, hua securedi the agency for th. Oshawa SIcan Laudry. Laandry wii leave bis sbop on Tbursday uornind vil1 bc returned on Saturdsy. Anl wort guaranleed ais«atoy.Hatn & anners, Oshawa Steam Laundry.-ss"-t lils yInI S*CYTHES, SNATHS, ~*~ FOR KS, HOES, ** RAKES, SHOVELS,- and ail kinks of Staple Hardware, we are prepared to supply themn at ROCK Bo-rrom PRIjCFs. Machine Oil, Aile Greaser, Castor Oii for buggies. -pSPECAL PRJ'CRS ON SUGA*$ý j» OxCsh Cialorn, eütier u in Urel jIo or ssaler gui#it PEo the.cneiec fo~re ted %me vÃŽ11 b. open forb~usa65 i during the. montasoJoysu uut Store closes at 1 otdock sa>* sg Tuma- DAY and TauRaDX evestIn. Byý aie limeibisas lenlupint, ve viii have in9 Ui- Iisdt, eue of tie travelling divisions of ahe. Kiebapoca Indian medicine compan>'. W. be-1 U«ev-tbey gathea- lange cro-ds, lte enticcaucut1 b.im* treocertrs, buti t romains to e b. accu wiothje te' au work upon the good nattureofi adm peepie in this neigbbonhood te dispose cf sIr 'cure-al'" medicine. Howevcr. Banuuna old sayiug abat ttc publie loves te te hunabuged hrtzimndy cegnes truc. Onth ibe îth, tb. Prnue. Albtert Sunda>' sciool bel, teir aunual excursion te Wastbaanns Is- S1an sd a feu- of ttc pleusure seekers (nrom ber teck dv»a" oe f t.e occasion. Appearauoes of tWwýeatbet rie: !ooking ver>' preisiug in the ,uioMbRn. as large a Izatbening wus net on board as vua auhcipaaed. However. Ibis did oa dam- pe, $biin spiits, thiaiking abat te bave a acod ti s, on.- mu sa sisa ho make la, sud vo belleve aJoiy ggod tiare vas speul sud u-e tope a pro- fli 4P as u-ell. - REENWOOID Mr. Wili Cok sud friend, of Teronto, spent Sanda>' wlîb Mn. H. Adamsen sud tutu'!>. Mu4. Lymaan Boyer now rides a ueu- viteeLHe exectc t break tic record mu a ver>' short ime. 'rW.Clak dispcsed of hie pet ceeus le eue of tise Kickapoo comasu>fer s nice figure lait Titane vas a ladies' aid societf' orgauized bere lut Wednesday in conuection vitthe mette- die cburcbi. ,A few froua bers aatended the gardea para>' a: Asiburs ou Thursday, sud spent a ver>'plesaut Md4 enjoyable evening there ,.Gueçe and Mise Miis Green ocf Tor- eu~as- ~cdln a eu-dsy w~ ii~r. tMd Re.McD Isd dellvercd anu ei e semo= t0 bis beurers ou Sanda>'. Je tomk for bit teât Mata. Stb cii..asd 16 uh verse. VWa a bppy lot of poople vcu-ould be if eacb sud alu-ould putbt m' uctice viat aie minister Prcached Sanday.'. l'fou suhilesud sec reuts for your- selves. The foot bal boys bave made srnuugcments vlttbe 1eigblaud Crecit tean te play s fricudi>' ganoes:iPlherlna Saturdu>' evecuig. Of Course our boys expect te b. viclorlous. Bm amy boy dont expect te ue bean up toc badly, sud dieun tic dlsppoluantom viii not go se bard sbouId joSitappes te te deet Méessi. M. Gleeon, los. Sha., E. Gleeson und J. N. Horto"aithletisexcursion ho the 1000 Is>"mdcoma ? rsday, tbe xfth =nL. Tic> vere grcatly deligbted whh heiu aip *ail t«nIý Tue>çry a aabort dîme in King"stom -sd, tallite e *ld friand, Mrt. C. E Alger, wboaa ib> oued buSly eanployed ans biader Tberé vus a good utteuadauce atIâfot bail peso- dm om Saturday algit'.Lnir ur ~ to gethaa hl ,-dtdiOOÇtsai dagrceultb pofm lang uag o n fbsboy e it isa dâW idugit. Tiche$apis wold do ouytensM-lu.:*as: le., Gieplae., .-N-lm OptionAct, wo ecm çwaU tesi bis titmi wu -amtiMS*cMý Il seem's fui tJaiibêbotr PwWd*ig *diuhs vbep laem utatdo M» on<~t- sideof abs sWP 4gtallie-vwamt.& M Ow O=esc.- .hn bsumh ko IVOL. WIHTBY, ONTARIO9 FI F. H. Aunes,.ô1 Wbitby, vas luintovu 1aI Sonday. Miss Minnie Bond, Truton; le home for her holiday. SeveialOshawa bicyclista ver. lu lovai' st Saaday. Mr. Brock, cf Toronto, is visiting bis birother, W. Brock, anercitaut. L Sebert wus a winner at tce Sarnia races lm week wlîh bis racer. Mia W C Saunder aud danghter, cf Tor- ont, are gueis at lb. Whitney bouse for a rew weeks. Rev D C Hossack, Parkdale, vho Is visit- iug itaovai, will occupy the methodist pal- ,pi: neit sabbath evenlng. Dr. Robert sud Mrs. Archer of Crystal, Dakota, are vislting Dr. Archer inubu- n d cîber frienda ln Ibis vacanat>'. Miss Gais Bralîbvaile and Abruam Car- negie iefî this veek for Spokane Falsa. Mr Herb Adami leaves for ttc marne place the firat week In Augul. Mrs Josua Davisand daugbters leit on Wednedayn for Spokane Falls. There viii soon b. a laItle colony of Port Perry dîizens at thait Amenican cil>'. The methodiste <of Greenbauk u-ill bave tb. corner sîcue cf theim ew cburci laid te- morrow, Saturda>', by j j McLarn, Q C, of Torouto, sud Mn. Wa. McGiII. cf Port Penny. The Uxbridge brass Baud will b. present snd several speakers, 50that an in- teresting lime le expected. Thc division court beld ber. ou Monda>' vas a veny ligbî cue, as oui>' two suits vere on for trial. On. shonld neyer bave beeu lu court. The other vas on a proaaissory note lu Britton vs joint, vbere tic' defeudant promised tle pay a debt sud vten pressed for il ciaimed h. vas an infant ; b. sud bis motier sweaxlng te vas nid 21 yeane of age. Tios. who vroîe ut the examinations here a feu- weeks ugo wene veny aurions tu kuow hou- the>' sncceeded sud eagcnly vatcbed for car local papers last week. The names of those succesuful -mte giveai Tite number cf marks secuted, tle name cf leachen, sud ttc achool section are net men- îioued. Many vere clated over tei pr-o- motion, sud s fev were disappoiuted. VIsiters. la lte ice bouse cf thte Oriental 1 saw the flucat lot cf makhaouge that vas even secu lu tcwn. Tb. lot would veigi over fiee Ibm sud vert cangbt by Messrs F. Srnfth, E. Toronto, sud A. W. Wood, Albany. Messra Mailor>' sud Bath cf Brockville vere ber. a few dmys sud in Ibeir lot vas eue thal veigbcd " l..Mr. Bath maya Ibis in the fineet flsiug 'grounds iu. Ontario. In* th, nexi (,ut days apar>' of about tu-eu>' Americans anc expýected here for ûshing. Electrie rallroad. The Mail-Empire cf tic î7lb lest %*Y$, "A party of engineis viii leave lb. icity to-day toe commence lte marvy'of thé rout 0b. takeai by lthe Huron sud Ontarioele1u1 rilway. Titey vill go over te growad be; tu-cen Port Pertfy, Walkertoa, Kincardlne, Meaford sud Gcdcrlch. Their u-ork viii bc compiedla.about sk1. --*d.t lu0taa 1 viiit e b.procededih ime là tà y*"'sTii. enineys sund savosà -es in ouo Wednesdsy sur% eyag s weuI West. One cf thoue littie squaabbles lia scrne times occur in every tovu teck place ouc day lm wueek on one of oui- quiet streets. Soane veaen got tale; sud of course. basi to sec vhlch oe ecould talk lte uset, and ended up lu oeeof tie patty havlng muothe cme or tu- of t b. coxupan>' for tuunpleas, aut Intmerviw vlh one of ttii ova agis trates. Il le w b. ioped tii. interview vil: reait Iu gcod for tic rature. Thte tengue i a vory asfi m aeauber, but sometimes il gets b.yond coutrol. Tic bot wea"iero laIe may te responsaible for pcople's tongu* oiug (aser tisa assai Meuss, C W Joue.suad t X Purdy veal tte bhusnss mmen u ovatitis.we«k anc à ,,ecured mouidcsbly over Srioo to e . pe mna thebadIil obe onuhtii ant aud vesi %ada(bis toadu-ay have coanplcted ltet ~RMANAGER. Miss Brou-, ot ToSmnlo, l isnl; Alfmed: Bul Tb. MImss m Qtarcepalg w isI oas. lsi Adda onsdorsb;e tols Ne.34 cursion lu conectlon with theaulray takesj>lace te day, Frlday, t0 Waâhbural 7 Barly clOSla9. Our meitbants have agreed to close di 6.30 p. m. on Tuesday eveulng during 1the. summer montha. Ou Tuesday evening of tbis week uearly every mnerchant ha-Ãte keep open as mauy werer-la (rom the coUW-'. tr>. This early closlug movement lau Incouvenienceto (armers, more especlally Just now during the barvest Thas eIrIY closingsla i right, but stepesbsould have been, taken sorne anontha ago and the people educated- 10 it. The preseut time le the worst iu the whole year t0 start sucb a- system. The« limes are not îoo flush aud., onr anerchanta do not waut Wto tra trade, away (rom the tosu.' I hear one7 merchaut say that the clerkà and proprietors have too mach spare liane during the day as il ta. Oflen durlng harvest merchauta and trades- anen do as mach businets (rom 5 o'clock P. an. autil dloslng time, as hbas been doue ail day. 1 arn inclined to think tbat our merch- anIs will soon gel £ired of closing at 6.3ooun Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Some arrangements sbould b. made wlth Post- master Burubuam 10 keep the post office open unti? 7 or 7.15 P. an. eacb and every evening to accommoda e those coming in (romn the country. A headter with a ducking. Two of our well known young sailors in- vited two o( their gentlemen from the town of Uxbridge to go out with thean for a sail on the lacid w aters of our fine Scugog ou Thur:day of lat week. Commodore Arthur Carnegie waslu command of the craft and wau aslated by Captain Seymour Whitney. R-aving bad a very pleusaut sail down the laite, the-, were ou the bomne Iack and were tsailing along nicely and rnakiug fair lime 1when ait of a sudden a gust-of wind (?) 3caught the ?jib and rnainsail, when ail the occupants o lthe boat.. -re soon flounderiug in the waters of the Scugog. The two toues from Uxbridge do not know whether it m-- a vertical, horizontal or diagonal guet of wind or a wink tbat upeet lthe bout. as only a (air wind was»blowing atlte lime; the * Wnes are ander the impression it was 1he wink that capsized lthe boat. Five bonts fromnshore wenî 10 the-rescue; one of the bous took charge of the Uxbridgeites and the Commodore and Captain remained with their owu bout and got ber righted and were theu Iowed ashore none the worse for their duckiag. Moral: Young men frorn ljxbridge aud others, when you go out for a sail with îwo ducks be sure the said ducks bave uo winks or nods if you wîshvýto avold. a dip in the far-famed waterq of tîbe'Scugog. W. J. Norr. Port Perwy Eno» hu-Ofon-. f -'i I -4> 4 il Nom G. E. WILLIAMS( Oct, 1111.-S tun ont iiit styles snd loi order. sept i W a CL"m hi mel =ap for atb.y aexg ON, barber, nexit to puoffi lce ri Tnomusw hbam îébefted ber- ofainer>' aud in prspared te t-elau milliner>' Iu tas latelt v* prites. Samptng don. bo L9h.-4s-mos. as fer sale tiares good second- esters u-tb oves8, vhich bh ol <M Cash. eai u d inpeeltienu cd barginu We bave had but for our laidertaking Depaulment a flue Casket Wagon. Il vas mnade accordiai teoOur ou- designand sulearrsne4for eu-eu>'couveulcuace- un case. of cm j.li afey wees, :rebshAve se«VeraX artices uc*dy ssa te uk au A19BUI.ANCe WÂGQI- -ý cf ill aelcf c«Ment;, drowning or sudden deatit2h awsy frona-boine. JESSO? FURNITURE C. &W» J. NOT PORT PE)ÃŽ 1