Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 5

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~hh~WHEl It is stylish, Iight, and fast ;Of pûOrfect workmaflshiP and finish.. çyclorfletersq WVatCh Holders, Silver Name Plates. Trump Watches for touriat use. Jpo, S. Bar.nard, 000Ws County Orgma.-Lrg.st Circula- g105 of aylocal08.1piper ta Cana"a FRIDAYP JULY 31, 1896. LOCAL L5ACONICS. Afln's for pure dres. .Whibv-'s civic holiday Aug. îoth. pike fibng at the bay is reported good. Read W G. 'Natters' new advertisement. Very few have left town yet for Sheir holi- da ys hHardwoOd diug tables, 4 leaves, only $5, Tht refreshing showers of Weduesday were imost welcome. %I, and Mrs. jas. Madill celebrated Sheir golden wedding on Tuesday. Savt- voîîr butter accaunt by using Tod's brea] Hait the butter wiii do. Th:s iown mnu-t have spent $io,ooo in bcî.-es within the last two years. Two brick bouses t0 rent ;aIl co(3nveni- ences. low rentaI. Apply to M. W. Collins Mrs. Judge Dartnetl and Miss BeaSiice are 'vsting with friends in Toronto this week )vîr "'andy Francis returned 10 New York on NI oidav, alter etijoying a month's vaca- tion ,i tiiWf. M, 'Ino, Bartley, of Raglan, has two fi-s cli.-- aiing mllîs, Honey and Chatham, v0h;'n le vill sel! cheap. T' e best opvoi-îunity 10 make >'our eyes peru-,, by callîng on M. Mlecklenburg at the Rot.ý hotel Aug. Is tO 4thý Saiu7d:iy, Aug. it. W. G. Wtalteis'. \I. ' 1 F Wilson lbas again returned tb bis oldcpt- inon as maticlerk on the Port Pei-iy rnid, and MIr Lawrence ta again on the Lon- leiun. I --'asending notices, orcorrespond. et- r any kîud for publication do noS i-e- q.i~-eî t sealed A nie cent st.imp s a. t ziý, necessary to car rN matter of this CH WkiN1&-LE s lleasrd 10 annunce Il.t3- 1more tri pS 2are t() be niuade hy the tC..0l et ouitle 7th, 14111, and 2ist of Aug u>n -L l: tonFridav of iext wetek and tht .'nii ridays Tbeme wvil' he nu T, ro i î, i h usual hour of S ;o, and the 5 t% il childi-en 2s;Cetts, to whit h to%î-îuol are now pretty we;l accustomi ec. Wert :ýey stotenu ;rs lddies' house siipperasut be soid aui puti pair duritîg this great sale for 3o (1 1%- _', NI. W. Coiln's, the Dew shoe store. Big Bargains - -uîa.Aug. it iS96, aStbe West S. - I t and Shoe store. iairs (>( ladies' and chldren's ahîppers ai lper pairý ;tI rS lait s' buttoned boots as -oui Qs '. Ntis aceri and gaiter boots aS 25 per ('-r: s.,couni Tr.-k andi valises at cost. White front. V\t-:,ride Brock St. Wuîr-ry witbout a photographer. T r-rît -cheap. Double shop, sud con-i te-tliving ro)oma abovre, in Ont. block, i r:...e pist office) formeriy occupied b> Iiit-n for utan>' years, as bis pbotographi e.-.e o-uet.It being fitted for the busi-q net- - id ther.e being at present no photog-1 re'-uIn Whiîby, it's s very- desirablei c.îanî.e Immediate. possession. Apply ta E-'tpliersotu, Telegrapb, Express sud TýC,r . gu., \WhIitby. Ont. Vot.ers' List Court. c-el'ai-tue!! eld a voters' list court aI le l g-ast eek There seere sdded Se n. -.lward C. Burton, Alexander Les- leF roiiito James Degeer, Edward Gilpin. John î: ,;llio-n, and Char-les ishop. Crauston ic(-ienC. -E. Lee sud Treeman For- Svt he were struck off. The followiug appeals 'scie disallowed: Chai-les Chemeuce, James N'îung, Carl Wilson, James McTavisb, H Hi. Bt-hop sud Jànîues Gregg. N F. Pater- son appeared for the appeallants sud Thomas C tiapple, M P. P., on theother side. Big bicycle i-un. About .ioo membets of the «' Never-Toueh- -1 bicycle club, Toi-osto, under command of Capt. Fred. Brosene, an ex-Wbitby boy, wili visit Witby on Saturday eveuing, Aug- usti ý1h and iesais over Mondey, Toronto'* ', ivîc holiday. Providing a suitabie camp ground can be procured tents, wil be sent abead, so that ahI the bicyclits. may have ample accommodation., Tbey state that tiiet prefer ta Sund a location nar a orc-- chaidor a melon patcb or I if either Of tUe can be faund a field of grecen-corn là tbeir7 next chaice. 0f course wheçver theys ge down the ueigbbGrs wi1llbe-s*iedto keep their dogu cbaincd up. A ootlMo-,la ex"! pected aud everyone lu wel 'me to *1M t he camp groundu If1lVeybrlsg a IUiM!blbasket alan9. The cu issahswrlr~ se4son but the o'.tntefl « itby là loê', (orseard to witli- ge Int t, » asit to4i. 'M' to aflord a woodtli6.-T, ettý( o CH RONicL2 a lnUU, t4toi b-Stm, camp. Wehop. tb -K«r club wil cstabhlUt. citiSeus Ibat 8a Mgr cyeing. W. q.M »M 'under the capukKsy 4à1l Chu tey wUil wbatey41c 50ydc' educed te 35c. en Saturday, A* eat W. G. Walteri'. Me,ý W. McBurney ls homue (rom kw, York for a few weeks' vacation. Miss JOliston ot Greenwood bum been the guest of Miss Blanche Nicholson this week.1 Rev. Geo. and Mrs. Gadsby, of Ceredo, West Virglnia, will spend a month or two liese. Rev. Mr. Purdue, Iron Mountains, Mich., was bere hast week visiting Mr. John Hop- per and family. Miss E. L. Powers and Mr. T. J. McCon- udtl, of Port Perry, spent SUnday here, the guest of Nirs. J. Reid. James Sadier, Wbitby, is~ prepared- to do papes- banging et 5 cents per rolt. Come on with your orders.-35-4jn. Have your eyes scientifically examined by a scientific expert opticien free at Royal bote!. M. Mecklienberg, eye specilist. Mr. jas. Stewart, who bas becs laid up wlSh Inflammation for some ime past, ta able Io be out again, we are pleased to atate. Mr. Wm. lrwin, formerly foreman of the moulding shop in the buckle factory, but now of West Toronto Juonction, was in town on Wednesday. Mr. Harry Wolfenden left on Saturday for a trip up north on bis bicycle. He will be away for a week and will go to Barrie, Lind- say and Orillia, and othet- places o! interest. We are very sorry to, have to announce that Mr and Mrs Wm Beith, Toronto, have host iheir daughter Motta, wbo died on Thurs- day morn ing of diptberia at Bowmanville, wbere she was visiting. Botb the Tymnon and Eurydice are running to-day to Toronto. Nexr Friday both these are advertised to run again, and the Columb Jnas well. There will soon be a good sized fleet of hoais running to Toronto from these ports. Chas. McClellan of the Western bank here and Geo. McClellan of the Standard bank, Bowmanville, bave been on a ten day tri1 througb Western Ontario. They visited ail the principal places of interest iii that part of the province. Mr G H Huston, of Providence, left bei-e for home on Wednesday. It is several years since Mr Huston was here before still he says Shat be sees very littie change in tbep lace except that tbe old towu bas im- proved.in appearauce cousiderably. Mr. Lattimer, of the Campbehlford Gazette visited oui- den on Friday. Miss Thompson for some months in a millinery business there is home for vacation. Miss Clifford, Oshawa, who has also been et Campbellford was here last week visitîng Miss Tbompson. Miss Lizzie Murray, youngest daugÉ~ter of Mr. Michael Murray, Toronto, is in town visiting. Miss Murray bolds a good position in the business office of T. Eaton & Co's, Toronto. 'Ne ray note also that Miss Editb Murt ay bas scored a great success witb ber elocution classes at Alma college, St. Thomas. Billy Mongomerv, McGeary's driver, nar- rowly escaped serious injury at Trenton on ruesday. In a race in which he was ciriv- ing, a horse, immediately in front of bis horse, stopped, resulting in a collision in which Bily was thrown off bis sulky and rendered unconscious. No bories were broken however. The Sons of Scotland hehd an emergenc> meeting on Friday evening last snd decided to accept the invitation of their Toronto and Brantford brethi-en to attend the caledonian games in the latter town on Monday, Aug ioîli, and to compete witb the varjous camnps that will be present. Last year Roderick Dhu camp won a medal. AI! Scotcbmen who wouhd like to go to Brantford should notif>lte chief, Mr j B Dow, or the secre- tai-y, M r D Wilson. To Day! Ice cream. cal-es. boîled ham, at Vates'. Boots aud Shoes au auctimn prîces for 3o days at M W Col- ins' New Shoe Store, Est Side, Whitby. Lieut.-Col. Judge Dartnel sud Major J E Farewell, Q. C., were at Niagara on Wed- nasday aîtending a ie-union of the veterans o-f î 66. The fenian raiders sud tbeii-friends s'ere pi-esetit 500 in numtser, sud fougbt the battles of that campaigu over sud over again in speech sud ssary sud sang and flowing tbowh. Judge Dartneli presided over the býusiness meeting, sud the speakers appear- ed ta be united in saying that the veterans of '66 bad neyer bad their services properî>' recognized. A committee was named with Major Farewell as cbairrman ta carry au agi- tation aIl over the Province lu favor of hav-- ing public -recognition in some foi-m accord- ed the veterans, sud we hope to see the ides pushed toas successful issue. All honor ta the veterans of '66!1 And long m ay tbey live ta eujoy their well-eai-ned bonors. $,5o each and costa. Messrs. jas. Gardon, Picker-ing, J. M. Gerose, Brougbam, Alex. Wilson, Clare- moent, Wm. O'Lea->, Pickering, sud W. Besse, Whitevale, five Pickering botelkeep- ei-s, appeai-ed before P. M. Harper on Fri- day for sentence for selling liquor sihout license. It was the finale o.f tbe cases which have been standing for over Isea years. There seere thi-ce cases against Wilson.,Isea rigainst Gerowi and one _each against Gor- don, O1..eai-y sud Besse, but ouly ose fSue sens imposed uýpon eacb man--5o sud coss. As usual a legs! uprout appeared suad stuck oui for fui-tUer adjournmeuts, lu ord'or toen-s able hlm te tackie Premnier Ilardy, sund even sebeu Ceunty Attorney Firewell pîoduced lettera front Mr. Ui dy's department stating thittIth, Âttorney-Geueratdid net ited toe hIterfere lilitecase,. the hawyer hung o0.-for mr tiume. This the magitraterefus.4te aîW" auýd iâota!' f $is5oaa-cosis seau paid in ty thi - defendants. The cola lu sari case ao ei wro 8te $ra. Ho I- forMlaqara Pull. The best and- cheapeat excursion of the seuanwlll b. iun on Àt1guqt .I:eh, uet theictff aupcef tUic Azcleut Ofd.er.-fef iest- er.Koqlcluli ralp v411 Ica-p Port ôopaIa ýthe »Mornfo fJAuzui >7t, a octoc k, ar Mal~e oToronté ià vlsitlng lt miss, KtiU. cBurney, of Torpntô, la visit- lier sister ai Bolivain, Manitoba. Mr. jas. Brown, of the Model, will $pend bis vacation along the lower St. Lawrence. Mi. Mecklenberg, specialist, will be in Whutby at Royal bote! on the ist August so 4tb. Ladies' blouse waists reduced to one-half price on bargain day, Saturday, Aug. rut, at W. G. Walters'. Miss L.. Schiller and Miss Minnie Musson arc at Port Bruce on a montb's vacation witb relatives and friends. D. M. Tod's bread ad cakes are sold at T Yates'. Give him a call when you want anythiug nice ini that line. Mussts. Ed Armstrong, Van Woodruff, Lou Bande! and J T McGeary took in the t'renton races on Tuesday. W. C. Micheli, B. A. of Bishop Ridley college, paid the town a visut on Monday last, coming by steamer Cohimbian. Messrs. Jas. and Albert Humphrey, old Wbitby boys, wbeeled down from Toronto on Saturday, remaining with friends over Sunday. Mr B D Saunders, Guelph, wbo bas been visiting in tuwm with Hts Honor Judge Dartnell for the past three weeks, left for his home on Monday. Mrs Hunt is renewing old acquaintances in Claremnont and Balsam. Mrs Hunt is on the sunny side of seventy b er pilgrimage will soon have a golden sunset. Harbor bar park lu again the scene of bus>- camp life. A colony of ten camps is stretched along the bar and in the course of a few days many more will be added to the nu mber. Mr- Dudlev Allowav, of Pickering, who somo trne ago worked in this office, called upon us a few days ago and stated that he had been sicross the Atlantic in search of icebergs. Failung ta find tbem he returned home, only to find that local option was in force in Pickering. Oh for Muskoka, Mackinaw, sea-side, Manitoba, Europe, ail United States, B C, sund Canadian points, anywhere, every- where, by boat, rail or ocean. Raies guar- anteed right. Tbrougb tickets reading from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brooklin or Whitby. Write or 5ee Stephenson, Whitby. àtefore trrvelling. What migbî have been a serious accident )ccurred on Monday morning last. Mrs Decker of Pickeriug with her son snd daugh- ter were returning home from Mr. J. H. Greenwood's when at the corner near Mr. H- ugh Ross' they drove through a hale in the road cau sed by a broken culvert. Con- sîderable damage was done to the harness ind ng. Mrs. Decker was tbrown out and t wa-- at first feared that she had sustained serlous injury. but we are glad to be able to state that otherwise than a severe sha.king up she is not huit. Ice Crea.m Parlai- For the best Ice Crearn, cal! aS D Mlathison's, Dundas street.-23-tf. A pointer for Itusekeepers Ahl your w>%s supplied at Allin's dn2g store. rubbepfftt gs. corks, sealing wax, etc. Fhe best in the land to be Slaughtered. The Slatec boots and shoes. Don't nmiss the chance. Only 3Y iays at M W Collins' East Side Shoe Store- Dont be surprl.sed . There are many people who will not only )e surpised hut vei-> atigty when we send ,hem legal papers, whicb seemu ta be the ,onlv wav there is of securing oui-rnoney. ILt is astounding base cool!>' some peopletake it unt il Shey get five or ten years in ai-i-ars, 'imply because the>' are lu good circuin- -;tances and do nos féeciibat anybody would bet justitied lu ti-yinq to collect (rom them tintil they- are resdy to pa>'. A Sca af Rocks Coun. Devereli bas cleared every roiiing stone off the Kingston road betweecu the est sud seest limnita of titis sowuitaud Over- seer James Len ton has fotlowed suit ou bis road division west of Oshawa. but in Osh- awa and between %Whitby sud Oshawas there us a ses of loose stones which keep every rig itiug back sud forth and up snd clown like papping coru. If ail these stanes were rak-d into line iu the centre of the turupike iud broken they wouid serve a splendid purpose in road-makiug, besides the com- fort it would give ta travetiers, and the sav- ing of expense in damaged vehictezs. Those having charge of roads should be held legally responsible for keeping themn clear of rolling stones. aud shouid. be liablr so fines for neglect to do so. A Cinch The boys around losen picked up a la- crosse team sud îourneyed over to Oshawa, accompanied by mnauy "rooters," on Fr1. day afternoou hast. to Sry conclusions witb the stick wieders of that town. At the cal! of time the score stook 4-2 in favor of oui- boys. Play ws ratbèr brisk duriug the earhy part of thegamne after which oui- boys settled down to easy playiug. Oui- boys iack practice, having neyer bccn on the feld together before. The Oshawa team seilI probal>ly improve witb constant prac- sice, but as it lu tbey can hardly bé classed as scientifle. Tbe bes of good feeling pire- vailed îhrougbout the gamne. Mir David Mathison fied-captained oui- boys to vie. tory. sebihe Senator Burns wa.: master of ceremonies aud gave the best of. satisfaction by bis impartial rul'ngs. Raislng a Hubbnb. The Whitby Gazette sud Port Perry Stan- dard are tryiug to i-aise a gi-est bubbubjust nase because Mr-. Heuderuon, sebo bapns te be oeeof the oseners of the CHRoWrcLu, is s candidate foi- the vacant reglatrai-hip of tbe county. The Gazette and Standard are botb oseued by the sasse patties, snd what- ever appears in one lu aIso piited 1h the other. Tbey are aIse rnaking a great effort ta conjure up charges againsitihe CitoN- ICLE in regard te squeezin or atte mptng to' squeeze money out cfthe loc> l mlcans.. To those wiho are familiar with the&vielous aud uncalled-for inanneriîn wih the Gaitti bas pe1ted mud at Mr-. IUnderson as "a. teacheý-r . eyei, Ci eil re naiprlae. The CirotricLe. nverought any4moï froiap auy POUitllanu udetaiuy rcumotanüe,otet any Le O1 Place. We chalkiige amy-çQue>c tlim to ' 7tipt we evêet po4hdbiifr political patronage.;'-More hmWafts work the local polit Icaà,s died , t. Chia affiS ' "ha. s evr h...)'tiha-idÂ,d *t Outofshti ths ae. Isaving ileming noney this is certainly coinng, UOW't> fail t'O-Sbarein the barais of- the GREÂT CERN SALE AT C. F. ' STEW ART'S. LIST TO THIE DIBG:FPIICES. Job Lots of Dreïs Goods 259 35 and 5OC. Reduced to 121, 15 and 26c. 'See our Printa 5, 10, 124e. MI New,- Goede. New (Jolored Crepous, ail new,1 -good j uat in, soisi for 1 bc. our prices Saturday il11ek New Blci Crepous, regular 15c. for 12ie. b.. sure and seo themn. See our Plannels at 5, 7 and 15c. SSc our New White Spot- Muslins at 20c» regular 25c. Sr> Ail our Wool Delains to be-sold at coat and under. MILLINERY. * e * e MJLLINERY, Ail must go regardies of price. Trimmed Hats regular $5, for $3. Trimmed Sailora regular 81 75, for $1. Se our 25, 30 and 50c. Sailors. All Ribbons, Laces, Flc>wers, &c., at very lowest prices. t> CaUj and examine t. See our Làdies' Belt Buckles at enly 10e. New Blouse Sets, regular 50c. to go Bt 25c. Very best gôods. n .r.Orderd Olothilig at Great Reieutiou....n Hlalifax Tweed Suita or.ly $10. MBlue Serge Suite only $12. in our stocku Everything- ai Reduced Prices. Fine Black Suits a mipecialty. «U No trau Thtis is t/te store for real Bargains. C.F.STE W nTm BARGAIN DAY, Saturday,* ug lt Only 63c.fo the regular $1.25 quality. 50C. di et $1.00O i 48c. .95 id 7di ' .75 STRAW HATS, STRAW HAS The very 1-ats we were selling at 25C., 5 OC., 6oc., 65c., 7.5C to $1.50 a few weeks ago, now we're clearing them ail out at HALF PRICE. 812 DISPLAY AND PRICES IN SOUTE WINDOW. Xen's Ready-to-wear Clohng~. Men's Navy Serge Suits........ $3,75, worth $5.oo. Men's Tweed Suits at........... " $8.5go,. Men's Black Worsted Suits ... ...$8.oo, id$i" .o Men's Fine Tweed Suits at ...$7.50, $1... Complete new Stock Men's Ovetalls, with or without Bibs, at Lowest Prices. REMNANTS of ail Kinda at HALF REOULAR PRiCES. LOzwe Day OIy, Saturday, -ÂuMgo oa -, Raok :29 Chase & Sanborn'sq ",SEAL"e. Brand -JAVA MOO*HAI WM. TýLLJ,ý 0.efor.y uturobsêyOuZ 1$ incom#arabty (Me Finies ami' Most De-- Iicwous Coffee the wortdrloduces. TRY IT ONOE.. YOU:WIL.L USE N-OO.ýTHER.' .Every ilig ock 51

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