Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1896, p. 1

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M VOL. xxxxe A !i~ £d;orilmommnl' lîn't necessary to tell you that we keep the purest drugs. The g(>ds speak for theinselven. Here are some freSh arrivais ir-i, ',Nl\1SALTS. RCHiELLE SALIS. INSECT POWDER (PURE.)> ujIR(( UNE)and WHOLE SPICES. -0 e. CH-EMIST AND- DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO.1 'EST. Canadian im. ail statiou 8 andti ri 1 Jtily 218t ts in Mlani. bwcst at (li ....28o .... 28 ....28 00 ....300 ....30 Co .... 3500 ....35 co ....40 00 te 1g. 29, 1S&6 Pt.- 5, 180d )t. 19, J896 ion can lia ER, at te Agt. Established 1849. hitby Steam Marbie and Gr&îite Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. ]HL SDLWL, (Fonmenly Wolfi adeu WoTkis.j) Im- porter anti Dealer in MARBLWAN GRANITE M0NUMRIUT, IEtc., eOf the latest matanisi and desîgus.Al kinds et Cemnetcry work. Our work guarateat. -*eSEND PoR DxsmeNs AND PuicEs. WANTED Genet ai Agent sud eue or tvo Local Agents te represent tie Heme Lt Aca tien ef Canada lu Wliitby andi uieinity "N Apply te GEO. B. WOODS, Supeitmo dent o f Agences, oat thlg office. Torente, ]gay ath. 1896. FALL WHEAT 8EEDi, A limied quautlty et Bar!>' GeoasaGlaut' seeti fer sale st a reaaaouai~price. Tii. On- tarie Agicuhtundan d lSxpôier1sssitV Us4ort have founti tua to bc ou. otb YCtry bIW4O andistiffest atvavpd aMdti*uM-pr4oductWe- gravnin utha Proviucbè, J uiy 27, '96.-te H#o tel for 8019 orv-to o9*g. Ichestrvnd ko w tjwèet4 lgthec çul>' betel -là prenrises are &-' uotsoId~ 4 / WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AIJGUS-T 141 1896. LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI Say,. peCry tratie Way. &y. ivu bu vas çtoppeê w as a hid oven anlac, 4 (hae 1: tremsauet for about (lirea qaa>tcva c au heur beforflielbeng vitistrav. The! vound at ss teasetib>' Dr. Bavcosa, antila npv healsug- ukely.-Timme,. Îkhool ra-optuu sos Monday; l7* btlu. Mn.Geo.* Morris han. spcnthelieek thi MmssPoits4 cf TorSot, hisbeau 'bose frun 1-N 00aw 8-A baud vas lieue onWe4- - Mr E3-Uflcol% , fSrchai l >sh (be wekat r& A16- OxsîxjCz.uCeanusps'eauuuc. -:0:- TOWN &IM 4 Wm Armitage, ef Toronto, la visiting rela- tives boe. John Machie, Tenante, spcnt civic holiday a Mr- Mackeys. Oas- scheel epens en Monday ; a fui! attend- ante is expecteti. Mn sud Mis John Rowe lefi liera fer White- ball, Mich., ou Tueuda>'. S T Kemptmorn la home frein bis holiday trip sud is again bard ai vos-k. Çouucilman Guy «d vite. et Columbis, wvon grieuts et Mi anti Mis T Patgett last wach. %itr Ge anad Arthur Miller, Greoubank, vere visiting tuer aidce Mr W Lee, sud tamil>', this yack. A brother et Alex. anti Wm. lefTrey. aScoin. panioti by lis vile, la bas-e frein London making a viat. Ms-s Puttan sud daugbter Kate, Toranto, as-c spendins- a few wedlis vith ber master, Mis Syl- veston Maokey. Misa Mahel Smith, dauglites- et tie Rer Ms- Smith, Wyoming. Ont., is vlsiting ber sut, Ms-s Muthias Mmcc>'. Miçs Anale Rave retarus on Saturtia>'te Ridgetown. te rtnume ber labos-s, sites- haviug spent a delightful vacation. Miss Georgie sud Esther Gold entertauueti a large numbes- et littie trentis on Tiursdsy lafter- neon et lest veak. A thoroughly good tima vas enjoyeti Wm Dunlop vas home oves- civic holiday. His unitorin is ver>' bccoming. Willislamach pleased i vti militas-y schooling. We visb hum evcry succeas. Miqa Minuse Bravi and Alhberta Wobster- cx- pect te star: (he a sat oethis wack for Svartb- mos-e. Penn., te attend the general conference ef thc socle:>' of Frientis. A very interesting programme was renties-et b>' tic E. L. et C. E. an Tucada>' evcninag on Temperance. Tie programme conststeiof et i- votions] exes-cises, conducted by ex-Preeident Mis S 1, Brava, folloved b>' nectations, reati- imgs. duets, solos, anti short addrsases b> Mllaer aoties, et Grqenbank, vie Rave us ves-y en- cous-ging yards. W e e] very hopetal eoas-u antieavorers in th is linaetfvos-k.. as in tes-astdees not secin ta grov less daniag tha extrema lies: anti bus-sy oethte ps-ssct i: e. Ms- Niciolas Brown, et Pickering. vIa bas beau a ver>' great aseses-r for the pas? ths-ec vmass passeti mas: peaaouliy away on Thura- day evcning et lIsa veck. She lcaves a bas- baud anti a- son eleren yeaas af age, te mourn thc losa ut a meos: exeniplary vite andti mer, oe truly santifiedt uroagli deep affection. Her unequalled patience sud clieerfulness thnonghout ber entire sicknass speasimes: loadly te tiose vIe arc mus-muring ai trifias. Tic fanerai took piste a: the Friand meeting bouse, vas: of the tovu lina. ou Salurtia>'last. Isaac Wilson, et Bloinfieldi, spolia vends et great usatulueca anti straugtb fs-arn tic text :'l came tiat yc mlgit hava hie.» UXEI»GE.l Weddlng belis A -er>' pret?>' veddiug. ini vhicli)Kr. Harman A. Croxali sud Minss Molie . rwn (vo ot Uxbridg's mou: pepular yeung people, mare unitet i n the boly bonds et rnatriimeny, vas celelinsuetinl St. Paul's chanci, yestentiay, (Weduesday> aftrrnoon. Tiececrernony v as pes-formned' b> the Rev, A. J. Reid, wîth Miss Etiti McDermott, of Sduderiaud, as bridasumait anti Mr. Wmi. Pariai, et Pont Penn, as groinsman. The vadding vas s vas-y quiet affain, oui>' thosa imrnadiately connecteti recelv.ug invitations; bat tic large number sud vas-le:>'oe valuable prenants bospeak Lie iigb esteeni in vbicb tieue young people anceicîti. TIc happy coupla left oun(lie evenîug train te spenti ther honeymeeon ou a trip (brougî tic northcrn lakes. Lieut. -Col. Paterson viii do semae stump- iug in Nati Grey nexi. veak, againet Hon. Wm. Paterson. Amnenican bank bille are taken baeait9g cents on tic dollar. Tvo littie boys et Mn. Geo. Lapp's, agati 3 anti 2 yeas-s respactivel>', lati a narrov escape frein deatis on Satunda>'. TInt>' vas- playlng "asick-lioraa,'" anti geing lito the stable geot andi swallovctismonte boise mcdi- The Royal Temp hm dranstlc compan y hava invitations to gîve thimr raina"'Out in the Strecis" luinBowmanvilfe snd Whltby. 15r. W. U. Dyci, et Oshawa, president of tise South Ontario Sabbath acol oca tien, vislted the gaverai achools 'iera' last Sunday. Mr.« Waltou Warren, et Toronto. rode down frein thc city on Saturday. accoin- panlid by a friand, aud remalned oves the civie holiday. Mies Aunie Pearson, Toronto, vlio han beau reccntly visitiug lber sister, Mms WiIkin1 at BaIsain, calIed ou a fev eoflber Brooklzu friands on Tliursday last. Rev. J. B. McIarec islawvy for part et bis vacafion sud there viii be ne preacbiug ser- vice ini thc presbyterian chiirch next Sun- day. The Sanday school and C. E. service viii be lielti as usua. Messra. Thos. and Albert Benasa, tva Brokin boys now rasidents eftthe JQuean City, passed threugli lera ou Montiay on their bicycles rcturuing frein a viuit to thein sister, Mm .Alex Cameren. Mis Benn, of Graveuhurat, vio lias been visiting han daugliter, Mms W H Hevitt, for sevenai veeka. neturned home on Thursday She vas acconipanied by Mrs Hevitt vho expecta te be avay for smre time. Rev. Jno. Vichent is speutiiug a biaf vacs. tien at his home near Woodstock, anti there' wiii lie no presching service lu thc baptist chanch on Suday. The Sunday school vii lie heid ti tthe unailieour. Rev. Dr. Lambiy wili preacli an "Object Lesqon Sermon" te the chiltiren sud yeung people et the Sunday school next Sabbatli mning. Ail other chiîdren aid youug people et tie cotnmunity are cerdialiy in- vited. Service at io. 3o s. A telegrain frem Souris, Manitoba, vas ne- ceiveti by Mrs H Banner on Tuesday, an- nouncing the deati of lier son, Mn james Webster, at the Brandon hespitai. No par- ticalars of the cause et death have been re. ccived at the titneetfwriting. Several pensons anc sick lu the village whose sytnpterns arc similan te these in typhoiti lever cases, andi there is reason te, leur that soea may develop into this dis- case but se far ne reports have been matie te thc board et heaiti. It vould lie a von- der if there vere net nmerasickuesa than astral tolevwing suclia acek et heateti vcstlier as va have jaust passati through. About a month ago a fine vas started in some stumps in a fieldi adjoining KT. Thos. Arkscy's farta. This lias'smeuldered tili last Satunday via-n it broe o ut afreali anti spreati into Mr. Anksey's woods anti aisoe-c stroyeti sevanal roda et Mn. S. Metlaud's fence. Ail day Saturday Uic fine vas feu ghlt befere it vas get undar coutrol sud it liad te ba closely vstched on Sntay. Great cane shouiti be taken in starting firas at this tinte et thc year as there is ne tclllng hov fan thay may rua. Barlier in thc sammar it vas theught that tuje hem fiy vas net geiug te ha snch an an. noyance te cattie as it vas during the lant tva summers, but the bot weathar lbas bronglit thatinmaiiIions anti nov Uic cattle are nearly frantic from their sufferings vith this pest. Cattie avisers ehoulti use every means Uiey cau te proteet the poor brutes frein this releutless foc, vhicli they are Apat fommotives oft liusanty It m1n sureiy pay te do t"'s, an covs that are pas- tencdti te dsth boU night sud day canne? possibly do as dell fer thain ovuers vhan miiking tiine comas. The Royal Templar çgarden party te ha helti next Tuesday evenzng, i8th i at., pro- mises te eclipse Uic vaxy pleasant avent et a similar chanacten lielti last summer. Mis. Dryden ha very kindly given tha commun- ity thc use et tic beautiful lavu a? "'Mapla Shade" fer Uic eveuing. A programme of special menit han beau arrangeti. The foil loviug is a list oet(hase vho have censent, cd te give (hein assistance lu- entcrtaining those who attend : Mms Geo. Rosa, Miss Martin ant inets Taylor, et Whitby Miss B. Lick anti Mv. P. H. Pushon, ofOsa a Miss Jessie Dryden anti Mm. E. R. Eddy, Brooklij. Tha price et admission is but :s cents sud this icludes Uic refreshaients vith (thc exception et ice ceani, vhicli viU lie moitiat-uni prce. if (the veather me as NO. 37 105? FEUS? êcbouuisa o(Pemetboso, --j AUfT S t A=OL UnMa>', et Westou, lias again raturneti bore. Misa Ada Rogers is visiting friands ln MiWsNewton bas beau visiting lier breth- er-Wmta fthis place. Thte farmer's beaf niitg association is working admivably, giug lietter satisfac- tion than ever bafore. JW Saiton officiateti ou Sunday at Glen Maijor. John deas quite a vork aleng the lifte-Socia supply work. Ovisg te thc extra rush etflbusiness Uic civic holiday et Monday last vas net racog- nizad b>' env bus>' villagers. Mis Weatherallislata:present vith lier tiaugltan, Mis Wiilis oet Malven, vie is serionslil ii va ntierstauti. Mir. Tomluson, et Toronto, lias beau bnsy hanvesting vith Stephenson Bro'm turing Uic pant tvo yacks onr mlre. Lawrance & Sou, oun popular carpenters, have lately put ap a building for Mr Arthur lohuston ou hlm faim ou tic front noat. Mark Brignalilu is oing a rushi ng trade lu rnendiug snd repairlug boots anti shoes Ha is a geeti vorkman anti descrving of patronage. Miss Florence Mackey retan atilst Fnl- day after spendiug tva veeku lu Uic citv. liar many friands arc plcasedti t sec lier lu oui inidtiaagalu. Mrs. Milieu anti son. et Tenante, spent Sunday sud Moaday at E j Stevauson 's. Miss Mil11cr la at preseut spendlng a short vacation a? han grantisotier's. Mis Harrison'& veil stili continuas te oveavfiov. It la ludeeti a wonderfulýy abun- daut spnlng anti apparentiy is net geing ta lassec its oer abundaut suppiy. Seme talk of Mn Wsgoner iuveating lu tic olti toundry situatad in Whitby. w e hope it niay only ha a rumer as aur friand lsaa ver>' asetul anti iesirablc citizen. Circuit harveat home viti its man>' at- tractions is nov haiug taiked of.et. 1?vii likel>' ha helt inluGneeanvod but paiticulaus vearse net lu receipt of at prasent Sehoel viii re-open naxt Mentisy a. Mi. M'ter an extendati vacation ne doubt both teachar ant i upiia viii enter apon their mcv- cral-dutics vîtli reneveti cnergy sud carnest- ns. Many iu thia vicinity have finisheti haun- estiug for Uic scason. Our faimars aie aven asmongst tha firat te complete operatioua et t'in kisti, ail believlng lun(lie eld adage. '"nake ha>' vile Uic sun alunes." obun Disney, of Mt Zion, istentis lecating Kinsaie this (al-te take charge et thc rncss shep. We vimh hlm succassansd Il1 gusnsntee hlm a gooti patronage et the iblc shoui ha giva satisfaction. Tic busy hum et the steaur (lircaler lias et lata been lieard on every lisnd, many living thrculiedti tir ble>'snd wheat Grain la turnlng eut bettes- than vau antici- patet. We hope prices ma>' aise tilsappoint tic farinerase t avorably. Sançysi tram liera luteuti going te Algema prospecting lu a fev daym. We hepe tIc>' u1truly spy eut the lent for vhs? zt ms wrm orth as the>' ara cempetent men al et ti. We will avait thami report yulh pleaae. '~C,~aItou Ias once more couMueneédaý season's tfiraabiug. HaRe imbbas gooti menansd thea mcine lu gooti order sud viii gumasteea atsfaction. Let (lie isumams give oui elti fiand Geo cheir support-as ha viii do Uic square Uilng. Semaetf ur sports haVa beau n msafishing touruament suamet vitli the nana! fisher . man's luck, returuîng home vith ahundauce et huait but fev fisi. Wsit tini thc weatlier bacoes a littie cooler as the fin y tribe do net téel isclinato tetasnbuineti. The regular business meeing eft(ha quarter boardl et this vicnaityumet?»sea ime ugo but coulti net se facilitata business aste conclude thei undertakiugs at Uat 2mce-, isg, couiequâoy va fit ( hem in. session- laut DAonda>' cvanmng. We hope altteea talk vas indulgat in sud mach moeprefit- ale resuat reporteti. The apvortb icague officiais hava beau appointati again. -kv. bMcAvoyi vas va"p- pomuteti presasitient, iss Moce>' xst vice president, Miss MeBien asitiv cesbilas BV BUYING THE BEST A n thracite + Coal. x Our Coal is the best x well screened; free of x Siate, and bright. J. H. Downey & Clo. OFFICE MARKET BUILDING, WHITBY. Hou8e-cleaning time i8 here. We have a larger andi better assonted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown betone, from 45C. Up. We use the best band painted opaque çhade cloth, with Hartbon's spning roller. Also a fine variety of cornnce poles. Ask to sec our latcst style of wýndow screens, te fit any windov, at 30c. each. Our baby carrnages are al ef the latest de- signs. Give us a cali befone purchasirig eisewhere. We are taking speciai pains to combine elegance vitb cceuemy in price and general utiiity. Our stock is complete in House Furnishings. We invite buyers te corne and see us. It will sava money. Leading Undertaker,- ]EL Je JOHNSON, BROOK ST., WHITB-Y. ýNT@ ýph Ha d Ding ai the ýr mi reap ehim .......... Camupbell, Wrn Tummonds, Wm Mit, ail ef Toronto; Berl MadKentCobôcok, Havv Paterson, al et Midianti, Mi R M Mitchell, Dr Haînili Toronto, R L Grahamn, Brockilla. I deny the' soft impachmerntthat 1 arn Uic author or lielpat inuauy va>'te comupose diose emrn lett-n lu y .ser ay'itandard. Those tva gentlemen are vali' able te vite fer diamaclvms as is esil>' sean by s-sading te (vo coin- munications. Mr. Batemu bas g t '«a Roldt fou bis Oliver." andtoee hicile Viii hava smre trouble in clearing up. He bac! better taka tlie adulte oet1 one cenceinati" andi dry np. Dieti ai Gveenbank oundtaeBt mat, Pimobe, reliet o et date c)&mes Tayler in lier 68tb year. lTbe teceased, vas a voman et many gooti quaI- ities as vile, mother anti fiand. As a moîher shavwasiovati anti respectat by ber sons and diagiters; as a ncighbbr sic vas ebliging; as a christian abe endeavret inodo her daty te ier beloveti Zian. The deceaseti andtiutail>'are bighly vaspecteti. The daugitrs ara Mm-s Amx.tevens, Guelph, Mis. D TI'ov, Ms Mlonto Woed, Grena; thc sens maiCharles, Part Parsy, Hansry sud Wlliam et Greenbank. Sens et Tenipenance Excursion Dou't yon torget on Fnidsy, tUg. arut, (bat Pont Peirry division ef the Sous et Tempevance wil heiti their unnual excursion te Fenalon Falls. Thse Sons hava dia kaackiof always iav- lng gocti excursIons, as vas ta ha seau Iu the large patronage given te (lie (vo excursions helti last year. The steamer Crailla bas beau charteredrthes ti-day. The boat viii heava thc dock banc at 7 e'clock sharp sud pieceeti direct te the Falls ; it viii net cali ai Pettit's as ativer- tiseti. Bring you lunch baskets anti ha ou baud lu gooti tinte anti have s pleasant day's euting as titis viii probsbly ha tha last excarsi6n et the season. 1 be sccneny on tieu«noia e e de- lightful, anti thoe vi attend viii -baie a pies. sau: tsys outiug. As tiare yl ba no stops, ht la cxpected diahebat viii reaciFeu"lonFa" about zeo'clack, giviug tic excurslunlsta con- siticrable ine ai that tovu, anti lasiving se as tei arrive borne &bout 9 os- ro in the aveanîg. Tikets-singia. 40c; doubla, 75c; chiltiren, 12 yfara anti uder, 25c, A good appointinent. Tic talk aroundtotevu l that eur citizen, Mr. John Boves-is taereceve tha appolutinent cf Flisiery Inspecter, tian viom qicra la net a more capable or efficient inu i gôv. M r. Soyras-is laee ho viii de is duty falitnluly. anti le jus:te friand or fac. Ha la s? horna on tic vates-. Oua thing ail as-e sure of, la :bat if John Boverman is-iaher>' Inspecter thera iiili e ne sucb ilegal fisiing as vas carrieti on liera lus? vinter. Gar novi>' elactet ILM.P. canuot appoint an>' ene more sauistactory toe- public dieu John Bovermtn 1Ila ise probable that audan iagnt viii ha appointeti, Why net s9lect a mmace on gIsiant? i voW ulisg- genit tsat Mr. John lI s-occlue (ha Indiean agencl. Hea vailket b>' ste indiàansd transmets a gocti dme l lu" uitb-etn. As ha keepa a geueral storç aud.lfua&ely aiSent eue nmlle frorn the indien veu. e 'i t vquid ha vrvi andy far iba memuteus ot»lis ftbt.go te hlm for dieïu suppliés.1Iamnavie *"thýat . Jackson Whot(ha position e osf nstw, but tise malary tram tba. is only as DySue'or m- - 1 halieva if (houa (vo amen reteive the boa Sq~oe tha:tiabir appelnnents viii gire al' tlo t the public. A *ad drowuleg accident Word reachedth iis tovu onuModa> of a mcl- anchol>' drovnlng that - occurveti ob-Sanda> aftavuou lu Tovoo bay stthe .foot of Bethurst vho vaut tte ssplacelest Sonda>'_wms'Roud Pollaed a YOD"gcmanfd2Z yemfsgei vi livedth is itsvdoved suosler sud uitaaaxi Argylestreas, Toroute. aud vo" tt h ?le plambing 'tVade.- Ru" ei vs nota gact7i vns am-"iisspot l i> a yaPlace Or geodti s- mers, as diè bottom la covervet hiweeSî va-- davinç ktansatfe r -baglun-bussotwlsh. standing, ha toci a beadar fr ein tiscrbveri anti disappearetibelo* the a a 'H. ýdis! uer coma te the sus-face, anti aftnabot_!",in ates et suspense several cftha complosis duva .fiss- hlm and aucceetietinlubulnglng bisa te thaý amoug the weeds at (hae M=aativsilie ciun t. tiaveeda anti luatit vas, - qua tèoussmt;- g Hae O noslu ua ui ont cf the vaser. D.Woads vmssent for lin- metlasel>'. His comapmdesii ntitise docior dildail tiat vas possible te do té- vesboxreepi-- pMo, but tiseir' kint affor4s e ~uttel> ya ausilgp anti bat -to iest Up afterv0=" iàm- tou!, bardwrkTIsa vM . isast= m 'don Everybody teils you il- is bot. T'be tbermoaieger reçiserad zue on Sunday Uri, Chas. Mach.y and Miss Gibson oelled 00 frlondsliera roceady. Miss Orvîs of basa Une, bau beau visitiug lhaJ cousins, the Misses Unvis liera. Mr. and Mms Irelaud, Mn. Fred Ball, =d Mis. Woe. Gordon of Toronto, Sundayad at MIr. John BeU's. Mr. RusseliBre is laid of vith an attack of the typboid lever. HEu fashar is aider tia weather wlth symptoras of tba marne disea but we hope botb *111 be convalescent shody.- Rev. Mr. McDooald delhverad an excelent sermon here on Sunday last frein Heb. z0-24. Sucb se:mons bave power wnb isbeai te pilot one over tbetrumbled sau of lita safaly (o the uanquil shore. Mis. (Dr) Walters of Yerki cama down on a visit te bai parents liera last week. Sha vas suddenly talren sidi and lias bean aider medical treatinent. We are glad teay sha is improving at tdîne o ntlng. Messrs. las Pardoni E. L Chapinan and F J McBrady aire going te vlew the prospectsiof t4 N. W. T.nTuesday. As tbey are three of env meut promlslng young mcn va wlsb thein prospcrity, andi hope te sac theai back in the fail. Centrary te, the arguments et serne the local option is declared te be aound law and is, w ha enforceed readily wbere it is passed. Now the people et Ihis conimunity eught te saS te hthar they leave no stene unturued te give the sata fair trial. Threshing Ws gelng en ail aireand us. Oats ara tubfing out pooely vhare thc crep vas rut. cd. Feas ara eeti.. MMi. E Matidaford thrash. cd ever 300 bushels tram 9 acres. If Prces votild take an inprovadl turu nov faumera mnigit: stralghpcn Ibeinsalvasthh fail. A sfca unction of much lwcerest te, our citU. zPns caine off in St Paul's presbyterian urh Wednesday night, wlieUMr. R. CrUiclshank,' marchant of St John. N. B.,.anti ex-Major W." F. Allen's fourth dauglâter, Miss'-Marlou. **W>~ vedded in the presence et their relatves andiM -1 an immense audience. The Rcv. R. Dooglia Fraser, M. 4., officiateti, Tbe churcli vawu pietfily-decorated for thea occasio. He~ i toe. '. Miss Cwrie A.Jleu, andi Miss Mary Ruud, ot Torepto, vera bridesinaids, and M. W. U.' Mien. of Paterbero, vas biut mn. The bÈkdr vas bacomingly attired in vhite ai, mè >broidered vlth pearis and trimmeti vith'-chuffm-, Aftr theecaptien andI dejeuner the bridaI r teck thc Montresi express forer daîuia, aftý which tbey will returu te St. John, their futve home. Mis. Win. Cruse, Detroie, is visitlng et ML.j Cruse's. Mr. Charies Bongard, et Terote.lu eo=a~ a fav tisys. Mis. Boynton la visiting bar daughter,Mk6 Mater, TorontQ Miss CGara 'Maddaui spens a 1ev daiSel s grave last vei. Mn. antiMms Jno. Bovinan spMt &Umday, wnih John Meddt. NMissCiapp, et Pictenla spendlug le* tvitli Mms.Philpa. _ Mv Oir the, o Tcntspa sav daytu , S. slfous'sîý i wla k MisseïAsnte sudEjly Addisonha Mr. V/il!Arnsttioeg ant .flu ft i Kmko rdaysdpe: Miss b, Pvot#is où tIbs li* st. SI>la$ at" &of iypholti fuesbu; It is hoped'* tom f Leem jý.

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