>0 e- er e lh ie ie r Mens fine kid gaiters toc hip Si, Me fine kid lace boots. narrow toc, $1 ; ladi fine lrid buttoned boots, toc tip, narrowi only $i ; ladies' fine kid oxford sboes, n row toe, only 85c at thc new alto. store, W Coffins Crinkle cloîths, colored dress mualii sateen *nd straw hata, vili b. reduced one-haif price on Saturday, bargain dm Aug. 8th. nt W. G. Waiîers'. Oh for Muskoka. Mockinaw, sea-sic Manitoba, Europe, aIl United States, 8 and Canadian points, anyvitere, eve where, by boat, rail or occan. Rates gui anteed right. Througb tickets reading frc Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, îBrookiin Whitby. Write or sec Stepheïason, Witd before trrvelling. Men as a ruie cure more for comfort titan for style, stili no mian in averse to a neat veil hangin; coat Ibat keeps ils shape titrougit ail ktuds of knocking around. This is one of the extruaslt Fibre Chamois fur. nishes viten used as Uic inlerlining lu menas clothing. It not osily makes garments lteor ougbly weatber proot, providing a bealtbfül warmîb vwicit can'î b. penetraîed by Uic severest wind or cold ; but its flexible spring and stiffuesi make lte coul or vest fit ili and kreep ils proper bang tilI vorn com. plll ut. And te beauty la Ihat itlel so liiîyo pldn't know you were carrying anytbing e4a arund, and so citeap tat it la in every ie s reacit. r' PES TED with FL1E8. Sc. fine%, 41 ( Brock hxWC b ttfl Dbau It would "lie îda tonmi pSftI*' wlé>bâtb fwtthin rodo obf public potittuto wear»ome sort of coverig, but tboes wbo cannot af. fibrd tue Iuxury of . & 1batfg suh should' mot lh. ,entireIy banla=eiffroin WAULI-)-" y accdentà t î lg aaYung atoen e e . -1-'i'L er wsawui~~Oy5C~0~KUJ7 wecUg an he.oung cessu. nca iquite a few baqs and 8 7man givi4g bis body alheîtfui all Uc lne ja lake. Thipse Who do not wisb 10 see a boy'. >naked body can look in about a thousuand W. extenif congratulations t0 the Misses 51ss~and one other way# and wiil ot sce hite. Ella and Laure Coulter on their btlliant Some peopie have a: notion that the laite la stand at the receut pblic school icavlng Tu te omo ï>qprt f 1lr.v. he JSs fthePnyo1ppl p1*15 Anot t com fro ru ock ail. ea nThuc cesa odthe ePo inyo anpdl A god slrv crne (ro Brok twnshP lp e flMuc r. di i teahe efcîny m lmaam ~~~~A young and handsome couple were marriedabltoMrGiieasaechr the other day not a hundred miles f roni The camping party composed of Messrs T Sunderland. It vas the usual joyous wed- Stanton, J B Jackson, G B Stanton, M H ding and everything veut merr as atuar- Swain, R Gilles and A T Stanton, Who and 10c. Paclkae S. age shouid. In the evening the happy have been spending a tew week a t "The 9M couple started off on their bouev moon and Willows." Coesarea, arrived home on Satur- were accompanied as far as Blackwater day evening last weli pieased wit.b their out- Juniction by the bridesmaid, who vas coln- ing. ,SI QUalit1 InSect PoWder ing to Lindsay to visit firiends. The travel. 1 ing bags cBrrled by the tvo ladies were very Vaet oe much alike. In tbe say.-ng of fareweils et Mrs A MadilI, of Toronto, la visiting with the juniction these became misplaced, and Mr Jas Ruddy. wben the fair bride reached ber room at To- Mr Ferguson and Mr Littlejohn, or Ux- __ronto she (ound she had ,BPProptiOted ber bridge, paased through here last week. <y bndesmaid's va4lse, vbile ber own, con- Ap" rUbigtspcikdo h toinng il he dintly rimmd ecetas ake this week and report a pleasant tinie. fit, were by tbat lime in Lindsay. To make Misses Nellie and Lou McKay, Toronto, HIEMIST &r DRUGGIST, mattera vorse. the valise in ber possession are spendilig Ibeir bolidays under the was locked, and defied aIl efforts tu opentI parental roof. MEDICAL -: HALL, A despatcb vas bastiiy sent to Lindsay for W. bave been lookirtg anxiously for our the mlssing travelling bag. until the arrivai usual campers, but we understand tty k Street, - Wfritby of whicb, it is said, the bride was unable to 'ave gonte fareber nortb. relire.Wm Scott recentlY tbresbed for Robt Ac- ___Boots and Shoes ton 8So bushels of fait vheat, lte above b. aaucinpies for 3o days at M IV Col- i ng the product of an eigbîeen acre field. tine' New Sho. Store, East Side, Wbiîby. Mr Mooz-e's pupils were ail succesaful in Stqmfars toOshwa.paasing the enîrance examinalion. Stella Brauin shvs htorphr py Gregg, Roy Park and Wesley Merrick were. O're,- saasp- gahepy.the candidates. ~Msu.GMa.yadC Rutherford of Kenidall# wer visitons to Our bin o9 dun R R Gimes, MssFLelgh soifMise Eva Stainton Nsnt a 1ev days at lte Leland Enta.., CcSarea, Iaa weeIk. T.' H. WilHaMBon, 'W. J. Coultir, Dr. pd WHIITBY, AUG. short Notes. Thc host weather killed about i -o people in New York and viciniîy. The number of deaths Ibroughout the United States was several hundreds. There are no reports of cxtraordinary losses of life ln Canada. The C old fever in British Columbia is rag- ing, and many large advertiscenns are be- lng published in the Toronto papers show- * ing the great resuits of anal>ses. etc. We know that fools and their money must part, but we hope there are no (cols around here who wiii part wth their aaoncy for stock in a mine tbey.neyer sav. yThe Dominion purliauzent meets on Wed nesday next. Ite meantimze ttere is no excitement, nor in facany very lively stir in political circles. Hon. Wm. Patterson is -- w{îhout a seat, but Mr. Clarke, newly clect- cd M.P. for Northt Grey, died asat week and Mr. Patterson will stand for his seat, against Mr. McIaughlin, te, defeated Conserva. tive candidate. Mr. Laurier and Mr. Mc- Carthy hold t-vo seuls each, neither of wvici eau b. relinquiahed until ialiament meets, Mr. McCarthy'a seat in Brandon'is siated j for Hon. Mr. Sifton, who wiil probably b. Li minister of te interioi. Qacen Vicioria nov raies 367oo,,ob people, a greater number than bas ever be fore acknovledged lte sovereignty of eithe king, queen or emperor. Apropos of lhe ill.fouuded report that Her Majesty taîkec .of reîiring romn the Ibrone because of ill healthit i l a curions fact that no Englist sovereigu ever voluntarily ab-iica'ed. Si: rulers vere depose, fot couuîsng Lady jant Grey, Who vas crned and rcigned nine days. It is ne doubî lite ambition of Her Majesty 10 vitaeslte slrtietb year of hb. z' reigu, on vitici site entera next year. -~ien one meets a cyclist on te road he -j~funcy thatlhet party ix from a neighbor- 1 b lova because of te simple mode of 1adopted ; bai il often bappens tat *b, eelman 15 froin Quebec, lfifax, -'rlnd, New York, or Washington. Many iide -titrougit this tovu every veek who are laklng a trip of lhousands of miles on the bilce. They al [look the same, dress lte same, ride the same sort ot vheel, for the visible portion of viteels only varies mater- ially lu colon. They aIl ride lte same, at the samne speed, with thc same sveaîy faces. and, I ike tramps, bave Ibeir favorite stop- ping places along the way. WIlby Town Loca". Very ibot veather. Scott repaire ait. kinda of pumips. The harvest is ail but finished bere. Fistiug is pretîy fair at lte Wbiîby bar- bor. The Wbitby fair cornes almnost Ivo veeks Inter iunlte moutit-titis year. Miss Berdie Mutton, of Toronto, is visiting lu lowa, tte guest of tite Misses' Bryan. Next veek vwe shall publisit a poern on Tihe Drunkard, " by Mr. Henry Willson. Tite rmnou Monday morning laid thte dust ou the roade, but a day's beavy rain in needed. Those vbo do not want trouble should pay Up their sabacripîîon accouats 10 lte CHtIONICLE.t .Miso Etitel Wilkinson, Lindsay, la visiting -with relatives in leva, lte guest of Mr Chias Wilkinson.- Iss E. Meidrrns and Miss A. Meldrurn, sister and niece of Dr. Xeldrumn, are guests at his bouse. WÇ,Are requested 10 state that parties vit throw eut icose papere- or'elter ùluth on the treet vii be prosculeif. gyGreensu antI Ch". Roberts,; e*ft' Were Iu te»,t on Wedesduy - b-iiw -Uge ÇoNtcI,4néé Wil1. *~ie*nd 4nes ~Iils ofT>r te, ~ Iben v#=dton vlUth ej *ucût anr sd, MWs apie »Iczsg i 1 e-i st.age fores to Oshawa for -aIl custon ordering work to the value Of $3 Pr apwal ners rds. ens' les' toc nar ins, 1 to lay, ýde, 1C' Iry- [ar- um or by. Thos. Hauat on the Resuit. ,Permitmie space lunlte columna of your vluabl journal b elucidate a mystery that for Ivo decades bas perplexed te minds of many saluts, vite are Boxious 10 knov lte reason vby lte methodist churcit bas b.- corne an emeîic Wo deity. Tite reason la ob- viotis 10 every rigitîltinkiug man. Tvo tbirds of te ministers are Tories, whicb uc coanîs for lte spiritual declension lunltat denomiînation ; bat tite change of govera- ment justifies predictlons titat titere wii lie a revival of religion lu al lte meltodist churches during lte approacbing vinter- sucb that wiii bring lte nation 10 God. Christ vili b.eusbrinied lu th. bearts of thousands, vito are nov dead lu Irespasse and stu. T. HUNT. Thme Drowulag Season. In Pickiug up a daily paper lte 6,-st item met with is verv apt t10 be a drowning accid- ent, lte papers are fuile.f tbem. Iu fact as a life-desroyer witiskeyYs not iu Uic cômpeti lion viit Plain every day vater just nov. t is a strange tbing that people vite go boatiug, fishîng or bathing lu summer seem to leave Ibeir common sensé bcitind tem. Mauy escape- A goodly number, unfortan- ateiy, lose their lives. Thte raies tat re- dace fatalities 10 a minimutu are 80 simple that Persons of lte meanest understunding Sitould b. able t0 act on ten.t.o venture mbt deep vater, unies»; you . are a good swimmner sud not accustonted to crampe, la Madness. Boatiug, eéther witi thUic il or lte our la always a dangérous pastis. un. lesUeperson la command tborougbly un- derstaucla boy *10 manage a boat, and, if lu charge of a party, bas proper controi ever tem. Yet people wito have abcut aa:mucb experience of boating as a nev boras infant continue 10 venture on lte valer in ail. veatbers, and lte nevapaper continue 10 record disasters. Tite eciools are se busy filling ciildrens bralns'it Ã"ôtogies that te' y6â&ngsteri bave litile tinte left for learning lte elemenr.ary .facta of bow ta take cure o(I thensselves lu presence of phYsica danger: As long as sucb conditions prevail drown. ing acdents viill-akre place, andganisit, tpy familles. Seuerai Inter., heard betrn. iE f WALTERS5-At Whitby, on Monday, Aug. toth, z896, Editit Mildred, infant daugittel ofMr. and Mrs. W. G. Waltefs, aged 6 moS. and îo days. MOFFATT-At Raglan, on Tbursday, Aug f31b. 1896, Grace Ormiston. belovecj wife o0 .4r. Thos. Moffatt, aged 44 years municipalîty Of the Towush* <Wi County of Ontario. Notice 1 of bgby, that I bave transmitted or delivered o the Persona mentjoned ini Sections 5 and 6 of the. Ontario Votera' Lista Act. 1889, the copies required by naid Sections to be so transinjîted or delivered, of the list, made purmuant to said Acte of ail persons appear- ing by the Iast revised Asssmeut Roli of the naid municipality, go b. entltled to vote in the said munidpality at elections for members of the Legisiative Assembîy and at Municipal Elections;- and that naid list was firet posted up at My office, at coluncil rooms, Brooklln, ôn the I3tb day of August, [t&», and remmîins there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said Iist, and if any omissions or any other errors are found tberein, to lake itumediate prcdig to have the said errora correct- ed according 1 law. D. HOLLIDAY, Clerk of Tp. or Whitby. Dated thia [4tb day of Aug., z896. CAPE LO8T. On Sunday, August 2nd, on lte s1dýjine belveen Thorntou's Corners, Union Cent. tery, and the 3rd concession, a Ladys Black cape. Any person leaving lte cape at the CnaONICLE office vilbe satisfactorily re- warded. ol the N ewest Styles always On hand. Oea/ab/ HOIBA nti Lot for 8aIeé Good frame Loue. vitit atone feundation, good cellar, «Iard water, stable and driving îhed viUi vood shed attacbeu, ana -5 of au acre (more or le"e) of good garden, and vel *J @L - ic = V D ombP stockcd vith first class applea,peran Pluns trees and otier suall fruits. eran Duririg the Month of August -we will offer Bargain3 in al SUMMER GOODS, in order to makeý .roomn for our Fali Importations. Coine long and seoure sonie of the8lfp lines which we are clearing out RemOmUbez' tht. Lu ouly forth .. -+OAJITH OF yeAUGUST. 96 ANDRE W Dr GoS, CRpets Ready.mnade BROCR ~TR~LgT, W~tIITEY. w Special CoHOng s s, »«Clohing.N and fast ; of ,-0yclometers, Wateoh Hold Sxlver Nam e TruIflP Wai for' to Jno. 6. wt - eir (omof - - Orgue. *lem et say boul p. LOCAL LA( - MJard"oed daning table' ut W. TiIl's. Try Tod's bread, sold 5cents per loaL Miss Florence Dartueil vist wilh fi iends in Kings . Miss -Neal. andI Misa 'ait guests of lte Misses fi A number frons ere t Prospect park, Oshawa, c Tvê -brick bouses to ences; low rentai. Appi: Mr. Bert Somer-ville, Tc day and Munday ln îown Robt. Barnes. Jantes Sadier, Wbitby, paper hanging at 5 cents1 vith-your orders.-3,.41n. Tiie initabitants of pe uuion picnic-at Corbett's howiay. -A gond lUme wi Mr Agustus' UUfrtýql 1 arciome day lmtwek reduced and site ts PRO9 can h. expected. là a a ciampionshiWlc Midland districv'.wsa day last, te Bstco feated by Mar=haiy -a About l16 ïelinquent more, ttan swrPrised on Mi ée "Égiaté front-aur fi elie u p vwititout à 3 - apeaIn court at once ai - tbey aliould not h. settice -of thens bave called, sud witten ns linlteir bastet thte saie men bave ignore wlU now bave to pay titeir per cent. interest. We h; WaS per cent. interestinl -these uten would nol pay the lutercst score. - ~ tebest ice Cr * ~tbsou>sDuadas stree lbe Slaugbnt£ Don. 't aîs dytM -Z . I Ou ,~ng1 set $14. ~ *bd FOIR THE NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY, Sale 20 EP RC0E1Ž*T*T Wall Papers, Baby Carrnages, Hammocks, Wagons, Cr( quet, and ail Summer and sporting Goods. ~Some of the Fine Stationery that has- been 8- stlIing for Leit yet. Secure it before ft ail goes, as it cannot possibly be replaced for ýhe AGECY orSchol ess, ritshDyigmone.,adBteik eIqpr- AGENCY for- Sch "It . eskBiihDyn oadButrcq corner of Garden ar a nvd uassuestsu, W hmite by, and ie very couvenient to, churcbes and scitoods. For furtiter particulars apply 10 FRANK H. ELLEKER, or WbitbyPAP R. 1. ELLEKER, O)nt. Cregsweiî, P.O. Ont. Wittby, Aug. 13, t896.-37-31n. Dak Sack Coat lost on -Monday, on te Base LUne. betveeu lte G. T. R. Junction and the Town Lin. There vas a book ienlte PpCltê vutitMm na ivten in 1<, Fider wlli pease l ave-k the G. T. R. 1 nction or CieoNcL ofie.R. T. PHILP. Wbitby, Aug. ra, '896--in. Wilirepsa wltb sf fScIulr. jiée mi Imunlcipat-~eaa.ê aller judge flartuci rifon bmeiup~ V55 fln nSi.nel 4.,... o Ohoice ew Goode China GIaksware and Crockery. Dinuer and Tea Sets, Cbeap. Choice ?auiily Groceries, Teao,. Coffee,, CkeaP.Ifor Cask or Trade. Prces t R,.S. CRM2ÂÇ:.a UI S ifil! ~ii ~SPEOUL~. la takings~,ck ire ffnd several PIRS<T~.~iw, ~d tee umanygoo Smt tue Tz~we~ Dou't buy -1efre , oaUIinq " d .hDn tuestok adprcsYrouoi ý- ý mýK 'f 4wF, UN -ÉS/y Tb Ç- ý u ,-p tTm uiic~i- Primss e Biec St. LQWa Optrnm. atarlo goiemni ,d bo enfonce loa -becn îssued» 1 lte dfffereut ce whdi reads as " are any muti 1 whidt local -op te bning titis &I JSeof your Boa ivise ten tbat it loeeBQ ame b rein. You. Au~ 14, 1896.1upt.ate st1es l' 1 1 1- ý cýt« 1 n m it 9 à d r 1 Dry Goods, Carpets, -1 à . - - - 1 1896# 1 sait t»ý i a à . Also, a few REMNANTS left of odd -1 0 at a very small price. me RO VO TERS' L 18 T, Discou-lit 0 ý.REG-UL»- HALF--,ýTHE ý COA T LOST