~.~WHEEL It is stylish, light, and fast ; Of perfect workmanship and finlish. -- Cyclomneters, Watch Holders, Silver Name Plates. TrrumnP Watches for tourist use.1 Jno 8.Barnard, Officai C.uaty Ozga.-Imau stCicula tion of BEy loal P*Ber tu Canada FRIDAY, AUG. 14, 1896. LOCAL LACONIoe.- ami Bi. Fred;. J. jIyld' f*mnily bas been. down ýw1th lever for two WftkBstMUbul anl have been nursed awang pm dm iburalng point of the. disses.. W. tender our stronges ynipthy to Mr. and Mis. W. G. Walters [n tii. death of their lonfant chld and oaly daughter ou Monday, the. cause of death being choIera tnfantumi It may b.e eplalned that tiie cause of the warmn weatber le the heat of the atmospbere. If anybody does flot understand this clearly it ta flot oui fault, as we have explained the thlng to the very best of our knowledge. Auction sale of bousebold goodsa t the t-e- sldence of Mrs. A. K. Rice, on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, comprlslng of kritchen utensials, stoves, etc. Aiea carpets, Cur- tains, euttain poieu, centre table, cuphoard, haïr bottom chairs, lounge, pictures, etc. L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. It bas been suggested ta advocate two things. a board of trade and improvemnents at the barbor tendlng ta make It a popular summer resort. We cbeerfully comply with the reqtuest ta forward bath sehemes, but do flot feel very well posted as to the. best plan ta do either. . Our columns are alway open to people who have good suggestions to miake, and we shail b. glad to publieh letters on these matters. Ohli Manitoba. Farmn laborers' eacur- siento Canadien Northwest, August i8tb, t&h~, rom al setatl@,ýie canada t a aay w=pasoti.Canadie aù P*J4c rManitoba & NArbetru Railways [n ttnidtoba and 'à oibola West and Sopthwest of Winnipeg afru Moose jaw, Estevan and Saltcoats, V% for $z4. Certificates will b. issued purcasers ta return for $14 on or -mi ow 30, î8. Get these through ticket dai information from E. Stephen- son, opposite Hatch Bt-os, Whitby. Cariage for sale. A two seated Gladstone, as good as new. May be.seen at Newport's carrnage shop. Great sa"e of boots and shoes nt auction prices for 3o days at M W Collins' New Shoe Store. East Side, Whitby. H-ara wooei aining tables, 4 teaves, oflIy $ A5, srrie at W. TOPSa.Abi up Try Tods bread, sold only et Vates', at 5 cents pet- loaf. Miss Flot-ence Partuell le on an extended visit with fi iends in Kingston. Mliss Neale and Miss Gyarrow, Toronto, are guests of the Misses Macdo*eU. A number frosibei-e tookt in the sports at Prospect park, Oshawa, on ctvic holiday. Two brick houses to rent ; aIl conveni- ences , low rentai. Apply to M. W. Colline Mr, Bert Somerville, Toronto, spent Sun- day and Monday in town with bis uncle, Mr Robt. Barnes. James SadIer, Whitby, is prepared to do paper hanging at 5 eents per roll. Corne on with vour orders.-35.4in. The inhabitants of Perry street held a uuion picnic at CorbettVs point on civic houi- boliday. A good tise vas enjoyed by a41. Mr- Agustus' littIli MI and broke ber ai-m one day lant vek. The fracture vas reduced at-d she la ptogresslng as velI as can be expected. In a championslilacrosse match in the Midland dsrcte at Markbanz ou Fr1- day last, the BevtnCheciiers vere de- feated by Markbhn-by a scoreof -3. About 11i6( elinquent subacribers ver. more than -,urprised on Monday last on t-e- ceiving notice (rosi Our finaucial agents to either p33- Up witbout a struggle on cIsc appeai in coui-t at once and show cause why tht-v should not be settl.d for costs. any of tht-m have call.d, and telephoned,Masd writien us in their haste to settle now, but tht- sane mes have ignored us for years, and wîHl now have to pay their amounta wttt six per cent. intet-cst. We have often bud to pay 8 per cent. interest in the batik becaus. tht-se men vould flot pay up, and are out on the intei-est score. Ice Cream Parlor For the beet hec Cream, calI at D. Mathsons, Dundan treet.-23-tf. The best ln the, land to be Sîaugtre4t-Ib1e Siater boots and shoes Dont . misau .chance. 01y 0ý days ai M W ýC04 L de Shoeti. Bi,, Bargains., on --ýatug*ly,,Aug îstb48 ,-arthe !Wst Si, 1 eBoot .and Shoe store. -" 1Z i oo pairs of ladies' and eudreW's ~>rs Pl oc. pet- pair. - 5o pairs ladies buttoued 7,boà t at you r ow4n price. Me ns lacetlcdr 5niter baga 1Mt 25 per ctint discount. Ir unks and -vlies at cost. Whule-ront. Webî Side Bi-ock St. Enfircing Local Option. ,ATîý Ontario government at-e evidently ,d,ýerinined to erfow-ce local option. lnstnuc- ti(in tiave bt-e:n is-,ued to the license commis- sioners (if the- dfffi-rent counties, the- ciosing C ause of which reade as follows: If, tht-ne- f0re. there ai-e any tuunicipalities in yout- district in which local option by-laws have Sten passed and at-e nov in fonce you are zequiested to bring this decîsion of the court toi he notice of your Board of Commission- e7s anid advise thesi that so long as such by- law.are in force no license can b. legally grianted therein. You wil! be expected to set- 01lat the provisions of the lat viliinlu il cases be cai-efully obset-ved." This bas been m) nitre empty threat, fot- aIl overt-hei prov- ince action ban boee taken. In Pickering every tavern-kcqcr in the township han been fined ang, wrned ta close up. lu iearly every - g in the province action has been takeM+ jia sanie direction- and flow many cases afê !rpsp4ing. Di-ownîng Incident. A vei-y sensational dt-aning cane occu-- i-ed ht-t-t on Saturday nigîht, vien a young man frosi Toronto samedt Catons los bis lifO. lie had corne dovu ironi Tôronto on t4. - ocal train, arriving icre ai 6.26, sud intend- ed to sîay over Sunday titi soss.!soysfrouz tht- City tubo are Camg at t4e barbor.> I'Vhen Caton rese ti harbor be btil*dý his frit-nde acroas .c bay fronsWatiOii' store bous., and tii.7 sent ova'*fuzs year aid boy viii a boat. A tebotcame ut-ar tihetwhanf Caton prqept-ec taSpriUg fr it and did jum"' viien it vas 'aotts'ft distant. He 2fgbtd on thie aide aubhe boait and capsized t, înrolng, te. OtWhe-boy 4ut intothe voter. .Noithe <c 14stlo, t tbc* Younger boy W n4ctowà wrk bis tuai al ft-wfeet to a Ãt0l -«iN*W «Mt bottori vitiie fete, idWtlfe'#SOv29 Mleanwhil. Catanledpp W #pa~sp~ to the suihceS afn, wiius Oit5ê the vbà rubaie Iilz IMM this ;aiarrned eV ioid of W' Tiean l hlm, ut it -final!7 sNokt m5 tic bay hse~~ Vain to a reisp lte bidlvig. w, :,7i~s Upon the ar-rival of a (reight train ai Whitby station on Tuesday rnarning tb. G T. R. officiais vere sur-prüsed upon openisg the cars to flnd qo large a shipment of boots and shoes for the totun. They vere assign- ed to the west aide boot sud sho. store. Big bat-gains may be expectcd for 3o days. zoo pairs of ladies elippens at 9 cents pet- pair. Por-t Whltby Mrs Frenchisl visitinîg ber sons lu Mlichi- gan. Phul Hodge, Port Pet-ty, vas ber. for the holiday, Mr- John Ashby, Sudbury, la vlsiting bis parents ber. Mrs Clark; of Torontý, vas a recent guest of MrsJ:à SWtlh. Mr B Gibson sud Miss Gibson, Toronto, are et "Ringvoocl" Miss Horley, Motunt Albert, la visiting ber brother, Wm Horlcy. Sevet-al private picnics ver. held at Cor- bett's point on Monday. Mr Wm Foy vent ta Loudon on Monday to look et an botel there.- Miss Alérander, Oshava, speut Monday viti ber friend Mrs ChIlde. Mie Hayes and children, of Toronto, at-e guests af Mrs D Galbraith. Miss Anale Offlen, Frenchmen's bay, la ,Vwsting ut Mr- Wz.4Cof s Miss Cousins, base lise esst, la9very MI vith neuraigia o! the brain sud spine. Mn F Atkinson, nigit operator at Ivaubo. C. P.- R. station, le home for bis holidays. Misa Edith McCw arrivedi home aller spending a mnont b viti relatives in Mark- dlaie. Mis Jobn Patterson, vho bas been 111 for sosie tisse, bas gos. t Sert"a ta recruit ber healtb. Mise Annie McCou rt, who liag becs viti her sisten in Buffalo' for the past year, is home again. W'se are sont-y to lbar o! the severe ilînes of Mns John White, but hope ah. viisoon Se better. Misses Irene and Haxel Bar, o! Cobourg. are visitiog their grand parents, Mr and Mi-s Tos Gale. Miss Mary BrovnIey, vho base been visit- ing friends ber. for sasse veeke, neturnecl ta ber borne in Wîck. Miss Lena Watson han entered a Chicago hospitai to becorne a nurse. W. believe e. yull pt-ove successful as sic bas the neces- sary qualities. Mn Edvard Warren occupied the pulpit In St. John's eburci on Supday evenmng and preached a very eloqueot ser mn 10 a large congregation. Whitby.oi$-i ç prSents a lively scene juet nov. ' we- te cayâas village has spruagap Ueradurilug the pant twa mastic asd hungry et mv.% ..- poanut nines and beeci-nut tens aboaad., The Columbias Excursions. There never tuas a more dclighted lot ai peoffle-and there vere over 8o& in it-than sailed by the Columbian to Toronto sud re- tut-s on Fniday. It vas bot enougb on land ta make the cool air aven the great body of tuater In lake Ontario a change troim tropi- cal besita deligbt(ul temperatures. The air, vas nnusually cear. especially tovards sussot, so tisat ail tihe beauties oftthe abat-e, vbich vas hngged os the vay home by "h boat; stôod ont fine and sharp. Tiiere vet. notcowany cither on boar4 bat tisat eaci conidiniâve a teat and ü& conifortble. It needa over a thousand passengess ta tax the. seating calpacity o! thbs-corcSna4bons steani. et- The rusfrein thi.e attcmn pp-moWIlt- wu vsmade ia exsaly tv o I=-,mta e ';tbse ho td e l t me~ cr> & o'clock, -by tise local 'traitn; tls6h Çrad Trçuk..> The Coluimbîan , m aaitew. put#er lu tbî,'e yout!l soodM«r.Tbhoasp son. Tho' iiel'W.nou t of kiuckers and', r4 ver at business as-ticy' ake 'ens. hp* roronté trIps viii continue tordWy, (FrJdag, i aud as *Mo wek, lier, buit the PooniIt salis for tise presetat a. le=a are ffi cualo idataUah b«e,,à oU5 t>uwi c2tulefl fte, AUziert# Ue 5 theguesït ofMiss A"nal Hodsinaprngtii .; MUr. j.- R. Gerde, of -the - iail-gupfrejp, wbeeled to Whitby anrd returned ta Toato W.eduesday. Mies Octavia Walters. who bas been visit- ing la Orilha forsorne tIme past, returned hme on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nichola*- Jeffrey and Misa Mabel jeffirey, Loandon, were guests of Mt; Wm. Jeffrey tiie past fortnight. Mrs. S. H. Cochrane and Miss Mabel Cochrane, of Torontos, bave'been visiting ini tovu thus veek, the guests, of Mr. D. Ornils. ton. The directors of the Ontario and Durhami Exhibition Association are solicitin¶1specIal prizes, and we trust will meet wit hîberal responses. Mr. jack Kerr, Toronto, 'mon of Mfi. Wm. Kerr, Pickering, vas in town Tuesday and looked in at the. CHRONICLE. He sports a Sunday school moustache. AU we can say la. that if it doesn't nain soon the bens viii b. unable tosupply liquid for laying a full-slzed egg each day, and tbey vili have wo lay off a couple of cdays in the week besides Sunday, which lattez day tbey bave been resting for a month. A meeting of the Pickerinig township teme- perance alliance le called to meut at temper- suce bail, B rougham, on Monday neit, Aug. i7tb, Bt 2 p.m. Ail temperance work- ers are invited to attend, as matters o! im- portance wilI 6e transacted. Mr. Clarkson Rogers, president. David Watson bas filed 37' appeals against the voters lists for the township of Uxbridge of which numbers are to 6e put on, fifteen to strike off and three for correction. Court is tîxed for heartng these appeals at the town hall of the tovo of Uzbridge before His Hlonor Judge Dartneli on Mon3day, Auguet 3[st, at JxiB..nm. The Maple Leaf football club. average age 14, vaut to make engagements viii other clubs of the sanie age. Tbey bave a date wlth Lynde's cneek club for Tuesday alter- noon next, Aug, îSth, et 6.,, t the athletic grounds here, to which ad mission wiii 6e f ree. They are cornesponding with Oshawa j uniors with the view of arranglng a series of games. Clubs wanting a date vill address Chatrles Tamblyo, Whltby. To Day!111 Ice crearn, cakes, boiîed hans, et Vates'. Were they stoles? ioo pairs ladies' bouse elippers to 6e sold at aoc. per r durlngr this great sale for 3o0 days, at M. W.Coinsthe nev sho. store. ! HarryWluefor à veeks . Tii. fanions breeding stailion, Hart-y Wilikes. iii reniain ai tic Armstrong House, WVbitby, lot- the next two veeks, for service. People around here neyer bad sucb an oppontunlty benetofore of breeding from a horse of continental fame, and tue trust they vili take full advantage of thus chance. Keeplag np the clamar. Tic Gazette la- still clamoring avay at Mr Henderson viti au abject quite Qppat-eut toà asy persan, and vitli a spleen so rascorons as to make it clean that private spite and sot public zeal le behind thse vIae of it. It asks if any persan vili believe the. ClaoN- ICLE viien ve state that the stery about af ieriag the influence of tifs Journal ta Dr. Rae for Siooo la a lie. If any persan eali paint ont a single case vbet-e etier o! the publisers of this journal vas fouod ta be (aise or dishonot-able ve leave tiat mas free ta mietruat us. We ank people to contrant aur personal recards viii that of Mr. New- ton via la figurehead ai the Gazette. Hotu- ever, if our yard vere sot reliable. ve cas say that tva otiera ai unquestionabie vers. clty vere preseat at the.ilime the tioco offer la alIeged.to bave becimade. Opp~f la idr. D. Orusiston, barr istet-, Wbltby. au the ailier ila alady via hoîlde an or the nint tesponsible positions oi trust in the county. W. shah 6e bhappy ta direct any perses who la coucerned 10 eithcr of ti.mpetsnamed above, sud shail abide by tii. version theyi giire of cithet- that or any other conversation cither ai tht-rn ever heard bettueeo us and ariy otiier persan. As thse Gaxctes abject lu making these aitacks on Mr. Headerson are so obvions, ve do sot propose ta foilotu the muatter further at tis tasse, and tue oniy refer ta it tins fat- because orne have strong- iy advised that course. Sont o( Scotlaad at BI'aatford. Tventy-flve menibers of the totun Sons af Scotland vent ta Brantfor-d ta spend civic holiday at the great Scotch dernonstration hcid there on that day. Tiie party leit Wbitby at 5.47 a. sm. and ai rived Bt Toronto about 7. Fi-rn tic city a special excursion vas mun, congistinç oi tirteeu cars filIed to their utinoot capacsLy witb pléanure seekers. It took tvo en&laetoa a hecrowd. The- couintry vest of Tor-onto looks, very fine this yeat-, there having becs an abundance of rais, and viien the train arrived acear Brant- ford it vas found that pastures and lavue vere an grees as lu Jus.. The train reach- cd Brantford at i i 3o, and for an bour the CJIRO5JCLK. represenatdje and Dr. Mc- Giilivray endeavored toalsze wup -the tovu. Brantiord is anc ai the 1beet inanufacturing totunsini America. Bcbng built alosg the. Grand River, there le an abundance of valet- for aUl put-poses, and between tventy and thirty thi-ving factctris are vorklng bard t. fil thcir ondeiik Every ciass of goodskterned ant 4s of vorid-vide deaand, and la made viti the ntssost akdaIn.lathe very centre of the totus la a fine park, and la tic centre ai that park ia a grand monumnent ta Cbief jozseph Brant, or Thayendenaga, as lie vas callcd by tic aborigines. Tis noble: red man and rnighty stateenan, varripi-, and benter, -will neyer be. forgotten whilst mca wmite the. histary ai Canada. Tiiere ate sous. very fine growpa- lestered on thii nnomeat, whie wvas rected by the. cons- blned msbecrptkioaç"lt0peuW 1 êiin- lon and Provincial goveramnta,*,Iithe, aid of other public suid pfivate oub=crp. tiquoss.,Tiser. vas»ag a owd present - at the S cb gantes, viiçiwde îcuçbl as us-, ualaus~tl;ofasuIti 4zcIng an ati Bats- tadat resu c ta st ink ou ofasi1~tiî~thi sae. f ~vhi i~makng one ths icertanly coininig& oitôhaeite ba gins of te G1BEAT CLEARING 'AEATC.F TWB& T.TQorMfiflrPtivai-e.v ul.rJLx Tu * TUE DIRVt.1~UJY j1PRIC<jS Job Lots of Dresa Goods 25, 35 and 50C. Redueed to 12j, 15 and 25e. SSe our. Prints 5, Goods. New Colored Crepons, ail new,,gooda just in, sold for 15o. aur prices Saturday 12te. regular 15c., for 12c. ; be sure and seS theni. Se. our Flannelettes at 5c., 7c. aud 15c. bS. Mttlina at 20c. regular 25c. l> Ail our Wool De1aits ta b. sold at cotan sd under. MIL LINE RY. Ail aur se. * e * e 10, l2jo. AU N... New Black Cropooe. aur New White Spaw- MILLINEIRY. muat go regardies of price. Trimuied Ratsai'egular $5, for $3.' Trimnied Sailors regular 81 75, for $1. Sm-, 25, 30 and 50c. Sailors. Ail Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, &o., at very lowest prices. 9>4. Cal and examine I. our Ladies' Beit Buekies at only 10e. New Bloue Sets regular 50c. to go at,25e. Very. but goada. cOr4.meed Cloug at Gret R"~uoi@u6.. Ilâlifax Tweed Suits orly $10. M3blue Serge Suits only $12. Fine Black Suits a specialty. -" No traak. in aur stock.% Everything ai Reduced Prices. iThis is the store for real Bargains. E.CTARAT BARGAIN DW Saturday,ÂU~ OnIy 68c. for the regular $1.25 que 50C. ,« " $1.00 48c. "di .95 87jc. "if .75 STRAW HATS, STRAW H ATIE The vr Hats wewresî"m at 25C., 5oc., 6oc- a few weeks ago, now we're clearing them ail oui Copltenw tokMen's vergewih r ithot REAINANT8 of ait Kinda at HALF RESUi -THE ABOVEPRICES ARE F< Onie Day. O y, agturily, À Every ~'erecivea fresh shipment of uEs' D, 'e I50 iaity. s z,65c., 75C tO $1.50 it at HAL? PRICE. m wimw. $*3-75, .--5-00, Worth $5.00. 64 *.0 64 509 cbia oes rcs 'LAR fPRIOF$, OR.lSh DuLoI~ £n~W wA1 TILL, O Q Fa~idture 2TOP 4A~ THJ1~J B.fo~o yoti~pUIOIS~ tir VIII ~SPYJ~4 sterlng Brand Hm.and Brsk fast EcnThese -goodi are mild Oume (notfui -o eat) aà nd are guirnedspz< to any other braud où the maret. Farinoobi BrakfstdOc I ce, Cro.,i same OTS au beauti e boue' à ing, Bt loits ai 'c, rot-tii .4 I 41 - 4~ *1 'E 'E 's t' Lt fquo We' ek'