Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1896, p. 7

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ACommon Affliction PernDtIJ Comd bi Taimg 41WUs a""lced or eU ~jaTuw ait Rheuil. puliar ha t'igtrs os:" M maymdIcIfleswhieh wero bghIl ec oamede.but o e me 51 oI't wu st last advtsed to try ye'19.4 pariia. by a friend who todr i ha niut çurchase six bottiend mW s~them prtasion, bonght t heS ait bottin msi4d Sthse contentso01 ree 01 tbae ubot. lies wtbout noticig m direct boscot. Before i bad ftnitied the touth bote, uMy anda were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My business, wbich is that of a cab-driver, requirca me ta e out in colci and wet weatber often wtotgloyes, and thse trouble bas never returned."- TR3Oua A. JoHNS, aratlord, Ont. Aye's "SsmagaîîIla Admlttd at the WorM'. Pair. IlVerla Pilla Cleaist>ae BoeeL. DOOTORS GAVE ER UP. 1EMABKABLE EXPERIENCE 0F MRS. SALOIS, 0F ST. PIE. LaGrppe, Followed by Infl&mmation of the Lungs, LrufL Eer on the Verze of the Grave-Uer Whole Body Rack- ed with Pain-Uer Huaband Brought Hler Home to Die, But She is Again in Good Hlealth. aima at&e a iz Tëay bu Iom m' Dr. Williams, Pini pilla May bha] ofau, Udm'cmor Mt by mail fi, Dr- Wiliam.' Médicine Compaiy fb eliher addres. The price st vwhiah1 Pilan arld make a course, of r< Ment Oalparstiively inexpensve oompared with other remedae or med& trestment Miss Etta Leaper is home f rom the city for holidays. Miss Eflie Thom paon le with Good- Wood friands for a weak or se. Fred. Tilston, ,'o( Toronto, is bare for a few days with Tobias Castes-. Stanley Hughes, of Toronto, was with bis brother, T. B. on Saturday. Dr. Eastwood and Gree. Wilkin are rusticating with friands at Stoney Lake. Geo. B. Graham bas gone to visit bis brother Josepb at Man nising for a few weelIca. bue 50 or bad rom rom the eaL- as ial Mattbew Marshall and wife, of To- ronto Junction, are here with Mrs. James Patterson. David and the Misses MeFarlane, of Toronto, are here witb their brother Jas. and wife. Painter Thring lef t for Toronto on Saturday. He is flot very well pleas- ed with country life. Luther Bowes, after spending a year at Camilla as clerk in a store, has re turned home for a time. Milton Kitchera left on M-Nonday for Rosseau, where he is engaged to work in H. N Crosiey's stables. In the absence of Joshua Bundy, the shop is in charge of William Bundy. The Misses Thonison are here with their parents for a short vacation. One resides in Toronto whjle the other dlaims Buffalo as ber place of resi- dence. Harry Wrigbt, wbo bas been clerk ini the Wilson stables for sone months, bas gone to Scarboro Junction and wiIl 611 a similar position at the half. way bouse. Dalgetty, the horse buyer, shipped ln the pretty lîttie town of St._ pie, seventen une neavy nos-ses trom here &got county is one of thse bappiest homes on Monday' for Glasgow. The prices in the wbole province of Quebec, and tb.esanged from $60 to $125. He éxpects Caus8e Of mucli of this happines asetisein. to sbip in a fostnigbt again. etumable boon of bealtla conferrod Miss Mowbray, of Kinsale, bas through the use of Dr. William2s' Pink Iseen engaged as teacbes- of the Junior Puis. MIrs. Eva Sale as the pe t50f deat et of our scbool. Wa must thuis resiored, and eh. tela ber story as pranaeortutesuo h folows :-Like a great oeany other Cana- congrtleou trses pothi dians, my busband sud usyself left Can choica, and fed sure. Miss Mowbray &da for tie States, in hope Lisat wa oight will do bas-self cradit duritig the next leer Our condition, tind locs.ted lu year. Lowell, Mass. About a year mgo 1 gavae h ud apngpst etbr but4 to a briRht littie boy, but wbila yet h ud apn at e:hr on y sckbe Iwasataced itlafor Lake Joseph on Monday. The gippe, which devoloped into inlamtna- followixig constitute the lot :-Rev. tion of thse lunge. 1 had the vas-y best of an-d Miss White, Miss Evans, Miss -Care. and the besit of ,.edicai treatment, G-ould and Joshua and Ms-s. Bundy. sud alOiough the inflammation left me I They expeet to be away for a few dad Dlot get botter, but contintxally grew wesa esadwl eunwt some fine tish stories. -Albert Rawsori met witb a rather serious accidpnt while riding a 'bicycle - on the 9th con. Wben near the s-ail- way crossin -g West of the village be collided with a buggy attached tofrgtndhs- i r a sades-ably bru ised and ha was generally shaken up, yet it le a wonder he e- -~7f (~ - Jfj~ caped 80 wall. WIeaker and weaker. I could Dot slesp lahsnd I bacame s0 nervous that -the leasit noise would inake me tremble 1u r conld flot eat, and was ro- d ae aImot to a sekleton. My whole body see med racked with pain to sncb an extent thlar 't is impossible for me te de- seribe IL. 1 uot so low that the doetor howas attendinu me lest hope, but sug- ha, gested calling in another docter for con- -Ultation I begged them ta give me 8SOaaethng to deaden the terrible pain 1 Y l5dured, b ut aIl thbinge done formze seem- Sunavaiing. After tise coniOltatios Wsended my doctor said te me, yen are Sgreat sufferer, but it will net ha for lOfg., We bave tried averytbin g ; we 00~ Doo more. I hsd therefoÃ"ra te pro. W8e Inse for death, and would have 'Iweeome as a reliai' aiomy iUffÉtInDg *11 i Dt orth th 4 > of' le av n gu heard wbat thie doctoià repbhaubli tp ewill at once go 1back ta su ekand Équffering waxI weas ed to our old honse. %rende hare dthat Dr. Wilâame' Pinkt Pilla b. an sd mny hushand proenrad thn, e angthem, for SOde 4V1&5i a - lied, and froni t4at oni 00 o4asly'im Proved in isat I B ail a*' u~e -fte &OUI Pain - 1 sat eât wellst l6l a011, snd acn almost ses trong- as- ever Wsa in 'I lfe, sud tbf. ranewd h, thl- 'asnd ,trelgts '1 owe ta Ir mrvl ý?Ower@ of Dr. WiUIWIMPül elIb bd lfgratitude I Urie au 4kpé tàÃ",ýtj ~Dr Wllaua'Pinkt Pilla à" ol Il ox«5 b pri, the aid uaonld Dun ablttdt The sudden deatb of Hugb Wilson was startinglv received by our people on Saturday. Deceased lcaves a wife and seven childreu, the youngest one leing about ten years af age. He was in bis 54t.h year and a hearty man al his life. Saturday morning he was, engaged harvesting with Charles Proctor. Tbey were binding beside each other, when deceased remarked that they would finish 'the job 'before nigbt and started on bis row. lus partner rnissed hlm and on looking back saw him prone upon the ground- 4çad, having expired without a struggla'. The reomains wero irnterred on Moxxday at "Aarn, where a largo num ber of former frieude and ac- quaintances assembled te witnesa the last sad rites. COLTYNEUS The. fumera-are very busy at- their throahing. Mr,., L~k i18 amoqg the 51*ý; ho. ta leum aircun ".on Mr~ ôttia za*ligbÏtly D' ae nù& rièed' o bearf Mis. hôàw4ài6ejm lirs. Btabb ansdda* bt Mamie. Who-bave beén visiting'-inToropto, r rive houie?ýoI Mündly ,hn drivin îmto Oâàbava on bMOndy Mr ure'hoe 1 . ' fiteüed at tuetroly ~ran4, in.bi g u. brok.' put 0i h*barusas. he o î doue Etiey Puseandiuajs Stoua"h Trotible .Q(oùqu.ed" byr the Three Great Sou th American Remnedies. PROMPT RELIEF FOR EPERY Ssfety ta the sufferer fron kidney dis osas fa in driving the poison frons the systen. Pilla and powders, whilst they give apparent relief, and thua deceive the patient, do flot eradicate the disease. The hard, sand-like partiolea that gather in the blood muat b. dissolved if the sys. tem is te b. cleared oi the poison, and it la only a remedy 11k. South American Kidney Cure that will do this. Mr. Michael McMullen, a welI-known resi- dent of Chesley, Ont., waa a victitu of kidney diseas, o,0 severe that atL Limes ho could net lie down, or romnain in any oe position for a lengzth of time.- Where other medicines acoomplished nothing, he secured immediate relief from South American Kidney Cure. The sorenoas and wearineas, aft.er using the medicine, soon lait bim, and to-day thora is net s sigrs of the trouble in his system. There in no question of thoernagical character of South American Rheumatic Cure. This remedy will drive the worst forma of rheumatiamn from te syatem. Mr Robt. E. Gibson, of Pembroke. Ont., suffered untold misery. Doctors blister- ed him, and appliad evory known rame- dy, but did no good. "The firet dose of South Amarican Rbeumatic Cure," says Mr. Gibson, "gave me instant relief, and haif a bottîs cured." The nervous prostration that comas to naany women can' ha quickly overcome by the une of South Arnerican Nervino This medicine attacka the nerve centrez, whioh are the fountains of al bealth, and the disease banished from these the sya. tamn can soors ho buiît up. Mrs M WII- liama, of Fordwicç, Ont., wife of the well-known manufacturer of that town, suffered iiitensely from nervous prostra- tion for years, and seemed beyond relief csf the hast madica.) akill. "I wua under mnedical treatment.- says the lady, "for two or tbree years, but nsy condition only got worse. I readl of the wondars performed hy South American Narvine, and tried a bottle. One botule gava me sufficient relief to encourage me te con- finue the medicine, witb the restilt that it wu nfot long before I wua completely cured" Sold by J. E. Willis, Whitby. On Wednesday, Augusi 5tb, s very pleasxng oyant took place at the rasidene of Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Oliver, it beinz the ruarriage of their youngcat danghter, Allie, te Mr. R. A. Martin of Despronto» The nuptial knot wa tied bv Bey. J. Power assisted by Rev. G. McKay, in the presence of about 30 guasta. The bride, wbo was ba.ndsomely dressed, was asast ad by Misa Pinkham, oi Sunderland, ,whila Mr. Jas. Oliver, of Whitby, brother of the bride, supported the groom. The wedding march waa Plsyed by Miss Bertha Sý.- Jhn. Aiter the aeremuny ail repaired toe the dining room vbée ample justice was done the sioh wcddiag repst. The prasants were nmrerous and Costly, showing the higb esteos in oeiob the brida la beld. Mr. and Mns. Martin left on the evening train for Niagzara Falla and othar places af intarest. - Wby is it that one ~man is old and de- -another hale and accident of birthbua something to do wir.h it. Soute men are boni stronge: -~~ than others but fre- -quently the strong man beconies weak and the weak man strong. It depends ou the care lie takee of himself. When the man who rnn an eng-ine hears an unusual sound about 'h. lie stops immediately and looks it up. If he finds a littie looseness, or a littie crack, it is rexnedied immediately. If it isnt there will corne a break presentl:y -a break that wil wreck thc engine. Lakely as flot, this same matn will totally ignore thec call for help from some one of his own organs. He will let-the trouble grow andi grow until it laya hlm out in bcd. If lie Irpon working with a damagesi body .li wlSOMn wear it ont. The strain on bis nerves 'sill tell on his constitution. He wili flot be hearry when he is old. The chances arc h. neyer will be olsi at ail. Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medicai Discovery restores health. It is flot only a cure for disease, it as a -prie- ventive. Whesaevcr a man feels that bi f flot quite as weUl as hie ouglit te lie, whien.. everbe is hist1iss, without eryand-wstb- c o t * taIit, wh never hei n d itat hefrJ Iosing weight andi that bis oirdinarymori- ives bima undue faigue, ie uceda tite GolenMedici discvey, N alat IhOW lus truble s8hewn tlwond.v.. fl remedy, wili Cure hi .W.C gay t lan woud«W w e' s fîai tswaderf&g reultà,< ant cuves t*e t~herets~lé isý tea ls une i edslàrg ha41 dl T, GLU QeOL *CiGAETTES W.S.Kimbald Co, ROOHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere 5., Per Package. 17 First Prize Medals, Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. ~rManifctued y T h. y Cook to., Windar n. and DetrotMkh, iethe onIvaow gfý-relia'ble moýth1y medicuse on which lad"e cman ened in "tlhe A~ ransd tine of oz~e." Rvery lad ho sreads àhsi requested tdincleetwo poat- no estampi, witli her addreas, for an u fI P 2L we will senâ by returu mail ini plain. #aled enveippe. Au old p4yacian4 erscn tinued practace teausWi easeof women, bas ehargofthe offce. and can b. cocsulÃŽted- by letter or in persou. Address our main ofice THE COOK COMiPAN,g Rome 8-19o. 253 Vooduad Ami. W "Cookos Cotton Root Coipowml is soidlby aul respoumible, whltesale and retail dra~ .omeo Dollai per box G o. sla.nd la worklng for T. Walcb im the baselinat pmoent. miss Churchill of Détroit ài the guest of Misà -Roacis tuila week. mite Olirlat, i 'fToronto- la Viat- ihg thus tveek *M-th«e os is Tf~rm tGthsoiibOf1nl We have tile FineIt Selea- tion tutova oft ilis< PA PERSL Borders to- Ma-tc-h Corne arly and getjlrag choie,,~ P, B, WARAMNi:-,ý Brook St., WVhftil DOMI.NION BANKO Capital Paid up, Whit'bygio) General BaInking Buennem Tranmated. SAVINOS DEPARTMENT. Inatir«eowedIIa' t bigbesg ourrent rab&. 0Noois f wttbdawal requir.d au. Becent visitr : Bsah Desec, at a home ; Mre.S. Somtand lire. Boeh at their father'a T. D. Wiiamson ; Floué. Fiais, Taronto, at her brotber's, Dr. W.Tota A. Flah; Tom LuIt, Columbu, at Joh;nuBOsI Parké,' Bir. and ia. Bo h. ai b sièter's, lia. (Dr.) lolbbon; Marnas, fa («eo. AMWinsd Korrow, Bowmaavill i 6Sý ci lir. Woda; 31ra. Wrn.Parr su« daugliters, Emma sud Clam, ait. rW, Gra Parr'&; lMr. sud lire. Vice s"d Misapolicy Mfinnie Vice, otMr. Richard Omb. Noi Alif Dongherty, the Ilbsu comèdisu. ->19 with tlb. Kfokapoo Medmne iCa., la mak- te ing many friands mn Blsekutock. ThaVa e vii the steff for yoo, snd fi ait Jim Wiison's PCoicy either.-Fiab 1oc lire. Boberi Karrigan sie improving. App, optaji Mi. TOM Bosch., Who vas utayang sfis witb bis brother in-law for somae"tins.$Lt.mE pute bas returned ta his home in- Tor-, - Gen. onto. lune 2î On July 80tis Mn. Wm. Brown, Csd.- mus, prasented ber huiasnd with a fine- inae LeHysi.Rou ias Bnms » -rowm islamng dresa- niakiiiq wlths liseJ. Proutt.ý Miss B. Parka ias rsturnad -a&Nt a- side plasant. vsuîtb Oh olisnsbu'ifrisudas. Wbit on_ AuêpusaïaSrd M. , o artflay po euted ber husbassd W"lflha u. F frid. rllMmmss i At 'botter. IlLIFEAUPEE I, funds lu ba18,....Lè amaunt Assurance ilu hm pald 3g9 aumut. is ea wortM w*Me sd An ,u*bIW 49 to rmierie ffitt 4~Ii atd o utY pOnîeneii A' Wg6yuoo g s1AOo 00. rointo, rubbert Iilng 6tors au E oity. 5 x.am. charge. corner tof 1 1-- l CLA»AM«T. LowEST Vroomantoi. WALL :-: PRICEIS, $iowopoS ý sumlust

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