Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 3

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TABIOEUSVLW OORE. Â IV IgitbiD the poot svnyas u us djad Ii rjuy'three varteties of ,winter salh"beau very aarefully lested in tbes Exetn ealDparte»ePl .1 lb.Ag« th, c piti dlg , < ap . B aides as- Cerabinn twof the diffèrent varietiea grin est hebave beau losalY Oxamîncd *sch yes.Y for their qualiîy cf grain, lime ,f maturiîYs treugth cf strav, freedoin freli nsmt@ etc., in order te detarmine whicb kinda W'l1 gîve tbc Mostt alisso tory reBltg, when grow!i undar uuiform ,,,2ditiofl5. AMer tbc varions varieties have been carefuliY tastad aI the Collage for a few yeare, those whicb bave givan the best satisfaction arc selactcd for dis- t butionl îhrougbout Ontario. This sys- ;em of co-operatffe expenîmcutal work enabiee the farmers to delermaine for îhemeeives wbich of the lcadiug varictie wiii gîve the beet nesitit upeis their ovu paticular formei. As a practical rasuit froul 0btaiflifg information in tbis way, buedreds of fariners are nov growing vsriet.bet in their ragulan farin praclice, ,Wbicb were entirely urknown to tbam a ,ho-rt time ago. For instance, thc Daw- :oou" Goldeni Chaf variety ci wintar .wbest, whicii bas recentiy given snob bîgh aver'gO Yieids of grain per sera, both at the Coleoge sud uhrougbout On- tario, wus scancoay kuown exoapt iu one u3eighborhood nean Guelph, until il vwu sown in OUT Exparimental Groundsini 181,and afterwards distributed for co- operative expeimeutai work. Thiis is now one of tlie mosl popular varieties of wîuîer wbesa in thie Province. le the falcf 1895, nine leading van- îetîes of vinerawvieat vera distribuiiad in this way. Tbey wera divided imb two 8ets with five varietias in eacb. Tii Dawson's (Jolden Chaf vas uscd la botl sets t0 fornm a basis by wbic hebcrasuite of &1l the vs.ieties could bo comparai wiLII one anothen. Eaob persce wb wan ted to conducti an expaiment, statad in bis application vliich set ha desired, arnd the fiveva rnches in the set selectad vers sent to bis addres, vitb full in sructions for conducting bbe expari. ment. The grain vas sown at thc rat( of oue add onea third busbels par acre upon plots exactly uuiform in size aué shape . The yiclds per acre bave basr calculated froin thé actual resulis obtair ed from the plots. ,Nîuety reports of canefully conducte( experunemts have beeu received this ses, son up to the ime cf witieg. As thexg came frein tveuty-seven cf tbe countie in Ontario, the rasuits sbould ha of rea practucal value ta tbc farinroncf the pro vin ce. The followieg table gives tbc compar ative reguits cf straw and grain pan mcr of the winten whest vaieties testcd dui ing the part season on 90 Ontario farme Straw per acre (tons). lîaiwsons Golden Chafi 1.29 lones' Winter Fife 1.45 Pinde of Genesee 1.30 Early Red Clawson 1.27 Surprise, 1.27 American Bronze 1. 31 E-arly Genesee Giatit 1.26 Iulgarsan 1.20 jones' Square Head 1.12 CONCLUSIONS. Grain p acre bu., âoIt 21 2ý 2 ç 24 2 21 21 2C pudlots, cf .hvaiàîy, toifsum.r apligf o h ,n>'êo viioaully bth,:reskinds uii *0set whIch ey ehose su virep»ort'btéresulte fter' bancal neit year. Thre ueed viiibe sent -ont in tie order in virici the aplicatifns are reeived as long as tb* supply lute. St No. 1-Dawion's Golden Chaff Parly-G"eea ifnt, Early B.d Clawson. Set N~o. 2- Davons Golden Chaif, Pride cf Gene..., Poole.. . Set No. 8-Davacuse Golden Chaif, Steipartls Champion, iberian. Esch person wishing one of Ihese sets siould write 10 the. Experimantaliel, Agnientural Collage Guelph, meubiouing which set h. dasires ; sud thegrain, with instructions for besting, su< blauk foni on whlch te report, viii be furniaised frac of cos& tic bis address, until th. sop ply cf grain for distributiug becomos cx- hsulsted. 'h ri id Bd ia- Ae .0 ir- ,re ir- 69 .0 4.9 3.9 319 .3 ,.2 1. ln average yîeld of wint.er wheat per acre. Dawaon's Golden Chaif stood highest among eleven varieties tested over Ontario in 1898, nine varietiea in 1894, nine vrnches in 1895, and nina varietiea in 1896, aise among fifty tbree vaieties grcwu at the Agicuitural Col- lege for five yea.rs ini succession. In Luthe co-oparative experimonts for 1896, Dawscn's Golden Chaif, Jones' W inter Fife, and Prida cf Genesce gave the best yielWs on hesvy souls, sud Joncs' Winter Fife, Daweon's Golden Chaif, and Surprise, ou light soils. 3. Pride of Geneaee, Dawsou's Golden Chaif, and Joues' Wiuter Fife made t.be Lest appearanca in the sprng of 1896. 4. Eerly Genasce Giaut, Early Ried (lawBon, Dawso's Golden Chaif, sud American Bronze pos.cssd the stiffest mtraw ini 1896. .5. Pride of Ganauce, Joncs' Wiuter Fife, Buigs.iau, sud American Bronze produced thc greatest leugtb cf sîraw. 6. Dawsou's Golden Chaif, Bulgar- ian, and Pride of Geneace were the lesat, and the Surprise, Early Genesee Giaut, and American Bronze wene the mcml af . fected by the nut. 7. Early Ried Clawsou aud Dawsou's Golden Chaf vene tbc finalt tc mature, and the Prida cf Geneaeo, Eariy Genasce Giant, and Bulgaian wore the ilat to ma ture. 8. Dawsou'e Golden Chaif, Surprise, and Early Ried Claweon produced thei plumpeet grain, snd Jones' Wiuter Fife and American Bronza, the most shrunk. e grain. 9. Davson's Golden (Jhaff vas decid- edly the most popular varicty with the experiméiiters, inaesoh o theb post locm yeas; and in 1896, it vas chosen by about fifty per cent. of Lhe- fariners whî sent in fuil reporte, as beig thc beas arnong thbc rnceta sted. 10. Six varieies cf in jwethave beau tested over Onts.ioW'hrec yeai in succession villi thc fo1ow*i#9ýg averae resuits in bushels of grain pe rs Daveon'a GoIden CheffU-18; JouesI Winter Fle, 29.2 - Eurly Genem .Giait 28.5; Eanly icd biwsn, W.4; Amati- eau Bronze, 27.8; 13arpd4, 21.8; am Bulgarian, 27.2. il1' Beporte f o f 0gllfermebt wilh vinler wheàt bUVP b*« e m4!oi this scason frim tvety.seVs Conue in Ontario, sixtosu cf whic.Iaa it=4 est, sid eleven vust of -the oI Guelph-.- 12. ThePrefnqlf151%UU rauuopperf ~ II instances by the furt* l e -',-Q ( C. A. ZAVITZ, icuihural Collage, Expanimentalist. Guelph, Aug. 14, '96. ~toetofl The man wlth the tattoo marks on his skin would be foolish to tempt to wear them off by hard work. The person with a severe cough or cold is about as unwise to attempt to wear that off. This ilwear off"t idea has cost many a life. of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- phosphites, gives immediate aid -by smoothing the cough and supplying tonie remedies to the weakened systemn. It prevents consumptkon b y promptly curing these colds and supplying the preventive power by which the system can withstand disease. SCOTT'S EMULS ION kas bemt rdorsed by tbv g,,ducaI fesswn for ttWwty {ears. (As* Pour do..- tor.) 'T bu o because itt u afsays p41..abbL.-aluwayi gSif/oril-1W(Zys contdIfls tir purnO .'Yorqtr Cod-jivter Oi and Hypophospbitei. 'Pid up us ç o cent sad $ i.oao se e smal! si« a.y bce eough te cure .pour cou» or be1P jour bai-,. vraEIVAidn Mrs Alex Armstrong spent last weeh witb friends at Port Perry. Mrs H A Wetherell i. visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Law, Newcastle. The Misses Hating8 Toront.o, are the guesta of their sister, Miss Maud Has- tinga.- W H Metealfe wili spend the remain- der of the sehool vacation with friendsata Cobourg. Misses Eva Quinn and Minnie Beaton have returned f rom visiting friendzaia Colveli. Asher Wilson, of Detroit, io visiting frienda here and in other parts of thb township. Miss Florence Wales, Columbus, an. Wm Robson, Toronto, called on D I Beaton on Monday. Mrs S Dickson and littie son. Toronto are rusticating with the former'. parents Mr sud Mn Jas Kirton. We regret to learn that Thos Todd i having much trouble witb bis diseas. arm, and is quite iii Jrom the effecta c it. Messrs H Clarry, W H Metcalfe, E. Thoruton, Mn Clarry. Misses Lilli, Major, Ida Thornton and Willett.a Bear returned on Saturday from s campinR ex pedition to Adama& point, Scugog. The, bad s very pleasaut outing, sud ha great succesa fishing. Theo Hagermau's wus the scene cf very large sud pleasaut gatheriua o, Tbarsday eveuing. A new barn havin beeu erected, the purpose of the' gaLbe' ing vas to hâve a good time and christe the barn. The. newly laid floor vi found to be leve) and of sncb amoothnei that involuntsrily the company feil t dancing. 0f course they did not ail cor ineu their dancing lu the barn, aseaom s waltzed out cf there, while others polka 0off the ground, aud tepped a meu homevard bcuud. Iu the barn, hm~ ever, ail vent merr as à marriage b.ý a splendid company, elegant mué,i egracef ul dancers, sud a lovely time uni r2 p.m., when the company dispersed fc y1their respective homes. 0 kt j t a r t c t tt )d of A 'e y a Dn Dg )r-, en a- ne Ire for First in' the Estimation of Canaia 1 Women. DIÂMN» YESTUE WORLD'8 C ataîrh of l. en heais Standing1 Cuîed ai a cosi of ZP.46 Remarkable Evidence of What Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der wiII Accomplish1 Catiarrh that becomas ambeddad, as. lb were, in bbc system, is ususlly proucun ced chromie sud incurable. But that al depende. Henry W, Fraucis,san m ployec cf thc Great North-wcstern Tale- graph Cc., of Brampton, Ont, ha. been graatly troublad wibh e.atrrh in the hasd for bau ycars. Hae sys, "I triad every remedy dunng tbese yaars, and ale caîl- ad la the assistance cf doctons, but 1111le or ne benefit cama so me. I saw Dr. Agnew's Catsrrhai Povdcr sdvcrtised, aud secured a sampla, which gave sncb spcedy relief that 1 continued th. use cf the medicine n p le four boubles, whcu I found niyself asolutely sud completely cored. For thase four bottes I had to psy $2,40, where for tan yaars I had beau spauding dollars upon dollars every year gatting nowhcrc." Sold by J. E. Willie, Whllby. NEKWCABTIL Mm. Burchard lias retiarned fron Credil Forks. Mrs. Brown sud Miss Howe, of To- ronto, are at the sammer hotel at Port Newcastle; e > Mr. Norman MoBride, cf Winni-l.. peg, i. in town. Mr. Allau Fôster, cf Rochester, viitfing hiz moýtaere Mm s Fouter. leus. Wright, E-. Oroser and IL <rosher, cf Torouto, apaul Bunday lin town. miss Nate Mendiet, of Toronu*o'jà visting a n uh sis~r th hrbsbr o#8iir4Ïmyiy , a [or- lj -west to- -seé*theircrlt"wpe&" XK their present destinatlin- s Wtnnipeg, 11< Man. Lieut. W. C. King, 451h batt, n- Sc Lured Saturday morninq from Eng- ft laud, vhere he distinguishedl himself to at Bisley in the rifle matches bY vin- di niag several pnizes. Ha staYed ever, te dl take part in the Provincial matches at w Quebec where be aise vas quite suc- cessful. al On Sunday Arthur Peate, son of Mr. E Richard Peate, tailor, King St. East, a' :ook Miss Lena Darch for a boat ride, a, leaving the barbon about 2 o'clock. fe riose wha sav themn passiug eut 'W through the gap neyer dreamed that fi they vould dare ta go out into the S open lake vith sucb a higi vind pre- n: vailing, but they did aud were soon 0 away a considerable distance from land. Obseilvers an shore began ta e realize that from what they sav the r boat had got beyond control and fan- s cied they could see Peate struggling ta s returfi to shore. But ail efforts proved je vain, and farther and yet fartiier southward the little craft drifted be- fore the smifening breeze thatt blew off the north shore- By tbis time the waves vere running quite bigh out on the lake, and consternation reigned in the hearts of al vatchers on the piers. Few persans vould dare to venture out in such a storm of vind, tiierefore il vas towards evening before the attempt vas mnade. A rescuing party made ready and started out across the break- ers ta endeavor, if possible. bo re-scue the urîfortunate young couple. After following the drifting seafarers three or four miles to the south-east the wouid- be rescuerers could get n0 sight of them, and after scanning the vater'S boisterous surface for some time vitb- out getting a glimpse they decided to îeturn to port as they had either dnift- ed beyond their vision and reach or had fallen a prey ta the treacherous biiiows. With mucb difficulty they turned round reluctantly giving up the objeet for which they had taken great risks, and after a tremendously bard struggle against very high winds and at times aimost overpavering waves they succeeded in reaching Port Bovinan- ville again, very tired and disheartened over the failure of their mission. Their boat was many times nearly swamped by the breakers. The news they brought, or rather failed to bring. filled aIl hearts with deepest sorrow. A message was sent to Port Hope re- questing a life-boat to be sent out from that port. wh ich vas donc -and aithough they made a sweep of mauy miles, fia trace of the boat or its occupants was discovered. Peate vas flot a very skilfui rover. hence the probability vas kvery slim of his being able to handie the boat with much success je such ri rough veather. .r mre siption tire otier day -and ran M opposite Mr. Mulitt's reaidence near tire station before ibeing. sub-» ted., -The ng was not-injured and the ver neyer left bis place on thre igon.1. A report vas circulated here Monday ernobn te the effect that Dr. J. H. istweood, of Peterborô, badr! eceived sunstroke on Sunday while la Tor- it aud that the saine had terminated tally. Such a report vas entirely ithout feundation, and bis numercus entis here are rejoicing over the fact- Dme such accident did overtake a (au named Eastman on the abovç date L te city. Fred Merritt, of King streg.t, receiv- da severe electricai shock on Monday ioruiag during that heavy thunder aom. Ha vas flot, aven its effects for >mne days. Miss Etts Margach bas been engaged s teachen in the Ripley public sciool, nd she left for that place lsst hFiday. Teý wisb ber every success in her new Dcation. A bliud Italîsn. and a woman passed hrougb te the east Wednesdsy evening )usbing a preambulator in whicb vas a biid ae)out tva yesrs oid. They ail ooked poverty stnicken and vere con- àderably belped by aur people. It natters flot boy people become thus -duced, tbey vere in that condition Lnd the assistance vas gladîy received. Owing ta the very great success, nancisily, that attended their picnic nd concert on Juiy îst, the firemen xere ensbled the other day ta psy off x ioô of the indebtedness upon the hall. rhe balance yet due does flot exceed xi 5 which viii be provided for just as mon as opportunity permits. A. J. Huggins is ratiier uneasy these Lays. While draving in grain for Peter McDiarmid, and vhile building ha iosd he received a fork prod on the wrist. No attention vas paid ta the nishap at the timé and not until it commenced paining a fev hours after lid lie puncture receive bis immnediate attention, viien blood-poisoning vas threstened. Extreme'imessures were emnployed sud ve are pleased ta say :hat Mr. Higgins is much improved. Ann M. White, beloved wife of N. J. Brown, died at their resideuce, King street, an Thursday of lsst veek, after an illness of several years duration. Decessed vas in ber 52nd year. She had been in poor bealtb sud wbile in the States underwent an operation that did not prove satisfactory and since lien she has been growing gradualiy weaker until the end came as above stated. She leaves a husbaud and adopted son ta, mourn ber demise. The bereaved busband is alsa iu veny paoo hesitb. Tbe funerai vas held ou Saturday wben the remains were inter- red at tihe Friend's cemetery, Kingston road, éast, viren a large number af mioâtives sud acquaintances atteuded. -News. PALE GIRLS Waak, langud sud hlles, sfRw. ing from )heaurt aptau u-n] cano" eluhn exellent Medicine fer chfl. dien. Vothm b ave e puedly 1011 imeoetItu godeseupn thuIr andreEL" DiL a .(lso> LowNUS. aoeis la thS haut rmedy for childrmeo vhich 1 aMacqmaluel. 1 hope lm &Wday ne far dkstnt whnmwthoUm gooDhIdSfthoTOBl Irloretof theirchildren, an s, hstoela lin- etead of th.variounqu8Ok DoobmmlwhlOh me deautolg their lvel cnes, bytforciagopum, morplzn uotalg uyrnp and other burtMW agents lown tlielr tbroatfýS, lsby udn $hem 1 t'Oeomu aves" OoawaW, Az'k. Mr Sam Glasaord, Kirkfield, wau in town ou Sunday. Mr M McGowen paid Toronto a huai. uess triplaut week. Mrs Nixon, Toronto, jsa guest at the Hamilton house this week. Meurs Clark and Brandon, Canning- ton, are camping in Barbsr's grove. Meuars W and L Scott aud the Mines Scott, of Sutton, were in town on Mon- dsy luet. Mn 9 0 SCGoderich, Ubridge, i. visit. ing frieuds ini Ethel park- at preSent. MmssMcGrattan, Uxbridge, vas visai- ing frienda in tovu durinÈ the week. Mina Alice Hamilton, 6f Uxbridge, is viaiting tbe Misses Hamilton at Ethel park. Mr sud Mrs Waddel, Scýotland, are visiting their daugliter, Mns John Proc- tor. Rev Dr Watson returned home Mon- day laut from a three weeks' holiday in Western Ontario. .Mr Bard Tsdae is once more able to b., out, but in somewhat the worseyet f rom his recent severe illuesa. Mr W Gibbs, jr., of F.n.l Falls. apeut Sunday in towu, as did Mers Wilson sud McLeod, of Woodvile. The interior of 81. Andrew's church ia being kalsomined,. Meurns Adams Martin is doing the work. The Misses. Ritohie entertained about twenty of Sutton'a youn- people who came over on samt steamer -on Mon- day. ItMr asud Mn John MoRse snd MissL MoRae returned home lut week from a vejpleasant vîii with friends in 0orn- Mr Fred Tiedale. irkfield, i.spend.ý inIi à hihliday. ilt i. rea199 s, Mr nd1bM iodg.kmson. ~téaio piut0b~dh~slut week b h e oonFfl S off O thé nlil an Gnningtoi wua Castorla, 1 iecomhnlltasuwtor tonywsep known tb me," £L. A.. mIL. D.9 U11 ia. Oxford St, Booblyn, X. Y. Ouar phyzk*m in amtuechibls ,dqurt- ment have spokeahighlyocfthef xpl eusla tboir outaMo practUoe with Cuutodu Mduwalhog w. cly hav m ese cerM medical mippiles what la knovu aM rmcàlr produota, yet wsame fres 10coufeutittha meig tcf âsooa buswS.i tIo*kuwM faver u I~Lt" . 1A»DUUtIT Bn, Ku TeMost Economical flIc .seHOUSC Warmcr The.tmKels.y"oS vu he'ord= ]nt AIrFunmeé 'aUSS =mlub bui', bd Tsar ~Sn. Tho "K.luSY' dhtan~ Tht" KeIssy'1 Tue "lCsls~~~ Swd~rdcsC#IPt 111E JAUI~ DROÇ« Puwtfuuive I cluia bu besubuio rLacu" of 'orsIgà Mud thi individualiy meà bave bemaec thme.bed iesbvabées *vte& Bo w 0<r fay onpeieWdliisfvitytl illstaton ? -P~ r""a58*tisuél tutmm m 01l KM~. up etim1ni ring rWA botuls, PUY s nhe OeUhauw Oompsm, TI lNuIIB7 at, Noxwlv ok ECar* 5t CKasosla Dr. Bamuel rit~&rspeseplufo utt other Narootie sutoe. It lea lirmli msttt for Pbieoui, DroPs ilootbing Syropo, "d Cascor 011. it la Pleasant. Its guaraute e atbrty years' use 1y Niionsof Xothen. ( tmsora detrop Worxns sud aflap feveshness.Castorla prevents vomtlng Sour Curd, es DlarrhoSa aud Wlnd Collo. Cas»ins relieves, teetblng troubles, cures constipsl'on sudfilatuleucy, Castonis aarilt the food, relsies the -stomh sud bowels, glvlng healthy manautura l slee Oas toris la the Chidren's Panaoes-the Mother's Fniend, 1 Il Il

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