Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 4

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Mot ~hk ~Way For Bargafr as Bi~iugham on M@md*y to oonuidoe ~ tatb, It ta posuibi. ~o state dehy aceion sbould b. taii.n la view of itu petS. ~ that tii. scale on~ wlU be 40 BJ~- *e1ooeIopno,~ greater tbanever. Neyer befOrOdîdtbe.i. oever sncb a wide range as tbey wllI dans. o< tii. Liqua, Liesse Ace ?epoaI~ thisycar. It slniost looka as If. A.botjt forty ~ ~ ~ lace bad strivea te do Ifs beut wa~ii. tii. d.L 0< ng Month of August we will offer Bargai hibitton worthy 0< tii. ~ountry. Thiso! Duri Elle PES TED bvith FL/ES. discussion hdduponube espb~e~ arse Es ~ in ail SUM MER GOODS in order to Ion isoncetned, adcpted by eh. deIe~atIoa tothe toWDShIp ~ sectionai differeaces are forgatton. At tii. make cil ai ifs l8~OIDeeIlng, viz PrOSPefitv mater. wrong cannot h. made rlgbî, sud ~ be seen food produets of Prince Edwsrd Is.. (z) lbeimmorslfty0g t raffi &mogui ~ Tbroneotber.,jî, rooin for Our Fali Importations danger lu m~king le easy tq do wrongby legs]. laad; food produces, manufactures fruit ~ wasoiijy aSoertàine<j îuJuîy ~ ~ ,~; ~runswîc~; an extensive display of borses î~ fr.U«b~ ~ ~ ~ and llve stock, of Nova Scotia sud i~<ew ___________________________________ alawwb~ch bas hsd an itim valld. Et would be nufair îor.n..î d cati!., manufactures, sud mtner~ fmm 1111 R falrerlaI~ (~) t~i~ Quebse; the pradpcts 0< toreéta, waters, £1 ~ ~1flfl QD~11iyIa Qama At tha ~h fl! ~. ~gsuy ~ andL ~ gYBI~> V U1~JII5 IWUJU UUUUiU UUUUj VI LIIU Ut W~UU lic oeirad, sud insu, signature, are sald to ve crs!. sud horses ai Manleoba; tii. grai'n an been obeaiaed froin people uba were mujsîegj as minerais of the lVarthwest; sud cereais fisb 5c. sud lOc. es. taie validley of eh. law. EverT botel ks.pi'r sud minerais ofBrltish Calumbla. T'ie'gov nov heu fined ehai af eh. question ernuenta of Ontarlo, the Dominion4 sud 15 settled. Brittsb Columbla viii niake special exhîbita ie vas :U~tboe dadded-to 'uret eh. onuncil sud ai the vealtb 0f the eareb, wbile the c~d. Also a few IRE M NA N TS left of odd Pd urge thai no voIe b. taken an this measure uneil Ian PadSc Raulway Co. viii Ifl~S di as s faIt trial as co les vork~ug. The these dlsplays bT sbowîng cereais, vege- h h cl' t t 1' yuamj iO~uer1 aieafî~norugbu~ tables sud minerais fromn inan~ p~ mes wic we are ~.armng ou a a very sma1 pricc Lime was duclsre<i 'sud b~ eh. Privy Coumii, eheir Unes, to the cItent o! dou le wbat eh. the abject of'ebe people ta passing ibis iav bas Company bas shavu lu othe, yearu, lu art apparenei, bren sccomplis~<j, sud tiers sbbuld especlaîîy viii eh. exhibition b. strong, wtth A -~ ~' <I. E ~I'IL b. lieue allaved 10 judge of les 'uceit.. The ebe three Pictores palnted by F. M. Bell. zn.o.m bsr ..~ ~ ~ II,Ç~ iaw contetuplates thai ut shah be lu vorkaug Smjtb, hlluaeraetng Incidents conneceej vieh w~, order ai leasi three yeazs belote le us vaeed ns eh. death ofSIr John Thorepson, se Windsor (or repeai, but eh. liquar party bas vaseed CHIE MIST & DRT..ITGGIST, Wbol. period lu ~gbtîug a losiug batile Caatle3 for anc of which pîceures Ifer Majes- agalust Il ty eh 'n the courts, ville se tic iBm. lime sceaingan b.te~ Q~eenprluces~ Beatrice sud mcm- MEDIc&L -:- HALL, ai d.fiauoe sud conductjnZ ~ 55f. ~< f t ro>va hOU8.bOld. gave speclal sit- wîebaue legal sanclian. The ahane iieiicves ~ Tirer. wihl b. Edison'. wonderfuî -+-J4AOpITH 0 f A~UGUST, 1896.+ ebata year or mare ai the ~ ~ ~~<>~ b. oscope, su electric theatre; Ontano Brock Street, - Whitby allowed aiter the leRal figbt ~s son f Trouing Hors. Breeders stake races; Lock. SWtc hart'. sud the act vorksas WeIl as le does ~ ~ cent h Perfarnilng elephanta' lb. magnas. ass.rt itself, sud tbaî sncb dine ho allowsd *pect~cîe, eneîeled eh. "Feast ]~j ~ ~ \/Çy7r r-~ (1) r- pi. ai Pickeriug viii not ~ of sud commcmaraeing lb. <'Tak 1-4 1-'< brin. other thanga; while un COtisideraîlon of ihe was decîded ea malte ,~ ~ ~> ~ ing of eh. Bastile," sud a tha~sand sud anc LN~,, j...., .J.....J e A..L.. ast. ai au unnecesr,,.~ expense afnearîy Szoo eau!. being on show the firme weck Ch. rail. ~. ;:; on ibis yul. vun unu:e round foret:: entire one (are Mucb dissent vas exrressed frein eh. course ways bave agreed ta grant for tic giving unfair reports Cxbibition <rom ail about foaty leading temperauns 'ueo mode the 3Td, sud anuiter, no mention being mats. ai eh. ~ excursion Sept, Dry GQ~d~, Carpets, ____ ________ Ready.made ____ ________ Clothing. ___________________________ nly tbree hoiel inierestedper.Jes, vert' p ~yy . ..,..... WUITBY, AUG. 21, 1896. up eh. deputalion ealaa: couucii meeting, ~bIl. two lie second __________ A Short ail the 7oo signer, Corne anc away.for sakofliquor, ~ ~ UDOR&. B ~ O G S. .~, ..s.:ra vvLiI~['B 'Y. * boys came very near beiug drowned but Hon, W. 1). Balfour, laîely appointe~,-J Pro- W1ftb~ ~ ~ we are pleased ta say tbey dits ual, but are Iast Sunday saine of the J.,5 vincial secreeary of the Onearîo Goveru. yee an tht turf Preparets for another try ment, vas suddeuly aîtacked b>' bemor. A Mrs. Mime. Detroit, lu the guese o! Mn. St iL. rbage on Saîurday lasi, and died Wednes- Mr. J. A. Undenhili, Port Perry, was in this week. nues. Miss Barker is the gizese ai Miss Bagshaw day. His case was very similar to liai of town ou Monday. Miss Websîer Ieft on Wednesda, of last lb. laIe Dr. Rae here. Each reacheci the ~îeîî Hopkins Toronto -vas lu week for a pralangets tnp througb the essI- lîeighe ai bis ambition ouly 10 die lu a 1ev tovu titis week the guese 0f Mn. F. Ifovard eru pOrtion of lie province ta recuperate days. Annes. her healîh. Sp cial e ni Vaccination as a prevenîlve ai smahl.por Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mal receuveci a baci set back un Englants the have reeurned fr~ ~ lin.. 1er, liraugham Tii. genial hosteas ai the Dewdrop inn o u n 1; Sa. montha' ~ bas removed, laking up quareers in Onillia. aiher day. A commission of niecilcal men Europe. Snr~ the fapsily wiU b. missed. FOR TIEIE NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY, which liaci been seeîing on the question ai 6 piece solits vainut parlor suite, plush ineervals for seven years han reported witb silk plusi E. 15Usd ta "mese' us. healîhy peopie have At Ilie Oddielîows' grand Iodge aI Sarnia Mrs. Gea. Marquis sud Mrs. Thôs. Merrick againse vaccunaîîo0 Thus W. Tii!'5. bauds, for 832, voalli ~ ~ Wbat vas lb. malter vith Pete last week? been campelled ta isant theur pure fiesh with lase week Major J. E. F'areweh vas elecnerj have cadi bats su auack af unifammalion bue se the rancorous diseased pus from animais ~ Grand Warden by a very great anajariey. are pieased to learu litai bath are recavermg. nov turus OUI ta bave been ail an ignorant Miss Blanche Suniti, Chic~a,5 distingu. Mr. W. j. Dable's hile girl, vba vas unfor- picce ai barbarity. ished musical graduate ai Ch. o~, tunate lu being trataplets by a hors. on Saturda> Ladies' College, was the guest ibis week ai tant, is rscaverang. VTT1i O IŽr 0 U E ?,- Belveen the silver craze un the Western Miss Loîtie Greenwood Muy of ibe fariner, lu this neighbarLa<,<j baye vvaii States sud ihe gold craze lu Western Can- ~ for ~ fiuisbed bsrvesiing sud repart s fairly good Papers, Baby Carnages, JEllammocks, lVagons, & fr ada ihey viii soon have us ail crazy. And A ivo seateci Giacistane, as goots as new. rd. viii be a limes vors. off May ~ ~n ai NO~port's ~""age £hop. Mont reai than ihey are nov, lusteats of a thousanci ~'~i1~13~s and ail Sunim er turnes betier off as so mauy crazy peaple are W. H. Piper eau sel! you a fi-st dans wind SESSION and SPOrting Sa sure they viii be. A mmnang stock brok- miii, aiso the besi pumj> lu the..mnarke, 1896-7. Som e of the Fine Stationery that has been selling for transactions are wiih professionaî iflen- Th~ Colmai.su The Curriculum comprime Courses lu GOOdS. et lu Taronto staies that Ihe mont ai his Welis cleanets out. Give hlm a eau. LJ A I~ I fJ .~ ~ E i ~ ~ ~Is1, I lavycra, leachers, doctors sud preacher~. Th of the tht ~7tsSly Cauang FOR WOMEN), APPLIRD SCIENcB, i~"' r ~ ~ ~ I O p fN long ta lies. classes. The only av Carried ber <nIl quota froun Toronto 1<> MEDICINE LAW, sud VETERINARY 5cr- sud mes'chauis, but aIl the foola do nat b.- sud ere ver. v-est crowda on ARTs (induduug lie Donalda SPECIAL L.. (i .. ~ I Ibat neyer suifera ai th. bauds ai iaku lournailsin 'tE as Whitby Oshava, Bowmauviîîe ou Saturtsay ENCE. Matriculaijon Exhibition sud LeÎt yet. Secure it before it ail goes, as cânnot Satûrtsay Col ulabian She There is no bloots lu a stone. afternoon Schalarship Exaanlnations vili be heits :- We shouits say ihat th. appeai olîbe Pick. A Poor Mas'. Comfort. ARro AND MEDICINE, z~îb SEPT.; APPLED money. cring temperacace alliance ta ihe tovuship Colts anci bungerar~ no respecte~ of per- SCIENCE, î6~~ SEPT.; LÂw, STE SEPT.; AGENCy for School Desks, British Dying Co,, and Bjttericks' Patterns. A f nil sti -council not ta bold any vote un ît,, local sons. The vinier vînts havis arotunts Ihe VETER1N.,&~Y SCIENCE, 261-n Sgp-r. option law until la bas been atsmltedly lu through a poor ane. Ants Fib~ Chamois is formation Caleudar cautaining of the Newest Styles al-ways nich man junt as searcbi~-iv as Il sveeps Copies of tht , lui] ~ on hand force Ibre, years lu baseci ou sounci argu. equally a boon io bath vili ils vonderfui ,,may b. oblaineci on application meut. It la also a <air anterpret.aiîon ai îaw, bealîblul, varmîb givîng quaîhaes, irs Jigît ta lb. Acting~Secretary me. 26.-3(uos. wbici statea ihat the law bas been an weaght sud trlfiing coat. Those ta vbom fonce lhree years (that is, ~admireediy in money as no abject prefer using it ta b.iug Thin lu lie Besson of lb. year vben people 1?,. 8. farce) lb. councli may permil a second vote burdenets dovu by the veigbî of 'uany vu-spa arc troublets viii aweaîy <etC. Foot Elazu - on il. The laquar parly bas Sa manageci ants thon. vho periorm onedoor duties lu riares il lu ibre. dava. Allin'a drug alare, J'~gru'I ,u,~OETu'c'Ti ~..- Ihinga as 10 preveut ibe varking of the î~~'> colts veather ~ud le invaluable as le keepa Whilby. sud nov shen tbey bave been heaten oua ont ail viu4 sud coîts-not for an hour or sa they bave no right la kick agamnsî a fair trial but (or ail day, ana yee adds noîbing whic~ Van Pairs ai lie lsv's warking. The Outaria govern- hampers ehem no malter vbat Iheir exerclue uncue bas issueci Instructions for il'srigtd eu- may b.. Wiîi il tirougb their coter gar. Aug 31 ta Sept za-lu triai Torouto 'IAy!I A farceenent, sud for tb. f est lime we are ments everyane eau cujoy vinîcn's coldent .iejt lO~-19--P<Oyin~, Mauncai enablets te lest lie merits ai ibe lav. î~ snaps lu perfect CainfarL IlIl cil toruali Iq at tire very frit moment ~ Colles., Moutreal. West Durbain, Bovmanvnje '5-18-...Bay ai Quint., Beile~~îi, test- cf '5v eau b. bats, sud The MeGlîl Coliege calendar for lie ses. " Iaudsay~ vouits 6e mas~ unseemly baste (or lb. coun- McGiju 21-23--Coetr~ Peterboro agaient it, tzeIjus~1 Prejudice ai 1a90.7atudentsuasviii oeendo IM~~cIoonsuîtta sud ils sud Detrieam Wbitby ~ ~ and Orookery. àtftftk.Tftilffff lu Conuection wlli ils vorking, sud nov Important changes rnthereguistio~ A de- Dinner and me liqucir ps.?rty hait causets ail îh0 trouble pages, espcclaîîy as there are nom, ratier l'h. ~ (Jhoioe Tea ~ Cheap. wsut ta use tht stnife îhey creaîed for litir partineut of Architecture bas b..5 establisb. WRITBY. J - osu adeantage. To cali a vote nov vouits ~d sud lectures viii begiu Ibis year. Tic . Wheat, visite, ~ F&~ily Groo bah like pisyiug mb their bauds. Let the departineul of Chemîaery sud Min~ng viii 6w: -- , 6i ta council walt uneli these men have not clarets ~!~9 b. placets lu s liarn,,crhl., __ __ _ eries, Teas, Ooffee. ..~...,, sur a year, sud tien hoits ~ dîtian. The erection of a iarg. b -.. -'-'--. . 30c ta co. <>518 j .v ruit~s, .I~t0., .I~te. f~ .~aa iu~...... g __ tilidin la Strav, ~oc oo. I-l.sy, or la taldag stock ve find several tbin~ vote, W. bave ua objection ta a vole sud b. donatets by Mr. W. C. MeDona iilclceus, par pair, sac. Patates, pet bush,~ but ~hoy sue 8tJMx~ Goons a~ Bnîeer, 13e ta ~ 9C. - Ckeaî~ for CacA Tra de. or. slvays neady ta go ouI sud fighî an PlOCe.ded witb lmui.diat.i, sud f j Prias ta Srngihe ZYmes. - theyuseasî.~ - P1IS~1~~~, ~u4t~ may~ootss. I now upon Ibis lav, aller lb, liquor parly bas astry, Miuing sud Melallnrgy Tht depsut. rames, $r.a~ Pet dos, enemylu anopen tielts, butta lake a vole ~ viîbliemose~~t apparatu~~u~ an. ta foc. Han.y lu foIh anus, 7c pet lb; T~tiiere~ * lot ~d' s~k&w ~,&~rs -been allasets ibre. years ta tiesmirci le, meut af Ciassies bas b.eu furîber strenglien. TORONTO. j>~~>~1~ bu>' ~ cl.Ung -~ trie. tlîeyar ail N.w aw~ &abonsbj voults b. GO (air figbî. ets by tht ftpPolaitmene 0< ,~rof. Frsnk <~. Wheae, vbitc, 6~ ta 00e; ted viatèt, 63 ta ~ 1er, MA., sud MrSB Ooc;gaase, a Ioooc, Bauiey,~oo~ Oats d.L~ 4~i. A - ~0045~Sli4~I~ Si SlackM.A catie ~, $15. ça "'W SiiVUL 8flii P!COS £o~'YO1U5Jt * beantifi Aarioasa PeItuas. enter lu Classies. $0000. 8trsv $10,00 ta pLoo. Batter, tub.- - positions respectlvely af Profew.>r sud le.. ' ta SS~ 45 10 aoc. - le Es veli vorti wbiie for Canadiaus f0 Nlgb Court 1.0. P. .11 au apents s littI. liane iust studylng Ameriesu Tht aigh Court [adependent Order of ~ Soc; ducki~ 50 tofoc; tunkeys, pet lh,8 ta Hogs, iii fitoltro~ uotMng, poliîacs. There are four v-est issues nov Forestera for Ontanlo met at Ottava ~ cao; ~ese, 7 ta 8c, Potatees, par bush, 3010 under bot discussion sud au ai eîem ~, Week, sud a~uang other business ~ 350. naucy, la h lb osas, mo.tm~ft~b1. 'l~ ~ -~ -Waists su mes Ibga. tasiiy uudeu~atoad: (z) Tic unlimnited issue the Province ai Ontsna vas dividd loto $150 te $zq~ pet dos. - - Chue. iurisdictjons Casteru, ceotrai sud VOTERa' 1~9(4 - LIST. M tegal tender of silver rooney, shici aI esteru. The follovingîs eh. lisîog O~cers ~wes.nt la oniy vorth ~ cents lu tic dollar; r this, tic central division: W Whhby on UUIci>alIty0<tiue Towagh et absorptIon ai. rallways sud tele. Ranger, LT Barda7, Whftby; ugh Clelef MCAUIJFF~.Af Tutada>; mrapbllnes by the gov.rn~e,>~, Q)' uc lu. Chief Ranger, A W Mime, Torontot Hugit Auguse z8tb, r8g6, Mary McAuuilïe, agets 63 thaUha YJiii~ITIM~ ~ieeIonafs 1>1gb lucarne Cax on ailvealehy VlCeChiefRaugei W B Ssuudm St~yner ~ ~ - se:, sud tb. ap~aintment ~of a sapreme Htgh Sttftsry, R.J. Niddrit, &cesaor.~ TosaLzwsoN....At (>sbawa, on Tuesday~ ~- ~ VoéeW Lise. -~ ~oprt o! jndges ast. vflling ta bolts iîae Righ- . AtiptU Pl~ming T ~ti>, ~ '~~' ~Ifr0d ~ ~Uçli 'dl5crtuiinatian againse vealti Is con- HIgh ?hysIci~, ~>. ~ ~~TOflto; Augnet Mis. ~QO2gfl5~>g vida --~ - - - -~ ltltu&e~opal; <4> Cie reatrslnlug ai Ch, Wasi- High Caunseflor, T W Cita le, ~ routa; ai tii. late Tiiotuas ~un.<>,~ ~ed $6 ~lgtau governineu~ froua sendiug±roopa.~ fl!gb A.udltars, Oea iiet doien v-est riots as vas doue tva yc~ Prestos af Torotata . r~ allia, a - - ,~igh Vbaplis, R., J MUaRAY-AC bis go durin; 1h. Chicaga railvay strike, wben H Sit COIdW8teY ~ ~HJS~1 - h. anarebîse gavernar, Alegeits, ~ H S W, W'ADnaucsu Batik Murrsyaged *5 loti wleh Cie sîrikers ants woulduot aiiow Ste. Marae;uîw HMLÎCtIe. nytUlng ta be don, la stop Cheta (rani pli (>woe Scund. y0ate by ~ - - - 1189' W Pointas, H B~ PI~qau~ ige, burulngs sud aIl sorts ( destruction Adans' ~ Caimfagton; H M A naajority lnfavorociinciu G~zei~J1 1111, Chuia ~: <auaUcai the Domqçraîbc psrty ~ fll1a~ Chat psrty's Crahlelass ~t> on hi ~' ta fluaI plaeeja lia 'itb the ~oc1aUses sud suarchlats (Pop division. i0iiifngCo~~g~ y _ they cmli theniselves) sud sosie Re- s. via fayot ebo -uew 4pct$~es; ~0Mi1 ai Edmzcatiaa. -. - ' - B~D~Y4 ~aJorlty 0< R.pubhî<,ans, ~og~b~ Mt~Awsg. ~atIa~I 4~rpgoe BlOv r.adar~ - LOziservaîlve plenioetso< t~>i)e. titi naps le. ro- ock I lu ~ s ~1s le id la il 't 4 4 <Whutbylnwi It is- stylish, .J 0yolometers, Wlatch. Holder Silver Name P Trump Watch for touri ino. 8. Bar WJIIT J It e LOOAL LAGON Mrs. Jos. Spurrill han gon han. Nev fall goods arriviug dali Waltrs'. Hardwood dining tables, 4 lea mt W. Tills. TTry Tod's breads, sold only ~cents per oaf. Miss Jessie Webster, Toronto imonth's vacation. Mesars. Gross & Dent are tip ta Spanish Mills. Misa M. Hollandi, Toronto. riendss lu tovn an Saturdsay. Miss Clara Adams bas gone t~ Isit ber sunit, Mrs Wm. Hustor Tva brick bouses ta rent ; uces ; low rental. Apply ta M. Tic Eurydice carries only one om this port on ils Rochester tr ight Miss Bellá Nicholson, West Ta 01n, is visiting in town with Ma is. Nicholson. Mr. Chas. Winn, Hespeler, wh isting relatives lu tovn for a r it for boni. au Tuessay. James Sadier, Whitby, is prei sper haugmug at 5 cents per roIll, ith your orders.-5-4in- Mesars. Hubert Chisholin andi 'tison are taking s tr'ip to Forl bey ill go by Oven Souud an< AUi eh. heat ai the pane fortnigl ing rain, tint the sudden drap are Tuesday mrnnug broughî s'y quickly. John A. Ashby, operator at Co ar Sudbury, anci Frank J. Atkür orat Ivanhoe, bath on C. P. R. r a fortnight's holiday. Mr. J. A. Underhili, Port Pea an Monday. -He rode [2o m :ycle anc day lst week, starti1 th> of Guelph and wind-ng Up z ets anid Shoes at auction pricés for 30 day aI s' New Shoe Store, East Side, age fares to àhawa. D'Brieni, Oshawa's phtograp 'ge.(ares to Oshava for ail iennug wvork to the value-af $301: foe-jurth match of tht seasai nide's Creek team sud thei M keplaceat~ the'Athletic grounds 0 -eveniing. Resulting in fav PlaeSifteam byna-scoreof p a.tsg have never yet been pv~rett wedd' took 0Thursday afternoo trcii-pairtes being Mr. -sI ftPaul, Minnesota, bicia.lpoice magisltrat weleEck, of!P at the Ontario L The wedlding was ~-..Ges. Warreu, af ~balsister oftheg Thei, Cusouc 4ong Te and AUG. 21 FEmAY,

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