Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 6

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Obarley WIbuïn an&a ecoun ~IM4 .ohov, i aarel em tl _oglo'thfaiy ataSU. We had . ofrelaions, sudl h u s age id favoribe vi61a, evensBome he -gever s3een, for they would aie à basve hLm legacies. He vas 0 antly geiiing somne ile Ilvindfi oftIhis kind, tliiai lengili Char Wiburn's 4"lnck'" became a gene catobvord among us-a syuonym &Ul that vas lucky and foitwste. One moi-ning ai breal"st - vere artistesuad shared the sas roomsansd studio- ho reoeived black-edged leIter, vkicli upon op£ iug and reading, ho cast dowu vit) discontented look. Another funeral te, go te, ho gi-n bled, sud here are my pictures unfi ished, and next week is sending- day. Who is il new ? I asked. Aneti legacy, I suppose, eh ? Very likely, hoe returned, indiffa ently-he vas se used te these thini he scarceiy took any notice of te nov. It's Uncle Alexander Steghe Did yen know him ? 1 shook rny head. Have heard him.; nover saw hlm, I said. 1 hardly knew hlm myseif, Chari( explained-at loast, not sinée I was boy. It's a rare bother, titis, cemnir jusi now. Snch a long journey ii the country. 1 aay Jack, yen ha' doue your picturesansd sent themn and have nothing to do for a spel- couidn't yon go down for me ? What, in your name ? i exclaime( Yes, why not ? It's year's smoce was among any of the set. Thi letter us from a Mr. iParchly, il solicitor te, the viii, 1 suppose; b doesn't know me. You are Jac Wiburn-1i'sonly a difference of Christian name, aud it'8 ail Lu ih family, yen kuow. To cut the matter short, I had t consent-as I generally did wher Charley was concerned. 1 took the lawyer's lettêr, as a soi of credeutiai, and set ont grumbliný s good deal at vhat I ceusiderei Charley's cheek in t.hus makiug us of me. If 1 had finished np my veri before ho had il vas only because' had worked ati t more constantl3 and now instead cf reaping the ad vantage in lte shape of a few dayib rest, he made il an excuse for sendini me off ou a lugrbrions mission Iikg ihis ; and Charley would, ne doubt have a good legacy, too, ont of I. I den't snppoge ij's innol, ho saié te me. Porhaps a huudred or two- hardly worth gomng down for, yot . 80 1 had to go-vith ne legacy in view ai ail, smail or large!1 However, as 1 have said, I set oni for the place-lt vas Devonshire- and ini due course 1 arrived ai thE litile town and put np ai su hotel for the night. The funoral vas fixed foi and enow, asud1 I titcoid and misBer-, able. At lte* eud oflte- reading of the viii I vas makiug my vay ont te get back le Lite holel, when some oe said: Mr-. Wiburn, I believe ? I look- ed around audBsaw a siff, militai-y- Iooking old boy ýegarding me wilh a smile through his spectacles. Chai-bey, isaid ho, dont yen remember me? I ihougiti te myse1ft, Oh,.:novwTm Lu for i. Here's a - iee mess-a&Il titrougli trying te soi-vo Oharley. Just rmy bad luek. Tii feeling did net growbos wheu ho sahd -.Milly wanta3to speakl<q, ou..% 8he has beefi ooidngat yen, sudsasys ah.e au hardly recogniie yen for her obd play- feilow. (No vonder, I ihought. lb woubd b. si-ange if ah. did.) She carpe -up sud ahook ha-nde, énd te momnent I looked ai lier I simply fail' helples esod ovor sars ilove thon and there. 8h. secmead. te b. te loveliesi, -moeut Morable. reaure 1 had ever sean. A sti4de.p. reoito' =w, Whe iî*ak#lo h er1,M I- ma-yrio4~.~ ~ ~ui beîng, kera ncet1wBto o s egardOffii Ibis vhuld not ba-ve irobbed me u for thsalogaoy of £M00 Iaswu P- Pead ,ve 6me for. Wsta the li ecret cause et Ibis sudden friand- lin2eee? I saked myselfL But whén 1 'lookedst Mily, sud sav -theraiià iglanceset ber t-nthfül, honetst-looking eyes, I fait asbamed of inyself; uer, v whon I regarded lte major, sud noted e the open, msnly look the fine old solnier gave baok Ici me, oould 1 bring -myself totink oftim as aceming obd 'fortuno-:hnnter.* 8nch good friende did vo threo be- come that I in«cred ou Lu 1h. place -fr a veek, dnring which tiuue I gi-ev diymore uucomforlabbe aI 1he part I aaplaying. A atIsongiti oui Mill7 eue day, siene, sud coufesse4 lte rut te lier. I am nont snrprised,*site said; I ltought yen voie net muet like lte Mharley I ueed le knev. But 1 amn bonry for yen--so-ny te lhink yonr cousin shonld have gel that £5000, while yen vere nol' evon as muet as mentioned. Ait! I said, villi a aigt, ltai is Charley's luok-and mine. Il is a]- ways the same-alvays tas been, sud slvays vil be, I suppose. I vas thinking what 1 dared net say-thaî, if that £5000 had but been mine, I could have asked fier te be mine, tee; vhereas nov, with my poor prospecs-weil, et course, il vas fou7y even te dxesm et sucit a t.hig. I vatced ber narrovly aftor ltai, but eould soc ne difference Lu her treaiment et mc. I had vritten le Charlcy, ielling him cf itis good fortune, sud thal 1 vas gqing te stay on down here fer a fev days ; but beyond a brief note «xprecssing wonder ai vhatover attrac- tion I could se. ihere ai litai lime of lte year, hoeitad aaid uething sud wiiten ne furiher ; net a vend of thanke or et reference te, hie $5000 legacy. Another vcek slippcd by, sud I euhR stayed on, Ait the end ot that lime I vas in sucit a stateetofmind ltaI, eue day, finding my3elf alone viitt Mil7, I blurted ont my hopeless love for iter, and said I vould go avay ai once, for I toit that I conld net possibly stay on Ihere any longer. Mill7, alvays quiet sud sclf-pessessed, remained silent awitie, audten "aid, lookiug devu: _I iitînk you hsd botter speak tù U. 1 &"& éqqtv papa. 1 What! I rapturously exclamed, do yen really bld me hape, Mily?2 Do t you really ihink there le a possibility of your.father-I stopped and shooh emy head. Aies, no 1 1 eaid, Buch a r thing conld flot happen to me. It wouid be Charley's luck, that-not rmI Well, said Milly, cornposedly, they say you neyer know your luck tii you try, but if you are too faint-hearted to try, why, of course- PUi go off and find the Major and have it out ai once, I burst out. > And I saw him accordingly, and told him the whole etory, humbly apologizing for daring to aul for hie danghter's hand, when, as I W&8 bound to teil hlm, I was not Charley, but Jack Wilbur, and I had no £6000 legacy and ne prospec'ts in particular, and ne luck 1 H'm, said the major, how is it Master Charley cornes in for al the luck in thio way ? I don't know air, I ans wered dolefuly, He goes about more and makes hlm- self more liked, I think, whie I-1 hesitated. ý Whie you stick ai home and work. 16 that it, he aeked. Weil. I returned, I do my besi. Yom see, I have nothing else to rely of--r hope for-like Charley. lte hie luck-and mine !* However,, eaid the major, I have been told you gel your picturos hung,1 and selthem, whiclb ha more than he does. Io thatluck too P To'this 1made no reply. I could net see ils relevancy, Nov, look hene, Jack Wiburn, the major went on. I knew ion were net Oharley Wiburu . (l -ooked UP in suýrpris.) MilIy -bld me, aùd I have mode oertamù nqir ie of my own, and1laveeo ltea YOU. The Âlezau"àd -< zen_ Wibur va, a -very old and* aul itiaI -friand atminee and hâd Itgag e l h4pur-O M11ifllé, mmyikê Ohétley (h.~o I ju Ped~ o44 o»-thsiý MURRAY LAM&NS LOAMAN'S BTH. AU. MUBUI8TS, PERFIEN AID SENERAL BEALEN. Fumy Thinga. Do you believe Liat vo ean telegraph to theaspirit land ? Yeindeed ; Ihad adesph frein Rob Badger yasterday. Ho, did yen knov it wta frein Bob? 1 had te psy the charge&. Our houa. oleaning vent off without any gruibling thie year. How did that happen ? Why, I put amre dmes and quarters in the pooketa of my old Vesta sud then tld niy vif. that 1 had lest a #10 bill. The -Guet-You seetni t have the sanie style ef pie for dessert every Ltime 1 dine wir.h yen. The Entertainer-I thought you'd no- tice that. Our landlady batea lier pies by the square rod and cuts 'em eut with a stencil. I presuine yen cRry a memento of somne sert in that looket et yours 1 Precisely. It in a leck of my hus- band's liair. But your hnsband in still are? Yes, air; but his hair is alilgene. Huai-a-bye ablie stil ith thy daddy, Tby mammiy liasgene te the club; She'll play hermeIf broke, and eaU it a Whie dsddy muat 84,y home aud scrub. Hfandsonie Policeman-I *tliink, rny dear madain, tbat yeu oug1bî te know what your hua is dom-g--w she-I do 1 1 doe!Kick- humagain, (Jiarlie!1 Giveft to himî ,Oh, yeudear- old hubbjr 1 Wh, our teeth mae chattpingg aaid, ToMIew !o Bruno. *Boy o oial om for n etIlusch warnlveathor >' Iteek a bite of hBostw cp, re. plied the wiagided dog. Jaunie-i kuov iisimaid te ,berg u tife arm lots et mm- Jasai-Jer ge«leu...make, whe? detiyhIre al hsselome ea ' gam fo,? b.kluW;i i. aP qmt lthe ISabbel biee-witb hie mbdrer. ler for Bentue7 &koù,. Brngliart u, hor Suu a licg on old hie -d-- Mr. Bobson , cf Toronto, and Mies Floree.Males, of fteaeb, vote visiting viti ThommasPoueber sud wl vie rr$un- thâýW, The fariera aire hineling those daya. Mr. A. B. Reesor, ef Brookin, upent Sundayliez-e. Trout Croek suminer r-oit hors is well patrenizod Ibis season. Mise Fi-subie Lavi, et Toronto, vas visiting bore Ibis vook. Mz-. sud Mr-s. F. Mitchell, cf Torouto, voee1h. geelo f Enocb Kester on Sunday. Mi,.. Hardy, of Toi-ento, je visiting at Mr-. Beesor's ber-e. The tanera] ef Martha Elson, daughter ofe Mr. Heur-y Elson, vbo vas abot acci- d.ngly on Baturday lu-t, teck place berc on Monday atternoon. 11ev. Mr. Leggot offiiated. Mr. sud Mi-. 0. Raymer-, cf Viuelaud, vers visiting liera t"s veek. A CITIZEN'S STOIRY Two ai' Feela Enough. DID NOT NEED THRREE. Re Chemîst and DrOggst , Brok Stret WITBY, MpI.= O ou ty ol ci or O9 iE0 - Sputh WM g' Cortmu, Whutby. Barlatr, etc. Office formet cee«P by PareeloUi Bitledge, ziext RyalRo Bkock st., whltb7. DAVID ORMIsTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Lav, Solicitor lu Chanee COnveyanoer, eto. Office - lu the.0:0 meuh eoftthe Peut Qffice, lu MoMihi TherdSoreI bave i viii M11y,7ab boili ha4esomeihingte selt up No need le -tellte joy vhth vhicb 1 heard lhe unexpecled noe, or lh. heartinees vith viich I ihanked tb. kind-hoarted major.* VUi go off sud leil MIly ai once, I said, but 1 had net gene far viten h. ca-ed me baek. Yen don'l ask hev mucit yen vhll have le aetart, houeekeeping upon, ho isaid. Whst malter, Sir, since yen lhink il enough ? 1 ansvered. H'm; but yen -may s elI knov. You miighi nettlhiuk ienongh. 11ev mucli is il, thon ? I asked. Fifty ihousand pound!s-i ed the major. And ihisi is vitat Chai-loy lest sud I gained by that journey - Mhly1 (vort more titan ail> sud £50,000. And nov Chai-loy von't speak to me or te My vife-for MiU7 sud It are mairied-and hosays I merely1 took advantage et him ;, but I asay, asi I used te say before, il je ail his buck -sud mine. DOW & MCGILLIVRAY, Barrister, Soliciter, lu Chaucery, el £UtbicaL Drs. Warren d Moori J. .Moore, M.D., F. Warren, M. Brooklin. Whîtby. ,)ýPri'ate Telep/wne Communicalio Office heurs1ilsa Phsica, Surgeon and Accoucher et Offce sud Besidence next to Al gaini Ciurch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dentsl Surgery in aIl ils branches promrt attended 10. Dr. H. Wightmai c Ul Pl >71 iOpen Gveragerday nWhtb i uUtntou . W. E. YARNOLD, D.L.S., lounty Snrveyer and Draiage Englue. DENTIS T. WU. CALVERLET, Having moved into our nov proise,'W4 are preplared to extend the. range of business Au i l ortainig t0the hares-makini and saddlery business wiii b. don. o siio faction. CoIlars a specialty. Cal and et y shp and stock. W. CAL'YERLEY, GOUNT? Op ONTÂ X, WmWa-D. C. Madoue~ Jn8; Peb. 8; Marck ,ua2: 3uly 7B .2; Oct '4 OSHÂWA-D. C. Mac4oeu, m j»n. 4; Peb. 4; Msrch 4; 'Apri 8' Dec. 8, #S Baoueuj - M. Gleeson, G Cler.-Jan 6; Marohs6; jMaY 5; Jal Sep. 4; Nov. 5. ; ily PORT ftRRY - J. 'W. B=% PeMr, Clerit-Jan. -*29; ]March 9;~ JuIy 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Il1 Uxzumoz-Joseph E. Gould, t.., Clerk-Jau. 80; Mdarch 24 May" 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. ' > CÂwuNMGTO eorireSuitbC, 15;Y« Dec. 17. 2;uy IÃ"4 BFAÂvxnTeuq-Geo. F. Bruce E,,. Clerit-Marci 26; May 21;- Jul' 16 'qls Dec, 18.' ';o 'UPTEROROV-F J GIIlegpie,U Clerk,-March 27; May 22; 1IuJY 17; QýCLi Dec 19.t JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- 6Lmber, BIdaigles.1 gsabDoors »d Blxdda, _l-Ail orders or information catib obtained froni JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son's residence. Whiby Apil4th -94 WîtbUshrort1856. 01 par auum i iiiadvae., otharvise f1.80Subuarlptious alvalra payable Ah thee0206oi publition. Te-publtiLerr anycuot ofies but Whîtby. Anyj¶e tuilfa a t e r- aeb t . de st n on b . eplceod upon ' uotlfta oiia s -malter .1 po0ée. MvertsUda rates- uulesaby con- c".1 et. per lin, noiapaie, Btin- sr"lusud 6 o.nla 'par lUn. euh be- quert lserton - LOal, 10 euts pu lino. sw»A1lchazqe. fer yvarly udvertiseuentes muai b. brought lunezit laie: thau Tuesday m o ru rug .. * t . ENDEEBON à GEÂKÂK. JORF STAPre, lerora. OHN STANTON, Poremari. Railvay T1e Table *EABD -TR'UNW AND MIDIÂND' eui, klû;iieâ .omo au rm ma 1 Ramer bus 1h thst a number etfeooked toma-tes have beon ta-hon frem tthe vines lu tuis village dnring ho p at veek. Friday the thormometer seo1d04lu th e aliade on Gerov's voauda. . W. H. *Coltrusu, oui toachor, hais beau 'pouding the paut fev veeka viti his parents north et Stouffvillo. While Mr@. John Pattez-son va-adnir inR the binder Friday the herses teck fright* and rau avay, lbrowing lier froni the. machins vith great force. Âlthongb severely uiakon np lirs. Pattez-son luck ily escaped more serions accident. Rad ase talion upon tb. table th. amenul cf ÃŽcf- le tl, iR, re I B. e' ILI c ýp -FOR- - ~?ARTI( E TÂ'KE NÃ" OT AugmaaatA, CI- A -' S r early t'. suded te ti it. The sm £ Geserous O~r. (F~a6~sked ~ eu Dver WMtb3 -FIOR- -. SALE ýBY, A GPOD SA] By eider, 896 New Livory and Sale JE. FAJtE'WEJ, Clark of th , ïe 1 -. 1 1 .1 1. 1- 1. ý 1 1 1 1 Dundas St., Whjtbyt'z J. T. NEWPORT, Proprme Commercial mon liberally deait ulil Teamùng doue aI reasonable prces Preigil sud Bsggage hauled ast!ff Lble prices. A eall sohicited. D.E0 ,IG IDE N T IST. Jor. King & Yonge k3t. Tond~ For the next tbree mentis I &nél ýpecial attention ho ,atients liou SA ince. A=n shul makiug pistes luàa e, oelluloid t10. Gold sud ailier t 'oîk crowning by fiat-dlass opertm is mont reamonable ratem in 1h. NThon inthe city cal in sud let meé ne lur teet-I aenexr 3 B IGGS, Deutist, enuti es el Lig sud Tonge Ste., Toronto. 1 - de H- WAR 1 RÂLER IN GOAL, LATHI LUMBE 1 Mr. James N. Davis, cf 75 Welington st., St. Thomlas, sPeaks Of an event of laie occur- rence, which shoulcl be [of interesîte many of Our citizen&. Mr. Davis, in conversation with Our representative, snid: "Doan's Kidney Pis are tbe best kidney remedy I ever heard or They bave rernoved the distrmsing kidjey trouble with wbich I wus affl=ced. and muadesa stronger, bappier man cf me, For some years I bave been troublecl w-i th -5ev=rePains aTroa the lower part of the back- The urine was clark in color and caused nme a great deal of annoyance, being con- pelled tb get up a number of ies during the ~aght- 1was also a groe zfferer frc.psevere cranin MYlega which becamne so painful troubled with wealme of the eyes and fois tireci, weak and worn oui Walking disiressed me becanse of the pain -and = ~lwCaknesa froin wb ch 1suffoee& 1Rot lire, boxes Of Doas Kidney Pll fo r. F- C Harvey ai his drug store, and hae oct laites the third box becanse lier. ma no neeessity 10 do=se The two boxes have bad sncb a surprisng edfect for rod liat 1 didDot need tli Uird Yês, -wài, te pleasure in tlling wiaît ey bave don. 1WiM ebecauseof the healthat I nov euJOY l&=Euh their use. AUl my difilcul-. lies bave vanished ; I bave ne pain in th. back ; no s" theadacie ; MY eyes do co« troubleénme; 1 have bmd ne eramplî aine. I bega lak j=1. p isep veil, and 1h. t l~yed'p -f .h-gbauail goet I ,_7 oub oecnsdmi1 "M 1üd Vou ay say that &UQW Sa 1 kIPelMstole a Speedy snd an~ssd I mm ~stiogyme« u~'hf . 1 1- s 1 1 t Au mous, moins Axe 1 1 1 1 1 ýGENT For the PEQI lOÂL C0.', TORONT<, ifce and Yard just E Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. -25th, 1894. A8K YOUR 8 TAIOhi 1 BAVING FOUND POINTS THE OTHEf HIà Âdvice wus Act Miles Pettit, of wi a Reguit, N'ýw Rej Realth and Streng ,Fro e bPicton Timies. Mr. IMes Pettit, of'1 .,recent caler at the Till an old aubscribor to th for years Leen one of ti businesmen of WellIin .poaseased of considerabi and in the hoider of e his own inventions. .aware.of Mr. Pettitisi pDatinued lllnees, and se.é that ho had been re -nansier to enquirieî had, - been bronghî ab promptly and eoephatie William,' Pink Pilla further interroRatêd ai ias willing that the faci pulic, he cheerfnlly oc lsttement for that pi 8nbstance 18 latollew jattacked in he fati of.1 iJng ti digging a cellar. tom was lmenesa in tb John Ted, jr., met vitb a very painful accident on Satnrday. lu jumping frein the wagon ho sliRbto upon a broken foi-k handle vhich peuetrated benoatb hie airn, infiicting a very ugly vound. Tho iniMrywas at oeeattended, ho and ie nov doiug niccly, .although trouble soin.. Wo trunb thai John vil) ne& be permanently affectod by tho accident,- G..YOUNG SUIT«I. LL, B., Barrister, eto.,-]onoy te Loan. lin- ot Ma;rriae Liçenses. Office - Smit um. m.LNie Mlmost Passe sru uto CANCER ON 'Watlnto the F _sBwo.d tex" my n, Decided Imprt Ueuraged by ti 'vr~,untulin a moi uermychin begar :=Itve y UP begar $ SOnIyS By order, OiRce hours 9. a. m. to 11 am. ALTON A.

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