Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 7

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'e unmost VPasses Bel lef 8,stuglem for Bevea iLong Tsars wtth ,.:ANCER ON THE LIP, AmND I OUEED ETr WF3RS z:li ýX. Ifchoisons By: «"I eenulted dcc- tMwbo prescrtbed for me, but to ~Into the Flesh, à»d teiMy Cbin, s»d 1 Uuffered lu takin ÂyeS = e tor seeoFlnaUyS pcded 1improvemeet jheouraged b>' tht, resuit, 1 perse- ýj8red, until ln a month or se the sore under xny chin began to heal. lu three notlis my Ilp began to heal and alLer grLihe arsaprilla for six minthsj t rc ftecanoer dispap e. ~Oi's " Sarsaparilla Â.dmlitted at theo WorId'u Pair. A GOOD SAMA.RITAN. LVINÙ FOUND. HEALTH POuINTS THE WAY TO (3111ERS. HE V l AltVice was Acted Upon by Mr Miles Pettit, cf NWellington, XX bo, as ali e8uit, Now Rjoices in Ronewed Healîh aud Stnengîh. ~Pom the Picton limcs. Mr. Miles Pettit, cf Wellington, wua .roeDet uiller ut the Tirnee office. Ho is &D old. subscrihor te the paper, and bas for yentrs been cneecf the most respected business mnnof Wellington. Ho la aliso poi.t-isel of cousiderabte inventive goulus -and is thee older cf several patents fer bis own inventions. Tue Timnes W88 aware cf Mr. Pettit's serious and long COucîuluedl iliness, and wa8 delighred te aie that loebal been restored to bealbh. In anrwer to onquirios as te bew this bal beeu brought. about, Mr. Pottit prompit1v and ernpbatically replied, "Dr. Wiî.îaiîn Pink Villa did it.' Being fuirtiier iriterroLyated as te whetber ho ,was Iwilling that the facto s sbuld be made ptiblic, ho cbeerfuliy consented te givo a sttement for tbat purpose, çshicb in substance is as folio ws : Ho was first attackod in tbe fati cf 1892, after assisi- iuoz in digging a cellar. The first s *ymp- toM was lamene8s in the iglit bip, whiob COntiuuod for nearly bye yoars. lb then graduaily oxbooded te the cîber log sud to botil foot. The sensations vers a lnurubnoss and prickiug. wbieh continued te get worse and wonse, until h. praotio- tllIbl 6tcontrol cf his feet. H, eould. MWalk but a sbort distance beforo bis 11mbs weuld gir.e ot, aud be wouid b. obhged te rest. Ref. fot that if ho c"al w&lk ferty rode vithout re,*ting he was aCcomphising a groat deal. Ho had the b66t cf medical aliendance aud trisal ttianY medicines vithont any beneficial reenlt.He remaineal in tluis condition for about two yoane, wheu ho unexpect- KdY geL relief. Que day lie was in Pîcton andl was roîunning te Wellington by train. Mr. John Soby, of Picton, vsu Iseo a pagsenger on the train. Mr.-Bobyi il WîUl be remoembereal. vw ue»cf the niany wbo bad founal benefit from Pink P'118, and bud given a testimonial thal 'wa8 publisbeal extengivgly. Hsving been 'She1Ifitted by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla hé lsever inco bqeu a staunoci> rezd cf the nedicine, sud nicing lir. PetUVi' condition nmadoeuqufry as le vholie* W& Iaving beon informel,-MfrSé~ tappoal bis>on the lshoultle dsa, "Frend you look asc i."M. ]Ptit describeal bis case, ana 'Mr. SpIa, eplied, " Take Dr. William.' Pink pil14o 1 know trou> experience wha ivite. thore 1à in thom n&i dam-n sied they. w~i1 cure You." MBr.Pett h b. d êep znany thingo sud filed tet 4roeIid qtb#A h e sommewhat ekeptisel, advice vas se disntoreuli&,an i& ùI Ol'ruescly thal ho oenoilz.t6jr~P ]PI atria. The rut laIia p.H. euga.ii P@U 8U itudb. ïsuae.fThe imbl Oblied blood builders snd nom ois., put 'UP lu Similar 'forailntended te de.- ýeelve. Tii.7 are aIl, imitations whoae mnakezs hope te reap apeuniary advan- tage front th. wroiderfal reputatior achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. Âsk your dealer for them. These Pilla are manufactured, by the Dr Wi'llam's Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontario, and Schenecta.dy, N. Y., sud are solal ouiy in boxes bearîng the firm's trade mark snd wrapper, et 60 Cents a box, or air, boxes for 62.50. They may b. lai t rom auy dalser, or will b. sent by mail on reoeipt of prie. Dr. Willia' Pink Pille may be had of ail drugdsta or diret by mail frein Dr- Williams' Medicine Company frein either addreas. The bprie. st whioh the Pilla are sold make a course of îreat- ment compsratively inexpensive as cempareal with othor remodies or moalioal trsatment Reach Couneil. The regular meeting of Reoch coun- cil was held on Monday last, lOth imat. Members ail present. The minutes cf the July meeting were read and confirmed. The. clerk read a number cf comn- mu nications. One froin the Counby Clerk ac- knowleding the receipt 'bf a copy cf the assessinent roil for Reach for 1896. Frein the Counby Tressurer stating that the amnount due Reach on ac- counit cf non-resident taxes for the yesr is $62.31. Mr. Weir introduced and carried through a by.law authorizing the grantirtg cf a bonus of 12ý cents per rod for the erection and maintenance cf wire fences built along the high- ways cf the corpo>ration in localibies to he designated by the council. Mr. Real introduced and carried through a by-law to levy and collect in the several school sections the fol- lowing amounts as required by the re. spective Boards cf Trustees :-Section No. 1, $594;- No. *2, $404; Ne. 8 e452;No .$481 l;No. 5, ffl - o. 99 $559 No. 5, $460 ; No. 9, $559 ; No. 11, $5 10 ; No. 12, *$836; No. 16, S466 ; No. 17, $375 ; No. 19, $460. The trusteeb cf Sections Nos. 6, 7, 10, 13, 14 and Ir), failed te file the ap- plications with the Clerk in time to have the amounts they require incor- porated in the by-law. .'%r. Stephens introduced and car- ried through a hy-law to levy and col- leet as a special rate for the schools cf the municipality the suin cf $2680. -Mr. :Stevens introduced and carried through a hy-law te assess and collect for indigent aid the suni cf $817.14. Mr. Lamb introduced arnd carried througli a hv-law te levy and collect for county purposes the sum cf $2745.. IL. Mr. Weir introduced and carried t.hrough a ly-law te levy and colleet for the general purposes cf the town-1 ship the sum cf s$2030.55. A deputatiori consisting cf Dr. Park cf iSaintfield, and Mr. Jas. Miller cf Greenbanik carne before the council, and strongly advocated a re- duction of taveru licenses in the town- ship for 1897. Mr. Realilntrcduoed a" by-law te, fix the number cf taveru licerises te be issued for the year 1897. The bylaw was read a i-st and second time and the ceuncil was resolved inte com. mittee of the whole thereen. In con>- mitbee the blank for the number cf lh- censes was fi led with tbe word "two," and tbc cornmittee rose and reported the by-law with the blank fillld Up. On motion thc report was rcceived and adopbed. On motion for the third reading cf the by-law, Mi. Weir nioved in amendinent that thc by-l-.w b. net new read a third time but that il b. rcferrcd back te, the cemmittee cf the whole with instructions ho aniend the sanie by striking oui the word "twe" defiuing the. numbeir of tavern licous.. te b. granbcd and inscrtingz the word * leNClark went ho -1t9f* suauer- cottage iniEthel. park on I(ozday. R M Noble il on a Vacatobthe. Mgnitoulin Islanda.* MXts W.M ocomb and daughter léft for Toma.on Saturday. Pred Brsndon went mnto camp on Monday lust. J Merrifield aud family went to camp at Ethel park thia week. The Minses Chantier, Toronto, are viiting at *Mr J C Sproul's. 1 John Brown snd son returnéd froin Kirkfield on Mondsy. luat.a Frank Camepbell and N McLeod *ere in OmeSee on Sunday iast. àfr MoUlu, cf Newcaatle, brother of our populor barber, ia horm visiting. The Meusn Wills, Toronto, were the gueats cf Mr R Walshe for a couple cf dayu. Lester Kemp, Toronto Jonction, is bore for a few days with hi& brother, iferb Kemp. W H Hocyle waa attending the Grand Loalge of I 0.O.F. in session at Sarnia during the week. lira Samuel andPMian Bagshaw, cf St. Thom-as, are viiting at the reaidence cf Mr Daniel Rosa. Misa Lizzie Wrist, Toronto, is viaiting Miss Ethel Hoalgins for à few days Ii week. The Misses Dancaster, Bowmanville, who have been visiting iv town for the. past few days, left for home on Satur- day. W T Bell, student ini Dr. MoKenzie'is office, ia épending a few weeks holidaying in Toronto, Barrie, sud Collingwood. Rot' Real, of Wocdville, occoupied the pulpit cf the methodist cburch on Son. day lat, Mr Greatrix being in Graven- horst. Some of or tcwn scorchers left bers on Wednesday last and teck a trip around through the country south cf us. When they got home they showed evidence of having got scorched. Princi'al Nutting, of the Uzbridge public isehool, formerly cf Canningtou, is rnaking bis mark as a teaoher ir, that town. 0f the thirteen pupils recom- mended to try the entrance examina rions, twelve pasaed. This is a very high record. Police Magistrato Denniscu, Toronte, ou Toesday sentenced Gec H Dunseatb, of Pickering, Wbo pleadeal guilty asat week te twc soparabo charges cf fcrgery, te one year aI bard labor in, the Contra) prison ou each charge-the sentences teo i-un concurnently. While Mr. Thos. Hock was hangiug up a hunch cf bananas in bis windcw yes. berday afternoon a tarantula dropped frein il cube bis neck. Tom did net sec the deadly poisonous spider bot feeling somethig ou bis ueck ho carelossly brushed it off on te bis shonîder aud frein there te bbc floor. Ho was badly fright- ered wbeu ho saw what it was, but ne. fained prosence cf mind euongh te kili it before he sut down te fan bimeoif andl cougnatulabe himself on hie narrcw es- cape. Messrs. Graham Bros., cf Claremont, recently purchaseed tbe great trobting stallion 'Volcsko bv Red Wilkes. Vcloskc bas a record cf 12 18J witb littie traiuine. and is uew in the bauds cf tramner Jin Noble. at Dufferin Driving Park, Toron- to Volopko bide fair te neduce bis re- cord by ut least tlince seconds before the season la over. Ho i. a big pcwarfal bay, cf nearly 16 bauds and bas more ac tien than we bave ever accu lu a trotter. Frein bis breodiug, bis individuality and hie record, ho should prove uwdoubtedly the bositntrbting or carniage eire in Can- ada to-day. Thene laneo joy in tuîs vonla equal te the happiness cf mothenhocal. A womau finals ample compensation for ber triais and wor- ries- and bothens lu the soft, cliugiuglîttie %ý>dy uestlinç close te hen ow%-n - th.' trustful cliuging cf the. littie bauds, sud the love light in the ittie eyes. A wouma's health la ber deanest pçg- session. GooL looka, goal time%,,happt-, nest, love sud Its continuance, deend on ber health. Almosa ail of the i- ne» of vomen le traceable directly or mai- rectly te Borne derangeneut ofthte otau distinctly féminine. Troubles of thix kind are ofleà neglected because a vMynataul sud proper -redesty 1ràeeP% WC= *nea frem pbysicau , hsen haÀe~eu4u~x j ý A t OLD GOLO CftIGARETTES- W. S. Ki*mbali c& Co,, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere t5.e Per Package. 17 Fir8t Prize Medals, Sole Agent at Whi*tby, M. W. Collins. WOOdy's fl0&Po'bdl6,- TheGreat Engisk Rcrnedy. ~~~las the resaitof over 85 years treatlug thouaars fcues wit.anl knewn dreu, ta lagt we have disooverei thte tre mody aud nUmaiW-& oombbualo that will offset à prompt sud permanent cura la ail atéguSof .,%~~I&S"Wa DoàZiy, Abou or Ezcesgri, .Mervomas Wuier, ..ism' Ma Worry, ErcMtire Use of Opium, Tobacco, or ÂkOie StàhsaZau oU f ,whlch ocu lead te Inssnlty, Consomnption aud su esrly grav Wood! Retors Tapiag.ne bas been useitsuccemtuhly by hundrsds of cases th" semei aimost hopeless-.csaes tt had beon treaaied by the motaisenteit phyui. cias-csstbat weeon tàeoverge of depaninndlusam th.a tottorng over the grave-but wlth the contued sud pormverlngunoeof Wood'a Phosphodinetiioe casesth" axI adusgiron up to di% wrm rostored to teny vigor and hsalth-Beader yen ne0oit espir-ojat. ton Who bas given ycu Up as Incurable-the eredy la now withia you l>Icle, ene package, SI; six packages, $5; by mail bSofoipstas&. Orne ui'ese, ad waffl^4aed te cure-. Pamnphletft» to anyaddre The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont .. Canada Afe Wecd'S Phesphed Ime e od b7yrespoublewhdoaah sd rotait drquiu tims,.ha Mr. Frank ?4aloneof % Ubridge, spent a few days boe.lust week, the guest of Mr. Patriok Cuddah.e. Mr. .James EKelly roturn.d 1lat Week fiosu Dorset, on the Ottawa sund Parxy Sound railroad. Re says the. rond as bé. ing pushed en lively, and that ibere is pleuly of work for moen and tesmé at good wages. Min Le"is Boyle, of Toronto, là speuding ber bolidye wth- ber parents. 8h. brought up lrom e ii,.oty a fine bieyiegsud file.over uheroade aokapidly that tb. neiglabors are unable te rouer> mzo ber as o.passas vii er Moab ibriVingsbb ivip Permr." .We 1.iawt frei "or Upoar- greve hd , a hort ime aq., that thai .oi«îir11hunlet h M -é edus ôf w ire,ýti.-6 r*ott f e pinu ~bti*m We ha,.e .Fiaest Solee- tien ln.tovu Of those 8BEAUTIFUL AM3ERICAN' WALL PA PE88, Borders to Matchr Corne aoly and getýfirag ochoie. P. B. WARAM, Brmypan odStand, Birook St., Whiby DOMINION BANKO capital Plid up,- *$1050000W> Surplus, -$ 1,500 000 Generai Banking Buinm Tranaacted. BÂVINOS DEPABTIMNT. lueia" iloved t aihigbosa surent rates. NO mo=teco wîthdrawal required E. 3.TKORNON, and leadteg drùggIsss.hr STAR LIFE ASSURAIGE G 0P LONDON, -ENGLAND.. Establlshed 1843. Total fonds ini band ............9 Bonuses added......... -Total çlIaIms. p2d....... Total auzouünt Asuace ixIi foré Dec 067214 685 daims paid '5-amount. - in g t e . .. . . ... .. . , 6 . 6 . $ Grants a world wlde sud 9dsual polîcy. No restrictions in tô resideuoe Profite Incroasng witia age ofpolky., Immedat paymntofdeatlài Iqtý-rnm aind ,comind-ual onusessadde&L Lclagents wmuùted otlbrltias ppyT H Carte!r,. Geperil Ageàt, Toi- -b.Manager, AW BUT~ vi. Besi Plhl,-mr. Wm.. výaaaervceti boom uI«Pselaila sd'finalth ,em by fet tb brnPilla m eW rusmed,- FmDeulet aud Diiblltatsd Càssii g ae Osj lit* hrh.Tkun mId~ e 1*oe la bot a tonie andl imulan t aI4yeu* th e sec e aon s f a o dy, g i l d lg ts sua Lieut. Moro Oet te -Blsly toam i.I a reoptio on i. r t6 ohooa ARD8TiI NILET 9pmotion of 'Maý. Stpphe3 $ w*à ordered i. b epsial-to- Xe. Ru# ofiabridge o)pposte lot ,tr.ho 1$00 for"re ars>oIbap, Shoe ..That Cripples S-le the shoe thal frnts. Bandage f your bead unoventy and tightly as yen de your Nhe tsud soon yen wouidnt lcnow th. difference tweon the shoe that delorme and the shoethat fit. ero lat. hoshoo for your money- shaped on thie mont modern fbot-fashioned lats in Amerios, and vmode tom the best lmported cuit-skiai- blswck or tan-by the frinous 0oodypar welt procesa. V Lght shapes--many wldths--stampeit on ith. Bo10 $3.00, *4.00, $8-00 per pair. The Slaer Shoe (for Men.) la-. ýl> LowFST :-: PRICES.,

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