Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1896, p. 4

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t à t' d u% W tby . s îrM ue r su tô n aiý 0 0 h l p e e te f u m b e r a n d l m se o m e a g MtD i T i n p o n l r e n e l .a o n :~. duI zdk~ .ot lahp & . Ms ouhr tedaToronoaftr -~~ ~~SA~I*bç tate.apeaaîlu llibsparlOts me frlêndber% PES TED with of _'Mi"ssM s-"inw bDuring the M onth of Aug s we il ofe Ba ai AU #aSgtIl lu bavlng ber hmatshesdMaeues nawd trae! to and fou Ubridge by the. G.T. R=b& ' = =,tOfe oi aill GOODS, for single (are.OU Purcbaslng ticket ask iMr. Atchne GO.Sç~1~,>T t TJ g ths~ent (or ortlcAtefolrM 98 vblch uould ee azed uedvsdu on, Saaurdy ~eîg beýfn to COL. Paterson for bis signature. wiah some grndi selcalnon bçe autobp d room for our Fa m or au n *IfVNW AUUpon presentation of tuas certificate tiste Winb. fl7 ~~fl agent a t Uxbridge a return ticket will b. s aeyluWu~~ Short lp.d arm ths e etboeboo<d sud gret 810 ie ile About 12.3o Tuesday morrnng dtshe d i or. M u n i areu b vof in s edMmfl \ O A U I d<< 1 11A la PriI~~~ftI ~~ alarmn rang, and the Martn saddlery bard. barvea and repot good cropu uhâvoe IU I1 (111 b. .. vol i a r s w o k a e r f o u n d t o b e o n fi r e . S o i s . A e i si r b u s e e n o p s .e l b cu r p JM *~ U W U U I W UP a rtie s vW h o e r s re tu r n in g o m e la te s a w i d a M is H r d s gor aa ndu M . ei h er M V tn 5c.andP ktise blaze and gave the alarins. Thse blaze tS is arWeia Oibaist uanss dsrigiiîr i l Oc.00 vaskw Lwufound to b. on the second floor in the e der.Wthu tii h CO isa stepginthe rigI ac g . alaigroms, and wusextlguished I a in edna h ogeainbv ogfi h ew mi u e liser. ucb h ma had been deed 90n Salbada m onzng. dnwSdySmpp. Also a few IREM N A T let o od Cinst uaIiý Inseet fowder1 nWe baereeve tefirst numnber of s MisaMeDonald is visiting er Parents tu esw Cla ngt new publication callec! @#The Sunday School en lne w ihoutreclaan Era," a 12 Page paPer printed in Tqronto Mi" Nellie Tait tà ia Toroverv nriçfo weekly. k lu veliPrintetu aad costaies a couple of veeks.toVilgfo good mutter, settlng forth aUl modern idens Miss Chamberland, of Detroit, is vlsît E. I I L S of Sunday 'ucool ork. Such jOurais de- er cosn, ains tta Oe, for a few caynmgnuth .lu o l C. >~~~~~~ serve natrous eof Canadians, sud to get a Ms 4no Caenbvs ie eto start tL.pubilsiers of thse Eru offer twsend M thnt , ClaBeig n t thse eary atUfn C E IT&DU G8, it to any Sunday sohool vorker, or any nus. the Mes rgetek.l s'o l v f C E IT D UGS, ber of Sunday scbool people foweek Oe ad MWh t ofar e MEDIC&L --HILL, Yesar acb luabscriptÎon. Thse Ortinaly rate is 50 cents Pet subscriber. apple t hes bl yafrM Zd Henry,dsawuil *M ON f/r T,1 9 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a c f y p o i e v r. M y h e h aero k t ; e t ,- b tb y ? e e x t r uo r d i n a r s c r o p o f a p p le s i 112 n M rs s R ic h a r d W i ls o n , r . , hb a a l da i - Fait . ____________ ____________ada this year lu a guarantee that this most a c ofedy preo ifver Mtaeyv s heof ds o haveT N aX i '1 C usefu l fruit iii b . cheap. Ap p.leseare ex- munat the L.I of the r -i ' < A f ' L ~ ~ ~ ~ a e l u alen t f o r t bec r m e din du j q a z a l its a .o ff- o vi s i l e d r w & t - f u a g e l a tre vl smie lime Mr D Birreli had a ten acre field of peas, k ., V QI. ~Tsla v hat a famousheran aisriy f straw isanuindication of a yield Mr Br say on df.r ui t <T ii. Pe soapae ul a SUcb l -h urslY wilI have an abu dant yield. com trmo rt fev ersansal roe rtumna ia E u nefie d andu assoiatea wilb . WHITBY, AUG-. 289 1896. tbifg that they cati do stoeat appîsl or. sfely t eer Lodge City. îe la gTeatly Y Go d , C p es going to b.d. The applela excellent bruin saenuuP with thte er olJas ay ont. food, becats 't bas more PhOsphonic cid, The Highland Creek fotbI te mauz Shor lqt".in an easily digestible shape, than any otiser coming bers t? play a ramefo otb oys Shor Noesfruit known, it excites teaction or dis1onSaturday nighit meGains omenboyu M.F. W. HOdgsons uperintendent of Ilvers promotes aound and healty uleep, Oclock, shar. A ery 8tbrstin tim farmers, institutes, aska Us to announce tiand dioroughly disinfecta theAmoudi. h ia exPected. he illpith alare tnt t te Tronoalso ugglutinatestthe surplus acld of tise Os-ing to thse incletemecy of thse Wfather he ill pith a lar e lnt t te T rono, sto mnach, belps the kidney secretions. and Wedneday evening. tfie.j e soillan con Lononan Otaa xhiiton, hee l]preveats culculous growdi, wbile it obviates n to ihthe li es' ala vas opoe London tuand twuexhibiomdnd were lindigestion and la one oldie beat preventives tisahs, Priday, nigbt AUl = 1aedh bedoragriculturalastassobewecatoandser. inose breeing r ugaculuralasso itin nay Me dsse of the throat. Next 10 the lemon iflt5fded coming, had thse nlght been fine hold their meetings. He will lie pleased to and orange, it Là also tise iest antidote for cone to-niglit and bring someneael"a witi meet al officiaIs of farmers' institutes, and thirst sand craving of Persona addicted b dishe The pies will not b. stale as tise good to discuss with themn tht best methods of alcoboi and opium habit." Tisss bsing tise Mdintend muklng a nsw lot for thse oc- conducting thsse institutions. Mr. Henry merits of tise apple, tisere would b. very valil b. Aage& diaonfe ftn et Wade, registrar Of live stock, wiîî also o littie difficulty lu finding a Profitable marktet wl caso Aah a mi sso., f e et cupy tise tent on aIl leading days durigfoi, even thse snornaous crop of this year, if these shows. vigte ers fuIly knnwn. Brb Tis tonshp cuncl o Rech r» et Of thse Delînetor la called tise Autumn BIRD.-At Whitby, on Tuesday, Angust good exumple by cutting down the num ber Announcemerd number, and la tise hand- 25tb h ie vile of Mr. R. R. Bird, or a son. of icensed taverns vithin its bordera to01w-o, aomest sud mcýt striking issue of thia sterl- MCG&AR AtWsbyon odyA- wich is exactiy two more than bistre la any ing publicatioe, coutiin oisutsa ia u attise ifs of ron. . McGay, of a need for. Once upota a lime there were- beautitul coiored plates iliustruting dress daugister.J eroa modes, sud millinery, including speclal over twenty-five places in Reacis townaship plates of morning and bicycle attire, and LONG.-At Whitby, on Monday, Augusî including Port Perry) visere intoxicants gi ving tise fi-rat autiorti ve announcement of a.4th, tht wafe of M1r, James Long, of a were sold, and during the last hall-century tise coming styles for autumu w-sur. Qf daugister. it isl a iow estimnate.to say that in Reach and ePiavluto>ung ladies isaving vocal R EAIWtboWdnsa u. Port Perry over Sa ,ooo,ooo Of hard-sarned aspiationthe CementnerdeVçreSaMioa 26bs thtvafen,:G, rooneYha been spent for that burning cuise article on singang a a protession. Mrs.-M.Rcofaon viicis neer d id any person any good, but Mary Cadwalder Jones puts mucis ood(~g T flv. ZP ~ .AJRÀL which wreckecj thousanda of lives, financial- sens. into a discussion of tise above rii- n~ Ig IL NVRST.M nt9i, G P T fA P~ ]Y, morally, physically, and ail hopelessly. A short story by Chanton Rosa, called .'Tht GILU IERIY 0tea foe Of m a before i, untiî next Y ar tiere Prising final. Tie'papier on Interior De. SESSION 1896-7. S R B L R x r al wilI onIy b six turm holes in tise temrtory coration by Frances Leeda, la this month E U L M SRBLPS ieepeayf mnniôned. A new andYou-nger clasa ofdeod10Iices E. C. Vick gives prac- Tise Curricuum MPiisffl Courses in 9n tsri iem.kt yet no higber price. Oth epldd alet1,.ad3cns.EoceBo m en have risen t10 6 1the m uicipal o i tical a nd instructive x l na i n of F loral A atrs (in dluding a S E I Lg e t v r e y n e t r va u h n e e . R beui p d ? n i s r r 0 . p r d z p 1 0 c n s lions and besetting evils haveubfin bfr Work for Autumn. Y Carolyn Malated dc.tsn bttr alethn ve. ube uiip of Reaci, like tie township Of Picker- the American Revolution; Lucia h. Rob- MEDICINE, LAw , and VETERINARY 5cI-So e be p ta i n ry ef y t. N t P p r . p r q ie, nd s er r En l pe 2k . p r ne ing, has ad a long fight 10 tear tie serpent biqs tels abdut a prozresive Rinbow NcE. M tiulto , Exhibition snd AG E Tf or tis e et na ut&S Omat. S slef y T. No e P bestl he m r et5l( o is m (rmit hoabt h edo tesmgl arty, Emma Fayvood deaceribes iu detail Scisolarsisip Eruminations w-i b. held:_ N Dyrt.ein Co nd t,eleneaoliestk, ofe Patteina laso ad is in sikisî. Thank God Young men ai-e com- tecserulatioforEmbroidered Handba ,AR118 AND MEDICINE, zIhSEPT.; APPLIndED WATTaor FllstckofPate ingUP tO fillOur Mncpladother of BaII-.q isan llluatruted article on ise t ERE GI E thLAST;aPPEL; I. PPR AT LUT O 0 D whoartbeynd he orrptng nfi cesl'a]--eganse so Popular just nov kh ctNE1TiSET;Lw 8HSp. this greatest of aIl evils, and w-ho have the Womeu's Coleges-and tise usual enter- IN&RY SCIENCE, 26Tlf SEPT. A PI AT CS PU 3 D -Y Manlv, courage 10 stife tse ralet whtat iii ainin g de prtmen ~ f T ea T be C a. ois0nie ae drroîann uri---e ils B oo ,E , . C E ? ~ e . ~ . wrru in iîc r etsis mdies a year, andl Wbeat, w-ite, 65 ta ao ; red winter, ir c'es to suit t1Te . ~ aua o i-. Wes. saunders, New Yo k, l here on If s mebOd ad cold storage lu tsestovys aOC; gosei 52 o c Barley,_ 10 p 3c. & a D>6tb fo ier' ie aa ceolzs M Kr bis annual visit there s aptlot offoSTR«W HATM diere wou d b. ýouey inlu lying svay a 21 t1022c, KM 45 10O OS. Ky,$I_. 50 1 b i s a n n u a . H o g rt h , B . , b s r e u s t o c k w h i l e b u t t e r l a c e a p a n d g o o & d s u d 0 0 o= o . t ta w , $ 1 0 .à o o t e 5 . o . B u t t e r , t u b * i . S A i d p l o o r ts m e t t fMa i-. G.tH. ogis.A., trlu-e n upuuting it on tbe market et suds limes ri 10 x3c; rails, z2 fo z4c. Eggu,8j ; i. eetkMdpk f«y rs fr as it1 olna astdira. Thse his le rapidîy comnig w-heu 1 HoÇ%dresued, $5.c. hw P5r , pair. .251 Ice creau , .cakes, boiled hau , t V a lsa', ppî r o l a a co un ru s e T he m a 0 c gria o per b 25o o ' ~ N 8' Â Ea~ is z s w l e c o ld to r a e e v r y w -e r e . T i e t a S S : d u c k s , 5 0 1 6 c , tu r e y s , p « r b , 8 W stuoa j e o Boot la Si o.w ays. The or elards are w e r1 o d d ith 35 - M Ce , n o lb anu , 6j t17c; rans, r Sa e s at auction Viceh for- 3o day. at M W Col. appieS lu everY Part of lb. Pro$*iuce, suddier $1.50 o $z.75 per dos. - lins' New Sisoe Store, East Side, Whitby. qtuaity of fruit promises t Se- excellent la ____________ Miss. Maris Whitfield sntcrtained ber 08tPlaces. Jestarouud ber. the drauti,- layuinsWdisa fernoon 10 au At bau affsctd thée crop w-rsdan lu onetVOEILF? 18,WhhvbdHf Madin e ai 5~ u Pa sndter w- r b are culits . BheWVfo 6 piece aoiid w-sisal parlai- suiteM mais, ud nlaEngland for ftan fruit lu rotten, B r d%"Wui UN IOfN1ITV'w o ig-yl M wftail plshbans fr 82,worý 4 ,sndnons la Seing packed ta -go that vaye Oaylfh&O yCouThe of Ouataano.'Notice la Ce us g4,-y tfei bu n 1~f arc no apple tffeS cnnaitaie'omefoumth ai p-omsiue tn t e e u o eons t aud6.1 01* 8 Uffl a v V~ e 1 W . S. Strout, general manager D ngDominioaTienty rs a au d isr T I.L011 >r 2 rl otr' Ite ct<inp ts P " sut< * <s o * dd>o rm ~ g a v e d ie lo c a l a g e n t , E . k . B lo , a f ri e n d ly $ r f e r b a r r e l W o t u l t e r a p p i e ( b a r a i a n d t V D 5 O I i 4 7 - luoit, sd fo ud tiinga in hip shape. ai~ ie i e ast e a "" aru im m. Diseai ~ Il aa lft d vutie ecesl , âsu w- re l aWnar itr- lotis fuet o fU ipIlty , tb@otthe o4t, lvotix 91 yetray S . P. R-<oYIdn, O t, r o *zgfr-n tniirqie r cIo pýg4o aad u nolàIC _eetto p jss«ertay-G . . R -nto.R D e "n t, rw- ir usia is'non as the quet A11 el4e d ugse aas~roun trj> foua ~>~ ruer.buou~cibluoll lu inute,. . 5 .a ývvu atyj i#4 forppo0 invotse usUe .E- ~ ~ o l~~i POAT, mtroptuw -to'r.i4etla. seP« tmOoF$6CaE: Ott~baM aWNITt timelate oisbM 1sjts fibe oWe Mab ,st Sha )ka in lubber Lgs: md BROOC SCARF ia mstumalautumu ti estfflCanadau Tisslansd many otiey deslgl5S iasenaniel Jîo. 8.Ba i .JEWELEIi ii.et aMy Ieal papar ,.RFÉ ÂY, AUG. 2 LOCAL LÂCO, 5cott repairsalal kiixds of pi [ceereain, cakes, boiled ha (sr. and. Mm. E._IAns, un yestsrday. gr. Johnu Graisam, ex-tea le, la bei-eIbis w-tek. jave VSu butter acco0unt 1 isHLall lthe butter wîlIa( rw-o brick hauses 1 i-nt xi;, lau rentai. Apply to fr, sud Mi-s. James Rut] M their trip to Halifax on lia Elmas Whitney, Port P, avun, tise gust of Mr. a ma, Perry-stmeet. mse Sadler, Whitby, is er hanegat8 5 cents per h yaur rders.-35-4in. Fms W. J. O'Neill, Mass. 1 joie, of Cleveland, 0., ai I,, Mms M. Murphy, of Po . G. Wateis l offerin oa's stock of menas read, u for 4-gio. Regular sel' ù $12. [ta. C. W. Jones, and Mis ma Mcraw, Porit Perry, an dem, Brolin, are thse g laS Mary H. Gi-eenwovod h nati after spendiug five vil ressme iser superintei ýs ospital diere. W-Wurts sud Misa Gertiru, wgna, Esm Side, M ich. rDecker's, sud Mr. Edm 4-Bar., sudpMi-. Walter 8 L. Toro, ars guestsata ip hgoud at laduatral. irfali board for visitors t( > paite ladies' hous sipp, c. Wcr1mfduringIb tis gre 4. tMi I. W. Coii's, lthe ut w'Païlrti, M lavai pdrty ubic w-as ah Mr. . . arelsys or Isubespostpoued ursai rie ivted.isn M bumn polel lv 7 itteutei ngsa - OOUUUv w 'e -of 1h sul for th une a! 1h

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