Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1896, p. 7

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ROSUltS Astohlsh MAEN o OME AYElZSarsa- AVMERSIN i StaN. stesu eunud &$tint l *al.d loo Mb:lde a sdber"e tenios ceae. 4hY are ail imitatons dhe. raken hope to r. pa <,,, ih,. a va - ta" rontthe on ë repu tation Schieved by Dr. Wilia=,,e~Pnk 'Plls. Asi your dealer for them. These Pilla are manufactured by the Dr Wim's Medicine Company Brook-ý ville, Ontario, sud -8obenectady, 14. Y., and are soli! oulyin boxes beainug lb.h iri'. trade Mark and wrapper, at 601 cent@ a box, or six boxes for - 2.50. The may be baa rrom any dealer, or ww sobtby mail on r6oeipt of pria. Dr. Williams' Pink l'ila zàày be had of ail druggisss or direct l>y mail frein Dr. Williams' Medicine Comipany frein oither address. The priee. a whicb the pilu are sold make a ontse of treat- ment ooliipatively jnoxpensvesas oonapared wth othel' remedies or modioal crealment i Ir bu le 116 aime iaImyIplpwe Ysbr o-it lne-If *aB so badly rna ndouai tha î Ww.r.Wah»ba -illd yu pplef- "mperative that -I1siould bave UI treOs bh te boerrf i te *mnwer.j 40ué et.Rsmedimne Iad no A&reaY . seleW se est #bon Maods sseaudffnI Jhtt Icota .00, sud 1 1b "mwba duoI, iII ,'f l humben of @tber detnsto 1s ne ià 'o'la nna ts lhà ,n ilnm i n&rÀS4.# - * 1 ts Ibecatas se Iow liaI i usither w4rk ueïr phssnp, - tYhiu~îonght ] ta&'g6 lut io o- vas lit lhisjn=eu gluiS p'rlimed to gga Dr. r ieu1k &hh trialand m ba yen via anb.4 0Wifor1 -~ Mr'm orHoebesebail clubpae il on osher on Sagarday las sd a d efeald by a sore ôt 16 to 8.. st r e -Muloney and Sim'mons, Pth0kand' Mr sud Mrs Powell. Lochport, »Wo viting aI lMr. McClung's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke arrived yoiter. day froni their trip abroad. The Bovinanvie béebail club are to plAY here oarly next veek. Mrs Glendonning expeots to moe into her nov store noit week. Mn Tienne is visiting at the camp. The BundaY sohool of St. Saviours churci, Orono, hold their picnio &t t.he I*ko Tnesday. Messie Owen and Lovokin, Western batik, OsMawi, Split 8unday in town. The fow from'hre Who took w-ineh excursion te Rchester on saturday night lut, report a very rougi voyage. Mr Gordon Poven sand vile, Toronto, CHERETWOOD Miss Brown, Toronto, is visiting at E R.each'a. Miss Millet leronty, i jeii vm1ith ber cousin, Missmaggi«e Gilebris. John Chapinan d famiy, Muakeka, are sojourning un our midst. Saturday, A ug. 29th, bas been chosen as our civic holiday. Mesurs. JoIInSton aud Davidson have returned frein their extended trip te the old cou ntry and report having had a very enjoyable ime. W. are sonry te say they intend leaving us again very soon, having secured positions in the United States. OLD- b c;. Per Package. 17 First Prize Medals. GARETTES ROOHESTER$ NM Y& -sud leas= wha eemibnt e I la ls28ade after Rabte - 'Y fOOtthefifl the FU W a IL(No nued 1 Ma" Yourt lt hesh«. U e he f amona god- y6eà Wet DOSmnot#àstitoh or peg Under the fOOLMa" -om fflAmUrIo&n wsxcalf-akn- Sole Agent at Whi*tby, M. W. Collins, Con qiests [for Medical AUthe harvet h gatheed into te a barns, sud nov the busy hum of mna- Science chines can be heard in overy direction. A Éa Rert-hroje &tarh- Mr G. Mackey sud Mr. E. Raz"I- A BadHear-.ChonioCatarh-Wood bave returnod te their respectve VaùisÇa-t 'the Toucli o*f Dr. Ag. choolhsand are nov carnying on thir ithys lropritcr. pricea. d at eba -S Toront4b from ada operatorsai. ntheo city, tme exa*. itra change. euat corrner MER st Etc, )PUI'S ro0. -- WITHO T AN E kg Mal&or mýOGnllvra, member forNot WJTOUT AN QU0, BOn ari ho llnot take hit seat in Pariamnt.The seat is eenteeted, s aMutmeit cf a Weil Knowa nctor that he cannet reaign, but vhen the Potition is disposed of ho viii stop aside, 'AÀyer'8S arsaparila is wftbout an equal and b. satisfied vitb bis jeb; in the &S &blood-puriller sud Spring medine, auit fratennal order wvith vhich ho is con- jisci have pralse enough. 1 have vatched nected. eL secu bi chronle cases, whsre other A Ebewag Adder osugias. UeMnent vas Of no avait, and have "en Mnî. T. M. Geffatt bas a live 'bloving oolàdat the reults. No other bifod adder in the window of bis *barber sbop. medicInO that I have over used, and I have The mnakis vas es, turod on Saturday in tied thon ail, 1.480 thorougb In Its action, Lake Simcee by Soh n Steele, of Upter- md effects 80 nlany permanent cures as grve on a shos.1 nean Stravbarry Island. A!yerts sarapariUa"-Dr. H *MERL, Mn. Steele Il luooed"Ilbis suakeship witb M e a fiabingme su ad brought a te town. It avnannv: i 1 nov in a vooden box vith a glass top AOSOni aiandaisudlequit. lively. Ih is thought hî Admlttd t he ond the adder cama fror.n the liplland river Admitte ____the _________k ru arsb, being blovn acroas the lake by - - Saturday's gale. 4yrspille for liver ad ~0,9aK m » tuadebut. The debut of Mise Trixie Hamilton, at -~ the opera bouse on Friday iast, u>arked OTHER F AL. * the commnencement ef a career ais a pub- MHEN OR R AL lic reader that will andoubtedly be big[ily succeaflul. Mie Hamnilton is %s dangb:er PRWILLIAM'S PINK PILLS RE- et Lt. Col. Hamilton, late of the Queen's STORE' HEALTE AND Ovu Rifles, Toronto, and grand daughter of Mr. Henry Pellatt, of Beothwood Hall. STRENGTII. The. tJUeut and tberougb training evinced by Miss Hamilton are bigbly credit.able ÀÂWeil Known Young Lady in Napanee te henself and the Whitby ladies' college, give ber Experience-So Weak that frein whichi institution she recently She Could flot go up Stairs Wtb out graduated witb the degree et M. E., and the gold modal fer eloca tien. Sbe show. Bestng-ller Friends Thought She ed her,'elf tborongbly faniliar with the WaB in Consuinption-Now the Pic- preper inflection aud gesture for botb tare oh IlIalth and Strengtb. prose monologue.and peetical selection. Fmm he eavr, Npane, nt.She bas a charming stage presence, and PromtheBeavr, apane, ntas she recited ber varions numbers the Among the young ladies et Napauee audience showed it.s delighted apprecia. tIere 18 noue better knewn or more ieu by repeated cucorès. hihlv esteewed than Miss Mary L. BOvnz£"tstSImo.IL P lirmes. Indteed ber acquaintance and Sheiff Drnry bad an iuteresting turne poplarîty coe-ered a more extended field, in serving the writ ou W. H. Bennett, m she ta a travelling ssleslady for tbe M. P., for the prot.est of bis eleotiou in Robnaon Corset Go., sud bas many East Simcoe. Lust week Ben Smith esomers on ber route vhicb extendassyed in Midlaud for several days va'u- from Oshawa to Ottawa. How tiuje ing for Mr. Bennet Lecoeehotue, but yMug lady bappens te be the subjeet of he eame net sud Ben came back for tbisarticle is due te the fact that ehe furthor instructions frein beadquarters. busrecently undergone a moat romark. Whilo the sberiff's officer vas eut et town ible change tbrouRh the use of those looking for W. IL. he came te Barrie, as wsuderfal lîttie rmessencers of healtb, Dr be was sBeen by the Examiner on Friday Wiliam,' Pu1nk Pills. When the report- merning in tbe bank ef Torouto. It ii er of the Beaver called to makie enquiry appears tbat ho took the uou train te into ber cure, be vas met at. the doon Orillia and Midland on Friday uight. by the young lady hersoîf, wboso rosy Wbe o .amrved tbere befere 7 a. mn. on cheeks ani healthy appearance gave ne Saturday be found that Mn. Bennett vas rndication tbat she had undergone a pro- One et a fishling Party wie bs.d loft a few tu hours betore to E-njey sorne sport armong 81 thLe Islands on Georgian Bay. As the II~/ 1/writ bad te ho served on Monday, the whicb ho did, leaving Midland about 2t S > a m. ou Mondav. &fter a omuise ot a 120 miles Mn. Benneti vas found at the r Cbniatian Islands. r Frein Onilia te North Bay and frein ou 1 Baysvile to the shore of the Georgian DI Bay, over tbe length and breadtb of the Mnskoka district, it4vould iot bo easy te P find a tamanso trevbicb le met stripped > ef foliage te that extent that if repoated WE Z next oeàaon our taruarac f oresta villiin ail pnobability, b. destroyod. The ijury 08 Onged ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s alns.Terpre et one dn by the larvae ef a sav fly, we lOued llnes.Thereprte metioed(Neumnatus erioheonii,) an inseot wbicb Q Mion and found Miss Bynnes quit. bas -oftena been reported as doing very o' FiliIg te tell the pantieulans of vbat she great injury te tamnarac foreste in several 111ud "an escape frein deatb. " lu r.- ef the nonthern states aud in the Prov- Mi Ytethe query "Ilwat bave Dr. Wilinmce of Quobee. The larva. commencepu ami Pink Pilla doue fer you ?" she feeding on the tops of the 'largest trees d 'pIJed, "wby, tbey bave don. vendons. aud on the. tipi of. the branehea', feedfing fUNIl 8îk a new weman nov. For eight tovards the trnnk. Th.y are nov Mâys I was weak and nilserable, and at maeure and bayé loft Lie trams.tin tha Oii worcwj uinorosso< vigor. -. TItis i.thtiLae of year that every oe * Inthisusually heakhy neighborhiiod wo have now loverai cases similar te ty. *phoid fever. In a dry sesson with loy water people canneS b. too careful t0 prevent the spread of disems. Those numnbered on the. siok Jiat are, Mm. T. WottOu, M A. MCnlOc Sàad daugh. ter, Viola, Mr. L. Niddery, Min. D). Me - Cnllooh and Mr. Euhà Pascoe. We hope te se. thein ail son sround. Visitera of the veek : Mr. B.' B' - nolds, of Gneph .Co flege; Dr. I.L'as. coe, SoUna ; miss unt% Toronto ; -Mr. Robin»on, Belevile; Mr. sud UM4s. H gtrtli, Whisby; misLiejehn Ei zi emer, There are soins detestabi, àakgleft, 7.1w inte 'vorkLd.Wheu aman willen~. terafl anled mddestroy spolierxnau me "hie during the. niglit, the bv an in nos arong enough for bim .neitk eh.mia «espd dete"ton dtrnb, ""marder vii n. Visitra: isa aynsrd, T«o Miss. GQojNvasi;Omi $. st risie;Miss »éoàun, hpe Whav e «iOn ~1 WALL' Border8 to Matcfr ot' Bout t~t VOe .- IFAMIRI WbitbyAguy General Bankig Egn. rransaoted. SAVINGB DIPABTIMNT. ltersg afloived athlghesgueun amsag. Reuou..olU0'#ihd7aWsiroqujed 19. J. THOINTONt I s' 5' pi snd badin1 drqgIUL « M 5~ a STAR IJFEASIRfEC. OP L0ND0) NGLND Total funds lnbad,..4 zoîa Bonuses addéd.. Total amenait Asurance ln Grants a verhd vide sand Indisptabl, olicy. No restrictions es te reSîdeaice. Profits lucreasing wMt'7ge orpollcy Immedlate, ,ayment o! deat daïia. Intrhnandcopound boeua ffldde Every description lêMsuofc policy granted. - Local agensvanted. Mm 4111YGeTaSsCarter,, ?or- Head OfliZ4 for CndN. dlfi St. Essi TpOronsOont Gen. Manager, -A wDRGSEs lUne*23, i9-3O. Topg,*. IWè. ADA MS,- cJ~3~E~~.texT Y mauis. 5 d,~ayg 'y 1;oct. i O7;cet. THE GREAT F-amnlly Medicine-of the Âge, Trakon Internslly, It Cures Dioerx*oe, Cramj, and Pain 1» thi StOmach, Sors ThMoa4 Suddoa Cols Cougha, etc., etc. d. Us.d Ext.ornalny, Ut Cures Cûts, Dries, Burns, Scalde, Bprain, Toothache, Pain in the Fac, Neurcug, Rheumati.m, Fro8ted Fet xo w" &0 alene cunbonapplr fty àkùch canai OPUS, W@ocan boa. Oetlmoey O O.effieY of tbé Pati. KiIIe v e ftl ia mageeffectai oohng 1everutpan. and know h lo%0 a gocoad~ -Odkdbe "mae - sua Qi u r atit u aubmac D" no~gpas. Pals-Kller.- N4w & gs DBWB rIoIIa*112 e erli uis P DALvis," fiold HRAMPTON. Miss Mabel Wilcox, town, je visit, ng ath ler home here. Mrs. Petersen and Miss Goudge [ichigan, are vi8iting Mrs. W. Beer, Mr8. F. Parr and chidron have re. urned from visiting eaivsa ;tirlng. o rlai es a Miss Maud Clark has typhoid fever. Mr. J. T. Clark is under the doc. ores acar. Miss Mary Jane F1Iliott, je visiting elatives at Hiamilton. Mr. and Mns. Jas. Stollery Toronto, ar former residents, called on theïr iuy frienda het- recently. Mr. Joseph and Miss A. Bauloli, ort Hope, visited relatives bore Ii ee<. Mrs. Chas. Gordman and children~ shawa, Mme. Jas. ?ainon, tewn; 're gueSsaOf 1Mr. J. H. Buttoirs oer 8undlay. Fire broke ont on Wednesday in r. J. Clatworthy's houa. but was A1 eut before wuoh damage vas Me. Boy. S. T. Bartlett, \Of. Cobourg, «uPied the pulpit Sunday"morninq. Mr. aud Misa Joues, Sto«RrifyU evisiting at Mr M B Orydemrms Mtisa Ljiur Bantou, Enfield, Wios iford, towu, Mr@. (Dr.) Pottier diikillen , are visiting -*t Mr. N. fford"s. -4 Mils Emmeracu, towu, i. vwatug r mincie, 1fr. Geo. IKeralae. Rn, voeeguesta cf 1fr. 3 ýLe over Suasy. i« Ethel Stevanson, luus*,i s. Jas. O e m n . new s wouaerfui (Cures- "I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Hleart sud obtained immediate relief. I b ave taken four boUtles sud nov am en. tiroly free frein evory symptoin of beart trouble, and 1 hope that ibis etitement Muay andice othera tmenblodl as I vas ho give this most valuable romedy a trial," wnites Thomnas Petry, ef Ayliner, Que. tYou eau readily vent7 auny testimonial queted lu eommanudinq this vonderful diseevery of modern medical science. Thonsande have tested iLs curative quall. ies after having "doetored" for y'~ sud ver. proueed hepelefs CassIf as s hast rescyt it bas proved sncb a boon, wbai suffeninge, would b. spar.d if, wben the sligbtest uneasinee aS lthe beartisi experiesced, Dr. Âgnswoa ertCure vote tried. CÂTARR-'q mould net beel that I vwu domng my duhy didI net recommend Dr. Agnev's OstaÎrnial wder te every mee," unItes GeorgeLewis, Shumokiai Ps., »ud -lbink Liat.anaujveagof 0 90 in every bundred 'ehose ye.uvlIl meet 1tbis le o aleaser or grater 4Gegree affeeted by titis insidious disesse. Tiere hs only pme sae, sren amnies.cure -D r. 41inew's asr s P w e. N cas5e 86 4g libat'You O= afdt.gonef lect $"teehie r*nmedy. No cas. sas, or Jeep s.sed tliaIil s i n t e e . m sbselutely courn o- e hrureu hba edy bas bad so nmd h god snid e l ne neznmay bt ie. bëtÎpb heudousehioeip lb miiïan. p1o. , h y o u c ô t a s. m c, b . r libç'g ~é Mdu sdlwïry East1 T'ý ONT., sce abs H.L s.rant.d ie.o.u.ji J Corne dany oand got jirgg chlsMcg. P- B. WARAM, Bryam'goîd Sa grock Et.,1V,,i.4 DOMINION ÉANKO 1 1 4 Kimball & co, LowEST Retail Everywhere O»LUJA& ada 'IR 1 ~apftl Pa 0 81#50 $AOo :-: PRICF,&.,. Surplus,

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