( *~*u'ue -L. John6 A Common Affi icti Psmanenfiy Cured by TakIng r AYIi~R'Sfi A CAB-DRIVER'S STOIT. "T was affileted for eight years vit. itfleum. DuringLbat~ime I tried e nrany medicinea whlcb vers highl ornmended, but Donc gave me reil svas ai (ast advised to iry Ayer's I parilla. by a frîend who frOid rue I musi p nîrchase six boules and use acrord iug to directions. mi ylelded lersuasiori bon g fît ibe six boittes t oo ~the contents of tare. 0f thear fies withorîf notlcing any direct be Before I had flhîiehed the feui'Ui b rny bauds were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My business, o i~ ibai ut a cati-driver requires ni b. oui iii cold and Wel Weather Nîîriîouî gioves, and ilie trouble ne~er reiurn~~.' IHOMÀS A. Ju. .9'raîford, Ont. Ayeî's ~~i'ç Sarsapari Âdmfttd at tRu Worîcus Yair. ..4uer's Pilla Cleanae the Boive OORRESPONDENCE BEAVERTON Mm. G. S. Watlis paid a fivîng vis Toronto lai-t wem-k. The steamer Krilie mn an excUrsjù Barrie ia8t Thursdsy but oui~- a avrsiled iheinseives et Uic Opporînt The day vas piensaxît and an eujuy tîme was spent. Mr. Jno. A. Gilbertson whe bas 1 in Midiand fer tise sumwer retur home on Wednesday week. Great rivalry existe lu basebalîcir envers and the teeme met on greunde et tii. former last Friday ~u the following teame: CampersMxi- McArthur, Hamilcon, E. Hamdt Jackson, anti W. liamilten, M081 Hamilton, Regan, Doman, McRnc i Parsons. Besvers~Miases E. Wesîcm M. Westcott, L. Morrisen, K. Mclnt aud Lexi. McRae and Mesars P. I Millan, M. Roacb, C. E. Weatceu, A Can~ero~ .nud J. MoCrorie. The ga wae flot as excitiing as the prenons c altbougb tbe campera' rooters snd a lai crowd were on baud te yeii for ti favorites. The score wae 84 te 17 favon et t-be Beavers. Dr. Need, et Mîiibrook, bas icen t gucet et A. T. ELîîett during tise pi week. Rev. Mr. MoDonaiti, of Kingetion, is prcach lu Knor churai nexti Sundi zneruiug. There yul b. ne service tic cvenîng on account et tic epeuing tic methodiat church. Bey. Mm. l~cLaren occupicd Knc churci pulpit mat Sunday, moruiug ns cveniog. Service in St. Andrew~s eburci lai Suuday were held in tic basement e acceunt et the kaisoiuing in tic body c tic oburci. Boy. Mr. Waddell preache in the morning, and Rev. Dr. Watson i the cvenîng. Messie. R. F. Wbite sud John Gilpir paesed tbrough ber. on bikes at 1 o'clock Sunday night. Bon md ne les than five punctures on tic tnp wbicl wae arounti Lake Simcee. Mr. and Mme. Jas. Chaimens anc speud. iug a few days au Sutiton. A wiecIrnan vie wbccled fnom To rente te muekoka sud bnek, is reported lu Toron te Star tins: "H. Baye tht road, from Br.oiin t.e Beaveiton sud tc Sucton anc w splendid condition, aiieed et any around tic city." H. meane Lie roada from Brechiu te Bcavcrtou sud Beaverton te SuUon. If h. kncw it tic reade frem Beaverton te anywhere with- in 10 on 15 miles are ail night. John A. Mo~3illîvray, M. P., wa~ in town Tucsdny Inet. Our junior lacresse club playcd a match ou Monday lait with an allegcd club from Sutten ou tlieir evu gronude. Vie score uns 9 tel in Bea~'crtou's (aven hi a short match sud might as weil have bsen50 te Oas net. it vas a paroly junior team spd by ne means tii. best seoozid tvclvc that dis boys could muster. Mn. sud Mis. T. J. Overend viaiied Breehin last Mendey. Mn. J. A.. Giflogly, of Lindsay, wain tovu Isat Tuceday. * Mn. C. Painmnan, cf ManIja, vas lu t~>wu Tueeday; - :~Mr.- Duueau MeDougali, u~be Vas ~uluotpâi ~f a~ton aoho4 koau 1682 $11 -lS9~~&~t nns.~ut taamhh~ là vo0 w i Capg, hI$i~u~ bf Gi~~4 ~api~ MOX~X~N ~oioe crn,<>i&~ ~fr& ~ Pa#ersoz, Toronto~ was I~C~CI ~ I itli and 12th r <»tfl~d6Wfl to t~e rifle hia'~ife~ud fah~iIw, ~O ScQoP the p11208~ Our local shoot- ~ form.r~ of ~Du1uth aad tYp~pow,~ Yiai~g h~ >~II<~Y îsts are hereby warned to te ia practice Tho ,wement pt~eration of wome Mn. W. P~isley and fainily, Churcli to meet ther men of No. 7 and 4. ~Iohn za lookin; w.II. ~ a bIumed witli prnrilegea auad a~dg tha~'~ aiii, spent 8unday hors. fami~yand&gô~d*11.. grand-parents uevor ondoyede Mnong Mr. Ehas Ree~or to<>k a load of fat was the brick yard, where a large kiln A place of n~uch interest luat week XLI. tii. many important ai ahi the family hoga to Toronto on Tuesday. of x6,ooo brick was being burned. 000 $0 tii. oonnty of York to b. used in portant place, Misahas P~tenhuh.queatb.d 12,- tii' Diamond Dysa heM a higli and ~ We have had good ,.crops and har- Every evening brought its quota of ereoting an hzflrwary lu oona.cUon witii Fo!!uierlythe dyeing operation vas a vefit wiIl soon be a thing of the paat. visitors te see this immense furnace, P doubtful job. To-day, Miss Laura Stouffer, of while the boys entertained and made tii. Poor Hou.. aDd Induatrlq.1 Home at t~dioug~ and St~~ffvil., merry the time with songa anci roast Newmarket. Hea' brother sud lister- a dr..,, cape, jacket,, coat, pants or veot was visiting friende here Tuesday. corn. James Allen - sud Rebocea 6orin-who can b. oolored and inade te look.aa good M botb reside iii Teronto, bave nov' corne as new at a very amaîl coît. r. Fenton, Toronto, paid a fiying Sometbizfg must be done withthe forward and alleged that tbeir relative When trouble. arise in home dyeing, visit here Monday. giddy people of Osha~a who are spend- waa mot in a fiPoondition te make a will, it, je because yen have allowed Your des]- Measrs. Fry, of Michigan, and P. R. ing nearly ail their money for the plea- that undue influence was exercised. The er to seli you dyea tint are crude and Hcyjver Green River, ealled on friende sure of rlding on the trolley cars. The maLter was conuidered by theCounty dangerous te ueo-vile imitations of the bere I Oommissioners &fonday morn ina ~pular Diamond Dyes. IViien th. ast week. last complaint is from a milkman who gaz> p says he neyer had so much trouble to ,. County Solicitôr Robinson instructed $0 Diamond Dyes are used your work le Mr. A. Mantie bas secured a job get his pay as he has had this season, conteet the daim. aooomplîshed in a few minutes, and yo~ threshing with Mr. Evana, of Clare~ On Monday a young man by tue name are certain of the beat reaulta. mont. and the reason he gives for It is that 011 of Grimes was arreeted sud brougit j~. Suceesaful home dyeing can onl~~~~g F. F. f people on excursions and on the fore Justices Lundy and Lloyd, on a suit when.you use Diamond Dyes; re Mr. l3oothb our res cted spend twho are limited in their cash charge of setting fire te 1fr. John Crake's yearu of severe teating have proved this young tailor, who iS 7)0W in British trolley. bouse, on the second concession of tact. Columbia, expects te be in our midet Mr. T. W. Chapple. M. P. P., and (i iraa- Whitohuroh, whicb was burned some three weeks ago. Grimes confessed that ilgain next ruonth. Mr. Chas. lC~lly have returned from ri h. had donc 80 and implioated !frfr. Crake A forgery esse. Mr. Vanburen Forsyth, of Glasgow, Ottawa where they were attending the '~ as an acoessory. Grimes waacommjtted Wm. Waples, jr., who runs a shingle was acting the good samarîtan meeting ofthe High Courtof Foresters, both of whom were honored by being ~ te stand hie trial at Lie next assizes ~ milI in North Orillia. was yesterday usuai tus week. lie appeared in our elected officers of the High Coort Cen- w bL~ait was also Mr. Crake. Bail wae acoepted charged hefore Police Magistrate Lai- rnidst with us gang of men and gave ~' rec- for latter the former was com- ferty with forger-v. The information Mr. Barkey a helping hand with his J sellor and the latter as High Marshall. an et. I mxtted tojeil, and wae taken t-o Toronto states that Waples d~d on lune 20 sîgri fine crop of oats. A friend in need While there they attendcd the opening UP loi ~ jail by Constable Frisby on Wednesday the name of "Thos. Fagan, " who re- is a friend indeed. of the House of Commons. seeing the them morning. They will be tried at tbe neit sides at Coulson, to a note for $6440, j Speaker elected and hearingthe speech Sflî tohîs assizes whioh Opens in Toronto on Sq>- and that he did then discount the note and Calverlv EV my ~ tember~h. to Wm. Orillia The case rom the Throne deiivered. Iii< nefit. ERY FAMILY ottie, The dry weather is evidently going te was adjourned titi Tuesday. There SMOULD MNOW THAT Market quesuon. The board of trade held an interest- make sinail potatees. The price is are several other similar charges ing meeting on Friday evening las tin i already stîffening up. On. thing la against the prisoner. Constable Arch the market hall. The report of the te~ certain there wilI Dot b. sucb a gîrit of Fîfe made the arrcst. Mr. Cotter is market committee was presented and UtTC te te yeare to corne. We are toid that ti)Q Got too much money ~hIch tire tuber as occurred met year, for inany prosecutîng. recejved. The question of changing ittee- has amati potatoes are ah~ndsnt but that A somewhat pecutiar case came be- £ the first market day of the week to __ considerahie ground bas te b. gene ov~r fore Pot~ce Niagîstrate Lafferty iast Mai to get any great quantity of marketable when John Keits was charged with de- Wednesday was voted upon and the AS n onee Mnny this senson materially re frauding the Dominion Bank out of duced the acreage they ware in the habit ~î ~. It appears that in December, proposai rejected. A move was inade - ~f Pi8i3ting, wbjch was a mistake. There 1894, Keils presented an order of the - strictty cash basis. and a motion was peI~ft la made and carried to have only cash je Dot on. year in ten in wbîch potatoes Victoria i-iarbor Lumber Co. at the bids made on the market. Ail but two b net afford n botter profit (han grain. bank for payment. The company had of the town buyers are in favor of t De- It paye to stick iîberaily te the Murphies. atready paid him $15 on the order, but and aIl other business men favor it, Albert Stonifer, who delivers rniik iD tIns was not noticed by Mr. D. L. I. a very remaikabie remed~, both for Iv'- basîs for a market. The this town, while returning from the enat 1-tilt, who handed Keils th e fuit arnou nt T~RNAJJ and EXTrE3AL use, sud ~ efforts aiong eod this mornîng ha<I a rather Serions of the order. Ketis ctaims he was in- derfnÂj~ftu quickaouon ~ ~ ~, thîs une witi no doubt be continued. runaway. As he was getting into bis toxicated at the time and neither de- PAIN-KILLER hamure cure tir,- 5p Wbereîa tise proftt? rrg, in which were bis boy and Mi-. nies nor arnrms that he got the money, ~hîîî~, Dtarwinpa, Thi'oat COuarhn, If a merchant, through fear of iosing Sainuel Stonifer, the borse comznenced but refuses to ~AI~L~TTT~ ~ DES? a customer to some other to mn round before b. could get hoid of - make good the amount oSera andaji bvWOICe£flPjAjl£L& merchant the reins, and upset the rig. Mr. Stover hence the action. The case was adI ~ pound L2iII~AILLEI~ edy knnvn or Ses.. pays I 2c. a for butter it te got ont and tried te grasp the tic etrnp iourned tilt Tuesday. Crown ~\ttorne' a?"'L 81tk fleadn-be, in goods or tdeRheunauam~eNe,,~,I,,,, that he can-not seil for over îoc, what <~ Cotter I~ATMT)TTTT'I% but taiied snd the herse dragged the rig, IS prosecuting and Mr. McCosh At2u1-I~ILLrI¶ ~ profit does he makeon hisgoods? Ten n te while npaet, a considerable distance, ~ sz~n~. îtîtrir~ga ~rVTnT A~D PVPMArJ\-T~,,LI,-T pounds of butter at zoc cost $r. The few when tire whifiletrec broke ~nd the PICKERING. i~a~-i~e, eîc.I~~~UI84rI Culs, Sa»raAm~. Sevea-e merchant pays $r. 20 in goods. It costs ity. animai got away. Mrs. Stouffer was Mrs. ~V. T. Hartrick was aile te be or~t PAIN-KILLER tira dan~ ten per cent to do busines~.pay cterks, £ broken for a drive the other day, a very favorable 3î~~hn~îe, Fariner, Pinuter, ~ ~ ~ lighting, heat Ing, bookkeeping, ren t, Tue boy cscaped injury. The cause of aigu indeed. ~ w.nti~ a medî~.sne êl"a~e aiha..d ta~ es, &c. To barely let himself eut ~ able hadiv shaken np but ne boues are ce the Action of the herse cannet be account- M ra. Geo. Long et Church street, has ,, ~~j~£.iLcrmaI£-~ ~elhiaî£y 1~a~1 the merchant must get 10 pet- cent pro- »r~ ned ed for as iL je usuaily verp quiet.- been rather indiapoed fer a few day. but 'U~~FAVL£~ - Sold av~rywhpr, ic. bigboLii& fit ail round on tie goods he seils for Tribune, is so'newh~ botter. V ii.rg boflie. &jc. the butter. Does he get it? Every des ~ Mrs. Thomas Long aîid children, of To- ~ article the farmer has to seli should anS rente, are ber. tus week wîth Mra. Ueo. BROUGEAX. have a eash value, If only cash bids ~ aud q Con t Leng, et churci atreet. Thomas Hinibard anti wife, ef Toronto, were made on the market, only cas h KM tbe Ineniai W~ have been inforineti that arc with J. W. Hogie this wcek. '-a:ues wouid be paid. A nt creditnbiy mercha iti Borne $700 are beîug expended in improv- Mies Jane Theruton, of Whitcvalc, ~ may give away bis goods under the de- Reput ation. ing tiecoîlege durîng th&vacntion. We are exceedingly aerry te eay that ber. tic gueit of Mrs. Dunbam lusion that be wiil make a few cents E~ ira. John R Wintar i. indi.posed witî intlam- W. J. Bod.u shippeti three barrele cf somehow, but when LJ3d Cl C '5 net Critical it cornes to~ giving ru ation. H. very bewever. peare te bifontreal on Wedneadny. away cash he wili not deceive himseif soya --~V~.JLLJ~Lu Robert SecI<er, et Liverpool Market, ,~ Bert Littiejobu and R. ifarris of very long. Cash is the best basis for ~ and its Th-ousands f centined te his home with ilineas, and bis Chaflt Lake, were here ever tue Sabbath. business, and the oniy proper basis for condition is becoming daiiy more alarru- Miss Flora Robison lias returned frein a market. E me Advocates. -mg. Ripley and wiii new romain wich ber A tlutter 0f excitement was notice- Robert Miiiers shcep arrived here grand parents. abie around t~n on Monday morning ne from quarantine on ~Vednesday and were Mn. 8. Phillips and two boys, et and t~>e caus~~f it was a wedding. A unlonded. fie at once re-ahipped a num- a ew - at a magic Waterford, arc ber. for days ~~->~î ding. Wh cii Go where you wiii over the whole ber te varieus parts of uc States. word. Peô- in North Arnerican continent, you wîil hoar Wbilo maoy of Lie ruelle in the village Squire Phillipe. pie who have been looking saur and Paines Celery Cornpound apoken et and surreundj~g district are lew, and cnt- Miss M~ MeGregor, of Hunteville, r.- troubled ail week, brighten up and Iook h. and in every village, town and cîty yen tie have te b. drivon te the neigbboring turned borne Lie other day after having pleasant at tie mention 0f a wedding; witl fiud seme, who, tiirou~h ti. Cern- strenms to be supplied, Lier. i. a remark- spent a wcck witi Mrs. R. 8. PîIîLIPs. aiid people, especiafly the pounda pewer, have fuund healti and able absence et those disenses calIod con- J. T. Je~eil hie ubippcd a lot of bar- girls, are ah agog with curious interest new lite. r'igioua te be more prevalent neas te Manitioba Thus tic nnd auppeseti recentîy. 1to se e ttc ceremony and watch the People deligit in telling te etiere season of tho year. As the bot farne of cor business men renobes tic couple off on 'the train. In this case ~3' what Painris Ceiery Compound bas donc season onu be consîdereti ovor, we iook far westi the contracting parties were Mr. iDof or tiem. No wonder tint tier. are fer s ioalriy fail, at lea.t in thia section. P. Hogle did net go to Kanitoba met George Derrick, Toronto, late of Lon- tons et tionsanda et ardent and enthus- Two iungry ieokizg youths bave been week as was întended. ~e viii awa~t don England, anti Miss Hutt of 1h- unstic misi' ail over tic contin e~ ba.ee lin. , for'~' eri L.A sonarues ~ ~n)ping down below tii. bridge neye freoe Carter, who did go ~ $0 .Ji-lug y <4 Eng.~n~. The IX speakîng good werds about Pain. s "ei- forth. pa.t (ortuight. For the pasti week prospects there. - bridesma~d was Miss Emma Hutt, with ~ îd .ry ~ tq tues. whe need a cur- oniy one pf them ha. been Ceming UJ> Mis,. Addison, <'f Toronto, bas b. littie Gwennie Hagg~s as maid of ~ Cemnonni Evs~ 'ng and a heahng oti Ti f honor. mucun,. e rucnd. tewn f~ supplie. and he teli. ~ pitable ~ ber motier Mn (J J Wilson led The groomsman was M~. Rut- mt wbo bave spoken for and recemnmcnded story a~ut hie brother being iii at thfr Paine's Celery Cornponnd have d~one rude but, and Liat boti arc muci iii need a few days. Sic aIse called upon lier ge of Toronto. Rev, Mv. Manning 1 more $0 advance tic reputation et earti's of tic bar. nece d beat medicino tian ait tic flSWRnftn4,. asaricé for ex atone. numereus fniendg hereabeut,, performeti the ceremony at the Metha.. ~"R5 Qist churci at 7. voila aornejtîngjy dîspoeed person ehould ~ Bumor has it that Teacher Coitman 25, jtist five mlùutes *s-a articles ever publiahed. et time, co eut tic above and find eut if thi. sorrow- ha. taken a turu for tic worsc during the abead nsequently a number The grent majorîty et diseases tiat end fuI narrative bas any foundation hi tact. past week. Lt is questîona~îe wbether et peopie only saw the finzshing part of inrnisery and death rnight b. quickiy Soructbing sheuld b. donc in the t, or flot ho wî~î i. aile to assume ~ the ceremony. The bride was given porrnnnentjy cured if sick persons ton et g~tting & gymnaaîum reoin ». et oui scliool bcfdre tii. new year. away by her brother..în..îaw, Mv. W. couid oniy b. induce-4 te use Pa.ine'a Ccl sornething et tihat sort for the ulntier Wbio drivinga eolt through tue vlm l-laggas. The newly mnarried couple cry Cernpeund. menths. lu our opinion there oould loge tii. othe~, day, Jamos 3ackso~ ~ took the north t vain for Midiaud and - The wondertui medicine ha. ~ [toile quît. rsudiiy b. had enough membere tc> with rathera severe ebaking ~j ~me the lakes. Lu a few days they yul record et cures-au anray et teatimony puah the thing through, and sbould b. few sligbt vounda. Tii. annpal teck lake ui their resîdence in Toronto. that is truiy maguificens sud astoni.hing. comrnence<j night away as the evenînge are f~ight at a pie.. cf papor and upeet tii. lIre Ilaulta. h The nheumatiic, dyep.ptic, nerveus, run- get~ng .bo~t. W. w~bl like te see the rig tbrowii~g tii. old gentleman oui. If you have propertyon J3rockstreet, I - do un, sîcepîca., weak, sud tho.. ton- mented young and other men in tii. village get The accident hwtppened opposite Dr. consisting et lieuses, stores, -stables1, or with blood dises..., arc soon te wonk sud have it donc betore it is tee Bateson'. résidez,... ivarehouses,. sud bet~veen Victoria ruade wcIl sud strong by Paine's Celery inte. street in the west,, and Ffrst Avenue Compoqnd. Even if your doctor ha. James Gibeon, et Liverpool Manket, ThSO~UIDOUoeU sud Marrietta street in thé east~ and it doubta about your osa., Paine's Celcry af ton an iilnesa et some we.k., dio4at us 0f Hoodg 8arsapaiiils. vins friea~ds wbeeever burus dlown, you will ~tbe permitted titi Cornpound wii surcly aud ocrtainly give reeiden<~. o~ Wodnosday aftercee~ agc4 it la faunly sud hcuestly tnie4,-, Vous,. perfect te rebuilâ lu wood. Lt must be brick, yen the bioom et icalti sud long ycars 78 years. Deoeas.d vas hein ip tJ>o Iielth, ~ou inUit have isbloo4,aaid tii, but et happinesa.. county et Lant~,iajs, lrcland, sud came t<> VA~ te have ~ ~ ~ ~- stone or some ustte* sapatifla, Ibe bept blond p~jj5*~ ~ Jn~teriajl. if y~>u Ivaut ~ ~w rôef yen Let yeur druggiet or dealen know that ~ Canada soin. forty flve years aço. and beilder. - Lt ea~pels sll'taint cf soetifnja,à lu yeu must haro "Pain&s," as imitation, us. rcsidd in the floubarton nei~hbor- rheum mi ail ciii humera, sud ut the - use - ipgies .9zity cannot meet your case. hood for Berne thirty..~,0 Jeans orn>or,. inn, builde up tii. viiols eystsn. titi, ~iuC, ~ ~(~rw~4l <lOi ~T1ie ~uy. kw- Hic leaves a tamily et Ave grovu elilidren tbeaestniçtiosis .ged ~ ~ sffiisnt. z.. oct Wêe Fbe~ 1Jn4er#ritero~ ~~C1&~I UOUUT AIBEUT, sud h~. partzier $0 ~ourn hiadenuse. ~ Miss L. Morley is visitlng in Barrie. Ticy aU have much .>'mpathy. Vhs ThêQ~,ugsrv5tj~., have 4oçi4edto mahu,. ~O5jPS8~CdL II#~t~ funoral irili take ~l~oe thue ~J'4a~y»~. to~$nattcu lu Noth Oxford lue 0.4 C» on. - Misses Wood 1of Bradford, spent ing, leavi tii. e~is aI~ 9 o~cIock - Thursday lu towo. Tii. cortege wgJ ~ t. ~e R.C~. ~ ~. ~ w ~II$~bukk.-i cently. oemetery 'hor, the roinains viIir>êipMr. Jos. Bell was Visitîng here re~ churiuh for servzcêaz,~j &hen~ te th~~io~ tii. Itauditos os Miss Browz~ of Pine Orchgrd, spcn: teied.Nws. afewda~rsfr.T~ong~, - Mv, Lt R~ss has ~>pcne4 upapo.. ** ~ , - - e ~ .~e ~ r- ~ -~ - west. Mv. Jua Rowland. :who bas had ~"~"~ duce store lu Toronte -Qfl~ Qu~en strcet*,..~e charge of<Mr. Rose' ~cry<j~>~ ê - ment 'ere us n2snagert~f~~~, 4 Mr.W.. K Jettes bas returg~<j frem *L7~Q~Z~4~ -Wo4v,11ê~ :~. - - . - ~ ' - - -- L. t-i* Ltke~ aMIr~ Consumption~Low Con~ Wond.rfuî R..ug~ F'@m y 1100dm____ ~r-I lUes H Teronte, Ont. Four years ago whije In the tsgiand>, rny daughter Hanna~ w oid eous~~ om t.hc hospital, lu s very io~~~Y [Lb consumption et the iungs an~W condlU~ bowej5 ~ sak action ol Uic beart. The tnp acro~ ~ ster te tibia couutry seemed te Diake iter for a wblle. Thon she b >rse, and for 14 weeks she vas egan to gg~ Uic bcd. Sise grew worse for ~v trahie tout it Lire use et ber limbe and bovere mentir5~j d If sire est Up (n b.d had tePref beiy wlth pillova. Pirysldtans O prop~ SaId She Was Past Ail HsIp iwantedmoto senmi her te tue inrabtes.' But I sald as long as I ceu~ ~ irandupair;sireuldfloge We then be~ rIve ber Sarsapai.flla. She la gettin~ mng, walks around. le eut doors every day; Do trouble wlth ber tibroat and no eoîrs~ ber heart seemns te be ail right again 5la a firsi ciasa appetite. We regarri ber er~ni otuuxig ehortofa ton Street PA,.kd mec1. W Wy~~ ~ aie, Toronto, - Ontarlo.' - ood's Pille are purei~ vegeta~i0 a~ ectily narunlees. Soid by ail drug~,~ ~ e i.--..' ~OST .9IICCflSFyIL REIEDY ~OR MAIE OR BEAST. Certain lu lis efeois aud nover bliger.. Lad pinots beiowz saRLI P. o. EoxSui if ~5aiebys» »rugglsteeraj~~g * I B. J. KENDALL COMPj.~'~  ~ Am~~ I Or Twoe~ty-5lx Yeara ~o1Çs 'ast qt~ bus -8sssmeflt- near Spiuk's reduce - ~p~0Ot $1500 A Iet~ from Mr routo, aaking that a bc>ld articleS storeti ~eu or tweivc yea o~ tue Aiibnigit chilm ber for the eldeet -On Motioti this wasi ON LOCAL C Dt1YlD~ tue atter r council twe deputatu hall te diseuse tie (Il ~neBI~iY vote on th' Ia~~ That on beh keepars consisted et barfisten, Toronto, pickeriug, Edward GnecflWood, J M (~ and Alex Wilson Clarement. On thê were R.vd's Leggot ~uley sud Thoîn, Ferry, Green River, M-r and Mn Ed Wiir R P Happer, Fostr and Mrs James Ho Boye; Thos Cai-ter Mis Dnnham, Mi- Wagucr, O Pugh, t Teol, John Seldon arr M. Gleeson was t Fie said 688 had sîgi fer repeal, wbereas o cd tii. original pet! tir fer-or against ifltrç,r option law, and ont'. for it. Tie availa township is probahly ed that local optier well, and neyer W)l~ s No-snob law is succi faix' te tii. township the hotel keepers tii. liquor trathe les but a hotel cannet h witiiout it. To lay c tilI the municipal ele te tii. hotel keepers, iii a stock et ceai an Ed. Wilson, spoke Mr. Gleesen was ~er - the way in setting t of the townshîp do'.'. about 1600. 1I& casien when tie 'W Tii. argument tbat t barreom to hoîster u~ business is net allov ~ lin. of business [If find customers enou tii. wall. So does a hotel keeper He pi cheaper dinners sud dation if we wîll a~ people in hia barreau any riglit te b. enter - scale, sud have the penses made hy an e' makes eue farnily rn that anether nîay 1 rates. The petîtbon vote was cmrcuîated i People wene led to si vere assured et tiE act. The disaatisf-at that time was net th but beosuse- tii. liqi fit te stir up htîgatic kiiling it, and had tlires years. They liquer, aud under su anybody weuid b. tus Iaw was voted i - ,poople they underete havé a fuli and hent yea.rs. Tii. friende ~ c>nsumed thnee ye bunk it, sud nov' tht another thz~ee vears itii force before peopi ~, iJ~nu. ~ W. cauz ~~u-that it hasozi f~. Tiiose - -~ ?40WS.Skth&titl ~*ftheirown e ~ '~!be council le v ~4ass that tii. inter 1db. wiuiug ~hres y.ars ti Hopper FSid et azîfferers ~tiis repeal i ich le uow w ~ renewal ol bas.pu eut- cous ijiui