Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1896, p. 4

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-m ,aiethe 1ilSpumalu the alsaket.- eleiim.d ont. Gît bIià -a caIl. Tbé. Wbby fir fi to be held on "PL.s8 - A Young "mas uamed Streator (rom three -TO Br- miles west of bere, was marrfed on Wednes. d;y aigbr <to Miss Agites- Davldson. daugit. P~STED wit FLES.ter of Mr. JamneDavieson of thb:town. Mr. luoin Carr, the venerable tanient trader, Oshawa,. (el! labo the excavations for __________tbe celiar of Foy'u bote! ut tbe jueiction on Moab. Wednesday night. He wus considerabîy stunned, but was able te go -home on the marn.. ma m*late train. He says a train ran over bim TnhJlrrnnfl~j~J~once anud ouiy kisocked twr teeth ont, and * àUIhat a (al i a cellar is of ittie account. Several men who enught te know better1 ~MftW ~have been guilty of indeceut dunken ecaa-t * I'IIMII FL! All~ pades on the street here titis week. It looks roi: HMU lUI IEUEverybad to see tbe (ather of a respectable family of grewn-up sons and daukhters ex- 150. and 100. Paka ges. oin i erc nth iu corners, and these things in future.r ns,. n. Oh fer Manitoba and Europe. fin~t QuiI~ Inset ro i~r Oh for Manitoba and Europe. See Ste- J p.ienson, Whitby, for cheap tickets t0 and from Engiand, Scotland, Irelaud, British -M Columabia, Manitoba, California, afl United di States and Canadian points, anywbere, <J LfILLi~9 evetywhere, boat, rai! or ocean. Rates W~ guaranteed right. Througb tickets (rom as .7Pickering, Tpronto, Mynile, Brookimu and bc Whltby. Sec E Stephenson, Wbitby, before CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, tlravelling, and gel choice ef ten beteat Iines. Aise buy youn Toronto, Mtoutreal and MEDICÂL - HALL, Ottawa exhibition tickets at Stephm-nns gr' office.ai Brook Street, - Whtby Board et Fducition. Met Weduesday nlgbt. Chairmnan Blow of vil the finance committee read a report recom- hel mending payments au folows: Paul God- Ail frey, cieaning chimneys, Os; R. Wiliia, Iii .trr~t~Ié cartiug, $10;- A. H. Allin,6o cents; Rice ~jV4 J5 #4,. Lew is & Son'$ 16.25 ; R. S. Cormack $ i.8o; are A. C. W ilson $2320 ; J. H one n*21 1 0 Brysu & Son o6.Toa «.2.35 W.he s WHITBY, SEPT. 11p 1896. tbbcpprlnting cavitewa emfpowered to pal o teceilegiate institute to use i col- T 1olIUa.l Net«.lecting fées (rom the oftti~lm - k - The first division in the new Hopse etrten ad'& ný ---r. CU Com mens sbowed a Liberal majonity eft34, Wtt Durhem P air. after ail membars were accountcd for, ter. Bowmanvilie Fair this Year wullI b. beld on beialg two seats vacant. AIl the indepan. Tburs<lay and Fniday, Sept. 17 and tg- earlier titan usu.a- The programin l unique. dents voted snd spoke iu (aven ofthbie gev- Thursday at 4 P. M. titene bu a base bal ernwnt.-Hou Mr- Harty, Outario Comn- match fer e cash p rixe ef Sue. At night a missioner et Public Works, is sald t er.-premanade in tbe drill shed. Fniday'g pro. hopelessly 111, aud Premier Hardy is loorug rm PnWthabcleoptii t a lruOfordScesr- r aulLbr 1:30 P. in. for 12 valuable Pizes-ladies, alua elected Sir O. Mowatsa successor in mensà aud boys', sud a band cempetitien ai South Ofr by 75o matoity.-~Hou Jas 2 P. rd-, fer 3 Prixes-4a,5, fi~sud $îe, open Mar tin, ex-M.P. fer Winuîpeg, States that if toect Durham. Valuableprixesareoeffer- be is netappobubed Minister et the Interiar cd for butter, indludiag S£3 Dinuer Set, $8 he wilntact a judgeship.-It att!! Parler aLouage, $6 Tea Set, $5 Worth goods lonowiIas . MnLaurier', ut Coucb, jobuston sud Cryderman'a etc. Minister of the Intenior.--Premier Laurier Very large numlben of special prizes are off. Unged Mn Taylor te witbdraw hig alien laiton ered, muaking attogether oeeoettbb mout at- bil, but stated that if the Ameicaus Con- ai vretrdb b oit teefnc hi lv a a t ePornsee Ofrd h oit tÎuued t noceterlwsecuig aa oie ftePrize List may be had (nom,i dian working mcn frein the U.S, oui- par*, and autnies may b. made witbR 1DT lialment vill have ta intreduce rebaliatoryR iç)ir Iegislatlon..-.Sir Oliver Mowat bas Can- Sce.rBuavle celled thte famous list et Q.C's au selected Fannlag. by the late gevernmeut. He bas aise can- This 'ta tbe nameoaspeddmgin oelled several contracta given for militai-y whicb bam taken te place et bhe Live Steck Unifnmu u btug llegl..Journal. It ta a montbiy agnicuitural maga zine, sud tbc September number ibuoeeof abhiw e the finest perlodicais ever turned eut lu Can- The fit eectins, n theUnitdadttes t gives tue geod portraits of Hon. Thefal eecion l ti. aied teesaraeJohn Dryden, Smr John Curling, Hou. Chas. begillnîng te iman oR, sud tii.y show bow D)rury sud otherex.mniatem<(ri<-îal thinUO are movlng aerc«es iUnes. Ver. Presideot Mti, ef Ontari io curicl Montin he orthasthm oneRepublican lage, J. W. Robai-tson, Dominion dairy com- muotindi notiasu bs <nemisioner, Henry Wade, provincial registrar % vitit double té usual majority. On thseetoflivt> stock, sud mauy collage prefessors. «"thbaud Arkansas, in bbe southet, has tt i vas cube et bbe lollowlng leadiug agijei. 'oted DeMOCrat, Or Popocrat as bhey calî, lui-lts or stock breeders of Ontario Ceunty :U by mor then twice the nsal msjenîîy. The A. Jeituston, Greeuwood ; R. Miller, Broug-w vote in Maine tubes p lace next Meuday. sud haut J. I. Davidsen, Balsam; jobnA c irl g or tvo fithse Republicans, It Gillivray, Ujbrdge; Wm. Smtith, ex-M.?., woud p;wxas If it would b. tite est and Columbus; F. W. Hodsonspitedt Iorth againt tiesoutis sud ucat, tesame of (armai-s' institut.«; je' u. E GedeU usha ala.beeu thse case in the United bridge, (Who writes au article ititis Oum- State. Thete la tee big a population te ail ber ou silo.>Tihis numbar Coutains muny ha of eue mmd. fine articles of aspecial value te agnicuutur- Canada i. wearng diamonds thase days. 'uts sud stock breedars. Farutiog costs Si per anuum,adis ctelulvy the citeapeut Site basa new geveramneot, tbe greatest (air Journal of its clsaa«e la Canada. It' ad- os carbis, sud bas uotae sculllng chaut- dres l "Thte Br-yant Pi-rnes," T1oonto. PlonsiaP Of ltse wotld, besidès wltniug the and.tisose viteaut a good farts Magazine SaCll cb=anieuiip efthtie lakes, and sbeuid send fir a sample oew. tngbotihîc1Man d Philadeiphla ut A Valaiab. Quartui er! vlv. ke.W. bave carricd te laurelofethbie The laadlîîg artile in Cugaw is îa-oy. eauinlu godmine boomlng, and have s big ~ smenoi's poUet (rom the Pacifie te te At- is anevie fthUic pesidentiuj CanipsigU ef luatie. O n Country a'eu&ebae ie " 89,ceataboiag a veait ef lnterestiog aud appeas tohavebeentai7 l Infonýatien. arguments W sud fa're Providence wtth plenty teaet, aa~. ieps drink aud ear, asud OUT People bave thepostions taken by the. varions a nilsd pluck te vin bbche norseofthtie Parties, btheai-rangementoe t ates aczwgAit yaar. Titese great tiiogi dd te teeUDn- tether >lafcm sfn!Pi-ceedlu etfte Coi *rys aut sroad, and Serve te 4dvertlse varos oventions, etatistics of curaucy ME ou-Dfoii as a country ef reseunces and systenis Of te retise sud pot. traits of tbe leaders'of partisahepro-.N gi-eu of internationd al tetallsut, tae reclz Sch A gi-eât Marly people anc aiways ln a gi-est- procty poicy,, etc. Tiae ie m269 pagaet f areat because Canada dec, net draw moi-e adig matter and fS 68 îs.Mon i bunrd o fie ocftllitreated are;,Si OMîgrnnts sud ii up moea quickly ; but Veoezueo Question ; Caban Revoit; -Sentit VI bliat ouly abowa heu lttle tbey knov. We African Situation ; CaMPaigus lu Abyss1inja dO not vant a streani et vortitics sud la.sud Soudas .Anmenlan QuestIon; RvotAu hm vagabonds ceming loto Cansada, suci s a Crete ; Situation la bbc FauiEat. C;1enges o ..as overTiu tae United States. Oui- neigb- !oual Preceedings ta fulf; Genez-al Elactions t tt borWibave sîckened oft tiis,'sud are adopting in Canada; British poliiicu;- Lebor Move- piàeurste stop lb, W. bd better.sfeeote nts ; Hungarian Mlllenniai Celebration;- tut tdey do net, turatae cunnant Inte, Cas Crousties of bbc Czar ; Revived Olyutpc -eda.. Canada lu devcloping plcnty fast Games ; Pi-ogrkss ofScience, includlug io .nougb, uati f bhuit entu so i-nw duction et Ligitt Wltbout RHast, Eletecty -th= UR rrnais se intry foOr ~Diiy from Carbes, latent about X r-aya,W tuer, o sUtruanin se vgn tsat oi- ec,'Religions conventions - Book reiev:- 6~ willbç agood!Ma. Integdof woop n ul Ohhtuafles of premlnant uen etc. etc. Wz;t vIi bç * at ced binsIu prsbeadom al v eOttg uflale. N. Y.: Garretsen, Coi & Ce., p>ub. i the venId oui- gQvei-ment uhoild se e iaiera ;Alfred S. Jeohnson, aditor; Si.5 a Chi tW aien are allewed te seule in Canada yer 0cns~Iime.soc. Uit tbo ie g iva promise of baeming f:ais Suwtàble ewghorufeoïui- p rasent popuis- Eue Wbsl tlon. -Wé *m -Dow flve mlu Qu paople, al3" :Wbr Mpet b ýdtlcaWed or,table sud happy, and lb 40ObC , mfer-botter t e rqâai five millions titan Met Monday lut. A cmotmunjcatio Vus i» anow ona undesirabla pi-son toe m ui-ceSd boiàTosto geaeraj liW ut~re ýtc' . ang un. lInstad Of tezlng Chinese,$5oterts .F arodP . ,saigqçmlIbs . Canada va esitonld cJiarge tisem ~ad Itulians'-btasanie. Far- betta eiI a<olIttesr ay m D -1oneaS ID ani epty lieuse titan a bda ennt. betwScn 1oC e* à , Q,9 *Hpràv$O< im- %?.wI Leçals. n (v lirlb* om nq« the "M t* St M. Y W Chapp e,, m P vas lula t oue nt 2 3 value of ài. osv ~ . Ildwodlnngtabla, 4 leavsu#ay $5e sttb dwO tS*-1iW u-tbawoi WW. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M TIab 4 DSOi»*1 iar th e ]J aWrA,_s cesîa ase oa Jti.lI~tydsi ag. s.U.. 5-- i"ut lmrSP, <'gui""- crence te, pr ixe-takers, as ther.- were reral sbowing from bere. oo4dwod Dur school was ciosed on M onday. Labor day. rbe Misses Iickeuson spen: Sanday and iaday iu ClaremouL &r. J. Todd. V.S., ef Brockville, vas borne a tew days las: vek. bem epwortbleaque takes charge of Lite mer. ut the methodist church next Sunday menu- hbe Victora House and the store O=epied by D. Carey have heen oepainted, which un- ves thear appearanos site a nunber of our citisens are .takug in iitdusgyiaj st Toronto tkis week, wbîcb i& med te beat lte rem " di.Yeur ev. Mr. Thoruley bu absent for a couple o1 ks' bhlday, His work was taken on Suo- by Mr.Reynods ofAr nom, 'ho nave a tu a I ega Onom. f -A goodly number from banc ana attendiug tisa exhibitien. Mies Wagner. of Michigan, iu spending a fev days vis the Doty fsntbly.. - Mn. Bejamio Flewel! bau lcaaed tae old McKray tarin from Mn. Kennedy. Mn. W. Doble sud Mr. Cox bave a ecitba- gua ePeratiens ou dhiu-fanais be. Damne Ramrsays va are te have a wed- AL ding soon. D e't disappoint 0us John.C - C H O U T O Dg , lieurs. Jos. sud Chas. Ruddy ai- spend- iogës af feMdr.e beKrnau ngt ue emos ,E U LU C[BLR madle eXPreslY for My numnerous customers, with botter papen thes lu te absence ef Rev Power, bbc' pulpit any other in the market, yet no higher price. Other sjdendid Value at 1, 2 and 3 cente. Exercise Books i vas occupied b y Maman. Newton St. John grea~t vniaty, and botter velue titan ever. Rubber Tipped Pencis froni 10C. per dei up to 50 cents. sud R. Davis ef Valeatyne.. Eraser8 1, 2 and 8c., fornterly 2, 3 and 5c. Ail the Public and High Sehool Text Books. S e v a a l etftth e F . M . m e m b e rs a te n d e d iS m h a pl f e . _u e e u i o u e i ro o o a a e Lxhidge Suaday eveuing te itear the fane- Sm ha Stationery _etyt Note Pae 5c. prqie n su eio Enveo s2ic er pakao. wal! sermon et Rev. Mn. Aiguire. AGENT for the Preston Autoniatie Sehool Desk. Thse best in thse market. Aiso Agency for the BritishtAeia Dyéing Ce., sud thse Deleneator. Fuilstock of Patterns always on band. Aeii WALL ]PAPER AT 008T FOR 30 DÂYB. Aug 3110 Sqpî i-adustrial Toi-nta Ser b-.119..Pro;WW. Menni-e! Deverill'e Block, - R . S 115118BaYofQuinte, Bleil 17-i8-West Durhami, Bewvaiala 21-2-Coti Petaibai-e 23-25- 'Lusdsay so x rad2-Es ±rsbaL ia. JUST C I E WcGILL UNI VER8ITY, Mlontreal YW SESOi1896-7.( hOh ie I w G o e 8 EC & . The Curiculum comprises Courses- lu RTS (inluding te Denalda SPECL OURSE F-OR WOIRLE, APPL[ED SC[5rîir, China Glaesware and Crookery. IcINE, LAw, sud VErsTIl1NARY SCI- Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. t4Ex Maticulation, Exhibition and *hieFmlrGoeiT u ofe h ol r iip E za uin a to n s il i be k. d -C h i e F il r r o r e , T e , C f e , RTS AND MEDICINîg, IA hS£ET.; ArPuar>c Fruits, Etc., Etc. lutku tc e find svrlbta r " SENCE, 16TU SEpT.; LAiW , STII S Ecp TC s r T r d .-t uc t a y a a i e si e s ETERI A I Sc xNCZ, 261% S aurT. PIRSTlor.Caud tee nuany1» good0 opics eOfte CaIenda-, coutainiag mil .ines-aSit/k bu.e. tter itare WMGOD fora pro' Qc Lhe i week day1 loci~ D uring the Month of August we will offer Barg, I ains, , on Tuesday aftruom,ôld *uStewart I u.ber d&ughbitawi, Màý- Nrn:a IStewart, itMt.4 fi>r !Jxbri4ge With souê butter 'ad egp. Wben at the bottomý of li "Barber'a il, aifg cmini bebind and coh- bli niother and siâtet, nzuc the hind wheel Qf their buggy ind -81=- ,theeu2 Qut, Mr$. Stewart the eider having ber lkuil broken and ber face badlyv cut. Being about 8o Years of age it may resuit seriously for ber. She was brougbt as fer as Mr. j3yams, et Strettonville, -wbere Mnr. Mcblaster and daugbter remaiued witb ber wbiie the young man and Mrs. N. Stewart humied bo town for a doctdr. ABIDKIRN. Ned Fimber is ut Oshawa attending to t'he duties on bis farmn. Frank Harri spent last Sunday wfîli jas. Garbutt, Locust Hill. Thos. Vallentyne, Toronto, ie recruiving his heaitb visiting bis friends ini this neigh- borhood.. Win. Jones le rapldly recovering (rom the effects of bis long iilness, now being able to waik &round. -Mr. and MIrs. Arthur wood. lîbuca, N. Y.. ýeurned home Fiîday morniug after a three eek's visit. Labor day was taken ut the scbool on londay, con"euentIy ne school. Mr. jas. 4cBrien gave bis rail inspectoral visit Tues_ ay. Mr$. John Graham gave a smail party on Pednesday evening to a few of ber friends 9 ber sister leaves on Friday monlng for bera Dme in New York. Mr. Geo. Davidsen la viaiting his brother, r. John Davidson. Both are attending th, >et fair. He reports very favorably of the airs in Uncle Sam's domains. The christian endeavor wilk give a concert efirst week in October. The exact date [1l be given ixter. Our regular meetings Id every Wednesday eveniug for an bour. 1 made wticome. Iany of the people from this neigbrhoo<, attending tbe industriel exhibition at uines whi-ch we are clearing out at lomembor this Ù3 ouly for theo.ý, -+Jý~0JTH 0F AUQUST, 1896.+- ANDRE - RROGR gTRKET3 iy-mnade Clothf nq. tWXII the ftng-Uec-ear> -Jue. 2.3t htiat visite, 67 t0 6k.8e; d viater, 6abo ;goose. 50 teg 5= Burlcy, 25 te 30C. O eo Mr- Peau, 49C te 45, fiHay,1pe M. 47-Mo.Butter, Ise go z8r Egg0 00. gou. Pr-zui<~e JPOt»ss, per buh, te ~oe HoneIn 6e-lb cana, 7c pan lb; D;u $ '0Sepr dsupasM50075C per bar. crais 15t1o30c p« bba.; peurs40-1060 bus"e, O3=O gt scpar basket; jinut 0 6ao per baiket. boit, vMs., 6w e 00;e.-,rad wne gobb% oete ,î=o 7 bta er, tpn iia $11J,7prog- Dont buy befori caRing, ad examitng the stock and pr1én for yourslf ~~'4#"U8TAT~I i;s;I*t of ~ wRT QP' .maBOO SCARF LIN KS, il aua 1aututnn t. beautifui Canadiau These and many othr- designa in enamtý Ca:i b el w 10 1 Ir rt ie LOOÂILALÂO Scott repaira ai kinds et p, Mnr. Bei-t Dartunal, Feue lieue over Sanday, MJiss May Gibson, Bloonific of Miss Ells Richaaison. Save your butter account 1 :-brud. Hait the butter will i The Huston residemce vas dq y aucbion to Mt. R. R.]1 -Twe brick bouses to reni ascea; 1ev i-entai. Âpply tô ;6piece solid valant panît -~s ilk plusb bauds, for 83 Miss Fuillerten *id Mn. Cnl we Oie guasteof Miss Lillie d4uy and Monday ixat. zoo patteras new Ceylon 1,i ~e"3ansd shaker flanneis to W.G. Waiber'. Prices loee iThera bas beau a gi-est mn ;wek tose tegreat fair. V yon Mouday te -ace Li Hun ~Reog-Sawn)asd spoke~ ~chap's appearance sud marnn ~sitefaneste Osaa fo --scopaine ladies' heuse slipl -à ioc, per pair during Ibis gr .4ysst M. W. Collins, the E SOn ofthte tics lunbte Midian, 'tnitwasiaya oetat Uxbni lââst bWei nSteuflviiie ai w..hkla ,rmù*led la another vic A.b*ScoreetOf4 te i. Maktam n.w play oRf ot JaM"c Gordon. Pickering, i Seore P;~ M. 'Harpai- here chred ltlt baing violated ct bysllo iquon vw Pà,0' ogle snd -Jesse H ut - td'tbey admitted .tbe a24tis Augu the ~1bar lochait, 'l ot creani soda ai IdIxask for liquon, r tse.Thte case va âtç fer thse vaut o Stise party who h fa* seou saspicic ta Wqwsubcnba&s orMý-al frimnm po-Casis. SE '~ a i6 page p Barley..- 'Wanté.. ce or! ni Tint room for our Fail Importations. Coffl along and seoure o Offl ftbe Bia8 s a y a-mai ,-ains IttQ!(Êro i of »Y local pspet very srnall price. ...JEWIýLU me Dry Goods, Carpets, Rea( 1 r--%ý»aTATB MAU 1 O;r. Also a few ]REMNANTS' left of odd -1 9 le - 1 0 RO

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