tion is repotdAitdayS. tb Iô1Who. rfr0311-heà rt ;.a1a< iepeiet r o runaway turned to the right and B at = Con«.. i id.l, u 1 vntii f roo a, nk e o - -b the PShe futherdo" hbih the sccrçtary, Nrs jUdeii;tese, sngbridge. -Dr, eShier and tamà ily. wLau, cff sled g.e-Wthe faster It'speeds. r Rv>Lgot crspet~,M Deu.oIlontuth Bel.Brn mengote are to be Co galated on their Iuckyucý jï »,(» ~ ~ ~~~>~ I hr sdne ha tp Byo uneCneec ob ed escape. dow lu b.d fore ghte0u mundhu o m at ontet- or soon you c n o . Lindsay on O ct. 6 n , d l g t te suiothoring spolia and cno Mr.joep Knneyhubad o tenÙ6omealwxceptUona. PPltowould hav Young. girls oten lose flesh,MisRBel late Mrs. Kennedy, who was so shock- '>' t.cacolb.nrdSdytbe me very %pale and weak, M.Jh rhmshre o rgt igykilled on the first concession of oHeaitrmd o u b ele Créhirca e e It apssn on he ni ht 0f Ju y 2 d, 18 lona bt ie o f r . tr ub eg nu s Cur .for te a d c n h r l o t n e t e r ran away. Son e l d e w r b u by bengonthrongt fom ber buggy5, is m tich apoedy relief, that even e hool work. Then Is the entering the but th tiebu sympbuggy iareus daugerous, it ought &t tiine to cek dw ar fortunately no pernwahut seeking $îo,ooo damages from netebtknasamaiodrvnMer.Mcnad&Hdnsipd mo -township of Cavan for the komshe sus- etiohotmb e isas froins ofe ingspeed. aesars. oaDociesepadpg Aln s -tained through the death of his wife. soId by J, B. wmais. S ta musonoCo- crar o Mo dayatndo The case cornes up for trial Bt Cobourg SIlver Ou with of od-froTuear. o wl hpe nte P s e i ef this week. I will be retnembered that ophos.. * p it s cs a ra e t e is Hu hs a d Ms opi r ha e ýîcoroner at I3aillieboro, hldan M cllea, fTomi n ang downwadEpMiss HLgaes Xr .. 3 Nihoso, Iom.ve, inquest, and a verdict -of acdetlToontoat reet.cln life, The MdhowatnddthnS.CahriesO 9. 13., struggjessfor 8.ven Long acdpa icelatne T& t deatb was returned. The -point on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Da.ily are holiday- course ceases, and the cllmb Convention at PrineAbr n is".i od&G. oeî as which interest centres at the present iflgin Toronto Luis week.u asbgn. At theto Hughes gave a repr ftesm n "k""meo er ac CAFE trial will be whether the township is « Mr. Geo. Lamb hbas gone Le Midland awaîts a new lease of Ilfe. M ofeeigls tterglrwt eea ie eug lo AND la cuRE» BY lable for negligence in allowing fence where ho contemplates going into busimetn Sa. - rails to be left lying at the roadside. ne. Prompt action brnii' pro mp oh A th e s bssatd fr bm fl Atsre ing:o C(~ A V1E R S iI i]U te ugy tWe asuk one of these adDon. McRae k in the exhibition -BTT»% U ONh ewwmd Torothe potiogrpybsns a ryîb ,Iaeob: Wr Nche ia ~rails, and bence the important part thia week. M.dru cin ume fodr a ns tidgetnîb toswe "brsairU o m , utd they painthe sad deat. Ka . Ritchis of "Riverview" =Fln tablWyo muarfm-alwas Cantal.. geHe has sent tors a the iver.Thorah and M isn Gibbs, of Bro k, were pI rat n e4 " . h L o1ot-.sm p ç o Eat luto the Flesh, On Monday evening Messrs. Joseph i' Mn sw M . oahs C. weî p la80 rt nda8.d sbee sol wichis tpatoaeo h ucae otso N u er . M . H .o" h sn C .p arW ei.cmliarlmeyta k e n, t sPnead to my ohin, and I suitened lni King and W. Siddle werecoming down «MO Or seeing h. elehants"anpublic betterat OflC agoy fr eve ngrs apri&jllcrit erewhere hade eup a me i 15. l0aly k he tey benhfr public. - 1a hervr hweee adbe ok r two Inrcdasiil, when nearly opposite Foi's brick- tyhiwekMssAao1 Decided limprovemnent. yard, joseph stood up ini the boat, caus- .Mrs. Grant and Miss Allie Watson are A Temperance PB"i. at Claremont for adaort nhefhveagoipeielsa tr Eneouraged by ibis result, 1 perse- ing an upset, both the occupants being vîaiting frienda in Toronto et present. wnuay heaureenrecmnlndîg vered, untin à amonili or se the sens precipit.ated into the river. Siddle is a. Mr. Wrn. Barber is building an exten. A modr lhbetical Psalm on the Rev. Richard Pgpebtra am. HRE TEEW under mny chibegan to heal. in tires good swim mer and managed to get on sion te hie residence at the lake and vruso oa btnnei unse iister of Wisconn iieafe 'rvgC.StCahie',ut montha îny Up began te heal and, aiter vierwifaotlebsingros frnshd m usng the Sansia tU& fon fýM'nh the boat which was turned bottom up; othisegraly improving it. by Dr. Cyrus Edson to a recent North days in Claremont nbswybc odsPlaaepnnta the Isat "ce of r ,0I1d"aPPearei±a his companion went down twice, but Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hiamilton areAmeicaWalteisonaontheoccid -Tenortunately got hold of the end of the spending this week iu Toronto the gue$ts best essays of its kind in print: ist pulpit in the morigad(h rs Aye"S ra aîII boat, to which he held on until as- of their son, Dr. W. Hanaiton, Bathurst AstnsfrAohldehieit byterian pulpit inth vnfgH Âdm itt d a t h W o M '.P ai . _ M Cabe hearing cries for assistance M r. Chris. L M cRae h as severed his B for leginner, who tak es iust one the h it a Ene vr i r s y ÂY.RB's 18PIXL,6lt*vutgma t ah. awo speedily repaired to the spot, and res- connection with the Grand Trunk Ry., Ç church int on the hitaftneno n rse cued the two men from what was very and left on Saturday for St. 3litchael'm, c for Companion, who urges him on. terian church in thevnng ___ near being a watery grave. Siddle ws College, Toronto.Dfoth Denofdikhais M.SitrfCligwd r. OORRISPONDENOE not much the worse for the mishap Mr. A. D. Mlorrison bas purchased the born. Lp n hlo otpoadMs OORSODCCC but King was so exhausted that he CotWae owned by Mr. Fountaîn in '-Ethel E for Endeavor he makes to resist. GLapiriofd Wstrn Cnad, arfth had to be assisted to get into the res-Pak" r.omoitedbulig FfrFedshos odyiit.gssofheMssBlofCa- ~O O-cuinig boat. After being providad with another between hi. two nezt aummer. G for thienGuilthe afterwads feeist. gemon t eMi dry clothing they were able to proceed Meures. Aloi. Birchard and Ken David- H for thç Horror that hangs at his Mrs. Thos. Johnofrell £ ~~~~~~~to their honmes. Two guns that they son drove down te Newmarksî on Satur- heels.mebrothmehdschchi On hUsdy igtJon oyeofhad in the boat were recovered the day, sud wbile thon., TMn. Birchard was I for Intention to drink not at aIl. Claemro teee omsoit n x a .e n g a g e d a s h e a d m a t e r n t h e N o r m a l J f r t e J e r n h t f h i w i a l a s t S a b b t h . n s l U T U C E S r U Schepeler, drove into îown with a com- Gd n hattwn frtheeig ht losh Mr. and Mrs. J. Bundy. pno fe tednthR.. cncK for the Knowledge that he is a Ms . e~ahthanr panifafBrrtte d ngthe R. C. iric. .po a i n o gm yh eri. H r Gould, Rev. A. W hiî ai thwerly.Uphotetig ioisarig "If t enlltn mroabpforshCansda long may hw ari.Hur. L stanids for Liquors bis appetites Miss S. E. Evans hav. eundhm s u d d e n l y , is f o o t c a u g h t i n t h e w h e e l 8 t h a n , sd a s atf r C n acRr a veR.E : U ~ m * L . d n o C and he was precipitated violently on Mtop of lis con- e ro Mskkawh the tpifbsd ac M.on.Mur- h bsben in the MI for convivial Meetings so gay. capnatL a ifie bis deDat employ of Mr. Jas. Binchard for a uum. N stands for No that he tries bard capn tLke >Jseh the ground, falling upon his head. A ure froni Green1eà be of years left on Saturday for Elora to sy isLno n isHo r o~iii..inei'n doctor was Summoned and Mr. Doyle bi sips will reacî br o ileteSaoapaye.ip Ofrth risthtte cmMogissg ton anes( kn so n bp tik e eut w il e n terain ton exarto ver i was taken into the hotel, where he re- '0ewfordlantheitOhigfihes Suoss toyouJim scsornBedy' m Newounian . B t M ondieaathMr. J.u t rn ai ned unco enous or some bours.1 put ln a strong. Owing to a breakage . i the ema l P for the Pride that he drowns in shop.th was not untl the nexi orning thaten man - Biloru or dyna mno on Monday vening part Of the is glass. M. G o ekn b s gv n u f. , - he was sufficiently recovered from the Thorfin snd te town was in darnesa for that night. Mforhe QurelGha n gîl.Ea svl eii n~Ca, wt ac home. muDf. ea.q.i Kgrxiaired an home. ~~ ~ ~ ~ Ne ngahlarnrd., iigsveyo usdyeeig R stands for Ruin that hovers friends here last week - Ou Thief. * aNon a wocl-Eersng . Mr. D. bd. Smith wiîl in the futurs around.Mes.Mae&Enshvpu-EL' PO OnThrsaya oug a wo al 'Emnsnwas mOlst z"eaIuly guard the puace of oun ess Mnl' ed himseif Huise bired a horse and J 9,i t h ftong. Sstedis for Sig B. J. KENDÂLL COMI buggy from BeautY's liverY stable, Cold-a 'nis che ùllercfitls ionhabitateh o hvr thg ibe £p T frteTenlngta ezs hasOueacn he iMwry oki water, to corne to Orillia. He came sounuder his heari peanted Constable b t h.e'vls n TfrteTrmlnoil.sie hs OrtaceMs here and tried to seil the rig to Mr. D. ansd brain su an in place of Mr. Jno. Smith who reuigned. limbs. t M. cKile bu wthot uccss ndmeth futhr ts Te acrsg maeJ for bis Usefulness sunk in the Mr. Leaper bas theroffhine then lefi town. Here he gave bis 4% wl alon thUic a atb tUbig nSU9srigrn op ocean thie highen r dy atbtweeu the "Cbeckers" snd lie wilI salI in bis the Stouffv-iIle club wus won by Stouif. Y for the Vagrant he quickly be- gives the town a very ipsn per name as Goodfellow. On Saîurday balloon, sud the deepen lie will dive ie il b4galone Mr. Beatty becoming alarmed at the the intricacies of bis business or profes- vleb 4gasto 1. The score, how. comes. ne non reîurn of bis customer came to sion. A man's glory is his stirengtb. rh ever, is flot a citerion of the game as it W for Waning of life that's soon James Gibson bas comlîdbscn Onillia and employed Constable George world bas smail use for weakling-s, and, it was anybody's gamne the whole wa done. Cin.tract.-e1-el- lots 6 and 7-i!-t ec-th im !gaz f eogePhli i nt uc iPrve ae urlyveetbl- U% unei l aiwaysvicies nopli Ru uftr thepotertocai L. Wenthelateri ks okcf xe 8page s Ia medime du in hoaluh. ___________ foiaWat nsemn, vî«ctoblv te joddsa th prertocllL. he t--l--su"&ad aIl druggisr.s souem. Ta y th d »ttY of fo Perb cni ce tier . lu asconlete finily docor bokin___________trbbm büsMdo appeared he Was seen to be a very wrtten in pis anguage tîsat_"_ Mbody W. Hallett, of-Youfgst.owu, la her large mani with small eyes and baggy - a u ndenutan , sud Pnofusly il luse dy it rins trousers. As Li could not speak Eng- Address, Woiu.rs DmasqRrn y Smi»eaL frafe dyswih nmnd. LTNARos PIlle mo Puyaudds1 lish, the reprter was forcd to con-.1;main st., Buajo. N. y. Thomas Young is with relatives at Ab. Stouiffer, of Chernywoo<j, spent .seii uabwl ue.2o vihe rseporCies. ter baviredtonge- Greenbank for a few days. 1Sunday bore. SonS. Ed«ùid Biýamiida iuY, pnessed bis pleasure au seeiug Orillis re Ehrmms Joseph. Young is nottxpvn Will Reeson is spendiug a few days - alive and welI. ho excused bimself for jaobSpnceLa gne o1orzJt. as'fhen frienâs Ã"oùld' desm'n Toronto. having gone uo sleep. "Bong ChongWethnkh wU >eZtyhod oer1, id ho ay ned arwn ii*g ned eel Buug ho xplaued.ThenJuacnobMss enh Herhas oe t Jorn reato.sl --îlglonroover.w eek.Mrand___________________Mark Wong Hi Lung Foo Joug Whang tpo ï ,ad.e a1., on ti h i t e ev s d . fi n s aniendaÃŽi g ren s h rel s wîhlun s a ashele u toae tiosl watere. rcre 1 WIas cummô f lawe bus mtr nfnlg dispuing ue max. I eîinel d5flA squad of gypsies areê camped a hllf Victor Parkoy, was yeern, byM1NA»S 8LIXJPi.A D R O ' ,nîeas;oiircli. wel alepîy b is old homo e _X, uawrRoes.x ponific tendency when I got nean Bary. The r1cent OuitisSwe -have, Lad ~~ hir tInie trading h orses'nd 4kcb -lilce wO.~ ~ dasls U'. Rl ,ofN wben coming up fromîbhe' ciuy, Son geverything look -as if wehad i'evpý1ved rnesaueen.Teobrn gt EId u r.Hanr fMunly a Hu Tien Ssin W un Lee Bary Fou g," t em the 1 c0lim .- . -GO I hCO- eue ef tleir hheag Isuin'us ea ter r avsun heMm lasu e ek9 8 E UofG CE asented. After askiug hoWv 0k! I was, able I cannot-help mest ionng. d suceeeded in breai a . lg. This 1f . icel a iitù-ig l InRofcu _ which is not of general interost, sud"m MU.Sart t Sùvle, Uwho Las caused a commotion tvhlch r=ù~ted l uufvlêIs Spa..M>O& N- *Ll whether I liked rats, the gret man dangemosly in. for sente weelià la ira.. uhe bcetbeing-shot -Dr.-Bate"~soi' Is.Eph.'Lehmais vsun 4ns*DCDf Paused snd I made bold te askif ifehoproving gradually and *w hoe .toe* tce UicaggrNa:ion r -andnthéee& and the his-weby intended te tart a laundry t Orilia. her fnly .tetored to ler wMiiI heath wheels'>1 c m proced Se mo BuIl l i u lê .k ,ttion, he repied, but, u e94f"dGéo.- -ad- ML" ~ rs Htewautthn lamen.-i hhtiuIrk~ lieutkiis eek and, is»nov «c1a4tne - the business use alrezdyoe"dbeI ryh<iehoen oir ie lis~ 08A TU tricdte jet hlm te stop ove nose hat hv0bet-udrUa±aU4tjo the by cotild gwe hW a-, littie ti *ue, ~"' but ho naid.titis was impessible. Mteî -Ift DK?»»B <:28'" eu nwng *bout Deugà ald, MXNivèn hé Seused him"Mif sdj t hoek nanas w - ' O)L & 1*iIli hlm lu breken eva- ~ 'e are"t 4~ m 4i~.*'~ - tr. îbeen ou nt of the res Ion o a el el. 1 ve- log a 1t Erie p pe. lt -'kof t hie alments w - 0Ied "biIiOus' inch food of anrich n; «I k.f a seeî cbied with g iW *'Abie open ai~ sçs tte get nid of th1 b- oveTwor kedr of aimonnts are the ~fisinaction in thost ~dcnrylfe.The pres, tu~çlad the recom mer e y andwell, works~ ýiUg ' h aes, aud in a" gilmeb$ which arise (rc ,idinthesst~em. Itif, ote that cycling somet: 0ffect of tbiniflg the obc'- ngthe thui. sud this r' _expla.fled by Murch1i-rý üMat excessive leanne-,- tWe, Ocorpulence, is (I inaction of the iver an:ý fregu1arexercise, sCtt i n, rfhtign nght. cau-, j hace of w at was on;, t'Lt case of Breakdo,.wn Wfstem from Overgsork - Cycling will be found a r--. qdjunct te the rest wLh ~roecovery, and nilm c-r,. ers now consider a ritv ible if their work is t) renm, îitch. Iu the anaerniia steel ln the form of ab nore effectuai than a - lo action of the flat . m jbdomnal walls on the sur !eing much încreased h, nents necessary to retain wid drive the machine. h,î ffc.Wiîhiu the çxper! vrilter rnany sufferers fro--r- che, neuraldgia sud hyster; gd' femalS, have reaped r'omn rcgudated cycle ridin, ases et so-called palpitati' üMrd. "astly, insomnia h y',bèen found to yie'ld to s -e of the bicycle when ôponfi c Lad been defied. ases of persistent noct ave been relieved. It:. owevor, te again warn eflnot an experîenced rider buse of this tascinating ex niter hss seen several h iris quite broken down f 'ing tee far sud too fast oui lack et practice, for à id oxonienn. Vanstoule vs. Woo Action li the Pickering recover damages to the F2 for the value of a fat st ader the foilowiug cir he parties are butçhe.rs a 114ge. One Dicksou of reed 1to selI a lot of ca Ou1d. ie be delivered ai à eng Whicb was the steer tegned price of wh ich ý2.ý lu-Indriying sevexi mile )t &Y the animal bloate ýe dVice et a.veterinary, ed Bt defendaut's slaug hlm suà d othens. Dicks icMs te Vanstene for S2-5. k'Saturdav eveng, a.27tb at.The defences set -,thé-anitat was unfit ~s4therefone that an Illé Sale ef the carcss a-,i -,itything te Dickso IeOs!er_,any da-mage agai kd3)Thatdefendant ê.th car ofs t the st 01 lais labýr li killin 2in -refusing to givo i M iCh as thse weight o '%ithtie beef was ne temoaming et th irst _do "Uemýight objectt ~a ima slaghht atilli ~çthis case, b tuhted # 2iotweath #fiîe1t knew tisa -for fw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ............. 07