Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1896, p. 3

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Eenefttu Prom >(Ost of the ailments which are com. Wooy called . . bilious " are caused by .0Mc food of a rich nature, and toc ,hdrink of a sweet or alcoholie ,,eJ~ter, conibined with too littie ex- in the open air. The liver semts to get rid of the superfiuous ,,,,rials thrown iflto the circulation, jnbeig overworked, rebels, and ai] 5Orts 0f ailments are the oÙtward signs o tS inaction in those who live a selentary Ilfe. The prescription of' a ,yç adt.he recornmendation to use t ~Sely and well, works like a charmn in Such cases] and in ail symptbmatic ailinents which arisé (romn tôô fliuch acdj h YsteiTi. It is intere'sting to note that cv(ling sometimes has the gIctoljftliirilng the obese anid fatten- ýng the th 1n., and this may partly be xpanlvNitun bison's observation tha eNe~îe eann ess, as well as ex- cessivecour[lenCce, is often causesi by iCtO (ftiic liver and the stimulus ofreguIýir excrcisc, setting the funictions of that orgailrîgbt, causes the disap- pearaflce ) what wvas only a symptom. [ni case -f ltrcakdown of the nervous svstent r' no vc -)-rAork and anxiety, 4rcing iv;î c tind a most valuable adult t he' rcst wbich is necessary Jor recV<\>(r\ î il' rusbrin work- ers fo ll)5 l'icr a daily ride indis pens- abie if tdur % rk s to remain at concert ptcil, o!i t' e.mae ria of voung girls steel i tiWI e f rrofua bicycle is e\ven mo(re e tt ual t han as-- drops."- and the acti,,l 't c c flat muscles of the abdoniifl u a, on the subliacent organs being Illu> tl ut reased bv the move- mnents 1OC uýrte retai n the balance and dIrit e utrc iachine, bas a marked effect. WîthIin the experience of the writer mtrr stîfferers from sick head- ache, netir;lgia and hysteria, both male and femialc, bave reaped much beneti from regiil.aed cycle riding, and manr Cases of so-called palpitation have been cured. Lastly, insomnia has frequent- lv been founid to i1eld to the proper use of the bicycle when every other soporific bad been defled, and many cases of persistent nocturnal cramp have becn relievcd. It is necessafy, however, te agamn warn evýervone who s flot arr cxperienced rider against th-S abuse o! t h s fasci nati ngcexercise. The writer bas seen se\veral healthy voung girls quite bIroken down for a time by riding tee tar and too fast while unfit,i from lack of practice, for any really1 hard exertien. Vanstone vs. Woodruff. J% ActinT ln the Pickering Div. Couri ce@& 1 to retover darnages to the amnount oý rcM r> $4: for the value of a fat steer,-claimeÈ Ni wu under the fellowincr circumnstances ,Zn& The parties are butchers at Pickering * 'laeOne [)ickson of Port Union ageed te seli a lot o! cattle to oric Gould, to be delivered at Pickering, among wbîcb was the steer in question, ~ the agreed price of whîch was fixed ai $42. ln driving seven miles on a very Ïlu hot day tbe animal bloated, and, or the advice of a veterinary, was slaught. ered at defendant's slaughter house, by hirn and others. Dickson sold the carcass to \'anstone for $25. This was on Saturday evening, 27tb june, and the beef was left hanging over Sunday to "set." At s a. m. on Sunday Vanstone went to WoodrufF's home, woke i "a u p and asked to open bis e la slaugbter bouse and deliver over tbe M crcass. Iefendent refused on the ground that he would not open the bouse on Sunday, and further that he li would not gîve up the beef wîtbout an order frttrt Dickson. Plaintiff on Mon- S day again asked for the beef, but de- of IW1 fendant again refused, saying nothing about 'in order, but cla.ming to be paid for the killing but not stauiing the amnount, On TuesdaY 3otb, Woodruff notitied 1) ckson by letter to take away the bec f, stating therein that it was al nigbt Net and on Friday it was burîed under tbe direction of the Board o! Healuf, The defences set up were (1) That the animral was unfit for human food, and therefore that any contract fnor tilc sale of the carcass was illegal andvod. t2) That plaintiff, not hav- Ing paid anything to Dickson he could ntrecover any damnage against Wood- Nu ff That defendant had a lien 1POn the carcass of the steer for the Value of bis labor in killing and was Justified intr refusing ta give it up until Satisfied. lnasnubhas the weight of evidence ~ i1 shçow< that the beef was not untit for ' food witiîn the meaning o! the Public Health Act,' the first defence fails. A1ltbougb (-ne might object to consume thue flesbh of an animal slaughhteredunder rL sucb cîrcumst.ances, stiIl it was not sss ondemrned for this cause, but because it bad become tainted by over t keeping in hot weather. The defendant hiruself knew that the beef eas to be used for food. He aided in slaughtering it for Such Purpose, and, in writing, stated that it *as "aIl right' s0 that if ay wrongfuî alt were done he himself was in Pari The 2nd ground of defence is flot tenable. Plaintiff is liable 1W Dickson fo, tlat$5 n, nl*i ae no diflerence ta, cefendant, if be la liable at ail, what may be the ultimhate t destination of the moey As to the 3rd ground, 1 think- the' evidefncemt clearly shows that thé, IY act and that defenda t 'allowed"tIue Use of bis slaughter house anld gaveý hie 7er nin ione ayà edut .o theefot ad tusput 1%t out' -,Of 't'ho POver of plaintilf to tena4<w It Île was justified ln re iiàt t QnSunday, but'notý in àkJ g t ,-,'O.rder, for 'he hio4 the -i sle te intf rt :) The lnspector pasd a visit to our scnools, last week.- Mr Thos Poole and wife, Cartwright. were visiting at Mr. Geo. Croziers on Sunday last. Mr. Jno. Jackson and wife, 'Mr. Geo. Jackson, Mr. Wm. lrwin, Mr. L.evi Stephenson and sister, Rev J. Mallett and Mr. (;eo. Pettite Jr. were in' Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hlawkmns, of Novar were visi1ting their dauLmbter MIrs. Joe. Davey, last week. Mrs. Pettite Sr. is again confined to her room under Dr. Archers care. Miss Lydia Redx-an,one of our talent- ed young ladies, is to read a paper at the Count:, Convention of Christian Endeavor in Beaverton, next week. Mr. A. A. Bryant, Mr. Jabez Crozer, Mr. James Crozer and Miss Redman will represent our C. E. Societies in [Baverton next week. A. week ago Iast Sunday, our harvest home services were conducted by Rev. G. W. Dewey, of Mount Albert. Good congregations were present and three inspiring sermons were delivered. A tbank ofering was taken up and the proceeds o! the services amounted to about $6o.oo' On Monday evening Rev. Dewey gave his Lecture on " A bouse without walls" and the least we can say is that he thocoughly captivated bis audience by patbps and bumor. He will be a welcome visitor sbould be ever corne again. Mrs. Hiram Fralick is visiting at hec former home, in Port Hope. A MESSAGE TO MIN. roving that true honesty and true philanitropy still exist. If "Yymn, Wbo in week, nervous and debi. litated, or Who in anffering frei n ~y of the varînuB troubles reaulming froîn yout.btul folly, exce&s or overvork, vil take heart and write ta me, I will send him confidentîially aud free of charge the plan ptu'sned dy whieb I vwu compieteiy restored to perfect beaIlb and mn- bood, after yers of sufferiuq firor Nervons Debility, Laou of Vîgor aud Organic Weaknes. I bave nothihg te oeil an>d thet'efore vaut ne momey, but as I know tbrougb iny own ex- perince bow to sympathize vlth sncb sufferers, Iaoe Ilad te, be abi. to esit any feliov-baing to a cure. I amn voîl avare et the prevalence of quackery, tee I myself vas deeeived and irnposed upon until I nebrlv beI fai#t l in ma- kind, but I rejoice te say thst I amn now per- Iecti1y veli sud happy once more and amn desir- ou@ theretare to make thàl certain means et cure kuown te aIl. If yen yull write te nme you eau reiy upon being cured sud the prend satisfaction of baviwg been ef9tgr: servie te one iu need will be suffielent reward for rny trouble. Absointeosecrecy assnred. Send 5c. ilIver to caver postage and sddremr, Mr. Geo. G. Strong. North Rockveed, Mich. MALEGEVE Mc. Geo Trimble bias, begun work on his nev farta. Mr. Nichols has been improving his' outbuildings quite extensively. The successful rausing last week vas under the skillful management of Mr. Thos. Gale. Mr. Royal Hall bas rented the Law homestead near Hampton. Mr. Ai!. Hutchinson flnds ibatch.. ing " it lonesome and has taken te him- self a vite. Visiteurs: Mr. and Mes. Stevenson, Oshawa, and Mr. Merritt Stevens, Lon- don, at Mr. Jacob, Stevens; Rev J Madili, Bishope Mills, at Mr A Hut.. John Curtis;- Mrs Thos Legge,- towni at Mr. John Ayrè ÈsI and Miss _Eva gander, 'Ebenzere ..itlïh Mflsg L Izje Snowdon# c- - Ioss'ta plaintif of ,pec ej*fa bt crfawny tliiuk the plbdntif shoiil recover the $25 duelo ksa nd$ flor gentral damages ahd bs of timle. Judgment accordingly. (Signed) GE-o.-H. DARTNELL. Sept. 14th, 1896. MURRAY LANMAN's FLORIDA WATreR PLL ROGGISFRTHERAI GENERAL GEALERS. AriEB TEN YEARS SurrlRrn Two o cSCujre MILVERTON, 2ers JULi, lm5 Gentlemen -For the. Isat ten ymn I 11ud beentrobià ithkid1Ir disâe., bi=n bed at nlght nor utoop to the ground. I had tried ail the 1eedesIcould flnd w1thout effeet, but heard cf Dodd'a Kld- ney Pilla an rrd a box. I am me hppy te sayit for Myovu sake as weil as for others that I arn peu. toctJy eured ifter uusj four boxes. JOHN BJEY.. BOLINA Mr. W. D, Lamb leaves thie week for Manitoba te ueo bie aged father. Mise Mary Vice in visimiug ber ululer in thbe veut. Rev. E. E. Howard vil preaoh sa spocia sermon .next Sunday st Eldad te Loyal Crusaders sud 8ous of Tomper-, ance, who viii attend in îregalia. Mr. Woe. 0k. hau 1,usd Mr. James, Heatlie'u faum. Mr Edgar Werry met with quit. ansec- cident lait veek by being esught lu a gatevsy, but aoon reeovered hie normal compoeure. Mms T. Baker lia been quit. ill but la rscov.ring. Mr. Will Montgomuery la able to visit among bis friends alter a liad tumob vith lyphoid féver. Mios "slton, Toronto, la viaitiug ber cousins boe. Mr. Jas. A. Werry la expeeted back from Enalaud next week. H. bad a Tory deligbtful voyage sasiard sud la oharmed witli old England. Mr. M. J. A. James snd t"ymauler wers «uasisat PBoselandvale Monday. T errible I'in tcP ai s Loue Their Svsy Âftsr -U Slnouth Amrican Rhemutic Cure. The pain ansffrg ~sd x lýb7y n- main uiudesoibsbleln langu - e'.,"Tbw bout bs*, the. oipp4d Iîisu b idatpu trouble aluuott<lrf e i. vlto d Tho.blemiug comestotbou eb- »Ae learned of Bo ueh Am«îmncs Rhee* efocacui go n"puiin ù ,cé to itbr. da' utysn that cornes roinuth-,di ~ matie CÙM tdiesls n auu-had - i John Ba' is~hlHltwat her sioter's Mrs esS Brooks; Miss Kate McDonaldt Millbrook, at homae; Mrs I. Walters, Orono, and Mrs Walters, Ty-' rone, at Mr A Wyborn'a. Mrs L M Courtice, accompanied by Mesdames Storie and Pollàrd.- Oshawa, is spending a few days in Cartwright. Our boys suiffered defeat at the hands (feet) of the Harmony football teamn Saturday. Score i to o. Miss Flo Annis leaves this week to meumc hçr 5tudies at DemilI College, St. Catharines,. Our carrnage mnaker was surprised on entering his shop one morning last week to find that a swarmn of becs had taken possession before him. By gentle treatnaent they were persuaded to retire and business proceeded. At the annual meeting of the W F M S the following officers were ap- pointed for the ensuing year at Eben- ezer: Pres, Mrs Dr Marvin; ast vice, Miss C Littlejohns;, 2nd vice, Miss E A Courtice; Cor Sec, Mrs A J Cour- tice; Rec Sec, Mrs S Everson; Treas, Mrs jas Courtice; organist, Mrs A £ Rundie. The retiring president, Miss P Worden, was appointed delegate to the convention at Lindsay. MIrs. Smith of Oshawa, is visiting at MIrs John Pickles'. Mr. John Clark is retiring from farm- i ng. He says there is nothing in IL .Mr. M Roberts is getting bis driver in shape for the faîl fairs. Mr Harry Salter is going to live in Oshawa, having sold his place here for a good figure. Harmo-ny football team came down here on Saturday and played a game with Courtice stars, defeating themn by one goal. Mr. Frederick Nichols having bought the Short farm, is about to move there right away. :Leaders. Re E. Axton Leadq the Amateur class wins made during the season 1896. *Both Ride a. Red Bi1rd and both have defeated every Canadia'n rider of note in their respective classes.Yo may have possibly noticed that when any event of any particu1îr importance is <fon, the trick is generally Accomplished on a Reci Bird!1 Both the twenty-five mile amateur championship and the twenty-:five mile professiona1 championship have been recently won by Red Bird ridera,Î.R. E. Axton winning the former while Harley Davidson captured the latter, at the sanie time smashing ail the) Canadiau competition records from five miles up. There's a reason for ail this thus- ness and it is found in the fact that the Red Bird possesses sucli superior running qualit 'ies that it is head, neck and shoulders ahead of ail rivais. -Then again it is purely Canadian. The Goold Bicycle Go., Ltd., Brantford, Ont. Branches-TORONTO, MONTREAL, ST. JOEHNS AND WINNIPEG. Hatch Bros., Agents, Whitby. Visitors : Misa. Waller and Mien Hold. en, Markham, at Mr. R. Pasoe's; Mr. G. Hostie, Long Sauit, at Mr. j. Nid- Âmong those who visited Trnto dur- in! the fair from thPm part ersMm. L. Reatoire, Mr&. T. Hill, Mines E. 'CamPbell, L. Pasoe, K. Ormiston and Florence Huribut; Mr. A. Smith s. nd family; Mr. snd Mns. J. F. Huibut; Mr. and Mns. G.Qochrane;- Meurs. J. ampbellO0. Maoky, F. Bray, T. Hll E. Philip8, L. Burgeu, W. Oorfiâe. Ha, W. J. Mculloh, A. Râ%a J. Gsilagher. Mr. John Webber bas rented i, efsrm now occupied by -Ui.,.John Rnto near Burketon. hiabbizaMr..c.ed W=o after the lire. Enfield choir ver. Mýa Burketon anni- YerssryBunday snd lMonduay. Fermer. talk cfegai adt.i. bore for as while. Mi, J."IDys i Sntly had bis moer bdI smaahed udpart. tsken svsy, Mr. .Xmap bd dra Iambu sudM1r. T. H. Bill moyen Imbu taken ont- of their lieIda; M. Fred eys seem tWb. indea nv parties have beeu traced » the,. gUiIty ou e 8. u vu s d ie lai » 0My. Misa EtUe . opeanutl. eonoi gus fMiss thl land, esernto i Mr. E. f0Mi.a illamian Lovein. Mr. E. W. Hillam is qited ilHapt. MrSud. .PeadvstdB ap Min Sunday. yon vate t r MihnsDCreeper, Hnaydovste I1r John Dogl anday.tfed Tlouug are visiting relatives in this vieinity. Mr. C. Blackburn, Providence, viaited at Mn. W. B. Âllin'is Sunday. Mns. Fisher, Calendar, is visiting friends in tovn. Mr. W. Beman had a thrilling exper- ienco lut veek by hi& horse running avay but WilIs pluck and preaence of mimd prevented any serions diamage. UMiu*ges Oreard sud Mr. N. ick ard dolighted the. large atidience lu t.he- unetîhodist church on Sunday evening with their excellent renditionofI llg to The.1g Meurs. Allin Brou, have purcbaaed anme choice thoro' bred sheep at theý In. dustrial Exhibition. Mr. R. Warretn'a evaporator sud eider raill are taxed to their fulleut caffcity.> EVERY FAMILY SHiouL KNwowTHait PAZA' flic Most Economical ...ouseWair -4me nfI est ro ei~i FRO B~ANFOD;THE HOME 0OPG OD MANUFACUE ega trot e tt red iof a frrk àarsapar 1 bave botties, lian. g as ee tht. I lu Be 7EDY'g IRL r Ros If 7I 1 1 Angus MoLeod Leads the Professional class in wins made during the season of 18960 T -WO

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