ced lm- by, an. ve. is. )et >y. i, ou ru Lat Io SEE OUR PLUM SCRIBBLERS, any other i the market, yet no higher p great variçVr, and letter value than ever Erasers8 1, 2 and 8c., formerly 2, 3 and 5c. 2 Some cheap Stationery Ieft yel AGENT for the Preston Autornatic Sehool U Dyeing Co., and the Deleneator. F WALL PAPER AT ODT - 1 Deverill's Block, SUT ECIE» h -Ohoice -China Glassware a ~ Dinner and Tes & Choice Fauiily Gr Fruits, Etc.,, Ckeapjor cash or )Wut buy bfo« C831199ud zam8" the. stock ad roei oryoW le _1-- 0TTE-F'Édm doviuospv . Mr, Lsurs'ala to ,.e About a doges .of th VOUÉg People &00 1 ffltat on teequetio. o chent ban9~Il iehiti bois M- muii have a strong educatIve tendoucy. Tis. 1s~sdsPm our oIv ood til.. TWO co oqebcs who have béta &*&y foc Jaj~1mmemawMe m -à ew dyqrgo M. Ti] umotîof*uuIêhf.,maouon t.que:. MjgWlA, and ut. N. x 1mw pn 41o1. A plebiscite.of the People will show Sud aregetdthsnoraluad Wé uademnd Ut. R. Thompson has si ,r prepared to meet thé slue. T s.Who ~~h aIuc,~fODltGi fvvthé <sding nove lu«treffic ueed o Mr.fSter 0, Ud(AtVhBI8 FL/ES. T att f o manyandthrirdplan are suongi> educative muet b. admittd h te>dyamaie labminirbrt and tberefa no doubt that people need Z ýÛ th e O dO f i&J.- iM!.We wiab yv good deal of education to fit tbem for te eery<à jAlfred. We thnk bapplSuwill I enaciment and carrylng out of so radical a YOMtî eziwulee. ow iood Artbur faobl measure as prohibition. Such a reform Utene wbicb involves no great a change in tbe We iree toState that one of our best cii sodt~U a] habits of the people requIres a long zes.Mr. J. BaiL Is abutto fraie us , but gis, tiespent In cclucating the people who are t0 Uay we expect anotlw equally as.good t *f to b benfited by it, and of course the poli- 611 bis Place ini the Person of Mi. C. Adrih ticiana always dillydafly a long Urne with a Port PtrvpY. C7barlie la not a sus*g« but L measure of the sort before they touch it. liîved bere belote, so we au kuow wha: a goo The ados ofEurpe apea to avefeflow be la. The atios o Eurpe apea to ave tiar changsues are about to talcs place ID ou, once more beld aloof and watched tbe village. Wri. J. Miller lias returned to oui burg slaugbter of Armenians by the blood.thlrsty NMi. Poster, of Sony. hau purchaued tbe boust Tukages.er eneofmrcowned bY R. Thompson and la about tb move ln Turkuntl ceryeus ofmery, bumauty snd lMr. Thomias Trip is about to leave tbe vil' and christianity have bebn ahocked beyond lagé. W.e Sorm dPL ceb.ths b Ocontrol, sud there is renewed talk or pulllngr art' aviDR but glad to welcome thos. Comiug in. FO ur.dowu the bouse over thc head of the Sick Man of the (ýtent. Abdul Hamid, Sultan Zabe Rgishr. of Turkey, l i.moat ruthiesi, nurderotu monaîcli since thc dark ages. So buugry is FitRIAY, SEtpT. j8tb.Bafissleo(rn Ucis(or buman lives tbat many diplo. stock etc. aI the faim of Mr. Barnabas Lmats in Europe begin to fear that leie l Gibson, lot 22 broken front o!Wbltby insane. He lu crtainly that or worse. towtishÎp. Sale to commence at one Gladsone the other day descrihed him as an o'clock P.-nM. Wm. Calverley, Bailift. a-ssasinu pon a throne, and the. remark la en IST, fitting bhat it ban been heard ail over the r tUsDAV, SEPT. 22nd, xe96. Sherift' sale civilized world, aud bas awakencd the Of hODem ti C ile rons, eOc..aa LL, people ta thc awful siaugliter of christians tSaleÎ 1coee agroncsOsha.a, going On lu the Sultan's dominions, aye, S F ale toonSeli2f. lckP.m under the very walls of bis palace Again J.F aoSeif - Whfbv ic oerso!Euoe eelous traîned to îay WEtDNEsnÂY, SEPT. 23rd. Credît sale o! ~ aid Jeloayand taire concerted action ta farmn stock sud implemeuts at thc pre. _____dethrone this brutal man ; but as usual the mises Of Mr. James Reid, lot 22 in thc question cropa up as to what to do with bis 2md con of Wbitby. Sale ta commence kindom. For centuries statesmen bave been at o'clock p. m. N eev.Lv tryngt foge uta plan for tbe disposai of Fairbankts. Auctionéer. jreat a Subject for acedy as ever It was.TH SD ,OT.a, 96- re, __________________________The Russian Empire la adjacent, but Ruit- creitsaletco! b oetl, ipîghe 1 sincnroi of the straîts o!f B lemnt, tc. a Lo N 1, l te the BiackSea bevond as s rendervous for a t coessiono bbc tnshîp of W a WHJTBY, SEPT. 18, 1896. Rsinnavy, would enable bhe Czar (o con- Sl tbeponety oc late r. o rr tral the Mediteranean and the way to Indla, L. Fairbanks, auctianeer. wbicb England and France could not afrr.. co. If any safe division o! tbe Turkish Notes'. empire could hé made it la safe ta ssy thai o' ukS rue Iietn Hon. Mr. iarty is gccung ettcer.- o t would hé donc lu a day. In the meaubîme oheery' words-tbyca ohu.C public opinion la forcing statesinen at ail uoîhing ? If I speak ten Oheer>' word E. Blake bas returner ta Canada from n g. b- azarda ta takre up tbe question o! dcthrou.bm io seak efo on oo iom ie h sa efrsm oe l and.-The scale of lutozicating liquor ing bhc Sultan. bas fiually been stopped in the House o!f. This fa the day on wbich Our bous.i Cannions st Ottawa. People may now look to bura dowu. Orsejous I What do yoc to parliameut to prohibit lb in the remain- h.rTw e«&w n2 Wy iidn lasbr der f te contr. I it n usaféforourdown the day af ter (boir insuranco b& iaw-makcrs ta have bemptation an cose to Hardwood dining tables, 4 icaves, oly $5, whem, we may expeet that tbcy viii soon at W. Tiil's. eprd sec that what is good for Uic gander is good Mise Gibson, New York, la tbe guest ai Poot youngt man-Wby do you trea for the goose. -There ia said to be a hibcb Misa Maud Annls. rue se unkindly ? Fasionable girl- lu the negotiations between Mess Gre Mr m Til ad V s Til ae a S - ra o u ki lyP W , w et c wa sd Laurier an the Moles tio ren, and tbat Mr. Grecnway insists upon the Catherioca, for two weeka. you mean ? aven't I told you same termes as were offered thc Tory goveru. lMr WJ Smith la io'viag his farniiy ta wou1dn't marry you ? ment ou that question.-H. ~joseph Newcastle, ta reaide iq future. ________ Martin la et Ottawa, but say, lie là oun essKn rs aeerce al7f 5r jrvt uic5-Th nis eetvea brick cbumucy aI their tannery. bave uucarthed a dynamite plot o!f th e u.o"cd Mnr4 fana sudhavearreîed No. ," aman The baitiff's sale o! tbe chattels oa! Mr. Sept "'9---rnilMura inad haynan, hsted Ninea Uli a rnbs te tke lcet-dy5-i8-Bay of Quinte, Belleville name Tyanwhoe nme as o mch arnbasGibontaks paceto-ay.4 817-18--West Durham., Bowmanvilie rnlxed up witb Uic butchery o! Lord Pred- We are ail giad te welcome Photographer ai- 3-Central, Peterboro ercick Cavendiash and Mr. Burke fifteeu y cars O'Brien back ta aur midat. H. iudulged in 23-25- Lindsay ago. Ib la said the intention vas ta kili thc coniderabie baud sbaktiug this wcek. z-- -Ontario & Durbami. Whlîby Cza su bb Brtla Koal amuy.A Christian Endeavor social w il h beld In 30.UOct i and 2-East York, M arktiam. The Globe publishes a cartoon ycsterday the basemciu o! St. Aodrew's cburcb on by J. W. Bengougli sptly caricaturiag Hou. Frlday evenlng, Sept. zsb. Silver collec- Geo. E. Fauter as tbe Canadian 1,i Hang. Mon'AGILL UNI VERSITY. Montreai Chan.-Th Hose o Comonsbas Sec W. G.,Waitcvs' grand dlsplay o! new Cba g.- he ou . e Co nmos a fi dresa gonds before you purchiae. T e SESSION I89 6-ý. mnaged ta sît out the tbirty daya uecessary are ail newest styles ta be had. pr he r to secure bbe members $i 'oaa iudemnity the -!owrest. ecd. Going across btbtirty-day Ue cost The nominations o! township, town and The Curriculum comprises Courses lu the Dominion treasury s lite over a quart- village councîls will thla year hé held on ARTS (inciudi,>g the Denalda SPECIAL ci o!a m illion dollars. A s no m em bero l: C M aonday D ecem ber 2 t , a d t o ef rc u - C U S O O R N , A P 1 D S I N E Commona appeared to taire the groundub. t cacio n th Mandathose fcouin- COUED FOR wand VAPPI..LRD SCI licly that bbc work o h es nso! bbcbe e .2 s . E e ton b b M oud a se i ng, e DI I E L w u V T R Y S r Shortened ta save ibis money, lb would he l nMayctinsu a th cases wiIl be', xhbiton an appear that ail were lu favor o! bbe Sionc odyoanay4t.ECE. Mhi aiation Ezibtion d acenie-Sir Oliver MWowat bas intraduced Boots&Bd SboesSblrbpEaintoswb éhl a b114 ln bbc senate wbich should tend toa t auctin prices for 13o days at M W Cal- ARTS AND MEDICINE, 1,5bb SEPT.; APPLIED faciitate the work of!the Supreme Court of lins' New Sboe Store, Euat Side, Wbitby. SCIEcNCE, 16TH SET.; LAw, 8TIT SEPT.; Canada. Ever since tbc court o! five was pumpL. rgr~ CINE 61 ET organlzed there bas ben trouble because V .Pprcnsl o is ls id Cp osne or otber o! its members vas apt to.H.Ppr a Iyua rela tnd Cpes o! tbc Cabendar, corbainiug bull ir.. away wben important mabters 'rcquired formaticnaned eut. Give uonnaapcacatio miilscalane ti. e im labc toruyh baie uaplcto attention. Under powers granted in Sir t h cirertr.je 6-me Olver.s bibi tbe goyerneut wal b. empow. Stage !8.tes to Oshawa. b ciigSceay o. 6.3ms cred te appoint substitut. judges 10 611 the O'Brien, Osbawa'a photograplier, pays 2%0 Uawkt. vacaucies lu ail cases. - Four French stage fumes to Oshawa for ail customers transiators on the Hansard rcporting staff of ordering work te Uice value o! s3 or upwards. wiry Uic House of Commous bave been dlamlased * fr utrfein î eectou..,.-~ recbCider uîu <for Sale. Wieat. white. 67 tce ; reg, iter. 6 to Carnadisuseorgainzcd a obs-oaî Frepncyh > Tbreborse.poWer englue, press, grilder, 6rc; tge, 5 = Blte 2sac3=.t émigrae 10 Brazil, but upon being adviaed cider barrda, aise a heu -bouse bal! finlsbed tsc.Ps ate .Haooo by thc Canadian gavernment that (bey bad 16x36 IL. Apply te Geo. E. Hall, Railroaâ S rwi 87.00 Bter. r5c te ri&. E£M, 9. selected su unbealthy location lu Brazil, ail Street, Whitby. cicus, .pet r, soc. Pottocpet bush. y__ __ ___ c.o 6c. Hosyi 6o]b cus7c pe lb -backed out but about 300. Nous, ete fI.ames, Srau-%pt dosupbSoto75c pet bar- Resîdence at preseut eccupid by Mis. pmcli l. oin30025 P S erPer 4010 6o * ai., N.1... Billinga, Byreon streeL. possession on 5bh buslcmoe "ftnt&Oct.Appiy to feMm. J. Richardson, Whltby, 4o to6oo 250 0 etbaket pum *The vote lu the state et Main. bas gone Sept . z6, z896.-2 inl. TORONTO. almost 5 o,000 lu favar of the Republicans, on bbc Rogd Ag"t. Wbet, white, 65 tooce; ted wiuter, 6 to lins ubowing howunopopular la Eryan and Mr. W. H. Piper bas been mdci the aoc;- geai, loc. Batley,3oto32c.(>ma bit dishonest money !ad lu tbe <ast. Sew weatber for Ivo weeka auflerlng fins dysen. *"c ' n. 17<,45 10 00. -ls. 1$ got ai,.hePpocratno candidate foi vico-preai- tery, but bas.rutled tbrougb sud la son tlb.ri$o>~ i,$oo t$.o. urrub dentuxesidesIn Usane, and tbe result looks road. He wluow attend toail eiders Mirn e 12rli atO 14c. 1E:998.8à tO 9c. ;lea stinglug rebuke te hlm. As hé vas ocw pumpa or repaire with prompt.,,. e HORaN drosssdj, -S.o.Oblckens, pet pair. as '~tninated tgaiiSlst iiikeeplug Utecast in Sele auoccasleual windmill, and basn n H 'ceocde5 o6ctreypti8u line aud bas faîed te do so, the chances are had a comipilat that ticy, do sct tome up t> tac ; peu., -7 te 89. Potatoca, p;r9u11b,$30 t0 : Ib al be vili nov have le wîhdraw and Icave ezpectatîons. Give Piper a caU wbeu >-eu 3_c. Iboney, la 6o lb ais, 6j to 7c; frames,E lte whole field te Bryan sud Watson, wbo vaut anuliing Iunbis bne. $L5o o$jL-75 pet doz. 4ie thhorugb Populiste. ~ ~ .NsSbeuca Ousr 4earjvbeloved brethren, tbe botel TeCRNCEwheie i oot 'bstrnlt e! ickelng hav cloed teirWeekiy- Globe or 3Mail from nov 1n lais. jet, / ~ . bsouses, more or lesu, te the public. When -s8g0, fox si. ' ptcah itenmni.~ .J&. wé say moe.or -lesas w. uean TitGobayu btszfpay ppé nel.ea sunot hé esecond te BEy ina-Canada. Tic déty aommodon whe î t la lkeîy tlu> eamoffo ' 1 pbe ( O. N T F attrant attention, but tbcy are said 10 8<«1 a lishers b arrmg TadepX.l0.n2, lu moIFa Onti.ay hn lviino W us aunsd atracttve forme. This go thc béa .Ps/ < ~Thestand they taffe sonlyCl. !*te-e ver oleieait is prvince. For mlsaflead. H.uwevm ,we W, îno -lnw'v slc mi ".eu~stlatsle acouzitl on y i seiskes can d8<lobe rea, u<lbe iWa'os, quired lu vervami! cuaitleasud that b>r 1wCitoN -l Md iiýtïttfîiiitië $4.d'25 cashperton at Haio~ shilp of Plck iigl ,rtitatwtravel- 'ai t ilslocal weekliesS i toince everjThizCoagives slni lqva who «Ocsuld-uçt speak '10o, ne, ! of a lC~y<dflO5 1W <ii W t o Sej THELEÂDING< Dry Ask to;See our Dress Goods inAÂIIWool, st,12i sud 15 cents per yard. No better valuewas ever stowr- We have Park's Celebrateci Flainnelet'te, E ver ~ EStED with S.and lOic. Pac Fingst uuaIity Iîrect Ai CocePatR n. itGraed ANDREW M.~RO and Prices to suit everybody. made expresaly for my numerous customers, with better paper t prie. Other splendid value at 1., 2 aud 3 cents. Exercise Boola s se 3t. Note PaperF 5c. per quire, and superior Envelopes 2ic. per packa esk. The best in the market. Al<> Agency for the British Arneri qIii stock of Pat<terns always on band. FOR 30 DATS. and Crookery.. Mt Cheap.' fois, sCoffee, J Trde. ON HAN] /Vi ter 'a:.. NEW A\N- PO RC ELA I 5oLID STTK TEASF GREwAd nly $6F L AqbWATCH1 -çv 1-1 OeaiC*unty Orga tion of auylocal1 LOCAL L Scott repairsalal kind Master Jn. Sebert,1 lng in town ou Saturda - Save your butter accý bread. Hal£f thc buttei Two brick bouses t( ences; low rentai. Aç The flue ramaa!f Wt 'Iloe up yesterday theeer the soci chuircb on Friday eveni Vcî colfecticu. Mur.o! te Fraser, whi on ftebig lakes for ed le town ou Saturday Miss Victoria Banciel Toronto ou Tbursday1 weck witb relatives lu Mr. Geo. McClellan,c .~Bowmauville, was in toi ~-Mr. and Mia. Jas. mcCi Miss Gert ie Pringle o took junior ieaving star deparlusental ezanis. cotemaS point out a case hua'. Airthus- Nicholson, ai o Mr. Janies Nicholson, wlYftPla3lug at thbc b'. day,. brcaking anc- bout wtist. He vas flot burt Grapes are said- to hé be-etbis year, tbeice st beiug blamed wlth bari vines;- but anme farmer~, ânue samples as in forur Mr. ad Mrs. James * KcnethCampbell, left zmtultheir home lu C bell likes Chicago weilt w" Iat alut. lie veut to cianged-bis mind about nôt nov lu favor o! Caî Uulited. States. 10 ooPMirsladies' bouse tlixc.per pair durinIgdt das IM. W. Collin's, ..îW Ç T. U. metlg. Theanimual- meeting c ifbe-beld l' Uic mes rswday the - 3rd insL a full attendance la carnesi "COUgat,. Footbali Club. A&meting was eldc ".P<aise thé collegilate fao *ao.Tii. followin.g ÎIas, Fresideut, Peicecipa * ae;president, .N Ms lendersou;c nmeetus W. M. Sbaiv, M~Davy sudC. Steti ~sFMulr Hemaldan qprain away bigli uF succesSeseof 1 a"d fumr Weekly Star rmerSvbo vide amake L Ioâ, t-rt mae ncitorte JOW prie of -4 cents per yard. Whenl in Our soeaj We haVe the satne brand of Corsets advertised in Torouto papers last Thurdya 81.23 and offered as a bargain on the following day (Friday) at 98c. Our prayfr the every day in the wek (Sunday if necessary) is $1.00.,efr(e We also have the satnie une of ail wool shirts and drawers at 50c. but advertjsed as spew value bargaiu day at 49c. by those cheap city stores New Stock Tweeds. J/0E, WIL CHIEMIST & DRUGGI MEDICÂL :-HRAI Brock Street, j 1 jim M Every Ig y All Choice Patterns. Fit Guaranteed *UP-TO-DATEz-'-ýDD -1 Goods Hou,ç ôrhp à 7hrftntri ihýt «Il me -%-R :ES ARE ALL