fo~Iing Prom ont. O. N\'AND DAINTY PORCELAIN CLOCKS. HI ,FERIlNG SILVER TE AS POONS ()f [l%% Ifd beautiful design, only $6.50 per dos. (-lA.T :- I3ARGAINS. ino. S. Barnard, -%WATCH REPAlRER-qb. 00cial Conty Orgau.-Largess QIrOn uon of auj local paper tu cana", nit- 's Te a- 'n n- a 4, r ne e c S t FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott rep)airs ail kinds of pumnps. Master J-1.i Sebert. Part Perry. was visi iag in totvn on S-,aturday last. Savt' v ir butter account by usiug Tod breaud lidIf the butter will do. two brick houses to rent ; ail convet encra. Iow rentaI. Apply te M. W. Collini The fine rains of Wednesdav night wer followed up yesterday wlth beautîful we2 Re-tember the social at St. Anclrew' churcn ott Friday evenîng Sept. i8th. Si] ver co!Iecti in. Mr. l)ave F-raser, who bas been sailing ci one oft he big lakes for the summer, returi ed ici town on Saturday night. Nl!ss Victoria Bantlel returned homne frai Toronto on Thursday last after spending week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Geo. McCIellan, o! the Standard bani Bownanville, was iu tawn wvitb bis parents MIr and MIrs. Jas. McClellan, aver Sunday Mis Gertie Pringle o! this towu, aged 14 tOOk junior leavtng standing at the receni departrntntai exatus. Can any of oui cotems potnt out a case to equal this? Arthur Nicholson, an eight'year-old sou o! \lr, James Nicholson, feil fromn a window whist iplavmt:ig ait the model school on Fri da%-, break ing ane boue of bis armi near the wrîst. He was flot hurt in other resptcts. Grape-s are said to ire a poor crop araund herr- this year, the ice storm of last winter bv'ng hbi.nied with having alinost killed the 'Vnes, but somne farmners are bringing irn as men sampl)es as ini former years, and of fine q uajiît y Ir. andl Mrs. James Campbrell, snd Mrý Keîîneth Campbell, left here on Mfonday tc rttLvrn un their homne in Chicago. Mr. Camp bei likes Chicago well enough. but admit, thsînce he went to the States be bat chariged hts mid about aninexation, and is no-,nowin favor of Canada atncxing the Were they stolen? : s pairs. ladies' house lippers to be sold at ;,. per pair duriniz this great sale for 3o dlava at M. W. Collin's, the new sboe store. W. C T. UV. meeting. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. wi be held if the reading room on Wed- nesdaY the 23rd inst. Bt 7.30 P. m., wben a full atendance la earnestly requested. Coflegiate Football Club. A meeting was held on Friday last to or- ganize the collegiate football club for the season. The following oficers were electesi: Hon President, Principal Waugh, hon vice, M1r Jones- prcsideut, Mr. Hogarth; man- ager, \Ir. Henderson ; captain of seniors-- E. Bradley- captainajuniors-F. W. Shaw, 5ecretary.reasurer, A. O. Cochrane; corn- fllte, W. H. Shaw, H. H. Richardison, Fred. Davv-y and C. Stewart. A Notable Success. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of lloireai is away high up amongst the great fewspapers successes of the piement century. For farmers and farmers' iamlies the Family Herald and Weekly Star seeme simply in- dispensible, and judging from the enormous flumber of farmers who talke it we should think nlost wide awake far mers are alive ta the extraordmnary value of the paper. But the Famîly Herald's pages will bear close SCrutiny, and wjll be found to be cbuck fui! of amazing i nterest for everybody. A mongst thîngs Canadian that are remnarked by Shrewd foreigners :.the Family Herald and Weekly Star certainty cornes in for a large share of notice. A Lvery SMaShup. On Sauurday asat four yaung ladies from the College, incîuding a metuber of the facul' ty, hired a dogcart ta take a drive aroundi tOwn. About five a'clogk they were drlving Sauth acrosa the iiigh railway bridge over the main lin. o! the Grand Truuk railay, and were no etnate oilgb tafinsi tbcm- 6el' on the bridge mast at the. tlmo afrelgit traie w'ss passigunderueâtb. u1'Me driVer Whistld a sg ta rljht oVerý the track, sud the botua: be«mea«» fractiaus.'Tii. animal.4s~eê alti, then wheeled tie i. rl roud ' wasbc;à dn Io run dgwn off gtue bridge 4=d çpMÇuUP 1 t0wn whritlastruck n teleg >w;:Ie b-. lig5 reel o«,~ brokiie, Mfeucenreut of troube, bt tbmê4&iý*q*t were hurled out rth Vqteat f0> UtW accident tranupîring so quickli 't tinable ta relatce iictiy,wbht, , The Cauductor oeu- * I tihap sudda be cme tup cmt Peck sud Ml.. shaken up, the WSc - e.Cormac s", 1 1019atMrg-ai. wtn -ý obhere the 1te4 Itr Mfed Gros. an amllh' o The CatriretiLes Story this week mal foîrnd samewhat lfteiestng ta local pe< Thua l1 a treat fruit year, but wei sOmebody would bring uls a couple of pul WnW. Somervifte, Toronto, 'ij witb. bis uncle, Mr. Robt. Barnes,c Sunday. yb., ople. wtsh tmp- sited over 6 1Piece SOja walnut parlor suite, plush, with slIk Pl'jylands, for 832, worth W~, at W. Till'&. Mr. Chas. Snow, Parkdale, was in town on Tuesday evening. He had been attend- ing the Port_ Perry races. D. M. Tod's bread and cakes are sold at T Vates'. Give him a cal when you want anything nice in that lune. Messrs- Thea. A. McGillivary aud John MCLaren leave here this morning for a bout at trout fishing, on the Upper Saguenay. Miss Annie Smith, wbo bas been visitlng rwith ber brothers in Cleveland duringth past two mnonths, returned homne on Thùrs.- day Iast. The Capitals, af' Ottawa, defeated the Tecumnsehs, of Taronto, for the third time this season, at the Islaud aval on Saturday last by a tcore of 5-2. The Royal Tempiars had a nice crowd at their peach social on Wednesday n ght. The oeaches and programme were botb [uliy appreciated and digested. We are still aflering a number of odd ready made tweed suits for mnen at $490 the regular price was 5 oo ta $12,o0. Secure anc before tbey are ail sold. W. G. Walters. O'Brien & Stedham, photographers, have cammenced business in O'Brien's aid stand, Whitby. Until further notice the gallery will b. open for business every Tuesday, Friday aud Saturday. The police magistrat. at Toronto on Wed- uesday committed Bert Lyons for trial on the charge of rnurdering Chas. Murray, latt of this town, on the night of Aug. t7th, near the Prlncess theatre. Gico. Badgley, who was arrested on the same charge, was dis- ru ssed. Mr. Melville Hall, son of Mr. Geo. E. Hall, was in the big road bicycle race at Toronto Saturday. Ile took x52nd place in the twenty-mile race withot--any training, and after working every day up to Saturday faon. This was a fairly good showing for Hall. He covered the 2o miles in i haut g minutes and 5o seconds, and came ln witb- out a scratch. W. congratulate Mr Geo Barnes, of the CHRONICLE office, as being one of the Stouiffville lacrosse club, champions of the Midland district. he having played with that club the first a! the season; but owing ta the mls(ortuneofîîaving been run into by as bicycle rider on July ist and having the tendon of his leg nearly severed, has been unable to play any more this season. Gi reat Sale of boots and shoes at auction prices for3 days at M W Collins' New Shoe Store E-ast Side, Whitby. 30 The Army Festival. The Salvation army harvest home festival was held an Wednesday ai last week. and was very successful. The ofilcers feel'their indebtédness ta many kmnd friends who as- sisted them, and beg to retui n tbanks to them aIl. A Big Shipment Of boots and shoes arrived. at the West Side Boot and Shoe store this week, wvhich wilI be sold at bard time prices. loo pairs o! bouse slippers at gc. per pr. loo pairs o! buttoned boots at St per pr. BMen's gaiters at si per pr. Men's laced boots at si to $5. Boys' school boots at 5oc. per pr., at the West Side Boot sud Sboe store. Social at TwU4 Lin. There will b., a pie-social at Mrs. McCul laugh's, west af Town Line, oun eduesday everîing next, Sept. 23rd, iu aid of Almiouds :htzrcb !uuds. Covered busses will leave abernacle, %Vhithy, at 6 p.m , sud returu afler social. Here is a chance for a nice ride mnd a pleasant tîme. Admission ta social' :,5c., bus fare ta go and return toc, extra. rhe ie Town's Responsibity. Suppose serlous results had atteuded the accident at tbe rail way bridge the othet day, what would have beentb e tawu's position ? Our fatbers in tîteir wisdomn, or rather in their unwisdoin, have seen lit ta allow two sets o! pales to be placed on the two sides of the track, uarrowing the driveway ta, about 2o feet or thereabouts au the bridge. There is no uecessity for baving these pales ou the approaches of the bri- ge, as the town owns land on either side but our cauucil,'has neg- lected its duty lu such maltera, sud cous- panies are allowed ta encroacb upon the road ta their heart's content. . Tbere neyer was a more insane act than ta show the. elecarîc ligba company ta plant its paleq lu the side a! the turupike. Same, day the eyes of the tawu will b. sudddeuly opened ta the fact that a big bill of damages wlll result froc» such metbods of protecting the public. Ontarno County C. R. The Ontario County Convention of C. B. will b. hela in Beaverton on Wednesday andi Thursday of next week, Sept. 23 ansi 24. A very interesting pragram will b. preseut- ed for furtherlng knowledge along C. B. 1Ues. The. convention will caftmence at 2 P. m. au Wednesday. Rev. A. F. Mc- Gregfor, Woodstock, Rev. J. W. MoMillan, Lindsay, Rer. S. T. Bartlett, Ccobourg, Rev. H. M. Manuing, Uxbridge, and Rev. B. Greatrix, -Canuington, will b. preseut ta deal with tue varions tapies of iniercst ta C. B. workera. Goosi convention music iyil b. provided by a union choair frouat th. Beaverton churches and mîder Rev N. Harris as musical directar. AIl C. E. or E%. Iý. of C. E. societies arc urgd ta scud rep- resentatives as this promisesta be a à nost beneficia! convention. Au excursion wiU b. run (D. V.) by endeavorers ou Friday, Sept. a5tii, froua Beaverton ta Orlin for 30e. 'the round trip, gavlug those froua Souatha Ontario, who iso desire, a spiendid oppor- tuzdty ta riait famoits Orifli. Rifl Ma&tches.é The. annuat matches of the. Rifle Associ- ation of the Sith batt. were bell at Uxbnid*e>I on Frlday sud Saturday Jatprcr the. ranges an »e . grundo of- bMsus. 1ujtoo, Plant, 1.1sdSçott., Tic nftdanoe wasthe- lretever khoww -ln, the- biatorvo te taa. JmsManr ok i re arm ex as aynat Prtook bisongreen peyaced Tea Hawa Pote nrryo We- gntrotudcaieutdifway bVahnorood-h reer n rotwtout3dficuiy Vn tood2.3 truot.usbwto rdmnylute23 tr. WBakhsbe tPr er Mr. Wua< Biacktbas beonatPotherrt. thars. Hee în he ine-poutringathe at.o Charles. He bauis so at ered the arotha coempto ndeng lquidsnthat he cn sa rtoot Ctwrimto elaecua nkstoach tbantb Cartlywibt lae could drik copistheu deepywthu etigsifiaedi h Major Farewell, Major Adjutant Rut- ledge,-,Capa Heuderson, Capt McGillivray, Lieut Kint and a squad of shootera weut ta Ubfge on Friday and Saturday, ta taire a han4wiu the . 4th battalion rifle matches. The"port abDuy time, the shootiug last- ing4iïibiearly in the. rorning until dark Mr. Wm. Kirkland, of this town, bas been experimeuaing lu ink for years, sud bas at last developed several clear calo-s of liquid wbicb flows tc& the utmoçt satisfaction o! those who ar e experte witb the peu. He is uow prepariug tu go inta tire work in a wholesale way, or at least on a very tnuch larger scale than beretofore, aud we be- speak for hilm a large scale. We bave ta sympathize with the Osh~awa Vindicator because a mistake of aur Port Perry writer did nat succeed lu à nvolviug hlmu in a libel suit with Detective Wassciu. It ia abundaurtly obviaus that the Vin. would rejoice, no matter whether aur writer were ta blame or not, so long as tbe CHRONICLE got inoa trouble. We have the fullest sp- preciation of the friendly conceru of the Vin- dicator, but cannot ever hope ta return the :omnplineut, as aur cotem neyer ventures nia the field of cantravertable ground, nor scarcely auy ather gr, und, and cansequeut- y is not likely ta steer upon a breaker. lThe best ln the land to be Slathtered. The Siater boots sud shoes. Don't miss the chance. O111Y 30 lays at M W Collins' East Side Shoe Store. Up-to-date styles MIeu's flue kid gaitera toe tip Si, Mens' fne kid lace boots. uarrow toè, $r ; ladies' fnie kid buttoned boots, toe tip, narrow toe nly $it; ladies' fine kid oxford shoes, nar. 0ow toe, ouly 85c at the new sboe store, M W Coffmns ApIl-s Cider. Mr. L.awell, af Whitby evaporating, cider aiid vinegar works, begs ta announce that the cider mnilI wili be apen for custamn cider mnalring on Saturdays the 12th, zgth sud z6th and afler that conainuotusly. Aiso bis yard will b. open ta receive drying apples duriug the season commeucing Sept. 2tt.-4 ln. s c t fi il a r t f ~ GRAINli ~ IION7, F. STE W~W"~- Granýd PiortPerryeuem behld thiswek 013rten & 'StedhaniWa photo plleryp open, Tuesdéy, Fr1day and Saturday. Mesurs G. W. Wilson and G. - B. Gibbord wheeled down (rom Toronto on Wednesday, Mr. Albert Smith, of. the. buckle factory, bas been "under the. weather" durlng the past week. Mr. Frank Kelly, Peterboro. formerly baker and confectioner in D. Mathison'a stand, was ini town this week. Mr. Hubert Chisholm, lately of Mr. J. S. BarDard's jewelry store, but now living in Hamilton, 18 mn town for a few days this week. Se. the fiue assQrtment Germnan made mantdes and jackets W. G. Walters 15 show- ing for this season's wear ; tbey are ail new styles. Prices very low. The directors of the Ontario and Durham exhibition have succeecied in gettlng out their priz. lists before the fair, and have aireas y malled them ta exhîbitors. Mr Walter Robson, wbo has been working ail summer at the Queen's hotel, Niagara- on-the-Lake, i8 home %isiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robson. The Stouflyfile lacrosse club won the championship of the Midland district an Monday last by Markbamn de(aultiug, They now play off wltb Richmond Hill in th. semi-fluals. Messrs. Major Farewell and Co. treasurer ffcKaY left here on Monday for a trip ta Montreal, where Major Farewell wiIl attend a meeting of the Dominion bar association, after which they will return by way ô! Ot- Miliery THSURSDAY ACor'dial Invitation inlu Etend.d toAU ESTEWA T w. G. WALTERS, Fi'omnthe. Cuutom H u.~ Direct cases are arrivîug, and will be constantIy- until the store is fi lIed to overflowing with the FALL wants of OUR PUBLIC. As fast and as far as possible we'il tell of the new things, but many will come in and go out without a word in the papers. New Colored Dress Goods, Fancy French Vigoureux in Broche designs in Myrtie Brown, Black Navy garnet, *Cardinal, Bluette 44 inches wide......... .............................. New Tweed Effect Dress Goods in Brown, Grey, Blue, and Green, 45 inches wide.............................. New Black French Tamise Dress Gocds, Siik and Waoi Mix- tures iu latest figured designs Very silken, bright effect, 44 inches wide at.......................... 50c tO oC'per yard. Complete New Stock of- 85C. 25C. Ladies' and MiB8e8' Mant/es and \Cpe& mWALTERS. Ver reluctanaly we have been compelled ta put a number af subscription accounts in suit lar collection, sud several of those con- cerned bave growled because we were abliged ta, taIre this method o! callecting accounts which sbould have been paid years ago. We are sorry ta bave ta resort ta the anbitrament o! iaw, but no business firm can do without lts mouey, sud many more willl bear froma us throsgh the samne source lu a Pair Play on thîe Roads. Since we touk ta ridiug the bicycle w. have, observed that sorme people consider it a nuisance sud an interloper upou the. public blghway a thiug whicb bas no rights on the ras, aïd appareualy many wrongs. Tiiey wlll nat turu out a foot or two ta give it ane track, sud frequently we have ta get où ta p ss a men man. We alwaYs like to give fai r warnl ng when violence la inteuded, sud may as y for the benefit of sucb maes that some ofthese days we sball take hold ofaà menu mau's buggy wheel sud tlp lm aver iato- tic dltch. Ia ian't worth wCÇ ~ta go ta, law ta secure one's rlgbts trams sucb peaple whcu oqe can aeach them a free lesaqu on the spot. We might add thnt as a matter of law n bicycle bas a right to bhalf the, rond the. Lake Trips Bade. The trjm sud atroug steamer Tymon ma&e fr trîit Tor~onto lat weekunuder -tii contiol ai MI. Chas. Pcrry fti ta oasbd iiandled a very nace passenger tmnde. ýTii. weatber waa fine for saifings ad miny bun- dreda to*,.Àndvantag. of th e 1b eap tripe tp sec the blg show. Tue Tymn i fas~4t $ail., or sud drawa enoug wst« to, inao e M& foir "hcûââünru.. ,.,à -W whe w.' We receive a freeli- shipmieut ofe. sterling ]Braimdame. a Bek fast Bcn Teegoaa~mWcured, (not & fui!ofSait) smd are .gua5anteIm $uperlQr te any other braud ô'uathexumrket an OpninA y asWot Sfor te s pecial er fhau ookà la" Rubber ickage. nerican WIIITB-y~ Dakm u WM. TILL, ope, ntin. IT Ir. Oddfellows Building. very week, SEPTEXEER 21tk. and25h and Followiiag Dy The display will' be the finest ever mnade in WHIITBY, and any attempt at description would be im- possible. Ladies, if you wish to form any adequste idea of the excellence, beauty and worth, of tiis High-Cia8s Exhibit, be sure and pay us a viBit on THUIRSDAY NEXT. j 1 1 1 1 1 Ly and Save Costs. 1 ýl 1 Pay ý 1 c. 1 «' On 1 Gr. 1 AI